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Natchez Democrat from Natchez, Mississippi • Page 1

Natchez Democrati
Natchez, Mississippi
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The Daily Democrat. PAPQIl OOriTAZriG FULL LBAOED I7XXIC AOS OOIATED PRESS REPORTS EVERY DAT Jas. W. Lambert, Prop Natchez, Hit Friday, September 7. 1000 New Series.

Vol. XXVIII. No 240 Mll.Rlt.YAN ROYAU.Y RKCKIVKO 'iUiUiUillllUiluulUlllIUluailuuuiUllUiaiiiiillUialutaiutlIalialllllIllillUlalllliaulJL: Wheeling, W.Yu, Si pi. The lour contingent in the parade through thu ImiM-rial palace wa small. I Mr.

(loodnnw has cabled from Shanghai that all of the marines were withdrawn from Amor lust Friday, a of Weal Vll'giuiu which was begun Wednesday last bv Hon. J. Brvun A FEW SPECIALS To Repay You For ComiNg Out These Warm Days. UUUl PACES was concluded here with a speech In uight. lie arrived here at i 4 i p.

mailer oi news inai lias neeii anticipated in dispatches but which i rec mid wits greeted by bun II res mid rock orded olllcially hem for the Hrst lime, It appears that thu commander of the ets in the suburbs and the railroad for squares was lined with people. The 'amine was instructed not lo land dav run covered about miles marines, so the united stales was not represented in the landing parties. I.Mr. Bryan contended that under Hie Republican schema for the control of the Philippines the people of those Islands must certainly iMicmue subjects NO TREASURE IN TIIK PAL.ACK AT it mil Berlin, Sept rt The German vice admiral at Ta Kou telegraph that as they could not lieciuue cinxcus, mid i uptaln rum in ins report from l'ekin there was no place under a repuhli can form of government for a subject Prevail Tliis Week in all Do-partments, as Room will he Needed Soon (or (lie New Full Goods says ine impression lie formed on marching through the luiMrial palace reception halls and rooms Aug. 'iS lie charged the Republican I'lirly with a lack of sympathy for ilia liners mmt I Given Tii ki l.otis(.ilc Cot ion, 111 y.inU to .1 i iistoinci on Monday only, at Child's White SuiilioiiiicK to clean up, at l-V lli-ht Corset in America, fur Mens' While I'lilaiiiiilcifil Shirts t-'iiiig-i'd lii'il ami White Table Cloths, 4, Genuine Pcpperell llleached Slieelinu, full iiu hes 1M-Hoys' Linen I'ants, 11, 12, LI years, dnsine; mil at LV The lai'ifcst Cake of Soap vmi ever saw fur Tic color and iroud quality Apron Checks ac Heavy Weight China Matting- 'r'1- II inch Itlack Serge, extra value Two Spools Machine Thread, black white, for Tic.

A Soft l-'inisli While Col Inn, sews nil anv til icliine fie III! inch Henrietta Cloth, in fall shades, at 2V Child's Check Ginyhaui Siinlinnnels Wo was "dirt and negleot. No treasures, he adds, were oh which was a new experience for that parly; for never before in its history had the party failed to lake a position in favor of a republic struggling for .1 erved. The report now i that the dowager liberty. empress Had from Pekin during the The secret of the preai nl altitude mnrulug of Aug. I was the fear that if this couiitrv MtiHltn Underwear.

Cleaning-np time is here-There are Gowns, Skirts. Captain Pohl, under dntu of Aug. ill savs: should take a position fuvoiablu to the Boers the British pailiiiiiicul would (ilrls Hosiery. A regular 25c fast black, Fine Ribbed Stocking in all sizes up to 91-2, will be clcancJ up at 19c pair. The second murine battalion has ar Summer Cornet h.

Can you use one of the best makes? If you can we'll give you a pair at a Quarter Off the regular price. rived here. After handing over the declare for Ihti Filipinos. ASSUMES A 1.1. RESPONSIBILITY.

command to Major General lloeppuer I will march to Tien Tsin with the Chemises, Drawers and Cprset Covers, the last ol 2 several lots. On these we 2 mark Clean up Prices. Concerning the charge that he secured the ratillcatlon of the treaty Tlioro TVi-o OtliofH rt landing force, which is much in need of rest. Companies of seamen wilt be with Spain, Mr. Bryan said.

My friends, I want to call your at HtoeklhgN. posted ut tho halting place to pro ted the water and communications. A. J. POSTLETHWAITE.

tendon to one argument that Ihe Ite-puldicuii party seems more fond of Cotton (Jooda The German admiral further reports that the allied forces landed ut Ta Fifty dozen Boys' Bike Hose, close rib, full lengths with double soles, sizes up making than it docs of muMiig any argument in defeima of imperialism. l-il mid I 'in famuli CoiuiiM-ri-c M. Kou un to Aug. 25 were as follow A Beauty. The Patent Leather Sandal made by Zeigler Bros.

Price $2-75 pair. German tltlleors, 01; men, JleO; yard wide Cotton for 5c The main argument that I have been A No. Bleached yard. hearing lately In defence of imperial to i-2. for kc nair.

ism is that I heliicd lo ratify the guns, A horses, Ml. American Oclllera, INI men. Mil guns, 17 horses, Great Briiain-t 'Ulcers, 211 men Tim (Jij.v.M) 1 1 LadieMSultN. guns, 3,1: horses, IHU7. treaty.

Republicans give me too much credit when they say I secured Ihe rat i Ileal ion of the treaty It seems to me that if I hml to help the pie-mlciit secure Ihe ralitlcntloii of the tiealr that dosed the war the Republicans Franoi tllllcers. Ilia; men, A I ml guns, horses, DiO. Ilabutai HilkH. For Skirts, Waists or Dresses, a superior quality, 24 inches wide in black and About fifteen Tailor- madn Suits and larkcts. A Soft Bleached Muslin, finished like Long Cloth, for 7 i-ic yard.

Genuine Wa insula Cambric, with Nainsook finish, for i-zc yard. Italian Officer men, "POPULAR ONE PRICE STORE." ought to feel more kindly towards me silk lined materials all guns, I horses, 10 A UHtrin officers, Irt; men, 2'i guns, it horses, no I lis Ihey do. If the prc-ddcut and yourlpartv in authority in both houses colors, for 48c yard. Your choice for $6.50. OP The details of the Russian and Jap anese forces lauded Were not avail couin not gel i ue i real rainn without my help, I am nol such a bud man as you thought.

No, mv friends, I able when the dispatch was seul. M. JflCOBY CO. A dispatch received in Berlin from Shanghai, under current date, nays that two coiiisiuies of Germans landed lo-dav and were received by a French guard of honor and a band of have not yet found a single senator who has publicly declared that be voted for the treaty because I wanli him but Senator W'clliugtou. If the Republican luirtv will not as IMIWIMCIHHh, FRANCE IS II I NEW STORE A ,326 MAIN mimic and marched through the for eign conceeasiotis to their ipiarters.

sumo the rcHponsibilitv for the ratification of Ihe treaty I will do it my MR. KDCKIIIM, PUT IIIS FOOT i hi it Mi i. in si IIETWLIA CIIM MIIKCi: AMI I ION We to announce we will open (lie above stme with a New and Seasonable Stuck of Is siiilalile fm city and country trade recently purchased in the, wheie we (irrinanj Itt'cmds Coiulitions in self. I favored the ratification of the treaty I was not a senator and did not have a vote. I do not know that my voice changed one inglu vote but I IN IT.

Washington, Sept. A The State department lias Issued the following: lVkin Such as U-jtiir I'roH-eiit'H Tronps. am willing to waive all that and I am A cablegram has been received from HEW flHLl Mr. W. W.

Kockhill dated at Shang willing to assume Ihe rcspoindhility for the fill I Ileal Inn of the treaty But Republicans, you must usuiime the have picked tip intense values wliich we will offer at nnlie.iid of Low 1'iices, All Goods Marked in Plain I'Vuies. Souvenir will he given to each and every visitor. All are cordially invited to hai, Sept. 5. in which he authorize the detriment to deny emphatically and categorically the statements made military situation uickahsed In certain newapniwra relating to an a interview alleged to have been given reapouHilnlil tor the making of the treaty and for everything Ibal haa happened since that treaty was rati tied.

It was a Itepublii-an president who appointed Ihe coiiiiuissioii that made I lie treaty end that treaty was made according lo the advice of the president, and that treaty niiulit have by him i lie only Interview he lias Nextdoor to Britton Koontz Bank, Is where you will find us hereafter with lots of EW GOODS and LOW PRICES. ClilTi' Kxpccts to Winter in Chin.i ever given related atrictly to the cir cnlar of July II llestuted that no mer attend our Opening- Day, of winch il intice will lie given. RESPECTFULLY, M. JACOBY CO. chant vested will be sailing from No Treasures hi the Imperial Shanghai for several days.

given ltiieMndeuce lo the Cilipllios when It gave independence to the I u-huna. I believe Hint it should have The Associated Press interview with with Mr. KM'knill dated Shanghai given independence in nieiu when it gave independence to the CuliaiiH and Sept. was sent from Shanghai by Waahiiigton, Sept. The latest ex preasion as In the attitude of the t'ln i IfflTI STORE, am mm nniwnkl lrkmiT arm a Vf rahle after having leen carefully pre If when it was made through the ac nnae evacuatinu of Pi kin collies from pared by a trusted slaif correaponileut SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE PRES tion of Ihe president, the ireatv had given indeiH'iiileiice to the llipilios of the Associated Press at present at the ambassador at l'nris, Uetieml I lor ace Porter who has iidviacd the an I DENT HUNTINGTON.

Mi.i.t 11 At a Niiceial Shanghai. aa it did lo the Cubans, not one drop of American blood would have been died in ihe Philippines from that thorities that the attitude of the French government Is favonililo to the PARADKI) THROUGH TIIK 1M inci ting of the directors of the South in. I 'o i-iMiaiilliniH fif rell-et GRAND CIRCUIT RESULTS Hartford, Sept. il The i pace was iililliliHhed. three heals being paced, two going lo The Admiral ami one to Paul Reven III the ftrot.

purse Maji Green won. Best time Chillier Oak Coiisolal loll poiHi. l.adv Geraldnie won Best UCLUW DKI I I urn iwuiiii, DAra 32IJ MA IX STKI2KT. The Busiest Ston on tha Busiest Street. position taken' by Kusnia.

Almorl time to this. PKH1A1. PAI.ACK. Wllahitlgtoll, Sept. Jfl-The slate ile aiiuultunuuualy with thia iliatrh from (leneral Porter came miolhcr from the American chnrge d'alTulres on account of Mr.

HuiMinglou's death were adopted By laws of the com pany were iimeiided so as lo provide pertinent made Una annouiiceiueiil to GERMAN TROOPS WII.I. REMAIN day London, Sept a. Ger 09W atVtftVktVf4MtaM wv at Herlln giving thu attitude of (lor A telegram baa Pern received from lor a chairman mo iniarii iinn weekly uieelings of Ihe executive many ou Itnaaia'a propoaul. This in 326 MAIN ST- V. NEW STORE- Mr Conger dated l'ekin, Sept.

1, slating that a mllituiy parade pasM-d aiibhlniice atutea Hint (lerninuy, while many polite refusal lo withdraw from l'ekin is coiuiiieiiti upon Willi keen satisfaction in London, ninl the hnisi is expressed that Lord t-aliabury I nominee Charles II 1 ween was deeled cliairinau of the board. A coinuiiltee consiMling of C. II. nnxioua to avoid any friction between through the imperial palace oil that ilar and that hiinicha and aervanla tho powers, regards tlin conditions show similar hriuiiess. Ihe lint- I mid I) IL Mills wua l'ekin such aa lo renuirn thu eoiitin wi-ie the only occupant.

appoiiiii-ii to consider the question of ueil presence of Herman foiees there. nieut roll of the nouutie of I'mntiM and Pontotoc. Tlin former show ish reply has net yet been formulated. Lord Salisbury desires lo consult with lils.colleiigues and Ins notified the fur- Neither Oenerul Porter uor Mr. Jack MKSSAGK OF GUATITUIlK Washington, Sept.

II The war de a successor lo ine uiie i resmein I i Mi- Km. vi was asked presonul property valuation of son give the text of the miawcrs. but fl-JO. realty IWoTj.Oll, which la a de only the substance of the pnaitious ahout the reports from Sun Francisco that Speyer Co. had not air reed with partment to day received the following crease of f.

10, 1126 Pontotoc cornea ii tnkeu liy the two governments. These eign office of Ills lutcu'ioii to return to London from the continent early next week. There is little uibt, bow-ever, that Germany's reply is tie outcome of the discussion carrn on during the last four days between the two highly important cnnituiiniiatiims Ta Kou, China (no date. i Adju with peraonalty amouutinK to ft.iO, 237, realty $171,01. which i a He Mr.

Illlllllllgtou policy as in i ue lion payment of dividends, said: tant General, Washington: l'ekin, Stli The officers and soldiers of tiling the Chinese negotiations to a Very advanced stage, though they are crease of half a million dollurs, but There has never hecu any inner- which can not possibly be correct. ence between our llrm and the line not yet concluded as all of the imwers China relief expedition send thanks to huropean cabinets and thai the com The city council has decided that it Mr. Huiilington reganllng Southern promise policy or inaiiitaliilug the the president and secretary or war for message ol congratulation. (Formal JACKSON BUDGET. hpct'lal to Deiwjrnit.

Jackson, Sept. An inter-piling iinoatiou ha been decided by 'Squire Jon Ftlxgerald. A few day ago Sheriff Harding aeized a lot of liqunr at Ilia exprea ofHoe in this city beforo the good hart been delivered to the parties to whom shipped. Tho owner made claim for I heir good, contending that the official had no right or authority to Kiizn before delivery, and filed unit before 'Squire Fitzgerald SquireFltgerald wan of the opiuiou that the shipment of whisky wu considerably more than any one man cotild possibly need for family UManil derided that it be detroyed by the her Iff. will not let any contract for oomple I'aclllc dividends.

answer are not yet In. The tierinnn and French answers, however, cleurly show the alignment of the power. It occupation ol the capital, but withdrawing the greater part of the troops tion of the sewerage system anil has entry of the palac grounds made today at o'clock salute of iil guns be time 2:11. Free for all purse on Indiana won. Best time 'i v' 10 nee, purse flU'lMI.

Uliliiiisbed The Admliiil won Ivvo heals Best time 'J Hi. COTTON REACHES TII HIGHEST I'RK IN TEN YEARS. 1 1 1 hi on. Tex il -Cotton smiIs were marked up I I cent n-aiii In-day, liuikiiig inlddliug lo Hi, the hlgbesi price for ten years past There was little exiillenielll lis tell cent eollou has I il looked forward to in Ibis unit lie SECRETARY WII.SoN AT COUNTY FAIR. ('anion, Sept ii Secretary of Agriculture Wilson was the guest, of honor at the.Slurli county fair to-day lie arrived from Washington Ibis morning and delivered ail address at be fair grounds.

Ilranlr la II I end lli-rp. Clcrin blond nn-aus clnin skin. No benuty nil bout it. I 'ssesrel. Cailiar-III- t-lesn year blend Slid kl-i-p It clrli, by ut ii i mil up thr Ik'i-i snd ilrivins all (mm the Hi-Km In day to i hi 1 I boils.' In blS' klirada. I si lily hilious cf)iiijixioii iiv iskin nut aiets. --benuty for Inn cents. All ding Jiuls, astisfs' tmll iliilillilei-il, IS', Wc. is generally thought that (iertnaiiy HELD UP BY CUSTOM OFFICIALS ordered the oity engineer to ro ahead and complete the work as best he to Tieu Tsin will he round 10 nave ing II red at South and JNorlh gates.

attunue in lavor or remaining at met with general concurrence. El Paso. Sept, il-An unparal- l'ekin will aeiitilaced in liv Italy can. Troops of all nations participated, the eled case was recorded today in the and Austria us these two countries act AN ERRING COUNT. Mmicaii custom house III Two United Stntes by a liattalion :i.n strong, composed of details from each with Germany on political nneationa.

COAST STORM DOES DAMAGF. linn compartment cars, the properly of Montreal, Sept. ti Count de nregiiizatioii present at taking of city. Moreover, Melinite word lias lieen re the Mexican government tor ine use louse Lautrec was found guilty ceived here which clearly foreshadows Palace vacant with exception irauout Jacksonville, Sept. The of President Dm, and his cabinet morning of uttering forged securities 'list servants General Barry for Ma Austria position in favor ol remain South Atlantic coast storm which has lug at l'ekin, A to the purposes of been roiling on the const of Florida for were held up by It be custom officials for the payment of duly ou the steel used in the manufacture of the cars Oreat Britain there is an absolute nila to day.

Danish rslilo, Shanghai to Ta Kou open for hinduess, connects with our wire. UIIAFFKK. 24 hours is now said to be northwoat Sentences will hot be passed for some davs. The countess is ill bad health and In husband's lain may affect her seriously. lack of ofllcial Information though of Key West.

Tolugraphio oommnntca The cars bavu just been, completed ill little doubt is entertained that since tion continues interrupted south of Mr Baxter gave immediate notice that he wnnld appeal the cane, but the prooahillty i that the higher court! will endorae what the jury in the Ju-tioe court ha done. The auditor hn resolved the assess- the 'ii man shops III ineago ami are Derma linn taken the attitude Oreat UUIKT AT PKK1N. Washington, Sept. 0 Tim war de DENIAL IN RaTlROAD CIRCLES. here.

Pensacola reports wire down between there and Jacksonville and Hrltain will follow salt In favor or en route to Ihe city of Mexico. The two new curs complete the president's reforming at I'okin. The iionitioii of Topi ka, Sept. il- Geiiutal that high winds are blowing. a.

partment to-day received the following cablegram from, General Barry: Japan, likewise, is lacking In deliiiltu- Manager Mudge of the Sanla I'e to- train of live cars which is sain ny Pullman people to bo the llmsl train in the win Id. I Kou, China, I no date I Ailju day denied IheJ report, that his com pniiv ia backing thfi project of Ihe taut General, Washington All iiuiet neaa.altliough it ia believed in the beat polled iurtcra that if other nations remain at Pekin Japan will deem It Kansas and Mom hern raili oan, a sunn at Pekin. Supplies promptly unloaded, forwaNicd when dlspoNition determined. All supplies received; exptdicnt to remain there also It vj: are in our i line in Pottawatomie county Kail In build a north and south railroad from Nebraska to Oklahoma. GEISENBERGER troops comfortable winter.

No com would snem from this that franco Is the only government to give concurrence to the Kiissinii proposition, munication Chinese "officials after Aug. 'JH James II Wilson, brigadier IOTTON SELLiNg'aT TEN CENTS Americas, Sept. Il-For Ihe although the United Stales has ex pressed a purpose of following Una-sla's nonrse, unless the other powers general oi volunteer, goes to Pekin lo-uight Telegraph communication I'M IAN LIN STUIKT- (Irst time ill twelve years cotton sold ko. 614 Mew Store st READY TO SERVE YOU. I 'ex In Tien Tsin had.

Go Nagasaki to-morrow; take first transport Ma brought alMHit a niodiflcat on of Russia's position. NATCHEZ ill to-day at HI cents a pound Several hundred bales were purchased at that price. As a rule nila. BARRY. Hie rrenoli "government is again General Barry goes to Manila to as sume tlin duties or chief of stair to considering the status of hi Hung Chang and this subject also was brought to the attention of the authorities here to-day.

There have been reports of prospective detention rarmera hero are selling at prevailing llgures. HEM ARK ARL ADVICES Ro Wt HAVE JUST OPENED General MacArthtir, RtiCKIIII.L'S HTATKMKNT8 WERE GENERAL ARDWARE. in Dinner Sets Fine Glass ami China wa re. Hong kong. London.

Sept A special dispatch NOT FOR PURMOATION. Shanghai. Sept. (I-Willlam Wood- of Karl IA in case he proceeded north, hut the communications iust to hand villu.Knckhill. United States special Indicate that there will be no Inter from Hong Kong contains the remarkable statement I lint Li Hung ('hang ference with his 'movements.

His ac New and ExteiiHivc line of Pocket Cutlery, Table Cut If rv. luia received advices from Pekin to commissioner to Shanghai, when qucs tinned regarding his denial of statement made by him to a correspondent the effect that the allied forces aro ceptability aa peace oommisslonnr also oontinues to be a subject of discussion, there being a strong disposition, Diesiiiiakers. Slicars. Doiilili: and Single Sets of Hai Saddles, lllanki ts ami Razors la ness in ware gradually handing over the govern of the Associated Press and cabled lo In certain qnarters not to lucludo him of all kinds. Fine Assort mcnt of Hiding- and Driving- Hniiles.

Neckwear, Silk Waists, Sofa Cushion Tops, Cashmere Waists, Stamped Linen, Picture Frames, Pictures and Hosiery. the United States from Shanghai lust Sunday, said the state department had cabled him regarding the Interview, ment or Iliu capital to the ciiiiu se ami that Prince Ching has been placed in charge of the Imperial city. on the Chinese commissioners, k'nll and Kl.i borate Slock of Hardware, Builders Jimls and I M. Tliiebaut. tho French charge Louis- and, as ho considered the con vernal ion We are sole and exclusive agents fur II.

F- Avery A Sons, 'if and Baron Speck von Slernlsirg, the GERMANS LAND AT SHANGHAI. lierman oliarge had long conferences Kv- Manufacturers of Plows, Cultivators ami all Ague personal, he had felt Justified in replying that he had given no interview. at the state dcartmcnt to-day hut the Shanghai, Sept. li-The flrsi battal The correspondent of thu Associated purpose or their calls was not rtts- Implements. oloscd although tnoy are understood Press on the occasion In question visited Mr.

Kockhill as a correspondent to nave related to tne situn-tiou Tho military situation at Pekin Ion of Gorman troops landed here today from the stenmer Biitavln Th foreign consuls and detachments ol' French and Russian troopa received them and escorted them to camp, th" bands playing German airs. and for tho purpose of inquiring A CORDIAL INVITATION'IS EXTENDED TO ONE AND ALL. Joseph Hacedorn. whether in Mr. Rockhilr opinion Russia would withdraw from Pekin.

remains unchanged apparently. General CbatTee's meaaage mnkea it slcar that ho for one ia'procoeding tiKn the A Mr. Hock hi II did not reouest Hie correspondent to refrain lrom publish lnderatanding that the American ing his views a expressed during thu Ihe Kind fou Han gimgH A i Prop. The Trade Palace, Bsr, lis 8l(ttr conversation, the correspondent troops are to winter in China and he and General Barry speak of the comfortable arrangement that have been made for the soldier. The American though the desired to have them mada known, 7.

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