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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 3

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MAr.3n.n-In this cil.r, liy the liev. Dr. Wrong, l-'rn i-rnr of flatM-nialini ami Nat ii ml in Yalc-Collcc, in ilanlilM iiile ji-lj. DiiuicUonos. At Norwich, i iiinjslry', Hw.

Froftttor MOLLENOUX'S Cloth-Shearing Machines. "ISTHliRfiAS.Ei.rA.AR SriiAcun. of JJm-V in the Slate cf Connectieiit, lias in NKJV STORE. 'IIHE s-ohscribf-r'cis to bis and lb-r J. public an exlunsiie assnrlmcn! rf DRY GOODS, adapted I r- present iittd appfniich coinpriiilnfr rnaiiv article cf Fancy-Goods ii'il usually kept in rmintry' Stoic, tu." pother with a handsome ir Collww, to Mies Lyilia Coil, daiiirliirr ol Mr.

vented a Machine for, the pin-pose, of fhearine; Cloth, and obtained a patent for the game and del L. Coil. AL Preston, xVtr. William M(-lSi-illi-K. CV.

i in ul NrifJM VVii.bMtn, of Said D-iinbury, has been Hard Ware 'rrir'r-rti for some time nut enMKedinuinariner.liin 0.11, yOlUly OldiS, btoue and Holltnu U'are JIAUTI'OIW, OcTOiiiiii Thc British fiartyinImerica. -This phrase, constantly dinning the ears of the people, lias done wonders. Let us see why it was coined, and for what purpose it has been used. In the year 1798, the American envoys, Pinkney, Marshall and Gerry, having refused to accede to the degrading propositions communicated to them from the French Directory i tho confiiklilfcil agent of Talleyrand addressed them in these memorable words Pel-haps you believe that leturii-" ingjeexposinc; to your countrymen the uh-41 resoneb'chess of the di rmiidsofllns govern ment, you will incite them in resistance to these demands you ar-. mistaken you joint concern wilh the said Sprapuo, in the said patent right, ml the business of biiildinrr and fiCllintr till MnWl A n.l 1...

100 bbls. JJUAMJY, fo, which cash will be pttir! bv Jiou.vs'tt nonn, at. their store near I lis Terrv. Sept. 3fi CIDER BRANDY wanteclj For which Cash will be paid, hy ANSON G.

PHELPS. Ifartf'ird, t-Oclnhee. SO faHEEP. 1 00 sh'eP- ivV 60 D'i. 50 half blood-Merino Lambs.

For by WARD and BARTHOLOMEW. Harlfnrd, Oct. t. 36 STOVES- AND STOVE PIPES, For Sale, bv J.1VMII, trr of Mr. Simeon Clark At Derby, Mr-, Hartshorn, of Mansfield, Clitri'sa Mr.

Abicl Caiilleld to Miss Amelia Klcch At Windham, Map Waterman (Jlift Mm. C'lnrimi Filch At E.irt-Hlirtlord, Mr. Oimd-winto Miss Kmily Pratt, or Mr. Vralt; r.iilhoi- Railgcr, lift, of Mnnliiw, (N. to Miss Eunice Veils.

At Mr. jolm Chnrchill to Miw T.aara UVIId. Al iJi.iliinu, ALSO, GROCERIES in jreneral. A part of which are 8 Hhcls. St.

Croix Rnrti by lihd. or less quantity; 3 do; i. do. 4 do. best rctailinp- M'dasscs.

1 pipe real Cogniac lirurtdy; 1 do do. do. Holland Cin I Country do. 1 hhd. i boxes and 4 bills, browii and White Socare.

Lump do, Lisbon wine. 8 chests Ilyaori, liyson slil'ri, soiKhonp-and iiohea Teas. i 1000 lbs Coll'ee, Lopwooii and Rice. Chocolate, Raisins, Cotton, Pepper, Pimento iur. mui siroiig lo Miss Hhudu Caniii.

DIED In this City. tl, i9itil, Ulr MoM.Ksoux, of Hempstead, county cf Q-ieein, and State of NcW Yoik, hai invented another machine, fur the like purpose of ahcarinjf 'cloth, and obtained a patent for' the same, and has snld the patent right to Skth Hart, of the. said Hempstead, no far as respects the Ne w-EnjjImul States Now therefore, te il known lo all whom it may concern, that we the subscribers, havinp-seen and known the successful and complete operation of one oflbe Mollenoitx's machine's in the Factory nt Humphreysville and Invingalso had on built, and now in operation, in our factory at Danbitry and beinirper-fectly convinced of ils being- very far niperiorto our own and every other machine hitherto in ought to know that the dijilamatic skill of atln.n Cinpimui, agwl 56 At Wallingl'ord, Mr. Olmstnl, fbrmcrly of Easl-Ilartionl, iikpiI (it. At Enfield, Mil JIarllm Knmrill, agcil Ou Al Woi-thiiiirlon.

mi lln ni, WAKU ft HAK THOLOMEW. October. 36tf Franklin, and Slate of Ohio, on llic 1st Sept. Ho-mcr Mom-c, Eiq. aged 21.

lie died llic-i'nlli daj OCrOBEK 9, 1811. ol ma illness, with a Typhus lever. Mr. Moon was 4tinr. I fl Russia, iioves, WILLIAM WATSON. 1. use tor that purpime, both as to itsnrincinli and the. -ml Tin "ianu starcii, -tvet 1 1UUV, 1 cil law in thin City, where lie win lydraitted lo the liar in Angnst, 11)10, unit soon nl'ler moved to tho western-country, with a view of rhlahlinliing liim-self in the practice of Law. Ie uns f.ralic-miui of good natural talents iuiiI handsome lvcijuireineiils, r.nnciliiitnrv hi hiu mnniro 1.: ami orus, rowiier, Mont: riori fcc ol GOODS, which bo will sell al a small ad- in repair, and a it can never, cut the Wl it eta 1 1, or wilo lks a i.e. ulVth I have thin day barcjaincd and contracted 2nd 1 2d lOd 8d aiuHd cut and Aroiieht No's BLACK, blue, bottle (ji-eim, olive, with the stm! Mollenoux and Hart, that we will at the manufactory prices, brown and drah superlioe and common this time enlirrly reli-ipiish Ihe 7 tons assorted It ussia Swede ai'd Enel'H breadidoths black, 'blue, bottle irretn.

mixed, budding and selline; our own Machines, and. Iron. rating in inn tiii- versation, generous uud henevolr nt his disioi- tiotl. Unit itiserppt. In whole depnitmcnt and cliiuarlcr.

In Hie dWh of brown and drab double, and Vinple mili'd cassi-meres i drab, b.ue and mix'il drab bed-; ford cord mix'd sattinett bottle prrcn, brown, drab and claret ladies police cloth bennet cord vesting swansdnwns -yellow' and green flannels red and green (i(rur'l Salisbury flan. nels black, olive, arid drub common, velvets 1 ai.enunn to ouiiuinir ana selling English bliater'd ami American Steel theirs, in our factory at Danbury, and else- 690 bushels Coarse Salt where, on commission. I The ahv GOODS, were puirjiiised with ELEAZER SPHAGUE, l'1'. and be sold a- the Hanfotd prices: NIPUM WILD MAN. I Al1 kinds of country produce received in Danbury, August.

1811. ment at the mai-kctyriee N. B. The said Machines may be seen in op-- ELISHA STRONG. scarlet, crimson, brown sod black tabby velvets eruii'in at iJumphreysville and Danbury, and, mcowr, October Zil; .,6 iijuuiigniini possessing iiualities not hismi-nterous particular friends on ly; but fiocictyin general must deplore the loss.

At Windsor, Miss Huldnli GrUwold, 20. AtTelbury, Sta(t'ordliire, (Rng.) a short lime since, the wonderful Mi Moore, (the fastini; woman) wlio cxisled four years without eating any food, and nearly three without so much ns drink-ing a glass of Slid was 50 ycaw of age. Miu.y Ihousnnila visited this sin'uliirly snrprising wnniiirt. nnfl up l.nnn.i crimson, purple and black silk velvets scarlet, i iv be had.liv anv tbar-wiah to purchase, bv i --j. Danbu- hUHl'UNES If IK I lacic, ooHie ann grass preen, nrown anu siaie appiyinp; to JiLEAZAR SPKAGUE i cl.U.inne 1 1 nal irrrirr, France, ami the means mis possrsses in your country are sufficient to enable her, wUh the aid of the French party -in slincrica, to throw "he blame which will attend the rupture of the negotiations on lnc federalists, as you term yourselves, but an the British tarty, a France term you and you may assure yoiirselvts this will be done." This is a document of very serious importance i and whose authenticity-even Governor he how is, wilt not presume to deny.

Let us give it a brief 1. The envoys were threatened with the difdomtitic skill of France, and the meant the possessed in our country. Of what nature was that, diplomatic -skill and what were those means Lookback to the year 1794, when Pauchet, the French minister to this country exclaimed':" The consciences of the pretended' patriots of America already have their prices Thence go forward to the year 1795 or 6, when the French consul, Letombe (hard put to it to raise the necessary fund) complained that Adet the next successor, of Fuuchct, hadjdolishly throvjn away a great deal of money in bribing members, oj congress." Every sensible reader will see herein a clear solution of the points in question he will see clearly what was meant by the diplomatic skill of France, and the means she possessed in our country. 2 'The envoys were told that she (France) relied with confidence on the aid if a French party in Jinerica" 3. -That this 'French party would assuredly side with 'France, with respect to the demands she had made on our envoys.

And what were those demands? Why neither j-'invm iru.rn.aa. ry rants, tussel, callimanco.i black canloiv crapes, Or to' fESSE MOLLE'NOOX Mmn 'P HE 20.000 -Hollar Prize, which came A. the whnol 10,1, -1 e.i. nr. ZTJD'n i white and black Italian do, plain Riid twill'd white liitestriiiGrs black, color'd-and plaid do sieau.

Stisqiiehanna Canal Loilerv. now ilruwinvin -y llieiropinions concerning the possilitc duration of I the subscriber, of the town of Hempstead was sold only two' w.eks before it black sattins -r black silk florentin; plain bed- ford lace figitr'd and plain lenausj fipiir'd and county of Queens, and state of New Yol do "niwn B.v Messrs. G. WAITE. The t'li-tiioate plain boolc muslin; japan mull rnull do.

1 eenny, mat. navc Had my shop, for fever seeded do. i linen wns 3-4, 4-4 months past, tho use of a machine shearinc possessor lives in Hie Siatb of New-York, and received the CASH for his 1'rize from G. R. Waite, the ncxl day after the information was received in New Vurk.

Tho S000 dollar Frize in the same Lottery was paid and 6.4 cambric muslins book do. i' Irish linens, iui s(i long a jicrioti. Savannah, Sept. 32. We were in hopes that we would not ihis F.ill, have had to record any calamity, i.ffec.

ling our planting friends hii-. ye have been inisMken, -and have. now to-notice a dreadful Gale, which commenced' on suadav List from invented by Jesse -Mollenoux, -of said Hempstead, and have found it operate -well in an realms, wiuiout any nuticulty in using it and have sheared my cloths with it, amountlno- in uatiimore. the dm- alter it was to 1000 yards, better than I was ever able to do ttli1 "m.v Pr'ze nf yet drawn with the old fashioned Shears and I have now Rnd Monument Lottery, bought one of his. machines, from a nersu'asion (now also just began drawinginSattitnore) was.

the north, accompanied with a'dreadl'ul, '11 of that it wiil answer all the purposes of shesrinr Paid by them at then- Truly Fortunate Loiter-perfectly well being easily kept in orde and New-York on Saturday Inst It .1 i. 1 Romewliat u'ntr. somewhat remarkable, hut it is lievdr damaging the cloth. a well-known fact, that for many years past most of the Cam- PETER PETTIT. Hhnpi'cai, 3d June, 1811.

Hempstead, Jr June 181 tal Prizes in the New-York and Baltimore Lot-j teries have been sold at WAITE'S offices in I each of those places. i Persons wishinir Tickets in either the fnl. cotton KhirltnpfS, colerain cottons, calicoes, ginr hams, fiirnitii'R calicoes, white and bufi' corded cambric, nambi'ick cambrics, cambric and common dimities, cotton diaper, napkins 6-4and 8-4 cotton table cloths ami 7-4 cotton shawls pieces India cottons -90, pieces India calicoes English and India checks, brown Ijncns, brown cottons white lilnck jiattiuel bed lace ladies luihit kid mens leather do. silk, worsted and lambs Wool hose, silk and cotton suspenders, scarlet and yellow -In-dia silk hdkfs. plaid silk do.

cotton bandannas, madvass hdklV scarlet, green, purple and black persian i blue and black cotton ferrets white and spotted cott. pocket handkerchiefs assorted sewin'p; silks and twist gilt and plated coat and vest buttons pearl do. i glass do. i silk do. i potion cotton yam broad and nur-row tapes bonnet wires No.

.1 1-2, 4, 4 l-2niid 5 Fins 24 and 26 cotton Umbrellas, While homespun' Flannel, blown and white Tow Cloth, woolen Stockings liud Mittens will be received for the above We the subscribers do hereby certify, that in lowinsr Lotteries, mav have ilium f.irurarrlort more nor less than a douceur, or bribe, of February last wo purchased of Jesse Mollenoux, W'th safety and punctuality, Viz. of Hempstead. Queen, eountyi and state of New. i Susquehanna Canal Lotten', i.nVentd. days Drawing over-Tickets nine lltlll snrl Imv, rlnnn nil ruin, and which, Willi but little intermission, listed umil Tuescliy evening, at which time the wind had gradually veered found to south' west.

We regret extremely to s'mv thai the Hire Planters on the River; and the Cof.on Planters on islnnds, must have -a'giin sufv f'ercd severely. The latter'' arc peculiarly unfortunate as there, is but little' prospect of ihc sm.ill crops if cotton which will be marie," coiiiinindiiig reasniiiih'e price 'Tl)e ships William and Ievi, nrc iul to be ashore below, -it is not yet -ascert liiiedi whe h-cr i here will be nny dilnculty in getting them-off. CllAltLKSTO'N, Sept It. The Gale Accounts 'from Poup all the small bridges aio down as far as's -the- inland rice fields'" were seven feet deep wiih on Tuesday On Tharsd ty morning the of ricewere above water, the water falling "It is- supposed thst the ricii and cotton in1 Unit qu are not much" injured. The due Thursday lid not arrivcil last evening.

Capital Prizes are in the followintr since, iiinounling to about 1600 yards and have -VI2 lound it uniformly operate well, and require 1 of but little care in working We have nccer wliot or in any way or manner shirpened, either 0f the uprjer or lower, hlaftes oe r.nitero fifty thousand pounds sterling for the pockets of the Directory, and a loan of several millions to Prance, to assist her in carrying on war against Enj-knd, with whom America was. that tinu' connected hy treaty and all this was to be done merely to obtain for the envoj to remain ill France. The envoys, were informed hnw, on their return, the French iwrtu. in America 20,000 Dollars 10.000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars Hartford, Main-Street, directly)" beginnmg, and find them cut well now as at Besi(ua a Urge )roprllo of inferior ones-first.

We have, been able to turn off our cloths Di-avintr three tim-s i weekto hr "Zml to our customers better sheared and ''1' week to be complete! 2,500 Dollars fronting organ's 1 I wife. 12wSfi 1 rid in iu ui awing nays. would bhfilithem and the than we were ever able to do "when vc used the common shears And we have the inmost con. WashinKtonJS-loiiument J.otterv-. fidencc.

that his mib.n 4th days Drawing over. Tickets R12 And 11, fiillnifc-Tiiir Paniln! Teip tn'tltt of shearine- purpose which can be wished of 50,000 Dollars BENJAMIN PETTIT, GEORGE PETTI Ti Know all men. That I. Thomas Tenkino nf 30,000 Dollars 50,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars of of of of of I ColdHprinr district, in the town nf Hmuinfrinn. federalists generally with disgrace that is to say, by -stigmatizing them as a British fiariy.

This scheme, -conceived 'in France, and cnrried'iiuo effect by Ihcimmural Jefferson this cunning schem; of stigmatizing as British partisans, all vwlio presumed cither to oppose.auy. of-the views and measures of the French, or to express their wishes for a commercial intercourse with the English in jjtich a -way as might be practicable has been the very i'nVaiul soul of American democracy. More tiiaii any thing else, it gave 2,000 Dollars, he. Suflblk county, and state of CAMWOOD. 8 bbls." ground Camwood, first quality, on consignment, for sale by ISAAC D.

DULL Co. Hartford. Oct. 2 .16 WILLIAM H. IMLAY Co.

Hart; recently received end are gelling onfavimib'c terms, the f-ihimng artic 'ei, I IZ. 40 chests fresh hyson, young-hyson, hyson-skin, souchong and bohea Teas. 10 hbds. retailing Molasses. 4 i.

St: Croix Rum 5tlh, N. 5 pipes and 3 qr, casks Madeira, Lisbon, Vi-donia and Malaga Wines. 1 do. Holland Gin, pure. 10 bags Green Co lie l'i kegs Ginger.

10 bags. Pepper and Pimento. (500 lb. Cassia, Cloves. Nutmegs and 10 bbls.

bladder Snuff (warranted). 20 kegs Harris' and other sweet-scented plug Tobacco. 500 lb, New-Orlesns and Flolc Indigo. Drawing once a week for the present To be completed in 70 drawing Union College. Lottery No.

S. Begins drawing New York in April next. CAPITAL PRIZES lasi winicr purcnase a Machine for Shearing cloth, invented by a Mr. Spragtie of Connecticut, and have had the same in use at my factory ever since and that I have also had tneusc'of a Shearing Machine, invented by Jesse Mollenoux of Hempstead, in Queens county, and stale aforesaid, in my shop, a sufficient time for satisfactory experiment And I do hereby declare, that I have this day purchased of (lie said Jessc'Mollenouxone of his Machines, from a 30,000 Dollars HS.OOti Dollars. 20,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars of of of of of Aqueduct JJifitts.

TUS. subscriber having been at great ex-pence, during the last, aatl present' seiuinn, in get tin ir into Jamca jlavuei Patent Machine for malting earthen Atue-titct Pipes, for conveying wat-r in diU'wrenl places in the stale's of Con ecticut, Vcnnout and New York lias the sutisfiietion to find, oh a general Inquiry, that the Pipes have in no instance failed i and lie believes that those, who have used tlicin, are entirely i-atislicd of their utility, and that have been found far pref-arable to aiiy-olhcr of conveying water. He now for. the first time informs the public, that he is the proprietor of said Machine fur the west part of Massachusetts, Copnecticuti and New York and will give the most liberal tcrins to any person or water-company that may wisli to use the machine, or will supply them 'quantity of -Pipes wanted, from ihe different places where the Machines are put in operation. For furlher particulars, inquire of Mr Seih Gnnjtmin, of W-l-Hartford, who has a' Machine and can furnish any number of Pipes; on the shortest notice or Capt.

Stephen t'yter, 5,000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars of conviction that it is perfectly adequate to all the purposes intended and contemplated by the inventor that it will shear three times as fast as Present price of Tickets Seven Dollars and an Half. G. R. WAI l'E will guarantee tho will nolcilt the elolh nt nil Ar nnymeht of nil fi-nm lli.ilr llrKnuo i lie oilier Fustick, Nicaragua and I the work-in the be'st possible manner, in all res. purchasers must lake notice that -their name is" tons jLogwoou Hedwood.

pecs wi.t be easily worked ami-kept in order printed on the back of each Ticket. whereas the other requires much more cure I Adventurers enclosing the Cash, in letters In 8. .1 .1: n. Yviy iiamc ui uamage me clotn. aui, uu-ecieu 10 eiincr 01 ineir unices in THO'S.

JENKINS, England. New-York, Albany, or Baltimore, will be punc-Juue, It'll. tually attended to. Those who wish for their 'Lottery Register, which is printed weekly, may I l.n 011I.B..H I 1 10 bbls. Allum and Copperas.

100 boxes Crown and American Window Glass assorted. 30 casks cut and wrought Nk'iIb from Id to 20d. Sheet Lead. 10 bolts Kussia Duck. 400 biishels T.

I. Salt. 100 do, blown do. October 'h Wm. I lay earnestly requests those who have open accounts with him, to close them without delay, by Note'or payment.

muuw, ucing principal snearer ana iihvc lurwarueo grans, October il. unisiter 01 cloths in the factory of Col. David 36 1... r. Humphreys, at Humphreysville, do hereby cer- That for two.months last oast 1 hnv bnrt A I l.UUTt JCZIC dCIIll.

IOI L. democracy its hrst elevation in tins country and has been cw 'since that unhappy period, the main support of its power. This specks of machinery has been in constant motion, from about the beginning id" the second term of Washington's administration. Mr, than whom a purer patriot never perhaps, breathed American air, was denounced ns a British partisan, as one corrupted by bribes and his character whs hunted down with as much fury as Mr. Picket ing's has been of late, nay even with more.

The sanie. foul charge was made, and a thousand times repeated, against even Washington himself and the most infernal arts were employed year after year, to blacken his fair fume. From that day to the present the federalists and more especially ihts-e them of conspicuous talents, or great uctiv'uy in their tctintry's cause, al along 'reproached as members of a British fniriu. And without a shadow of pi oof or probability, has -been' 'enough to render them, suspected, and. odious In the view the igninnint biinded deluded multitudes-: vtluini.riia.vcii, in judgment, seems to have given up (politically speaking) to bli ong delusions to believe a lie." Iknce we may fairly and confidently draw this inh fence ihc leaders American democracy have no-hitention to come to ah an irublc full settlement" with F.nglml on any ttrms whatever no, net it she would rescind every obnoxious law of whatever Hume i.r nature, and even us to trade with lur, duty-free.

Becuus? by this they would lose what their supping-stonc to purer, vbnt has been all aloi'g the mainj pi'cp of their power, and what themselves consider as the most efficient mean's for the of it. Take fiom them the means 1 u.e management 01 two machines tor shearing PON the petition of Mehituble Phelps, of L'm 0(1 invent. Uampum in county, shewing thh. Mr yiuri 301' Court that she was married to Jeremiah Phelps, Hart than have sheared 111 them every of said Hampton, now absconded out "of this 'mrcW tho State to parts unknown, he 26.1, ofNovem- to i 7 I 1789, and hath ever since continued to live -ii 1 1 aati'fftion of my- with him in a discharge, of a'l the duties- ofthe. il (km.

marriage covenant until the last day of Februa- in working 180M, when he without cause deserted her. struclion tl and hath ever since-continued to absent himself 10 V. 1. Hum. 5 Do.

N. K. Do. 4 Rales 100 W.O. Hbds.

For Sale, bv LEDLIE and F1TCII. October t. 36 jnthm 7 u111n.uu.jr in Keep- trom Her, witll total neglect ot his duty to her as ing them in repair. a husband; praying inr 0. bill of divorce, as'bv EBENE2ER NORTHROP.

Humphreysville, Sept. 16, 1811. petition on file, dated 4tli April, 1811 Ordercil said petition to be contioued to the Superior Court lo be holden at Windham, in and fur the County of Windham, on the first Tuesday of ol lomngliin, who is autliorised to malco any contract for the propsietnr or application in ay be made to the proprietor, or his agent, con. stautly residing in Troy, state'of "New-York. These Pipes are constructed by cnmpressinij tile clay in a mould, and driving-a perforator or spin-die through -It witU great pressure.

Al'ier they are ji'O'ily dried, tho ends are trimmed, to malco th nni m.nch and are cemented when put diiwn. The ei'nninon size is from, one to iwn incliCM bore, but ihe proprietor has' of late I'steiuicd iheir size, in -Troy, to five "inches" bure, and the sides to the thickness of two inches. From the experiuieu the jn-opi'tc-tor lias made, he is vS opinion thai they can be mailt: to any size that can be handU-d and that tlioy will be found useful in conveying water for mills, munufuctiiries, The proprietor -la nwaiv, thai Rieat imposi-tious have, been jiiiu-ticed upmi the publx by means of new invent'ims, vbicb have entirely failed in ilntir operation i but ho presunu-s a suluciitiit irml has been made of these pipes, to establish their superiority and excellence. KOMAN FYr.Ell. October 'M.

lw SIX Ihe lilhday of isalloue-i by Ihe lion, rou'it of probate for ihe district of Sharon, for. the creditors of the estali- of Lkvi HtimKR late of Caiman in said distriet, deceased, lo exhibit their claims aguiiist said estate, those not exhiliiled within the time specified, will l-v lUbai'i'cil a recovery. All pcrsoiiti indebted to said are rcijncstcil to nmkciiuuiedialc pay-ruent to. MYUON BAH HER, Maiimstru'r, Canaan, September tlOlh. IUI 1.

THE subscriber, being sensible of the disappointments clothiers have met with, in t. rT the Jeremiah Phelps, appear bcfoesaul Court on oy purcnasing saul hrst Tuesday ill January next, if he see ttr, a ilencacy in cauae. and oppose" the gLming of thi 'prayer of SAMUEL GRAY, Clerk. 7 iio muni gt saul lietltlOII. successlul that delicacy is over.

Windham, Sept i'0, 1811. 6w3fi nc r.uri-rer- ness ol principle in the nne above Pay your I axes without or with Fees. and i UU. 1 HATTING WOOL. 3500 lbs, 1st and 2d quality Lambs Woo).

Spinning Do. lr0r side cheap for cash or approved credit, Hy and October t. 36 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. pHE co pavtneMiip the subscribers under the firm of LOWREY and NORTON, is by mutual consent tliis day dissolved. All per-sons having open accounts wilh them are re-quested to call on Sylvester Norton and see them adjusted Those whose notes have become due are invited to attend to ihem immediately.

Wa it Lowrkv, SYt.VESTlilt Nohton. Uurttngtnn, Oct. 1, 1811, THE business will be continued by the sub. scriber at the old stand, who has on hand a gen. oral assortment nf Dry Goods, Groceries, Crock-ery, Hard and Hollow Ware and Medicines, which he will sell at a very small advance fur cash or most kinds of produce.

16 WAIT LOWREY. "i ,10 icai by the loregntner certificatesami its iiieKiioneii, subscriber, calculating to relinquish 1 his object in JL lhe collecting business, requests the in. ttentinn'of Ihc. hjt)'tants of the town of Farmingion, who have mei tione.i r. or I merit, this advertisement is to call th jmiuic, anu particularly of clothiers, to a due laxcs oue 10 nun on list laiu, ana previous, lo inquiry into the real character and worth of this m3c immediate settlement.

And for the ac. before they venture to purchase coinmodation of non-residents and others, the another which may be of less value. One of Collectr will meet for the purpose of receiv. them may be seen in operation in the factory of Town, and Ecclesiastical Soci. Mr.

Samuel Talcntt of Hartford, about four etjTR, Ht house of Moses Goodman. Jr. miles west of the Court. House. Anv person west-Hartford, on Thursdnv the I7th at being convinced of its superior excellence, and housa of Map Matthew Codwell, hi wishing to contract for the right of building and I'1''8'' of Wir.tonbiiry, on Friday the 18th 1 ami selling on commission in any part of Ihe eastern at llle of Preserved Marshall, in North, states, or for the patent right to any state or Parish, on Tuesday the 22d dav of Oc territory, may -apply to the subscriber at Hemp.

tober next 2 until 4 o'clock on each of said stead, Island tnliis 'dVs. And all those who nee-lect in nv onicHtiiigiip.tli.emir.dof the American public against England, and, as. they wi.ll know, the sinews ol iht ir sta ngth would be instantly, withered. It was' under' uri apprehension of this na-liM'ctlirt B. Irvine, publisher of Hol'ti-lourit Whig, in a late private letter to J.

B. C'olvin, says, If Madison makes conces-i niis to England, and persuade the senate lo sanction them, iiv are WANTED IMMliDlATELV, A Lad ltor IS years of nire, as an 'apprentice at the Shoe iqakiiifr business, one that is steady, and industrious, will find good encouragement bv applying; to SF.I.DEN MIKEH. Sept. I7tli, 1811. Sbragu.

and Wildman, at Danbury. The nriee lTaxe' bv the 25th day of said inonih, mnycal. ot a narrow Machine, for mini, will nc X150. BltOJCK into im liisure of the subscriber, ,1,,. Oral, I'unn common country SETH HART of good courage, Ervine.

-Madison viol neither make concessions to England, OTKAYED or stolen from the pasture of the subscriber in Ellington, on the 'night of the 21st Sept. inst. a black AKE, four vearsold, wilh a white spot in her fiice, natural trotter, rather a long tail and carried low, the mane somewhat worn oil; Whoever will ve'urn said Marc, or giro informal inn, shall receive three dollars rewanl and ihe necesnirv rharres. JACOB JOHNSON. Ellington, Oct.

1, uc iiiiiiiL-uiuieiy eaueii upon tor said Taxes, together wilh the lawful fees for col. lscting as the subscriber is de'ermined to have his tax-bills closed without further delay. TIMOTHYII. ROOT, Collector. N.

B. Non-re bidems, who do not pay by tho time aboveir.cntiot'Ci', will have their lands im. mediaiely sohras tho law directs. Farmingion, Scjit. SO, 1SU.

ZQ, CJLP, each ear marked with a' notch. In the upper nlde, The owner is desired lo pay char-ges and take him awnv. ELISHA STRONG. Windsor, Sept. 26.

S6 i or accept any terms that she will or can nirer for though an equal and friendly set- wilh that nation might save his noun- it would ruin his party. THE hif-hest price in Cubh paid for nnv quamity or clean cotton nnd linen UAt.S, Old Sail Cloth or old Mopes, by Hudson Goodwin.

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