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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 1

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A. D. CIRCULATION Tha Daily Praa Cirauiatmn is d.t.d rajutarty by AuJ.t a Circulation. ta dvrtar lu lrn. IXACTLV whal far tnnnay, THE WEATHER Fair Friday and Saturday, no change In temperature.


prc'dent of hi Daily Vre nl editor tf the 1'rcM And Timca-HcraM. Iit m'trht tht he or ny mcrnttrr nf hi staff of rtlitor re-portfrd or vor ha born mrmTr of the Ktt Ktux Kln or in any way connected with that The ntnlfmi-nt came ai the result of the fullowinj? etrart frm the ihsue tit the Nrw York World of 21 "In New Letter dated May 20, 1021, and now in the of The World, in the following ex- trart from the report of Kleagle: 'You may at ate In your weekly lr-ttrr that in one city in Virginia we have the Chief of l'oliro, the Commonwealth'a the the Police Court Judffe, memhera of the C.ty Council, Ihe manajrintr editor of the leading newspaper and many prominent busineM and proft-fsional men. ThU In Newport The city ofikials and others mentioned in the article were not interviewed lant night, the Haily I'reM feeling a hesitancy In callinsr them out of bed. Copeland. however, interviewed each member of hi MafT to make doubly Mire that he was making no mi? take in iuirp the blanket denial for himself and the men who help him the Daily Pre and the Times-Herald.

Weeks, Not Satisfied With Con-ditioni in Flying Corps, Wants Big Charges Made. COLONEL PATRICK HELD TO BE A MAN FOR THE JOB Mitchell i Finer Experience ta Aviation Mikes Him Useful Assistant. Py Th Aaoiai! rrtft Sept A further ait. mid th army air ar. ic on a mot twi will ba riad a hen Coh'n I Maaon I'atrirk.

apieiinted tl eeed lienetal Mennher aa ehr. of ae, vi, take office, probably nel trrk It la an oi-n ret thai he. retarv Wo-lia ba ni been tu acn condition in th rmv leg rorl-a and lndi.ted to-lsiv thai be woo -I lak advantage i-f th oritrtufuti n.irdrd by th dean of l.rret.l Menoher to return in rommani of held troop I'l fleet th rhange he ha In mod Mr Weka laid atreaa nn tit a. that Colonel iirl. waa an lrter of niatur eara and seasoned by a-lrine at bom and in i-a- ailona reqipring eieelv al.illlr II ali in.iii a t.

that In th funic th funetiona id th ehtf and direa-l. nt operation. I'rtgstdi. loii.ral William Mi. h-il would iw mora narrowly rnnnued than in the wt to training and uarton of living perainel Kuf th Mrger raak of building tin tba ground rvio whl im Sud.

a precurement of aircraft and th u-lrviion of Ih extend. tur of hhn I.o n.Mi imiii me War r.irv le ti. rated that he r.i... n. ruk a ta-culiarly 1 mted, Ti airmen hav a natural inn In que.

Iron th tii of axiulprneni ihey WAR'S WORST HORRORS ARE Fatty Arbuckle Murder Charge PaAiei Through Fint Day cf Police Court Hearing. COURT ROOM IS FILLED BY AUDIENCE OF WOMEN Surgeon! Bring Photograph, a I Evidence to EruUci and Icjuri. iPy Th A-riaied frl RAN 5J.Th potira ruurt t4 H.Mea Kttl Arhu. kie, an a ill detr. rrln whether th rmedti I bound aver to ihe uiriM court trial on a than murder of) lial I ran beie oar in a own iiiiii aith, I wim.

aim a Kaii a body alter h. d- atn rwo-lnlM-r hl II la rbariFl reaaited Inlurlea at a drlr tarty f.tur day ifnf in Aet.i.. tl. hotel anil. that tto-y i.t..

vd brttiae on her li.h and blr Tan thetn. in U'ten who the -l f.trru tMltlino a and Ih aul.ipay utee.n. aid 'h drtri a a from a l.i -I r. imtol in tlntr by tern fore. Th atopy in'irmi at-A of a ft alt pane mi he found in th k-ft arm of Hi hih attributed to an bpl' "HiM nee-lle At in eaie.

ted thera wiil he teetinvmjr reuirdma in-ciden'a at party where, noriit-f witne at th ror.ner a inqiiet, Mia ltaii wa foahd tte.arueg and rimina after haviof; h- al rmm with Aet.u. if AlhtK kle llatened Intent In in. a llitnony, l-rartn Mra. iwta (tor. fee A I hQek bl Wife from I-4 hid la-en eIMirate.

lor ftV )et 1.111 H.i ram h.r fnm Se a. da, ail at hie ail mill ber mother. tj M. klora lure. riheihy riirn.

who prform4 th aut'-tx-y on Miea llap and If (irpliul. taho mad Ih hr-l mrlem rumiWlill. til prso. li 1 1 wii rttrsng f.omn on Mla tupi-r' rirtt upp-r arm, an i PARALLELED AT SCENE OF WRECK CHEMICAL PLANT District For Kilct Around Pulverised Town of Oppati More People Killed and Wounded In Great Explosion Than During Entire War; French Reicue Workcrt Buy. rrit srAWIIKI M.

l-ft (1f Ih VI. lima, nd rw aln r-mln aha aj Th Krrhrh eh i th" tn of itrlwM thr Tlrard and ntir Tha 4r(wn had rtd-l. inb hra th rd(f orK hi. a lha naMi Th Mi'mhrx of hi ara arm iwl in tlta h.ll th trrun.lit-.r in an- t.r a tt rrrnifh unl.Jlwt th mtrf and vt- in Ih Governor Harding Makes Op timistic Speech Before Fair of the Two REVIEWS BUSINESS AND MONEY CONDITIONS HERE South Due Now to Enjoy Prosperity With Rett of the Country. Illy Th ArMii4 ffM) C.

Kepi, f'tiiu'ftty f.r totcting ii ninf With i.t III" hll.ktr.g (lillnn ho juaiflrd and an dm le.ieaad. IftVrmur Hirtiti4 of th ledral rt Hoard 4ljrH In mi addrea her tonight 4 Ih Mad 10 Carolina "Th tivnh v( iMnii-n haa greatly Improved." Sir. Unfix aaid. "and although the tru-M 4IJutmrBi i nu'i! in thai trm corn, en turned and that hav 'a1 mt tu rrdjairt-' nieni period (i.ivfn,.r Harding aaid that In th Immi'iiiiiio fulur mm wnu.d depend on mm uttmui Irw iipm-ii and th manner in with thia jraf a rrp wer marketed "Wi'h art to lri m.r hawa and tMnkrr, raid, iCftl in agrh tilttir i.pnoriuiiiiy and hi. tr not ant aied few M.ontna and II IS of tfttnl thai hi ba It nbnuH ho remembered Mr.

Harding Htl, "thai tn order to mam lain hi prJi lion mut our fMritfti tt Att; (-aniitvt niauitaja ur lumen titttt ih laia tbe gid of mttf ntif and mud lw rtrvtwd fi ton urn -ttta alrad vr tfttir rotliia AitB-h Intoolnra in tim atnl ar urti- tn trdr inal lh r. hi rate a hwh naf runa ii h'-nti attatnxt ulbxr nallnna ItMJr "tt'n mt conitnua buy ffnm frilXti rtmi'frirji th'fvf Ihlneti htrti rhn (irtlur lr -r mwt1 limn and r'lui(o KH Iti'm If tormina tn do tiitnaa lth and for itrarl alona It iivttnla tiwt tntnt rdu-a wiw1i-ticn nM mmr Ani-i i-n r-iUii J. a. MARINE CORPS LCAD9-IN RIFLE MATCH cvp rKnrtv, ip' a ftrr for th DlI Olllf lii il ttff i'im mat tn t.atura of III nHwtI fi turtvmnt III ltatr f.w.-d in tmtw In 'i Itnttrd mafin rtttpt tram Mta and ln rtrtna rrswd a in tid ftv unt behind Tho rnitn Ivk ih had trfc ltal of lat lh land rd rana hum' f-w mfanir1, IMfd th 2 while I r.j-! arnllrrr t'ama nti an anh Ma'lnl nan.tial tjrd fhrr ar ftill tain r-air if th tam to thi in tha nnula and with firah wrather Ibr will i-: MHjf ti.murrnw, RICHMOND REPORT SAYS SEVEN PINES PLANT SOLD lil.ri. frm l(lfbnnd ar t.

th rtfri thai Ih g.tnmIH wart mi mutiltlnna plant at M-vn I'lnea has nll fT Thra ar twaen and buiMmsa 'rt piara, all "hleh ar in ile and ahi. -t ih a.vrnrornt Hma build. W-ven I a tin rr th bul rl Mtutiltli'tta I'lant In rotiwry Ih World tr It bn-tl Ilia nine Ih arnii'ir waa U-nrd. The I'luiit pun rm wi a Kli nmnil Ih atl whleli la lint kmiwn hr. It ta ri't't' that Ih buiHInea ai tevrn I'lnea will Ii aalvaffrd.

liliniit thr la a m'a in Out in li hnt'iiid i.ieat iinlUKtrir ihr If WOMAN ALOfRMAN FOR FiKSr TIME IN MACON (fiv Th Aitrd l'ral MAfny SJ Kny th fltal lima in ih hiauay ff Maeon a( aldntmati in atrday'a I JEANNE OOLLV CUARK Mava arl'taa, el awabi'i eralt Arbuthl. baara which rau'td in lha ath af V.r.n.a Kara will a an lha ntna atanai laaay ta bar on a ftha a. Iar, THOUGHT GIRL OIK 10 LITTLE BUN Actor Present at Fatal Liquor Orgy Sayi Nobody Took Girl'i Illness Scr- Jomly. ARBUCXLE DIDN'T SEEM EVER TO BE EXORCISED Graphic Account cf Party Sen. by Mail to Dit-trict Attorney.

Iffy Th AorUt4 freiwl NKW VOKK, epU Attorney fiwann tilay olilatned from kMwrll fherman. motion pi'tur lr. a era phi arai'tinl III party in fan Kranelaon whl had f-r an apllofit. th denth of Vtrjriuia napr. i.y in iiieirt.

i ai- with a red haired woman otiti.l in I i arMrtinepi ti. re. flier- mm eti'Uin. that th timtn waa jbt wife, that bad aourtt lul ami not miiui. ami i-i t-r mat hid iiif.n i.

a.tieg Mr an ai the di-trttt it t- jro.t in teatifv at th Iftal, An ali.h appeared jeea) tun. in rh'ttti in a formal tl th.M ha I attended th iwrt had n. f.t ft-eat roe. rrn a ver Mi iHn. Ih roneanatia i.fir.i.ii I-iisb that eh almply 'tiad a bun tn" Mterman do.

jiinrr h.d aked Arhu. kl whit had ttirre.l between pirn and the trl btrr ldd him rlifl Effacti of Cm. a fem th ettecta nf ahirkey and in. affording In hherman and a wa mah't'ii a ri kf After a r'ld bi'h had failed to revive th eirl and had been put to btierman antd that at th attereation of Arhiolile he bad th anit cf fileata and dlamieard th matter from hl mind, nol taking lh via illreaa a. 'biii'kt did hot npreaa In An opinion, aa to what tit Ih mat a t.r wph lb girt," a.iid fihermnn, did not Arhu.

kl put hla arm around Ih yirl be for went into the be.lna.m, or put hand luirenlty rauel by one. niariia, roue no attenoe.j in "im hrutara ml ih atd-inen. and''sed in th r.tna of i't" th Ihieh and aliina, iheitu-lile. n-w f4esn a "hitri: of mur- of who waa unai.l ar rlrarmc awar trrli as. rii iih up ih tad and irijurd A ftr a Ma haul.

Hlvn hundrd drad and lirrn in iairt unuiia ti in 4itrr wHTUy rhth ia4i-d a artr niinhr tf raitltTlaa in Ih Mannhtm I.u.tha7ii (jimri-l than in )art Ih -r Th ri.l-nn. imuu v. thm a at i.r la natulan-i otr a a.miUr llwndr. a Prnn ar ntcm In Ih ru na f.r th IVdia rrlalivra frnd nrlv a thmiMnd el ahu h' bn r. nvrd Ihua far, 's Thirl au houra aftaf lha fiUMKtn, frm Ih annina.

tttutu-l lit hi'ra th t'i, rba fir. i mrlv al. ihrra ar anil bi hrard iw.nfn and rrt Ihr wmmd4 ahil f. rr arar. tirl.

1 hndrd lha Inlurrd ar rrtd Iniurrd ar rnrl4 Ihmm.h th hernial. line tttira a. ii hav ih aurrniimi wa. m. ma i rruirr ta fir nuns trilh and II mav nTr b-.

rtf many vu-tltno -on-l a grav lhtt All miitilatrd hut atill I i at, lor, iiphul and lime lorn a om. arier nan iumini lUMnii, a rtiira who -t the Twentieth at II at ih ni'il-m, bothimon, and in an. If yttance'a Hph lit- nf lha brill-, a and roronet a l-h-itoa-apha of Ih t-dv wei offered aa widen. 'ar tn in ms.kot wan ww vrird H- Hr.i..

hi Mid th h'add and th.r firm had twd bf tw indiuia II (wid Ateae tn th bladder wall waa ed by If liphu! He aaid htornei a omi a. It i him t.rn"i a a. FARMER ARRESTED 11 i William Kinney Said to Have Caused Trouble by Courting Daughter Monroe. BRUISES ON BODIES OF GIRLS INDICATE ATTACK Physiciana Tell Coroner'a Jury They Suspect Two Crimin-ally Assaulted.

Illy Th Aaoriatd rrel rAitAi.ui', Mich. lam bltoov. i't year of as, aaa token into ruatodv on hla irm near Temple, i "lar county tnMy for qui i ttontiut In connection with th tnur-i of William hi wtfr and yar od dauKhter. al I at-: aatitae Kinney brout'hi her, tonight by "aheriff Merman Vvman, of I county and I il authoriile and proluihlv will taken w. waetac liiitiurma, frt-ieom-a' i a former ridnt of Itowaaia and before lea una that in is la aaid to ba had trouble ith Monro ovr alleged aliaotion to the latter a luchier j-hentt jman Initiied lo hava id Kinney a in Ik.aaat kl eial-i ttiday.

lha day th mur.l. ar prv.d lu hava oeeured Kenney, however, a. I up an alibi which aaa u.rted by big wit and v. tal peishlM.ia Atuiill Indieatad llWAlAf. Keni, -Thre er.

etor the a frjr inv, (Cutting muraer William pia wir ana 17 year nut loiuthler, Neva, today irntincd mark i found on th nf Na and her 14 year old ltr. Arrtiih. aha waa beaten aa tl th riuh with whirl, th otnera ni killed, Indo-ated th net mtaht hav heen ube. ted In a criminal aura utt, iieor lra and H. Jon, phyai.

jina aha td an on Xt-a nrw and va after th mutofer wa r'aeverd Taday Mated they found brume on th latter ahi. a cm hav reeultrd fer.m aa autt rt'mtiar brutaa wr found on Ardittt, ar.wdma to rr It, 14. Herkimer, arm attenrte.t rhl'd Ar.l.lli. al hrt believed fatally la jured, eentiuatea tn a hoar plena of Im.

provemenl. but phyi, iana aaid her anil rfiiii-ii. Th tirnony at th Iniueal whlrh conformed to ataiementa revioui trmde by Ian of lit tor a the ouietandm dvonment of ih caa today The funeral of Itl line llni, aa held Ihia altrnnnn, REUGIOUS INTOLERANCE AIRED IN THE SENATE Tuva Southern Sanatora Rtnauer R.g. airy And 0r.ut Kti Ktua Htan. WASHIV-JTOn 7pi JjTh Ku hun KSan.

and friiiiimui lntoiran.e rntered into rlehat na the IV-ir Ihe Kenat durmaT due uaaion today of tn berr bill. H.iuior Wilwri, tvmoerat, tjeorei. aamrird that reiittoua Itherty had n-t been aecured in li I nited Mat un-der Ih charter granted U.rd ttattimot. at. Hallo, henator Utanley, rat.

Kentui hy. in urd that "thee wa only on plaea In ait th rty'ltf4 world wher man could orhip t.d and th dictator of hi cott. and that -a in th provtne i'aihoile ptihienian. Ird lialtimor. "I am her to ivht tiit.urnrr whether It ahrta ita knit and hehta ita torh in a htl Klux hlan camp in Georgia or whether in tVeatrrh tihio It ih form of miaerahl gen-real added Kenatr hlap.ey, relerritig In th latter ra lit Ih Ant.

"tr-n lg.i. whlrh haa Ita bead-iuartr at trviii. nnw "I will meet th Ku Klux K'an lku when coinea up," Kmator Matann, Cntll nni rrim i ptovra aeainai that iwiety or olhar at-rt a.wiety with Ihi country la h.ineyi-oiched I a til ithhold my Judgment until th guilt of ih la by roniieitit teatinmny." KU KLUX KLAN WILL WELCOME INVESTIGATION ATLANTA, Hep! Th Kmghta of th Ku Klux Kliin will weicoin any Imimrttnl inveatigation and will open Ita bmka and rcrda tn tiuthoriilca. Colonel W. ,1 Himm.ina, inu-eilnl wlgard, tlerlire.l In a laatnd her totiiuht when in.

formed Hint Attorney itl Ihttig. rriy waa cuii-iderin aaking him to com In W'nahiiigtoii. lo dial iik (he altuiitloit. Th aliitetttcnt aaaerted that whifl th aertea of alleged he. lilt? puhllahed In ccrtilln newoiuttnm ar included, the Ittnu run if will mtik atiaacr in lln-m cllmtmitia alan denied report the linperlitl k.otiliiiiim had been rum-nioned tn meet In i otinlilcr tilt' nr'i liea bcltiat prltited, COLORED ALLEGED 000GER OF DRAFT IS ARRESTED John colored alleged dr'if! avtiilef, aia laot niB'it lieteciiv I'ciich and liiliier kail ly.

tt. laal night thut received hi clna titlott curd Ihiit hn had regiateri hut wi never He la "31 old and live on Twenty. fifth trei't and Wttrwh li avenue. II will he given a hearing In no. lie court tin morning ami held fot Kedcrnt Blithorltiea, Mci'oy ttmka th apventh or rlghlh allege draft dodger to he mihhr.l thla city amc tho nunoa hav bejti mnde pilhlli'.

I'otSi-e are on sliiri. lookout for Ih deaettera aa haled bv ih government ami ar IrivUiiuj hc iiieil alt of lh tima TRIPLE fIRDER CASE,,! that d.iih -ame fr-rfn trl- 1 loniMa r'-u una from lh ruptured baaddf. and thtt th ru.itui -auaed by ea'ernal f-m Would Cut Income Tat Below New Figurei Set in Revt-lion of the House Bill. CHARGES THAT MAJORITY HURTING CAUSE REVENUE Committee Minority Report Will be Submitted Within a Short Time. fly Th Preaat s.

it. imit In ih nor mil la a raia an ln Inromea nt itltl'Mt or kaa land a graduated of from 1 -r ieont ti l-r rent on the iniomea roriaM-stlona la id lha flat tt rent Wei i in amendm-nta to lha II-i pub lii an ii bill offered In-Jrtav In th nenat y.naloia Waiah. of HUM huaetta, and tierry of leiand, lnorall un the Imam erinmiile T. mak up lha lt.o, bta from Ih lat on Individual Income It aaa thai a of int a on sawitin ba at th amir' and that the capital Hit yieldma around 4u.uon. aoa annually, i- retained Tho bin fi.r rval uf thia tan rfTer-tn In l2t I ih lierry amendment individual tr, a pavera tahor- tie! til-nimr I than would fw a loM lttal lat of I rent In-tej)4 four rent on lurt a lirovliled In Ihe rrvtatdi bill.

Ia pavera a ho Bet 111. 1 between liana and wiruid ay a normal taa on i-nl th rare l.vef tHI Inatead of rlsht -r 1 on alt 1 1 and pav er hoa net in-m la Klarrri Iiaiuhi and wmild a normal tut of i-r -att on th e-nil over tt, instead of elKhl et on Ih ea over It in of aM would lvy at th rat id eiaht er rent on ail over thai amount, but. it e. ptitned Ihey Would receive ih ru nt the Ivaered normal tn Up 10 II. non Th urtnm rat- a aa a I by th Itnane.

lommlttea w.nil remain I'nder th rorirllon Incom tax amendtnettt "iftered by al-h. th rat on Ih mm liil of ror- lrat net would ten nt that on th between llntintkr) nrtd pxi.aoa would be Ii l-r retil and that on Ih In 1 of I would Im yrt lit W.hj la Rarfue Taaaa -Thia hedule" aaid a )tnt alal. I u-d bv rtent.Ha and "ufil r.l.lrk ItlM Im t.W 10. i.nie of 1-ii nioi corporation whi.h the liepuidican majority bill lri th la from la rent to IS ir reni. a till II tnrrenae th la en onlv about 4 'a ahtrh have net In.

of th .11 imo non year 1 1 ma the -od redia'iiona In the normal imoioe on Individ-Hal Income 1-hjw Hi.tina, Ih atate-meol 1 hla chane will redue mtrli. IV ih btl a id over non mm Int. Iiiera, in atrtkintr cntriet with the 1 ul.iiran pun of rutiuiff in addi-tion to lowetlna th eurtax la kel. th hiah auttaxea from IniyeT who incom I over (nut, whn afTeeta no mora than k.otnl of Ihe aealihieat rtaaa -Th In Ih (tovernmenf by our plan will amount 10 about l. Don mat vet the liepiiblh an tnalortty hava with on fell awoop linuiiai.d th pri'tlla taxra and thereby reduced th revenn of lb govern-mem 1 oti fiiitv There ah.

Mild (10 rdu-llon of th niibetaui ia character prned by the llei'tihltcan malority leadum to tremendoua retluetion in th ner-ib-d rVenue ttf Ih in th ir.lereat r.f eei.iv tn.k-l-a corporation without providina fi- a tut and nuitabl r-'diictton to Hi individual la leaa than IlioiMi he atatemetil I.y Wal-h ninl lierry wia eon. tirred in It annoitni rd bv renlir tStiinnotis of 1 'arolina, and of Mia-eonri, lb other two tninorit( mm-hrra of tha Hoane ronimitle now In It made a til at. i.n on the lax reviaion hill aa re. alrdny by Ihe Unities! cum. mitt.

the no-aaur to I uiiMiiitid, lniiiitibla and ltidrftnai-hie-' i wa explained that th 'almen la-ued today waa ho ar-na a min ority report on ih lull A minority will lie aiil.mlttrd to rotifer- et a of ihe Henna ml on th wra'i mitt and of the It. nnf rata niem lr.thhip of Ih rleiirtt The ala.1 hia yt In Ihi 1 hairmnn I'enrta told th ri. iinlr tiHlny tiint he hoped tn have il ready tomorrow, II plana at thai time I.t roll no lax bill alth a view lo havlua; It rend and LrouKli! Imitiedi.iiii cotiHlderation lla an unu. eftorl to Ilia 111. lli toil IV lull NON-UNION WORKERS SEEKING PROTECTION fHv Th Aaaocluted tlft rilAlli.tin-K, k) A.1 a rouferenc of Inhor oltti-ltila and her lialay an rxei-utlv roitimitl waa imnied to hav chant of Hi iimpum.

to bp I'onducied in several Houthnrn atntcs fur tha nr. tuitiriition on mm union worker, under I ho Buaplrea nf I ho America Ked'-riiiliin of Uthor and pinna for tp tlria. wrta Jeroin nf Atliittta, dltor nf 4ho Joiirniil and l.ulior, wua elccled chairtonn of Ih cunmllte and chief evci-iitiv oltli of ih t-ampiiigri and it wtij atinoiiticid he would lie in per. annul rhariiri nf heHtbitinrlrra lit he ltiAlnl-ilncd iter thmiittliitilt Ih amiii-ti which II waa atuio would i i 1 1 ai leiial four ntntittia, Th iUI'oae of Hid will 111 oi 'i Inn tin pnn-iihlon worker rapecliilly levlile opcrHllvo and the niiani of "any and all attempt, lo lower th aiitnd.trd cnt of llvlna of th worker In nil craft, A alrlk aa not an nltli lal a Iti I ed addin-t "wa innia tinlO-Ing out the iiv bram Ophul aid waa railed In no nt if lohtgn- to in.iri. 1 unmt mMirm lamination bt I tori.ey I th -il tin.

(. waa lin animal rraalint mnIM C.crnl iMcmitt dr a I rndf-r and mn.jnrttd a wn tie Ituroewell. the tn wha at. I tended Mm lt-e tn no of be IRl found Ih -hor. rrtil.

rtatrnded aaid. a re-it't in runt ur and a roneex! n.n nf h.d in iwveral orsana of Ih litnf The ruptuea, atirmid. waajafey thev nl eoterei ns o. tr.M.m eauaed o. of thiand rhed the d-or.

and Arl-'iikl ahi.h ta r'ranrh army rm In th lir pUn. In ht Ih lai-w unmn. unions ftrvrral Ih fund hv. airrady uml Urgf M.u lrin VfankrnthaL four mil a r. ihrr mdr rv-l i in in whan luimlaad hd 'n ra rvrvntrtinua Th ra i in am rr th i hn ara known undr ih 1b rl iru whrb farnilt Wir4 nut, aul Ih'r hli hun alrad-ln in in aw a'iinc n'-nfitai 'Tndl Hh IftHrrd.

mw than 4n Ih ri pi'-n in ins rttv. "vri frnwh mnr "dd tuh.n Ih. ran irkd fh r-h barrar at KiM-nhrim r1 Idlrra kiltrd A Ham ah, had kfl thai atattn ir Ih tra-kri in ihmtith Ih mdrn ahrdt ahrr r'rn. rr o. trm qiiarlrd, i.d lrn amindM ih Arm an hir -rlr burti ahiu ih hanita ami n.

k. Th whn ar 1'xjuirm In to in lau-r aul ttnl ih rt- pmlublv fniirrrd In Ih tU' of i.t i.i in n.m.rr,.i..n of a nr fna. Ih prntxiiina of whwh inniWrirntty knnan. I'rimanly tl ta rprtr. th dl.

atr waa th r.l..i..n of fifn tona of ammonium anlnhai in tn trrraiirn a nw in wnii in nrnoiir nr atm.Ni l'hr and a trmtM-ratiir nf htan and Ji'O dera rrnilgrad nriK'i. City Attorney to Paul en Que. tion to be Settled at Next CITV Attorney Mrl will determine what atrna the rounril ah. ml. I take In Ih miration of hmiu in tha Kaat Knd territory whr new aewer llna hava rarantly hen laid, and whra It la ntial tht bona rnn-noetiona laid tn rnmtilet th rata-bliahmenl nf th awr vtent, Importanr ih queatmn waa prntad at tha laal mtlnt of the entinell.

wb lha munen waa nv prliwd nf lha rrfiiaal of avrl per. eomply with Ih rltit of th lttf hri li 1n" nn anion nn the matter until lha opinion of Ih rlly attorney routd nhfalned Aral. Neaalty of bona eonnrtion-. at vey point wher provlalon baa been pointed out by th elty manager who tted that Ih real olitM of ihe tahllehtnent of the awr ayatem would loal few etlrd real. Inea eomply with ih rein', and lh remainder do not.

Thia will anil mak th rolleetinn of nihf mil and other ltti.on-ninea ahera th rai, lar ronvenlneea hava heen provided, and th rlty ettprt to nvrenni ut-prohtun by anion in on way or in other. Wanta Valuation tat AairJt. WINMTltV MAI.KM, pi. Clalminit that th aaaea-rm-nt of Ita pruiiefly In North I'nrnlina at liS.tititJ.iiiitl la in rxceaa of Ha actual value, th rtoinhern Kali. i iooa oeaan acinn in tn re.iirai court for M'eatern North Carolina in hav Ita pre until valuaiion aaid.

In ih hill II li hy ki.iuthei-ti jt anv thttt Ih Maae.iamotil 111 llim vtna llx.nnn.ono and a proper valua. lion ti tluy la about KECOIECTliS PRESENT II PROBLEM a A a lt 1 go 11. fe lai th in aiv t. nf ar to operate, aaid and ae1t. al X.riene la not lo be tl i.aai t.

but d. totla of ar I nature will anrkrd oiii. Mr We. in ruiidntirii tn. ta.i ebo-fa.

pardon aoano Kllull TO STOP OOUSLC HANGING tHy The AoeLltd l'rr 0 1. 1 lal pardon hoard. iilu. In taaatia tly. ttiiRrd wiarfarg miu, Urn arntrnr of utrwa demned with rl.

Martin to he tungM al Crratvtrw ihr mur of John Tusgi. near l-r-rmri. I'lana hale arrn ai.d. enten. on douhur taMaa in r.t-.rv.

to a from in tan mra that Ihey aioe i ir l'uoi, wif. nf th eoiMenmed aptwared befnr th b.rd l.t. a 1 bv her tan .1... and aousht clemency for ar el K.ti.ij. Haa elated thai it wit prt to aue.

eaaftil kr but wantr to he am to iril hr tera in itr y-ara that ine had an Iter beet la aaa th lit nf tn-rr fasne-. WAR TtMt oaa-tee. tv NOT otT Tint o- JAy. IftV Th Aaa.aet.itw fr. aa I WAclilV-il IN e.

othi -r of tha. army ali4 tlur er aar nn in retirrt ji of th rraular arm of aery r.niderat ion at th lunula el snretary W-rka raid tort referring to hi annul on th mrnl praal (or u. nf-rt by ih of tha Amernan li Th contract mad by the tth regular it, re. tiremem pay I.r. au.

of c.n.tiii,.r. Ha er If a hi. dlr.Ua..tle(t from making Umii or their drr enfant Mr. VAeek paid Tha cntra. Hh a at lima orn.ra aaa a whoi'y niirerect matter, addd and pacing lhm Ih rtind liat merely ra4 it MP ANTI BEER BILL FAIL TO MOVE THE SENATE WASIM.VtlTON.

"Wpt antl beer bill virlu(y monormincd enat atention but nud rrn headway The b-giwaimn, the Ar.t. itl.Hin aaur a ir n. 'i of feilt.ral prohibition agent arr In an adil'raa of thter -ura I.y 1. ator hihi. td 1 1.

now rat Tun and liter the h.nate Itnntentarv tat glc wa n. ui ravelled alpn it oil imp in.t until l.i-niorriiw A mo' ion i Re, pii 1.1 1. an Anch I in rharga of Ih bill io i it right of way and dt-l th. 1'i I'un iiti mejiaiire 1 111 1.. ia'e th iM bit afferil lo whefher Ihe ti.

iiftiurt tp. nt waa liken aithoiii rai hmt a i. i l-lnn LAD CHARGtO WITH THE SLAVING OF MIS MOTHER ItimS KVrt.t.R, Ihil," faepl of the atut agatnal Wtl. Iintii Itrrfendol. lid.

aith murliring hu I.rttir 1 1" eeventv-to, luaf July, a.t cnplctrd tux a I. V. Voting hl.HHl attorney for th a. I hla ninitig aifiirmfnt oiitliiiing ht aa that of in. atintt ,,,1 which fVITandol alleged to given th lo i if and coroner of Ihe coun'y er Intro dm-ed by the atam a inn tu-imiirtl eviilene againat ih b.v.

Th Jury In the ce w-ia ol.t im. .1 thia m. lining MISS STIRLING PUT LP AGAINST A HARD GAME tfH Th Aaati'iitled lre, UTTVW h. 1 Vi a Alea-I Hurling t.f a-nnuma ir-'f chiimiuoit of iht I nited hiaia au-l Canaiirt. In order to retain hrr dian till haa th Ihi ult t.iak to.

morrow of ibfeiaiitig far-, I lulch, woman' oiHn t-hatniuon of Great and Kranr who rtemonoir-aied ir auiraty pi thn Ailant iar In lour tuna t'rd I hia yt tir. bladde riilin i-obaldy Irotn anm otltatd eau Pebat Ova Brut M-a tr atatement Ihafab helited th brntaea on ti-a made bv Ih igrin of k't- other pera-m drhal over between arouraie tinsel and ilton T. I' lien. aa. aiatant diatrut attorney, ahi) dm led amination Judca iJiMrtt lei ih tettmnv in Th defeo, tll nol rnw evamm any of Ih wnnrauaa and l.ararua put the Mann our until p.

in tomorrow Mra II, If intoni rnmpiain- llnra. A Ir" I an. I -i ravoat will m.n in witnee tomorrow th matrn-i a'lorney 11114 1 Mra Imont Mi- 01 and AI femnacher on Ih trip, from lva Anaelea In pi. Ima. Kreanoi and fan Krai" i-n whlih ended In Mia Hipe death Althouch nmov women, unahla t.i into th roiiet rM.m, aulmit'ed f.ip and at.eal pa'letitlv Ihe talr leaelin tn the court room iithera rfitaed to he an.r railed on Chief of roll.

it linen de. 1 BiatidiiiK Iheir rmht aa "Vltna anil paiera In ha ftvn a it in court room Kmnarher. whnMlled tk dlatelo' 1 i nee, f' ara l-m nut Ihrir mi. trrr. nrmn m.

i r- ha mil v. ln abl to duxwid ihir ga miika Th Thiri)--avftnd armif irpa nf ih Kronen at my i in mmplet ehar if Ih ar and vr avali-hl Krneh mdieal "fflir bad ar. rtvd aarlr Ihi mnrmn In a' with th lli rmin pnyaietana and urfonna. 1 Krrhrh and Hrrman lld pira rn-nraratttiir and a bis ijrrmn aanllarv train, hna hrollallt lar if nf mrrtt.

i aiiitllF Th i.rrmxn nmeiala thankd iinintl tmcniiit fnr th tmmil niannrr GIVEN TWO CHILDREN Atlanta Judge Awardi Pair to Mother Recently in Ncwi Here. ATLANTA. 1H. 5J -Mra Wood-imd. nf I'm Muv.

N. a award-d th fiiatndy of hrr two rhildren. Jaek and Mnrgart, Bard reairiivr1y by Ju1 IVi auperlor eoitrl hr nd.iy. 4 and Vmtlvtotl In I hla fath.r, J. W.

V.Kdlnd. rmlllM ihroimoit L. trial thai Ih rhlldren wrn riuht limy nip nv virni or an orner ia- 9 r'lorlda Judu Iivma him Iaainn nf th rhlliliei), Jilda nniton ruled mat in Klortila nn "rr, waa no vtdre that dlvnre hnl heen Rrantod and lhrfora had no authority to nutka an award of Ihr children. I.lttla Msritarel Woodland, th daiiishirr, reoverd br her mother after Ihe arrrai In Hmlthfleid of a mn and woman who the namea nf Henry nd lluelah Jumea The pair war held under rhiitae-while they wrr with Ihelr mother at New Jeraey rnrl. Coki Paraad Ta Quit, JJ Tenner of i'liarleaum, fond Kridia Cook, of Fa- vannah, lo rpni lu tne fifth round oi a achrduled In round nan! hera tonittltt.

I'nok'a far a a badly pummelled and hla aeonnrt feared a kh' out, hid t'. of Mltlriluel III. wa awardrd th drx-lalon ovr tawn- ard, of Eavaniiab, In 10 round. MRS. W00DIJ1FJ0 irittmry 1 oitittal ruuiil toii.l-j TB drilon wrmi' Mn, Vnd-llatd today uliowrd Ihil kind to twk Ih ehildrrn anywhrr hat It Hsiroid had hot (inly b-n I fit.

but ran thitd In Ih rr Woodland alrradv had Kllbitt lrtd mayor, alon of lh bahv ir and am in lm l.mhr W'llllama. virn Atlnitta In fti habaoa enrnna pro. nnkr. waa lntd mayor and ln rrodlnea tor Ih en odv of hr lull aldermen out of tha hn hrmmht batk hr by ton rimtan from do In my i ie Anyelea to reuneat that anpanaui 't never kd Arhittkl whil nmney aetii In rnm In Ran ran thouyl.t waa Ih fnattef with th lrl. nwn tn trtify, arrived today by II 'eiiird lo hv the opin.

automohil II wa lkn to iha'mn aa evrjon ietnni ma ni tne rhair item to me upon anirn he hi lie fia niiti wisn a nnnK in hi. band, lauthlt'f and talhlhu." rttatins that Mr IMin.iitt. attotner ut. did put em I.i ln at all up- anout anyttiin ttmt nan nitp- penen in iiipi rn'-riiian ton- untied "I went ha. I.i I.o Attai fea with the ttetit ttftrrnintt.

I never tr iiat.p atter 1n.11 n.i never 1 tin til red about hr, loiaii I did hot th any 01 11 I do not know who hr Mr. Ar- Ibin hl communicated wtUt hr or aaet aiM.ut ner. ir tun. am a nun on ami waa in, tie unt tn in any way upt aliottl It ntor than anylmdy wa at th party. i nvr heard Ml lim-n Ki're otunioii what ji the luatler with her at anv time- WILSON LOSES MONEY FOR HIS POOR FIGHT CITV, Kepi A l.rer.

til Ih hamplonahin Inixlng annul art lod.iv by the Net Comtmaaion II deprived! JohhOV ilm.n, nrddlrwolitht till 1 holder, nf Ihe ll'iimit iure lie waa land, VVIIatin waa fittind utility hy Hi ioiumiaion of milinit in put forth hta beat eiTntla VVilliholdlntt of Ih I tirao waa deemed na the prupi plltilahmetll. Th annntinrprl In mak- ma It iiei-iaion that It waa tint aa In th bgalily nf an. action hnd would tki al. pa to burn Ih vient nf Ita aiilhnrliy. Tex Itlrknrd, promoter, Wrta in.lid to pin.

tha money In truU attorney' oolr immediately and dtlnd durlnif Ih hearihH. ELEVEN JURORS CHOSEN FOR TRIAL OF ATTORNEYS" JACKKONVIM.K, r' pt, 31- tetitativ luieta had been ttlai nf John II, I op. kcal anorney rharyrd with murder, at li renelii. ion nf today on. Tkirty-llv lalramen had hen exanlned, Tin of th tironetlv Jurnr wr'ib dtiilind Hetay beeauae titey did nnl heiii in capital punielinieiii and i thr aid lltey wr an preludlrrd I aralnet Ih delendant Ihey count not 1 nan nol any waa ielri pr red whlis vota it naatly waa oiiea 8pt Ma tor I fnrl r.

A Rd. commanillna th t'-tiui ha. notified nointn-enui on fiw taff for Ih raumon tietnhar Unnnaora, Mlaa Naney 8 Llndaay. ramdrni Matron, lira H. Adam.

Andraon, Maid honor, stiaa niakaiy. Camden; Maid nf honor. 5 riaanor Mitehll. IJreenvlll; Maid bnnr. Mia liula Icon, Anderaoni Mra, Vtnon Mi'tmwrl Camden.

Chaegad With MurW RAM liAM'lHi tl. Hpt $5 A warranl rhr-in liavid Hmtr, who arapd from th penitent-try, with th mitrdr of Kathr I'atrirk K. Ilalin, Calhnllo prlat of I'nlma. a auhurb, waa aworn' In In. day by J.

Marry iMinlap, a prlval dtrtiva. William Hlfhinwar la alan held Mr trial in tnneunn w-iin frlem daalk. th bun talr trial, Willi it waailn hav for hla Labor liy believed Ih Irlilatlv twiiel Would he Inntt With Ili Vrth laiwney. nf f'tev. tiniiletit tomorrow II waa nnl rrrl likely a 'my iniid hnaiiy ted betor Monday, Pop waa t.i.

ma 111 In trial aa a r. ult of lha killttiar of limra II, Hi. k-man her itepieuih.HP 4 when Krank llaalma, who tannniilled Ih klilina I Allevd tn hav mada a cnnfeasioi, Im. I "mi with bavin planned and lrtii iitrd in Ih rohhery of a Ihentrn which IHi-kmait itianaurr and dutliig wliiftt lit killed,.

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