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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 3

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MISCELLENEOU8 L5B. Lip, A 'V' 1 txb Kill and Gin Gearing, Sheftlng, Pulleys, Brnag IroniPumps. i a fttCAiM4ott (Ivrat to Ordari for Irorn front: uxi for BulLUnrn. Job WHiU and TWrtf-necond i Cfttr I TBXAI, STOKAGS. SAEOEJtT It, JUrwiie for aal.

of Herrtaft'l PatOV gamplea coiuuatly ou hand. eV rtn moot of AliSU.LX. 7IEM? WTOK HOPE, Shwrei, ITmn, Bontlner wnl ta tbeM linn on nonrl. tjAILB, TARPAULINS tndAWMnWS to Texiswid Heir Orleans, Louisiana Vrcfrtern, Morgan's La. and Texas Railroads.

Tlin Only from. at 12 o'clock noon, and run Ktw Trithout; change, mnVlny elow comuictloni wflb ot tta LoulsTille and XasaTflle, and Chicago, St. Lonlft and New Orleans Railroads, ron IffbHe, nCAntffAiaicrT 1 Atlanta, A.uictiataj SarannaJi, JLyncbburc. tl, Chlcmfo, IDE-ton, Baltimore, jrtiJIa- dcJplila, New York, EJST, HORTHEifjD S9CMST. Tlekoti on to All Principal and ha low rla ottwrr Jioea, fr Tor urtbor apply to J.

F. CROWV, Vice Pro. Gen. Ma C. A.


K. E-igoujton, K. THOMPSON, Darid Waielee.) BRKMAKD UiOTC. and 78 Hew IA. TEXAS HEADQUAETEES.

TT -L Hotel, EAILROAB. THE DIEECT FnOM AND TO ATTENTION OF JPASSBNGKKS Iglnvltfld to tho Time of Arrival and Departure of Traini nt the Citiei named in tho following jSTew Time Card. Dn ORLEAKS. 'AMfl Cltmrtnm adoctlon of Glassware, TTOOBEN, TIN AND HABDTTABE, tlie Voatli. fTlM'-prloeft as low.

If not loirtr, amy MMtMtokawt norUi or louth. LEGS ARMS OuttVall tba paotiotm of the nntornJ liratw. PBrfaot MtWtiKftio.t In cancz or no pay. TzlOM raHuood. Bftfld for pamphlet.

lIcDHRMOTT, No. 1M Qunp wtroet. Now Orlffcni. ttrNMiH 4.00 r. M.

10.00 A. K. 1.30 10.80 11.80 3.55 1C .7.15 0.36 2,10 3.50 7.85 C.25 p. K. 8.1,1 11.05 H.KI A.

K. 2.S5 0.66. B.CO 7.80 A. 8.J.1 r. X.

0.46 9.3S 11 no Tauouoii Tim ClltD. Ban 'Antonio HOUKtOB Auntln Round Kock Tajlor (Dinner) Keamo Crockett (Buppor) Palefitino Tyler Lonpview llartholl TexarlhUia Little Kock CIlnuw) Walnut (Buppor). Poplar Dluff. ArcMfJa 1 Indianapolis OhloKfo Ptttaburg-h HarrUbiirtf Uctltimore WoBhlntrtoh, -D. C.

Phlladoipliia StirYork SOUTH G.40 p. y. Ar. 11.10 4.05 5,00 4.00 s.ra 11.4CJ-.J.-. 8.1B 8.55 IS.35 I.T, 1.00 10.53 A.

X. V.30 1.50 p. K. 7.85 4M 1.08 12.30 8.00 JL. X.

ILOOp. x. 8.30 S.XJL.X. 1S.56 8.10 P. K. 8.10 5.55 4.80 "Oil) RELIABLE." Leave JDepot, MM 'flf! DAItTT, flundat; CartfUH-Unfc at with of a H. H. A- JiaJIwajB. 9 1C P. DAILY.

Cooawrtiji; -arith d.lD T. C. and IL ft S. A. EaUvrujTi.

ExcBTrrioiUAre trntD fcrthe STAini a' JOSES, THOS. p. Uun'l Piu. IIP Tpjaiont fat, ami tJatoc tc-poL Southern E'y. IT YOU ARE GOIKO FROM Texas to St.

Louis OE POI5T 50ETH OR EAST, Your Bleeping; Cxur Orer tho International and Great Northern. Tcxs aad Pacific and Ht. Louia, iron 2Iouniain aadffouthrn Tho Groat Texas and St. Louis SHORT It Ig 140 Miles the Shortest and 1 Honrx the quickest Eontc. Pullman Sleepers, Houitoe to St.

(810 mlla without chango. For parttuulnr information, ca upon or addrcu C. B. KINNArf, Bouth-trwrtcrn PwflAnror Agent, B. "3L and BAllway, Houston, TOZJU.

Freight Houxton. CDSARDLIKE OF 'MAL 111 STEAMSHIPS BOSTON and NEXT YOHK. of Saloon pwwwfe, S80 and $100 gold, ac- ordlnp; to fitconiffo tc tmd from GalvHton by All rail or steamer to New York. LIrerpooJ, Quecutoim, Belfant, Derry. Bristol, Cardiff and oil other of Europe at low JT.

N. 8AW1TKI1, Aeont, Stran VERNON JJ. BttOVVN rocn, hew York, MORGAN'S For Nrrr Orlcnnn. Steamers leavo at 12 v. EVIRY DAY, except FRIDAY.

For every SUNDAY and THUHS- DAT, at 4 p. carrying pawonKers and freight to all on w. T. and P. railway and connections.

S. S. AHA1TSAS will loove every THUHSDAY at 2 M. for Corpus Christi, Kockport and For BrownaTllJo, every K1QHT DAYS, or thereafter on practicablo. CUAS.

FOWLER, Oenorol Agont. STARB S. JOMliS. Ticket Aeent, 116 Trem on street Nashville C.aOa.11, Loulivfile Chattanooga M. Atlanta.

8.23 p. 6.00 IOTSTON. FKESH AND wholesale and retail. Corn Vacttd quanlitr. rohH SMTKPHKMB, President.

'8AJT AWTOWIO. 'S SOTEL, TBXAS, tbo Clty corner. oZ Muliamd FluM. Tho only ANI) MODEKN HOTEL to the City. 1 Prop.


LOUIS, TOOT MORNING EXPRESS TRAINS IN Alili BIKKCTIONS. Pullman SlMpIne Cart betwoen Houiton and St. IjOUll without St. LOUU and TBUU Kurt Freight IJiio. Through Cam I KoTranihlpmsntl Quick Time I Bpeolal to They wfll find ittotheirtntcrert to aeo thu country along thti bjforo deciding- to mttln elmwhere.

yor Through Tlckou and Information, apply to jr. M. M1XLJBR, ocrner Kid Market OaiTMton. 3f. I.

IJLWDKT, Tlct ClfDnlOn dcpot.Hoiuton A. A. OAIX.AGHKH, Ticket Clerk, Heomo. p. y.

I.ATT Ticket auric, jluitla. W. HATTBS, Prsatdent. H. M.

MOXIB, Title Proi. and GenTBup't ALLEN aieCOY, Chin'l Freight and Jan. Ag'L GESIRAL OmCESi'PALESTINE, TEX. TDIE TABLE KO. 11, In Effect NOT.

14, '80 HOUSTON TRAINS: Leave OAIiVKSTC" I HOUSTOPI JL. 1J.35 r. X. 2.30 r. tolly.

I 5.40 F. x. 0.50 i. M. train from GlTeston 'connccta with and O.

N. Kallread for i Jl points. 2.SO K. train conneiita ai Pelrce Junction wltt H. and 8.

A. KallwaJ', at Houiton irtth H. and T. C. Railway.

MAIK IJENE TRAIKS: GALVBSTON Ar. 5.80 A. n. Daily (Except Sunday) 1.23 p. n.

Arrive ol Cfcmoron at p. ir. Connect at Bonanbair Junction Tritli H. iind TEAIKS ABETVE FEOM Houston O. H.

A S.A.-11.00 A.M. Hou.ton-- 8.45 p.n. 7.lOr.iL Turner, ffllTVIfPT ftD IT IW 'JllMLOK AI LAW tr Stale Oncte at Houatop. Supremo, Conrty at Qalreaton. T.

GARTWRIGHT, and. Ferfoct Track, New and JCIeEanit Equipment, Air Bra ken, Miller Platfornu. All trains ran Info the New Union Depots at (Mlreitton and Houston. OSCAR G. MURRAY, FanMUcor Acent.

JT. II. MILLER, Ticket Aftnt. Mah-Law Urt. Reliable 'ic ocurtt of the Sutc.

BANKEHS, CONKECTIOITS. The Only Line 'running through'ithe central and boat portlonB of tho Stato ct Teroi. futmtofer Daily ait Frefffkt TEXAS KANSAS LOffi CEiGO. JPulncc Sleeping Kach IVar, JOmlly. TTItfcout Change STrLOUlS AND HO1TOTON, TIA SlDM.iKD MISSMRI PIGIFlC-Eiimi Jhe SHort Line! alaee Can Sack Way, VllHoiU Bet-ween Dallas St.

raiTA, LID ST. 10DIS SAI IRAJCISCO R'L ETTROOPE Front or 2o point In Oreat Britala or OoLJnent of Tia Uutj 0 on 'in ilo Kit 1 rmwil'il nHlb. ''Dealers' in Excliange, Jta. i i.TS Jo. ft ifeur orfc IJojd, Katdonal 'White Star, Anchor, Imaan and Cunard fiteamanlp Linva, on aale At Waco, Homaton, Ballaa, Special InvucemenU to Dmlzraatc and people de- to ii the SKate.

Information as to ratea oC puaaffe and routM. anply In pttrnoii, or br letter, to Tnraont and 11B Tremont QalTeAton. J. 7T. MOGAN.

U. TJUJK, C. B. CRAY, to A. G.

T. A. r. RitBf- A.G. P.


TEXAS. THISUXTOr BARGhES liTREIGHT FOR HOUSTON, AllJIOUltB Oa KAU.WAYS. All clatmiforloat orduucMproia All uuured or IB tnnatt REG17I.AIt WEEKLY STEAMSHIP LINE, of the following named sttiamors: STATE OF TEXAS. CWY OF aAN AKTONIO Capt. Xickei-son.

Burrows. WbQRAUDE Veimlngtou. OAJtONDELJCT Beet COLORADO Bolder. Freight and IttAnranccat Lowcat'Ita of tho abovo namwl Btoamshlpn will leave York orery and Gnlvcfiton for Kew York WEDNESDAY, nnd on Saturday, whrni the trade requires. For freight or apply to CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, BTHIKOWS, Master, for NBW YORK, vio KTEV "WEST Thursday, Noveralber 25, 1880.

J. N. SA-WTTJEH, Accnt, 54 Strand yiLlvcSton, C. H. MALT.ORY Agents, Her 20 East Elver.

Nmv York. TOBACCO MANUFACTURES. 1VHY DON'T YOU CJHEW Jackson's Best? EVKWrBODY KLSE CHKWS1IT. I Solo i HILL CITY VA. HANCOCK Manufacturers of all Qradca Chewing Tobacco, PrlM LUt furnlshod ou application.

A. 0. GABSIA, Agant, Bolreaton. RICHMOND, VIBGINIA, JCnnufacturor all stylos and goUoIts orders from tbo Jobbixff Tradu. Tibbett and Celebrated 7 ounce Twist tuvod -wtUi a PIN1C FjO'JSK TAG (fae rimUe abOTe) mid that each tar bean tho nruna of J.

B. PACE. DKXLEJU TUODaXOTTT TIXJJI. THE NEWEST TIUNG IS THE ARE PACKED IN HANUSOME '-comblnadomnusiCAi cases, containing 250 Excellent Cigars. Just tbe tiling for tho The ciprars for bond of the house, tho court for tbe ladies, and the muilc-box for the Coll and seo thorn.

We have also a full stock of ANHEUSER-BUSCH CIGAES. much Improved in quality, and tho best article for the money in tho market. LAN OK, 4: Sole Jesuit College of St. Charles a i i St. Parish.

Lai OCATION MOST AND pleasant-- on Uie vUoiondrla Branch of tbe Moriran LoulBianaandTciaj railroad, ISmilos north Ot VcrmillionTlUe. Every facility for a thomifth Classical nnd Moral tmininjf. Degrees conferrod. Board, tuition and washing, gSOO. For circulars and infonnAtion.

apply to KEV. JMO. MONTILI.OT, President. DKTAKTXINT or INSUEASCE, STAHSTIC3 ASP HISTOBT, AUSTIN, Texas, October. J8SO, To all whora, it may concern: TbJs is to certify Ja the T.AMAR EfSURANCE COMPANY; of Neir York, has In 'all respects fuiij- compiled with tbe laws of Teacau as conditions precedent to Ifat dolnr this ttate, and that the said com- pacy ccrtiflcate of authority from thin offlco ftitiir it to do business in this nteto for thnsi juths froai tie 1st day of October, 1830, to she of Docembor, 18SO.

Cl'Iven nndtr my hand and seal, at otnctlc 1.5. Atutin, tho dav and date first aborc V. O. JaHTG Conunissloiwrv Menard Gninard A GAlVBSTOIf- TEXAS. MAESBBJSTS COLDS, BKONCHITIS, COUGH, AND ie Throat and It has more cures than 'any medicine ol liito chartjcur known.

JPBICEr tarre Bottlo OneBollair SMuOlBo For by all Jledldnea, and Deakrs in Patent Orleani, I A I TABKISHES OF All KMDi, THE mar ntsrcncmn A BAULAJEiD, IlffilWlUB, ron TIM Cure of (Jh-ronic Disease. SCJIOFCLA OB bo ft In or SXOJIACH, SKIN or JFLESH or EKVE, COEZUPTI5C IBI SOLIID5 ASH WliTISC THE FIIIBS Chronic RhiramjiUjtni, Scrofula. toK. JUcidns Coiixb. ComnUtou, KiidlnK the WMer Tlnuh.

TW DolorMJX TomoM, Utaiii, Sidn Hip liU rauM CoorpUlntu, Gcot. lUioom. LIVER COJCPLAJNT, Etc. Kot onlT ths SurnimiUlu oil our of CbrotUc, Scrorn- loux, Conrttuioiul vid gldn DliouM, bttt It tbo only poilUvi cure for KMurr unl Com Hud Womb Btowiei, only poilUvi cur pidnti. betet, Ttrnroy, Sto nroy, StoppmgB of InwratfcMinxl Urine, Briehfl Plaeaw, AlbuxlouriA.

Ml CM.M briaUtut or toe filer Uilck, doudj, mlicd llic thu whlU of an. use, or IJko illic. or there morbW. dark, bflloui wliJta bono dtut drpoitu, And irhQD A prick Inz, burning poiHij water, and pnln In ttu of tae bade nxl tUunir louu. Sold br all drugf-liU.

OrarlAn TuiMor of Ten Cared br Dr. Kcn bottle coatAlna more of activy at metilclnoa tan anj otfaflr preparation. Token In Tecuipoonful Dooon. whfle otham HTF or sii ttoiot ai mnch. One Dollar for Bottle.

DT5EWTIHT, CHOLErtA IXORBtTS FEVTEH AND AND PRETENTEB 81 MWH'S HHEUHIATISITI, IVECRAiCIA, DIPHTHERIA, INFI.UEWZA, i THKOAT, DIFFICl'LT JIBEATIIISC Eelieyea In a FOTT Minutes Looseness, Dianboa, Jtforbus, or palnTaJ from fha are stopped in flf we? or minutos by tokJ-af, Hadway 1 Keadv Bo- lief. No oonpyation or -no 'ifeakness or lassitude, will follow the use of tho IX E. Kallaf. ACHES AND JPArVS. Sick or nprr and ii and Jc ue Buk, Spine or fl around the Plenriiy.

of the ftUnii In tho Henrthma, mid Fains offtll WndB, End-rvay'i Jloiuly Roligf iV-H afford 1m raediatfl and its continued nun cfloct permanmt euro, PICK. 50 CENTS 's Regulating Pills, Perfect Sootlilno; Aporienia Act Pain, AlwaynUtclla- and Natoratl Operation. A Vegetable Substitute for Calomel. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coaced with purify, clvanfio (ind streBCthoc. Kdway'n rillx.

for the cure of ail oC tho Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Bladder, Nei-vouB Diseases, Conrtipatton, tlYcnend, IndlReition, DyBpepslo, BillouanesSj Fe- ot Bowelu, Files, und all de- of tho Intarnal Vlacora. Worranujd to offoct a perfect cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious Observe tho following symptoms reimlttns Diseases of the DlreHtiTe tion. Inward Pilss, Fullness of the Blood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, DlBpuKt of Food, FuUnefHi or Wolpht in tho Stomach, Boer JCructaTJons. Sinking or'Fluttering lit the Heart, CholdDK or SuSorinc when in a posturft, Dimnofls of Vision, Dote or Webs before the Sight, Fover end Dull Pain in the Hrad, Eeilclencr of Pertplrntitn, Tellownens of Skin and Fain In the Side.

Chest, aad Sud- dm FluBhes of Heat. Burning to the Flesh. A. few of Badwny's Pills will ireo the tem from ftll the Above named disorders. Price, 2f CcntK Per Box.

"We repeat that tho reader must' consult our books and papers on the subject of (Useoses and Jieir euro, among -p-blch may 00 ncroad: "False and True," Kmlway on Irritable Rndway on Scrofula, 1 and others relating to Brent ohisses of diseases. Sold by di '-XO THI3 PUJOI.IC. There can foe no better carantce of the valuo of Dr Radway's old eflta'Mtolied R. R. R.

Remedies the baso and worthless of thorn, aa aro faluo resalvnnti, roliufs and plug. He sure and for Hadwuy'H, and see that the name ou ivhat ou buy. COMIIEECIAL. ActlTiaaud StlffUer--Snffara Firmer--Pork Flour Advanclne Coflce Steady'-- AVcktern BVurltcX Pork Paca-IiiE-- Salt from Cnlvolou to Kan- Nan CItr. ISxKWS OFFICE, Monday, Nbvombor iiss ifl picldng up overy day, and some depart, ments showed increased activity to-day.

Dry Soods, notions and all daises ot holiday goods aro beginning to move briskly. Values showed strong front all along the lino of staples." Cotton goods ara firluer, aud tho Providence elegrojii to the Cotton showed on, mproremont on the wook's business. The ocal cotton market -was ac tive and Bomowhat xcitod, o-pring to tho sharp upward course akon by the Liverpool and JTew York markots. iverpool put spot up l-16d. and deliveries fol- owed with an active market dvance.

JfoT7Tork put spot up promptly, Md advancod all grades K-16c. The fu- ire market was active and excited, pening buoyant, ruling ioverish and dosing ieady but irregulttr at an advanco of 24 points November and 20 on December. The ad- onca on tho romuining range from 33 points January to 43 on August The Bales for tho ay reached tho unprecedented aggregate of bales. This market dosed itrong at 'c. higher on, all grades.

The local movement wua heavyAsHeceipts 7BOS Dales, and exports 2,055 bales, but at all ports tho receipts showed excess of over 20,000 boles compared with 10 corresponding Monday of loft year. The provision market was flnnor under more ncouraging advices from tho West. Pork and lord are higher, the latter having advanced to SO points at Chicago, wboKi pork also got lift of 20 to per barrel. Lard advanced fc. at St.

Louk, pork and bacon iras rmcr. Com is firm at to and outs' i Decembers and Januariaj" bid- Wheat jumped to SI St. Louis to-day or No. 2 rnfib, on advanco of Jonuories 25tT and Febuorios $1 City ut prices np and No. 3 spring at Mcago tl embers $1, llji, and January advanced to from Saturday.

Sugars axe in Ught receipt, and generally held ighor, awaiting more full, particulars: of the amago to crops in lower Louisiana. The wool and hide markets retain all their A cargo of 7700 sadts of salt -was added to 10 stock to-day. Prices, however, remain beady. A fun train Spanish salt snipped by Gralvoston firm to a City concern was jaded on Saturday and dispatched to its destination. This is an evidence that Spanish salt valued by tbe groat packers of tho West, and it also marks plainly the initiative of a arge trade in other commodities -with 2few Test.

TOltK In reviewing lost week's provision market nt bicago, Cowles Dunklejr's Commercial Ra- wrt says: The advanco in prices of product le past.week, or since tho first ot November, due entirely to on erceedingly actero specn- trvo demand on the part of home as well tts titside operators. Ordinarily the steady and arco receipts bogs, which been so' narked a loature'the past week, would have lad a tendency to break values, but so urzcnt uu been tKe specnlativa tradmg that earn io havo puid no attention to the hog upplies, but gone in and bought irty, price asked also catting a relatively iail tlgure in many instances. And besides ds, Toucd lots have often been and it safe to say that the- sales of the week have cregated a much lorjer amount of messjwrfc i lard poedbly be produced the rcseixt packing season. Indeed, spexnuation in. was never more active at thi? SCOSOA the year, add is' wholly' outcome of ethoric andgenerl good times crvadins; general affairs.

Tho only i uestiBii now is whether LOIS speculation is.ta-i t.beaoncutl to the trade in the long run." POKC PACKTXO ET HOC "WEST. Cincinnati Erice Current: The weather has 1 lean more favorablo for slaughtering, the past cek; aud hogs i havo 1L been mnrkerod qbita in- aJl Here as Cincinnati there has beenttlorgo increase in the receipts. especially from Kentucky, and' thi-s State Trilh'! fnriish larger'' rapplies 'this winter than for lOveral Several of onr large houses aro ow actiTelv" at At Lomsvillo only ont tho housea operations. Milwaukee; two of the three larser nooses re at wodt Other places, arftoperatrng pretty ctivdy. Valnes of.

hogs have bwn ell muitafned and" have shown tut ttle vnriatjoa dnrinstttfce- week. Pack" rs bnying tiSly as they.can, cemingly ttxjiecting that any change prices be npwarjL ParmarsTnarketulftT.theirbog^ Mini; vVell pleased -with current Ugnrta, Mi at thft 4 time 'confidently expecting gher com, and thns are reasoning tualltwOtt'tpiy lied. tiXW a i standard white, in MolossoB--The best grades ora scarce, while tbe low grades are plenttCuL Receipts met sale at previous rates. Tho stock under the sheds is 764 bbls. und 2 haJI-bbls. 1028 bbls. aud 9 holf-bbls. last j-wxr. Koceipts date 53.032 bbLi, against 37,702 bbla. last 'ear.

Advices of Thursday's freeze advanced ricos yesterday. Good demand, and tho supj- illes were readily taken, at the advance'. Common, centrliugol, 35 choice, fancy, 4J(S47c. Eico--Good domond. Koceipts to" date barrels ajainst barrols last year.

"JJeon No. 2. common, ordinary, fair. good, inmc, choice, Oc. COTTON.

Tlio market opened strong this with an ctive and general demand, hut tho offeriDRS were owing to tho dliHculty eiperlyncmi by factors a gettinff their samples, and notwithatanduictho luoyancy of tiio Now York and Liverpool markets at sharp advances, tho sales In this market for tho ay only amounted to 1725 bales. Prices ruled jc. higher.on all grades and closed Liverpool advanced spot 1-101 and deliveries were active and closed higher. New York put spot up and thesUes of utures exceeded anything known in tho history ie staple, amounting to 300.00C bales, and closing steady but irreirular. OJTIOIAI.

O.COTATIOXS, Thlj Yester-- I-ist Tookmjf for. Comparod -with prtow for are Tja per Ifigpjowk tuzber yvrlc about 50 per barrel Hsht-r jr JkEu- arj- tl 10 per 100 Wte "com 2c. per lOc, nor lnrer, Tna thus faf er, Tm at OHMideraMT csouwi leading cliiat, mpisut 512,000 Isja yi-or. tho fourteen frotn wbicn wo bAVp nrtnnw atotalafSW.JO.aBalntsaB.OOObwtyor. Our OR wria that ImyewA tbam tliat thimopply of to a year ago; fit SLrox Cttv, Iowa, ki commenced tiro davs later than Lurty supply expected tote twice year; at Satmlz packittc nal not conunencni vear ago.

and tbl sazmi mar bo said of knk; nt Dw boa ira freely offered and quality good. Special reportji to Cincinnati Price Current nhow the numbw 01 packed from November I to and kitfltt maH datvn, at the undermentioned places, wiih conjporisoni, as followi: XOT. 17. VfO. Cincinnati.

Kt. LouU Loubnille 100.000 C0.9X) OdarBapxli) ISabula, Peoria SlmnCity Kcokux Otturavra, Den Molnen 7,000 S.705 Total, abov. places OK.OC3 AT CHICACO. Special Correspondence of Cincinnati Price Current, Chicago. November 16: Tho pant beon another 'active week in provisiorifl, and, 'though norvoos and Eonsitivc, tho feeling him been one of strength andcotrfdonce until a certain point was reached January pork $14 and lard wbon conjideraMe portion of the trado.

satiafled v.ltb tho profits on tAat turn, nujoodod, causing, a Blight reaction in prices. Packers, not sabxled with the prices being paid for hogs thus early in the ueoaon, improved this opponunitv to hammer tho market by the selling- of futures, forc- iop; pork down 60c. per barrzl and without, however, lowering price of hogM correspondingly; nnd the exso with which tho product reacts demonstrates the difficulty of dispelling tho impression that the boon in but in its indpiency. Surely tho receipts in hogs have been sufficientlir large, and tho demand for cash Ktnflf sunicientiy checked, together with large offerings of futures, to CJMISO a material break in prices under any ordinary circumstances. The contest between the- two elements just now is an interesting one, and it will require but a brief space of time to demonstrate tho power Ou tho packing interest OB against that of tbe confident moneyed specuior.

The latter has the advantage of Ijght atocks everywhere to besin tho new season on, with money "'knee dOep, ind cheap, to carry the product, while the new packer claims a world of hogs with which to make it. and thus tho matter now stands, with probabilities largely in favor of the ultimate jiuccess of tho speculator in his vision of inflated Driccs, though in tha meantime pork may bo 'orced to about $18, and Jard faelow Sc. KJinSlA-NA. STATLES. Tho New Orleans Prico Current, of Saturday, rays: Sugar is -in good demaud, without any quotable advance.

Inclement weather hau checked receipts. Yosterdav'u receipts were 1733 hogsheads. The stock under sheds is 567 hogsheads and 530 barrels, against 7Sfl logsheads last year. to date nogsheads and 10,822 barruh, against hogsheads and 1090 barrels lost year. Advices were at hand yesterday of the freezo above Jonaidwnville.

Market i5 active, and prices lave advanced for opon kettle; 1000 hhds sold. inferior, pound; common, good common, fair, Rood fair, fully fair, prime, strictly prime. choice open kettle, Ordinary Jood ordinary Friday, Low liddltaK lood mlddlhis Mdllng fair (JALVESTON DAILY STATEMENT. Tot receipts tec'pw from other ports receipts to Oreat Britain to France to Continent-. to Channel ports-- 'otal foreign e.vport3-- Deports co New York orts to Morgan City.

to othrtr rj. S. ixportR North by 'otnl coaarwise exports, otal exportu Tills- dav. ca 7.60S 6,010 8,620 2.0K! 737 Tills week. 10.SCI GU T3T This season IBT.SM 11,810 19.0W 860 00,070 ao.src 512 V2.057 12,050 GALVESTOK STOCK STATESFST.

This Thisdny On Shipboard- day lastyear clay 2.U30 i.sar 31,484 For Great Britain For Franco For other ForeiRn ports For coaatwise ports compromises 'otal stock KET RECEIPTS AT ALLTJ. S. POETS. 2S.W9 4.IWJ I.11S C.W 01,790 Inlventon lobllo van Jliarlcston Wilmington Norfolk! York Boston hiladelphia Other ports Total This dflv 7.7-13 12,198 W07 4,817 'i'lS csa 102 TMs week 10,22 10.3S8 0,070 S.D08 2,031 11,302 113 1.297 193 This season 237,804 476,274 144,037 310,805 0.2E2 20,415 83,043 10.2M 110,487 2.172,442 S7.434 1,090,511 Difference 181.831 18.M1 EXPORTS FROM AIL POKTS THIS T7EEK. To Great Brltata bales; to France 4741 alea; to the continent, boles; to channel Kirtfi, bales.

STOCK AT ALL TOTTED STATES POUTS. Stovk this 'dny, bales; Saturday, ales; this day last year, Otber Cotton Marltetn. LIVERPOOL November on tho spot pened firm and tending up. and closed 1-llld hich- r. Ordinary 'MA; good ordinary 3Jftl; low middling 6Md; middling uplands mlddllnf; Or pans Glwd.

Sales of Vfhich flito wenj and 10CO for exuort and speculation, mporte 1S81 heles, of which 1133 were American. opened firm and closed strong, at an ad- ance of Deliveries quoted as 6 No ember.Dt.-cembcr 0-ICd; )ecember-Januarr 9-10d; Januory-February 0 11-lOd; May-June OJJd. Kiw YORK. Xorember on the spot ptned strong, advanced E-lOc. and closed steady, exna quoted as follows: Ordinary Kic: good or- inory IGWc: Imr middling 11 3-16c: mlddluig ood miUdlkie lie.

Soles MO bales, ail to spinners. Situres opened buoyant and higher, ruled active, and unsettled, and closed steady but ir- pointe" advance on Novembers and Decembers, and C3042 polnta on the other months. Tales 360,000 bales. Delivered on contract 300 balcB. November 11.43; December 11.45; January -ebrunry 11.73: Mtrch 11.02; April 12JH; ally lilD; uno July 12.30; Aucun 12.43; September 140.

Sarr Xovember ezcited aad Sales boles. Ordinary, 874jc; ordi-nary, OJfic; low middling, mid- liifc IJKc: good middluiK. middling fair, 12,108 Won; gross. I3.1»balKL iDortt--to Orent Britain, am boles; to Continent. coaatwtse, 2145 holeu Stock, bAles.

Futures strons; Boles, 06.000 balM; era Decembers Jonua- es Februarid 11.4^1^11.48; 21arches Aprils 11.66litll.C3; unea ll.6Sisi-l.30. ST November firm. Soles SStales. Good ordlnry a i4c; low mlddlinc lOJSc; middling Stock 34,054 baits. KXCKANGE ASH SmTEK.

CommerdaL iror.l*-- Boon, efetn 4rr. ton. irvA. Irnn, frtmti Ka Brmn-- it Crm at Jl Spw In JOT and VI lit far uwt from Cona-- rro la jpol tin, Kivrtt burt no tter-U in goaa KamM, ua 91X1: 10: 51 irooMJyrrrti 1 $1 nrlnz beam. 31 om.

ranxv from tl -Mb, rwi ttorrrln, do Cakdr-- nnd Qy artlrn. tuck, i2J4c: rock. miirf. isa 2ir: iVmand Woxra racUirr. lta llmoorzrr ai lijfc a.

Coffee In In RXtlxi dcouind Ordlrjur, He-; fair. 14c: 12c: ICc: elides. 1'Wc. Gm Dem charge titflwr on low. Com-- It fcarce aad ttrocg.

a cool oemjuu at Tic fwr alreJ from atore. 72c. from track, and arrive, 7uc. Cornnieml-- rTrm at S3 15 per barrel for kiln- drini Ventcni. iir ails 25 from atore.

Ortt 25 per borrrL Pfsirli cieol, 54 25 per barrel. CmDdleit In pood 'Oernad; clzLntn-ounor, fu Wright, forcilob! IUCJL In itrr borreU, Crm at $7 OX 800. Are firm awl at per dozen for boxen: blv. Flour-- Is firm and tending uy. and adrnccd 10c prr barrel at St.

llouin to-'lAV. triple erlra. family, 10; (holcc, J5 Jo; loacy, JO 41 patent. JS Game-- Dcmoml goL bock per pair, tMal. 20.J^Oc; (or aud graT djicka, EUAllords.

(Ac. Wild gceiw, Snipe. SI oo Kngush 33; DolTiuih mlpe. jl 00 per dween. Quail, 3123, Venison scarce at I0cper for 510 pe reUit.

Kay--Is ficarce at from tmck: do, choice ton for Indian Territorr, $1200. Hardware--Nails, S3 75 prr kcR. nU lOftCOO. AIM. por dozen, Cast- Ings, pound, 5o: bar Iron, pound; sat irons, 5c: barbed wife, 91QC per pound.

Powder lrop, per asclc, $2 00; buck, Offi- 82 flrta with y. rwxJ demand, clol prices ore as follows: Drr flint HK dry Halted wet Halted SaSWC, all ruin IOC was paUI dry flint to-day and day. Lard--In tooJ demand and Rteadvat flned in cans, in caws, LcmoDH--In aood iiupply; and rolermo per bor. Si 00; 00. IntolaaacM--Steady aud unchanged; fair.

35 prime. 40c: cbolco, 4ic: Northern blrujM. VKitKx. (Kocla Iteht. Wentern from truck on the spot.

Mi: for sackwl: to arrive 5.TC. Western marltets higher. Local dealers ore genernlly firmer ui their pricen: sacked 5.SdGOe., and (We for State red rust-proof. CerUng.COdars BivYorksight Orleans sight ilrer, American par par par com in to Liverpool direct, JAJ; TiaXjur York, Tort" and Phfladelphia, Ttleper to Boston and Providenofc, 73c; to Fall Tc per 100 E)s. Liverpool, 7-16d per to Havre, 7-16d; 0 Bremen, 7-IOd: tc other Continental ports, -o New Yoric, to Boston, to Prorilencc, to TaB 'Slyer, We; to Philadelphia, imp.

STOCK. rRepbrted for the Snre by Borden Borden, Live Stoct Commisaioii Yeorungl nnrf Carres. Sheep. Hogs. 143 27 27 5tis 1,713 1,782 514 "tockin pens 55 1 Graw cattle--choice, 2O2Mc do.

common jld roorh, J10 OA2M2 00 head; WTOTear-oIds. nail VKt head; calves, 95 50 head Jlntton--cboice, 3: do. common, 00 Bb la Bemarls--MorlisipreBy full; choice THE GK2CKRAI. 31ABKET. atlom reprenvnt wholetalA prices.

In nrAaw HaTe uO be In fair supply and firmer it Darrer: ii sliipplng oraer 00 per barrel. tBC u.1 quiet. Standard i Iron ties, 185 per ttondla. quiet, but tteadier. OfficUl ricoa: Short cUu-nono; lonff clew DM: tMCon, Weitem sncltr- -irpd amamit caar at Grocers nil rders at advanoa on.ab«v« prkm UirhL supply and firm ai 4 75 bbL Oranjcew--Louisiana ore in demand and celling at $4 00 loose, and 50 in barrels Poultry--In light demand.

young S3 50: full grown, mixed. 00 por doxau; ducka, 00: turkeys, 510 OC 1 pordown. Knit-- Imports to-diiy 7700 hagii per German ship Juliun. Thi- demand CArloods coanto Liverpool at 51 00; line Liverpool 91 SO por sack for spot; Spanish 70e per sack la carload lota Louisiana coarxe-SOc In carload lota. Tobacco--In Hteady and the demand good Twelvtf-inch oxtrm line, 75iaSl 00; do.

flne-, 3 medium 45ia5(ic: do. common, CS40c; 10 and ll-incli good fine, 455iiOo; do. common, 32ia33c; 12.1nch twist, ertra line, 96a70c; do. medium, do. inftllum to good, 0-incl tiviHt, line, KC57C: urlcht navy, commo medium.

line, Firm. Beets 23e per down Snap beans $3 CO bu.ih(»L Okra SI GO per jushiiL OrPen peppei 1 GOc per bushel. Sweet pofcy 40c per bushel. Bluttur beans SI 50 per bushel Radirihts 30c buncheH. CobbageSlJ 00 per crate.

Turnips S2 50 per barroL state 52 50 per barret TVcutcrn, J2 40 per barrel for Early Eose, and $5 60 for Peerless; Peochbloir. $2 06; sweet, 40c per bushel. rctroloiim--Is steady and Is acllingat 19c per gallon In barrels, and 21 la cosex. VcctinK-- Receipts light; prices firm at 'or nvrrage; full size oven running, 8c. Laixe and Inn Hcli'CUxl, Oc, HIco--Receipts light; prices eaay.

Louisiana, boxes 514 Tfi per oflwe; American do. Sll W1200, SourKLraut-- ITinn. In hulD-barrols, JC CO; In barrels, 00, Scrap jCron--IVrcught scrap, S14 00; heavy casting, Sll 00; ntovo plate, Jfl 00. Sugar-- Receipts of LonLstana wem light, but thodemand activeat higher prices. Pure 3c; choice whites, oil whites, yellovr clarifk-d, fwconus, kettles --none olLerulff.

Grocers flll ordera lit llgher. S'orthei-n rnflned easy and selling on orders is follows: Cut loaf, lie; crushed, lOWc; powdered, granulated, iOi4; ntandard Xvlieat--Nono offering. No. 2 SI Ifi; Xo. 3 o.

$1 00. Wool--Continues quiet full pricei 'ould have been realized but for tho weather, iiiotations are as follows: fine, 26c: medium, 22d: coarse, J8c; six months, clip, less; burryon'j dirty OffilOo oC. Cnre fails to euro Fever and Ague, or ChOIs and Fever. 9IABKETS BY XELECRAfM. November cloths opened quiet but closed firm.

Sales for tlie week, 10.000 ileces. Standard 04xM, spot, 4J4c; do. 56x00, SKc. Nsw YORK, November flour a shade irmer; common to fair extra, $5 85; good to choice do J5 00a7 25. Wheat higher closing: aavanc-e partly lost, largely speculative: un- -raded rod 2 Corn hotter and active, closing advance partly lost; unCTOdcd about bettor: closing weak; No, Hopaflrm; fair inqiliry.

CofToe flrmcr: In fair do- jnanfl, SUKOT stronecr: fnir rellninga Cuba TWci uUr to goal refhiiiigW.aTKe; prime rellned ctlve and nrmer; standard Oc. MoloKBes--Foreign and nominal: Now Orleans firmer and hi fair -JUGjiMc for fair to choice. KIcii active and firm and unchanged. Rosin Htcody $1 S3, Turpentlnn oosier at Wool very itroni; and fair inquiry: domestic 42a52c; 146J35C- Pork dull and nomhially at 614 fiC fi15 00. Middles arm; long clear 8c, Lard excited nd decidedly higher with active trade; 9.lOcawked.

rreiffhts quiet. do. yellow off i mould, MQo: confectloncrH' A cut loaf Oo; crushed Dyjc; powdered granulated Wi; cubes seed oil Hides fairly active, teody and unchanged. Money Eichange 4.80}^ for 60 days. Government bonds strong; new 5n, coupons, uuw coupons, 4s, Itato bonds moderately active.

Stocks--Prices Improved OD immtinse business. Y. C. 45H: LoJte Shore, 110M: Illinois Central, NoiilviUo ami Chattanooga. 75; -oulsvillo and Sashville, 87W; Cleveland and Pitta- lurgb, 1COJ4; Chiwigo and do, ircferred, wabosb, St.

Louis and Pacinc, 35(i; do. preferred, 02W; ilemphiw and Charleston, OJ-i; Itock Ljloud, 124J4; Union Telegraph, OSw; Alabama, class 2 to 5s, do. A smull, 1: do. Os. 00; do.

2 to 80. Snu-treas- iry balance: Com, currency, in demand. jrices advanced: ffllperflne, $3 00: XX. 00; XXX, 55 21; higher grades, $5 21. scnrcs aad nrm at Oats nrm at 450.

Oorn-raoal quiet at 38. Hay tworctj and firm; choice, 00. Pork steady at 00. Lard good demand, prices a Hhailtt higher; tierce, re. eRi rj ry mcata iu fair -c; eg, c.

ry sa lemond at lower Sc; clear rib clear, Bacon dull; shoulders, 5fic; clear rib, clear, Hams quiet and market steady; cholco sugar-cured convened, SJOJic. unchanged at $1 Oifo! 10. Coffee steady and In fair demand; cargoes ordinary to prime, Sugar in good demand at full prices; ommon "to good common, fair to fully prune to choice, yejlow ilolasses active and nrm ir.fc- JBran qSct at SI 03." Sight par. SMrling bank, 4.81. Consols, Koverober Fiour steady; family S5 00(gi5 40.

"Wheat scarce and firm; No. 2 red Winer SI 10, Corn in fair demand; new shelled 8c Oat.s strong and higher at Pork steady at S13 00. Lard strong and higher at 8.40c. Bulk- meats quiet: shoulders Bacon quiet; clear 20c. whisky active and firm at SI n.

'Sugar teodv: New Orleans 6Wa7J4c. Hogs steady; common 'S3 50(34 S3; packing 84 30; butchers' 54 60. ST. LOUM, November Flour flrm, lOc higher. anuary.

Oats flrm and liigher 4Vic bid January. Whisky Hteady and: unchanged. Pork higher at Sl-1 CO- Lord higher at 8.50. Bulk meats higher; shoulders 4.50C; siderf 7.1CJC. Bacon irmer but not quotably higher.

November Is strong and ilv December; 51 4anuary; in the vening advanced Com active, firm and highr: cant; 43Kc bid for December; 4J4cfor January; in the admnced HJc. Oast active, firm and higher; cash; 33K Jonu nry. Pork higher ot S12; packing $13. Lard cidw Lnd higher at 8.G3c In the evening. Provisions firm- Balk meats active, firm and higher; shoulders, soot; clear, 7.40C.

and un- tuuiged. The Drovers' Journal reports: Hogs--Eaceipts, losed weak. Cattle-- rrcelpts, 450(J: 800; best strong: common steady: few really irood mporti S3 SO: cood to choice nhipptog 4 TIWjjC 10; common to medlam S3 604 33; utchem' weaker; common to fair $2 00: good S2 coaa 20; stackers S2 40: half breeds S3 80: Terans S3 Oo; WvoMlng and Tffinns S2 701S3 15. Sheep-- Sw: no choice offering; common to medlam $2 70fc3 2S; sood 90. Kxxsxi Cm, Whcti-- Nc.

2, spot, No. 3, spot, EEV. E. E. BCKTS, of toys; Tuttfs Pflls are held in high on a liver regulator in hot In face, I hardl7 know how could get along without tnem.

Chins and Fever have lost their drend. Our people t.ikn CKM or two doses of the puTs and follow it with fifteen grains of Quinine, drrided in three doses, never returns. tho. day, At a mMiing- of tho stock-raisers and men interested in stock, and in the commercial interests of tho "West. vrho represent and speak for a trade which amounts to hundreds of millions of daLars, in Chicago, on the 17th of 2soTctn- ber.

resolctions were adopKil declaring 41 Wnereas, the contagious plenro-pneujnonia of cattle crises in several States of the Union bordering oo the Atlantic seabonrd, aud, in. of iSo decision of onr Slate Federal thai States acting as such, art to protect themselves from infection fxona aa joining Sote, and for tie same reason infected State is DOWcriesB to stamp out the contusion lonff as it edits on te bcrdera in an adioin- ing State; therefore, it is the imperative duty of Congnss to enact such tar ihcll effecs- naUv prevent the spread of Ou disease into StEWi not already infucttd." A dispatch savs: It ic beliclhid the is considering te present nsnictions on tte importtloa of cV- tle can nttc bd aaodined without' "Tiomirry act of 1E7SL It now admitted that thj Veterioarr DepurtniBiii; of Privy the a'atenvent repeated Hv A. JInndiJa, vice, president of tte connci the last msioa of Porliaiu-nt that there bad an. outbreak of Tezzin leTcr among cattb in England. It li soppotid the Yever wastbotmdprodcced By the conflnement of the vavage.

There is conBdecmble dethn 7B3intamed, especially; in Scotland, to obtain store cattlo from America, Trader condition ot a reasonable ouarantine. Tha'OoTernniecc also tin regard to TOKK tBTTERS. rM In tlrfwTTfl to ocow-1 fnm a It la of a JJllJiiltrof fr.tti tali V' I 1 ui a fora larjrrr eialat Ttf bondx fiZ.SOjr.i}, ot wii-i brtwxn and aro trr city. Against irw this tfjr UMI bonds to tbrr at 1SK for Ho 'ja tbe hoslu an tr lookvcd for froio, orr in :t.e otM of jn ot "TO, If any piUTia.ip: tkm bo react frocn Etxvpn. and tfcln TEXAS T.

O. KcrJwSS: ffj but fjt floor, for p-wtl part (it Uxt Oiany of Um kfn far to-day to luKTrt tUrre tril! Ton bah rale foi- try borrowina; In aflrancc, the market aro by tiwr 'lirri't- u-hjxl of hoalnoKt i with tha cooJitiwi of 3e which are frdt- oo tbrlr bacin, it would not a dfBlccit miUK-r for ffpKniatorx who have boi-pvwc'd umy to rtjf the market i'll pav an cjztzu lor a bclfr at Uw fa; 1 i rirfv Thii of Joito MilLa-, of Sspnrtno Court, ir that tte K. T. Company nro (mtltlod to pcvwMMon o' cm the povmmt of tho cooponf far InV'itwt, wtlch, in tlwir Craw bUL they have offerwl Ho Kew Volte. November 16.

--Tbo IK now fairly on a twit, bonw-- though at the of Stocilc lotuu wore oblniooblrt at Tbct bank rnv, disposition i 1 in of tbe poverty of too bsnVa and tiwir olnnuly ovcr-oxtendoti linos of discount, to tn.tV^ fow new loons as thoufik tJ.c rate may be. differ at to how rnonpv will command fi per bat IT. i to do'no untfl ofter tho oponlnc of IITW a drop to 3 rou.J' be looked for. iwhilo, -while 0 will be abcuB fiif! there will bo downward to 5 and 4. and also upward to of an much an the demand from borroweri will h-sar.

New York nnd Texas Land Company ($50 share) was 20 bid, iwiyd; toe shares anil tflSfaHQO scrip--tbe hit- wr quotod This ooinpanj- l-i a branch of the Internattomil roiui, and Tho stock nnd scrip is based on Uw oC the road. Lonfaiamui wtro held at and the tffl- Ls that thoco bonds should higher, herman, It is reported, will tho iAHie of anyraorOfiflverdollArs nnlcdai their is brought up to the Tnlneof a gold dollar, and the monthly coinnso be left to tie (JfcereUon of the Sterling is without difcidM fiomo alrcstondocnmentK on spinnors 4.79?. and on bank at 4.T8«£ It ix not eo cnrKUn but that there ii money in sterling an a speculation. Coffoo opeiis tho woek quiet--srtv for Rio fair. The Bureau report an "IncnwaoJ" production of cotton fell flat, another pitMf these reports have yyuvd to bu of any value Thn market advanced in tho face of tho report, and cioxed 5(39 points hlchir than Saturday.

Decembers 10.84; W.W. agaJnst 10.85; Februarki 1LOO, aad Marchwi 11.20, against 1L11. Stocks wore only bright in JTorth Pa- ciflai. Central Jersey, Dehiwarc, Rcnd- iig, Lockawanna and Wostorn Union wore the iivoritoe--the latter nt lower, nnd all tho former at higher ngnrcs. HonzFOBD's ACID ParosraA-n: should be token when lufferuig with hcodacho.

PORT OF GALVESTOX. MoltDiT, November 22.1880. 1 AERTVZD. in raiieir Eooai Tlr-fti: Vrrr ltrt in wcwk. Vi cwl country ia of Pilot: Koor lars ariB froin iho All cf tb-m wiU of in they inaio ihrtfty tarawrx IloconSer: In ti" bark Valkyrlfln, Berjo, HavnnA, to J.

Mqjlor Co. Bhlp Julian, Slecntzcn, Uverpixtit ntn lt, to J. Molfer Co. lirltish bark Virginia, L. Stafford Jilbb-, St.

Tbomajt, In ballaBt, to J. Co. Schcwner Auntie. StonliyTton. MOXllAY.

Arnnaiw, Coipiw Chrhrti. fcteonwWp St. ilorjyan City. Steamship Hutchitixoa, Homy, Clinton. Schooner S.

McMxnemy, Recvee, Fhfladftlphia, to J. Jloller A wich coaL CLKARKD. St. Ifary, TUlowen, Indlaiiola, by ChoFovJer. SAILED.

SUNDAY. StfcamEliipClty of Xorfolt, Eoplins, 31organ City. MONDAY. Hrnry, 3rorcnn City. Ktoainehlp Aranww.

Jwis, iorjrnn City, Steamflhip St. Marr. Conneli. Inrlinnola, JMl'OKTS--FOREIGN, Qcrnum ithip salt, 10,000 brfokiL Sfonoix CITY--Per uteaumhip rackcrs, 21 bbls ivbinky. 33 COMB 39 sacks 13 crates cabbage IWDUSOLA--Per steamship Anmsan--31 sacks of rooL RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.

HouaTonDnuecrNAViaATiosCfoKPjLXY--Porbirge Swan-- 035 halca cotton Tor barge bales cotton cOrapnmflCd. -19 bacon. calEc.lOebbfe cotton wblsky, 10 rwls wire and cfictt )rints. HornroM HJCTODWOX RAJLTOA-- November iX boleti cotton.

7 rtcck, 3 cam oooi', 115 yockii 100 Hour, ICO wicks flour, 00 bbla flour. 1 box Imniwarp, I BboOH, 1 cago thread. Cftflts bootB iuid flhoen. 4 lacrqhajidlsi', CO boicstobacce.4 CAflCR cwidy. bales cane, 1 car bulk com.

6 avm bonrH, JWO Hacks cotton riewl, car hny, 00 5 bbln whlft- ltj' COO canned KOOda, 3 biJrn, 2li rtnclu 1, sackn cotton, 1 Jot liouachold goods. 1 box roll carpet. wiles cotton, liM sts ofl cake, SO blH onloni, bbll TCjretabkjfl, 30 crates cabbagv, 20 bxii 03 beor, 34 -Ji-ljblH bwr, JO W-bbls 2W bear, coxvn, bales )bls pecans, 325 Mkn pocazu, pecans, jai 4 CATB c. 13 cafics merchandise. rf.

apples, 9 bbU 8 H-bbte a cnrn lumber. 13 craten Iiaines, ((bxa IxJla IXK UnplAte 1 wiwc. IJST OF VESSELS IX PORT. tmUKSHIPH. Jutesfilro.

Robinson, Glawow, Ils York, Idg xOdoxton, irtif ETcoiU'nt. iroo Vest Stanley, Fielder. Baltic. IH37 Marlborouch, Sttndenwa, Liverpool. Idtr-, W.K" 'sranoa, Curson, Liverpool, Idy Dout, ljae, Bremen, ivSl VustraHon, Sandry, Lirerpool, Idg i2W lonutta, Liverpool, Idc.

vo3 IT 11 it Julius Liverpool, dis Nownuvn Hill, Slater, din Foster. Liverpool, Idff Moahcr (Sr). Kinchin, Uverpool, Mff BCQ Lomond far). (Sutherland. LlrerpooJ, 380 Atmosphere, Firth, Liverpool, ISM loyal Charley, Goo.

Wathlaeton, Probet, Ereincn, T7IS lunaa. Lijnrovrd Jabw of rotrun of fnwn 4't to t'" improved suburb orourul lownit of tJws county, from $60 mcr-e, in (ictv acre innili frrxn The oooutf bi i-sr Rrview: of tii the jHfriod year pcct to MOO 1 10.U*) hcku. KRA.VKLTN. Mount Graf, Gvraiaa in thin county, "WTjl of old From six in corti abnut 2iJp Tho vatod without by wife. Thr I si.

jiiatoct, were iii fuli bliwin aa4 ecutiimc'r, liaw one of which loadod wi'Ji thft other port vrjth abundant inat ntadia Uw pdrixo w-v lully fat. -oJil of Hawi who Hreji tho we Knnhin county, tcrriblv 1 CM arnui lobt hy falling into sjwt fl Ife-Jl t.ttii fnws: (jx; tha Wegriin depot fclonn baJw shipped, and that there- bail from piid bolides Kent a niimborof oonniy for hhipmont, m.iidni; at 000 toJert tiift-tGuadalupc county OllAYffON. Coal KlU at rn'r ton in Sbcnrwirc 4 Tlw Marvhail Cor turf Company Is goinj niioad wixh tiw voirk of xmJcfiift cars. Tvii, ''trn out, two boarding cn.ra i weclc, while work IM-OTI o.imii4-«if«-jl oti two tnoro. comrt nution ojiuj in need of CUTH.

and work fre vrore ninety men tbe compruivV tund our caa form itf a gnat Iwncflt tho moway paid zncntlily tt to the town. In the fcunatrj-. iiiti cUlr-o nnd blncknmith etnpJoywi wr horin doily, while in lh" planing aro only ablt to in runo Star; Afwut tbo big waters wore uropjwl by a iin nt our dopot Sunday iiiforixied tlwt all of them hi 1 hoint'n in our Tbcro UM lively trade in the lamt buxiDvjt i jjood many roal yiroyiffrty in cur county during the tw wccia, wfaldt Sa cellcnt pixrtf of ftinons; our DiFpatch: learn that- ft Eilrry our citfzenH contemplate an early or the TCXJUI und Pacific railnwii, und W. D. Gooch LtiTo yjno nn iv trtur, and In a few ifapt Js'ichobi and DicJc Hulinff perhajw will start for Culonido CUy, county, whero tlwy will lu uRflulff.

Mr, llulinn will ciowo out hii ere, and will rumavo bin lo list new lp- cation. 1.IMESTONK KCMKO Locnl: Cotton wUU ixntiuar to COQJC Thn at thin pUco up to Ulte hit-ra btcn S-tW This in largely in exoaw of rocoipta at tjjiii (Into year, Mr. J. ur- who has jiurt raturnc-d from an tour arouud thu wcUoo of tho ooantfy, there IR mi aoi'xmt of ttlll niainin); in Uto rtddH uiipirkcd. In many places he that at kasl Luiit a bale tba acrw can be guthcrtxL LAVATl.

Texan: Yfi'liam Honey, who kiJkt Mr. Wni. C. Low, near Uw ultimo, mu tried on ilowlay in the District Conrt, now in nnd ft ir.ordcr In tho first dosrrcff, with ci lor Ufo In Henry Merrill tihnriS: Layt-wo, aaK'ssor; W. Wvatt, oOTtnty judge; hklo ipector: R.

P. liixJdcrw. ilistrv.t oivJ eyvftfcy clerk; O. Dexter, wirveyor: dirtrict nttoruey LukM XVfUioixu killel hoars, ft lew days ngo. KJo de Janeiro, Carolliie, illlckelften, San Lucar Vej-raouth, Durkee, wtc Sylpbtden.

LlvcrpooU Stawrowl Brock, Jkcobwn. dlH Sirlus, (Nor.) Jerjtrnscn. Llv(rpOol HAnw, eld Nor 15 BrcnhAm. TJTcrpool, Id? Herbert (Or), Fluher. Liyerpocl.

Idc. lampton Court Ger), Krmw, Bremen, Idj? 'uiiko. Von Thulen, Malmo. Idff Sarah DoujflAas, Graham, Liverpool, 'ohn Smith, Jones. Genoa, eld Nov.

18 kdfferi Tcreward, Svend-vrn, Liverpool, dis Hvre, Idc lortley, Rio do Janeiro, dta nverruc, Gewon, ngeborjr. Fex, Liverpool, dta. rantl, Telkfwn, Eelfairt, wtff niuoH, C. Sibley, York. dK 'llnnie Abbe.

Harding ikwton, dls Christiansen, Id? Ork for Orders. Mlra, Cornellnseii, St. HCHOOMIM. R. H.

Qiircn, D. C. Powell, Philadelpbia, Normandy, Adanui, Xcw York, H- Bavlrat, Sarum. Providence, eld 31., S. Harding, Melvin, Pi nnde.phia, dis.

Atkins. Fhfladp.pbiii, did. -TC3 G. W. Smith, eld.

Cedar Krn NOT. 19 3SS Flate, Tampico, diK 9 tclIa, SasmaflMo. TnxpaD, dis, -t7 Mantle, E. D. -rtif 45 LOADINO.

CLEABED A5D SAILED FOE GALV2STON. Antouto. Florence, Flrma, 3TO el EruT Belle of the Bay, Nclton. E. H.

Potter, Shearer hoober S. P. HiwfKOClc hooccr Julia A. tVard, Sterenji. Ml Schooner Fred "VValwrn.

Rich, 461. BOffTOX Schooner Vineyard, Banno-r; tstiJl cx)tton Ucldn. Tbe of Dtin- is Thero IA r.K a residence in town, and improvement tiio order of the day. Tribmw: Tlio Sablno river nevf-r so many stcmnboatfl as nw, njwi tiwy wp.on- did Yttftels, toe, all oC sossion ST 111 ur 5' Orange foucd dxtocn bills of iDtlictJuout. Couoty o01(wni "VT.

csnry dge; J. Jacobs ooajrf clerrk; ohn Edsar, W. Janus Johnxon, tnKwufwr; Jaovt assessor; judg John shown tbo largest potato thift weolc we have "wi it tbc ever grywn in Seme. It weighed nn'i poun'X and was of the yam variety. It T--as Ly Mr.

J. S. Williams in carJen ay-ftr ftDd from tho vino on whica' tiis otya grew doff poondiof poaiuocn. fiHACKELTOIlD. AThanv Tomahawk: A 1 semrc JiaSctiwra risttdthis vxSloo.

last TaHdjij- Prom bac; iiformaticw furni-ibpd by soojy of our oneiilf to thrcc-fourtJa cJ A bele pwr Tyler Exporter: TJWTO Is a gr-ivi cteul cutTon in tho jet in tfeii ooaczy, it ia feAredtbatthfltOittT aboatpxued. aTylftp.Courirr: Tiiwd 1 swro fatal hrr; thera has for timo in ihc In oravernnAwm frith fanners wver cocuty, Icstrii is a rrcat deal of oottna yet in tfcc UTA1XE. A Jcttw frcan liie lotos The tu- irrok, aad ir havp Kate a(9. Hcali Jifjf Oct 1 Schooner Wfbon. Nw2 hooner Emma Heavier.

FWv-r Cd OeiSS Schooaer John C- Somers. 2J7 Vbr bark Era, Zocharlecec, 285. CartlW Opt for baric Eld Sept BA1.TIVOEX. ScboocerS. 31 Dow.

Rylsy At Oct Oitrora. rtr Oroosocto. Gridth.440 Br. Jioe, IVJPPT orborfc BB. "orbart Ivonve or brie Venn, fid Srpc IS Oc: tl at wed hart Xore Py aid .20 "or tariff PoUiix, 310, tiTSrptjS Er bark Eonut, C33, sWSepi iKJ icio, KeCson, 213........

Sept IS 'or bcrt Meadcc, Pttterwpn- Baric Jolamnes Fo Beck hart PohIInz.fil2, rt iUtOctI4 Tor Ceres, NOW offered by ihe Ccmmon- Dijtnbutioij Ca cis ten prizes of flOOO each. of them for Soim tlis opportaaity this ymFTI com nt oncu io R. M. Courier-Journal BoiMinir. Louis- Kv.

or same person Broftd- The body made at Tbw fernuce of the M. E. Cburxii in tJiw city on Stfc tir Church in lite Jenosi Church in this cilrcc. njomfnSf li til i 1 11 O- 1 r'ricjtia Ui jievtraJ iiay fte will tw in tZw at 1 This cnanty has bwc Scaowrs, odjoahni: ft. 'or great cVpciuJi cf iron, grpwun owl of nsicte been written by i-ides mLDemi ttoci fArm-Esr Id rivwr co north acd XWhna fjeo- ter, valkys arid hott2BS.

s. red i for Htrntsville recently a occcert ift the prisotx which ws of TVortfc, tbo feet, diachargiw otf tivgongn. A Ihree-iaca. ---a cf AmSia, 1 i in oomiw; nrnwelj, UrfdL a oi 2S OTCT aaj or J- Q- with from Fj H. W.LtKBtfoottt«LecXido^« fromLomar FaaEinand Deito OWWICM Clark, of Jcdicwl Jatrictv lire ta ibe Deaf and Dranb Asvium fc goad Xorth" to ImnuCTtooo.

has a colored coontv and wo ooJcrftt Tbr total debt of Teiatf October 12; ItSW. cinistere of the by the Boo. Spencer Batrd, rafcad will in. tbo oC cwo or weeks, send to it berof carp.

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