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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 4

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GOODS. FRESH GOODS. MICHAEL and THOMAS BULL, RE this day opening a large fupply, fclefled from tbe la- A I A I WILL coyer this feafon at the liable of Trumbull and Wells, in Hebron (Gilead' fociety) He is a full-blooded horfe, dark bay 15 hands and half high, 4 years old, well-proportioned every way, exceeding long neck and thin head, bis ears very nigh together and well prick'd and moves ten arrivals at JNew- ores. Hartford, April 29, 1793. IV GOOD S.

and I TAVE iuil received from New-York, and are this dav XT. opcn-'uE 1 lse fupp'y of SPRING GOODS, from (he iatcil ammg which are London fupcrfinc C'oibs, Ct and Vcft Buttons a great variety of Cailicoes of the ucweft figures Muflins, Lurcflringi, India TV.lOrv, Midcs, Jeans and Fuftians; elegant Vcft Shapes Holior" of every (kfcriptioi; IriDi Linens by the piece. They iuvc m-inv o'H'-r f-aforablc and fancy Goods hourly cxpcEted. A n'enty of Country Checks and Stripes. Hartford, April 20, 1793.

wTlliam lawreFce, HAS juft received a genteel affortment of Spring GOODS, which he will fell very low for Cafh in hand. Hartford, April 29, 1793. EZEK1EL WILL I A Jun. HAS received from New-York a variety of SPRING GOODS, confirming of Cailicoes of the ncweft fwlhion, Muflins, Mudcs, India Talfety, Jeans, Fuftjans, Cambricks, Shawls, Gloves, Holiery of every defcription, IrifhLinens by the piece, Hard Ware, which he will fell at a reafona-ble advance. Hartford, April 29.

HENRY DEMING, HAS juft received a large afTortment of European and India GOODS, which he is felling on the mod Jreafonable terms, for ready pay, amongft which are the following articles, viz. Broadcloths, Kerfeymeres, Cafiinetts, Fuflians, Jeans, Book and Jaconet Muflins, Nankeens, Bandanna Handkerchiefs, Cailicoes, Chintzes, Wetbcrsfield, April 25. A FRESH SUPPLY of GROCERIES, ju9 received from New-York, roraale, exceedingly well. He was fired by the old Kildeer, which was purcbafed out of the King's liable in London, and kept feveral years at Clavarack in the State of New-York, and then fold id Virginia for 560I. lawful money, his colts exceeded any jp America his dam came out of a full-blooded mare, fired by the imported horfe called the Bullrock Price for the feafon Four Dollars, or Fifteen Shillings the fingle leap.

An gentleman that has a tafle for a likely horfe, we witti to call and examine bim and judge for themfelves. YOUNG RANGER, The fpotted horfe which I have owned for feveral feaforn will cover at the fame flables at 15s. the feafon or 9s. the fingle leap, or 4 dollars toinfure with foal, and he' needs no further recommendation only to fay that his colts may be feen here. Trumbull and We LS, N.

B. Said horfes will be exchanged from Trumbull's to Wells' liable weekly, being about three miles, aifiaqce. (-Good pafiuring for M'r. Hebron, April isr. By DeWitt and Benjamin, TTYSON, Mace, Nutmegs, uloves.

Caflia, Figs. XX Padarc, Souchong, Teas. Excellent blotm Raifins. Hyfon-fkin, and I Bohea Loaf and Brown Sugars Madeira Calk do. Prunes, Almonds.

Sugar Al-roods. Sugar Plumbs, a variety. Seeds of Paradife. Sherry Liibon Port Wines. JAN WILL cover this feafon at tbe (table of the TO BE SOLD By Wm.

Jofeph R. Hart, At rlieir Store in BEST Jamaica Spirit, per hoglhead, barrel or left. Do. Port-au-Prince Molaffes, per hogfliead. Ditto do.

Sugar per barrel. Ditto Jamaica Coffee, per barrel or lefs. 8 by 6 Window Glafs in loo or ,50 feet boxe. The: above articles will be fold on the lowed terms, for Beef, Pork, Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, Oats and Calh. They alfo want to purchafe, likely pacing or light trotting HoiTes, for which good pay will be inadc.

Hartford, April 29. iV IV GOO S. Sweet Table Oil. Prefetved Fruits in Brandy. Mufhroom Ketchup.

Capers, Olives, Anchovies. Durham Muflard. Pickled Walnuts. Effence of Spruce. FltESH LEMONS.

Finepun Pigtail Tobacco. Excellent Snuff per blad der Velvet Corks. Hams and Tongues. Cyder per barrel, fubferiber in SoothingtOB, except Wedhcfday in each week, through the feafon, at the liable of Mr. Jolin Brownfon, in KenGogton blue hills.

Jannus is hands hivh. a hcamiful Axlfii. Teneriffc, Malaga Excellent Cafe Claret, warranted fuperior. Old Spirits Brandy. Draught and Cafe Gin.

Real and much approved London Porter and Brown Stout. York Bifcuit and Crackers in barrels and kegs. Rice, Coffee, Chocolate. Pepper, Allfpicc, Ginger. cheitnut colour, and isequH for fpirit and movement to anv horfe in Amrrira kifl colts prove univemlly ot the molt elegant kind, which is the greater! recommend to any hcife.

Price for the feafon twelve hillings, or fix (billings fingle leap. Good paflure for mare and confta nt attendance, by Moses Doiton. Southington, April 25. YOUNG GRANBY, ILL cover at the rtabl.e of the fubfciv ber iu Tolland, at 12s. the feafon and 1 itm a A variety of Ladics, Mcn's, Girls and Boyt, Beaver and CaRof Hats, juft come to hand.

Hartford, April 27. FOR SALE, By JO EPH LYN A Few calks Raifins at the Bolton price. A good affort.nent of Wines, Rum, Spirits, Brandy. Holland Gin, London Porter, Shrub in bottles. Loaf Sugar, Spices of every kind, Citron.

A large affortment of Painter's Colours and Dying Materials. Nails, Block Tin, Sheet Lead, N. B. Cafli given for Pot and Pearl-Afhes and Bees-Wax. Hartford, April 29.

EPH BR A DLE Has for Sale An elegant COACHEE, Which he will difpafs of very cheap, for Calh in hand. Hartford, April o. 6s. a leap. Said horfe was fired by Old Granby, a noted horfe kept at the '(table of Dr.

Howard, in. Coventry for a number of lafnni. and one of the heA firpi that evrr was raifedin the State of ConncQicut, and young Granby wants, 1 J- 1 i r. no runner rccornmcuiiuii. mu iu idy ui cuiur, pisnc ana activity is as much like his file as any colt that be has ever left.

Joseph LiLLiBRiDCE. Tolland, April a. riLL Cover' this feafon, at the liable of the lubfcn- ber in Hariland, the noted Horfe RANGER. He needs no other recommendation, than, to inform, that he. is the fame Horfe that was bred by Gapt.

James Nichols, of Hartford, and. was bred by the noted isn-oorted fforfc Raneef. and has WILLIAM ELY, Two doors South ofHudfon and Goodwin's Printing-Office, HAS this day received of the lateft arrivals from Europe and theEall-lndies, an elegant affortment of European and India GOODS, among which are the following articles Superfine Cloths and Kerfeymeres, Nankeens pin and (Iriped of excellent quality; Chintzes and Cailicoes of the ncweft fafhion elegant coloured Sattins and Luteltrings beftTaffe-ties; Vellum Mode; Ladies Hals of which before there has been done such; Muflins, Cambricks, Men's Sattin and lorentine, twill'd and plain Bandanna Handkerchiefs, Men's white and black filk Hofe, plated do. Men's and Women's cotton do. black (ilk Gloves, Ladies white and eolour'd long French Leather do.

Men's buckfltin and beaver do. tambour'd, fijut'd and white Veft Shapes Gentlemen's tambour'd neck Handkerchiefs and Cravats Buttons of the neweft fafhions Muflinetts, Dimity, Jean, Fuftiaris; a beautiful affortment of Saih and other Ribbons elegant Fans, Plumes, Umbrellas, Sec. Alfo for fale, bed old Spirits, Rum, Gin by cafe or gallon, Brandy and Wine; frefli Souchong, Bohca and Hyfon Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, The above and many other articles may pofitively be bought with C(h as cheap as at any Store in this State. Hartford, April 82. WANTED, AS an apprentice to the Apothecaries bufinefs, an active BOY, of good morals, fedate difpoGtion and religious parents.

The eultomary premium will be expected. Enquire JOSEPH LYNDE. Hartford, April 29. burglary" ON the night following the 6th or 7th inflant, the fubferi-ber's (tore was broken open, and about 25 whole pieces of Irifb Linen, and about 5 pieces of cut do. taken and carried off the BIrcchers name (tamped on each piece, it Robert Adairc, Antrim the cod and price of each piece is marked with fome of the following letters, done with a black lead pencil, viz.

0, zu, a. Thirty Dollars reward will be given to any perfon who will fecurethe thief and goods, fo that the thief may be brought to iuflice, or twenty dollars for the goods only, by Joseph Howland. Norwich, March 8. FOUND in Eaft-Windfor, in the fociety of Wapping, Leather Pocket-Book, with a number of papers in it, con fitting of one deed, notes, which can be profitable to no perfon but the owner. The owner may have it by applying to Jaiiez Dart.

Eaft-Windfor, April 15. STRAYED from the fnbfcriber the 16th' of April, two COLTS, one three years old.this fpr'ing, a dark iron gray horfe colt, about 1 3 hands high', paces and trots, moft natural to a pace, has lately been docked, has a large head and neck," with large cars the other two years old triis fpring, a brown mare colt, trots all, with a fmall head and neck, and a black flreak acrofs her (houldirs, with a long tail. Whoever will take up faid colts and return them or either of them to the fubferiber, hall be handfomely rewarded. Timothy Tryos. Berlin, April 2, 1793.

ALL pcrfons having demands on the cftate of John Holdrn, late of Glaftcnbury, deceas'd, rcprefented infolvenr, are hereby notified to bring in their claims to us the fubferibers, omntiflioners 011 fairl eftatr, within eight months from the date hereof, at. the houfe of William Buck, where we (hall at-end on the bufinefs on the firft Monday in June and lecond Monday in July ncx. Reuben Risley, Commirlonc. John Howe, Glaflenhury," April 2.J, 1793. covered there and at Golhen feveral lesions, lunger it ot elegant (hapc and figure, and his colts are fine, and for the faddle the bre.ed has perhaps never been exceeded in ibis State.

The price for tbe feafon 18s, or gs. the leap, in pfoduce or 13s. the feafon, and 7s. 6d. the P4 cafli, when the Mares are brought.

Good paAurage provided, and proper care and attendee engaged, by Hartland, April 9, 1793; N. B. Mires fent from out of town for th feafon, will, be kept two weeks gratis. Two Dollars tbe Leap and 4 Dollars the Seaon. nHHE famous full blooded JL Horfe, youog ROVER, will cover at Chelhire, the 29th and 30th of April, at the (table of Mr.

Jonathan Hall, and on Wednefday and Thurfday of tbe fame week, at the ftable of Capt. Samuel Tudd in Waterbarjr 3 and on Friday and Saturday, at the (table of Landlord Zachariab, Thompfon, its. Bethlehem and at the (ta ble of Capt. Wadfworth in Litchfield, on Monday, Tuelday and Wednefday, ol the lecond week in May, and on inuitdajr and Friday of (he fame week, at the liable of Landlord James Thompfon, in Golhen and on the third week of May, at tb (table of the fubferiber and on Monday, Tuefday ind Wed The famous full-blooded Horfe BUCEPHAL US, TILL Cover at the liable of the fubferiber in this City, at FIVE DOLLARS the feafon, or THREE DOLLARS the fingle leap. He is equal for beauty, fpirit, flrength and movement, to any Horfe in America he was bred on Jra." in v'rg'nui from the belt breed on the Continent his Colts have proved excellent he is of a dark bay colour, fifteen hands two inches high.

Alfo, the full blooded bay Horfe A A WILL Cover at the fame place and at the fame price. He was got by Mr. WelBenholme's Tanner, bis dam by Bajazet foa to the Godolphin Arabian, and his grand-dam by Babraham, his great-grand-dam bySedburry, and his great-great-grandam by Childers, which was called Lord Portfmouth's Ebony. The colts of Bajazet are all of good fize and very handfome remarkable for their fpeed, no horfes in America arefwifter. He Im covered near Trenton iu New-Jerfey for feveral years and there are feveral of his Colts in that neighborhood that would add reputation to the firft ftallion in America.

Alfo, Is an imported Horfe from Spain was a prefent from th King of Spain to John Jiy, E5rj. of New-York, and now his property datk bay, of great fize, Itrength and fpirit. One of his colts not yet three years old is to be feen at the liable of the fubferiber, Alfo, the Naraganfet Horfe A WILL Cover this feafon, at the (table of the fubferiber, at g. the leap or 18s. the feafon.

He is 3 years old, 15 hands high, his figure and movements equal to' any. Con dan attendance and good. paltering for by FREEMAN KILBURN. Hartford, April. nelday otthe fourth ween in (way, at tne tuoie oi rar.

Jonathan Hall, in Cbefliire and on Thurfday, Friday" and Saturday, at the ftable of Capt. Samuel Judd, in Waterbnry and the four lad days of May, and the firft week in June, at the (table of the fubferiber and on Monday, Tuefday and Wednefday, of tbe fecond and fourth week of June, at the (table of Mr. Jonathan Hall, in Chefliire and on Monday, Tuafdsy, and Wednefday of the third week in at the Aableof Capt. Samuel Judd, in Waterburv. He is equ-l for beauty, fpirit, flrength, and movement, toany Horfe in America he was bred at Spencer-Town, in the Sate of New-York, from the bed breed on the continent hit Celts' nave proved excellent- isof a beautiful dapple grey, fpotted, fixteen Hands high.

NATHANIEL HOLT. Meriden, April ig 793- N. B. Thofe Mares that were put to the Horfe thelatt fea-F 'Partnrrlhtp of Chancy and MO UK, was mutually dilTolved the 25th inflant. Ncw-Hjriford, April 26, 17 ion, ana rauea or navsnK voiu, may mwu price.

Coedpafturing fir Ms res..

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