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Wichita Daily Times from Wichita Falls, Texas • Page 4

Wichita Falls, Texas
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i not lit Ji ardent sports- worn in to inc-lud. in ones wardrobe oni. ol thosi colorful start and hat MIS i ir -o much featuied In tlic i i add HUCll a note i to "port event gath- rliiKb 1 lu ft I 1 a chance lor irror the most careful is -d In the selection Of color i -hould harmo- nltr- i the color of the Suit or be distinct contrast dark suit for vimili can a colored a mole colorful suit like home of the rnBlish twoeds re- nifires the quieter suhfluod grass and tanb old rtftc and mame. to cre-ue an I i color scheme i i let retched bv New ihor recentlv from raris is i (f a double fold of rose dinolMH and i i i a deer, of i worked out In i fringe The trig little it repeats the ime Idea Both are shown In the sketch above, and, 1 im sure, do not require unusual skill to The Fowler Ulble tlasn this First i a church met Wednesday afternoon i Jive. 0, Anderson, in their JIM monthly social hisslon, wvth Mendames Ecnson.

SvvoV son and Mask i I a i rogriini hai i plunniil and a i i i i A Ing the KoiUl Mrs Luutllai Thompson of s'infc i i lift onipanled ot tht piano by Mrs i I roi 1 Mrs I sang a koto MI'M hruci Uli ksuti gave tvvn und Vrs ard GravhMi i i by Mrs tilbson at i i I mo sine, bers A i-cs'lon In take of a matters of minor i a in i i the hoitessts a a i tourti i i a i i i i i the to). lowing Me'-'Uni'sL 1'eavun A a a I Nlcliclson Journegun llohertiioii. Nil Sun- uels Tovvltr mon a a i ottn Hulls, Hiivlilsan l.els I i Andrev! I irker Linda liiaf ton Follti a Uoyd i I tr a io-s i Culbcrlson and MI--S Piuec MIT I Tho Plorla a mot ith i i 1 i i a ly i i in i i i i i i i i i llubort- son i ot tin i i i 1 otloratfnn th' a thor- I i i the music of the i i uid masque lilHd. i i i t- tloris the i a tn i onstrnto Mrs I i i hns a voice of rire in 1 i tnoss and It wiis it Its nhi Phi i i i and songi were i i i ated I)urlng a club Mrs Fitl um efl to inemhership i i i A VACATION EVERY 100 YEARS hostess clainu i the iin li the 'n st tnentq IKS 1 i 1 I John i i hit I I I Kiv. tencher of voice and rTprcsblon will start a.

clasi in i i i Saturday mornlnfc from I) to 11 1209 Eighth utriet Reasonable terms Phone 2B8-11C Move Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" mother' Even a sick child loves the "fruHv" taste of "California i Svriin" "nd never falls to opTM tlio buvvcli A Uaspoon- ftil tndav nmv prevent a sick child tomorrow If tonstlpatPd, bilious, feverish has cold, eollc. or if ttomai Is sour, tonpue coated, lircath bii 1 irmemtier a good cleans- Injr of the i Js often all that nrri.s'.arv AsK i tlHiirplst for BMiulie I is "Mrup" whkh has fllrpolluns i laliles and children ot all i i nn bottle Mothpr' must say "California" or nnv imitation tig adv AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs, Lbton TelU How Helpful Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at This Period Denver have taken Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound for seven years and I cannot tell you tha good to the following Mt Honppr 1 a i 1 i i I'nl ortv 11 Gorslln Trrfn I I usli I i II i i Bengston ami Cl iri sBMon nnr BIG A i '11 MC.IIT Thn Cptilnr nil i nrcre it tin Tir't Chr Minn li ir li r-nt a 1 the clulrcli i i i i blK i Icon tllnnor all tVlcptahlt. i i mlngs to about 60 people Talks, irniU i i Includcfl Lcin 5 tlnB forth of thp import inrf pra'iir mpptmff 1 Shep herrt Possibtlltlpi Mtm- herslilp lit UcW of EvangellKtlo nrk Mr MeKlsslcK i Pri Mr KKs! frttm Mltlitnil oollepre and was i i suest of honor at i i i it'fc I I'Innncd Thns wt-re Inul it (ho inpotlni; for the 19.12 i mi th proposed i i i present mombershJp of i ,1111 i ous committees ippointed tn direct tho i planned tor Frb 12. on i oc Jack i I a i state president of the Fntleivor lack Hale, district presitlint i be present MBS.

I TO LOTIS BRIDGE Mrs Howard Knov.lei v.i*t hostess to the 1 nrtce nttprnonn belntr nrrancert three i tn the a Imcr hlRh score arnonK the members mil a presented i i itrrtt 1 It silk llnserlf Mrs I Clopton nrnons the guetts hirh i remembered i a rut pi marmalade jar The lioqugs salad and entree to tlu Meidflmii I'Ort A i a 1 I In rlun, A I fleorffe Parker i Claude Williams JI 1 lopton ami 0 Oeers The next i i be held Ohs ffeers Tt 1102 A i nnci.ns I rireles and Three it the Ten tral I'rpihv tei Ian mission met 1nv afternorin Mrs J- It Tohnmn and nn I i lesson "IT home mis ns nalley led the i and after the lesson nnd li rt IniM ss session rf fn nts wer served i i i 1' It Anderson, Itallcv, N' Cdllu nnd tin liost- pss i i i i i rlill- dress Wetlnejirtliv i i ah a result re ent net tlnn His i fu wf-linis 'Bnotjr Contented 1 nnWwt UHtwnrtcnl? hMtem dtvcwwd to IMbtshnt sCoormi't it has done me. It iseoodfor wayakeepabottto of it in the house, for I ant at ttat time of life when ft coils for Lydia E. Pinkham'B help, Myhusband saw your ad. in i and said You have taken you think of, now I Want you to take Lrdla E. Pinkhum'a Vegetable Compound I So I let Him get it, and I soon felt better and he told me .1 mat you to take about sis So I did and I keep house do all my own work and work out lie day and feel fine now.

I tell about the Vegetable fflaUy mir friendu 83d Avenue, ithetbove, ibliihing beaitate Oriental Cream MOTHER For By NBA Service KANhAB CITT, MO, Jan. 2 6 vatatlon every 100 years' 1 hat enough. Mm Km ma McMahon of thli city allowi' bhe Is celebrating her one hun hundredth birth anlnvereaiy by tttkltiB i first vacation Her last bit ut work nai a Inu "If pairs of trousers at the KBIIDJK City Custom Oarment fac Hhe flraw her pay chtck ot .4 and now plans to keep house her SDH i spring 1 hen back to A bod to lav off for a ruhin' spell tvery centurs or so Mr. MrMahon i as call her, has tub an idM life Her fath tr.Urul bngllth sea captain fought tit ttbt revolutionary war aKAlnst i lilted States Then he brought i this countrj she was IS months old and gctled near a la how i a Shi lived lit Chicago when the latter a While outpost and Indians nnd uViffaloes prowled about bin captured by Indians at the 3t years and kept until she was 7 1 ron rniDAi. Floral llelKbts sley Girls i Mrs 1313 Talor strei elock Mosdames Hopkins, Cohln and Civic Tittle hostlsscs club i Mrs 1615 Mnth street Hh Mrs afternoon Mont- Travel a 'lemp llbrarv i Trlteo elub -aHI Mrs Robert Hamilton 1208 Denver Diirland Circle 2 30 club I ope afternoon HS7 Mrs Pit eh reh with Mrs The Speedway farm fawned by Weeks has challenged poultry breeders of Texas to! produce a dozen esfps which will weigh as much as a dozen which the farm has placed on display tn tha chamber of commerce rooms I The doten eggs werelbrought to mornlni by Burnham superintendent of the farm They weigh thlrtlr and one- half ounces One ounces The others are of practlcallv uniform i are Rhode Manrt red hens and fiom White Leghorns I'or some time the Speedway farm has been breeding poultry with a view of Increasing the sifce of the eggs Splendid results riave been obtained, Mr Burnham retorts MRS Pr lUrrj Fogleman.

i the Ucdpith bureau in Chicago i a i and Mrs I 1 Rav here between trains ThurMl Dr Foglcman was here on the hautauqua program summer before Little of the Noble-LIHIf Hardihg company has been confined to his home for tht past two weeks i neuritis "vVflib general agent of the inil r-ictflc raMtiar, nnd I i traveling freight agent in hTf from Fut Worth THIN, FADED HAIR NEEDS "DANDERINE" TO THICKEN IT A Ulk by 8 Gocdner on the wholesale grocery business dlbcus slon of plans for the Knot hole adoption of a con- itltullonal amendment designed to remit In still better attendance were of the weekly lunch eon of the Rotary club at the Kemp Thursday The luncheon nas one of the host attended lield It) tbe club for the "knot hole which IB designed for ui by bos under 15 eari of age during yie baseball season were (join Into at tome length final acliun be ing deferred pending the return of Johnson, chairman of the cla) committee Small boxes, each with a Knot hole thiauftli i i nionev might be InserUd placed on each table the mono deposited therein to be the of the fund required for the projei Bo8 to be admitted good records In school and In i Sunday ictoool the Stouts or somi kindred organization and must comply i other not-tou stringent rules in order to belonp to ttu "knot hole Rang The a i be passed upon i ills at tht meeting In a talk that combined Rood 1 3S centa IMvs a wttle of 'J'anderlne' Ithln 10 minutea after the first application jou can not find a trace of ilindrulf or falling a i Danderfne is to the hair a fresh showers of rain and sunshine a vegirtnUon It noes right to the roots InMgorites a strengthens helping our hair to grow long thick and luxuriant. Girls' Girls' Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, thin, scrftgny. A single application of delightful Dan. dertne will double the beauty and radiance of your hnlr and make It look twice as abundant. (i.dv.) Also Feel Boned and Itched CutJcnra Heals.

been bothered with ring. wottn for fnore than two ycaro. It broke out underneath my chin and toon IpfaM over my face, huids feet. Tbe affected parts were bray Inftuned, my clothing the a i out. I eoald Dot do my usual work.

At night I lott tny real becauee of tha irritation, burning itching. "I began using Cutlcuta Soap end Ointment and waa healed, a using four of Soap and three bozsa of Ointment." (Signed) Miss Arterial Johnson, Waelder, Texas. Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ointtteot and Talcum to care for your akin. "OManlcV natured comment on the 'gtlef" In- clijput to the wholesale purveying of groctrlw with iomo lorlous facts about that business E. 8 Ooodncr hearerg ft insight into the UaislficaUoti he holds.

Mr Ooodntr gave, eome data to ihovv that In the placing of a small oriUr for by the Average houee- hold, product! from nearly even part of the are involved. Tlev Grafton, chairman of the Un to Mineral Wells" commlt- i i is getting up a delegation ot 60 or more for the annual conference In March, announced some of the nlans for that meeting RESINOL 5oofhinq nd Hclinq sfbr5kin Disorders Relieved Indigestion, and Acid Stomach I tued Ferrnmil for and Arid stomnch, nnd It tbe on); iirfjjnrntloii of nil I fcnrc nurd tbnt given me relief It has xtopped all IrnaMfm, and 1 hturn't but b.i|{ 1 ub- (l.lnctl relief from tfce very flrxt He. I ran ret ommend Ferrnsal to do nil claimed tor It. i n. r.n\T.

HOs Sooth Trnvlii Shermnn, Texan, Ktrra'al is guaranteed to i nenth relieve Indigestion and sour stomach or jour money refunded It the acid from stomach causes the food to fei ment the btomach and bowels This lesints In gis and bloated condition of the Intestines If neglected i acid gets into the blood and i causing serious comp a i Don a i i health breaks when a i i quickly relieve the condition Bu a ")Dc of Ferrasal from vour druggist lie will refund monev if satisfied fcoM bv Drug Stores anil Til driierelsts i OMBiDt rad We. Tmm Ek UUinii Swp wtthont mat. PSSO'S SAFE AND BANE for Coughs Colds lyr is didtitnt fiom No Op at Princess Pat LOW-HEEL blucher model that women frankly admit is the most comfortable brogue they have ever worn. Special at SAUL'S 20 DOZEN WOMEN'S BUNGALOW HOUSE APRONS SPECIAL Limit Two to a Ciwtomer Saul's StWe FRIDAY SILKS WOOLENS COTTONS Special Values Every Department Tomorrow COME "The Satisfactory Store" HHHBtl HIAMTY THAN fBKEl Footwear for Spring TWO NEW STYLES IN SUEDE ARRIVE It is our pledge to you to "show the new styles first," in the best quality, at prices you can well af- fotd to pay. Two New Spring Styles have just reached us from the East--both in Black Suede and Combination.

One is a low heel Oxford, French last with toe and apron of dull Kid; while the other is trimmed with Patent, has one strap, buckle, suede vamp and Patent covered Spanish heel. Both are Distinctively New Styles--all sizes. For the street they're the nattiest, for evening the prettiest, at all times the snappiest styles you could wish. Wear with Gray Hosiery. We have the much wanted colors and shades in Silver, Nude, Putty and Fawn.

WICHITA FALLS PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THIS Nearly all Btomach trouble la -aused by retained poisonous waste matter in tin- sstem This la also jften the cause of appendicitis The nustinal antiseptic, Atller-1 hJ, acts on BOTH upiicr ami lower bond remains foul decfiMiig matter which tnav have hcen noinonlns the stomach for months It brlnsn out matter tnoug'it a In iour is EXCELLENT for KHS on ilis stomach and Lhronir constipation as DIP Al'fcl- (aiarilt against a i ilKlti 1 Drug Co 7U4 avenue--atH JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS TOt I 3 ftOAUSTEHS been mH of these tvp i for Boerai Let us dtlher McFALL BROTHERS HOTEL COLEMAN 601 OutbJde Rooms with Heat--1101), 00 and 00 le For Yourself How Iromzed Yeasi Clears Complexions And Grows New Finn Flesh on Thin, Pale, Nervous and Run-down Folks Well Coupon for Famous Three-Day Fres Trial Treatment-Watch the Quick Results If you are tiwa and run- down--if your complexion i marred with pimples, Llackheads, boils, you are easily tired-out-1 here is your opportunity to prove to yourself without risking a single fenny that you can quickly round out your figure with firm, hard flesht increase your energy and acquire a clear, clean-looking skin, the kind ou haWdlways Jonged SOT. Simply goto yourdruggist, get a paekapp of the wonderful IRONllED YEAST Tablets on our absolute money-back guarantee. Or mail coupon below for the Famous "Three-Day Free Trial Treatment. Take these pleasant-tasting tables--two with each meal. Then get ready for a surprise Watch the Results! You certainly be at the quick improvement IKON- I7ED YEAST ihowj in Note how it immediately increases your appetite--how it enables you to get real joy out of every morsel of food you eat See how quickly it drives away pira- plca, blackheads, etc --h9W rapidly your skin on a newfresh- ness and charro Seo how your energy increases--how this ly acquired "pep" moTtes hard rk or play a pleasure instead fit task And as for pultme new solid fiesh on your bones--not nabhjfl, but firm l.ird flesh--many thin and run-down folks report gaimrlf pounds and more from the farst package of Yfilbl i Yeast Best When Ironized What A Difference! Yon mnnly wfll not btlicrc itlat improvement IHONI2ED can brio? myour apprarince antliuynur g-neriil health, tmld try It Go to drtiflfnst Or mail Coupon below for the ous ItllE Tml i a I I I EAST by the ncluil teiulti it bnogi brings such splendid results is i i i i it, forth among its host of imitators as the perfected vitamme tonic treatment It is scientifically correct every a coaUiniaewhiglilv concentrated form a specially cultured ycat winch grown Under the stricter; supervision for medicinal purposes--a yeast whic 9n rich fsa in llle essential Water Soluble vitarmncs.

laSniu i Col mt of vitatninci- 1 at Soluble A aud Water Soluble I -which are Squally important to health These three vitammes lirinR excellent results even if taken alone--hut when through a special prorei? they are irorttd 05 IRONI7ED YEAST, these results are secured often in half uiual tine! WARNING! Due to the marked superiority ot IRON- IZED YEAST it li being widely imitated. IRONIZED YEAST entirely different from ordinary combinations of jreut and iron--or and iron tafeen teparetely. Certain of yeast and iron have absolutely no value medicinally. IRONIZED YEAST, on theother hand, means not only specially cultured yearitend other vitamines, but the special process by which thete vitamines are iromtcJ. There only one IRON- IZED YEAST.

Insist upon it always-lot nothing else cart be like it. A 1 10 irral ic- from tlir Thrpt-Day 1'Ul TreHlmrBt I lime (brrt pnundi my ratnplejion hMcltartd very rw- Money Back Guarantee IRONIZED YEAST sold at all drug stores on a positive guarantee that the first package will bring satisfactory results--or your money instantly refunded mini. imi in mi ii mmmmm Free Trial Coupon The Iior zed Depl. Ml, Atfonta, wnd me the foHlnua THREE-DAY TREK WENT of IRONIZED YE Name Cily- --I nil rnilrrt hril Utug more. Pai of IRONIZED YEAST to a Family.

i I I) A nr, llrpntn. ml il mck 1 alinr Utug stort.

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