Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 13
- Publication:
- Denton Record-Chroniclei
- Location:
- Denton, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Sunday, August 8, 1965 THE DENTON RECORD. CHRONICLE SECTION TWO PAGE: FIVE 'The Former Miss Wanda Lee Redfearn Couple Exchanges Wedding Promises AUBREY (Special) Miss Wanda Lee Redfearn and Jerry Wayne Slarr were united in marriage in a ecremony read at 7 p.m. Friday in the home of The bride's parents, sir. and Mrs. Bailey Redfearn of Route 1, Aubrey.
Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Brady also Roule 1, Aubrey. Officiating in the double ring ceremony was the Rev. Carl: Pearson, pastor of the New: Hope Baptist Church.
The allar was set beneath French doors arched with greencry and flanked by baskets el white gladioli. Mrs. Ronnie Starr, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, played traditional wedding selections. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore El white brocade suit.
The jacket wasted designed with long, tapered sleeves and closed with tiny pearl buttons. She wore a single strand of pearls and a shoulder length veil of illusion allached to a rhinestone crown. She carried a nosegay of white carna-! lions atop a white Bible. Mos. Montie Wilson, cousin of.
the bridegroom, was matron of i honor, She wore a blue satin dress fashioned with a scooped ing neckline and bell-shaped skirt accented Her with 1 cummerbund a blue sun headpicce was pillbox hat, She carried a nose- It gay of while carnations trimmed in blue. Junior bridesmaid was Mission Vicky Jean Redfearn, niece of the bride. Her gown was identical to the honor attendant's. Best man was David Trick of Aubrey. uncle of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Billy Redfeara, sister-inlaw the bride, was hostess the wedding receplion. The serving table was laid with a white; brocade cloth over blue, and centered with an arrangement 'of blue and while flowers. The bride, who was gradualfrom Pilot Point Gee High School, is employed in Denton at Lumber and Hardware Co. Her husband attended Aubrey High School and is cmployed by Looper and Koerner Plumbing Co.
Following a brief wedding Irip, the couple will be at home in Cross Roads. A Touch of The look is greot This slender sheath's contrasting dickey insert is brightly accented with brass buttons and loops. The fabric with its look of wool is an arnel triacelale and avril rayon blend. $22.95 THE Store, FREE CUSTOMER PARKING UNDER OUR STORE Op Spectacles Important As Fashion Asset painted rays. Or they go round.
the jand-round, foolish spiral-like, hypnotizserves loo closely. person The who obnew glass eye op slyle is horizontal striped or zig 20g. is anything startingly geometric. The glass styles are pure lashfun. They are guaranteed allract attention, promole conversation, and scare away children.
Even a Martian bikini-clad miss in encountering these glasses than would have somelhing the shapely lady to the home about, Op glasses spectacle of spectacles. since Andres Courreges, the way-out French designer, had his models squinting through slits in opaque eye glasses, all Sun spectacles glasses have been making of themselves, lowever, the changes began carlier with shape. As more women began hide their eyes (and the reflec- ted emotions in them) behind a tinled screen, manufacturers have either magnified the size of sunglasses fo near or minimized them to slivery ribbons. Jacqueline Kennedy, who popand chose the wrap-around ularizes any fashion she chooses. goggle, Immediately put a nation of women behind bent dark glasses shaped like motorcycle and airplane goggles.
Now that op art is where in fashion, it is only every- logical that op should play a prominent, role In the optical business, too expecially Courreges has proved that the eye really does not need much space for peeking. As a consequence, a sun glass is not necessarily A tinted tramed circle without sion. Op glasses back expres-. squint al; ole sol with their own gold- HIRS. BENNEY WAYNE McKINNEY 'The Former Aliss Linda Ann Williams Oaks Garden Club, Names President Mrs.
L. D. Ashley, the was, named president of Oaks Garden Club al a recent meeting in the home af Airs. Melvin Taylor. Mrs.
Ashley will fill the position vacated by the resignation of Mrs. Milton who is moving from the cily. Otber new officers of the club are Mrs. E. 0.
Peery, parliamentarian, and Mrs. Lec! Johuson, program chairman. Mrs. L. Armstrong WAS Now acrylic sweaters such Peacock as those made with.
acrylic fiber are a breeze to was wash. Whether washed by hand of the or machine, sweaters should be; A patted gently into shape, and mony. dried Cat. Then, they won'! party or stretch out ol Eldon Fluff ant when dry. Holland.
named to the programs lec. Miss Linda Ann Williams and Benney Wayne McKinney were united in marriage In a double-ring ceremony read al 7:30 Friday night in the home of the bride's parenls. Officiating was the Rev. Leon McElroy, pastor of the Wichita Falls New Hope Baptist Parents of the couple Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Williams of 1003 Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Barney McKinney of Pilot Point. The allar was placed before a mantel centered with an arrangement of white gladiois flanked by candelabra holding tall while tapers, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a streetlenglh dress of white satin and a jacket of lace designed with a rounded neckline and long, lapered sleeves, The bridal dress featured a sleeveless fitted bodice and scooped neckline with a bell-shaped skirt. She wore A single strand ol pearls which belonged to her mother, and a veil allached to a salin ring.
She carried a nosegay of while carnations and pink sweetheart roses. Miss Vickie Lawson of Denton was bridesmaid, She wore a dress of pink chiffon and a corsage of while carnations. Miss Williams, McKinney Wed In Home Candlelighters were Gary and Eddie Peacock, of the bride. Best man David McKinney, brother bridegroom. reception followed the cereMembers of the house were Mmes.
Dean. Nelson, Peacock and W. M. McKinney attended High School and her attended Pilot Point School, The couple al home here al 610 N. St.
The first mccling of the club Gee High year will be Sept. A in the will be Baptist Church. Bradshaw Me CELEBRATING OUR THIRD YEAR WITH AN ET TO Sale YOU WILL FIND TREMENDOUS SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURING THIS BIG SALE. SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT. is now the place is DENTON FURNITURE.
Convenient credit terms can be arranged. The time to buy new furniture $600 BONUS PRIZES NO. MONEY DOWN? WILL BE GIVEN AWAY! Trade al Denton Furniture for chance to win. For each No Payment Till November '65 $25.00 purchase you receive a chance to win one of our 10 Grand Prizes. You do nol have la be BEDROOM win.
Drawing held Tuesday, August 31st af present to 1:00 p.m. FR. PROVINCIAL SOLID OAK 5 Drawer Chest Triple Dresses Mirror King Size Headboard and King Size Headboard Both REG, 149.90 $99.88 3 REG. 169.50 LIVING ROOM Pieces $129.88 90" QUILTED SOFA EARLY AMERICAN Traditioral Sofa SOLID OAK FR. PROVINCIAL Reversible Foam Cushions Wing Sofa Double Dresser By BASSETT Durable Fabric Counge Chair REG.
179.95 Foam Cushions Framed Mirror Triple Dresser Now Durable Tweed Bookcase Bed Framed Mirror $139.88 4 Drawer Chest Chair- Back Bed REG. 199.95 4 Pieces $139.88 4 Pieces $259.88 2. PC. MODERN SUITE REG. 189.95 Nite Stand COME 2 Pieces $179.88 BEDDING WEATHER'S Molded Matching Foam Chair REG.
Backs 179.95 90" Foam Wing Cushions Sofa SOFA Nylon Back Plastic 8 3 Cushion Sofa EARLY AMER. 2 Pieces $159.88 Foam Backs SERTA SERTA Gold or Green Tweed "QUILT FAIR" INNERSPRING MATTRESS SLEEPER CHAIR REG, 179.95 (DISCONTINUED Oil Tempered AND BOX Coils SPRINGS Consealed Mattress Now $159.88 TICKI Button Tufted Beige Plastic FINE QUILTED TICK Durable Tick Foam Cushions EXTRA FIRM Both Pieces $59.88 2 Pieces $199.88 FR. PROVINCIAL 405 Coil Maftress 405 Coil Box Springs 80" FRUITWOOD TRIM SERTA QUALITY MODERN 2 PIECE Sofa 10 Year Guarantee Lounge Chair KING SIZE Sola Bed Foam Cushions REG. 119.95 Mattress Lounge Chair Beige Green Ecru Both 2 Box Sorings Bed REG. 1P7.
Foam Cushion P5 $99,88 3 Picces $139.88 2 Pieces $99.88 2 Pieces $184.88 MISCELLANEOUS MAPLE MAPLE GUN CABINET BUFFET HUTCH MAPLE Holds 5 Guns GOSSIP BENCH Lacking Ammunition Drawer Formica Top REG. 49.95 Formica Table SUITE MIRRORS AND SOLID ROCK MAPLE PLATE GLASS MISCELLANEOUS Now DINETTE REG, 99.95 $69.88 Now $94.88 3 Now TABLE $29.88 GROUP FURNITURE Ton Maple Cocktail 4 Mates Chairs PICTURES 2 Maple End Tables REG. 159.95 REG. 119.85 5 Pieces $139.88 REDUCED 3 Tablas $89.88 311 N. LOCUST FREE PARKING Varies Coal.
-from a collection of transition fashions for now and on into sketched washable dacton polyester and cotton deestone plaid in ji petite. shift with -tie sash $12 charge accounts welcomed South Side Square SWEATER CARE.
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