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The Weekly Democrat from Natchez, Mississippi • Page 4

Natchez, Mississippi
Issue Date:
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THE RAINFALL. OUli TAXES, men, who are anxious to promote each and every one of the city's interests. Hon. Win. H.

Mallery, a leading grocer and cotton factor, is Mayor. Messrs. John Grady, dry goods and grocer, and L. G. Aldrich, dealer in crockery and glassware, represent the first ward; Messrs.

P. W. Mulvihill, hardware, and manufacturer of sheet-iron and tinware, and Jos. Reale, grocer and liquor dealer, look after the interest of the second ward; Messrs. W.

B. Dicks, dealer in shoes, and A. L. Howe, connected with the extensive grocery and cotton house of Rumble Wensel, are the gentlemen chosen by the people of the third ward as 1888 April 1. 61 .05 5.58 .18 June 4.44 .15 July 4-57 .14 August 14-03 .46 September 3.85 .12 34.08 .18 The monthly rainfalls, it will be noted aggregated in 1886 (7 months) 35 inches and 44.100, or an average precipitation per month of 5.06; in 1887 it aggregated (for six months) 45 inches and 14-100, or an average per month of 7.52; and in 1SS8 the aggregate was for six months 34 inches and 8-100, or an average per month of 5.68; It will be observed that while the rainfall in 1 887 was, for the period named, greater than that of 1886, the excess of moisture for 1887 over 1888, was 11 inches and 6-100.

the 1878 1 1879 1 1880 7 1881 4 1882 No record taken 1883 November 15 1884 7 1885 i4 18S6 October 28 1887 13 the levy is somewhat in excess of the above, being fourteen mills on the dollar, or fourteen dollars on the thousand. It will be observed that five and a half mills of the above levy is for railroad purposes, in other words, to discharge the principal and interest of $300,000 of bonds voted to aid in construction of the Natchez, Jackson Columbus Railroad, a considerable part of which has been paid and cancelled without detriment to the public interest. The State makes a tax levy of four mills on the dollar for State purposes, which should be added to the above levy. The county authorities maintain the roads and approaches to the city in very good condition; is constantly bridging the numerous streams of the county, having within the past few years constructed a large and imposing iron structure over St. Catherine Creek, the chief waterway of the county; supports 45 schools for the education of the white and colored children of the county, for three months in each year, as required by law, and is doing other beneficial and needed work, and not only does all these things out of the current tax levies, but has ever a surplus in the treasury to meet accruing obligations.

Our citizens can point to these matters with pride, and can congratulate themselves that they are not tax-ridden like so many of their fellows both at the North and South. For taxable purposes, both in the city and county, property is placed at the lowest possible valuation, rarely ever approximating more than two-thirds of what it would command on the market. We doubt if there is any other community that can make a showing equal to this. year shows a reduction in the aggregate of one-half of one mill as compared with the levy of the previous year. With the revenues derived from this levy, the municipal authorities maintain a splendid police and public lighthing system, 'keeping up 1 08 gas lamps distributed through the business portion of the city, and 92 coal oil lamps on the suburbs they also support two large public schools, the Natchez Institute (for white children) employing a principal and twelve assistants and affording educational facilities for nine months in each year to 501 pupils, and the Union school (for colored children) under the direction of an accomplished colored principal, aided by a corps of eleven assistants, also colored our streets are well kept up and thoroughly worked; a handsome and capacious hospital, admitting persons from all parts of the State is largely supported from the citv treasury, though some assistance is annually extended by the State legislature; and indeed our citizens enjoy all the immunities, conforts, advantages and privileges that can be extended by a beneficent, and we might say paternal, municipal government.

For more extended works of public improvement, which will soon be rendered necessary by our prosperous and growing condition, the people have placed in the hands of the board of aldermen $100,000 of internal improvements bonds that will be judiciously used from time to time for needed works of improvement, and to meet the increasing necessities of our people by reason of the growth and expansion of the city. The city has no debt to speak of. The Hoard of Aldermen is made up of live, energetic, progressive business Municipal and County At A Low Figure, But Give Us Good Government, Fine Schools and Meet all Pur.uc Demands. One of the advantages enjoyed by the citizens of Natchez and Adams county, hut one it is feared they do not as fully appreciate as they should, is the low rate of taxation for municipal and county purposes. The affairs of government of both the city of Natchez and the county ot Adams have for a long time past been in the hands of wise, careful, honest and economical men, and the result has been that the tax rate has been cut down to the lowest possible figure commensurate with a capabale and efficient administration of public affairs, and no large and embarrasing debts piled up to be discharged by either the present or a future generation.

The affairs of each of the bodies corporate are of course separately administered, and while the warrants of the city are subjected to a slight discount during a time of the year when notaxpaying is in progress, those of the county are promptly cashed at their face value upon presentation to the treasurer. The rate of taxation in the city for municipal purposes is sixteen and a half mills on the dollar or sixteen and a half dollars on the thousand dollars of assessed valuation. Warrants of the city of all kinds are receivable for these taxes, except that of the half mill, which is payable only in currency, and is credited to the sinking fund to pay off the improvement bonds which the city authorities were authorized to issue. The tax levy of the current 0. Buys, Sells or Exchanges City We take pleasure In referring; to the establishment of MRS.

E. ELTRING-HAM, No. 412 Main street, which lias been a favorite resort for our fair friends, for many a year. The ladies of Natchez, are noted for their exquisite taste iu dress, and their emloisement of Mrs. Eltringliam as the favorite modiste of Adams eouuty.

in the highest testimony that could be given as to her rare judgment in everything appertaining to the head-wear off he gentle sex. The magnificent store owned and occupied by this talented lady is specially ai ranged for the accommodation of tier large and constantly increasing trade. She has now in stock the neweslstyles in bonnets and hats, novelties in flowers and trimmings, and all artieles appertaining to a first-class millinery establishment. Year Loans on Good Plantation B. BYRNES.

Exclusively Real Estate. and Plantation Property. Tenants Secured, Rents Collected. Property Negotiated at Reasonable Rates. All Business BOX 268, NATCHEZ, MISS.

COR. MAIN PEARL STS. (FIRST NATIONAL BANK. RKFKRKNCESBRm.0N KOONTZ, Bankers. But Partial Reports Taken Officially Can be Given 18S7 Conspicuous for its Moisture During the Cotton Growing Season.

An institution which Natchez should have, but which she has not owing to the parsimony of Uncle Sam, is a regular signal service station where daily observations of the barometer, temperature, velocity and direction of the wind, with the rainfall and state of weather, would be taken at all times of thejyear, and published to the world. We have here a station, under the management of Mr. Charles W. Montgomery, where daily observations are made, but is only one of numerous others in what is called the "cotton belt," and the observations are made for only about six (sometimes seven) months in the year, or during what is known as the growing season of the cotton plant. For this reason official reports of the rainfall can be given only for those portions of the year.

Mr. Montgomery has kindly furnished us monthly reports of the rainfall for those portions of 1886, 1887 and 1888 during which he took observations, and they are given below Daily Month. Average. 1886 April 12.01 .54 May 97 .03 June 8.19 .27 July 4-57 .14 August 3.15 September 5.80 .20 October 75 .02 Total 35.44 .18 1887 May 6.16 .19 June 6.79 .22 July 8-03 .25 August 5.93 .20 September 5.50 .19 October I2-73 -4i Totals. .45.14 .24 a Specialty.

Five and Ten My Personal Attention. with additional improvements made during the year to the extent of about 0,000. Mr. James Farrall built: Lodge at National Cemetery; Collage for Mrs. Ogdim Cottage for James Parrel).

His work in new buildings represents $5,500, with about $10,000 of additional improvements during the 5 ear. In addition to the above Patrick Foley erected live buildings (small cottages) at an average cost of 4800 each, and dozens of smaller cottages went up in various parts of the suburbs ranging in cost, from to $500. The above work of course gave employment to all our brick masons, painters, Ac, and lopresenls quite a healthy movement in thcjbiiilding interests. The Natchez Ice Company Is justly ranked as one of the must benehoial as well as eminently successful enterprises of our city. Old residents ic member when the scarcity of ice amounted to almost a famine, and when this useful commodity commanded tabu-Inns prices.

Ice, although Sometimes called a luxury, is iu leality a necessity, and therefore cheap ice is a boon. Thanks to the enterprise of some of our leading and public stunted citizens who organized our Ice Company in 1882, this leading article has since that time been in good supply at very low prices. The company uses a 15 ton David Boyle machine, considered the best ever made. The quality of the ice furnished cannot be excelled. It is used by nearly all of the steamboats on the Mississippi, and the stewards, who are qualified judges, pronounce it superior to any other make of Ice that they have ever used.

The company has ready sale for all they make. Besides our own home consumption they ship on the Little as far as Uticu, on the Natchez, Ked Kiver and Texas railroad, and up and down tie Mississippi, Black and Ouachita rivers. The factory, located Under-the-Hill, is in charge of Mr. C. G.

Engle, superintendent, and Mr. U. J. Montgomery, mauager, secretary and treasurer. The otlicers of the company are those highly esteemed citizens, A.

U. Brittou, president, and K. F. Learned, vice-president, and these with N. L.

Carpenter, constitute the board of direct- Thn thrylng of ftfrwwcs. The power of the mosses to endure repented desiccation has recently boea experimentally treated by G. Schroder, who obtained the interesting result that many of these plants cannot only resist months of dryness without any harm, but also that they do not perish even under the strongest desiccation carried on in a drier with the aid of sulphuric acid. Plants of Barbul.i muralis, which were exposed for eighteen months in the drier, after a few wett ings resumed growth in all their parts. Other species of barbula behaved similarly.

A curious experiment was performed with Grimmia pulvinata, in which a stock which had been cultivated for some time in a moist ntmospheie under a bell glass was suddenly exposed to a warm and perfectly dry current of air. It became so dry in a short time that it could be pulverized. Then it lay in a drier for ninety-five weeks. But the quickening moisture was still competent to awaken it to renewed life. The most rapid drying which could be perforated in the laboratory could not destroy the plant.

It even showed greater power of resistance than would correspond with its real necessities, for so speedy aud complete a drying out as was effected in the experiments never counts in nature. Popular Science Monthly. P. O. OFFICE, their representatives, and the fourth' ward has for its aldermen Messrs.

S. Dixon, retired dealer in paints, oils, and Geo. T. Rehn, grocer, dealer, in plantation supplies, and acting postmaster. the county.

The financial affairs of Adams county, of which Natchez is the capital, are in a very satisfactory condition. A Board of Supervisors is the legislative body of the county, and is made up of the following named gentlemen, who are planters, and understand fully the needs of the county (outside of the city): Hon. Oliver N. Wilds, President; Messrs. George N.

Clark, John Stowers, James II. Rowan and A. P. Williams, the latter a colored Republican. The taxes imposed by the county on property within the city, for county purposes, are: general county, four mills; bridge fund, two and a half mills; railroad coupon fund, four mills; railroad sinking fund, one and a half mills; or, in the aggregate, twelve mills on the dollar, or twelve dollars on the one thousand dollars assessed valuation.

In the county outside the city ADDRESS Our J)iiil(linc Interests. PLENTY OF WORK FOR MECHANICS THE WASTE PLACES BEING 'BUILT UP, AND HANDSOME NEW AND COSTLY STRUCTURES SPRINGING UP ON ALL SIDES. For several years the building inter ests in Natchez languished, and many of our master mechanics and architects were compelled to seek other fields. Prominent amongst those who left us were P. E.

Willman, Thomas Stani-forth, Thos. A. Wilson, Jos. B. Wilson, Frank O'Brien, Walter O'Brien, j.

II. S. Whitmarsh, Wm. Stanton, and others whose names will be recalled by friends and associates. These gentlemen thought there was no hope of rejuvenation here in their lines, and that Natchez was a completed city, which would only need a few mechanics to keep her in repair.

This feeling was shared also by many less fortunate, who found themselves unable to get away, and were compelled to remain. The last two or three years, however, has witnessed a revivification of the building interests, and we see springing up on every side of us handsome new buildings, some for business purposes, others the homes of gentlemen of means, who are able to surround themselves with every source of comfort and pleasure, and others again the humble cottages of mechanics and artisans who have found themselves, by dint of hard working and the strictest economy, able to provide their families with their own vine and fig tree, under which they can dream of the luxuries and fine castles that will be theirs when their fortune-laden ships come from over the seas. All our home mechanics are finding work, and even with their number supplemented by importations from other places, they are scarcely able to keep pace with the demand for their services. Of the boss mechanics who left us on account of the dullness of business, Messrs. Thos.

A. Wilson, P'rank O'Brien, J. II. S. Whitmarsh and Walter O'Brien have returned, and they are, we are 'pleased to say, finding themselves engaged almost constantly.

In nearly all cities the size of Natchez building permits are required from the authorities, and by this means accurate and complete records, convenient of access, arc invariably to be found, but, unfortunately, here, the The Management of Plantations Entrusted to My Care Receives only way in which this data is procurable is by personal interviews with the builders. This includes nearly every mechanic in Natchez, and it is therefore possible that in the enumeration given below we have overlooked some structures that have gone up in this city in the past' twelve or fourteen months. The new buildings that have been erected are not confined to any particulae section of the city but are distributed about over its entire area, and great waste places, such as the Harrison addition, the Lowenburg addition, and others, are becoming thickly dotted with residences that add to the beauty and attractiveness of Natchez, so noted for her imposing and luxurious, as well as her cosy and comfortable homes. One of the new struciures that might be called a public building is the Trinity Parish (Episcopal) building, a de scription of which has so recently appeared in these columns that it would be superfluous for us to describe it again. It was erected under the supervision of Mr.

Wm. Stietenroth, architect and builder, at a cost of $10,300, and is an ornament to the city. Thomas A. Wilson has since Sept. 1st, 18S7, constructed the following: Cottage for G.

O. Klapp; Cottage for Oapt. 0. D. Shaw; Cottage for Mrs.

Ogdeu; Cottage for Mr.iW. A. Harris; cottage for Mr. F. A.

Dicks. Capt. Wilson also constructed a mammoth shed for the Cotton Mills 55x180 feet, besides making extensive repairs on the mills, and lie has now in course of construction the elegant residence of Capt. John A. Dicks.

The above will aggregate in value about 810,000. Cupt. B. B. Davis has done the following building for the year: Cottage for John Weir; Co.itage for L.

W. Welch; Cottage for K. J. Bvrne; Cottage for John Carkeet; Store for Dreyfus Brothers. The aggregate value of the buildings erected by Capt.

Davis is about Iu addition to the above he lias under way the new Chancery Clerk's ollice ami a handsome residence forMr. A. G. Campbell, cashier of the First National Bank, which will represent perhaps more in value. Mr.

W. K. Ketteringl'iam built houses as follows Cottage for Mrs. Mackin; Cottage for Mrs. 11.

Biuwu; Cottage for li. Scudamore Cottage for Wm. Kaiser; Cottage for W. J. Hogao Sroie for Mrs.

M. Flood; Store tor Mrs. K. Hill. The above work repiesents about $25 000 in value.

Mr. C. K. Barker built and rebuilt the following buildings: House for J. K.

Gibbs; Cottage for Miss Maggie Welch; House for Mrs. I). P. Jackson; House for John Trainer; House for A. Beekinan; Kour hoiues for Mrs.

Peter Walsh; Two cottages for Frank Beatty. This work aggregates about $5,000 over $261,000, while the deposits subject to check are unusually great, being $673,521. The amount of the loans, too, of the two banks, $582,462, also indicates their liberality with our citizens in financial matters. The banks are ever ready to lend upon good security, being liberal in ther risks, at a ruling rate of interest both for long and short loans, that is reasonable and fair. 1 The business of both banks for the year has been, we believe, entirely satisfactory to their managers.

Failures in business circles are events of extremely rare occurrence in Natchez, and when they do occur it is only of some small concern which scarcely creates a ripple on the surface of our commerce, and its debts are too insignificant to disturb in the least degree the commercial integrity of our community. Most of our merchants, both large and small, are not only entirely solvent, but they conduct their business upon that safe and conservative basis that insures them against the reverses that so frequently overtake similar callings elsewhere. To show the perfect solvency of our mercantile and commercial communities, it may be stated that from the 1st of September, 1887, to the 1st of September, 1888, but 104 notes went to protest. None of these were for any considerable amount; some were protested merely to gain time, and nearly all were paid. We daresay that in no other city wherein so large a volume of business is transacted as in Natchez, can show such a record.

With a measurably successful year just closed, with fair prospects of a good season ahead of them, with excellent credit both at home and abroad, our merchants should be inspired with a higher hope of a greater prosperity while crossing the threshold of the new year 1878-9. NATCHEZ LI VERY AND SALE STABLE. This mammoth establishment Is located on Franklin, hetweeu Wall and Pearl streets, only one block rrom the postolHce iu the heart of the active business portion of the city. The proprietor, Mr. Alexander Kltring-hain.

is one of our most enterprising ami public spirited citizens, lie is it prominent member of some of our best associations, and ever ready to give his time ami talents to works for the. good of the city. A man of splendid business abilities lie keeps everything around him in the best of order. In the stalls of his stable will tie found some of the best traveling horses in the country, well trained, fa-t going perfectly groomed, as handsome horses tor driving and riding a can be found anywhere. To match Uicm- he has the best of saddles, und harness, am! handsome light running buggies, carriages, road cans and gigs.

Those who wisit to enjoy Horseback riding, or drives around the country will do well to secure their teams here. Mr. Kltrmghiun has also for sale at all times the best of horses and mules; buggies, gigs and other vehicles, and tine harness, all ot which will be guaranteed. Mr. John Kynn, the manager of these stables has had long experience in the business, and Is justly popular with all who kaow him.

Financial aiul Conmicrnal. HANKS AND llANKINC: OK CAPITAL FOR BUSl'NKSS PURl'OSKS AND A l'KOSI'KKOUS MERCANTILE COMMUNITY NO WILDCAT SPECULATION INTKRKSTINO NOTES. There is no city in the country of equal population, perhaps, better provided with banking facilities than Natchez, anil we have an abundant supply of money on hand to meet the requirements of trade and traffic. Besides the banks there are a number of our citizens who are able to afford accommodations in the way of loans of almost any amount, upon good secu-riiv The inliiii' rates of interest are eight to ten per according to the character of the loan and the security. There is but little in the way of stocks, bonds, in which to speculate in this city.

The Adams county seven per cent, railroad bonds are in the hands of a few holders, who retain them as a permanent investment, refusing to sell them even at a large premium. The few seven per cent city bonds that have been placed on the market have readily brought par; and of our industrial and other enterprises none of the stocks are on the market. County and city warrants once afforded a medium of speculation for our street brokers, but this is entirely cut off from them so far as county warrants is concerned, which are at par, and measurably so with city warrants, which are quoted at about 95 cents during eight months of the year, and affording too small a margin of profit for the speculators who used to make ten and twenty per cent, on the scrip they handled. Loans, discounts and mortgages are, therefore, about all that we have for our money brokers to dabble in; and these generally afford tolerably safe investments. Our two banks, one a private bank with a capital paid in of $130,000, and the other a National Bank with a capital of $100,000, are both very solid, substantial institutions, liberal in their dealings, and affording our business men, cotton buyers and others, accommodations that in former years they had to seek in New Orleans and elsewhere.

Indeed, while at one time a very large proportion of the capital on which the business in this city was done was secured from New Orleans, there is now scarcely a dollar of the capital of that city employed here in our mercantile interests. The banks here supply it all. At the time of making their last quarterly statements (under the new State law) the resources of the two banks were placed at $1,1131,599 62; the deposits subject to check loans, time and demand, $582,462 68; cash on hand, $261,941 75; stocks, bonds, in bank, $90,600. It will be noted that the cash on hand at these institutions is quite large, being NEIMSEL'S Is one of the most popular institutions of Natchez. It is at No.

405 and 407 Main stieet. and is par excellence the best arranged und conducted Ice Cream Parlor and Confectionery iu Natchez. Here can be obtained the most delicate bon lions, the purest candies, the finest soda water and most delicious tee cream and the richest cakes, all of which are served in good style at the saloon, or sent home for you. Orders fur patties, balls, weddings, dinners und receptions, will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. In addition, they manufacture the very finest quality of slick candy, which Is put up in boxes, and half boxes, for the convenience of dealers.

Their wholesale trade embraces the leading grocers and dealers of our city, and liiose of the country for many miles around. The business is under the management of Mr. Martin Neihysel, an attentive, capable and energetic businessman, who is justly popular iu social as well as commercial circles. Danger in Kiuuli Fruits. Can people 6wallow seeds and Uie pits of fruit with impunity? It is a topio that may be more imixirtant than others of more apparent weight.

The slightest amount of physiological knowledge might bo supposed to bar the swallowing of cherry stones, yet a young woman died in this neighborhood the other day from peritonitis, caused by such indulgences. This violent form of seed swallowing, however, may be considered as a little apart from the real inquiry, since it is not exactly common, though doubtless much sickness and not a few casualties are caused by it. But what of smaller seed swallowing? It not tha aiza of these foreign sub-stanoet thai is tha consideration, but their bulk when swallowed in quantity. One would hesitate about swallowing the small handful of pita contained in a moderata bunch of grapes they make quite a formidable showing yet they are, all the same, swallowed in eating' the grapes, and possibly pact in the stomach or bowels an entirely indigestible mass of woody fiber. As to yet smaller seeds the process is precisely similar, depending only on the quantity of such eaten.

The seeds of bLickberries are enormous hi size and quantity compared with the pulp, and in eating a comfortably large 6aucerful of this fruit, one swallows the equivalent in seeds of those of a large portion of grapes, or of a number of cherry stones. But are we, then, to bar small fruits as a diet? Scarcely, but more prudence can be exercised. They should be eaten in moderation, early in the day rather than at night. The rejoinder may be made that this stony dissipation has been going 011 for ages; so it has, and much mischief has undoubtedly marched hand in band with it. It is clear, at least, that persons with impaired alimentary organs should make the works of those parts as easy as possible, and not load them with quantities of indigestible matter.

Philadelphia Telegraph The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company This gigantic company with a capital of issues lire policies on the most favorable term'-. No company in the South is more identified with Southern iuterests; in fact its Southern hranch is managed by Southern men. making it equal to a Home Company in that respect. Messrs. E.

G. DeLap No. 421 Main treet, are agents for this old and reliable company..

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