Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 4
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- Hartford Couranti
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- Hartford, Connecticut
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)
a a a a a a a proftmons to deceive the people. And hence thole men who are obliged to ftruggie hard for office and affume the popular titie of republicans and friends of the people, are always the firft to corrupt and undermine a tree government. NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. CHILLICOTHE, Nov. 28.
Monday laft, the General Alembly of this Territory, were convened here. The following are the the Council -Mefirs. OLIVER, BURNETT, VANCE and the Houfe of Cobrain: Cutler, W. R. Putnam.
Moles Miler, F. Daniel Dunlary, J. Morrow, Torn Ludlowy, Reeder, Faceb Darlingten. Nathaniel Mafe, 2. Kimberly, Tohn.
Milligan. Thomas Cure, E. Tiffen, (Apeaker) Elras Langham, Worthington, F. J. Chabert, 7.
Schiefelin, M' Dougall, and Edward Paint. His Excellency Gov. ST. CLAIR arrived in town on Wednefday laft and on Thurfday hemet the two branches, affembled in Reprefentatives Chamber, and delivered the (pecch which he lays, 66 At this frit meeting of the fecond GenerAffembly of the Territory, I cannot lay any balinels before you without firft turning, your thoughts to the Supreme Being, the author and giver of all good. Favored as we have been with another moft plentiful harvelt in every kind, and bleft with the continuance of peace at home and abread, when we contrait our Situation with many countries in the old world, fuffering from want-deluged in blood thaken to their centres-their civil and religious inflitntions overturned, and anarchy and defpotilm and atheifm reigning in their ftead, how thankful ought we to be to Almighty GOD, whole kind providence theltered us from fimilar calamities Deither thould our gratitude be witheld from the general government of our country, which has been inftrument in his hands to thield us from harm and to procure us fo many blelings.
This comparifon, gentlemen, which it feems impolible not to make, holds out to us alto a very useful letion, not lightly to part with the real advantages we gent good. Could the thoufandth part of erjoy, in the I hope of imaginary and coatinthe atrocities that have been committed and the miferies that bare been brought upon unhappy France, been prefented to that people beforeband, they would have turned from them with horror and exclaimed with one voice, Are thy fervants dogs that they fhould do this thing ELY BUNCE, for fele 20 bbl. fopertine Flour, Hartford. r8er. Dec.
73. WILLIAM WATSON, 10 5bls. country do. to Shad goud in retailing 15 bbls. prime order.
poo buthels Turks-Ifand Salt. A few bbls, Rye-Aout. Alp, A few hhds. Rum firit quality Coniac Brandy, Holland Geneva, Cherry, Madeira, London particular 'Toucriffe, Lifbon and Port Wines, Hyfon, Hyfon-Skin, Souchong and Bobca Teas, Coffee, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Demerara Cotton, a Quanticy of Blown Sal: in Tierces, Cod-fifi, wrought and cut Nails and Tacks of almoft every fine, a variety of Hollow and Stone Ware, Ealt-Hartford Bottles, Craws half pint Tumblers, Guaging Reds, Wantage Sticks, Screw Augurs, yards, All kiads of Iron callings from Staffurd will be furnithed on application, particularly Stores which have proved of 3 fuperior qualiry from that furnace, wot known to crack by the heat of fire, For-Ath Kettles and aus affortment of Hollow Ware applied for, will be furnihed as foon as it can be tranfported. received from New-York 2 very large fapply European and India GOODS, viz belt Englith ingrain Carpeting Broadcloths from a-yard to 425 Scarlet Calimeres, Fore C'oths, Olive Frize, blue Plains, Coatings, du Baizes, Flannels, Blankets, Superfine do.
Toilenct, Fancy Morcens, Striped Calimaocoes, Ruffels, ladia Cottons, Bandannas, Cotton do. friped Italian and Florence Silk, -black India Satin. and Loftriog, Ariped and plaid Satins, black and colored Pelongs, belt white and black Hole, Silk Gloves. extra long cotton do. white and colored kid Gloves, Calicoes and Chintzes from 1f5 a-yard to 63.
Chintz Shawls, olive do. purple fatia bordered Camels hair Shawls, colored do. cambric mullin black Griped Velvet, black. filk black Shagg, black Crape, velvet Ribbons, plaid Ribbons lappet, tambour'd, fatin Sprig and black Mullins, cambric book, tarabonr'd book, and Todia book Mulline; black and white Millinet, Galloon Bindings, Bobbin, Tapes, Threads from No. 5 to 70; worlted, white worlted and patent Hole; black and fancy ilk Handkerchicfs, Laces and Edgings, white bed Lace, Tea.
cotton Yarn; Young Hyton and Hyfon-Skin N. B. The above Goods will be fold anufuatly low at wholefale or retail. Hartford, 21, 18or. (12t26) perfoss indebted to the eftate of ELA NATHAN SMITH, Jr.
late of Berlin deceafed, are requelted to make payment by the day of January next. Thofe that do not comply with this requelt, may erpect to find their accounts in hands of an Attorncy. Einatbon Smith, 7 Adminifirators. Sarawal Porter, 3d. 5 Berlin, Dec.
19. 1801. (36) NOTICE is hereby given diftrict that of the hon. Windham, court of probate for che has allowed fix mooth4 from this date for the creditors to the eftate of Mr. Stephen Turner lase of Mansfield deccafed, to bring in their accounts for fettlement.
All who neglect to exhibi: their accounts within Laid time properly atteRed, will he. debarred a recovery. All indebted to faid elate are requeled to make inmediate payment to TIMOTHY TURNER, Mansfeld. November 13, 1801. (25) BURR PRATT.
Oppofite Mr. Daniel north part of the City. in continue to pay the higheft price Salt or Cath for FLAXSEED during the winter. Alcu Hilda good retailing MOLASSES for falc. Hartford, Dec.
14, r8er. (25) Jut received and for falc by HUDSON and GOODWIN, price gd. The Female Advocate, Written by a LADY. the Commercial Advertifer. No.
XV. TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. SIR, BUT it is pot only by appointing to men ct immoral lives and loofe principles, tha: the exercile of- the powers of goverament inay be rendered to the purpofes ci corruption. The fame consequence, refults from pardoning confor Bight caules. The power of pardoning criminals is one of the mat delicate and imporrant trulls that lociccan beltow unca A Chief Magitrate.
The delign of it is to chaSie the to intercept the enforcemect of rigid legal penalties, in cafes, where frong circumLances reader the exercile of forgivenels expediect and fade. Sometimes it may be fate to pardon a young crimw.al fo: the firit offence, wisen it appears that he was' feduced by bad company, or fair promifes, and fiews penitent. Sometimes may be proper that the rigor of public jutice Should the -claims of a numerous fublilfacile, dependant on the offender for tence. Sometimes the teal policy of exerciting acts of clemency, may interpole public claim toa criminal's life, paramount to the demands et law. Put in a free country, where the laws are dictated by humanity.
and enacted with caution, it is pretamable that tew cafes will occur in which humanity will require, or the public latery permit, the Chief Magiftrate to exercil: the power of pardoning criminals, who have Seen fairly tried, and found guilty by a jury. The power of pardoning implies: a power offinterrupting the whole courte of penaliaw a power to delea: the fentences of the highelt courts of judicature; and in fat, a power that may be exerted to paralize the frength of the legitature infelf, in matters of a criminal nature. It has been july quettioned whether fuch an immeale power can ever be fafely ledged in a Engle executive; but certain it is, that a power of fuch magnitude and moment, and fufceptible of the rot dangerous abules, ought to to be exerciled with a fcrupuices caution and profound wilcorn. Thee reflections occur in confequence of the carder si Freeman, who' was fentenced to imprifinmentand a fine for counterfeitins bank notes; and of the order to. the District Attorney to enter a zolis profegsi, in the adion in by the Executive, at the of the Senate, agaioft Wm.
Duane, for a libel on that branch of the legitature. Laying out of the later cafe, the the queltion indeof the legality of the order, and corum of inuing it, without the requelt or knowledge of the Senate, there is extreme danger in thus difpenting with the penalties of a criminal code. When men of no principle obferre others vienting the laws with they are emboldened to enter upin violations of the fame or other laws: and who cur eatedlate what ale milchief will refult to fociety, Hora the removal of thole refiraints which all nations, as well 25 our own legitature, hare judged it expedicat to impote on the licentious defires of men? Who will refpect the laws that are not enforced Who, will regard the adminiftratien of juftice, when the Chief Magiltrate its Strips terrors the judge and of difarms -his power even the legiflation law of its operative force, by annihilating the effed: af its fandions In our cathutiatin for freedom, we have rejected the authorities of ancient and modem writers who have told us, that elective governments unavoidably generate factions, that Ections corrapt the cleaters, and that bold afpiting men enlifting the palliens of the people under their banners convert them into the inframents cf annihilating liberty. We know indeed that former experiment has ended in eftablilhing the trath of this information but we vainly and proudly fancy, that we are wiler than other patrons have been, in deviling provilions to guard againft the invalions of faCtioo, or what is worle, we ignorantly fuppofc, that our citizens by fome magical refinement, are improved into more perfect beings.And wira: is rqaally true, and perhaps more Fen arkable, is that the fanatical admirers of repubican Form of government, are the fir to codermine its foundations. It is beyond all quittion that the late intrigues and the undue influence, uled to clangetbe adminiftration of the National.
Governmeat, and the meafures purfued and priociples 2- dopted in regard to executive officers, have, wain two years, done more to encourage fauns, corrupt the exercife of the right of fuffrage and weaken the neceffary refpeft for the laws and adminiftration, than could have been effected by any fuppolable The number enemies to republicanilm. ures of the known advertiries of an elective coreranient are always expoled to fufpicion, and therefore, in a country like ours, can have little influence. But the profefed friends of republicanilm, are. liable to no fuch fu ficion on the other hand, they arc and favored it at by any time, they are weak or dethe of the people, figning men, they advance fecurely in the work of undermining or 2 faulting the Conftitution of 2 frce frate Hence they and take under the denomiration of Republicans; cover of this popular title, proceed with fatety, to mount into of the honors and offices of government 2ad when they hare acquired the power, they infalt and dumuneer at pleafure. Were it that in an ernment, the wills of the citizens fould.be let perfectly free in the exercile of right of fuffrage the elections would almoft alaffign to the but men the important oftrays of government.
Be: all hittory and the nature of man forbid us to- indulge the hone that elections will ever be free and urtiffed. This is a folemn truth that as offvoluntarily beftowed, are ufually well belowed, 'o officer, when with fought ardent after zeal by hon prank or fallinto the hands of wash men or and men voluntary and ur. comma men do not--hence the latter refort rifices to obtair. -uney farworthy, and good, and make fair TALLMADGES AVERILLS, HAY lately received an additional Supply RUSSIA. SWEDISH and AMERICAN IRON, Nail and Spike Rods.
Allo, 30 3bls LIVER OIL. Dec. 14 (6w25) TURNPIKE. is hereby given, That a meting of the Tolland to Turnpike Hartford, in for purfuance Ling of an DEL of the Company road from General Afembly at ruell be at the bonfe of Lemuel King, in Bolica, op the fecand Monday of A. D.
at tow d. M. for: the purpofe of king foures, sad daing any other balinefs proper sone at faid ousting FEREMIAH WEST, SAMUEL WHITTALSET, ISHAM CHAPMAN. December 7, 1301, .125) I deleerine to live with PHEBE T. N.
wido by fort people is celled my wife. This is therefore to forbid any perfun er perfurs from bartering or trufing ber account, as will nos poy any debt of Ler contraRing after this data THOMAS PHELPS. Gronby, 124h 18ct. (36) U.N meey from the or the roll inf. an apprentice boy named ELIAS GOFF, 19 yeurs.old: Task with him a fears failor jacket, a urf, and clue He bar worked Fee years at the bafinefs.
Whoever will talenp faid Loy, and return him to the fubferiber foall bave one reward. WILLIAM WARNER. Hartford, 18ib Dremmater, 18or. (26) THE proprictors of the Bolton Turapike Company are hereby that their meeting will be holden at Doctor figh Inabolder in. Athford, on the haft Tuelday of January, -180z.
zit. To choule officers to faid ad. To fee if faid compapy will make any alterations in their by-laws, in refpect to the placc 'or places of holding their meetings. NATHANIEL: ROOT, Sacretary. 'Coventry, December 21, 1801.
(26) INSOLVENCY. NOTICE. is Taylor, hereby of Wincheher, the -in creditors Luchficl of county, That the General Affembly of the State of holden at New- Haven on the fecond Thurfday in October, A. D. 1801, appointed the fubleriters Trullees for the creditors of faid Miad Taylor, and that it was refolred by Laid General Affembly that the Laid Eliad Taylor thould, by the frit day of December then acxt, deliver over upon oath to the faid Truftees all his property of every kind for the' benefit of his creditors, excepting only his wearing apparel and that of his wife and children, and alto fuch articles of hoofehold farniture ceceffary for himfelf and family 2-in the opinion of laid Triftees ought to be referved for the ale of fad Taylor and his family.
Now notice is given thatthe faid TayJor hath complied with faid Refolve, and that foz the purpofe of receiving and adjuting the claims againft faid Taylor, we the Trunces will attend at the dwelling-houfe of Theodore Goodwin, in faid. Winchefter, on the fecond Monday of January and the fift Monday of February and March next, on cash of faid days, for the purpole aforefaid. All perfons indebted tc faid Taylor, are to make payment the fableribers who are authoriled to receive the launc and give legal ditcharges thercof. Harlbut, Theodor: Goodwin, Willica Batted, Wincheler. 4th December, of into the a inciofure confout of the forrel mare, wiise frice in her face.
Dult mane and luil, fourteen Lands Ligh, natural tratter and round. NEH. MERRELL. Neo- Hartford, Dermier 35, 1801. UN an indented from boy tin gamed fut on Nathaniel the Edwards, infient about thirteen years of age.
Mind on a mixed coloured great coat, coat, weft and overballs. Her dort brown Hair Small eyes with large ears, bed fome time puf, fioned a in Lir under lip. Whoever will tale Several of teeth Licked ext by a up fain boy and return Lime so his Mifer foull base cre cent reward sud 20 charges paid. FONATHAN PORTER. N.
B. All prefaas ere forint burboring faid bey. Covertry, Deco 1 8o1. OST from cart on the 1 7th initaut in Hartford, a tow cloth bag contaicing two of Juniper Berries- will inform the Printers where it may be found will oblige CASE. Dec.
22. FOR SALE, ONE Sawmill balf and of about valuable tweaty nine Griltmill acres and of land, with a dwelling boule thereon, all fituated in Bristol, Weft-Britain Society. The Griftmill has lately.been put in excellent repair. The ftream is uncommonly good, ef. pecially ina dry fealon, as has been proved the fall paft.
An highly approved Miller is on the premife, and the terms of Gale will be made cafy to the. purchafer. to Dr. io Weft-Britain, 00 to the fubicriber in Harwinton. JOSHUA WILLIAMS.
N. B. On the premifes are two or three other good fruations-for Mills. Harwinton, December 33, 1801. (27) NOTIFICATION.
NOTICE is GLEASON hereby given to the COWLES Members Aquedue? Compary, that there will be a mcenng of laid Company, at the Houle of John Ripley, Inn-Holder in the city of Hartford, on the laft day of December infant, at 6 o'clock afternoon, for the purpofe of appointing the officers of faid Company. CHAUNCEY GLEASON, ELLAS COWLES. Hartford, Dec. 18th, 1801, (27) GREEN WOODS TURNPIKE. THE annual Meeting of the Green- Woods Turnpike Company, will be bolden at the dwelling-honfe of Mr.
Horace Higley, in Winchefter, on the fecond Tuelday of Janwary next, at which time a dividend will be ready for the Stockholders. By order of the Committee, JOSEPH BATTELL, Clerk. Norfolk, 25 Dec. 18o1. (27) SIX months from this.
date being allowed by the Hon. Court of Probate for the difrid of EufWindfer, for the Jetlement of the state of RUFUS PEASE, late of Enfield, derenfed all Perfons bavirg ary demands fuid fate ore notified" to bring them in within fad time or tbey will not be alLorred. All perfons indebted to flute are cite make immediate payment fo GEORGE PERKINS? AdmirifRUTH PEASE trafort. Enfold De. 5, 18er.
(2;) JOHN FOOT, Co. Hare jut received from New- York the following articles of Dry and Welt-India GOODS, which they are felling on the low- elt terns, viz. THirty pieces fuperfine and low priced Broadcloths, various colors faperfine mixed, and drab different colored kinds; friped Calmercs; Foreft Cloths of fuperfrac biack and ulive colored filk and cotton Velvets 6-4, 7-4 9-4 Role Blankets: C7. I- Baizes, Flannels 4-4 6-4 purple and white camels hair Shawls with latin borders India Luteftrings, Modes and Pelongs, Chintzc3, Calicoco, Wildbores, Bird -eye Stuffs AriCarablets, black Moreen, Durants, Tammies gentlemens' fur Gloves, do. patent worlted filk, worlted and cotton Hole; Toilinets, frith Lincos, friged and plain Calimancoes, Durante and Marfeilles bandanno, check, and friped Silk Handkerchiefs, cotton and linen pocket do.
fewing Silk and Thread Tapes per dozen yards country check (trip'd and white tow Cloth 20 packs 41 Pins; 103 groi; button- Moulds TO grofs Knives and Forks; common Barlow and finited Penknives per dozen: and iron Candleticks; Shears and marble warming Pans, flock Locks, warranted ink- Powder, ink-Rands, Dutch Quills, curry- Combs, brafi-Cocks, zor-Cafes, hora Combs dozca coat, reft and deeve Buttons; Safpenders, whip Thongs, Bellows, ALSO, 1000 buth. rock and Turks Illand Salt. 6 hhds. Barbadoes Rum. 4 tons Ruffia and Swedes Iron afforted.
wt. German Steel. 400 wt. Coffee. 1200 wt.
bet: brown Sugar. hhd. Lump Sugar, 150 quintals Cod-Til. 156 pieces India 2 chelts fouchong and do. Bohea Teas.
and Hrfon do. 2 tons furnace Hollow. Ware. 10 kegs James- River -10 calks freth 2 Pipes belt Holland Gin 2 Do. French Brandy 20 Barrels Taperfine York Flour Madeira, Limbon, Malaga Port Wines pr gal 20 lb Nutmegs-20 Cinnamon 20 Reams Writing Paper-20 Do Wrapping.
400 lis Pigtail Tobacco- -6000 Spanith Segars 500 lb Sauff-Leiper's Do in bottles 100 Straws American Segars 20 Doz Ladies Twin and Smoking Tobacco 2 Hhds Bbl Shad in prime order Kegs Sounds Tongues. -Calks Ed cut 2 Bails upland Cotton Wool 50 Pair Leather Shoes 20 Barrels Mels and Prime Beef Do Primac Pork 4d 8d sod god Wrought Nails Har.ford, Dee 28 SALT. 2000 Buthels Turks INland Salt, For Gale by BROWN KIMBERLY. The SALT is on board Capt. wharf Minidale and by the dletown upper-houfes, where a part wili be fold from the veffels by Mefrs.
Savage and Sage nearby, and the ref will be crantported to Hartford. Merchants in the City can have it delivered at their. Stores, applied for in feafos. A few Hindred buthels now in Itore. 38, (6w27) FOR SALE, in within Gr rods A FARM mecting-boule, and adjoining the green, brough which runs the Waterburvriver turnpike-road, containng so0 acres, well watered, an orchard of about 3co tress, the land is of fuch a toil as to be well proportioned as to mowing, rafturing and plowing, and a fuflicient quantity of wood for laid farm on which Itands a two story dwelling houte and a barn 66by 43 feet, with a cowhoute and 2 blackinihs thop.
For enquire further of particulars and terms of payment the fubfcriber living on the OZIAS BROWNSON, Fr. Winchefter, Dec-: 22. FOR SALE, THE DWELLING HOUSE, fituated within Thirty Rods of the Bridge in Hartford -is almoft new, 30 by 26-feet, two ftories high with a Cellar under the whole of it; A well of good Water within ten feet of the door. The boufe is very convenient and will be fold on reafouable terra Inquire of ABIEL THOMPSON. Said Thompfon all thefc who acconnts open with him to call and clofe them, as it is very necellary that all his accouats thould be fettled in a thort time.
Wanted as an Apprentice to of the Shoe bufmels a Lad years 24- age--Inquire as above. Hartford, Dec. HEREAS and a forth of SELDEN CHAPMAN, of in the Fallor defrid be be- of Connecticut, Merchant, Trader and ing declared a is berchy required to farren- the der himfelf no us the underigned Com on jib and and days of January, 2802, and on the Sib of February 18c2, 4: clack a on day tach of fuid days, at the dwelling of Willian bis of ate and cohen and where the creditors Gelfon, faid and make full of of to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the firl meeting to chafe Alignees, and. at the left meeting the fund bankrupt is required to fwilb bit inction, and the creditors are re a fent to or diffent from the bin all perfons indebted to the faid bankrupt or that bane any of of are bis as not. to pay or deliver the fame, bet to whom.
the faid or Creditors forll appoint. ELIPHALET HOLMES,) PAREDSPENCER, ri. NAVID M. JEWETT, Hollim, Dec. 2545, r8ox.
THE fubleriber wants to purchaic a few feet of white alh plank, two inches a quarter thick, fourteen fect long the thoufand of white woud panel boards, two feet and a half largelt half of them--and a few thoufand feet wide to two feet, clear from Makes and knots the yellow kind. WILLIAM WING. Hartford, Dec. s6, 1801.. (27) WANTED, A Journeyman who at has the ferv'd Scythe- 2 regular buhprenticethip at the trade, will find good encouragemente, by applying to WILLIAM WARNER.
Hartford, Dec. 23d, iSc3. (27) between and Windfor, onthe 8th of December a fable in TIPPET, whoever will return the fare to Beckwith's tavern, or the printer actcof, Chall be handinmely rewarded. Dec. NEW.
GOODS, At Wholefale and Retail. Tuft Retived, opening, By KEYES and CENT R. A GOODS, it being affortment the ot fecond feafonable Cupply reccived in the courfu present icalou. makes their affortment very extenlive and entirely of this fall importation. An numeration of the different kinds of have on hand would be too tedious only lay that their is equal in this city.
Fully believing that the do not rely altogether on acws information cheapaels of goods, they are requeltedra and view for therafelves, being confident the great exertions which they have purchaling and felecting their Goods, enable them to give general fatisfaction in prices. Hartford, Dec. c8. Pay For NEWS-PAPERS. SHEARED.
WOOL. FOR falc at the Store of the fubferibers in Clafcubury, (Pratt's Ferry) a quantiry of excellent Sheep's Wool at 3f per pound. C. HATCH, N. B.
Wanted as a Clerk in laid Storca likely Lad, 14 or 15 years of age. Wn. C. H. Co.
Dec. 24th, r8or. VENDUE. THERE will be fold at Public 'Auction or the 20th day of January next at 2 o'clock THE fubferiber reminds his Cuntomers that another quarter cads with this on a complete fettlement at that time, fo as to begin anew with the hopes none will deny him their aid, as willoblige him to put delinquent's accounts (elpecially thole who are two or three quarters or more in arrears) into the hand- of an Attorney -He fincerely thanks thofc who are in the habit of being punctual. He expects in future to be paid quarterly.
JONATRAN HITCHCOCK, rider. December 24. STRAYED dun away in color, the one month year of old Udober paft with a crop off the right car, and dit and halfpenny under Tide. One laft fpringheifer Calf, red, with a white face, crop in the left car, and, fit in the crop, and two halfpenny's under tide at the right car; whoever win take up faid creatures, and deliver them to the fubferiber, or give information where they may be had, thall be rewarded, and neceffary- charges paid by Wethersheld, Dee. 20th.
18c1. (17) afternoon, 'at the dwelling-houfe of Elijah Smith in Tolland. Two ferip or thares in the CONNECTICUT GORE OF LAND, fo called (viz.) No. 328 and 229 and Sundry notes hand, being all the remaining property of Silas Hibbard, late of Tolland, A certificates bankrupt. ELISHA STEARNS, Alligace.
Tolland, December 23d. 137) CHEAP GOODS. WARD WOODBRIDGE, jr. AS Supply juft of received from New- Goods, York (which a general were purchaled on the belt terms terms) which renders his affortment as complete as can.he found in Connecticut, and he is determined pot to be in any article. A ant of MUFTS TIPPETS in as great a variety and as cheap as at any other fore in America.
Hartford, Nov. 30. (efa3) FOR SALE, FARM in New- Hartford, confifing of A about sco acres of Land, in the town, on the main-freet, near the meeting-houfe, about twenty miles from the city of Hartford, from which is a turnpike road. On the place are: a good dwel5ng-houfe bailt but a few years containing five rooms including the kitchen on the firf, and fire chambers on the fecond floor, a barn with tabbing, and other out-houtes, handfome fencing in front and round the adjoining gardens, with a good welt of water near haute. The farm confits of mowing and plow-lands, orchards, and a -proportion of wood land.
A conftant Arcam of water cans througi: theplace, on which there is a large never. failing fpring. For further particulars and terms mi apply to PETER W. GALI AUDET of the city of Hartford, or JONATHAN MARSH of Now-Hartford, near the farm. Hartford, 19th I8or.
NEW GOODS. Timothy P. Perkins Co. RE now opening very general afforment A of Europcan and Tudia GOODS, of the newel fathiops and latent importations, confifting of every article ufvally called for in their line of bufinefs; which will be fold at uncommonly low prices, and which are too extentre he enumerated ia an advertifement. Hartford.
Nov. 13 FOHN RIPLET, Has for Sale at the Store lately occupicd by Belen and Lyman, in Ferry Street, bids. St. Croix Rum, of a. excellent quality.
5 Do. Nevis do. Pipes of good Brandy per pipe or bbL Holland Gin per do. do. Lifbon Wine per hhd or quarter calk.
Lump Sugar per hhd or cwt. Brown Do. Railins per caft. Pohea Tea of the latelt importation per cheft half cheft. The above Goods will be fold cheap fo cath or approved credit.
Hartford. Dee. 14. (tfas) WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. JOHN MCRACKAN, Has received by the late arrivals from London, Liv erpool, Hull, Glafgow, end Dublin, or foot of winter Goods, which a LACK, blue, brown, fearlet, drab mix'd Broadcloths from fuperfine almoi every price down to 75 cents, Coatings, and Plaine, Force Cloths, white, rellow, red grect.
Flannels, green and red Baizes, Frizzes, Serge Kerfemeres, Swanfdowns, Role Blankets, Cr' all fixes, Hofery, triCh Linens, Withores imancocs and Durants fripca and plain of molt all color, Moreens, Ruffelt, Tabareer Joans, India Cottons, Calicoes and Chintz: Muline, Black Velvets, fewing Silks, Twit Shawls and pocket, Handkerchief, and mar other articles all which he is felling at whpi falc only for cath or the beft of credit at loweft regular New- York prices. Hartford. (Con.) Dec. 14. 1851.
Fir Sale by HUDSON COODWIN, REPORT of the TRIAL of On an indiCtment for the Murder of JASON FAIRBANKS. Mil ELIZABETH FALES. they a c- they to pub- uled will their.
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