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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 15

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE 'DAILY NEWS, FJIIDAY. DliC'EJUJJEU W. HOaSTON AMD TEXAS CEHTRALR'Y Tho All Stool Hull l.luo. triUus imvh ll.V.vr-'i.Ii St. Tl.i.!.-.

4. Sail l.N, llronlmm. 12,07 p.m. Til's Arrive. Arrive.

O.W ti. lu tUtf u. in 5. Ill a. 30 a.

in a. (U6a. u. in MOp. 0.23 p.

iu 7.23 a. Ill .1. II. Ticket Awnt, liiilvcstoil. A.

Hon. Agent, Houston. SANTA FE ROUTE, Gulf, Colorado Santa Fe Ry. L. El.

I Ex. TIME CAKI1.I---iior.thwnrd-- Nov. SS, 18S9. K. City St.

L. STATIONS. I I En. I li.U)em|lvGBlYOStonar|lCUi5pm| i lt.80 pnill.ii fi.4Gpnv arPerls Iv 00pml lnrSt. 5.0} am ThroiiEli Pnllman Palnce Buffet on Kansas City Kxprcms trains.

OiLVMTOM ATO HOUStOW Lv. Oal Ar. Ar. Hoqfton, Central am Lv. Houston, i Central am C.t 8.F,deiHH.W sm Ar.

3.15 pm pm 5,16 pm 8.35 om 6.30 pm 8.60 pm am 100pm T.Uipm 110.35 om CARK. M.KAt'MANN, O.P.endT.A. Union Ticket Asjeat. Phone 133. TIME BETWEEN Trains JvettolL, J.10 AimTON ANO I Hear 40 Hfntes.

or ajOeai tnt depot. LT Htranon, loo pm 4JIKB 9.05 am LU p.m MO am J. BTAN8 tsss 145pm 5.60am FE1DAY, DECKMBEU 13, 18U "I ix." sild a wi-11-koown railroad man 1hn KEWK rsportsr yesterday, "Uiat of GalTnton an anxious to have the Houston and Yexti Centra! road oat of Houston nuMt ttit and Qraat Northern kalf way In giving a oon- Bvction at Houston with its early train, oat of the ons leaving hsn at 4 ru. "From article nnon subject pub- liihcil in THE Ntws few days ago tho iu- fmocc was drawn by some that there was very necessity iin of In- and Great Northern for running train out of Galvaston. bucTi, l.uwever, is not the CM.

This train makes number of important connections at Houston, among them being a connection Tith the Southern Pacific going east, With the Galrcston, Harrisburg and San Antonio goiny; west, with the Houston and West Texan and the Antonio and 1'iiKs. Thus connections are made with riearly every road at Houston except the Central, and I don't wonder that the traveling public are somewhat captious concerning this lack of enterprise on tho part of the Houston and Texes Central, which is generally a very enterprising road In always looking to convenience of all iU patrons." At the Tremont. Frank Jones appeared again last night at the Tromout in Si Perkins. The bad weather prevented a very good house at either the matinee or evening performance, the latter closing the Galvcston engagement of tiiin company. Tho attraction to-night and for the remainder of tho week will Hettie Bernard CbasL, spi-aking of whom the Detroit Free.

I'rpss Hettiu Bernard Chnse Is to Detroit, but her work as the Coquette lost night created a most favorable impression. She entered into the comic spirit of the part with buoyancy and relish that the audience did not fail to appreciate, while iu the most serious scenes she manifested A power that few soubrette artists possess. In fact her whole work stamped her as a thorough artist, and one whom Detroit au will always be glad to welcome. AT HABMONY HALL. EntArtalnment luy lvalue of the FroKbytorlau Church.

With a hum of volcfla, puUoi of foet, clutter of (lishfji uuil neiHnil Houndb of mirth ivxv-lry UHJ Prcybytoriiui church ouUir- i i i Llrtnuotty ball iHUcmi iu Tho imtertninuiunl; ia lutorcst of tho I-mUtti' Aid Hookty ot th? cLm-ch In question, all of whom took nctivo bund in to a KUtlnfitcUJi'y 'by Indlesof the church have achieved (juito roputaiion for successfully conducting itiillnr affairs In thopnst, uml to lio eucccss- iilly successful has 'wea tlio dorniuuut de- iro of ouch and all. Everything in tho hall yesterday wascou- ucivo to onjoymont. There was, iu way, music In tho ulr--not from Gilmoro 8 baud cultivated cantatrices, but uiusio of a iniquo and original order, it e.imo in varl- minor and major keya from persuasive ominiuo throats, tbo owners of which fairy shook tho air with their vigorous impor- unities. Thorn wero all klii-sot girls ply- UK thulr assigned tasks--some frill. BOIUO liort, somo fair and some dark, but uni- n'uily pretty nud persuasive.

Considering iis it was no wonder that sales wero rapid ud'profits large and pocketbooks sadly do- lotod. Tho morning hours were ('evoteil princi- illy to eating aud walking, and the even- hours to buying, selling anil a great enl of talking. The exercises of the van lag session wero poned by Leo Hugh la a very good reclta- After this came tho cantata, Tbe Llttlo Gypsy, which proved ono the drawing arils of the evening. The principal partlc- pante in the contaU were Alex Shannon. nd Misses bottle Shannon and Mary Sanal.

Miss Bettie Shannon then recited in a ery sweet voice Tennlsou's ballad, Lady Clare. The various tables la the room were ar- anged as tollows: Fancy work table, presided over by Mes- Ziegler, Wallis, Ball. Hawley, asslst- by Misses Hoot, Jones, Scrimgeour, UadlDB Mrs. Austin and Aiken. Tbe Little Busy Bees' table, presided over br Miss Mary Walker, assisted by Misses isile Kotchum.

Mattie White and Mary colt. First xetnsbment table, presided over by ra. 8-aimon, aaibited by Misses Fisher, mitb. Bauldins, DallrBell, Cbloe and dti Cameron. Second refreshment department, presided ver by Mrs.

Heiskell, hesisted by Misses lancock. Wells, Dubose, Mrs. Boss, Half- master. Beading, Ferrimau, Mrs. Nash and in.

Uresham. The fancy work department wae exquisite all of its apnotntmeoU, tbe articles bong displayed In a verv tempting manner. the strikinc features of the fair were tbe "crack shop 1 and famous "Jack lornsr pies," the latter being on the market nly a few before they all con- timed. It was generally agreed last night that the ntarttinmtnt was perfectly satisfactory to all. and the ladles of tbe church were accorded much praise for their eklllful work steering the affair safely through all Insncial shoals.

ULXA8ED OX BOND. 'ercueon Qives a t3OOO Bond to Appear and Answer Indictments Acainst Him. C. M. Vergiuoo, the well-known colored olitioian, formerly district clerk in Fort tend eoontv.

bat now elalmiug Tennessee hit auction of whose sorwnder- ng to the ahsrlff was In TBtNcWB yeeterdsy, b-e been releaeed on bond. Fersaaon was of colored men who cliimsto have been forcibly driven out of fort Bend scanty, in consequence of which be has brouant salt In the United States court in this city against a 1-rxe number of cltlaew of Fort Bend county for heavy These bave been continued ill! next term of the Oalveaton court. in meantime grand jury of Fort Bead comity has been catting after Ferga- SOG. They fcud tbreeUidictments against one bolcz an accessory to iha murder "of J. M.

Sbamblin. another for coa- spirarf end attempt to murder Frost, and the other fcr fatting district clerk to make report ami tarn over some money ool- ected by him as jury fees for the me of tbe county. Ferguson claims tbnt these charges are up against him to defeat.hia prosecution of the civil action for damages- His ounael say that there is but one name np- oa the indictment charging him with being an accessory to the murder of Sbamblin, ind that is the name of a colored justice of he peace of Fort Bend county. J. Davenport, recently convicted in this city of bur- When Ferguson heard of these Indict- menU iteaiuat that he would captured and taken back to Fort Bend county, be came Immediately to Galvestou and surrendered himself to Sheriff Tiernan.

Judge Burkhart of the Twenty-third judicial district was appealed to on writ of labeas corpus, and at Rosenberp, in Fort Bend county, he beard the wrltandcranted fixing Ferguson's bond at JSOWVwkJcb. was given yesterday evening and the prisoner released. Ferguson waived bis per- ional presence at tho habeas corpus hcar- ng, not desiring to get in such close prox- mitv to Richmond. When tho casa.comes up he Vf ill apply for a change of venue. Latest Arrivals, Olourancos and Departure at Port.

K' vY Petitioning: Conoreiis. Petitions are beins circulated in every county throughout the eastern district of Tcxits for federal court jurisdiction, asking that Juilee Sabin, the judge of this district, be retired on full pay for the balance of his natural life. These petitions are meeting with universal Indorsement. Judge Sable has for some months pubt been an invalid and will probably never again bo able to re- sumo his duties on tho bench. Personally ho hns no cognizance of this movement which is being forwarded by bis friends, and they think with hopes of success.

Upon tho subject of Judge Sabin'e successor, th bar of is pretty generally nnltci in favor of lulge Burnett of Palestine. In on a Special. Mrs. T. n.

Bonner, wifo of Receiver Bon ACT of the International and Great North ern, and Miss Mattie Bonner, his niece, Mi McBrido, danzhur of W. T. McBride Tyler, Superintendent Parks, superintend tnt of the telegraph lines of Interns tioual and Grsat Northern road; Colonel J. Kay, train master, High Private Re of tho International and Grea Northern ticket office at Houston, and Mr Mcltride came tn ycst-crday on a specia coach of the International an'd Great North from Houston and after spending tbi day tn the city isft in tho evening over th International and Gnat Northern. Association.

Minervn amoelatior. la preparing ttttattMuraftnl to the! i i merabsn dorln holidays. will be a Chrlst- tr. aor'y in th rrawindsr of th I wxl to older people. c.i_nn!ttf_ baf ing Us 1 HuiriM cunslrt.1 Oraetzmacher, GosAmuod- r.

acj-ii THE COTJBT8. Halted State. Court. JUDGE ALECK BOATWIAX, Presiding. Admiralty: C.

T. Joseph vi. steam tug Sadie and Alice; continued by consent. Minnie K. Stroble et vs.

Gulf, Colorado and Scnta Fa Railway company; continued. John F. Lascb vs. Southern Pacific company; postponed till Friday of next week. Farmere' Loan and Trust company vs.

Texas Western Railway company; by order of parties the bond of Geo. C. Reeves, late receiver, was ordered canceled an' 1 his sureties discharged. Mr. J.

Z. S. Scott appeared andpresented tbe resolutions adopted by tbe Galveston bar upon the death of Colonel Geo. Flournoy, accompanying them with a neat ad dress, which, wftb the resolutions, was ordered spread upon the minutes, whereupon court adjourned out of respect to Colonel Flournoy's memory. The Garm-- n.

Society has been unusually active so far this season, and has been kept continually on tho go with social events following in rapid succession one after the other. None of these have been more brilliant or enjoyable than the gcrman given last ulght at the residence of Mr. Thomas Gogean, by hie charming daughter, Miss Anna Goggau, complimentary to Misa Williams, a lady of Fort Worth society who has besr. viiitine her during the past two weeks. In tbe duties of hostess Miss Goggan was ably sMisted by Mrs.

John Goggan. The large double parlors were thrown open for dane-'og, nod under a brilliant illumination the baudsomo toiieta of the ladles, as they glided through tluj Bguros of thegerman made a picture of rare beauty ana lovell ness. All of the visiting belles of othei cities now visiting Galveston greced tbe occasion with their presence, amongwhom besides Miss Williams, were Miss Hloe Houston, Thomas of Dallas, Nash of Sher man, Bodkins of Mai-shall, and Belo Dallas. Among the Galveston ladtei present were Misses Hawloy, Mott Gresham, fell man, G. Mcbeinore, Walker Willis, Ward, Ayrca, Moody, B.

Campbell Cunniugbsm, N. Hertford, L. Hertford Stubbs, Wilson. Blsgge. Ryrne, Beers Shields, Mrs.

nnd Mrs. John Got dim 1 he Kent lumen ssnt. rir.Mei Mocslng, Williams. ClogK. E.

Wnl Us, Klcg Walils, lirolhernnn D. B. Settle, VIdor. Elchlitz, Wll Kntches, Frank Hutches, Stul.liH. gers, Bealf Hut' hi Dr.

TjOcktaart, Mm'giiTi, 1ST OF VESSIU.S 1'OK I NEW vouiv. U. Spear. Fnrr ColoruUu, AlKlom, Mason SB Hun Uurrowd Loona, Hlt Ciralldo, Cuunu'r jnC'onml, IMIll.AlllCl.l'UIA. Icll U.hvln A.

Gnskell. rh iluury Mairoo. ch Kloruuco J. Allun, Dunton LIV'EIU'OOL. Irltleh sa Scottish I'rluoo ss iJontulu, Uaiiipboll KWAHSKA- Irltlsh ss Orbo, irwhiouess, IIUBNOS AITUUS.

iritiith us Man eld Nov. ilO aid buc. 5 slil Pec. 6 Diio. 7 to (Kill Deo.

10 to 12 I i Nov. 27 cldlJl'O. 'J Bid Nov. S3 BM Dec. 7 ld Deo.

sldDeoQ British ss Asiatic Prluco. ANTWKHl'. irllishssGlnnystwyth LIST OP VESSELS IN PORT. KtrnN'S WHAUF. British hkt E.

S. Hucktm, Ilockon, lOEdi liiticic wiiiitr. Sch H. G. Cottroll, Ilaakoll, oloarod.

NBff VfllAniP. British ss Avonmore, Shaw, British iritlBU sa AVUUUlura, QUKW. IUHULUU. Irltlsh SF Tresco, Barber, loadinK. Irltlsh ss Sutton, loading.

Iritlsh Croskery, loading. British bk Thetis. Leoasrd, loading. British ss Noto, Uhartwlck, OUT8IDB AHOHOR1.OE. British ss Victoria, Harrison, loading.

British ss DrlfHold, Goundry, loading. Bnanlsh BS Boriiiquen, Z. de Is Cruz, cleared. British but Ocean Spray, Pearne, cleared. Bonj.

H. Ohurou, Kulley. British BS Trouta, SuUivtin. MARINE NOTES. TBU3 OF INTEI1D3T PICKED UP ALOSO THB TROUT.

Tbe schooner Margaret arrived yesterday from Trinity and is made fast to Central barf. Tbe sloop Viola MoBride master, ar- ived yesterday and is berthed at Central wbarf. The British steamship Tronta, Sullivan master, arrived outside yesterday from Liverpool. The schooner Mary Ann, after taking in trelKht at New wharf, sailed yesterday for he Brazos. The idhooner Bunny South came in yesterday from Trinity and is berthed at Can- mi wharf.

Tbe sloop Katie Darling came tn eeter- day from thb Trinity and Is berthed at Genre! wbarf. Tbe schooner Foam arrived yeeterdey Torn the Trinity and is made fast to Central wbarf. echooner Mlaerva arrived yesterday ram Trinity and discharging her cargo at Central wbarf. The schooner James A. Garfleld arrived resterdar from Trinity and dlacharg- The schooner Lotta errived yesterday from Trinity and disohatirlng her cargo at Ctntral wharf.

Tbe schooner Clara. Anderson master, arrived yeeUrday from San Jacinto and berthed Lab-die's wharf. steamship Lsmpasat, CVowell master, sailed yeiterday for New York with a carco of S1TI bales of cotton. The steamship Whitney, Morgan master, arrived yesterday fromVera Crniond sailed tho evening for Bnahear. The schooner Tidal Wave yesterday tta- jshed discharging cargo of bricl: at whnrf and sailed for Cedar bayuu.

The schooner Flora Smith muter, arrived yesterday from Ban Jacioto and is her at Lufkin's wharf; The schooner Colombo, McGee master, arrived yesterday from San Jacinto and is liscnarging her cargo at Labadie's wharf. The schooner Mermaid, Casey master, after discharging a carco of brick at Labadie's wharf, sailed yesterday for Cedar bayou. Colonel Doyle, superintendent of Galveston Wharf company, busily engaged yesterday with a gang of workmen xtricating tho dump cars from the water at tbe west end of New wharf, where they were thrown by tbo giving way of tbe tres- 10 Wednesday. Tbe tnj; Louise came down yesterday rom Clinton with tbe barges Swan, Dixie, Vesta, Beaver and George iu tow, loaded iritb cotton and oil cake consigned to the ollotvinp: Swan--613 bales for the steam- jhio Noto. Dixie--100 bales for the steamship Tronta, 92 bales for the steamship Wal- achia, SCO bales for the stcamsbip Driftield.

Vests--89 bales for the steamship Waila- chla, 500 bales for tbe steamship Tresco, Seaver--869 sacks of oil cake for the National Oil company. George--8fi9 sacks of 011 cake for the National Oil Total receipts for day, 1633 bales of cotton and 173S sacks of oil cake. UTXUB LOCALS. The commission of Mr. B.

E. nanney as assistant United States district attorney for tho Eastern district arrived yesterday and was forwarded to him by Mr. Wilson. There was only one case disposed of in the district court yesterday, that of William H. Sinclair vs.

Charles Dalian et for damages. It was dismissed for want of prosecution. Tbe committees having in charge the Da- Tls memorial services desire to return their thanks to Mr. J. H.

Stoner for the beautiful casket so kindly loaned by him for use on tbe catafalque. The agent of the Christian Moerleln Brewing company of Cincinnati. complimented THE NEWS office yesterday with a keg of the now beer which, is just being introduced upon the market here, Mr. W. amateur artist of this city, exhibited at THE NEWS office yesterday a very artistically executed crayon drawing from a photograph, lid says this Is his second attempt, and it certainly reflects credit apon bis talent.

TnB NEWS has received from Dr. E. P. Daviss of Houston an elegant lithograph picture of ex-President Jefferson Uavia, and hereby acknowledges IU thanks. The picture represents tbe old warrior and statesman just as he looked before he was taken with his final Illness.

PERSONAL. J. K. liurnus IH Troui Uoubton. L.

Is 111 thy city from Wuco. It. Jlarloy In a visitor from Buonosvillo, Ind. J. Iv of ift.

l.ouiH is visiting th(i clly. K. Uoyd is rotfiHttM-ed here from Ntnv York. of illchuiunU la In th? city. H.

P. CrOoy C- (Auuoron, is in the Davo Uowe and Kimcr Best aro horo from Denver. W. A. Uedillil camo down from Houston yesterday.

H. M. Kandall was registered from yesturday. J. KaiiiK of Toiuplo, was iu tho city yesterday.

II. G. Scuddor of VorU city reached Galveston yesterday. Thomas A. Dailey was among yesterday's visitors from Chicago.

P. J. arrived in tho city from lOuisvlile. yesterday. S.

W. Kaiikin of Corpus Christ! was a visitor to the city yesterday. William V. Whltnoy was registered ia city from Dallas yesterday. Judge Hickoy, county judge of Bend county, was In tho city yesterday.

G. U. Gunderman was registered in tbe city yesterday from Gainesville, Ga. B. F.

Yoalcum, A. G. Coopor and L. J. Polk wore In thu city yesterday from San Antonio.

Mr. A. H. Duffy, postmaster at Matagpr- da, la In the city and paid Tim NEWS office a visit yesterday. R.

M. Brown, a prominent lawyer of Wharton, accompanied by his wife, spent iu tbe city. Mr. Ed Greenwall arrived in the city yes- erday from New Orleans. He will remain tho city a few days and then go to Dallas.

F. Martin of the Memphis Avalanche In the city and paid TnK NEWS a pleasant call yesterday. Mr. Martin has beon traveling in, this country and Mexico since une. Salvation Oil is a speedy and permanent cure It extirpates the cause.

Nenr York city Is America's metropolis; her prido is Dr. Bull's Coozh Syrup at Hi oA. "BE SURE TO KEEP TO THE RIGHT." "About throe years ago I was troubled with poison iu my blood, very irritating and palnlul boils breaking out all over my body. For two yenrs 1 suffered with them, trying all sorts of remedies, and doctors' prescriptions without avail. Becoming disgusted with doctors, and medicines had used up to this time, I concluded to try S.

S. S. and the result was tar beyond my expectations. A few bottles left me in better health than I had since childhood. I consider S.

S. 3. the only medicine that will thoroughly purify poisoned blood." T. K. MArFIELD, Horse Cove, Ky.

Dr. II. C. Edmunds of Elberton, writes: "A very peculiar and strange case of blood poison oarue under my attention a short time ago. A gentleman came here from Athena, whore ho had been bitten on the hand by a vicious mule that ho was break- Ing to work.

The hand was in a horrible condition, and the Inflammation was rapidly extending throughout hia entire system. Every knuckle ou Lis bund was an ulcer that was deep and sloughing. He stated to me that ho had consulted several physicians, and taken their medicines without deriving any benefit. I gave him a course of Swift's Spocitlo (S. S.

and in few days he reported to me a marked improvement, and iu one week from the time he commenced taking S. S. 8. the hand was baaled and the poison entirely eradicated from his system. It is my opinion that ho would have lost his life bad it not been for the health-giving properties contained in Swift's Specific.

He frankly admits himself that S. S. S. did the work." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, On.

Kd. Rogers, Bealf Hut' hinge. W. A. Dr.

TjOcktaart, J. C. Gon- Ealss, M. Jlsuo. 1)1.

Llpfcomb, J. Mo- oagh, Dexter Fulron, Mt- inc, Black, Or. Fly, Kir.b, Cu PattersoB, Brin.mRn. T.owe and others.

I i tie moit highly enjoynWo I aoclal eretita of thfi ncaon. thoo Trlli 'voic a reeol- a of it Clear Case of Destitution. GALVESTOX, Dec. THE NEWS; In your Sunday's Issue you mention tho case of a man turned Swaaey, who lives on Thir- in tbe alley between Church and Winnie. I would beg to state that I have visited this family, and find tt.e man hopelessly ill.

and no chance of recovery here, with a wife and four small children, no means whatever of support, nor any prospects ahead, and I must truly say that it is nothing but a clear coso of destitution, overly and sickness, which calls for tbe assistance of tbe charitably disposed people of this city, who may Investigate for themselves. Yours respectfully, A CITIZEM. I. S. I have a small list In circulation, hut have not time to attend to it.

If Tim Nxws would receive subscriptions for this family Itwor.ld bo doing good thing. THE NEWS wll! recilve in this bubiuf. and sje they ate properly he- StOWM. Th3 Pair. The Catholic fat: Is still progressing under favorable Th( bad weather yesterday atteadanca being AS usual.

The rariout contents will be continued Satrnlay etislng when will elnoe. cn do litHe wlhauk diacreKorf OLSWORK HARDEST ise folks 1S of scouring soap used fo 4ng papooses--Gfocers keepi Orooen often clu-p-r food. IAYOLIO to a beMer wottt. joet w-at FOB ordarod. bMk nth snxrocwc ikion.a-_aL»a-'«i movr AIJ.IIV WOOI.

OBOWEB8 To Hold Snt Annual XxtUw in Qal-aston Next national convention of wool growers, held at D. ad- iouroed to meet at Galvcston the second Wednesday in Jnne, 1890. An arrangement is bslng to have the Texas StaU association meet at tho same time. The National association was given an assurance that they would be well received and entertained at Galveiton, an assurance that was superfluous, and Galveston never does anything half way when it comes to entertaining strangers. Confederate Home Contributions.

An error wan made in yesterday's NEWS in specifying that the two 10 contributions were both from ex-confederate soldiery. One only was an ex-confederate-- Mr. Wiley Thompiion of Husk, who contributed the 110 gold piece, while Mr. Gun Higby of Sabine Pass, who contributed 10 in currency, Is ex-fodural. It Is exceedingly appropriate that these two gentlemen should Bead the list of contributors to a home for confederate soldiers.

Other contributions will be acknowledged in these columns as tendered from day to day. Y. II. O. A.

Lecture. Rev. F. von Schleumbach will lecture at rooms of the Young Men's Christian association this evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Bis will be, Infidelity and Christianity and Their to Toung Men.

There' will be good vocal and instrnm.atal moslc and the lecture will be followed by the regular class drill in the gymnasium. Tha entertainment will be for both ladias and gsntlimen and no admission will be charged. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TasU Our Bonos. The Food company of New York 4nviu tba public to their calibrated French soupi, wLlcb they will warm un and serve at Itisgructry store of Peter Gengler, ar.d 2W7 Murktt to-day and Frlda.ylJtoemljer 12 and 13 from a to 5 p.

Tliue are the served on the Pullman cars, and are put up In cans ready to rsriulrc bt.Uuic. B. O. Hodares, BC. D.

Practice limited to of the eye. ear, nose and throat. Office: Freybe building. Postofnce and Truraont. At Justus Ztbn's SUCCXMOT to Hose Zabn, the best cabttut photos arc llll 12 CO per dozen.

Huyler's Candles. Just received a frcnb lot or Hnylcr's fino mixed candy and late, Winturgreen and 1'oppermint Creams, Pastlloa and Italia Mintn. JAB. 11. FonRES, -WK Market street.

Try the Frsncli soupi at PETER THE DALLAS ELEVATOR CO Tbe Great Equalizer of Your Interest Is Our Interest. STORE YOUR GRAIN AND SAVE 25 TO 50c. PER BUSHEL We offer special Inducements for storing grain of all kinds. One ar.ft ono-half cents bushel for the flra thlrtr dan or iiart thereof, one-half ctnt iior hnshtl for csch fifteen days or part tneroof. one cent per banliol for clipping oats.

Itccalpts Issued on cluelficatiom and We have la store larco oonalanmenU of Corn, Qntii and Wheat of all grades for sale at market prices, and soltolt the custom of (ho public at largfj. THE BANKS WILL A A HONEV ON WAREHOUSE KKCF.H'TS AT CUB- KENT SATE OF INTEREST. Insurance very low. Interests of the patrons of the Elevator ill be stdcti? Oraln stored with commands the hlKbost prko, as wo sre Incoasunt commqnlcstiou with all the nmrltets of tho countrr. No charge for buying.

Mlilnu or giving Information. All and olassISed under tho tnpervlilon of ilerchants' Exchan.o if desired. f. COCKRELL, President and Genera! Manager Dallas Elevator Company, Dallas. Tex.

CLENNY VIOLETT, 197 0RAVIER NEW ORLEANS, LA. Sellers of Spot and F. 0. B. Cotton, and Brokers in Future Contracts Grain and Provisions in New York, Chicago and Ht.

Louis. rXT A.S Davo; you seen tho Wonderful Talking Machine, Edison's now on ex- hlbitron, northwest corner Twonty.sw.ond and Fostoflice streets. Admission osnu. Christmas Calces. 1000 pounds now on hand.

Call and leave your orders for Christ- and New Year Ireforo It Is too late. JA II. FortliES, 2109 Market street. JOS. V.

Etenclls, rubber stamps, Mais for lodges and corporations, corner Btrand and Tremont strssts. FOR eArbnnc'w, old norns, tUrn, Drifht's cormtl- nstlon, Dr. Thurmond'c ijtar SiltKii Syrrip. A cura. Man.

OviKrsvn.LB, Tho North Taxas finished labors this (Tuning and adjAvrncd. to si tht ateond Mor.i".«y in next Jars. Wlsaln-- fiaotfcldff Sjmp JOT la.H TEX. For the Innni'itlorj In Christian Bclonca tijfU Mrs, Marr U. HUdy In her hook, and tan be for toacninv (it ttnypiitt of 'I'liis vnry atu criiiJioyetJ.

I'fttJLnU trcnU'l 'thSttntly, forfoH s-'Mrtii LADD M. WATERS, C. H. Tii. Afl Christian Set- OONT TEETH IN TIIF, nOT.DRN AOE OF OIBI.IIOOD Prfxnrro liftftlltv of the Mcth with tlOZODOMT, thfili, when hair Is sllvorod an.l the oros dimmed with yearn, llii- mouth will Btlll re- two tijws of no milloU ivurr.

SOZODONT Is preparation, nnd has a refrcihlnx upon tho mouth. UcpulKlvo Ilre-tb. ultlDg from or me of tobacco and llanon. li oomplnutly Ddiitrallzeil br aie of fioiodont. It rnmoves dhcoloratton, lm- parts Klltterlnit whttanftw to the and ul the teeth slble.

CHOICE SEED RYE, Red Rust Proof Oats nnrt All Kinds of Feail, Etc. Ue.NUI.EV IIUII.UINO, Btrantl. bet. Kith nrr! alst. OALVKSTOS, T.

L. CROSS 8-tg CtaDulcrs, Maiiufaclnrers' A.ciits AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 58 A STREET, Huve In alook ft afHortnicnt of pooils la our lino. Including Ilcot nnd I'nrk, which Hroars offering low to the trado and to consumers. MILL Hi ELEVATOR McKJNNET.

of (lorn Jfof.1 (kiln i.rleA). llntnln; and Urulinm Kloiir. and (kmlun hi Wheat, Cora and Outa. Corropondonct invited. 0-.

(IstiorM Mutineer. Genuine Northern Seed Potatoes, and White Onion Sets, Lancl- reth's Field and Garaon Scads, at lowest Irjuroa. SCHNEIDER No. CO Marker. Street..

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