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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 4

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PO ET'S CORN R. r-rHR honed Heart, whof: thot's are Clear from Fraud, Dtfguiie, and Guile, Need neither Fortune's frowning fear Nor court the Harlot's Smile. The Greatiiefi that Would male os grave, I but an empty riling What more than Mirth would Mortals hae The cheerful Man's a King. TO be fold avt public vendoe in Scffield on the third Monday of Jur.e next, at tlx houfe of Benjamin Kent, Inoholdcrin faidScffield fuddry (mall ptocet of land, of the real eftite of Dudley Kent, laie of Suffield, by Btt-jamn Kent, txecutor. May 24, 1771.

TO BR SOLD A Farm in the Parifti Amity, in New Haven, containing acres. with a good Houfe, Garo and Orchard, nioll in Stone Feoce, ar.J 70 Aciei of Land, in KenDogton, fotmerly the property of 15h Murdrum, which is extraordinary good meadow A houfe aod 3 aerts of now in pof-feffion of Samuel Ho emad. which former belonged to ffaac PMan- A houfe with ooe a- ere of land io EafUWiodfor, nw in Pifleflion of AfJibel Andetfoo Alio aVout 9c acrei of land formerly (he Commons, about 3 miles wed of the 1 north Meetiog-Houfe, in Hartford, which is principally wood land, and 6 acres land which is about thee quarter of a mile weft of the fiuth Meeting Hoolc. which isgcod paf- ture Aifo 160 acres of land iying in Wa tirbury, 1 and half mile's weft of the Meeting-Houfe, 25 actci is good paflure, the remainder wood land. Any perfon inc inipg to purchafe any or all of the above houfct and laods', may apply to Seymour, Efii in Harifird, JatMet A JJilihcue, Blq; in New Haven, cr Jcbn and Robert Ray, in New-York, who will give a good title tor ihe fame.

32 44 Mr. PRINTER, Your irferting the following may ralfy thecU-riofily if jome of your readtri. IN the (mill eewon of Cofhen, there; has been in the year 1770 fifty births, (tweoty fool and thirty daughter) aod Jiut five deaths, ioor infants and an old gcnileineo, aged 93. If fomegeoteman in each town in the colony would favour ui with an accooot of the binb and deaths in each town aonoally, it would fervc at a fpeeimen 10 fhew how pro igioofly fad this country fncttlfei in nnntber of inhabitants, at likewife the health nd toc.teaCe of each particular town But for want ot thai, I (hall for the present calculate according to the increafc ofthiitowo. Gofhcn.

i I ohfcrved before, it fmall new town, i but one par.Ih. and that not very large. Now there la the eulooy about 160 parifhci. (exclofise ol baptu's.

Sec. if we allow "he propM" of births to deaths to be tea to one, at it here, there will be by jo. 8ood binhs and lodc-th's out cf too births 11 800 from 8coo cocftquentty 7 joo remau.s lor the iocte.le of. he pafl. If this calculation be cot wo large, which I belietre Dot king George' fut 7200 mote fuljefls io the colony of Oooseflicuhsycar.itiaohehad ml.

Hip-poling emigrants and incomers 0 be equal. A WILL COVIi Em this Seafon, ac the Hovile of the Sub-ienber, in The HORSE We hear" that h) the Country Towns the Caterpillars kave taken the Jpplclrees Wt art reqtiefted to inform the Public oj a Method vj def-tr tying tbetn in Embryo, wbico has never failed of anfvjerin the purpvfe, viz. Make a fmall Mop of iw or Rags, dip into Lamp-Oil, and wet the JVejls that contains them, and feme of the Limbs if the Trie whereon the Nth hsngrj kills them inflanily. N.B. Tbefe Caterpillars arp different frsmthe Worms wbicb gerxralty deffroy the Fruit in the Spring.

Peter Ferft iIIey tiaijuH imfotttd jrtm London and Brifltt, the Cop taint B'yint, Halt, and (Sough, via Bffltn, and ht lieiltuhcra via London, A fine jfloftment cf GOODS, parV 6f the above goods are come to hand, which arc a follows, vi2. ijci fine bue, mix'd and dsve-cd-'ouiKii broad cloths, midliog and lw prized, fear ct ditto, blue, green, aocl cloth colour'd Gcrmao forges, Wilton cloths, ltriped fwao-ficitia od flowered feige's, Uhite fl.itiocls, fg-E'thyii, doable cambists, fprig'd camblets, ligui'd'lutTs, black and colour'd etapes, dotfet. teens, drefdens ar.d drefdenitts, yard wide iocf half pdpp grzetis and brolio's, blacfc biown and white buctiarhs, Da raafens for waiflcoati, fhallooot, calimancOci. tammies abd dbraats, pUids, ftarler, plufh aba fiddle cloths, broad, black, plain rulTets, Ir Hi fhecting, clouting and napkin diaper, 6 4. 7 4 and 8 4 table cloths, dowlas, Rnea'Y duck, ikklcoburgi at czoabrigs, black Aid' white) plain and fpiig'd peloog Luins, (jd.wbtte li.ik gioe aod mitts, ciotb coluur'd fi muti, black crayatts, men and women's' wftitt)'' aod colour'd gloves aod mitts, black add white plain aod figor'd gauzes, black and white catgut, broad and narrow tapes, black cyprufs''gauie.

a fine alTortment, black, bone and lace paltj work handkerchiifs, men' blick, while ana grey, plain aqd ribVd hofe, w'omea's black and grey ditto, men's brown thread (iocfcios sad gloves, black, blue and cloth coiotir'd breeches patterns, fcsrlet and black fnail trimmipgj, cap wire, a 6oe afiortment go'd and Glrer'bafkct Buttons, paiGoetts, bedtickiag; cambricks and lawns, muflios, twifl, biftut, hotn, and metal buttons, maiheman's ditto, fik, twift, knee garters, holmao's inkpowdcr, bell Dutch quills, writing and prefs paper, copper teakettles, btais kettles, bed velvet corks, bait and whole hunting whips, hour glaffcs, temple fpcflac'es, ribbons and ferrets, tapes and pins, fowing fjlkj, wool, cotton aod clothier's cards, burnt China cups and fauccr's, bowls aod plates, blue and whuq China cups and fiuccrs.wbite and blue and white (tone cups and fauccn, brown pint and qu.rt mujs, blue and white dclph tea pots and bowls painted, fltior brulhei, buck'e and cloth brufhes a fine aflortraeot tabic koitcs and foiks, penknives, white and yellow fhoe koee bdcklcs by the doz. men tnd wttscn's braft and fleel thimbles, brafs ick pots with pen knives, children's plain and flone rings, taylor's meats hunter's pipes, duck and ptdgton (hot, powder, bat lead, bralschaife nails, whalebone, loaf fa-gar, nutmegs, pepper by the hucdrcd or doz. alKpice, women's black worded gloves and mitts gill trunks. Sec N. B.

And as he intcohs to leave the Colony fcon, will retail tkcm as cheap as in Bolicn or New-York, for Oath. Good merchantable pot-aflt will be taken in pay for the abovegoods. of ihe above articles may be had of Mr, Stephen Meats, at bis. (lore, io Hartford, oppofiie the North meeting hoofe. WciibersGeld, May 28, 1771.

ALL pctfons iiaving.aeccunti unfeuled with the. cflitc cf boa John H'elH. Ite of Weaihen field, dcceafeJ, ate defircd to bring them to as fupn as nwy te, io older for feiile-ment, 10 01 the fobferiben. Miry We ll, Oliver Wells. Wca'therifield, Kitty if lift-N B.

Thofe that ate indebted to faid eflale ate requefled to mike immediate payment, which will ctTecliully prevent any difagre.ble coo-fequenecs that may otherwife'enfue. STOLEN ftQtn New Haven 00 the night of the 3d inflaot a light bay or forrcl mare, ii jai hands hith. 9 or 10 yean old, paces anJ trots. fcntciliin hump back'd. low in fklh, and pretty crofs, fhod all round when taken away Said r.orfe is fcppofcd 10 be fiole by a thief that wai sppchended and committed 10 jo.l at Hatlfoid, on the 9th inflant, and lift er I.

'Id between Hart.lord and New Haven. hocver Hull t.k'c up faid horfc, and give notice in the public prioti at Hartford, fhall be wtll all occcfTary cbirges paid by JOHN BROWN. Ranger, HE is a Horfc of Size, Scrength and Beauty, cqua, perhaps, to any in America, of the true Barbary Breed, bred in Eagland. The Price is Twelve Lawful Money, the Tingle Leap, jwd Thirty Shillings the Seafon. JAMES NICHOLS.

N. B. He is the fame Horle thai wa in my Keeping lafj Seafon. Cesd Paftmt for RUict. et a ptderatt Price.

LL perfoni having any demands on the eftate of Safliud Toufloy. late of Salisbury, deccafed (rejk.elered'vent) are hce-by uutified to exhibit (heir demauds on faid ellate. to uj the on the (lift Tucf clays cf June aod July next, at the hnufe or Mr. Elias Reed, ton holder io laid Sillftjty. To be fold at the houfe of the Widow F.d-wards, where Mr.

Merlon forr. crly kept Shop, the following artie'ej. by Benjamin Morrifonf ALL farts of earthen ware, dclph and chir.a, g'afTes and decanttra of all for good tiifii hollao tea. ccflle, chocolate, fp; tti of a)lforts, Lynn fines, indigo. Barie'ota e'rchxls, 'aod a many other things too tedious to enumerate, to be fold for Ciih or countty produce, May 21.

177 y0 hs fdd. much cheaptiilsn any in nc, a la' it iauai't. and comnoifituty filuated Tralli of Land, lying btlween the til branch of Utlauusrc River, and Sujuihinnah River. Wotcr Cirriage fron thie Trodi cj Land to FliiL-Jtlftia cr.d Maryland and it ab.ui ifl nilti t'rrn Eup.pui. cv Rivtr, which iinsvigai'e 10 Arw-Tcri, in Ugt Vtf.

tli. For further Particular! etqui'tcf Air. F.g'tert Demand At Eufifiui, Jtbn S.eXem' on Ik: Eafl 'ranch tf Dtlaiaaiif and Colon 1 1 Brtdfltcet at Albany, May 1 7 7 WI iEXR AS. fire of the proprietors of the lownlhip of VViochcltcr have maiie application to me the fubfetiber to warn a meeting of ftd proprietors to chufe a oew clcik, the pteteot cictk paving removed frm faid town, arid alio to chafe a committee to lay out and exchange fueh highway i faid townfhipat fhall be found nccrflary in faid town. Tfcefe axe therefore to warii kit the prpprietora of faid towrtfhlpto meet at Ihehoufe of Jufeph Fjagg ion holder in Hirtford, on Wednefday ths Day of June next, at one of the C'Oek io the afternoon, to conGder what they vllldo relating to the above pmicolart, ted iriofaclwiy otheir bofiocft thai fkall be tboaght pcceffity Datcti Mvy a r77i Thmm H'jmtri Pfoptietot'j CletJu WAS taken in the enclofure of the lul fcri-ber inWindfor, a white Mare, about 1,) ha-ndsaod hiilf high, bout ra er 14 years pacea and trots, ooe fhoe on 00c of her fore feet, aod oee on ooe of her hind feet, no brand, a fea -iher on her neck.

The owner may hae her again, 00 proving Ma property, and paying charges, by applyieg to Mofes Pbtips. Windfor, May 2 177 THE Snbfcriber has agaio opened School at his Dwelling Hoofe, where he hopes the Contiaoaocc of the Favors of his former Employers, and all others may depend on his ut-croft Endeavours to ioftracl iheir Children io Reading, Writing aod Arithmetick- JOHfi JEFFERr. HaitforJ, May 21, 1771 GASH given for clean Cotton and Lioen K.AGGS of any Kind, by the Printer hereof. HART FORD: Fritted 'by Ebsnezsr Watsow..

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