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The Weekly Democrat from Natchez, Mississippi • Page 3

Natchez, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOARD OF SLTEIIYISORS. A Valuable Mr. jamesH. Rowan, the popular member of the Board of Supervisors from the fifth Adams county district, has shown us a little memento that he cherishes quite highly. It is in the shape of a miniature statue of ho First Napoleon, mounted upon a pedestal.

The statue is of pure gold, and the1 pedestal is made from a piece of the wood used in the construction of the famous United States frigate "Constitution," "Old Ironsides." This memento was presented to Mr. Rdwah more than fifty years' jago' by a friend in New York City, and it is therefore not to be wondered at that he prizes it so i i r. The LhucI Assessment Hill. i.j i i Through the politeness, of Hon. M.

Marshall we have been furnished wth, copy. the to. Equalize Assessments in the Different Counties lu the State" as It was passed. From it we are enabled to correct a typographical error by the Clarion-Ledger in, its publication of tthe Act. first clans.

of, section 2d "That the first quality of land in class number one shall be, Is hereby lated at twenty James W. Lambert, entry and return on road overseers corn i tssions, etc. 3-1 50 llltlliliK 1'IM). Walter Untherford, bridge work for county 50 John Marron, bridge work for county 13 00 K. It.

Foster, bridge work fur 15 00 P. C. Itumasoti, bridge work for 55 0(1 Ji. Learnt', 1, lumber for counly bridges. ,12 St U.

II. Wood, 'county assessor, this duy submit ed the names of llenrge lit Waslrnglon, Alex, Johnson anil Theodore 1. umber us buying boon appointed by him as his deputy assessors for I'm oar isss. On nnilonnl Mr. liowan.

tho said apininiineuts uro hereby approved by'tiio board. A claim was this day presented by J. W. lions aniouuiing to twenty live dollars, and Git nu lion of Mr. liowan the same was referred to the committee on accounts lo examine and report.

Dn motion of Mr. Williams it is ordered that the two bridges on Pine liulge, one at Hie Dunbar -place mid one belwecn the Dunbar am'J McCiilob placo, be repaired thotonghly by John! Kic.niun. i Op motion of Mr. Clarke it is ordered that thfl board' do. now adjourn until tho next regular meeting.

o. wilds, President Hoard Attest: Al.l.lsos It. Fosikii, Clerk. SUGGESTIONS. viuii-tliliii; Timely uotl Valuublo for ll Consideration of Our Headers.

'NATCHEZ. April ISSS. wait A Good Lady Passts Away. The sad news was received. In this city of the death in Issaqiieria county! Miss.j on Monday, April' Mrs.

C. L. Maury, formerly of this The deceased was the mother of Mrs.1 Sam W. Stanton and had a number of other relatives in Natchez, to whom our sympathies' are1 tendered' Her remains are to be brought down on the 'steamer City' for inter-nient in the Natchez cemetery. rl hi i Cruelty to Children.

i n-. We understand that thelAdams'county society fofi'tlie prevention of icr-ueltj" to auimaJsjlalso. Intend to take cognizance of cases of cruelty to and 'wlll prosecute all pel sons that they diear -of who cau be reached by We trust, tov the. sake of the ooinmunStyi that 'they will never he called upon to prosecute iii-our midst a case of. cruelty toi We ounupt imagine anything more repugnant, that, would bo more.

oL a (disgrace to the community than one ylio, is brutal or cruel to chilU-rea. oi 'h jyjny '-e-'h' 1-A Conipllmonr to Hon. (inp. V. Howled.

i Hon. George F. of this city; wTiO wab' a member from' (lains county of the last legislature, lias been invited to deliver the 'ttkdniU'iit Alcon College' this year," 'which' invita A BOLD EDITOR. 1 1 He is Petermined That His Existence Shall Not be Ignored. -oe There, is no use of attempting to disguise the fact that certain rings aud factions iu this gulch have for the last three months made desperate attempts, to ignore the existence of Kicker.

Having failed to frighten or, bribe us ostracism was their little game. They determined to freeze is out. We llrat became; aware of this movement three months ago, when Mrs. Judge Gilder-sleeve gave her blow-out. At that time we received the following card All gentlemen attending this; reception will be expected tci wear a white shirt.

yie M'M Vj' The inference was as plain as the pimples on Mrs. Judge Gildcrsleeve's nose. They, thought we. hadn't a whte shirt. They thought we'd atteud with an army blanket, thrown CHielessly over shoulders.

The object was to. lot us know that Mrs. Judge Gildersleeve didn't look upon us as knowing what belonged to, manners, was all right. We go, to whether the Gildersleeve ring came out.ahead opinions differ. Our account of the, party, headed.

Gathering of Vultures," is. still going penses to and from Natchez, but nut hotel fare. This will give our citizens, business men particularly, au opportunity to enjoy the scenery of Little river, Catahoula lake and Upper Little river, and also a Chance to meet the people and cultivate social and business relations with them. The party will leave Natchez on the morning of the 25th via the R. R.

T. Railroad to Black River station, where at 0:30 the same morning they will take the steamer Minnie to Springs, and returning by the same royte arrive at their homes in Natchez by the opening of business hours, The 'Approjii'tatiou Mutlo, i The Board Of Mayor and Aldermen yesterday afternoon adopted a resolution appropriating the sum of eight nurtured dollars; for the. grading of the hill in the rear of StMary's Cathedral, '6n Main and Rankin streets, which is to be used am) dedicated for memorial purposes in honor of the Confederate dead, tho said amount to De expended under the direction and supervisisioii of a special committee of the Board of It is understood that when this property shall have been graded by the city authorities, tlie Confederate Memorial Association will take charge of it, fence it ln beautify and adorn it. in a manner hereafter to he agreed upon, and make the same attractive and inviting mis a park or resort for persons who may desire to frequent the same. 1 Heavy Demand lor Hardware.

In ait interview with one of our most prominent hardware dealers yesterday, we were pleased to learn from him that business in liafdwure this spring has been far, above the He felt pretty safe-in saying that the sales1 of goods in his line have doubled the sales made during the same period last season, and that the demand continues The goods he has ordinarily ordered for ills spiihg trade have been entirely exhausted aud the only drawback has been the difficulty of keeping stock. From Information furnished him by drummers this merchant is disposed to believe that Ills experience is that of dealers throughout' all the towns in the South, aud that planters are making preparations for the cultivation of laiger crops thau usual, and for doing their work more thoroughly aud with more are than In former years. i This increase in the demand for plantation hardware is one of the surest indications of returning prosperity to the agricultural interest. The large production of corn last season' will relieve ADAMS COUNTY. Monhav, April 1, 1SSS.

At a ftpeciid meeting of thu Hoard of Supervisor of county, bi-iriln, eonvuned and huM.ttt the Court House, in the city of Niiteliez, on Monday, Iho 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord Ono Thousand Kinht Hundred Rnd Eighty-Eight: I'HKSUNT. lion. O. S. Wild.

President. If. Hou jui, John ('. Siowet-M. I IVWIIIiuniR, JIu iu tiers.

laUO, Allison II. KoMor. Clerk. James W. f.ionbert, Slierilt.

Tlin miniites of the hi-X meeting were rend and iipprovod. f-i C. Jor (ho oonmiiMeo on iw-tiounts, this dny reported that the ectlluiuont with Iho county trea-urer, I). L. Tillman, In January 1SSS, hail, Willi vouchers aeronipanV' inR sniiic, imrutully examined and found in all things correctly stated.

On motion of Mr. Kuwait, II is ordered lhat said report he received, aiu Hull eaid settlt'inent lie Mop-ovcd, allowed anil recorded its it correi-, si-mcmem with the county by find treasur'i-ry 7, 1SSK The, fol'owing changes in wv; thin day made by the board, i.i- v. Luther Hell, In place of lle-iy in-, t-tnu 1 'liidgo road, from 'tho' ''church to fork; 1 Uonry llawKiuH, Pine lii'Uv a fi-oin lie city limits to itiilo. Robert Iloggitlt, in place Alex. Turner, I'al-estino road, f'om tho lork at inn r's i '-ry to tho 1'inc Log place.

Ml'. Howml reported that 'ii UrW ou the Kuyelle ami dangerous condition, the Bailie lu c' decayed and worthless, and that a new uiidge was required lit said place. Abo 'Hint the Nino Mile llikyott bridge ueoded a thorough repairing and, a breakwater near, tho hhiuu.i Ou imttion it is ordered that B.iid roporl bu and that the lion. President be instruct ed to advertise for scaled propof-als for said Work returnable on Wednesday, the 'JMli day of April, 18SS. A bond from Iho successful bidder or bidders will be required according to law; this board, however, reserving the right tore-1 ject anyor nil bids presented.

Ou motion of Mr. Stowcrs, tho Hon. President is hereby directed to have two very bad boles in the public road near the iron bridge filled up and thoroughly and periih'nciitlyrepaiiC'l. On motion of Mr. Stowcrs, it is ordered that hill In public wild Just east of Second Creek, mid in front, of George Paeon's house, bo repaired unci put in a good condition, and gravelled, and that Mr.

Clarke is directed localise said work to be done ut an expense not to exceed On motion of Mr. Stowcrs it Is ordered that all of the present road overseers (before their terms expire on the Kith inst.) cause tho ditches in their respective roads to he well opened, and all holes iu tho roads to be Illicit before turning said roads over to their successors; and also to report to this bea-d all lines collected during the past year from defaulting road bunds. A failure on 1 lie part of road overseers to comply with this order will subject them to a line of In the matter of leasing nut tho county pris oners This hoard having used due diligence and advertised us the law directs for Iho leasing out of the county prisoners, and no bids having been presented therefor, on motion of Mr. Itowan It is ordered that, the county prisoners be worked on the public roads of Adams counly under the charge of the Road Commissioners lo be appointed by this board. Tho following named persona were this day duly nelucted and appolnlml by the board to serve us Itoad Commissioners ir the periwd of one year from the dale of the tiling and approval of their nltlcial bonds by this board, and for the several supervisor' districts as shown below, to-wit: For District No, Muaeix, whose salary per year shall be For District No.

2 Win. II. Swavze, whose salary shall be flTfUKI. For llistiict No. 3 Julius Harris, whoso salary shall bo $175.00.

For District No. 4 W. 1). (jritham, whose sala ry shall bo $175.00. For District No.

5 Louis Winston, whose salary shall be 17S.IKI. Tnc said commissioners arc hereby required to enter into bond, with two or more sureties, condilioncd according to law, mid in the penalty of live hundred dollars; said bonds must ho presented to this board for its approval at a special meeting lo be held Wednesday, the i'lth of April, A. I). ls.s. The following clulms against Adams county were this day presenlcd, severally examined, allowed and ordered to be paid by warrants to be drawn on the genera! county and bridge funds as shown below.

The honorable presi dent, and Messrs. Mowers, Clark, liowan and Williams being presenl and voting aye upon the allowance of each of said claims, lo-wit CJKNKIUI, COUNTY MJNO. John J. Farrell, painting Conrl, House, Jtr I'll on L. J-'jlzpalrick, repairing gate at, Court House :0 Mason Kehn, material for counly Howie, work done at coiinl it.

T. A. Knnis, record bonks lor chancery clerk's ollice A. overseers''t for shrilf's i an 111 IS i -j Salt-hoy, record hook forchan-eery clerk's ollice no Natchez 'Democrat, printing for counly to date James Andruws, boasting paupors to Apnl 1st Poor Farm It. II.

Stewart, burying paupers lo u- no Pat Foley, co-oner at iiejue-l of Williams .1 It. llecne, constable ul inquest of Wil liams W. II. Irvine, juror at Inquest of Williams Fred Hover, juror ai inque of Williams Koliert W. Wood, juror at inquest of Williams James McConchie, juror at inquest of Williams Dan Scott, juror at inquest of John Stevenson, Juror at inquest of Wil liams W.N.

Wliilehurst, coronerat inquest of infant 1 (10 1 no mi 1 ou 1 on I no 5 on W. II. Hell, constable al inquest, of infant, 1 Mi Levi Marsh, Juror ut inquest, of 1 oo Joe Hanks, Juror at inquest of infant 1 00 Dennis Hell, juror ut inqiic-f of 1 00 Hart, juror at inquest of infant 1 0(1 Hen Fitzgerald, juror at inquest ol infant. I 00 Wr. 1).

Thompson, Juror at inquest of in- W. O. Mc.Culeb, M. lit inqiie of infant 1 So la 00 O. N.

Wibls, president of board of super visors to dale 4 10 A. P. Williams, member of hoard to date find mileage 4 50 Js 0. Blowers, member of board lo dale and mileage 5 00 Jan. II.

Rowan, member of board to dato and mileage 5 20 ueo. n. laarKc, menjoer oi uoura io uaio and milcaire 5 I 1 i I dollars per acre," instead of at twelve dollars per acre as given by the Clarion-Ledger. The error was probably a typographical one, overlooked by the proof VinM' W'ork Contract.,t Honor Mallory, acting uuder directions of the board of alder-meii, has noiilied Messrs.

Samuel; R. Bullock of Now York, principals, and Deunls Long of Louisville, securities, and other persons, interested In: the of water works iu this city, that unless they have their sys-teuroompletely constructed ly tlio Zii of May, 1SS8, as stipulated in their contract with the city, legal steps and procedure will be taken to annul and dop cjare void, the aforesaid contract. The Is. St L. Association.

At the meeting of the Natchez Building and Loan Association held on 'Wednesday evening, 'the money on hand, some loaned oilt at a premium of 31 per cent, in twoliians, one of $3,000 and the other of $G00. This premium will amount in the end to something less than 10 per cent, per annum on the loan, and the borrowers will have eight or ten years in which to repay it. Hack From a lirlef Trip. We were gratilied to welcome back to Natchez yesterday Hon. Geo.

M. Brown, one of our: most solid and substantial citizens, who has been spending a week or ten days at Hot Springs, Ark. he looks materially improved by his trip, and would no doubt have tarried longer at the springs, but for the fact that he has many business engagements here that require his attention. The City Mortality Keport. jUity Sexton Stewart reports that there have been seventeen deaths within the city limits during the three weeks ending Thursday, April 5th, 1888, seven of the decedents being white, and ten polored, eleven being adults and live children.

None of the causes of death were either ot an infectious and contag ious character, and while the number of deaths reported may seem to be great, it will average but little over live deaths per week, which is not a great rate of mortality for a city the size of Natchez. During the same period there were two Interments in the city cemetery of persons win) died abroad and were brought here for burial. The Ui'uhlicaiiH. The republicans of Concordia parish hold their convention in Vidalia yesterday, and indorsed the democratic district ticket and the parochial ticket for the general parish olliees, leaving themselves room to make, where they see lit, contests on the minor positions, such as magistrates, etc. They did not indorse the State ticket, as they will support ex-Governor Henry C.Warmolh, the republican aspirant for gubernatorial honors.

There was a prevalent idea at one time that the republicans would put a parochial ticket la the iield, but they probably thought better of it later, ami would not risk allowing their weakness in the parish. The Work of the Li tter "nrrlrH. liming the month of March the free mail delivery carriers collected from the boxes about he. city packages, letters, and during the same period they delivered packages, letters, making the total pieces of mail matter handled by them during the month 23,802. The amount of mail handled by the carriers for February (delivered and collected; footed up in the aggregate pieces, which shows an increase for the month of March over February of nearly 4.000 pieces.

This is quite a healthy increase, and we are told that the letter carriers are observing a dally increase in all the matter handled by them both in their collections and de- liveries. Something for Our2.Ier;li:iiitri and liuftluutm to Consider. A desire having been expressed by some of ohr merchants to visit the western portion of Catahoula parish for the purpose of forming, new trade connections between that region and Natchez, Mr. Hugh Watson, of the Trinity Herald, has arranged for an excursion party, not exceeding fifty persons, to visit the White Sulphur Springs, leaving Natchez on the morning Of April 25th, and consuming three or four 'The fare the round trip will not exceed ten dollars, which includes traveling ex ing at our depot the oilier duy for train to take me topF.iyette my at-lou -on wusalttMi'ti'd ny a party of foul'. i i ladies and two, gentlemen lug our tjoni ajpick.

At tie up-, I'oiuti'il liqic for departure Ihey Ijoat'deil, i 1. 1 in. It was the pleasure of flic rii-r to llnd tlieui vi'ry agreeable traveling companions, lu'iiig from Massueh-setts, with no objective point; view save the Sunny Sou! Ii. They Jeft ilit'i boat, here bound for Orleans by ail, had passed two hours in Vieksbttrg, and about one hour here; compared the two places, with the balance of favor decidedly' on the Natchez side; having seen only ourhusiuess portion of the city, 1 expressed great regret that they did not see our pretty Diiuleith, Arlington, Melrose, Elinscotii and many other suhur--aii resiliences; equally worthy of broad and handsome Clifton addition, our government road lo tho National cemetery, our Union street" improvements; these could not fail to win the admiration of strangers. It Is not au uncommon occurrence for us to notice visitors Iroiu the North, who-take advantage of ihe time while boat are discharging at our wharf, to drive over the city.

Now to the point, why not; raise, a small fund to he applied to' the necessary expense (telegrams, hack hire, of showing our city to such Appoint some person whose: business it would he to confer lUj fic officers of the diffeient bouts, anil get, them to wire ahead the number of Northern visitors on board, without regard to-destination said appointee to meet all daylight steamers at our landing mid invite such persons to stop off and inspect the city. If earnestly done. 1 will accept the appointment gratis, or subscribe to the fund. What do we say? C. K.

Uyunks. An interesting mmicrlpt is alleged to have been discovered iu the Troves Library. It is a fragment of an old French poem, the nirlior of according to tlie notes al the bottom of the text, was no other than Kiehard Cicur do Lion. The title is "Kainte Noiina ct son Ills Saint. Ilevi'V," and it was written during the King's famous captivity in (t 'l'inuny, on his way from the Holy Laud, wheic the Jiard lilondel discovered him.

The Detroit il offers a prize of S.VIO in gold to the man, woman, or child (fienrr.i! (lively not excepted) who will naine tlio three hottest days in the year of isss. A till in- hi li i had a dispute with hi-t father and brother about an old wagon box, and while lie d'ulu'l gel mad nor nothing lie io oi iliem alone aud fur thirty-two years never cntei-ftl their hoii-cs, which were in plain sight of his own -iluiile. Shoemakers, in 'i ni'i appear to be 111 1-nlieraii awkward "si'iiin. According to tin; Kijijiihi'i- (of that oily) the lip-n have been oi dered back to work, but tin; iiiaiiiif.nliiii'i's icfu-c tore-employ all of them, the shops aie full aim in more thau IHO') bauds nre still out: wilh lilile prospect of obtaining their old positions. About lifly shoemakers arc said to be i irking in I ho f.o-lories tin 're.

If Lent as needed when the curfew bell I o'cloi when tug the people all to bed at eight much more is it needed now there is not, one moment in the twenty-four hours hen it can he said, "Now all the world is at rest." Wc are too busy. We have no "gentlemen of leisure" under eighty years of age, and they would riot, lie hero, only they are too busy lo die. Wo need a Leulcu season, but above all we need a Lenten spirit of full and generous charity to all, and a willing, hand, ready to right all wrongs and to lead to deeds or brotherly klnd- nrss. Chicago Satiitday livening Herald. i It didn't take au old bachelor one second to decide which was the mosit tender a love letter or spring chicken.

N. 11. lie has always lived lu a hoarding house. Tho prince of Wales, according to the London Times, has an "bnfortunate wealcnew which busied him to patronize atile drovers and prize tion he has accepted. Col.

Bowles Is one of the brightest and 'ablest' colored men i ti the 1 South Who' is thoroii srhl itn-' Wessed witlrthii'liiipoitaiice' of perfectly not only thbse'pf ids own yaeebut'the young white population of Che we are sure tils' address will' not only be interesting," but Instruct- ivt jiis weH'. a Oft to the State Convention. Some seveu or, eight the Adams county delegates to tbeRepiibliean State convention, which is foeonyene, at Jackson fothe purpose, of selecting delegates to the National convention at Chicago, got off on the train yesterday. We understand (hat of the Adams county delegates are rather favorably inclined toward Gen, (Jresham for the Re publican 'residential nomination, and will do what they eaq in the direction of getting the Mississippi delegation to Chicago for him- Gen. Gresham would be the least offensive man to the South that the Republicans could nominate, and if they are to elect the President this year, which is extremely doubtful, we would rather it would be the General thau any i one else.

Levee Work In Concordia. Parish. The following item wo extract from the last Saturday's Vidalia Sentinel, and know It will be read with interest bjT many of our citizens who know Mr. A. P.

Martin, and his foreman, J. Greaneyi i "One of the finest levees constructed lately in this parish is that at Lake Con-jcordia, of which we have previously made mention. Mr. A. P.

Martin, the noted levee builder of Tensas parish, had the contract for the whole work, and while doing a portion of it himself he sub-let other portions. All the work done, both that by Mr. Martin and his aub-contractors, catno fully up to all the requirements in the premises, and the gentlemen are all entitled to an equal gliiireof praiso. Mr. Martin, who had the contract, had Mr.

M. J. Greauey, of Natchez, for a boss, and there is not a more experienced or practical levee builder in the South. This accounts in a measure for the thoroughness with which the work has been done, and the great satisfaction it has given. These works have put a great deal of money in circulation in Vidalia as Mr.

Martin did the paying off of the hands here, audt nearly all the money was spent in the town." Memorial Association. A good attendance of the members of the Confederate Memorial Association was present at the meeting of the committee appointed to piepare a programme for the observance of Memorial day. The committee, made their report, and the following ladies and gentlemen were appointed an active committee to make arrangements lor the proper observance of the day L. G. Aldr'teh, John A.

Dicks, Simon Mayer, T. Oils Baker, A. G. Nash, Win. G.

Benbrook, Mrs. I. Lowon-burg, Mrs. Henry Frank, Mrs. K.

P. Lan-lienn, Mrs. T. Otis Baker, Mis. Allies Izod, Mrs.

Eliza Wilson, Mrs. R. B. Mon-tcith, Miss Sinai Foster and Miss Elizabeth Marks. In addition to this committee, it is requested and expected that every member of the association and every one who feels an.

interest in its object will join with the committee and render what aid is in their power toward making the observance of the day impressive. The committee had a meeting on last eveuing, and it is expected that a report will be made of a conference between a committee of the Board of Aldermen and one from the association in reference to the erection of a Confederate memorial, and a plan will probably be presented to the regular monthly meeting of the association, which will be held on Tuesday next, the second Tuesday of the month. If the same Interest is taken in the work of the association that was evinced a year ago it is pretty certain that in the near future the city of Natchez will have a memorial of its dead soldiers that will be creditable to this community and that will preserve to generations yet unborn the memory of those who died for love to. their A whale, measuring fifty length was captured off Amagausett, 1. for the rounds of the Jn that article we proved Judge Gi'dcrsloeve to ho an cmb.czz.lcr and a horse-thWf, jmd we, adduced postive evidence that Mrs.

was a broken-down aud played-out fortune-teller who, hud been compelled to skip from St'. Louis. The Judge called at the Kicker office next day with a shot gun, hut when we brought out more let-lers proots that he hud served time in three prisons and that Mrs! Judge still had the workhouse cut on her hair when she arrived In Arizona the1 'fudge did not shoot. The Jackass'-Hill set next tried to make us sing small. They got mad because we weren't puffing them In evciy Issue.

Col. Docker had' two shillings worth of repairs made to his mule harness, and the Kicker didn't notice it. Mrs. Frothinghani turned an old silk dress top-to-bottom. and the Kicker didn't come out with a notice that she had received another $500 dress from Worth.

Maj. 'Hornblower put a porcelain door-knob on the front door of ids adobe, and the Kicker didn't come out and list, it us one of the eiitcrpri-es bound to bring in new settlers and boom real estate. It was, therefore determined to down us. Lily DeLisle, the redheaded di, lighter of the one-legged county cleik, made her debut, and we were not invited to the blow out. It was au action intended to break our heart, and we promptly countered.

It was on our tiji that the sheriff went up about 10 o'clock that evening and gathered in two bigamist from New England, an embezzler from Ohio, and a fugitive from Chi cago, all of whom were looked, upon as the cream of society, and were airing their frills and scallops at the great debut. We are here to stay. We put up our own shanty with our own hands. Wo board and lodge ourself, aud we have not only got the cost of living down so line, but are getting our white paper so cheap that we can make money on a list of subscribers and three pages of dead ads. We are going to run the Kicker after our own style, whether it pleases the bighugs of Jackass Hill or the half-starved coyotes in Poverty Hollow.

While we don't hanker after in vitations to euchre parties and church socials, we don't propose to take a snub from any While we are willing to boom tho town, we don't propose to Sit up nights to let lite outside world know that some citizen lias added a bathtub to his dug-out, or that some merchant lias just received a fresh wad of bed-ticking. There have been hints thrown out by the courthouse ring that we are to he starved out. Try it on, gentlemen We are now ahead of the game, have paper enough on hand for ten weeks, and our living expenses last week footed up only 07 cents. We came to stick. Arizona Kicker, A simple remedy for hiccoughs is given by In- Xew Ymk Journal.

The sufferer should close his exerting auditory canals, with his lingers, exerting a certain degree of pressure at the same time he is to drink a few sips of any liiplid whatever, the glass or cup being held to his lips by another person. The effect is said to be immediate. The large whale captured off Amagausett, L. 1., last week by Captain Edwards and his crew is being rendered into oil. The whalebone, which is live and one- half ieet in length, together with the fat will net the whalemen the snug sum of about for their trouble.

As the result of a wager, four enterprising youths of Williamsburg 1'a. expect to make a tour through the ''wild West" without taking any money for travelling expenses. They hope, by selling some ftuple article, to make enough ot the needful to pay their way. Hewitt went into a Park How restaurant the other day and ordered an Irish stew. "One anti-Hewitt," screamed the waiter who failed to recognize his customer.

X. Y. World. In view of the present aud prospective Increase in Western iassenger and, freight traffic, the Southern pacific I road, It Is reported has ordeied ov locomotives from Eastern slio us. i IT aii i farmers to the amount they have generally expended for that necessity and give them the money for expenditure in fer tilizers and farming implements, and insure to the fanner, with a good season, anotnir good crop of breadstuff's.

DISTRICT CONVENTION. The ParisheM of TmiNttM and Com-ordla Meet and Numlnate Their OlllclalH. The Ninth District Convention for the parishes of Tensas and Concordia met at the court house in the town of Vidalia, this 3d day of April, 1S88. The following proceedings were had Oh motion of Hon. C.

O. Cordill, of Tensas, Major L. P. Conner was elected chaiiman and M.A.Joyce secretary of the convention. Credentials were then presented by the delegations from the parishes of Tensas aud Concordia showing the following-named gentlemen entitled to seats in tills convention Tensas II.

B. McMillan, S. F. Hopkins, W. C.

Young, R. C. McCiillough, G. C. Goldman, E.

Jf. Newell, A. T. Brown, II. C.Miller, S.

W. Martin, John Mur- dock, Joseph Curry, W. C. Micliie, R. II.

Snyder. Louis Buckner, C. C. Cordill, J. B.

Guthrie, A. E. Newton, X. B. Hunter, J.

D. S. Newell and Will Moss; Concordia L. P. Conner, T.

K. Green, J. L. Rountree, W. H.

Shields, 11. C. Beard, M. A. Joyce (proxy), John C.

Seaman, J. X. Luce, Oils Leuile, J. M. Clayton and Alex Smart, On motion of C.

C. Cordill, the temporary organization was made permanent. Nominations were then declared in order by the chair. lion. C.

C. Cordill was placed in nomination for Slate senator by J. Ii. Rountree, and nominated by acclamation. lion.

S. Chad's Young was placed in nouiinaiiun forjudge of the Ninth Judicial District Court by W. II. Shields, and nominated by acclamation; and Charles S. Duke, was placed in nomination by R.

II. Snyder, for district attor ney of the Ninth Judicial District Court, and nominated by acclamation. Afterward appropriate speeches were made by the nominees of this convention. There being no further business, the convention adjourned. On motion of 0.

C. Cordill, the secretary was instructed to furnish the Natchez Imc.mocuat, the New Orleans Times-Democrat, the Picayune, and the Concordia Sentinel and Tensas Gazette copies ot the proceedings of this convention. Lkmukl P. Connek, M. A.

Joyce, Chairman. Secretary. Kmperor Condition. London, April 5 The Lancet, a medical journal, says the condition of Emperor Frederick's larynx is unchanged. IPs general strength, however, has increased.

Dr. Mackenzie has been requested by the Emperor to postpone his reijurn to England. The Chinese have four classes of slaves slaves of the imperii households, labor slaves, concubine: plural wives, and slaves for immoral i i i V..

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