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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 3

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PORTSMOUTH, (Ncvi-Hampfiire) June z. On Sunday morning laft, we received the agreeable and interfiling intelligence of tlic Ratification of the Ni iw Constitution by the Convention of this Slate, whereby we have, in effect, laid the top flonc to the grand FEDERAL EDIFICE, and happily railed the ninth riLLAR. The -joy' which this event difFufed through all ranks of citizens in this metropolis, is haid-ly conceivable- Jy fat cutty face without a cloud, Js in the day of op'ningParadife." Mutual congratulations took pla'ce, and public thanks was returned in all the churches. It being Lord's day, no other tellimonials of joy took place until Monday inorning, at one o'clock, at which time the bells rung a joyful peal, feveral citizens paraded the flrcets with inulick, (aiming the members of Convention, (who had returned from Concord) other patriotic characters, The ratification took place on Saturday laft, about two o'cluck, P. Several gentlemen endeavoured to procrallinatc thedecifion, by moving for an adjournment, buthappily could not effect their purpofc.

When the que Won was put, there appeared for the ratification, Yeas, 57 Nays, 46 11 Upon the ratification being declared, feveral of the minority declared, that as the Conltitution had been ratified by a majority of the Convention, tlicy would endeavour to influence their conllituents to acquiefce with the decifion. that the convention, now in feffions in this town, the grcatclt fairnefs and candour in all their proceedings. The idea of rejecting the conltitution is intirely dilcarded und the warmelt nppofers, anxious for the welfare of their country, are Seeking only to amend thole parts which they deem dangerous or unguarded." 25, By S. Ycllerday, at 12. h.

noon. Mr. Kclfey arrived in this city in ten hours from l'oughkcepfie, with.thc important intelligcnceof the ATiFICATIONof the Con s.t 1 -tion, by the Slate of NEW-HAMPSHIRE. This intelligence was received at i'oughkecfic, by exprefs, under the Signature of his excellency John LangHon, prcfident of the Hate of New-Hamplhirc, and purports, that the convention, of that Hate ratified the constitution on the 2 1 ft inftant, by a majority of ELEVEN, yeas 57, nays 46. At half after twelve this letter was read in Congrefs.

At one o'clock Col. Henley fat exprefs, for Virginia, with the joyful tidings. At 2 h'. the bells in this city were fat a ringing, which inccSfantly rang until 7 in the evening. Many citizens were rejoiced on this occalion to tellify which bottles of choice nectar were quaffed -and, at that hour; the guns fired.

It is not poSfible to form an adequate idea of the poli-tical Situation of the ftate of Virginia, as it refpects the new propofed conltitution, and this arifes from the great variety of accounts, which are in circulation their purports are as various as the numbers. The latcft, viz. the 1 5th, fay, that if the conltitution be carried in the convention, it will be but by a very fmall majority. This is faid both by federals and anti-federals. II ARTFOED, June 30.

On Tuefday-lalt asMr, Jofcph Churchill of Crlaflen- bury, and another pttrlon were felling a tree which had a large limb lodged on it, the limb, it is fuppofed, gave the tree a different direction and quicker motion than it othcrwife would have had, which falling on Mr. Chui ch- ill, put an end to his exiltence inllantancoufly. The COBLER's OP all the-trades from Katt'to Weft, The. Cubler's pall contending, Is like in time to prove the belt, 1 every day is mending, How great his praife who can amend The foals of all his neighbours, Nor is unmindful of his end, But to his laft he labonrs 1 ADVERTISEMENT EXTRA. On the 4th day of July next, will be fold.yir the benefit of the Antifcdcraltfis, the old ARTICLES of CONFEDERATION.

That no qnemay have caufe to plead ignorance of their condition, to have an excufc for returning them, the intended purchafes are informed, that they have been found much the ivor'e for the ivcar, and that PHILADELPHIA, June Extrafl of a letter frcm Richmond, June 1 3. Our convention began the 2d inllant, and after three days debating on different points, they refolvcd to go through the articles of th? federal convention, claul'eby claul'e, in rotation until the whole was properly examined, alter which the great ctucliiou was pat. However, the amis' loon departed from this rule, and kipped from the firft article to the middle and laft. Sec. Sec.

and fo they have been going on ever iincc, without-finifhing a Single article though from the repeated requefts of the federal members, the houle have agreed that to-morrow they will agree to a certain day, in Ibme time next week, when the grand quellion Hull be laid before the houle for the vote of the houfc to be taken upon. In accoin-plifhing this decifion they had to call for the yeas and nays, when ft was found there was a majority of eight only, all of whom arc federal. This (hews that the divi-fion in favor-is but fmall. Indeed we are apprehenfive that if the antis' find they cannot gain their point, they will keep the houfe difpiuing until the 23d, when they will be obliged to kralr. to go into tlic-albmblv, who- arc ordered to meet on that day.

The fpcakers in favor are, Madifon, Randolph, Nicholas, Marfliall, Pendleton (the judge of the -high court of chancery) Corbin againltit, Henry, Mafon, Grayfon." Extract oj a letter from a member of the Convention of Virginia, dated Richmond, June 1 8, 17S8. The voting members will confilt of 168, the dcter--jnincd adversaries 76, the determined friends 82, as far as we have grounds for calculation before any quellion has been taken. The remaining ten have not fpoken explicitly, but we have the bed afl'urances of oue half being with us, fince the fcruples of fbme have been quieted by a peculiar form of ratification which will be William Lawrence, Has (or Sale at his Store, near the Trcafuters Ollicc, Haitford, SUpeifine and coarfe Broadcloths CalTimera. Callicoec Chinizss, Moden, IVrfianc. Sarfnctu, Lawns, Cambricks, Ivlufliue.

Kenting Handkerchiefs. Needle wrought Apron Patlerns. Silk Handkerchiefs, Gauzes, Jrann and Ftifl i.ins, Fancy Vi II Patterns, Cotton and Hemp Hole. Englilli homemade ditloi Loaf and Urowii Sugar, Rum, Mollifies. Indigo, Wool Cardfi, Sickles.

9 by 7 8 by 6 Windnv Glafs, Sheet and Bar Iron. Nail Rods, Sic, veiy low for Cafli. lias alfoj Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, Wheat Flour, Beans and Flax, to ililpofe of for Cafli or Treafurer Lawrencef Certificates. C5- Calh given for lijiE-i-WAX. Beach, and 'Sanford, Silvcrjmiths, in Co.

HAVF. by mutual agreement diflblved and hereby requeft all thofe indebied 10 or have any demands agaiull faid company, forthwith to fettle with the fubferiber, at hiu Shop where, he continues to carry on the various branches iit Gold and Silvcrfmith work, Clock and Watt making, mending, Sec. MILE'3' BEACH. I'hrtro June 28, 1788. Liver Oil and Gurry, in Barrels Kian IVpper in Bottles, old Spirits, Rum, Stigai, Salt, Indigo, and belt Corron Wool, by ie Alfo, a fmall aflbrtmcnt of Dry Hard Ware, Crockery, to be fold by JOHN HALL, at his Store at the corner of the Ferry Line.

Hartford, June 1M 0 A I HE has removed his (lore of Glaft-and other to the firfl red Storrf SJorih of Hudfon and Goodwin's Frinting-Ollice, where he has now ripen a quanti y- of Double Fiint and Tale Glafs Goods, equal in qualify and lownefc of price 10 any ever ''imported into thia State, among which are, Quart Decanters, with ditto cut andgroundin, ditto wii.h ditto and cut necks fingered at bottom, and an Adelphia border round the middle; pint Decanters and Oil and Vinegar Cruets cut to match the quarts Pear bowl Wine Ghtf-fes with fluted Items and bowls to match Ptar bowl Goblets 'with fancy borders half pint Tumblers fingered at bottom and bordered Balloon Milliards cut and ground in rib'd Salts the Duichelu of Rutland's fancy Oval Salts, which for cleg-sure of Shape a'nd cutting, are not exceeded falbioiiable Boforn Fountains for Lady's to carry finweri: in, and peculiarly adapted for the pnrpfe Smelling Bottles of various lhapes, abfolurdy m-cellary. for little Mifles the hot feafcm and at She fmall price of ltd. each Balloon half pint Tumblers comiiion lhape ditto pj.iiti Pint pint l'umblers and covers cut at hottoin wiih a border; round bowl and bell Low) Wiv.e GlalTes at 36 6i. a dozen Jelly Glaflis rib'd plain f.nd moulded, Vinegara, Salts, Mudards, Jtil and half jill Tumblers, blue Oeam Jugs, white ditto, round and fquare common Inks, lilae Butter Coolers, white ditto, which if once experienced in hot weather every family would ufe that is able .0 buy a pound of butter in a week heavy M.ifou GlaiTes, Tale Mafons, Alfo, a fmall afr.Jrt- ment of Crockery, and of fuch articles as arc cou-ftantly in ufe. 4-4 and 7-8 Irilh Linen by the piece, printed Linenaby ditto, 9-8 Sheetings by Aoi C011011 Wool, black Ladings twilled, black Durant, Fulliana, fpotted Janes, falhioiiiible waillcoat Par-terns, Rriped and plain 6-4 Muflins, Romall and i3andana Handkerchiefs, cotton do.

linen do. ffh-ionable Shawls of variouo figures, lawn Handkerchiefs, Chintzes and Callicoes of much approved figures, Ribbons of various colors and widths Pins, Irifh 7-8 DowlafTes of high bleach, it being the mod durable linen manufalure that Ireland produces, Lady's and Gentlemens dreffing combs, til of which articles, the public may reft well falisffed, fliall be efForded at an exceeding ov rate, altho' their humble fervant has not the a'rri-cle of Bohea tea to vtk a3 a bait, at the well known drlufive price of 23. jd. a lb. THOMAS USD ALE.

N. B. The drooping in fpirit are informed, that he keeps excellent Tencrifle Wine, Siirrinam Cordial, and the elTence of St. Croix Bum, for fale Pardon me when I fay no tubst, as the fmallnefj of my profits in the retailing Hue will not allow of it. Hartford, June 30, 1788.

A a Quantity of Indian Corn, For which Cafli will be paid. Enquire of WILLI AM and GEORGE HULL at their Store, or on board the Urfula. Hartford, June 28, 1788. RECORD Books of any kind may be had of the Primers hereof. having been patched up in a hurry, to anfwer a purpofe during theivar, they are defective in every part How- they muft be and as a little encouragement to buyers, the purchafcr will have the State of RHODE- ISLAND thrown into the bargain.

UNION FEDERALISM, Audtioniers. I N. B. It was intended to have alio given into the bargain the TENDER LAW of Maflachufetts But it I 1 1 f. 1 r.

1. 1- 1 1 uteu a jew nignis mice, ana nas leit Dut very lew reticts wortn acceptance. By the UNITED 1'ATliS in Congrefs nSTemblcd, June 11, 1788. i ON the report of a committee confining of Mr. 1 Dane, Mr.

iiniltun and Mr Brown, to whom mm tr, il, I Invalids, and who cre ordered to take into the Invalid Ellablifhment Kefolved, That each State Shall have credit in ita general aceount with the United Sra'es for fuch fums as became due 10 the Invalids before, the firfl day of January, 1782. and which have been or lha.ll be paid to them by the State and for fuch funis as became due to Invalids from the faid lirll day of January, 1782, inclufive to the firll day of January, 1788, and which have been or fliall be paid to them by any State, the State Shall have credit in the exiding fpecie requisitions of Congrefs and for fuma that may fo become due after January, 1788, and be paid any the State lhall have credit in the fpecie rcquificionsof Congref6 which may hereafierbe made1. Resolved, That no perfon Sliill be a Penfion as an Invalid who has not or fliall not before 'be exniration of fix months from this time make June 24. Extract of a letter from a genthirim in Pmighkeepfie, to his friend in this Saturday. 21? infi.

So punctual has the attendance of the members of the Convention been, that -they made a hpufe on and after fettling their plans, for' the regular of the bufinel's, it was on Thurfday opened by the Chancellor, with an eloquent Speech, which lalled one hour. Yeflerday the bufinefs of the day1 was opened, by Mr. I.anfiug, with Ibme observations on the Chancellor's fpeech. Debates enfued, in which the Chancellor, Mr. Smith and Mr.

Lang fing, were principals they then proceeded to read the Conltitution. The fir ft. objections were Hated by Mr. Smith, with a -long and labored introduction. The American Cicero then arofc, the force of whofc eloquence and reafoning were inrefill-ablej, The objections that were made vanillied before him he remained an hour and twenty minutes on the floor after which Mr.

Smith, with great candor, got up, and after Tome explanations, confefled that Mr. Hamilton had, by his reafoning, removed the objections he had made, respecting the apportioning, the representation, and direct taxes. That part of the conltitu-tion with regard to the number of the representatives, -is to be the Subject of this day's debate. Things fcem to wear a favorable iif'pedt peoj-Ic un the federal fids are 'fanzine and feveral of the anti-federal members are not ib prejudiced as we feared. Much, however, depends on the conduct of iifeiv Great Extract of a from Peliijbin-g, (Virginia) June 12.

A lew days will determine the fate of the new llttution. We have no doubt but our Hate will adopt it in i'pite of all the declamation and reafoning of a Henry ami a Mafon. It meets with powerful fupport in the Governor, Maddifon and lnnes." Extract of a letter from Richmond, dated June 15. Our Convention is ftill fitting, and I fear for the conltitution, as the division will be a very nice one yvhen the quellion is put." Extract of a letter from Pongbkeepfie, dated June 20. You may depend, Sir, whatever reports may be, application therefor, and produce the reqiiifite Cer tificates and lividcncc to entitle In 11 thereto- CHAREL.5 THOMSON, Sec'ry.

OR SAL elegant frcond-hand CARRIAGE, almoft now, with Harixfs complete, for any kind of good pay in hand. Enquire of the Printers STilAYED from the pafture of the fubferiber, I about the 10th of May lall, a datk brown Mare. 3 years old, lately docked, moll natural to pace, thick mane anil tail. Alfo, another dark brown Mare, 3 years old, had on a crooked hind legs, molt natural to trot, the former bred at New-Hartford. Whoever will take up faid Mares and give notice to the fubferiber fliall be handfomely rewarded by JOSEPH STOW.

Middletown, (Upper-Houfes; June t6, 1788..

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