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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • Page 4

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOR S4LE, very low, hon. eonrtofProbtf for thdliiCt XJOTICE It heraby given, That l.aae. WANTP.D, Quantity of Beef, Butter (fjtd Lard. FOR SALE, Philadelphia Loaf Sugar, and pond St. Croix Rurn by the lilid.

Alfo, a large af-fortment of CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASS WAKK, by Urte or fmall quantities. Francis Brown and Co. Hartford, Fab. 24. Hatting Furrs of all kinds, 9 Heaver, Mufkiat, Kacoon, and t-atl likpn'iiV Vni ftkinn.

anil rn Martin Sfcir.H. Enquire ot El.l Bartholomew, Hartford, Ferry-Street. For SALE, at the Store of WILLIAM BARTON, jurt. 3o Uufhel of Flax-flecd. 900 flufhels of Turku Wand Salt.

Hartford, Feb. 26. HOLLOW WARE. BULL and I fciiccttuily inform their nut incy are now mppiieu v. mi a vei BcQun Turnpike Company.

propfietiimof the Bollon Turnpike Company arc hettbynntilicdthattheir pi. cling A adjourned to the Lift nl March then to meet at Opt. Cluihom in Coventry, at 90' cm-h A. All pirfons who wifh to in-ti rr i ihe.iiHiivrs ill Tin npikc-inad, 1 ut a I'liaticc l-y applying, to Lemuel Efq Comfxt, Dani-I H. Wicbbam, 'i'rimplVin, Abraham Afhford, U'MitltunrJ, Willintou, linger Waldo, Mir.

Xiltit Coventry, Jofepb fa IV.ltoti, "Jtbn Oleotl, Raft Hartford, or ilu-luhfcriher and cnnliclti iup the iin -'V. iw.r. ff ilie object, the company flat -tcr 1 IilipIc'vcd trnt will readily an'ijar 10 lake the few remaining fharcs on 1'er Older, JOHN RIPLEY, Sec. Coventry, 19 Feb. 1798.

nc al and complete aflbrtmcnt of Hollow de, rhat their friend, and creditor, may all on tlit Ware, Pot-Afh Kettles and Caldrons i thofe receive erery advantage the Suffi.ld Feb .7. -who have been unavcidalily difappoinltd thocafo cn podibly afford, they have all n- 7" 6v county of it. 6wl in thofe articles arcrtqiteltcd to profit thcrii felvea of an early choice. Welt India Go'xis as ufual. Madeira Wines, a.

jsood as ever. 4a Boxta 9 7 and 8 by 6 Fnglilh Glafs. Firlt rate Nova-Scotia (JiiodfUmef, and mimer 1 oie, from he date foV the rllemet of the eft.te now and then a Book Account, may offol. Hetcher Prudden, late of Bethlem, alfo be nad of Bull Kmc. deceafed, thofe who have claims againtt faid N.U.

A fetv lacks of Hatters Wool, of a c(lte are notified to exhibit them properly fupetin'r quality and well elcatifed. atteted, to the fubferibers, within the time 'This it a fpeciti if a confiderabU limited or bedeharrcd and all who are in-proporihn -which, unltfi bought iti by theft delited are defired to make immediate pay-ivht have an afffof'iaic right, veryjhorlly, ment. Sarah PrwJdtn, Admin- will be difbofed of in that unprofitable and Fletcher N. equally diftrrtdble manner, pointed tut by Bethlem, Feb. 5, 1 798.

Yf "aie 01 Jofin Hoifinglou, TVwuce is Hereby given, That Thomas rep.sfentedinfolvent, IX H. Hooker, of H.tiford, in Hartford 1'ereby gtv. notice that w.e lhall attend 01 County, profetrtd hi. petitio- or a divorce, faidbulinefsattlie dwelling houfe of Sal- to the honorable Superior Court at their fell rnon Hoifington in fald Berlin, on the ftrft fion in H.rtford on the fecord Tuefd.v of Mondav In Anril. and n.a B.h.,, 1,1.

ir. i-n- Mondivin February 1108. airaind his wile. Pollv Mnnt. V'l 'FHK, ULUVl.

frum til (lit Lermf. fnr i-rrdilnr tn tli ii jiiiwiut hub ih'wiu im iiiviitiia cftatcof Nathan Bollr. lato of Welt-Sprint- t.M hil ,1 Hlorfet- ft-Srittg- I Tbofe is within tlement to Elizabeth Doltcs in Weft neia, or to leiin nolle, in Hartinrtl who gleet to bring iti their claims within fall! fimo will be legally dcuarietl. Allper- font indebted to faid eftate' are requcHed to make immediate payment. jolu niiics, Auimmiiraior.

lUUnlclb liillts Hartford, Feb. 1 6, 1 $. Job T. Benjamin Bolles, WOULD inform all concerned, that In conlecjuence of innumerable difaii- pointmcnu, thoj' to the very dff- agrceanie necciliiy 01 Keepni); lioule in or- cell'ary information ready to bo (hawn to thofe Wliowill dotlicm the tavortocjll. North cn.l City Hartford, two doon from John Tivmidu'i, Ef).

Feb. 1.. THII court of probate the diftridl FOR SALE, two florv Dwrllino. A Commodious J.X MOUlc, with about one acre of Land adjoining Th nleafimt thf. nimr(- 1 1 .11 ft I a 1 rn A nn an.

an eminence a nttie retired at the North end nf th. umuuiuiij niuatea. it isaccommo- Qatca w'tn a well of excellent never failing water, and a fine garden. For terms apply living on me premilca SAMOei. A VCD New-London, Dec.

16. 8w.i8 WJV. the fubferibers "beinv. bv Hie hAn" VV court of probate, for the diftrifl of Farmlngton, appoinlid comtr-iffianers tn r. ceivc and examine the claims of the feveral 1 M.qneaciiot faid days, fix monthl from fhi Jat being allcycd to rjie editors tp exhibit their claim, againtt faid eftate Oliver Pect, 1 Roiier Norton ir.

I Comrait-fioneis. erlin, February 15, 179S. BROWN anrl IfUvtRUBtV WANT to purchafe barrel Pork and Beef, Butler. Lard. CvHer and molt kinds of Country Produce, if delivered Icon, and will pay i Cafh or the following Goods St.

Croix Rum French Brandy. Hollands Gin. Sherry, Port, Lifbon Teneiiffe Wines. uwntA ijjA.fevy caefts. Hyion and Souchong liaifi-a.

VumP Sugars. S5 barrels brown do. cheap. finger in fma 1 1 cafke wdl bolted. "h'-e.

"uch. repper. vv aine irons, war Lead, Frying Pans. Kockwe.l bloom and refined Iron. ayo.nmtcreaoitei.siey Shoes.

Do. Share Moulds Swedes Iron. Ucrman Steel, few faggots, proved to be u. me Din quaiuy roracytnes. cc.nes per quantity orhngle.

Rolin per barrel Few tons Ckalk. Cod Fifh. Spanilh, French and Carolina Indigo. Spanilli Brown ground in oil. Invoice 3 boxes hollow Glafs 6W19.

OTTA BOSTW1CK, of Litchfield, in he County of Litchfield, has brought a petition tor Divorce ngaind her bufbaod An- thus Boftwiok, late of bid Litchfield, mw abfeonded to parts unknown, for the eaufe of Adultery; which petition is now peid- in before the' Honorable Superior Court for ah. -r 1 01 i.iitiinciui All peitonscon- "med arcto takeanotice thereof and govern themfelves acconltngly. Lltcliheld, Feb. 12, 1798. T'HISmay ay certify wlibm it may concern: Jhat Obedient of Harwinton, "-f apetition msTyea thrift abfence from hepf which petition is now pending before tlte'honorable Superior for the Comity of Litchfield All Court perfons concerned are to take notice thcreot and go- vetn inenneives accordingly.

Litchfield, Feb. 12, 1798 1 ivIUURIUIIUiriU otrcn.Tiour Munard. Window GUfs-StafTord Hollow. Ware. Single and double ro ed Sheet Imn 1 1,1.

rtnttlUn FrC in eujiiciu. in i-iarrinrfi i rt omble Suuerisr Court at their frflinn in r.i.i ford, on til feohd 'Fuefday o'f F-bruarv 170S, ag.litft hl Wile Olive Lane, lale bf fW SulBeld, (fating, That on the 25.I1 day ot October, ija he was lawfullv mrMl ot October, ija, he wif lawfully married to her, with whom he lived in Haiinony till January 1793, when faid Olive formed ah improper connection with one Jofcph Free. man: 1 nit me Has trequrntly am) mlvarelv took snr fn.Vmiw,A titicn; isrs boits, ohiiK-itionat papers, cloath- ing and other property That fai.i cbninutted -adultery with faid Freeman hath eloped Iromthepetltionerond now live. Freeman which fald, petition 1, by fiu Court nC5, a "olden Hart, ford within and lor the 'T'HE Hon Coertof 1'robate h.ving illow. six M011111.

tor tlie leitlcment oi the of VW cr 'teof Claftenbury de- ne ctiims on laid eft a to f0' V.Wy are delircd to make paymentr Timothy Ta cot AdmlniBrw Glaftenbury, March 5, 1798. Diftrift of Connefticuti: Hartford, March 3d, 1 798. he fold at auftion, at the Public I Signpoft in the city ofHartford, oniric 10th day of March inft. at 4 o'clock p. m.

one calk, anil about t30 gallons of Cyder lire and condemnation U.i nranoy, againit wnicti judgment ot forfeit- fn IT 'T" oy tne ninrici court ror ine dillna of Con- t.t... necticut, holden at New-Haven on the ucutty ui rcu. iau. ny SIMON CLARK, for tbediJtrillafCmneBuut. Wanted a quamitv of a LAMB-SKINS, Such as are taken from Lambs that die tn'8 ftafon- Hartford, March 5, 1798.

er, iae qi iua, iianni inai mor. than threeveitri im Siewhit owav inMm pany with another to puts unknown and hath wilfully ab fen ted herfell from tlu petitioner for more than three years finee which he hath had no intelligence from her, and know, trot where the is, or whether (he Be living or hot 1 which petition is contin- tied by Court to their next term, to bo hojdenat Hartford in and for faid County, on the fird Tuefday of September next All perfon concerned are to take notice hereof and govern them "dves accordingly. Hartford, Feb. 23, 1798. 6w.j8 MquJc ayd Store to be Let, and pojfcjjioii fttiiin immediately, TWO thirds of the Honfe, Garden, Mil 11.

.11 caft of tte South Prtfbyterian Church, which may accomodate two or three fmall families. Alfo, the Store and Wharf ad- joining north of Bull and KingV And to be laid at the liiblcrioer's a tOlcraUie grow Corn, Rye, c. A number of loads 0f manure is now' on the lot. For tcrmi apply to JAMES BULL. Thofa perfons who have accounts open with the ellate of Caleb Bull, deceafed, are requeaed once more'to requeued once moreo call and fettle the fame.

Hartford, March WHEREAS fome dogs in this town appear attended with an uncommon diicalc indicating madnefi, by mean whereof fome people have already fuftcred much damage and are greatly indangered and expofed to fuffer much more dnes thi. towl. be cu I "1 00 redtamed from gomg at large, lierebv order and direct, that all confined- or until the day of April next, on penalty tf the 'aw in that cafe provided and all dogs found going at large in 'this town are liable I.lll-J to oc kiiicu. Sejtth Heart, Gad Stanley. Jllfticcs of the Peace IsolemonV.

un ham, ford, Amos Hbjford, SeleAmei. Berlin, March 1, 1799. INOCULATION, 17 OR the SMALL-POX. will bettin on the 15th day, of March next, at the hofpital in Ellington and be continued, in thatfafe and eaiy method of preparation, heretofore eery.crm'ftce. ht Bt-jr render the difordcr mild, or prevent its injuring the THE RON SETMOU E0JUE8TS.

aU of his cuftomers that hjiye accounts unfetUed with him to ca" anl 'ett'c them, payment or their notes the firft day of April next, of expect coll without delay. Hartford, (Welt fpcietv) March t. TEA and TOBACCO. A Tuft received from New-York, Few thefts Boriea Tea, and frem Virginia, a quantity of manufactured Tobacco, in fmall calks Both wiH be fold at th? York prices, by BROWV nd KlMBERLY. Hartford, March Wanted io hire ut ajmaji A Good Man and Waro, who uuder-Itand gardening and.

houfe-work, with a goad recommendation. Apply the 6Peb. 1UI LII1IUH) Ult V.hlltll Willi Benjamin Hart, Seth Deming, William HooJter, 3 CASH PAID FOR Cyder Brandy, Pork in the Hog or Barrel, Lard and Com, by JOS hi' II UTLoY. Who hns for Sole, A few hlids. of Rum Superfine and fine Flour in barrels.

Hartford, Feb. 34. SALE, at the Store of JUSTIN and ELIAS LTMAN, A ew thoufand Vermont Shingles, of the lirfl quality. 150 white oak liiid. Shookf 100 feet a.

lc bullivln llerdu OiafsSecd. 12 liullielh Red Clover do. Wheat and Peas by the tierce or lefa. Nova Scotia Grindflones. iotonsP aider Paris, lying at Chatham in theeare of Mr.

Ccorge Lewis. JrJ Calli or any of the above articles will be paid for Corn and white 13eaii6. A fingle man who undti Itamlb the Cooper's trade and can come well recommended for hiahonelly and faithfulnef, who will be wiiling(occalionally)io alfift in fomc other branches of bufinefs, will rind good encouragement and generous wages for 6 months from the of April next, by applying as above, to and E. LYMAN.

Hartford, Feb 16. J. M. SCOTT Co. At the iVu tb enJ the City, in the Jiore for by MOORE ts? BOLLES, have received and tff'r forfait on accommo.

ditthsg terms to pu chafers SKreflSy Barrel. Holland Geneva by the Pipe of good proof and flavor. Cherry Rum. Sherry Wine, good qutlity. Loaf Lump and llrown sugars.

NTolalTes. I'relh Malaga Raifitis. Bohca Tea, Coffee, Rice. Corttilh by the Quintal. Pepper, Alfp te, Cloves, Callia, L'nglifh in Dottles.

Cackers ami Bufeuit. helpers Snuff. Virginia Tobacco. Long Pipes' by th grace. Sweedcs Iron.

Sad-irons, frying Pins. Writing Paper, Cordage. 6 by 8, and 7 by 9, Crown Window Glafs by the box. Rock and Turks-Hland Salt. Likewife an alTortment of Crockery Ware, comprifing Creen and Blue edged and Cream co'oured PLATES, DISHES, Muffins of al-moft every tize.

Bowls, Grey and Cream coloured, and coloured Mugs and Pitchers of all fizes Browrf and coloured Tea Pots, Cream Jugs, Sugar Howls, Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers, ALSO part of aq alTortment of Glafs Ware confiding of elegant Cut and Ground Decanters, do dodo tumblers, (Ju-trt, Pint, half Pint plain Decanter, do do. do. Tumblers, Wine Glades, Cut, Cround Sc common ialls, Looking Glafl'es. Tavernkeepers lhall meet a generous allowance. Wanted Rye, Oats, Indian Corn, Beef, Pork, Butter and Lard.

Hartford, teb 26. Ten Dollars Reward. THE fubfenher will yive the above reward, and his thanks, to any perfon, that will inform him of the villain who cut hit WELL ROPE lad night. WILLIAM IMLAY. Hartford, Feb.

Far SALE at AUCTION. ON Monday the 19th day of March next, will be fold all the real tltate of Fred-crick Bull, late of Windfor, deceafed, excepting the Widow's the manfion hotife of the faid deceafed, at two o'clock P. M. Alfo, at bid time and place, fuudry Colts and other Live Stock, Sec. James Bull, Thomas Bull, Adm'" r' Ftbrnary 24, 1798.

FRANCIS BLAISE, HASjuft received, a large and elegant af-foitment of Gold and Silver Watches, fatch Furniture, which he will fell on very reafonable terms, for Cafh or approved Notes. Among which are, Ladies and Gcntlcmens Gold repeating Watches, and thofe which carry the day of the Month, Huntfmens' and (othcr Silver Watches all which he will warrant for one year La. dies Finger and Ear Rings Tuitle Shell and Combs. Said Biaife, has alfo jnft received, and hat for fale, At whole fale, on very low terms, for or Pork, or approved notes, the following goods, viz- 100 pjece3 Linen 100 pieces Mullin, of different kinds, fuch hi Book, Jaconett, Sprig'd, Stripttl, and worked Edges. Muf-lin Shawls, Handkerchiefs and Cravats, work'd and plain jo pitccB Njinkeenctt, twilt and plain of various coioHrs Supir-fine Broadcloths Superfine CafTmieres Luftrings of different colours Black Sattin of various qualities too piceet Chintzes and Cailicocs Chintz and purple Shau piecci.

pocket Handkerchief. 6 pieces Gingham Silk and Cotton Hofe for Ladies and Gentlemen of various colours Silk Handkerchiefs of all kinds Ladies' Sat tin Bevcr Hats of various colours, with Taf-feU Gcntlemens' Hals A number pieces Brown Holland 12 pieces C.mibtick A number pieceB tCheck Linen, ditto Check Cotton for Aprons imported and home made Dcdticking One Trunk Calf Skin Shoes, cue ditto Boots. N. Said Biaife continues to fellGoods, at Ret.iil.for Cafh at prime coft, Hartford, Feb. 1 1798.

I TO be fold by ZADOCK HINSDALE at the Brick' Kiln at the fouth end of Weft-Hartford, 60 thor.fand of the beft of Bricks, which he will politively fell at the Kiln half a dollar a thoufand cheaper than can be bought at the other Kilns for cafh wood or eight month, approved credit. Weft Hartford, February 19,1798. afTprtment of GARDEN ed from the garden of F. Bull, deceafed. And may be.

Iea.fed, or fhared, the Land FOR SH, A Weavers LOOM. Enouircot Samuel Danfohth. IJartford, Feb. 26. Mr.

CASSAGNE, TAKF.S this method to inform thel'ar-mero in the adjacent towns, that hein-tends to purcliuft, the enfuing feafon.a very imamtity of Poultry, for exposition fiicii as Gctfe, Tiirkiea and Fowls for which he will pay the higheft price in Cafh he alio wants to contract for a quantity of Gammon and Hog't Lard. Thofe who have any of the above articles to difpofe of, are recjucflcd to call on Mr. Francis BUife, Watchmaker, or on Mr. CafTagne, oppofite Mr.Hc7.ekiahnull'9, north part of the town. Hertford, Fib.

24. Leach's Patent Machinery, Firfoimin; Aqueducts, boring Pumps, iff. T.HI') Machinery having been fuccefsfully ufed in forming an aqueduct lor the town of Plymouth, in Mill'achnfctis, and in relaying the Button aqueduft, vhicu iumnp been laid on the ufual plan, had vice tu leaks and long ditlance) immediately fjilcd, but now is found to be perfectly tigur and good, laid machinery having undergone the ftrietlefl fcrutiny and performed not only 10 tlie highelt fatisfiilinu of thofe concerned, but to ihc approbation of all who have feen its jk. The patenlec flatters hiinfelf that he may (withfiitoflentation) recommend it to a generous public as an improvement in which their expectations will not be As a minute defcriptioa of this machine with its apparatus would become too lengthy for an advertifement, lie patentee only oh. lcrve? that the whole is on a new and improved plan, as well the toots for inferting cruls joints, fide and uptight pipes as thofe for boring and preparing the which by this machine arc bored psrfecHy central, the jnints formed wholly of tin heartof thetim-bcr and of courfe the work much ftronger and more durable.

The patentee holds liimfelf ill rcadinefs to undertake or grant licences, and tor the better fatisfaclion of thefe who may apply has annexed the following adver-tifement. CA.LKB LEACil, Patentee. Plymouth, Jan. at. Leach's Patent Machine fur boring Ltgt.

THIS machine, (limple in its conftiuc-tion) can at a fmall expenee be nude to operate by water, or by a horfe. It will bore linooth, true and quick; anct as the log turns round, two men having the proper tools (one at each end) prepare the log for liying. By the adoption of this mode of boring and fixing logs for an aqueduct, much money can befaved, the work made more durable, and a larger quantity of water lupplled, in a given rime, owing to the peculiar fmoothnefs of the water paiXige. In addition to thefe, the patentee hath made feverat improvements in tiie mode of laying the pipes. For the privi.

lege of ufing 'his maehineiy or any part fep. arately, in the counties of Suffolk, Middle-iex, or -Hex, application mult be made to r' AT HAN HON Agent to the purchalersof the patent right. Holton. Dec. 5, 'qi.

William Chadwick, INFORMS his friends and the public that h- Has taken the (hop formerly occupied by 1r. John J. White, one door fouth of Mcfl. Kul's and Sherman's (lore, where he hjS.Jpnir.icnced the SHOE-MAKING bufi. nels In all its various branches, in the neat-eft and nerved faihions: he makes Gentlemen's long Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Slip, peril aifo Ladies Silk, Morocco, Stuff and Lentlicr Slippers alfo ChiMrens Shoes of all kinds, in the belt manner, as he employs but of the belt workmen in the ftatc he flat, ters hlmfcif that he will be able to farrUti tny of the aiiove work with neatnef.

and dif. Eatc'i and on as reafonable terms as can be ought in the city, to all who favor him with their commands he has now on hand Ladies, and Childrens Shoes of evciy kind, now tor fale on good tcrmi, for caltt. N. Wanted, one or two apprentices at the above bufinefs. about 13 or 14 years old, thofe fronl the country wo-ild be preferred.

Ilaitlord. Feb. iq. THE fubferiber 1 ill who are indebted to him by note or book, to call on bim within thirty days and fettle their re. accounts.

Thofe who have failed of paying according to contract, are cautioned not to neglect this requell, if they ivifh to fave the colt of legal profeeutioji JOB HICI.EV. Windfor, Feb. 19. JOHN M'CRACKAN, INTjiNUING tbortly to embark for Europe, informs thofe indebted to him that it i-; ihtrefore licccflary that their accounts Ihoiild be brought to an immediate clofe, ami that all notes and accounts due and not paid on the 25th of the ptefent month will be committed to the hands of an Attorney. The Goods remaining on hand wiTj be fold very low for Cafh or notes at 6oday3.

Hartford, Feb. 8. SMALL-POX. nPHE public are infoi med that Inoculation is (till carried on in Tolland, without any mercurial preparation, and in a manner which has proved remarkably light and ea-fy to a (treat number of patient 1, Good accomodations are prepnml for thofe who wiib to take the infection, and careful attention will be paid to them, by William Grofvener, Cm dor. Ttomfin, TvUand, Feb.

lfi. law Hartford, 14 'eb. FOR SALE, By BLAKE ELT, At their Store next South of the Ferry, vive pipeJ4tprooiapies Draqay. io io Hhdn. St.

Croix Hum. co Quintals beft common Fifh. loooFeet 7 by 9 Crown Glafe. Litchhcld Nail Uoda from watttwortn ano Kirby's Slitting Mill Nail Plates, Swedes and RtilTia Iron. (L )Bliftered and German Steel.

2od. id. 8d. wrought Nails. Sd.

6d. and 4d. cut do. Share Molds. A fmall alTortment of Hollow Ware.

offcc, Chocolate, Ginger, Allfpice, Pepper, Snuff and Tobacco, Rock and Table Salt, A Ohe Clothier's and one Paper-Mill Screw and apparatus. CASH or any of the above articles given in exchange for Corn, Rye, white Beans and Rix-Sced. fff Storage and Commiflion Bufinefs traulacted on good terms. Hartford, Feb. 26.

XIII No. Theological Magazine, On a diffcieut plan, and better paper, is now ready for fubferibers. Alfa, for Sale, Separate Maps of the feveral States, netr, correct, and very cheap for cifli in hand. Likewife, a DilTcrtatton concerning Liberty and Ncccflity.a new publication, by Jonathan lirlwardi. D.

D. tT BOOK-BINDING performed with ncatnefs, and on the fhorteft notice. Theological Magazines, or any other pamphlets bound on reafonable terms. If a quantity are forwarded in two or three weeks, a. probably there will be, the binding can be afforded much cheaper than by the volume Particular attention will be paid to this bufinefs.

OLIVER D. and 1. COOK. Hartford, Feb. 11.

full Received, A Supply of genuine Bloomed IRON, for fale by ABIJAH PECK. Hartford, Feb. 10. NOTICE. At a meeting of the Connecticut Land Company, held at Hertford on the 13d day of January 179s, tnc following vote paired, VOTED, That a tax of Twenty Dollars be afftflTed on each of the Shares of the Company, one half of which fum to be paid .1.

nc.l.n 1 it n. iw ici (( mc oy me nrit aay of February next; and the other half of faid fum, to be paid to thj Clerk of the Directors on or before the fird day of April next. EPHRAJM ROOT, Clerk. Hartford. Ian.

i(S. i-roR. t.m. The demands agiinft the Company are of fo pi effing a'naturc, and the purpofes to which themney.i6tobeaPPlicd,foim- nn rtanf. an matrf it nerfllrt.

Frtr itllA portant, as make it neceffary for the Direc tors to call on the proprietors, and requeft an early and punctual payment of their ref- pective taxes. E. ROOT, Clerk of the Directors. FOR SALE, By JOSEPH HART, 8d. iod 1 2fJ.

2od. and 34d Nails percaiK. 8 by 6 Crown Window Glafi per box. Shott per bag. Pimento per do.

Jamaica Spirit per hhd. Brown Sugar per barrel. Belt Liverpool Salt by retail. Pitch, Tar, Turpentine and Rofin, pr bbl. Brimdnne.Spanifh Brown, Hartford, Feb.

FOR SALE, A Small tract of Land in Ellington, de fcribed as follows, beina- one third part of 31 acres belonging to Jeremiah Far terms apply to JAMES BULL, or THOMAS BULL. P. S. Thofe indebted to the eftate of Frederick Bull, (for th? lad time in this way are invited to cancel the fame or without reftrve they will be called on by a more expcnfivellnc. Hartford, Feb.

9. A quantity of flout Bagging for common Ufc-A lew 1 undred wek'ht of white Rooe vdl aiditvofeS lJ nUva wT rhLrv ft Ro BcO Jatua.caSpn it, Cherry Bolton kum. MolalTt s. Lump and Brown Sugars. mirge, aridlhe one half of a lot of 6iacres of faid Bnrge, and was fold by Jofliua Phelnnand Hann-h Ki.

Samuel Bull of bv him Frederick Bull, late of Hartford. PHRA1M JBACON, of Gofhen, in 1 ltch oy tne, tw.tnoui mcr-H. field cury or purges.) Careful attention will be practifed by the fubferiber, (without mcr- pWotce againtt his Vlf ib for Acjuhara three years abfence i which netirin pending before the Superior Court for the health or conititution afterwards. Price of county of Litchfield All perfons concerned Inoculation, only Seven fhillinga. Board-are to take notice thereof and govern them- 'fiBi on moderate teams may be had by ftlves accordingly.

applying to RUGGLES CARPENTER. Litchfield, Feb. 1 i798. Ellington, March 5, 1 798, 7 monuaysof May JT ln aix raontli. from WSXr.hiJSli of Hartford, appointed commiflioncr.

tore- ceive and adjuft the clainai of the creditors to the eftate of John Jones, late of Glattea- bury, deceafed, reprefisnted infaUent, hereby give notice, th.twe (hall attend on faid bull- tne noute ot Samuel F. J0atJl i fajd rael fern. I ALL p.rfons indabted to faid eilais an queried to make immediate payment to J'ei. Adm'r. Claftenbury, Fab.

14, 171 97. The Statutes of ConntBuut, complete, For Sale by HUDSON ft GOODWIN. ytjmmu. 5- V. i.l BEST COPY AVAILABLE.

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