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Baton Rouge Tri-Weekly Gazette and Comet from Baton Rouge, Louisiana • Page 2

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sis A Successful Mrertiaet. ncticrj. Our Bail Baadt. I a oar last we noticed mora specially The Judiciary. As tha time approaches for electing a ceoTaTw irfirvrn.

EDITORS. Wriltaa lor the Gasatts aad Oeet. THE ANGELS. ST aoax a. a.

Pa tha tartiy fcwsst at eight, Kaaasa by hat saaeowj wlmf la raTaa sawrt frost all tba woria rre eaart ta naM sii Tasf wsitpar aa4 xy ahnaberlnf suoca. Thar tt an4 taa Asa I earn Inmg aa4 eft To what th Aala said. Ami hM and (ma, tmd afaow; Taa ailbt of Omm to ssea earth reader If Our k-orf sncowor bi Judge Bvbertson, many are I asking who shall or who will ha beT We propose a few anggestiona for those who interest themselves in the matter. 1 Every man who ia Ucenaed to prttiet hut, not qualified for the judgeship, We have known many successful lawyers st thoB.r,eiv,t,dot osrrW to tha Bench, la nd owoqnr con-mpu i uero are good Judge, aaevwry experienced lawyer knowa. A nan of mere is unsuited te the portion oce eren of ex- tensive leifa.

lore will not do unlse posses- singotherqtisiities. Our Merfjr, omru- tf snd otr Hre. to a great est are penaing upou our Dinremnjairorat. o. .1 1 IV can tell.

In our opinion the first great bw lu, qnslificatirm Urrj M(S srass, eombm- i raucB le iu divisions, a si eared with firmness of purpose and honesty i. TVera ara ao doubt more ways tliaa oae to obtain a fair proportion of wordly gools, and thus umd Us rwiri and eteero. A man may sit dowa bis youthful durs either oa tba er entry highway, or ia tha crowded eity.and go into any ana ar of so he be sober and induafiewa, and remain contented where fee ia, 1st will t)fot 4u illependat. I at ba only monthf clonii Md arnhine, both has wait Hi vil Mat ad rerUs- bensuae be himself a -UBdin', nl hu hoaM hi, th, trPr, hini his bouse, look tha hVt ytTJ tt, ma of milm0m mMl'8 eye large BV tervfiortunofit.atatiM. ltl.t...

lhR nt lim eha aVi, tba msa ho iaa aot advertise, atanda gr-iwa to imIorUl0 xirlaa cf aoca'aoeu- Ho is only known to Um- soaa.opolite who happena to travel that way. Tba newspaper is like tbe map. It Madenaaa into a small eompasa; Baiting to tbf risi'm, nter'jil things within its jarwdie- Uon- Uot "ia it baa to with "mri1. flel of the "al ttnd sf irit of the nk th i' the untri" wl they roduca. and what a man nay reasonably IFct b7 tering his asperatienn iu that or that direction.

What is it ttat yoa do not see in the daily papors I Wh it is aa an ambrotype, reflecting every thing within its range. You find ia it, i ot only what people want, bat what don't want. Onr friend GiLBAjt," itb bit Invention to rednos the cost of making mgar. is aliviag evidence at what adverting will do even in the jK.puljiid State Louiauna. He was satisfied early in the history of hia invention, that It wovld do he proposed for it aitsureci of this fact, he obtained his patent, and then set Limstlf to work to let it be known far and wide, through the public press not by puffery, but by a plain statemen of facts in reference ta wofVing Hio.iiel;., In sack language as to bring the macbit befcre the eyes of the It but a short tim'i before he sold one la.f of his patent right for sixty thousand dollars.

and be is now on th' high read tc princely wealth. Let as take ar.sther earn, witl the particulars if which, many, if toot all the citizei.sof this city lire fuliy cognisant. At the Brut meeting of the Stite Agricultural and Mechanics fair, held in this city in the yc.r 1S42, our fulloa citizen L. II. Latil, Master Armorer, in the U.

S. Orur.aucs Department, presented and exhibitwl a revolving pUtol, enbodying the wholu idea, out of which Colt, has tealued famc and wbut will set a leg better as Falstaff hath it or." assert, that all the credit of tbe invention of Ms. Colts' revolver, is due our leiiow-citizen il. Latil. Tl.e matter is of record, and can be established to satisfy the curiosity of any one.

Some Yankee (no doubt) a the fiiir aforesaid, took the idea away, and sold it to Col. Colt. Perhaps it paaol through a half-doren heads and hands before it came to that gentleman who hat impress ed his nsme upon the immortal scroll of time, in nh a forcible manner, ss nothing but time itself can wash it out Whta contrast, between the course of Git. aw and Latil. 157" Thank yoa friends of th Crmetat for roar kind welcome and geteroua in troductim.

A stranger is value Ion sight, In proportion to tha estimate pUcad apon hi introducer. We could wish 'or ao bet ter. Fr jra the Crescent we clip the folio- ing, which is directly to theiU, and are gratified that your oasineaa men bow know it: Ea pamani: it ia worthy ef remark that this um or tne aiioacTirtion cooks or two well offices will protsbly give the "Gazette and Loniet the trgest cir eolation of any paper in the ttate, pub lished outside of jer uneans. Pt slic Orritxas alabizs. Under tbe above caption the TkiktLattz inert of lat woik, givea usa most excellent leader.

We endorse it, hot friend Jm, we must protest aguinat the following But while we would have apportioned out to rnr pnblie oncers a jnst lecomnense for their luhor. we br no meant advocate th appropriation of money to feci and cloths unprincipled, lszy ib mafforues. who, hy tneir corrupt log rolling, fasten tl.emselvee like leeches upon the body politic. Among tnis clasc we unheMlatinsiy point to one i.sra, Mate hujwrinten.ient of Public Lducttiun. a sap sncker of the snd disgrace to the honorable positiot which his fuddled brain and impudent vinity pulia down to a level with himself.

Baku is ours by prurlyright tf disco very, or some other equitable and rcatclaim, and we hope in future, you will let as cultivate our ow a tpuUk pitrX. The XiwORLaANsCrsTohj Ilocsa. Our old friend Col. T. ('.

roaTta, is in a controver with the "Courier," as we kani from sereral articles lafelj in thar. journal and the card of the Cou in the IduC Better lire it np i Pv aru, b.ra err. t. Iran' and the e-- soccer you corcraence pacAmj up me 1.1 V.t inA nthor liba liurlt that tri lWVl'a a aw -w better. Aa will kit 1 iX.

te the bb we i las bd th trconxco. HAI jr-gf rseelrad ane af Udtes aa) Mtes r-eay-S SUA aWaaeta. AJaesaas Mraa BUUxas s'avweri Ac The hwittfai eeaeh af Dress Oeads as sa va aA-ile. KOT1CS. wee.

LiriS Ba laaaa the aa rest vsad kj Mr. leUI seams aa MeadBf ass 3k ef HOTICE. A3lrilX, t4) AslhevM cnikK. .11 Malea Oae ke th tut BATON HOOK BAtLT ASBWaXKLT OAS-tlTt, asd eiaie seueavsrass tm avAsialstfaaa, Aers-lag e'e. a.

M. DVXH, AWuraeylsrtaea, leawVUe be. C. McW a. law.

tJasy to d. At UTtCMt. ALL Sireeae barinf cJalaw aratsst lata Charles Taraer, win aveeea'. Ukwa Saly MBtieatad la las aaSiraiaaed, AtaariMr bmp tie auc er ve RKhivei Hellaad, she Adaala. araMr, wtthta Ki Was atewaid ay lav.

eetsl-JWd-v. A. M. BCXb. lavceav eMIeetieai sf arwit awes ever latins as Beele ef the iaejth, aad we have SeWried aw tela aawhat ealy thees that we have fcas er ss-taai eailsBiat as he elt4 as thai eatsaatv faviUTS whs wiih as awseew their ahaas ey fcewtsvas eaa awrrhsee nas with fcmo as we vhaU tall a trees eaeewt theea Uiat have tested aad avaad valaati thlseUiMls.

OWrsrisee are low, ead eea toM health saV well Srosar Thef wUI AeHvewd st the svaeHaa ha laeaMa.waswthMdaeflams,BB aet rder and Bash tea frees the trwrad. 4. 7-rw. c. a A AraT A CO.

fTsT" cVOen Ml a thai lVw eel Brssuy attentlow. DxCajrraAToa51ff ice. UDderaignad b'sving basa appoCttt- cd admiBistrator of the Sccesioa of Jamas M. Eiam. ekeeaaad, givea this pub-lie aotice to all persona hating ijma araiaat tha sarna, to prasaat thorn to ate, duly rerified aeoordinr to law, aa strict proof will he required of Item of very aceoariW Ail pereoaa indebted to aaid accession will pieav aoaapt this aa aa antieabia demand, sod take notice that 1 akall procesd to tbe settlement ef (ha esereasioa aa speedily ss prasticabk.

J. K. ELAM jand-7w Adiaiaiatralor. fTn Saharrlher aaa reretved ead wnteaaataatly ankles: JL tee oa head th UMA ruliTTM, pLAsTKanr parts. rLATKKINtl UAia PITCH.

OAKTM, TAB, AC. Lo. Sit CA'ILeeea l.f in jalAne l.iaia jaa-ir A. TSk. RECEIVED Oftk lb Prime White Lead, to pack-tXJlV ages of 2f.R Soft and l.Wrba: Barrels reboiled Linseed Oil, Barrels Lard Oil, 1 Barrel Neat Foot Oil, .1 Barrel Castor Oil.

8 Earrole Whale Oil, Taint Brurhes, ISO Seeks White Cora and zi Half Barrels Mononirahela a saperior article, Barrels rectified Whiskey Dean's, forsak at jaB-yi. A. MATT A. STRAY, rpiAKN IPsv ApwbIb K.Uecd. shwt I d.

ahwt rlH. l-k v. w. JL ta. ima toveeaner.

i km' naatathwa, tLrmm Poaey. ad.lle. aad Bridle, left hlad Hr iH- a avarh. Th eeraar will enable with th law and Use him away. lhevwiee will he snld fntt to la ea DaterOa; th loth, du of Jaa-aarj 1K.S7.

Lee.I-stid. GaVX A. PTE a Rsa(v. ST ATES OR STtlLKB Tmve rh Ma la-tine of Mf. A.

MrCailns la take aatfeh, sm Dee. Ath, a slack Here, saeat II kaad hiith, with whit (ac. aaJ while st.iidl taarkt the hsek. A ay serve SeHverHbr hare si and Burks' stake, er (tv ie lalaraasUaa ef hie wherea)! will a hSvraJty peward. Jan.

1 1S6I IU etw R. McCLIXCM. Oa THIS BALJU JrsT rerelved aa aeeertaveal Udta Wklt Kd Okrrss at in taarrau Caasr fireaa. GfBtlrafa, Ton all rant a kehMMsahl eellt ta way Ciaraaeaits at ratrwlaltlaic Ciaaaa. la thst Ha hav a aweh mmvT." Aad al arte that sill auk va cSl Raw Oblsass Caasr Smaa.

For Sale At Great Bargain. TRACT ef aad etwWi sb.i mile eset at rllr. eMtalaraf te ar-a sf aa eeuest kwd, 110 ei aeuU tlearviL Th halanes hMeilj UavWred. there lea eaaAvth4 dvwllia; ewt hnwave A. ew th pises, Aw farther Baetlca-hws eawtajlr st this aOe.

jaay. dAw tea. FEACIIES iTl I.CIIIROUTD". Til erihey ha a hud a. enlmt eg the VarMlM ef rRACM aad APKU CiiT.

whirh a Vy ssha, ta arts veil par. aU erslwd Ne la the Ubss Aw trsaasbiBtfaa. WILLI AM tt. WALL Ait, denU-atsd awrverer aad OvU

Port ALaWTalwshl Pansiaa La da ew Ahaasaea lavaad, Atehafshiya Alver. Pa, lehes ef Pt. Cewse aad IWvilra. Th AMS-Nrta; lot ihiln Paewava Laade ki dan edtasrlaad in the aaav ktraiWy. whirh will ae ardaaad at oa aaaUrathiei fee th aadeestgaed, ar auw iaed fur eai as A4lws: Let So.

I walaawasf I IS err. 1 1 a sua 4 aaa I(B ald Lots sea she enrh, Iheb Inrallna, iVh sML ere aaav ef ana sasraeta. hy (nllnerrnt mate, vac Plarjneavi A Atrhaf- alaya Hine. Th llpjl mi aa md. I- a'h th hiiallia BaftB Die ia UeJetan.

Th ewta ataaew SI Railroad, wha-h tm mtmrlf eeaapleUd a Of Teto, will paa thraaeh Bear aaid Lsads: say farthrTh.AirBtioa will affcrd by apslyU te deritotl J. A. A Mc UaTTOX, B. keaaw. am PLOtllsi Aoe ltotGHS 1 1 Till SrwyaiBFWvvagaaadeaiisatew tats with Mr.

The. ataw ef Hretll 5V- Htnaawtare all kinde ef rtnexae. kv mam ir.eer.. to farwMh th Trao. aad Plaster eawrslly with nubl Ima Pleeojh all k-ea.

We Lav ton aow enatplrted varvna efetea, aad eelvrrt cell and exeat teat to hew eirheeiaa. a will KwaraalM ail ear wrk. wlU ay rAra-lar atlewtkia torewstrtrif Ptevwh werh ef ail kiads al. th ehna) sear th Jtt aear V. Hewde's rtter.

-w haafeet will he carried ea hy Taaard A Maav k(K4alevevnarittUB)feeu eatshlk'hswt ef Jwm. let, 17- W-t. TXHWABtV LAND AND NEGROES, T-VlB A1. OW TTWa. A to .10 irM list ef hlrk reedy Br ralU- I'io.

ri(ht Btiias hatoa Hceiew, sad three ilea frost th freer. Alee 19 stares farther earUcalari apely nl-w J'rtfB JOOK. CMH A "TO URaTJIl BAW IDIU witk Perta Pi M. ttllM A J. tl Itaat denat Seal Bw Ortsaaav Tlgh aad IleMinrtd, i few Is, tAloa Boaf.

pritt TK3i- ranr 'TmatKiii UTM ajB.vahaiaw Kalwcrlhers hare jaet arrived wtt aveenl Aaaaasae lasiaanhleaaadjot-e. raraiaes toe theaalee' their aarlval. see, ta 'A JeefAwra weMad ral Trim. Wa have ta ewe Braver 3iwad at TaaseCttv. HWa tba Baton Bongo and Gross Teta Sail Road, and now propose to look at tha Yickaburg and Shravepcrt.

If the reader will take map and foilow tha Hue as marked out, he will aee that for sany milea it peases throogL, or adjacent to leads wftich, nnbl very recently, were the property of the iHato. These lands bava been Iwated rrom time to time by pecu lators, as tba proapecta cf the road brig at- aed, until now but little remains ia Its tmmedista vkinity belonging to tbe SU-ta. Astbe roed progreaeps, through the ia-etrumentality of a few auch niea as Vt. Toung and CoL Coleman, there are those teady, like harpim. to grasp each and every quarter section to be had near it.

Ttess men stand off as jackslla, until ths lion mastered Um prey, bnt unlike tbem la securing the first and moat delicious nor-tel. If the road be completed, the resrur-na of tha State will be greatly enhanced, and we know personally of individuals who make large fortitiies villi small out-lrya in land, and who hav refused to contribute to the completion or rsa beginning of the projected work. We ara not disposed to qnarrol or find fault with tbe seamen of speculating men. Pac'n ie not onr purpose, bet rather to show wherein tbe State of Louisiana is made the sufferer by her own negligence or the wsni of sttcntion to her interests by ber selected agents. Sappoee the people of the late and especially of tbe Atchafalaya and Ouachita Parishea were to ask their representatives on their return home, "how much land have you entered or been instrumental in entering since yon were elected Cou.d you imagine how few there would be to say, -l have taken no advantage, of my position and secured the best From olwervsiion.

we know of a few who have stood alocf front all speculation, and we know other whose only buxinesa was to mat mutfy. Such men as these are always opposed to a liberal Sute policy and though they harp and cry ta snercae for Xorth Louisiana, are erer found roting for contracted Such as circumi.Tioe their own nnrrow and selfish purpose. If North Louisiana could unite with Kew Orleans in a literal sentiment on matters of Internal Improvement we sboald in a few years have a net work of roads, rivers snd bsyous, which Uanea-chnsetta itself might envy. There are, however a few men who assume to be lead-era, and who publicly make loud pretentions, wko secretly are all that bsve thus fsr retarded every iraiuiulg projected work since they hsv been in public life. Talk to them about employing the Swamp Land Fund for rail-roads, closing tlw lend olfiee with f-i-ii aud hon-or they exclaim my dear air, tli fate won't allow it" Let North Louisiana determine to have her rail-roads and Southern Louisiana do the same, without consulting the nhemiuj members, snd wt shsll have without an outlay such worls as will enrich the Sute snd be pcrnsment blessing.

We need not be aked to poitit out those who are recognized, or to whom we allude a scbainere, each member knows them, we will agree however to give their names and all tbe facts if such scenes are re-enacted aa we witnessed winter. The Great Northern rs-ad has msde a line of thriving villages though a barren pine forest. Artesiam. By tax the roost annent and honorable fraternity of which we have any certain knowledge, ia the Artesian party. I r.

musters a host in our midst fellows who are all Grand Worthy Patriarchs, and known to the uninitiated by their prep-wecssing person si Boreing is science. Drranica and hy lro- dyinnica are at the bottom of it, and if a man would know anything of cotemporary literature, ecience or art, be must bsve frequent intercourse with the Patriarchs and Grand High Priests of the Artesian order. They are like the Magi of early Egypt they have drank water at the Eureka Springs snd the fountain of perpetual life, snd sre always fresh aa the morning roe. The Ar tesian sw wr grows old he ia blc oming si a babe in the cradle as a boy as a nondescript young man in stage of life, before tbe stubble has commenced sprouting on his chin, Artoises a classM phrase for boreing) all "he good-looking lasses in his jurisdiction. The Artesian is born such.

He doea not have to undergo the rircura iaing process of the Jew to bsve initiation, which ia both troublesome and expensive. The Artesian has seen at least a half-doaen of the same kind of stars in the Erst that atrnck dum vrith astonishment the wise men he is in possession of nothing lev a bucket fall of stones and such like. Whsi is it thst the third degree mem bars of the ore'er do swf know I They are acquainted belts round Saturn, kno ot what stuff ihey are ma.le are conversant ith the cosmogony of the moon snd the geology of all nsatiou. They do not keep their light nndr a boihel no, not thy it shinea about them like a halo of glory. They will bold yoa by tht button to impart tha news, after the boat has whistled her last whistle tiny will hear the die net bell ring and not be disturbed in their equanimity they will et you into the corner of a fence, and btiin ru up in a bar-room they will even invade the editors sanctum, and pre fori te bis person until you look through him like a eeive.

It ia bora anybedr, with them a box in the ju-wrhere of boreing beralda their approach. Oh! that we had two lines without mentioning "'Swamp Land Comtaisfioners." 9ertZ.w CScial Journal of tha CityjkPanAl ElTTDAT JAW. 4, U5T. tSTTe eur iwi pgncpt" Woipo." Sot Bering roots 1ft this mm you shall apeak la our next. Ia tha MMttSma we ay.

tha" AaKauoAii Pabtt, mrititr dtmd VaX fmtinUlf and templmtmtt looking ntlUt fight now Mag waged, ia tar Tasks sf Its UU opponents irmdifU. Cownrnoa or tax Irrsfw TatAJtrsT on Klrr tht courtesy of oarexeeUeot indebted for the subjoined st-atoraatit showing too eowdition of oar treasury. It will ba gratifying to eraditora If aha has soy, to kaow alt th-y bare to do, is to call oa tbe JtMl, sod pat the (aa." Balance it the State Treasury on Um Stat of Efewnber, (901,414 TU OafMral Fand, finest Mid tas Farad, tS.7S Poll tax Fand. 3.M I nt, Im pro sment tax Fand, 1 14.891 TS Lore dt Drunage Fand, (7 lac Imp. fund.

19.Ti 6 Road at U'M Fund. SC.TU 18 l're school accumulating Fond, 8d SS Badomptioo of State debt Fond, IK 00 State Offieera and taeir Salariea. The troestioa of salaries of Stale offiears ia at this tir engaging much of tba pub-lie attettior, if too frees ha a fair ei-ponant. So for as our obaorratioa or judgment extends, we ara prepared, ia part, to andoraa mvich that baa been said and dissent from touch. Tl well reoollect, daring the administration of Got.

Walker, that ha wsa often praed fur swaas, and ao more eocnomtcal or pradent than has, will fill tba Executive chair. Tba salary tbea, was inach more th.AU now. Some of oar eontcmporanes bare rvported the present Go verr. or as being compelled to hrmri In a private family. This ia erro-neoua.

Gr. Vickliff was inrited by a friend, who wa a native of the satfM Sift with bis Excalloncy, to become bis (nest, which invitation was accepted. The alary of t' Oovernor is, ia oar opinion, totally ina. and should be increaa-od, to at least The salary of the A editor, in lonnettion with bia cf oSce, is an ply su'Scisnt. Tha same may be said ia to the Treasurer.

Soma bare acid that the latter shoald bare an increased salary." They are of tl fact that be receives 1 per. cent, apon tie sale of lands, and i by way ofW for sack location or entry. Tha Secretary of State is in cur judgment, entitled to a larger salary. The besttal-oot of the State ia uanally called to this position, a id the duties, though not oner-ons as a titer of mechanical or phvsi power, arc aeooad only to the Governor. To him is entrusted much of our correspondence with other Statea, he must select and control tin Rtata Library, dee.

The alary of the State Engineer shonid be inferior to offiaer in the State, and tbea we would place bin: ia charge of the duties of the board called by LyuUtin tmir-awy," Swamp Land Commissioners." If the present Engineer had under bis immediate control the rant fand being harried in as! ia el, there would be a prospect ahead of barons being cleared, roads being built, new oalleta fur commerce, and longer the complaint of inefflcieacy in this department. Town OaoniawcB. At the eiiggestioa of Hie Ilonon" the Mayor, wa publish the defective ord nance, ttroogh the open meshes of whi oar friend Fbaxs vWi a day or two since with oat even eo mnch as Uminf bis bead as be passed. Frank's boras ia a oat aauor aad neither rwa or fUopt. Cols.

Laasrisa and Kcertsx a ill plaaaa BX'U tlia, and at tha next maetiag, bare thii ga, at they keep them in their own lores tU i onUr. IS tlriiSnrd drc, Thst from snd the paaseeof this ordinwice' it shall he aalawtai tor any peraoa or persons whst-oerer, tu gai'op or rna a horM in '-he treeta of the of Baton Kouge. Any peraon tne foregoing ordinaDca. shall pay a lice cf Hi Itmlmrt. which shall be for the sa that Crpvration Ay.

8S, U2. 4dy0iir planting friei.ds and others, re direcud to the new card of A. Matt, wboaa long and eminently anetuss iul mercantile eareer, is a betttar enJurae-mect tbsa any wa oaa giro. Be will be found at hia old stand and as resdy to plcsas ad ser vt his customers as in dsys Iwng passed. Faun Tskis.

If there is ona delicacy mora to ba deared ia tha way of eating than annthei. it ia a rici, rrdirj rVacU ia la faet aaxt in order to a pair of pouting roay I a. Eeooo it aSbrda so much plaaauro to direct atteutioa to the card of S. Swasrc ok Co. We know them, snd aay tc cir friaada, they will fully coma up to their promises.

A catalogue eaa ba seen at this office. A Kxw YsAao uin. Ia reflecting apon what would ba the most appropriate gift to a aeat Witer yesterday, oar mind nettled at last upon scteaoaa." Two pair batter than ona, as we shall bare to clip from too aaies, and than, wa might looaa ona. The bast is Um long, narrow, sharp pointed Pottage, atamra were iorented by LieaL Trckecber, a Sweda, "id 1823, bt vera brat uaed in LnglauJ in Tkr whiter I "0.1 Baa e'er Um earth el my, Ckeaea aad awsae fm ht(h euaer, The BoMer hrtter war. aMeat aad t'k raais taa Aad yiats to ad aad lake; ferali aeUUerlas ta roar fret, Sa UaHMTiaf aiih jwar lata.

Taa xy asi Hlj etay la aort, Tea aiast it leapt the deep; Xt Beams rudder la jroar (nwa, Tor oat ej rltat eaward Uea. Imtettraal taa aaaeaad Wrk, Is teat, aad i Cbaoer the tmu rttoc, eare ead triad With eaaeriearr ia The sua auy ehlae. the aatUaat skies etray ve distent rseek, Tet sera wanwd tbereebing vinde, IIm4 aot a paaay wrerk. Blxh aalaeU Tarra. the The attrai-tlva fluid Lavs Aad Wmoa the Cm, Vat Ooa I Trath aad i thas 1 heard the Adk-1 sine.

la tieMe so clrar sod tree; Aad Ule with aeppe.hnlT am, Thas mrnttt they Imbae. Aad aea the anal la eilaare Inaics Vnr Ood wHb earaest taw, Bnerr tbey not, these eairits throufS Wth end gifts Irani 0 qenetiKa aad, aear ay enajrh I've aearil theraeUlBg wiac I've Ula aad llsteoed W( aad oft Te vast tbry eufllj airig. Thas eradlMl aa aicliUi dnemr bnaet By south inf ahadovi haxhed, I've aeatled Lj the AaxeU taleaeed CatU Um awnroi Uaebrd. Basna Keaae Jaaaarr It, 1ST. TJnnatnralized Foreigner, in Office An vnnatnraVxed foreirncr.

a Mr. Koh- nea, hai'. oolil tecentir, lor years held the office of post mmiltf at Oi-eensboro', Ala. He resiirned tti other day. Cowan He failed to rote fir B.

arid which exasper ated his foreign lormg trcathcrn so much thst it was sktd of him why he failed to tee the mark. ltvme out that he had nev er been nstnraliied. could not face some of Sam'a brs who ma3e it their bum 0'a to challenge every foreigner offering to rote. And ret tin tnnu bss been vounrrertilar It at all electinr s. and he Uir an otlioa great responiilility the Genertl Uorernmeut Auother anaaturalized foreigner a French pn4njt of Oor.

Jonn has. we learu. just txxn sppointed M.til Koute Agent setweea Memphn and Helena. Tha above is from the Memphis laalt and Enqninr of the 24th ulU "Ssm" will do some things and if bis irs will only ferret out all such rs.cs ss the above, will bar dn a good service to the Sute. tThe Fliridian givea the annexed statement in reference to the Indian troa- blea i i Ylonda.

General Harney ia generally selected alien others have failed, f.r Jitidt where hsid snd daring work must be done, and where no UiurtU grow. We remember his tr als, before be could find place for bonoiaMe dUtinctiou in Mexico. Ilow well he a on tbem, history shew. Wa have oftenod asked, in relation to this truly able and gallant officer was he held back, haew a wo Ike fcil ftiun-it aael frotm of General Jackson I But to the Flcridian. Gen.

Harney has commenced tbe arduous duty of rcMoving the Indiana, in good earnest; and with his known activity, experienced and indomitable will, do donbt that he will saeceed ultimately, if not immediately. ia object is to terminate the war before spring, and ahould he fail to do so, he will pirn aufficicnt protection to the frontier inhabitants, by tbe establishment of a cordon of forta across the l'emnsnla, to enable them to give p-oper sltention to pursuits. e.Be- The Socm Cabolixa LxcisLATrBB. This learned body, adjunrned on Saturday last, bariiig poased, in addition to many othera, the ft 11 in bil's The Kew York Dutchman ia icr anthoriir. An Act to itcorporsto-tho Grsa Vine Lino of Te'piaph.

An Act to incur orate t'te Air Line Rail Eoad Company ruining down to Camden. An Act entitled an Act to amend and re-enact, an Act entitled an Act. to amend the several Ails entitled Act to Ineornor ate the Artesi an Party of the. State of South Carolina, and graut BankUif privileges to the eame. Aa Act to confer noon Alien Widows.

the right to form a second offensive and defensive in eaaa eLall deem it necessary in self-defence also to receive bequest gnat, devise aad make wills la fee simple. An Act for the better establishment, of a general and uniform system of births marriages and deaths also for other pur- An Act to estsDiKn tne irrsnd inde pendent Back Action Sstur. Aid self-asp porting Initiate, with utidcOned and en-limited powers, rights and privilegea. to maintain in-jict, the aVoolute aovereigntr power, will and ability, to put South CaixOina, on an Independent footing with the otnerpowera. An Act to ntoornoraca The Proctlain.

Thin glass tfanufacturing Company of deems luver, uusotste. A a Act to declare the Union absolutely dissolved, aalees Mr. Burlingsir.o, will coma drwa Mid aettlo that little matter1' with Bully Brooks." in a fair aad honorable ght aonrding to" Iioyles rames-" A a Act to prevent tha circulation of printed or embossed paper resembling Aiank notes, anieaa tba csprai is paid ia. one who could ait and condemn hi wa child if th. pronounced h.

guilty A coward heart Is ill at ease on the Beach, That ba should have legal learning is certainly rqniite, and that ba should know something of legal prsclice, all will admit but a jvJ'j' i to decide tha rigit between two parties before him, and can only know the point at ueue br th. presentotion of the partiea themsolvta, or their duly constituted attorneys. Hones. a judge should prrswaw an attorney, or a pwty, to kaow the e.iwe at Une better than himaelf, and patiently give a hear- ing to each Wfore coming to aeono.usion. 1 1 ik-1 A J' yW ll IVI vlu atve VIAAJ patient man and fearless, bnt of diecrimin-sting powtrt, capalde to doeide bi tareen ri(Kt and trnmy.

have many good lawyers, but few fud wi'ea. A ftrftet judge we to see when we find a ftrfet man-; this not being looked for, we suggest our friends to choose som ona approximating nearest the standard of a fcrare, asn imt, tntOl nun. With such a one, and a good lawyer to present your you will obuin juli. Wsat uvs sees noxx roB ExriitxscT. The storm has subsided, and ve aru left to reflect.

It remains for svery true American citizen to regret from patriotic fetl- ings, and not from partizan motives, the defeat of Kiliard Fillmore, a man whom an deration to tbe Chief could bring no access or honor. Tbe administration of Millard Fillmore, is clawed among tin purest and ablest that ever controlled the destines of a nation. We our country in a wretched and piti-fnl plight. We saw it quickly ressorcd to peace and tranquility under his mneie rule. We have since beheld it gradually falling from the high state of prosperity in hieh he left it nntil it bos rea hed almost a state of paralysis and ecmplete exhaustion.

The people of the Union deceived by foul slanders snd falsehoods, put forth by rial ambition, under the gtiae of patriotism hare defeated the only man, worthy of their suffrs-er. But now that he is defeated, let it be remembered that the American Partr in their efforts to ele vate Mill abb Fiuanii to the CJiief Exe cutive 0J.oe, were bnt striving t. give jus tice her deserts. They sought his eleva ration, having aa abiding faith that bis principles and cnarscter would again re store our aeloved country to ite original grandeur. But Vetgfvt4 ss it were, sa-pirinir for petty hsve blinded, by bsse fabrications the goo sense of the peo ple, end defested oti to whoe defeat we hsve to resign ourselves, in the conviction thst poeteritr will do bim justice, and assign in the records of fame, a place among ti good men of tbe past, who like him were rejected by nationa, whose welfare bad been their only thoughts.

t37 What Docsticks noticed at a Woman's Right's Convention I noticed too that the women were willing to ast-anie th) responsibilities of men except the work there wore plenty of applicant tor tbe Presidency and Congreae, bnt there was no applicant for the blacksmith's gcha mcr and forge, no can Ji- date for the carpqntcrs adze and juckplane, and not a single voice claimed the farmer' privilege of chopping cordwood rr following the breaking up plow. Ltiij wonld like be President of tbe TTnittcl States, bnt sie wouldn't dig potatoes; Lncrvtia would like tube Minister to Friince, but she wouidn't drive a coal-cart, or get an honest living aa a street scavenrer; and althot gh Panlina would have no objection to beconiinr Secretary of ritote, be is the last one in tbe jrlj'to roll up her sleeves snd support herself by lsying atone a wail. digifiiiR cellars, or carrving a mirter-hod np afirtr foot ladder. Ther all wanted to be fed on the choicest cuts of beef ar mutton, ut not on'i vi) willing to water the oxen, or to feed the pi To end up with, they passed the same old set of Resolution, dcnot.ncinf in tha strongest terms the monster, Man, and declaring; that the raw mifht bacoaie extinct for all thjy would do the keeping up of th population. I thought of the Fox and Grapes, and cnetioned if the ancient and respect-abie table is not paralleled by tbe Strong-ninded Women and their Babiea.

that they haven't got. Tbe Fox and the Women sre alike 'disdainful, and the Grapes and the Babies equally impossible. The Springfield Gazette, informs ua "that Monsieur Herbert II at del, was severely tabbd and Ma. Charles IIarvkt, tilled by one Livi Lard, during the Christmas holidays. The former in the French Settlement The latter at the beta of John on the Tici- faw.


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