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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 22

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Am BtUl on 'deck en a candidate for Ckhtol Trustee, and enter the raee committed to not'u- liif or anybody, except my duty. JAMES B. MONTGOMERY. i 'TUB STATE Thvougnont Antoniti Express expresses Itself in the usual way: The Express oil la attention it resume of.the report of the United Btaten unginuer; on Tcxni deop water. Tbis resume is takei- Irom THE QALVESTON NEWS, and was furnished by that paper's correspondent.

It la ingenious bat illusive. Examination -will shoir that there is notuinir Jin it beyou'd the of engineers' reports for ten yearn past. The Express also says; THE GAIVE9TON NEWS says that the press la ft quarter of. a century old; but has not reached tb'e yearn ot discretion. There are two errors In tbo statement: The Express IB not quarter of a century old, and it Is the.

most discreet paper in Texas--when it wants to be. Bomotiraes ic doesn't want to be. If the Express is not in the 25th year of its ago why does it print the legend, "Vol. 34, No. As to the question of, its in- dlHCrctton from nature or-choico its readers most judge; but it should say generally Instead of some times It indulges itself in that way.

Tho Canter (Shelby county) Champion 'Captnto L. JL tho oldest justice of the pence and notary public in rtbo ststo. Ho was first elected to the ofTlce ipf justice of, tbe peace in 1851; nnil during tbo tine that has elapsed since thun'no man has given better satisfaction or can show clearer record. Tho editor ot tbo Champion still pursues his double dnties. He says: The editor spent a couple of days at Short last week 'With the family of M.

II. Samford, for whom ho buik'ii chiiunoy. It Is supposed that neither the chimney nor the editor smokes. Tho Waco Day surrenders large amount of its space to make room for the report tho board of United States engineers respecting appropriations for a deep water port on tbe Texas coast, and. says with spice of the usnal jealousy toward-thls city but average fairness: Tho army officers who have had chat-go of such matteTM bnvo as rulo been friendly to Galveston.

This feeling dates bac'i many years. Tbo prestiKO of the cnginctr corps hrw been aad is yet man in the character of the xvorks pronecnl- ed nt Galveston. and any material clepnrc- nro from thone methods, or tbe selection of soinu other point, because of Lho ineiiglbiil- ty of Gnlftstdii, would bnvo been a quasi coudiiuiiiutinii of tbo policies and systems of the engineers for a series of years. Galvcs- ton bad leverage In the matter of tho money already expended und achieved there, in its commercial and financial-im- pc-rtaiies, its siie, sad-that erall7 valuable but mysterious quality Known ae "influence." And Galveston worked its Influence, without wearying or csaslntf, year In end yeitr otit, for all it of tbo'reporttviil -us dsiapsr'ionll wfio are-interested in Knblw or Aranaas, and nbutbeastern and southwestern Texas aro in thMo points. Tbe Texw dfelegation in cop- gress will, we sure, give this important matter tbe impartial consideration and nt- tentlon it Tiie course they take and tbe decision they will havp weight with congress.

The ono point on which wo are all agreed is that we want a deep water port as soon aa pcsaibio ou tbe Texas coast. Wo want two, or three 'or four, if wo can gat them. But first and foremost wo want one. If Galveston is tho place, as the armv officers believe, where tbe beat.permanent results can secured, then let It be Gulveston. Sectional jealousies should not stand in tbe way.

This ia a matter for Trxaa and tbe great southwest, not any one section of the state, any one or town company. As if It had gone too far in this direction In Its leading article the Day breaks forth further on np follows: Tho Duy wants to be just lo Oalveaton, but it Is a fact that if adopts tbe oujTKeotions of tbo army officers and proceeds to spend to gut deep water at city will no an example of almost unparalleled "luck." If such a result had boon contingent upon tbo enter' pluck and liberality of the com- tho judgment day would havo come and found lighters still nt work unloading tho draught vessels anchored off veston. But if It is best for Texas and the soutliwjut that Qalveston nhall got the fcd- etal aid, thnn lettts accept It without murmuring, even if Grtlvcton, hardly deserving aid, Is greatly benefited. Tbo ways of the Lord nro mysterious. Major Tom'Bracklprldcn is running for governor in tho Victoria Kcivicw- Tho San Antonio Timoa says: Homo newspapers will before long wish to take bflck great deal of gush thoy indulged In over the Brazilian republic.

An oligarchy Isn't a very Inrgo improvement on a monarchy, Tho present government looks like an oligarchy instead of republic. Tho Liberty Vindicator says: Thoro is no reason In Uio world why should not now havo plenty of xood reading matter; for never In tho hii- tory of tbo country was literature so cheap a tbo present time. Just i of for the low prlon of 83 liO you can get (JAl.VF.!-TON NtWfl nnd tho Vindicator ir a year, nnd tho entire eat of Charles Heltons' works, 12 volumes, neatly bound, ivory mini and women who has not done so ihould read Dickens' novels. Tbo Florcsvillo Chronicle howi.i: -Tho Express hns a special from Galveston December 17, stating that tbo town was Wild over the news that tho conimlsilon of 'rnfilneern bad reported In favor of Ualves- tou nu tbo ino.Ht available, point on the const of Texas vrlmro deep water could bo such nreport Ims been made it hows that the engineers haroclthar tliclf calling or inonoy secured tbo report.TM Tlia. C'ironlcio has Aransns PnRH on tlio brain.

Tho Colmcsncll Times msn: Tho Kabino Kxportcompimy, wlt-b HM biiad ofllco ut Hcrttiinoiit, is at pryBent coniui.tutedui following cuneei-UH: Texas Tram Lumber i i i i i Helmnco Lumber cpm- patiy, l.timbor company, ail of Jieaiimont: V'ollow 1'ino Iiiimlivr company, company, Wnrrcn; roiiiimny, Noun; A. flllmer, Ornim' 1 A. HnU-lilim, Ilolllalrr; i i i i i ,1. S. W.

M. lllro, Jlyutt; Xnnklan.l I.umbor company. Knc.klnml; W. I). Nurri.i nnd IVrluns Miller, IMkn nnpitcity of Iff.t: i an i Unurlds, Thn Mtnl dully l.iMX.'Ui) Ainnni'J.

t.ii/nt of I.VdMi fuiyn; OulvcHloii jubjluf.liiii; n'tcir fr-portfd rKuortof tl-i vMt'ri 1 cuiiiiniHslniKrH In 1 IHT 'iivor. A i i i i xviiit I'ci'tliii. i(-(jorL from notnti Aiil.noMtir.AtCvl r.oin'en i i i i i i i i a of wliulo tn.noiiUldrr i i itini liru or atorrii lit vtsion IMOII T.l((la noi coBflrrniitl'jn. '5'ho hoHlHly lifoth'vl dia'W 'pffillt! onn 'jo im- a pointer from court decision. The Austin Globe takes an Impartlii View of the report on deep water.

It mys: a i i Cialfetton't favor woii tho great niuoant harbor she ou the Innide of sufficient next and main point in Galveston's favor, Hnd the one thac we have while rolled upon ns GalTentou's strongcib point, is the fact of her coutral locution snd easy access, having already better ffwsilities for baniK reached from all parts of tbo state than any other port has or can have for many 'yearn- to coino. Thesoad- vnntages taken in connection with tho Immense wealth of, Gnlvcstou, which has a Heavy iniluuncs in dccUMuK (jaMtlouB effecting commerce, 'wo aro not at all sfir- priaod nt tiint city bsinp; selected. Of caritso this will infuse now Ufa into the Island city, Tbo Snu Antonio Times says: The bp'aid of army engineers appointed to e.TRruinc the Texas coast and report, upon the point offering tho most for the securemeht of deep water, lias submitted its report, designating Galveston. Its tenor was not entirely unanticipated, and consequently excites no surprise. Tho board, however, did not close its report without a favorable for both Arausas and Sabiii3 pass.

This will strike the average layman as somewhat singular, that if 'excellent hiivbors can bo made at other polnta atlesa cost uud in leas lime than will be.required at Galveston," that tho latter point should havo been selected. Of course it is not certain that Galveston will ba selected by congress cs the deep water harbor for Texas. AVhiie the report of tho engineers is of coarse valuable and and recommendations are entitled to weighty yet the question as to where the deop water harbor will be located in Texas is far from settled. The Post says: Galveston jubilating over her deep water prospects, and Houston Joins in her hilarity. Buffalo bayou is hardly wide enough clear up to Houston for big steamships, but it can bo made so.

Tho Gazette thus resents' the deep water scoop of THE NEWS: If tbo report of tho board of engineers is no more honest than WAH thu. war department itself in giving one the report to newspapers, It will not amount to much la Its effect on Texas' chance for deep water. Jealousy of THE NEWS and of Galveston coluni the views of too many papem on the deep water question. The Gazette says: What Grain obtained for TllK NEWS by virtue hio position as a congressman the Gazette secured by virtuoof its position as a newspaper. The Gazette does nntdepend upon bpln.ij a monopoly, or upon tricks, or upon the indorsement and help of railroad mnmiirm'M and companion--but it gets there alt the game.

What aas Grain "been doing" that the Gruolte chould butt the wind in trying torench him? When it comes to butting the u-ind and pawing the air the Gazette generally gets there? The Gazette, however, has the frankness to say that tbo deep water convention held lust year pledged the people of the state- to abide by the decision of the engineers, and this pledge was renewed ftt Dsnvor and ttt Topekn. The interests of tho state demand not only that Texas' ropresantatives shall support the recommendation of tfcs engineers, bat that saeh sappoi-6 shall bo zealous and per- shitent. cures cutarrli. Jxiid fay J. J.

Seboit POWDER Absolutely Puro. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 100 Wai Btroot, New York. CURE Elcfc ITfafUchftaacl relieve all the troubles Incident to a. bilious of the system, such as Dlszineaa, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Hide, c.

While their most "euiarkble EUCOCJS has been Bhown in curing Headache, yet CAHTEE'S LITTI.B LIVER PILM arc cquallj- valuable In Constipation, curing: tnd prcTcntbg this annoj-Jng complaint, ifhili they also correct nil disorders of the stomach, etfmulate the liver and regulate tho bcweLi. Even ii they only curwj they would bo almost prfcelesi to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end hwe, and those who once try them wiR rind these liUlu pilln valuable In EO many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick bead ACHE the bane of so many lives that here Is Trhere we make our great boast. Our yilla cure it wbile others do not. CARTEa'a LITTLE LIVER PULH are vpry small and very easy to take.

One or two pills mate a dose. Tney'aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for tl. Sold everywhere, or seat by mnil, 013125 ISSlCna Her Tttk. Frm pARRIAOEs'-Bi)tweVn'flf.

Vy and bright. Over thirty different styles and makes to select from. Elegant phaetons from S100 to S150, according to finish. Twelve dllfercnt kinds of carts iroru $2u to 8130. at my now brick repository.

I'ostoftlce, nenrTwcnty-foiirtfi etreot. E. E. SlilXAS, Oalveston, Tex. OK 8ALK--A double-seated Carriage Hurueaa.

Good ns Csn De seea at KOLTON'H S'l'AHLK. ami 1'nstoffice. oll I I i a 'i beiftrs nKi uuUa for tW). 'Five sers, 4 COWB i biiii for sfw. uno cow Lfi record of ir Itw.

y.iid 025. butter Jr. suv nap. All reifbitcreU aod A. M.

from MUtb. corner IHIt and street- Ke- turn to tbo above mldrcpn and (jet.reward. tlreftd of ttie close of a month, and its attendant triul balance horror to overworked bookkeepers, duo to tho fact that Holmes' TriM B.i!nnca Book wns conceived In their interest. Sceltirjre advcrtiEeraent. FOB THE HOLIDAYS.

have still a nice uf Xorthern Trees left at prices to suit all. Kor tbe accommodation of such par Ics as can not spare time to call during week days, wo will havo our utoro opon till neon to-day. H. RIEDEL A CO. A A one Trerfl ta SCHOONtK LUCY, one wishing cheap Brick Wharf.

rnah for lioyn' Suits, at strict New York cof.t. cantlntK'a, Call soon and secure some of thcEo Hoys 1 Knco Pant- nt 25 cents a fair. JOE BONAKT. Corner Market and 20tb. 1UT FLOWERS--Pacttcd and shipped to any of America--Christmas creemntrs Pioral dcsiani.

A. WH1TAKBH. Fioriit, Houston. JEAll Oristuios Goods In endless variety. Now stock of Uoys' Clotbinit, Jlattinm and KS at unusually low prices.

"FAMOUS," Oalvcslon's Mammoth Establishment. OY STOVIiS. Too finest In TeJasTTiuio, a fmiv-holo toy cook stove, S3 Js. liuck's Brilliant Toy Hanec, holes, a fnc simile of our lariro range, htis no blind parti" that would Interfere with its utility. Hns In- cm'otl roaf-rvofr; hwintf feed door, gvcn il.imr.rn, (diicy IIMO.

toi.i-1 rod: hekcs and llnili perfeclly; OHAS. i CO. rOYS, 1IO1.I.S- in IJccorated JL Clilna dinner, tea and chamber Ri-tn. Onl)- leu, wutor sets. LADAUIE'S.

KK our Toyp They nre wonder- ful, but not more so f.bun our Mock of toja and fancy goods. LALOR. bet. 21th and 25th Ufa. FOUND.

1 pliicn In Duy'n'i'y'toyB'and'liotl- prewnts. l.nrso solocllgn, jirottr eoodl, bcnp pricoa. LAl.OU, bet ilth and S5th. 1 Honii to Bookkeepers, Holmes' Utility Trlnl Bulnttce- Hook lona felt want. See largo advertisement.

QI.l) NBWSI'APEHS IGOOatNown Ofllco. HO'JSE-FUKNISHINQ OOOWS. fOK'B I A STOVKK-The Buck's stnvo Is a iiuem In oust Iron, a I joy in ana constant, sonroe of li.T;tpino5a to all who nru so fortuuatu MS to pos- KPHS them. Tho llurk'a Billllant irt our leading cook tlove and we warrant every one to bo i oln33, corni'lolo anil uerfoct. Tbo enameled iivon (lunra aro used exclusively on Huck'a Urilllantew Tho neatest, cleanest, atid mnsl por- Icftnnn-rdndinMinjs' diinl-llnitiK mndt 1 trcofroni Uio olijectloim Inoiilont to all i llnud nr Lfavlly IHlod i anil llfih" nhiiiinilnt of 'lionlMi'ir- rlvcil.

a bi'i'oro I is broki'ti. O. L. HOIIN. Mnrkcl.

K-l. l.Vlli anil i i i i yon 1 tiYLaTnr'n to BCO tlio lovfl? They arn tun pre i cheap. Murlicl. bet. 2fth an-l pretty, nud HO I A I.V HHTON PIIKCH.

12 for nor Bond forrniniiln copy with cnmplnto nrc-mlum list, avalliible only t.o Atldrrsi A. II. HEI.OifcOO.. (laivoston, Tel. KW A ii, black mid rolors.

Ticrr hF 11 jiarrntc, new (nmicn. lilnbi, ftntlior.i tiHifi. Ui Xiloct iruirt tt, I.AI.'lU'r 1 TTOH8ALE CHEAP-A biiUird tabls: Jr. ty malic; uisda by Balie, Erouswick 4J4 by nearly with one fancy cnca and rack. Apply at Sonny South saloon.

za Tremont Oalveston. 'I ex. 1 OR SALE--Two Locomotives ip good order, 3fcetgaUKe. One Baldwin make; cylinders 9 inohce diameter by 10 inches stroke, witb now boiler and flttinira. Tho other a Brooks make; crlindi.T8 15 inches diameter by 23 inchej Btruko.

For particulars apply to Tho Galveston and ostern Railway Company, Galveston, TTOR SALE--Cheap, eight large beautiful JL Bnck'sBrilllnnt feeders and baseburners; suitable for largo bail, office or schoolbcuse. Larger ones were shipped than ordered, therefore the bargain. CtlAS. ENOELKK CO. 1 TOR SALE--Youne registered Jersey bulls.of tbo best butter families.

Some of them are out of tested dams. Address L1P3- OUMB, or Oakland Jersey Fnrra. LuIlnB, TeV OR SALE--A fnll of new and best ij'un rnu ass trnent of new and be: 1. makeof Trupscp, Shoulder Braces Suppor: Bath Av. A Drug-store.

UyDr.J. L.Largi ANTHRACITE--Best coal In the market. L. C. LElTH 10th and Wharf.

Butchers' Tools on ex blbltion at the J. S. BROWN HARDWARE Strand, Galvtston. OR SALE-- IronPlpe, Fittings, Brass Valves, Steam and Hand Pumpaand Injecton, Vises, longs. Jet Pumps, Hose, Belting, Packing, anything In the way of railroad, plantation and mill supplies at bottom figures.

JESSE AST ALL'S West Str trand Iron Works. pYPE WRITER BUPPLIES- JL Full line Papers, Ribbons, eto. CLARKE COURTS, Stationers, Printers and Lithographers. Gnlv'n. KDA BRAND Prepared Fireproof RooBnijT 52 26 per Rquaro complete, for flat or Bleep roots.

Champion Lawn Mower, warranted, cuts hlch grais, easy ruunlng. Price Si 25. tl 75, 25. Seo olroular. Geo.

H. mnn. Importer Cement. Fire BricKs, eto. OLMES' Utility trial Dalanco Book is a long felt want.

Every Bookkeeper IB the sttito should use It Seo largo cdvcrliscmcnt. pHE OALVE3TON WEKKLY NEWals POKCS. 12 for 81 25 per year. Send for samplo copy witn complete premium list, avallablo only to subscribers. Address A.

H. BELO Publishers, Galveston, Tex. NEWSPAPERS at J3 per ICKWatNows Oillco. BUSINESS CARDS. LK.V Livcry'and" Sale' SlaWes; Undortrtkcrs and unt'ral clasn supply of Butulca and Pbnotona, Metallic and Wuodon Burial Cases and t'Asltctn.

Spocial Mtention given to purchase of Horccs am! Mulos Ihrongh our Levy, Hill N. Uroadwny, St. Louis, Mo. Stnhlrs: Clmrch, bet, Trcmont Undorl.ikiiin Uopartmcnt: Wiunii'. tlnlveelon.

jroloubono JE'l YOUR CI101CB MEATS And Country Pork Buusnge nt TUB MODEL MAI1KKT. lonjijnliir on 'Phono I A. McCOiiMlCK- fj i Undortftker nnd Funeral Director, Livery nnd Stable. IMstollleo street, tltweca find IMth. tjiirrlaflen nnd nuKitipH for hire.

Onlem for C.irrlnno:i for Piirllua anil Ilnllif in-niiintly nttended to lit moit- orAtoprlcea. Telephnnn DIRECTOR ri.ifinx.nni all Ifir Art lunln'iilerlof, nt i fl. dnll i iU i i i .1. iini 1 MtiHiorfillil. I'lliintlK'i 1 iu Lcstim i In Ait, nnd P'A'UL I- I i i Strand, licni- Centrr St.

Pollells your orders tin- printing. Rlvon. (ITT, Urnulto, TllfS ViMiItst, Tr-x. jj Voirn njkti i-'v-j H1.IA1VH, Corner Slm-lirt am! 1 Oiiii) Ililvnr I licei hnlnnnti) ir. rtliltyTr'lM Hook, DJEMiciOTsT (ijniisol fTp CONOJSSBUKS AND LOVEKS OP A vlnum do VHw--Having wrunae- roents with Co.

to buuub celebrated Wihw, In nnd bulk, a- clusively iu this nwh tho following Brands: Rteslluc, OntedeL Tramlner, SB- inlllon, Johannlsbert, niesllnx. Snuterne, Zln- fadel, Carbernet, Bavlgnon. Uureimdy, Manem, and their Pores, Sherrys, Angelica. Madeira, Malttgt and Tukay, which reoBlvod tho silyor modal this tho World'ii Contest, Class 7U, Fermented Drinks, Paris Exposition, in order to make room far above goods I will sell nt a Mcrlilca all privan Btucli--Clarets and White WIucl, In cases and bulk, now on OHAS. ROBERTS.

Church and Twenty-second streets. GALVESTOJJ ANDWESTBIIN HAIL; way company having jnst completed a rinmber of carp of much greater capacity thanthum heretofoi-o used, wjjl on aad after Uecembor 0, ISO, deliver earth along ita tracks at the fol- prices: Sniiii, dElivered from small oara, SH SO per car- toaa; wand, uullyerRd from large'cars, $4 25 per corloitrt; island soil, delivered from small cam. 85 tO per earload; Island soil, delivered from large cars, 0.00 per carload. Leave orders at the company's oftlerj, room J0. 3 Balllnger Building, tip-stairs, southwest corner uvonuo and 22d street.

I purchasing wines and liijuors care should be taken to select only eueu goods us aro known to he nure and. wholesome. As we buy for cash uolders'of uefiirable brands aro constantly aeekinsf na. we bve an opportunity to select the cream -tlio murket. A trial solicited.

Wlf. H. SIMPSON, Groceraad Liquor Dealer. B. e.

corner BOtu and Market at. carry a full line of Square und Round TT Base Burners, with and without Teakettle Attachment, Open Grate Stoves, Heaters with Bake Oveae, Box fctoves for wood, large Cannon Stoves for offices, email beaters with two toles to cook on. CHAB. ENGELKE CO. LITTLE HAVANA Bewarel See that the name GOULD CO'.

is on the ticket. No others are original or reliable. 28 and Dec. 5, '89. Price of tlcketa: Wholes, Si: fifths, gL Address J.

D. Sawyer, 123 and 126 Tremont street. Galveston. a floz. Family washing solicited.

oehaBKe the style of our busl- early future, will commenco on to tell at actual cost, for cash only. HORSLE7 BlIROK. DOLLS, as usual, are tho prettiest In the JJ- city, as well as the cheapest. Come see for yourself, at rpHE most practical bookkeeper! in the etate A are nsing Hnlmea' Utility Trial Balance Sea large advertisement. AVE yon any thine to sell? are yon a desire to buy? Have yoa a wish to advertise yonr bnsincaa? Do youwieha servant, cleric orcalesman? Do yon want a position? Do you want to rent Do you want to bay a Do you want to a house? Do yon wish to increase your, trade? Have you rooms and board for rent? von a desire to obtain a partner? Have yon agood business offer to present? The beat medium of snch advertisements Is THE Try its columns and become oMia you.

WEaKLSr NBW8, 12 pafres, columns, for gl 25 per year. Send for sample copy with complete premium list, available only to subscribers. Address A. H. BELO Tex.

0 LD SEWSPAPEHS at J5c. per IOT at KEW3 OFFICE. FIHANCIAL. On Improved or unimproved Texas real estate wituout red tape, delay or bc.ivj- eTpenae. at rates op time to Kiit yon, Addrass, TEXAS LAUD AND LOAN' Galveston, Tex.

LEON. LEVI, General Manaorer. ROWN Austin. Tex. Eetahllshed ItSS.

Loans on land to nny amount. Will dnpbcate most favorable, rates and of any established company In the state. U. T. B.

B. means that BtrLlccepors can materially lessen their labors by usini aolmes' Utility Trial Balance Book. Bee large advertisement. npIDTOALVE'STON WSHKLT XEWS, IS pages, 72 columns, for SI per year. Send for cample copy with, complete -premium list, available only to EubKcrlbers.

Address A. H. BELO Publishers, Galveston, Tox. ETC. EORGE RADANOV1U11, 19th and Broad- Tway--Fisb and oysters, wholesale and retail; country orders filled with promptness anil care.

GRONDONA, fflth and wholesale dealer in Fish and Oysters. Country orders solicited. C. ARLEDGE, Wholesale Dealer in choice Fish and Oyalera. Central Wharf, opposite F.our MlDj, Gftlveston.


O. Box 13. GalTraton, Tex. H. LAMU, Houston, Wholesale Oyster and Fish Dealer.

and. families supplied. Country orders soiipitud and promptly executed. BIAGUy.whoIesale Pish and Orator dealer. Hotels and families fully supplied.

Country orders solicited and promptly executed. Box 13X B. MARSAN A Dealers In FISH AND OY8TEWS. jrders solicited from tho country. 0 LD NEWSPAPERS at 2Sc.

per 100 at NEWa OFFTOB. MATEBIAL. M. stft, Galveston, Texas, wholesale and re- ail dealer in SASH BLINDS, BUILD- iR'S HARDWARE, Mouldings, and balustrade Work, White Lead, KIncs, Colorp, dry and In oil, Pnre Calcutta jlnsecd Oil, Varnishe-i, Brushes, etc. Sole igentfor tho RUBBER PAINT, ready mixed for UPO; best in the world for House, Boat and other use.

PHE OALVESTON WEBKLY NEWS, 13 JL pages, 72 colnmns, for 8125 per year. Kend 'or sample copy with complete premium ilsi, available only to subscribers. Address A. H. BELO Publishers.

Galvpgton. Tox. NEWBI-ArEHS nt per 1000 at Newo TRUNKS. FREE TO ALL. Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS.

Write lo OALVESTON TRUNK FACTORY, "210 and 2215 Market opposite Opera Uoass. TEX. VLUNKVVSl'Ai'EKS a't 5J pcr'ioa) i'lANOS. 'OLK AGENTS lam of tlio only rofil PIANOS. Tim Best 1'lRlion ftiu'J Organs.

Loweat Pdt.t.!l and nfc 0. A ft tiy.cnt tu't. Market tuid MochAnic 8HKAN-' lln.iliir Inili Pipiv 'Iriim Vftlvi'H, Ji.i I'umyf, Htosm JJmut Wvom-llM, lime, J'ui'kiiltf, Ml i'LUMUER ANI) OAUF1TTRB. Slut SSM TnlKpilol Nl'AVSJ ALKSNEN lit oace-A few good man K3 tiJHll ouf Buodo by iirnple to the retail trndV ttie Urgest Unre In, our line In tni world; liberal (alary; permanent partition; moeydvanced for For terms id. Cuitomilal Mtu Chicago, 111., orClccliinatl, O.

TXTANTEI)--Man to will olgarj; TT rlen and paid. Address, with CIUAB COMPANY, 23 Kortb 4th St. IxratB, ETECTIVES--Wo want a muu In every locality upoclal pvivaia detective. Eiper- lence not ronulrod. Partlonlara 8.

DETECTIVE UUREACI. Kansas City, Kan. A -j COAT anil iiahts makeri wanted at COHEN A- MICHAEL'S, TrcmontSt; ANTED--A German man who understands taking care of stock and can make hlrnself caeful on place. 1'nqatfe of M. Dels, aT.

S'A 37. AULED--A single white man" who ie good barber and able tO'Oiien a shop can roafce moncybYadiirmalng T. 3L Innall, Weimar 'ANTBD- Two salesmen, salary or commieiion, 2421 Market, bet. JUtU and g5th. up-atairs.

ANTfiO-ld 000 Booikeepers to use Holmes' Utility Trial Balance Book. -See advertise- in another column. at $i3 per month salary and expenses to Bell a line or eHver-plated ware, watches, by eftmpls only; horse and team rur- of goods free. Staudrd Eliverware Boston, HEU. "WANTED-- and dlahwasheriit once.

Apply at the CENTRAL HOTEL. Market and Mffl. AKTED-A girl for a small family, also SUMO Tor olmdren. H. BROCK, and Center.

ANTED-A Coo'k, by MBS. J. M. BROWN. Cor.

Broadway and 24th. ANTED--A girl to nnrse and do homework. Apply to MRS. ElMAH, Southeast comer if and 87th. AKTED--Woman to cook and do general housework: German or English; German preferred.

Apply to J. J. SOHOTT. 'ANIED-A Reliable cook. to MRS.

BERNBEnr, Ave. I. bet. 18th and luth. 'ANTED--A woman to wasn and iron.

Apply MRS. A. H. WILLIE. ISth end Broadway.

ANTED--Situation by young man who understands bookkeeping. Address box oSlce. CEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS- ORIGINAL LITTLETOUSIANA COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. $5750 for 25 cents. for SO cents.

Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal discounts. Address SIM HART, Sau Antoulo, Texas. rK15 DEXVER STATE LOTTERY CO. wants agents.

Tickets 5U 3 A. O. BOSS CO, Denver. CpL A OENTS write forlllnstrateil circular terms weeks trial of MlMonriWr.sber. Washes dirtiobt clotbes clean by hot steam vrithcmtmb- bing.

St. Lonis. Mo. Gord Theatrical Troripo to play 3 nitjbts 'week, liugJ gJtietB for coBipnny Lt Itocfcdale, opera-bouse. alurnlshed cottage for man end wife.

Quod references. Address box thin office; pnrcbase for cash a small Grocery or News, Boot and Stationery or any otber small bnsluos Jn aouthern or middle Texas. Address Box V6, Brenham, Tex. 'AXTED--Purchiiser8 for state and county rights of patented combination plow, combining plow, cultivator and side harrow. For particulars address A.

U. BEHLlSff, Attorney at Law. Omee over Florence Katlonal bank, Florence, Ala. i. VERYONE netdinsr cheap and practical band and aetf-inkiug stamps to wud trial order to W.

IL LISBMtYTOalvcston. IGHEST CASH PRICE raid for OLD GOLD and SILVER and mntflated coin. M. W. BHAW corner Tremont and Market.street*.


Sew York. To La-wycra. Land Agents and Ownore, and the People of Texas: I reside la New York, after having lived and practiced law for fifteen years in Austin. liave special Milltlea Texas private corporation oonds and stocks negotiated. If you want anything handled in New-York me fully to above address.




KLCBERO. Offlcc, 51 Strand. TAMES B. CHAKLE3 J. STUBBS- Attorncyi and Counselors at Law.

Twenty-second st, between Mechanic and Strand, Galveston. Tex. WALTEII Ontsii.iu. SAJI'L JONES, Attorneys and Counsolors at Law, Oalveaton, Texas. ILL1E, MOTT EAULIKGER, Altornoys nnd Connsolora at Law, Corner Postoulco and 2wd Streets, OALVESTON TEXAS.

KAWFORD CRAWFORD, Attorneys at Law, 733 MiHnTtreet, DALLAS, 1 TF.XAS 1N A CE '-KT YOUR ACCIDENT 1 FROM C. I A AOE, la 3SSURAMCE CO, OF Jli'llTFOHD. nn annr.W Tbttmio Ui til ihe ll.iolit Lot two-rtory honw and catt Jolniog, OB PH, but. art ai J71b, atsn H. M.

TOWEHgAat A CO, B. WALL1S, REAL EriTATB AGENT NOTAHY PUBLIC, TEX. tJOR 1 i. e. cor.icth und Urge and.

dwelling, SUOO. Ixt a. B. Jf, bet. and Hth, with nice cot.

tngo mid outbull4Ingi, tlMi. Lot rfo. 5 and Z-story house, w. o. and sub.

J1KO- 17S faff, by 105 teet ot a. e. block, ontlot 6S, iv. bet. 31th and a bargaik JAMES S.

MONTGOJiERY, Jstaia Agent. 'OHN B. VINSON, SucccsEor to the lute Jndgo W. Viuaon. BEAL ESTATE AND LAND DEALER.

Agent for the Reserve Fund Life Association of Nsir Bronham, Tux. ummpsovea lanas in eottntles. Lotus aetcollatad. abatracts titlea furnished and taxes- paid at minimum charge. Qorreapoadanoe solicited.

TpINE FARM" FOR KO acres, 3H miles east of Waoldtr, on Pdch creok, auo rioh valley laud, KH In high state of cultivation, the balance in all in- closed in good rail and wire fences; 1 dweilicK and tenant houses, all occupied; wood ana water pleaty; all fine land, has isldcd over lm hjles of coiton this, year. Terms, $10 per 82030 down, balance in 1 and 2 years, wftli interest atSpwcimt, vender's lien retained; UHacrei adjoining tills land recently sold fnr and has alace changed hands ot SiO ptr Apply to or address T. II Waelder, TQX. QHEAP LOTS--A jubttanttal Christmas gift. For JSyoa can bny each of your rhlldrea a cbolsolot in Pine Island Pine LuauuCttyis loccted on tho propjsea Hoe of the Aransoi Paaa R.

tboutSO miles east of Houston. This offer is g03d onlv to January 1. 1630; 1035 lots have been sold in this nswtowa np to date. If you desire to avail yourself of. this opportunity call at cu JOHN A.

CAPLEN, TTventieth next to BQQP.Q Johnson. "POP. lot and two-story A ntsr neiv custom house; one lot and JWyen- room cottage opnosite Harmony ha'l; Idtj in west end near the factories at FOR REST--Nice Itro-story house S. W. cor.

13lh and Mechanic; cottacst," bat. 2b and 19, bat. Oij and and 23; S3. bet. OM aid aiaiul 27.

W. B. WALLIS. A few half blocks nurth of olij track of Narrow Gauge railroad snd east of 43d siroet, hold- inf; heretofore at S1200; am now oliiirinK at Sla) cash each for a short time only. O.

A. MCTER. TXi ISV-ESTOHS-Laudsin Coun- JL ty for Stile: A choice trMt frnnttRE on Cnivc'-ton oaly nine miles from th: cltj. A croice of 75 acres on tho Bolivar A beautiful farm and 300 or more acres, at the mouth of Clear Creek. Two cliolco tracts fronting on Oalveston Bar.

165aid2J3acres: -By 1 Uje I-gtoScn. I LO'l'W in and adjoinlui? the tcwp of For termt, particulars saaja call on or iif dress C. DART, A LIMITED amount of Texas lands for at epeoulative prices. TEXA9 LAND AND LOSN CO, Strand and 23d. Leo N.

Manager. SALE--Sundry property, for residence J- or business purposes, yet at former low Now la the time to secure bargains O. A. MtYErt OALVESTON WEEKLY NEWS. lf Jt pages, 72 columns, for SI 25 per year.

Send for Minnie copy with complete premium lilt available only to subscribers. Address A. H. BELO cfc Publishers, Oalvcston, Tex LD NEWSPAPERS at $2 per 1000 at Xewl umce. 'OR REHT--TB o-story houses: Poatofflce.

bet, llth and Kth, Mechanic, net. 13th! and Hth, S20: cor. 10th and 0, $15: tic-vt cor. 5(th and J53; Winnie, bet. and 23d.

Trinity church, $30; cor. Z7th and aid. Cottages: 2Sth, bet. and Pi. J10; Ibttt and ISth, $18: Winnie, bet.

32d and S3d, JAMES S. MOXTIJO.MERY'. H)R RENT- William B. Johnson has for -atory: bet. 21st aad 22d, $35: ffand Hth, and iTemont, Postofflce and 820; between Thirl Thirty-eighth.

$8. REN T-- Tremont bet, H. and S8th bet. P. 0.

and Church -15 P. O. B't. bet 18 19 bst. I'M 4 Cottages: PH 29 29 st, bet PM Wrnnle A Treroont G.

A. ME TTion dostrable store, core- 224 1. and roUofflce. S5Q. Small store-near for.

Market and 22d, Sl5. JAMES S. MONTOO.MERY. RENT--Lower floor of 3-story brick JL bouse on Avenue newly repairedj'a two-story on Mechanic, hctween Uth and 12ttt streets, WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Temporary Administrator Kstato J.

S. Mitchell. I7OR RENT-After Jan 1 Jt Dwelling now occupied by Mrs. I. C.

Levy, north sido street, betweon Tweutv-flrsi and Twenty-second stroets. GIKARD1N, at BCON, Ko Detweon Aweuty-flm IB. Aptly to J'JLKS inteon Co'fl, Stjfand. R. B.

GAHNETT. Cbiirch and Tramont, 'OR REST Two-ftcry Dwelllss corset Center and Church. T11O3. QOOOAN BRO. 'OR RENT--Furnished cottage, dee-rably located; root low to sood tenant.

BOX COR room cottrnje on Wih st. nndavu. AUSTIN 81 strecf. RK'XT-H, bet. Oth 1Mb, newly u' i'd collect); rent Apply to A.

B. n. e. eor 10th and Church. VARIETY" of cotuses, ST to Mcro grour.ds 33 (6 a lot.

Selling enrno to 3400. SAM MAAS, comer and ilatsi. 1 I NEWSPAPERS at 2Sc. per 100 nt NEWS OFFICR. 1IOOM8 AND DOABlS i' PLK A 11 SI) A 1 A NT fioiiio in a privnlo rrrilied fninily: cotir.ectln^ rooni.i, and all niodorn I TiQIl HENT--i uufvlrciiihcd soiah rooiun.vrith cnitoH, bath, fpnveniont to street Aililre.

1 thh otnee. I 1 Ave. and Slot nt. 1 7OirilESt--Four deslr'aHc or'urnlslicd. on Vf ry S'o.

VUinlu, Iwt, lath and liHh i Kal'mMo "Kt ijuepr wo i li'iuM wvM iXilii. nc.rtu 1 i i a i i with iicftrd i'M.

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