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The New-Orleans Times from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J. Cf jfp4av VOL. XY-NO. 7062. NEW ORLEANS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1870.

PRICE, FIVE CENTS. T. MATTERS AT TIIC CAriTAL, fir tbe arpeinrmfnt of aenalnre aid representatives. Including the apakerso( both to proceed Saa Kraoc -t-o res reive Oeo.

oraiit ea bis leturnto) UieL'uiett stales. Latest Dispatches A Texas Tornado 'Prom Oar Evening Edition of Testerdy.) ihe sieaker proceeded to caT the committees for reports. The only report sul mitie waa troin tie committee on accounts relative to couinuuee cieiks. This report was adopted, and tbe bon pro-, eeetled to lbe eonsitieratioa of Ihe sen sub bill for the purchase) or construction of a refrigerating sh'p for tbe diainieeting ol vessels and rargjes. Mr Cha mfrs.

ris ng to a question of privilege, atked fur an investigation by the bouse of conduct at lbe battle of Port Pillow. He made the request because of cerla'B uacomplim'ntary made to him l-y Conaressmaa But worts, in a recent speech at lucinnau. Action en the requ st ue'erred for a day or two. The heuse then, in committee of the took up lbs legislative appropriation bid. tbe peod'ng question bring Mr.

llragg's motion to icstrt a clsuse repealing the law creating the si.innern eta ms romtnus.oa, and tne timtuuto therefor off. ret I by 2dr. lonng. of Tenne-ss-, TIic Cheapest flonse in tkecity: TKX HOST STYLISH AND DCKABL FUBNITTJKE OF ALL KINDS. PiELCZ, ELDtCCI 15J IIXLSS.03I SETS AT VERT LOW FIGURES, And ail warranted lo be of the BEST MATERIAL ad WOHKMAJISmT CAUL.

AND SEE. Toa will save money by doirg so before bnytaf iJu attention paid to Country Customer. w. c. bixg r.p TEXAS.

The Fire la Stcpheavtll. Calvw-t, April 1 A speeiai to the Cal. ve-toa rwi. frcm Stepbenv.iie, Eraih eoumv, sats: le entire square, east ol trie court hone, and a square ia tue ma tuaineia rtmo oC the town wsa consume-l by flr. dy.

Th-a ill rcactl nearly t-s)0vj. lnauxaace atxiul lO. Tt -morrrw's News will conta specials frort Weil dislrtbtitetl pointa lo the sivth eosirreaioal district, irdicatirg tse election of Colum'ios In. S' Demticrat. over Morev, Q.I.

He vaciocy caused by too ol Stbleii-her. Tho eicclion was quiet, and lawa was a ught vote. specials from North Texas to the News reocirl heavy bail stotms. doimr grant d.nn v- to tna en p. At Li-i near Ut, sever houset were ilemclisbr livestock kilied, and sufecal persons severely ir; jretl.

The Alabama Knights of Pythias. Tt st rwun, April 15. The t.raad IVn of Knight of Pythiaaof this st.ita was tens a r.penetl Ibis mi roina Grand Chancellor Terti' l. In Ine bair. Tne comml'tee on returns aad cr-deiit iais i eported twenty live representatives an 4 laal chancelinrs were admitted, atter whit tea reports of C.

t. bl. of ti. and 4. and M.

E. were read referred r-v the approtna'ta committees. Tae grand lod-e luen uak a re-ceas. 1IEL14.IOU. Ridding th.

Chareh ef a Fl.rctJe. Watfriowm, N. April 15. Tke et mmltten ppoiaicd by the Nor; her. New York Mrlnolit contereaee, sitting as Louisv die, to Investiaatta tne ehames of heresy av'sia-t Dr.

nml ot (swf go, reports that tbe euarires are weil fuorttW ed. A bill of the chaitres will ba prenled tts Dr. BiilKs-k, and ha will be arra.gned oa tha charge of heresy and contumacy. ASVIVtKHBT. Ths Colored

C.l.brat. th. I Ifta.ath Saiadmiab Bai nwoBit, April 15. The colore people in till city lo-ilay celebrated tbe anniversary lbe adoption 4if the BU-rn-h aimendoitnl. I tiersi waa a of 4Aid I'eilow-J, Masooa and other a vie societies.

FEIt4. IE. Wad. Tfaanptaa Eeavea for Waabltigtea. Coi.t Mm S.

ft-. April 15. eenatog Uaoiptoal it 11 fur aahiiigton to day. RTSRIA. Th.

Caaur'a Assassin. I.OMKH, A ril 15 A dispatch to the Stantlartf from M. Peteikbtirg says iiih emperor a-sauank gives tbe nam. of skoiuf. lie is a retired fune nonary of tbe min strv ol huance, antl is arsiuk thirty years old.

He fired ai tue emperor wiLlua two paces. Alter the first shot tke emperor apnmache. Sko ol, who fired aaaia. art! then ran. Im tan -4-u a account, given sa to tue exact number of soo Is bred are euiinictma.

Aa offii-er of tka sers o'armerie, witn drwn ivsnl, ptirsuett kOlCf. Three more men then joined I. trie pttr-suit, tired at them, na taring th. Jaw of a detective. En aliy a gentleman kmaiked -aolof down and held hun unui be waa secured by ins 4.

(beers. Farther I tails. Sr. Petfrsw kg, April 15 The wonld be at aassiD of the ciar is now umlergotiig evamina lion. A lull oiliciai aj- ountol toe aitair says Towards eight clock inia morning as trio ems r'r waa taking bis en Horn try wa.k, a re-pe- i ably dressed man.

wearing a uilit.rv cap wito a stu kaile, atlvari etl toward i in, and as tae em peror nearer, the man drew a rerutw ver from the pocket of his overeoti! asd flreis four shots at the emperor. 'I he satassin, before submitting to tils captor fired s-notber shot, sui-liny woiiniling id tr.i checks perron in the ciowd. great of jieopie which had assembled enuiusiasiit ai chteretl them lor their piool ol fidelity on a painful occasion, lie said he knew Be has ion support of all respectable people; be hope. I Gid would grant that be miht comp eto ta-k, winch consisted ia promoung u. weiiaid Ol Kussta.

The tmperor, arer the foregoing speech, drevtv to the paiace without escort. He basnet suffere. the least lll-rrlect from the attempt upon a is h.e. Afterwards hetitove out escort to Laibetlral to return thansa for tn. preservalioot of bis life.

When receiving conera ulatious of the fflcialsof lbe empire, at noon, trie tuar was so miii'h overcome by bis enthusiastic reception: as to be unable to speak lor some minutes On recovery from bis emotion be said, "luisiainta third time God bas saved Tbe emperor sassaiiaal tiak potst before tin attempt, aa be vomited after bis arrest. Pnsoit was aiso fuuail un.ler bis hnger-naus. Antnloteal ere adminiattrvtd. Il is tnongot the man wae i thee, ploy of the ministry ot finance, ami am sgentcr lbe international, tne su'tan an i a of Ihe European sovereius have teics'iaphedl tbeir txiDgi-alulaUOBa. Whale.

I Arraats. YiF.fKA, April alvce. fron Ft, Peieisburg state that Ut'l revirtiiiinnnts been ai rested la Baia wilh.n Ute ugtatawt Et.LAf. C.adltloa ml th. ISarh.ra Ciller.

Loms.h. April 15. Thouads of men, woaiert and children, at tbe V.r.h Uiirnam collieries, ar- tUite destitute. lhaa one third of i-t. men en ployed there won witLagly l- mas'ert' leiiiis, bmare afraid t.f im enw, A Keuier's Conalanunopie ilispava aays: Tt.e porte ia tr p-ired to ufuon a privi-sionnt rrtrime In I trypt until aa arriv.

al with li Euronean powers as tm chat girg the order of soecessitm an I lie pre pontleraect t.f wer Eirvpt If Er aiantl and t'ranca sttonil dmas.l tte iteito-sinon ol the, tr.e porte would ewnsenl if allowed to revoke the ttrrna. grant. ng direct succt-sloa to tbe lamny of the knetkve. Th. Aula lag Miners.

lONrfi. Apr" 15. A to theTt-naa, from Newi-aMle. s'ates tbat nuujoers of tbe ntrik-lsg mil ers who are po-seard oi a litti. m-an appear det-rmiBeil to perntanea lv quit lbe loir bam l'ieres.

Iii.reii.-at on aaetts la the Newcastle s'r ct are l.u.ty sending men to I atretl State coi' nlt s. 1 bo ti lts of em grant teems the mining ia of it: I mtetl s-atea. There is ab4 eoimuieraote stigraw titiB tu Br.usb America. FRANCE. Amerlraa latnt.

ta Parlslaa Putm. April 15. The mantclpaMrr pro-vt. ti t'-liimge ttie names of Kne et Ariiand and i A' ai ict i to itae aad Hue It l4 tr -pecuvely. Th.

tirtrk Lss Prr. April 15. Tb B.tre aanonneee coiitrst-i for a Greek loan of sixty Irsncs bas te-en Stgned tn. Gteea mins latry aad HeCoiupioird 1 stioaipte anl olAera, (JPtlt. The Prlae.a.

Christian Glvta Tp to Il, Maphio. April 15 pioni'mttii lie of lbe 1 nncess Lhrutica di-parcd oL. Arrest ef A nasal as. MIe.rr, April 15. Several arrea's htre rna'itt t-onn.

o-'ion Wits tne txiuaioa la Uta Cburtu sao Aswmo, bovine. TTBKET. The Greek Frwntl.r Qa.sflea., Aor.l L. At aa rrfwrilK Iir oat il held loday to uisena.

low f-m n. ine ministers tls'Seed Grtjetc aa tn. extern of lbe Ut Gittte. FOttTCE. Th.

a- III 111 ael M.iftl. of fa.BI are prnteee. Port sad Sait Jin. a nerieae. Mate.

'atlle. ere. etc. A males' lly O. 1I :4 riRK.

wru Peit. o. antl 41 Al v. ft aaraai.a ret- 1 Hi rf-ItAV. ia.

a. win t. roia u- .1.... 5 TIIE HOUSE COMMITTEE Ifculh Curaliu Election Cases Tte Wheat Crop of Kansas IIELTIONi THE EAST II ESPIE BT1TS EIHTHQUkE HAIL STCRB IN PESSACCL1 I insM curscn THE KHEDIVE'S TROL'BLES To tbe Ajsociated Prega. VTASHraGTOJl.

The nous. Committeas Carp.aiter's San-, slaital Bill. Wa-HrKOTow. April 14 With the exceptlnn of, inn toioDiiL.trea uuruicaup, wruma uiu meat tins, Hon. Alex Stephens, cbairman, aud foieign Hon.

6. S. Cox. eliairmai, tbe boi con in nits nave not yet formally or am ired Kr toe transaction of business. 1 be two mentioned organ i-d tins morninj.

Dr. Cu.ver being sppointed clerk of the former, and air. II. Ms Moid, ol tne latter. The embers of tbe committees on accounts aid tpidemic diseases have held informal con frretces.

Tnrse ccmmitiees. together with those sppropriaiiotis and airriiuiiuie, expect to or gariKe to-niornw. Tte bill introduced to-day by 8enat-)r Car- pt nu-r, concerning sena'orial eleudona, protioses to n-cnon i ia revisen siamres, nv Dfeititg thuworrfs: Ami orjaiu.e.l." afier the t-p rn. wn." so that tt will read: ''The legiala lature of each Mate, wflirh is ebosen ami oi ircd next preceyina tt.e expiration of the time It inch any at nator was elected to reur rurh Male in congress, shjll, on tbe a-cond Tnes day AVer meeting and organization thereof, pro cet lo elect a senator in cootirees The biilis esgaed lo reoietly a defect in the listing law. w'nkli as recently brought iolo 1 ublic.

view by lbe New Hampshire Ciae. IX TITE fOrRTS. Tk. Month Carolina Electlom Cases Jadsj. Board Bales Adversely the Aermsed.

Chaflestos, April the United Sta os court to-tlay Jucire Bontl denied a motion ma le on bt kalf of defendants in ihe election case to aetasidethe jures as liliirnily forme i also a otion for a cj ntiLuar.ce of tbe cases; also a uit.tit a to Lreveut i he application of trie test oath to larora. On each ol tbe questions Ju lve Bryan aisscntetl and -I'lile Bond announoetl that pentifrg an appesi on these issues to the sunreme eenrt. tne aecuatu, li convictea, wou.a oeau itrd to bail. Tl-e rase t.f the T'nited S'ates against William Kerrigan, white, eh-trgetl with assaulting am 4ibsiructmg John Ereeman, a colored L'nita b.atrs snrtervisor, was tnen tried. A Jury ol eight wni'es and four colored having bsen forn.ed under operation ef the teat oa'h, alter ev tience and ararument, Jurlire Bond gve tne rase to ti jury Witlit ut any charge, instructing 1 hem to rentier a staled verti Tne fury have lo-night left their rtoiri, and it waa reporied aud believed their verdict ia conviction.

AtUUClLTYIlAL. The Late Bala. Assure a Full Wheat Crop tu Kansas. St. Lorts, April 15.

A dispatch from Topeki Karsste. avs: Bersjrts to the Commonweal lit lbe heaviest wt ai producing cmnties in tbe ale show tint', rains nave fallen witni in tli ys. and the beat crop, both spring and fail, are lully as'urt d. farmers are lumiantove the prospect of a great yield. Corn is pit nie.i rapiu.y, axu ice acreage am oe large, POLITICAL.

Wualrlp.l Eleeti.n lat Coaaeetlewt. naRTioEO, April 15. New Britain electeti Ambrose Beatty, Dotiocrat, mayor lo nej riiv, over Camp, Republican. Ail otter city oibcers are Eepublicans. I ia Treat.

at, M.w Jersey. N. April 15. The Democrats eleet tbe mayor ami school suerintendent. Tae council i BApubiican Ly one majority.

STOB.Tf. Earfhaak. lot YTat.riewia, BJ. Wtertow m. N.

April 14. A sh-wk of an earili.niaae waa felt at-Nur oik, New York, about II oiiwt Ihts morning. Tne sound passed from west to east, lasting about thirty seconds, aud was very distinct. Twprecvdeated Fall of ITall la Pkksacoi.4, April 14. A bail storm ocottrre I here to dv a 'iniiir unknown before, liul teii as lare as ben's tggi.

SPAI.a. Baaaba lat a Chareh. 'ar (tin, April bombs wereyeer d-yilmwn irto tne Cnurcb ot Sjn Antomiat wiin tne on ect, is supieaeti, or crem-UK a pat if, auu ileal ng tie valuable atcrametnai pints tslortiugto tuecuurcn. Several pera jna wtie lnjunu. Tl'HKET.

Th. Vatltaat aad the Khedive. CosTATtsoii.K. April 1" The sultan has no resoiut on respecting trm koe-live, nor be xtes" eti to so ui til he nis heard t' ex-p ttratun brought by Talt Paaba, tneahtdivs's tpecal envoy WEATHER Kl POUT. Indira tlwai WJ DaraaTKisT.

im. aonrr ttrr-cwa, Vtat.inloa. L. Apro H.i. For Ihe South A tlantie? States Warm outbwest wircsaitn Laro'ueter.

rlou Jy an I rti wta foili.weil Intli. northern ini by CCitu i rt en? winis antl r.smg Islrotrjttler. lor li i.u.l ol sum beny win is and ill inir le. niet- r. toe at rainy wra' her, p.s- il ly followed in toe nonhcrn por.iua by aoer Der-l e' Wllttis.

r'or Teiiiirsiee and the Ohfra Valley RHing frtl lowed t. stationary or la lo os e- i part weather. for ti JM ddic Atiantic States Kalling baron, et.r. esserly wi r.t.ii a'i r.n. lol-lowetl I 1-1 trk westerly w.n Is.

rising baiometrr ami ciraung weather. RIVER JIEW9. Telegram to the N.O. Times. St Ltd April 15.

The nver haa commenced faltii as have also the utper rivers. Ierartetl; nney for tue Missouri and the jawtrs Howard for New Orleans, The latler tjok a cccd etrco. Like Pepin orK-ued yes'erlay, and a bolt wenl throegb to st. Paul. The JL.

H. Iurfee) left for Kan sis of darkies. The Ahland leave for the Mi-jotiri on Taes-4lay. Bates lew. Cart.

Kinaey bas quit the river. Ee i- going to be a merchant in Chicago. Capt. Jo. Braun is supertnttntlinj the baildLnj Cf tle sew mail boat.

I To the Atsoetated Press.l MEMfiTis. April IS Noon. The riTeria falling. 1 n-part eo Ci) as. P.

hou lea fur i r-)ear; ii. C. Yacger lor Si. Lutua, Waal tier clear. Mnt'-tits, April ir.

Tbe river ms fonr In, Iiartd. 'kacn Pe.le tor Viekaburg. for im ir na i 6 npson il iiuer for New Orleans. eather cloudv, iftt ivsaii, April li. li ver seventeen fet art lal irr.

-atrer cicnoy and cool. Aprii 15 Kiver seven fet, twj lirhes. and fail tie. Weather fair and mil I. April 1.

Arnve'i V. from New or eana, i p. ni. lirand Tower, frotn St. loots, 4 p.

m. Iieoarted: Hal i lar. for st. Lout. 3 p.

as. Kiver tairty-oe. feat ou. jnck, axdr.sug, Weaifier lau. aietcury ir.

Ccmmiltses Commencing Work WHAT THE SOUTH BAT EXPECT THE WAYS AND MEANS Ferrando Wcod In the Wrong Place A 1 Alii LEVEE COMMITTEE A Chance for the Southern Pacific band all in pro vine Though Not Yet Fair to the South Telefrram to tb K. O. Times D. April 15, 175, The hrnse comniittcet have fairly been launched into by bavicg the bilis just intn- Cuted reterred to tbem. Hti it is too early to judge of them by thi only prae teat performance is worth the ai.s eorreepondent has made seme with a yaw ot learning wbat may be tiptctd in the way of retails.

I'irbapi lbe three not important of the ttacdug ccmmilt. es of the bouse to Louisiana, ars tbuae of the wtjs and means, aa at present, the levees and Pacific Kiilroad. The ways and mtana baa, aa has been slated before.tbe levying and re aiiun or.lnlcrnai revenue matters, snch at the duty cn gngar, the tax on tobacco and the duty on a bit-key. The comibiltee tloold have bad a Southern or Wcsurn chairman. Tt tfct and Souti py niofi of the tax on wbitkey ci tobacco.

Llinoa pavs more money into the tretcury aa internal revenue than all J'ew Ergland eombined with Michigan thrjwa ViiginiasDd KeutniLy pay mote than New Erglaod, "ew York, Pe: B-yivaBia, Ohio aud Tberelore it was tery prrp thtt either lacker, i Yjrginln; Morrisoa. of 1 lnois. or Black. Outn, of hentucky, fbould bad the chair manabipof this comm ee. But Mr.

Wood Laa it, an 1 tferefore t. country ust Be. da vabke the mo.t ol It, With Tu ker am on tne cothi Vrginia tad Louisiana will infler. Morrison wi.l look after the whisky of bis own State, Carlisle that of Kentucky, and Hil'j, of Texas, a sugar planter himself, will ttand by Louisiana inirar planers. In maintain icgtbe tax on imported sugars.

The levee committee is a fa Uly good one. The cominittee stands thus, pronouncedly for levees: Eobertsm, chairaian; Chalmern, Gen. Joe Johnston, Myers, Evins.Itunn. It in not exactly known how the following memtjf rs are: Tamer, Diino crat; Buym and Boyd, KeptiblieanK; Caswell, of Wisconsin, Is a levee man; Prescott, representative ot New York, is op-foaed to any internal improvements by the government unlets they are in New York somewhat. Taking tt all in all, the levee committee is strong er than it was bttt session, and the sati-facto ry of any since the Democrats have been in power.

The bill which passed thehonse last session and tailed in the senate on tae last day of the term, will be offered again, and most Lkely will bei-cme a law without lose debate, and pa: through the senate in the same way. Therefore, without any over sanguine expectant ns, there are reasonable assurances that the pte-tnt committee will do as much as the las. one did, and reenact the commission bilL teen. Johnston will have great influence la this rom mi. tee, and he favors any plan by which the levees can be; repaired and permanently kept np The Pacific railroad la also very fairly eon sir uc tod.

Mc Lane, of Maryland, chairman, is aa old-time politician, who has been reported aa unfriendly to subsidies, hut ia a brief conversas tion be did sot express any such sentiments, but leaned rather to the other extreme. General Chalmers, of Wissi.i-.ppl, th second cn the committee, has done as much as any man In the Sooth towards a transcontinental line of road, which should be a Southern line, pure and simple, for the promotion of Southern commer cial interests; so he is all right. Bhas (Ht N. Y.J is doubtful, but probibly millly hostile. Ciark (Mo.

In.) Is in favor of the Bontoern road. Bo are lM key hio 1 rne (Texas I m. Land 1. The Kepul Leans on the com ittee, are liars men, meuil er Irom one if the di tri. ts, who is favor of liettae (olrretli bo decline to say how be stand -t, but la Ihouaht to be host le, ai.d Nwlie-ry Bu ter ortb.

(in the last men. bet of toe eom u't will co as Cattield does, and Oarteld is for Everythinr eon'idered, the ooBmite Is the Bnct favorable that Mr. Lauuail baa eer appointed. Conisidertrs that there are 49 Northern Demo crats and Miuthern and tbe committees mind to ihe charge that has the moat of trim ra'ber lacks the requisite toci-ltney in tt cl; 4 o. r.

Bratg will move to strike out the appro priation lor payments Ol mem c.jirnsco awards, upon the ground tnat co claim oegbt to be allowed. A pinted deiia'e will take r.dls which would have been offered have gme In as petitions, aa In th.a way they can get iato tbe hands of committees as re vlily as it offered atter for general legis atioau being Intro duied in te house as pe itions. n. (. halaiers has got in a bill for the (O'Hhe-n trans-continental road.

and Young, ol Tennessee, a bill tor the prevention of epidemics. Un. Chalmers says his rai road 11 wi 1 not b' allowed to to into a pii-eon bole, but be will ins fist on early anion on It. w.u.a. M4RIYE.

lftvi-oN Aprd 1.1. The V. S. Cvv Ticwi ift-Tra has arrived at Jonnoia. er roat of A f.

tie Sie rerean noro rk lor Aataei fcaa iasd up. ie I ronielhe i. tr un li i ti-more, bas airivel at fl- ucn; iia jda, Loin Near 1 ot arrivt at cur-: in. lbe American tiara roinia C. (4ft.

SMiore at toe of a r- ts: el.e nas partetl Her ica.n-UM is cctie art sre is full ot a r. 1 le t.Mi neat.ier Kooenia, cant, tones frmi New nit arts March liu I way 1 ivn forHeval. aground at argo. has been sent ter. i he Hrit.

ft tp K.L.'t trn Janeiro, arrived at Bahaon ue 12 1.1-t., hat. uair t-nd four tieetiia from Tel ow fever. Mw 4nt. Apnl IV Arrival out.

Guisepo, tjn'rto. 4 arnien'. of Nevada. Siw oa A pnl li A-rlvei t.nUa, BMivia. Arr vedcut: tn.aaash, ha Buujan.

Homeward lnrd: E.liot. Kl iFtnoax April li AerTo.1 Ftrner iv of Chester, Kriiiah 1 oipire. Tae ficm ew ork, baa axr iveu at Havre, LOSS OF LIFE AT LISBON THE KILLED AND WOUNDED HCl'CES STRUCK Et LIGHTNINS A3 I Special Telegram to the N. 0. Times.

I Dallas, Texas, April 15, The most terriflc, deatrnetive tornado eve known in this region, occurred about three o'clock this afternoon. Near Liabcn, six miles distant, ten or more farm bouses were destroyed. Mrs. Vaughan was kilied anil Mrs. Mry BpI fatally wounded on tbe bead.

Lee Beit, a boy. was seriously hurt on the uead, Dave Belt slight ly, Mr. and airs. Jintes Simms badly, Thomas Simms slightly; a man, name unknown, serious ly; Alice Crow dangerously; Thomas Clanlon slightiy, and J. Winters

Of the houses destroyed, one was burned by l'ghtniEir and the fencing completely lorn away- Much damage was done to the stock. Tnere was no Insurance on the bouses destroyed. Several doctors went out from Dallas, and are now giving aid to tbe suSerers. CAMCEES FEYER FREEZER A Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Experiment GENERAL KING'S MAID EM SP2ECH TILl EECEIvEJ IM ir.d if Great Help ti "ic CHI iSpecial Teiegram to the N. O.

Times. Washington, April 15, Tbe bill rraviding l.tO (Kioto test toiU procees of killing the yellow fever by a Ireee- out, pafsed the house this afternoon. General Kirg. of uisiuna, made bis first speech upon tbe snt ject, which was listened to with interest, which is not the rule of the boose with first efforts ol congressmen. It was clear, well spoken and convincing, ant! aided greatly in the passage of the bill.

w. n. s. PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS Tkrnan Elected Presldjnt Pro Tern THE AK31Y BILL TIIS senate IHE H'tUSE DISCUSSES FEVER REFRIGERATINS Eragg Opposes Southern Claims AND IS VOTED DOWN THE EPOrrORD-KZLiOGa CASE i jjEsrsraivs nam izwn MI. CIIOTTEAU IN ST.

LOUIS WAR EETWEEN CHILI AND PERU THE CZAR'S ASSASSIN To tbe Associated Press. CONGRESS. SESaTE. WasHistJTOK, April l7f. Tbe secretsry of the eennte, before reading the journal, read a note from vice rresuient been r.

sta'icg be naa receivn a tei-gram ad- vimg mm cf tr.e dangerous inesst a sinter and Min.ui'r,itg him borne, and tbat it wounl oe necescaiy lur tba stiiale to tkcl a pre.iiileol pro tein. 1 be secretary asaed hat is the pleasure of the senaie iir. Iiavis, of est Virrinia. said that as there was a ct arnnve: siua.l numo-r of sena: irs in attentianee. te pr -pofed tnere wou'd be delay I rtticeu.i 6s cratrio atiseniees lo rrive.

Attr.e siirtresticn of Mr. Wa'lace. the setnta took an ai re. ss. It whs dist-over.

.1 at tbe lima the note wa rend tbat lhera wro a larger of U. -publican Ih-n DemmraLic emiiers pies-rt. A eseenger was t'titpatt hed for Mr Trtur-nan Intr L-einot raLs mli liuea to euct president 1 10 m. A. twenry mutes past iweire, nowever, tnai crclleman einered the chamber, nee a on hi- way to the cap.tul while Ute mtSseuger was in eaicn i i r.

m. The senate having re'timed 1 session, Mr. Bay aid one red the following reiota i -n l.e-t in akenc ot ti presi- tieiit the II in. A. I huniian be a (I be is uu'e- by chosen ire? dent ot tne s.

fro tern. Mr. A til I. or nioven to strike nm tne name or Mr. barman, and tnitrl UiAt of lion.

Thus. W. i rry. amencment was niaasrre'ti to: yeas, navs ami trie res- lution men passed. ilr.

Tmirman was ot nduete I to lbe etiair Mr. Ftrry. tbe lo. mer reo arainir to later on uia turn ts fair niay. 'j Mr.

1 hum an on ts king tbe cint r. anil Serators lt is onlv neccwsarv lor me to sty in the tt west pos-itile words, I ncertly t.aak you for ti, mark of yonr ct nridence." The journal o' yesterday ws tnen read. 1 tie irn bnl waa ca up. Mr. I.oran a rtrfsetl tne senile tne propo-d egit as I.S'I in luieif ami as b'iag protnotel ut pariinienia' prc.icea.

Hetiefended the me of veto power, nimttng leal Pierce's msa-sece in .1. to show tbat tbe Demi-rue dt ctr ne l.a.tbn K.iariedthe lBdeneniieoow oflbeex-ecutive a a wholes roe ch a on legislation. IM reciered tbat a system of terroism prevane-l in lite r-t uth, wl ich Is now resulting in tne mtgra- Ucn theretrom ol trie pecTne whose intor i aeo-s- sarv to cultivate tbe tehis He aileired tnat toe liemocrata expecied, ly tois'on, to Inu a.eii cuulroi the e.cction of tne next prcs kr. B'- fotiowod. He ald the So'ith tvdar rt i men wno peers of 'nt uc tne I Iti Ine in en j.o 1 I a loll.

fM if Lfl'M-l If'-'ll, i crt ard litecrv ara j. 1 'n -t. to fievens 4 a fro-u ctr i'V tue i-Oiiiiers to be Liken ro t'i i r. i.e. coiit at i.

ft rind ing the lterrocratie partv troin ae- r.s of na conents. and tle ire. may ere trio Inentis to tr.e dloretl raw. Hi ar gued earnestly airaiest tbe danger of retvir.g on nearnvto erforee tne lawa, saving iai the bt'l warrart for n-skirg i.tid ma -itaiamg laws mas eui gmened pa noc.E. Iutirtdtately after tte read Leg of tbe oaunai sss eoniiuistitto, but translernni? ail a in.

Bow pettlisg tteforn it to the court of eiaima. Aa animated debate followed, wn'cri was participated in by Mr. Bragg, ho advocated bis proposition by Mr. hiek-r, of lo. til claimed that tbe court should not be interfered with, but allowed lo 0i by limitation, as it would tto in Man h.

s-4 by Messrs. Atkies. Baker, ami Young of Tennessee, Wnite, liartieltl an 1 tiers. ine Ol ro-ion rangxl into tae general qnt on of the payment ol Southern c'airns, and the manner thereof. Fmal'y air.

Uceuci'i amendment waa rejected by i.i to 112. Mr. Spr user offered a. amendment abolishing the SoulQern claims commission and provi iing timt any person wno may have a mm against the Luted Ma'es, of wbieh the court ot als woultl sot now have Jurisdiction, but founild on equitr and justice, and not barred by liruii.i ioo, may tl Ins es in tbe court of Itiuro thtr i.rovitles tbat tbe txinrt snail report its lind iiig to congtess, snd congress snail not allow or author ze payment ot any private claim not piv- able under existing law.

until the claim bas been investigated bv tbe court of claims. Iiebaie followed, and the committee rose with out action. WlniMiTOX. C.wgress Wish. tt Plewr- Pncwanonta, aad th.

itaas ml ife. Labor Tr.atblc.. April 15. The bouse eomrnittee cn agriculture, tbia morning referral the sub ject of the existence ot plunvpner.mooia to a witn lnstruc'lons 1 1 acJr: tlii all the facta possible id connection witn tu ease and report on Tnnrstlay if jasin e. Nearly ail the nonee committees are now organ iisetl and ready for business.

The select rt.miinl'.ee to en plli-e intottie causes of the pre-ent d-pression ol labor, of which V. P. Wi ight, of Pennsylvania, is chairman, will wwn coutuience hv tne tsamg ofal ii'l il tes.i-monv on rbe subject, sir. right sa.s he Is tie sirous of hearing tbe views of a numiier of lead ing inanntae'urers U'rougnoiit the e-tuntrv, a-nl iniemls invitirg th grn'lemen to appear bJore the ci mnnttee at un eariy day. Sp.

fiord Versus K11CK-Ia It Re. Adjadl- cala Washisgtc.w. Anril 15. Tbe ante eoro- mittie on r.rivib gea and elections to-day tmk up as the tirst ease on their s-ket The inentrial of Henry M. Spoflord, pf Louisiana, claimirg to be e-it'it'e 1 to the seat in ttie senate now cceupied by liovernor Kebog.

After so ne (t. real difcnsion the commlttr-e Ueciled to notify the parties to appear ia person, or hv at an adjourned meeting to-morrow, for the purpose of presenting a- utaen's to ths n- uiiuee on the question whether this case ia not rs ai'juiiicaia. Coat.sted Eleetloa Caaes. Washigtos, April 15. The fo'lowing are among the contested election cases of ihe present congress: ursl 2ortn arouna.

isinsmisn secoml North Carolina, o'Hsra against hi'cii-n; secontl South Carolina, Mackeye against O'Connor; fourth Alabama. Haralson ain-t Suelly; 1 second Arkansas, Bradley against Slemmons; third Louisiana, Herbert against Acklen; taird Ixioisiana, Merchant airainst Acklen; second Honda, Bisbee against Hull. Senator Plumb. Army Bill. WAsmw'vTON, April 15, Senator Plntnb Ititrotlno ed a bill aiitborizlng tbeenlistmentot iiotl men to be atltled to the army, to serve not lonirer thancne year, whenever, in the Judgment ol the president, exitrenciea ol toe frontier service reouire it; provuled.

the maximim sireng of the army shall not exceed men at any time. STOHH. A Tcrribl. Cyelow. la Ml.url-Le.

Eif. aad Frapartr. St. Lor f. April 14.

The Globe-Democrat's special from Codinsville. about eleven miles Irom here, savs a terrible cvclone from tue northwest struck that town tbia afternoon, tie. ten baildinuts, ruining about thirty others ami damaging more or leas some seventy Ave residences and business bouses. A slight rain preceded the storm, ami nearly every body was In doors wiien tbe cyclone stmcat: out out ithsiandina tea bouses were levelled with the ground, only one person was killed a little eirl named Annie Keynolds, and one or two others badly inmretl. Tte storm lasted bnt two or tnree minutes, nut ras friitthtfiillv severe.

After II bad passed, the greatest excitement ami confu4i4ia prevailed for some lime, but pon the appearance ot Mayor Wadsworth anil several other prominent cri- rers on the streets, ttegan lo prevail, antl ready hands and strong arms went tt work -earthing tbe ruias for loose who might have bean caught by tbe (ailing houses. rom a double-tenement house occupied ov Jim. Kevnolns and Pat 1 winner, a six year -l bov of tne latler was taken in an unconflious condition and with a broken leg. Little Anma Itevni ltl was alto taken from the house ded. anil crushed a'moet out of resemblance to a human being.

Mrs. Jacobs, aged seventy, and twa children ol Thoa. Nelson, ael twetve aa time years, were tuite badly iniured, but lyond these no one is now known to be hurt. A large number of house, were by thecyclore which passed over Col iosv. yesterday.

The cemetery, jnst tu-)ton. as aiti In astir, nearly every tombstone bsing leveled to ihe ground. There are renor's tian- elsewhere. To al tiamage in Co.liaviiia ia esi.mated al COTIMERCIAE. 9T.a.

Lena Chotf.aa la )t. I. salt. St. Loo April IV M.

I.oon ChrUvu atl- dre-etl a cor.sitleraoie numiter of ms nittDte-rs of the MercbHn'' ye-tenlay aferooon. En lie har-il. the 1 renett consul. made an atitiretsoo tne present condition "i i os- iween two countries. were atlopted that it is of tne greatest itntxjrtance tt tie protlucers el tne e-n mat.

an mi- hintlerett o.itlei for our exports u-? found ia France as well as in hr nin id tba' an eo'i'va ent concesttm la our tariff mar fa.rlv be araoied to rar.e" bv our tvt rn.Ti nt tor that privilege: tnal a treaty of co-amer -e ranee woultl 'greu'ly increase our com with that econtry, and we respeOlmiy nrga our senators and pre sen tat ires in congress lo ti eir iiidkeute to acctimplna ttnat, n- t. Th. Playing a Cut TlirMt Chicago, April IV The first fruit of tbe dis ruption ot tbe iiitliwestern rai.road appeared In a retl ictoa by the Lhirago roa is on east lnnd ire stit of the fourth eta-s to -cents ier one bnndreo pounds. Trie lormer rats was cents for com, and 2" cen's lor wriest. We-t l-outid freigat wat at tsi een-s ass.

The ens ern tmnk l.uet hive iwr w.sternconi ectionson fr-i1t frorn and to Missouri nver taunt ibm arnitrarv ra'es ii be char red. This leave very suiau mar gin 4f pro fit on i hi ons a rates A Protest Fraaa ta. Cottoa Trade. Al Knur. Apnl Ia the assembly to-diy, on Ihe bid lo regulate tbe sale at colt in.

Mr. Brocks rani he baa a rrmonsirasc. aaainsi tne cnetl by ninety per cent of Ihe pe.ioie enag-sl the ttuou trade. Nj action taken oa toe meat urea. POLITICAL.

Polities la Patt.ra.a, ParTFttso'v. N. Apnl 15 At the cairteT elee. tw. jettenUv, Jorepa R.

Graham, t.e ted over henry L. Butler. 1'ran, by about 4Vi maionty. 1 ne ot. i in-i ted u.

tut or Hit at I ne Hurl will nine Kepuultcans and seven I -m rrsts. y-sr it waa a tie, and toere hi not b-n atsjority for many yeara. A Colerad ruilejralloa Mel.g. s. nM-t a QiHALl mw getlng ot ol crd i-ro Hill E.

BUNDLE, Agent, i9 JT CANAL BTBIET. BRANCH 8TOHE. 13 BacajJa.) street, t.raer J.stklB4h at il kuulk TIIE PASSES. rom Paps. April 15 Noon.

Wind sonthrt, Arrived. Eienru stesmslnp ReeoBloux, ast r. at a. from Mr eiUer to L. Granti evansbip Line ir-adar fori.

M.licr, master, at II Vt a. from Kijritia T-ort, lo It ft. lost Son. jd partttres. fJI'ohT Eauk, April 15 p.

Wind son, irtsb A i rived: American snip Crescent Cty Jieii no, msier, 52 from II ivre. to ma-vi Kroorcr r-arirent S. liav, Arnet, masi-r, da Irom Bunacca, to MaeReca Bros. No departures latest in a listers. FOREIti.

April Soon Cntton (lrmor and tiv. iip jtn'l b'4il lean. IS.iXiu lit; 1 specu.auon and -Tm rt 30lii bales; reciiU3 tais, aienrii Futurea crx-nod 5 '1 hotter: iinlsni, l'w midilln clam, April oelisery 5 KiJIM 3il; A and ly Wht and June 5-li ll-J'Zi: Jiiti- and July 6 6 li lt-l July ami Aofiit 71' Auriiftnl 8ptfin'r i7wsd; pUrtuber ad Oslober IS Lard I p. ui- I'rea Jfluffs Bmall b-isirc at svn.e Irici. Ml p.

m. rplamlri, low mldd'inK-'an'C, 4t livn ti I April and ll-3i May nd June l.d; June and Jul71Si; Jnlv.nd Auirnnt Auirii-t and p.caiLer 17-aiJ; lnil'r aiid vtoler li p. ni nie of Atueri-in 12, 1W lial-a. Murkft tor yams and at MancDCSter flriner acd nily dearer a artiolon. JAitJS, AprU li 4 p.

m. E. ctea U5f, DOMESTIC. TOPK, April Soon Ptneka tri. Konrvli'l.

LicUane, lon4i do short Ixj boD'la nun. Croven uK'iito B.u., Col, on rm: sale btuet; middling np- laan II -c; io urieno? iir, t'ntnrs lirmer rl! Lii; May 11.77; June 11.93; jrit li Autnixl i. M'beat tiuH. Crn dull. Pork weak lit-avv (team 6-V.

of nrntine S4C. li4Mi.H4'. re tit at-! y. lvfBirjp bab-treasnry Com LM, 17tt! 7S. uo enrrency Honey eay exchange 4 lj'; (royent mrrA tteadv: new fivei elate bond di ll MwYorii, Apr illi.

I venirir Cutton Set re-eeipi. 312 bales rn. 32i'i baies. Futures lured went adit a April. ll.7.'ii II Mv 11.7"; 11.

r-1 -Jnv 11 Ananst 12 .1.1 14U: tniciBticr 11 t)ctolr 11.4 11.47; ToTeuiler ll.iill.lj; Dccemlier ll.oloi nut. Cotton firm: aa'es bal; niMdlltif tiT- lano li do Orleans li consolidated net m-eipt" l-a'ea: xioria lo breat liriiain iU20 bwlea; to the enntlnettt floor dull: txniibern ull and weak; common to lir curt 1 4 lna 4 40. neul prirK la lower wan moderate, in. iuitt; winter lc lower and dull. Corn "-n lower and heary.

Ctata dull lower, toffee auiet. moderate in- tfuirT; refined tin. bai.eed and (uieu Molatwe, steady. Ko-m dull 1 Turpentine dil at Mc; middies dull and eay; estern and city loisa ciewr i it'W: enori clear i ijrii tive; piiu steam ab. 22 ac niskey tl on iet.

kl. Arril JV Flour 'dull tnd heaTy; Wbmt- aud nominal Western weak in'1 red 1 lug 1 11 No. le- redl liall.i'i. Corn quiet; uii Sotitbem white47'Ue; yellow 4f, i and 6t ady. IHytirm; prime to choice jt-tlvama and'Mirtiand 1 14.

Fro- ni iiu.1 and onenanaed. liutter steadv and nucl anted. Coffee easu and nnenanged. Wttta-kT dull and uiu-hanped. MiL'ar firm.

4 Hii'iuo. April IS. Fiours-teady and onrhanr- 4d. Wheat tiLsftilttl and active, ciosma heavy; Ho.J Chictts-o sprinir Corn infairae- mand tint lower: 3n'ccf-h. 4at.

dull, weak and lower at ennauaily heavy. I'ork (4 Kieaab. Lard J-ic eah. Hulk neuia wi; short rib (4 7o; abort iear in-tt steady and nnchanred. CloainR neat sironner at c.

alay; Fe Jane. Corntirnier; tu-'ner. lirmer but not quotaMv binlier. lork in good and aahaue lusher at I0 12 bid June. Lard sttivo aud a burlier: 5.tof May; Juno.

f-i. lxil 1, April 15. Hour ouiet but firm. Heat casb biyber and opiions lower. Corn meaiiy for carb and lower tor opt ons.

Oats nominally onrbaiit-ed. Wm.lev aady at (I lit. i'eik duil and lower. Bulk meals nominal and lower. Uecon dull and lower; clear rib JO CHn.

Lard mill and nominal. Cint'istSATt. April 1 lour dull an 1 nnchana--ed. neat dull and drooping, orn dud at 3 atf eauer: not quotai iy lower. I'ork dull and luminal.

Lard tiuil at for atcam. 1ii neais dull tiicukiers i fhorX nh bid; 4 75 a-ked. Bacon ud, weak and lower; eticuioera 4i-: clear rii 5 4e: ear lodex 5'nt, turkey in lair Q. maud aou lirtu ai 1 i'2. Sutler ftaiiy and tuxar steady and Hog ijiiirt.

UirihriLi it. April l.V Flonr jn'et and nnv et-am-ed. beat aud corn lirm. thits a-dy. 1'oik vmet and tcIT at Hi 75.

La-I alea ly. Bu DirniF uuiet and p-eadv; ahoindrs 3vt; ear till i eiear aide li. B.teoa Una: 40 clear rib clear i- ji; vifreuied hnniaf'vt i "ns. nitkey sualv. li mim.iov.

A r.l Spit lia if tiirtientina 4lu'r at 2 nit iet: a'ra ned 1 poo. No. I eitra pula b. 4'rnde turpentine n'en'v, II tor Hard, aal tlGo tr llow Uip and ng n. lat quiet at -jr.

Ki Yoaa, April Wl. tulcrwl. 12 vt.t jn'urtilver Vuu a i-r Ht Aie p'er i piei Mrreh. lit, I riled Ninths a mc tritn Han- Jeisry Central 1 I ai -t I'aul pret. rt kt re i-i ft rKt ai'tl A t- i iai it4iarii st Jue' 1 n.iMi.a iontoi.

1 an a a're. I and o- ti 4 in and I entral Ji ilsott 1 ai-e Muire anil Mitl.jtitJl 1 itmellt eu' I C'eveiAiol ail I'll caral! ieed. 4 ti, art ai'tl Noril, el ItV'H'fl l-tel erred cftern I utou leiertaph CLogiaa rairit or ifrxrvc ron. Fvaxc. 0, April 11.

A Tha a tra tt I'. 4 or 1 a a ftoiitlAli'd 4VrMDti era Belle I 4 a. t-Ttt la 4 '-ma a 4Tt ieni -i A 4 tt Jiiua 4 ao 'I t' turn Ju See Mr.ntr""nerT A a.lvertisetueBt.f nc- tni fi at So. B.nipart etreet, tolay at 31 c't lock. Tbe acme of preserret! Cab Shadines.

Iok ont for tbe It. B. boor: it IM purlooa, and taec inuua.iou el Budweiaer. 4 1 Ct Ibe, a At Wlit tw'ie 5 Ba rnd I van. In I Mri 1 a.

ir rom i anaii, If IT I 1' a. i 1 2 lie tt I I if lea iCO! "J-o i ami tin tar ITU inc ncf J. A I I A SOr Itl 1 IKS -na Ma ie 1ro MO I T. ma i 1 1 i jV J) i til A) rr rsj Ma a-f lUt' BarrtU ItZiS ro2X. Tiaa5 Cata.


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