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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 1

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

as KEMDER AUDIT EUREAU CIRCULATIONS The Daily Pr tu'tl'cn eud ted reauler'y by A id of Cireu'atione, tKa t.e learn. ng EXACTLY what gate tv MS money. WEATHER Virginia Cloudy followed by raia Friday afternoon and night Saturday; warmer in west portion Friday; colder Saturday afternoon and night. l-Vll FOURTEEN PAGES NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928. VOL.


6 SAYS "IT'S IN THE AIR" a HOOVER SAYS HERBERT ID NAILS WHISPERS Republican Presidential Nomlj Head-on-Collision Occurs Between Two Planes Near Har-persville, Pilots Taking to Parachutes. Is Reelected SMITH AND HOOVER TALK No More i3 Asked Than Justice, CQLOFJEL ANDERSOrj TALKS HERETDNIGHT Methodist Bishop Quotes What OVER THE RADIO TODAY nee, En Route to California to Vote, Kakes Address at Maryland Stop. Naturalized Citizens and College Group Visit Democratic Presidential Nominee During a Busy Day. Decency and Fair Play by Smith Supporters Chief Executive Says. He Says is Encyclical and Says Probably No Statement More Intolerant.

CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD'S CHUTE CATCHES PLANE ASKS FOR CONTINUANCE NEW YORK. Nov. l.W) Political speakers over the radio tomorrow include; FRIDAY Republican 1:1.0 a. m. Attorney General Ottinrer.

OF REPUBLICAN REGIM3 One of Leading Republicans of CLASSES OPPONENTS AS Marine Flier Dismembered as He RICHMOND, Nov. 1. Bishop SMITH INTRODUCED AS "BEST FRIEND OF SCHOOL" TJnmiiip Declares Development Claims Great Advances in the "STRANGE BEDFELLOWS 0 State to Close Hoover Campaign in the City. James Cannon, of the Methodist Episcopal church. South in a letter to Fails to Clear Wrecked Plane, Captain DeFord Unhurt.

if i 14' Vj 4 Republican candidate for governor of Governor Alfred E. Smith, made public Says Spirits of Jefferson and Prosperity of the Nation Darin the Past Few Years. Col. Henry W. Anderson, of Rich I of Country School' Essential in America For Progress.

today, said Chairman Raskob, of the jew xoric, over vv ka wux ana WGR. Ml lloovpr St. CaDtaln Robert J. Archibald, Ma Wilson Would Rejoice to mond, prominent Virginia Republi Democratic national committee and the rine Corps pilot, was killed, and Cap Enow Smith Chosen Leader. can, will address the final Republi Louis, over and Coast-to-Coast tain Earl H.

DeFord. ormp Air Corps pilot escaped injury in a mid-air col can campaign rally in Newport News, By WALTER CHAMBLIN 1 A utail Print Staff Writer) By W. B. RAGSDALE (Associated Preae 8taff Writerl HOOVKR TRAIN, CUMBEIl-LAND. lid.

'Nov. 1. vrV-The baf chain, 10:30 p. m. Senator William K.

to be held in the high school audi LYNCHBURG. Nov. PV Virginians who love their statu and lision ot Langley Field planes over xrtrw YORK. Nov. Borah of Idulio from Boston over torium tnniaht at 8 o'clock.

Col. Harpersvlllo late yesterday after at hand. Governor of progress, of all advance ln thi W12AF and chain. want to seo the program of progress nominee himself had Injected the religious issue into the campaign 'aa a "deliberate effojrt to throw out a political smoke screen." "I flatly challenge you to meet the issue of tolerance" Bishop Cannon declaring that Governor Smith had at-tecpted to brand his opponents as "in- Inlwrnnl hitrnta." noon. Alfred E.

Smith id confident that anonlnln-islv started carried on to Democratic Anderson will be introduced ly George Nelms Wise, local attorney, with George Mould, chairman of" the t- il rulmination. cannot af 11. 3ft a Frederick II. Allen, aarl- Taking their parachutes, both pilots Jumped from their planes after the crash, Archibald hangink in the ford to desert the Democratic party cultural expert, over WABC and Colum city Republican executive committee country must lt continual prosperity, Herbert Hoover tonight told an enthusiastic audience that greeted him here en route to hie California home to vote. Ills speech here was made after bia chain.

"The Asheville conference did not'in- 2:00 d. m. Two hour theatrical rally wi the re'ilalous issue into this polltl with Augustus Thomas, Irving Cobb, Ocrardo tail gear of his falling plane, according to eye-witnesses. Those who say they saw the accident Btated that the ill-fated aviator was carried to the presiding at me meeting. derson will champion the cause of Herbert Hoover.

Repoubliean nominee for the presidency of the United States. Qol. Anderson.xit is pointed out by n.mihiioana la well known i he had received hearty welcome Heywood Broun and others, over HAVANA. Cuba. Nov.

1. Un v- cal campaign" he said. "Prohibition and Tammany were sufficient reasons to oppose you but you for political pur- EAF In its time of need, breaking the harmony that has bf-tn achieved In the state ard at the same time turning the reins of government over to "the strangest lot of bedfellows ever gathered together at one time ln any state of the union, Governor Byrd tonight told an audience that filled vf irom corwos ai bi.ii.iuiis General Gerardo Machado Y. Mor- Wt woods below by the hurtling plane. the succenston of crowd wim-n chared hi." from th Atlantic sea-hoard to the Rocky Mountains can mean but one thing victory.

-1" is in the air." were he words 1 he used today in discussing wth press correspondents the mW Hons he has received during the I jumpaign. i last -Were you ln la 'the Democrats nominee ak-U the correMpondent who had brought this question and an affirmative answer, he added. There was something doing over there wasn't there? lf in the air. It is the same all The governor's conference with the wnnrul interruo- ales was re-elected president oi eniDhasiied the religious issue wcu onH Uaa Mil. Cuba today In an election tn which Virginia wncrc nis apecuii His body was caught in the trees tiavinsr raised the issue we nave me he was unopposed.

i made brief stop. Within an lour and his limbs severed from his body, right to demand that you answer the x. Ill uk Inn ti fcrura pn ar nwu, urt.r rip ruul KMSen mwm locally auiu iia.Livii.ijr sldtred by a large number of dele- gates at the Kansas City convention for vice presidential nomination. He i 1 Ua Democratic candidate for governor of New York, over WEAF, WGR and war. p.

m. Governor Alfred K. Smith from Brooklyn, over WJZ and Coast-to-Coast chain. It is said. May 20, 1929, for a term of six years, throng at union station tn Wash- inroiiK a-v unwu the Academy of -Music to capacity.

Captain DeFord and his parachute la ovnfwrori ro qiscubs isur. ui He now is concluding his first term of that period. Saying that he spoke both aa governor of. Virginia and as one deeply In- present campaign, and their effecV escaped' his wrecked plane aj he questions which I ask: First Do you believ.e that all but Roman Catholics are strangers to the hope of life and salvation? Second Do you repudiate the authoritative encyclical statement of Oreorv. Pius.

Leo and Dr. Ryan lumiuH nml came to earth, apparent on th best interests of Virginia and the-. nation, at the meeting tonight, forpaiPd in the advancement of the ly little worse for his experience. ington, the Republican presidential candidate was greeted by several thousand persons at Brunawlcit. M4-where a special stop was made in.

ortler that he mignt appear for minute or two on the rear platform, with Mrs, Hoover. From Brunswick the nominee wa taken into West Virginia to find at Uurtin.hiiri' a chjeerlnc XikTOTUC state, Governor Byrd said he was 1 press was vi- J.nn in a dav spent behind the it is said. The meeting will bring to a thn Renubllcan speaking Kit MAKES REPLY "K.K.K" Branded Upon Body of Man Both planes fell into a tnicn wooas, demolished heaps. They fell about 60 yards and about 100 yards from glad to have the opportunity to say "i.i eitm-in reservation and campaign in Newport News, with with "ail the enthusiasm at his com concerning tho union of church and slate Masonry, Bible societies and the Y. v- i Rishon Cannon ouoted in connection 1 the road near iiarpersvnie, aoouv five miles north, of theity.

mil. in nfTir-ial announcement closed doors of his suite In the Hotel Btltmore preparing the last three speeches to be delivered. One of these will be deliverd in Brooklyn tomorrow night as a c.imax to a uav's program which includes a parade up Broadway between New 1 the election to re neio luesaay. Officials of the Newport News Wnover-Cnrtis Club stated last night Bound and Gagged CHARGES with his first question what said FORUM TO was made, from officers of Langley mand he was supporting -n-ureu. Smith for the presidency.

As supporters of the Democratic nominee fot the presidency we ask no more than Justice, decency and fair plav," Governor Byrd said. We Field last night, it is supposed umi tho nlnnpn were eneaeed in maneu- that, voters of Newport r. News win have an opportunity to hear an able inniKht Thev have nrom- which not only filked tne space immediately around the station but was ranged on a nearay hillside- The candidate shook, hands with acoree who pressed around his car but postponed the tginnlng of hi rear platform speaking campaign until his train had crossed back lnu I York towering Vj Today the governor spoke brief ik. pilots nf hoth belnir mem was an encyclical Issued last jaiiuaiy by Pope Pius JCI as follows: "Furthemore in this One church of Chflst (Roman Catholic) no man can h. or remain who does not accept.

ised niid music and have invited 1 nl. ask that yov. compare tne iiRQtiona of the two canal- RASKOB SMITH OF the puolic ot tne jitiiinauio. iw H.IIU 1111 11 dates of tho great parties and that tend. bers at the army corps tactical ncnuui at-Langley.

and both considered accomplished pilots. Just how they came to collide was a matter of conjecture to those on the scene of 'the a ir on recognize and obey, the authority of Peter and his legitimate successors (the ii 1 1 k' o-imlnlHtratlon for the last Maryland and reached leaving his car there. Hoover appeared in the public square near toe nrhpr. marie the first cf Smith Landslide nnnt ffsv. The Roman eight years with that of the pre NEW YORK, Nov.

W-A man identified by the ro'ice a Frank Kirkpatrick. of German-town, Pa, was found tonight near an old reservoir in the Bronx, his arms and leaa tied and with brandings on his chest, arms and lofls. The police report described the brandings as reo-reaentino the insignia K. K. Stuffed in Kirkpatrick's mouth, apparently as a gag.

was a pamphlet ostensibly on the ub-ject of Governor Alfred E. Smith and his connection with the olic church. The injured mm wi Republican Chairman in Virginia ceding eight years unaer lie church alone Is keeping the true worship. This Is the fount of truth, this is the house of faith, this is the In Virginia Is ly to a group of lean citizen and also -to another group composed, of prMMs dt the College League for fcnitth. Hoth of these addresses were delivered In a parlor of the Biltmore hotel Dr.

John Dewey of Columbia University, introduced the college croup. He presented the Democratic fandfdate as the best friend of the New York common schools ever to occupy the executive chair at Ai- bainy'rcplylng the governor said that it was those who had been deprived of an education who have a keen appreciation of what it He Wilson." Opponents of tho he contended, are not willing to fight the Quotes Editorial Explaining How He Happened to Own Stock. Captain Archibald is a native of Brighton. Just outside of Boston. He survived by his widow and several children, it is ljurtling through the trees of the mnifi tho iil.inps came to the Dovell Prophecy temple of God; if any man enter not here or if any man go forth from it he campaign on the real issues out nave the lour addresses he will deUver on his trip across the conUnenl.

The Keynote this speech, was prosperity and upon this he baaed a pita for continuance ot a Republican d- "The basis of all progress, of all 1 advance in our country, must be its I eonunual Drosperity." he said. "Proav- whinners. ailci inv.n- Is a stranger to the hope or wo ana salvation." DAILY BUREAU, tioning some whispered reports against, which he has had himself to i a ...11 Vl. Prnbablv no more intolerant eiaie- swampy earth- below their crash and swampy eartn- oeiow imar wsu VA. iNuv.

-V 0MUS nAf ooWh ROANOKE, Nov: Robert II. Virginia state Republican chair haa ever been made," Bishop hospital, where nis contend, U'vernor njm reception uccorded Smith when hej perity at Its base rests on there be- Virginia will give Aiirea o. oiunu ounea iiuprio ui mm an overwhelming majority in the leaving only an unrecognizable mass 1 u'l rl i K.i 'i pV A nvr last Cannon said, telling the governor at the man, tonight mada public a letter which was reported cr.vw-,. rhftre visited FJchmond some weess piesldentiai eiecviun i no nitrht hv rictaj-hmpnt from same time that he believed noman s-4i ii nmniii h. Raverf and asserting has sent earlier today, to Jonn a.

p.j.knh rhalrman of the Democratic the. field. and ald. "1 repeat tonight what I kirkpatrick was foun oy stable empioyment and ad. said inlntroducing him at thttme P-rwho arouc.

hmgo.m LaLUVIIB that, he had personalty been helped by nationarTWmmittee, quotlnr from edi if the immortal spirits oi p-rk reservoir at equauy upon 9. svaoie fhe "accident happenea" between 3 and o'clock yesterday afternoon, after the planes had been aloft for rtrr-i A tlmA Catholic sermons and nymna. vnn to state ao Jefferson and of Woodrow 'ftB and Jerom 3 avenue Hi coyld look down on us I know they "ind him and bis teet would rejeice that Alfred JR. Smith nan" IcirkDatrick. bleeding from asceo with this encyclical in "You will, recollect that when tfas Kepuoiican adminiBLratioa tame into power eeveivand one haif year ago 41 1 nnAmnL)VMl- U'JIIbV The planes were of the AT-S type and considered quite air-worthy, it foiiihio-.

dpc.larat on. that air ovi is the chose-: leader of the lraocrav- woun(ja was trying to cruwl toward expressed Deuei w- entire cost of education would be ake over by the because it has to be uniform and it has to work up a great deal of timent about the little red school house." he declared, "but my contention has been all along that the lit-tie red school house ha outlived its usefulness. The one room school I does not give the children of the country the same opportunity for an education that we are affording the children of the cities. torial opinion In a local newspaper iu explain ownership of stock in the Fellowhip Forum. The letter- was written, Mr.

Angell sal because of public references made by Governor Snvith and Chairman Kaskob, to disclosures of several weeks ago that Mr. ii ihr Rnanokers. Republi Romanists are strangers to tne nope ot is said. Ashton Dovell, delegate- in me -Kinial General Assembly at a Temo-cra tie; mass meeting held in Williamsburg last i night. -Phophesylng the Smith landslide, in Virginia.

Mr. lovellontlnued by saying that th4 lmocratlc presidentia.1 candidate wilt carry the city of Williamsburg amaJorUy of approximately four td one. i' Addressing an audience that overflowed into the porch or the court h'-use where the' meeting Mr. Dovell delivered his 63rd speech of the present campaign. i i TJhshnn Cartrton Said; ir you do not you are not a lojai woman Hundreds of persons drove to the accident but.

only a few ventured through the woods to the fallen the fence. our 8Ueets. our people were dts- Police said the letters K. tv. erf and apprehensive of the had been cut about a quarter of an our of that ad -Inch deep ln Kirkpatrick I ch 1.

1 1 was lo restore their arms and legs probacy with a pen-( in the iuture. A aeries of knife. At the hospital it was report- restored lc-parrv wiaum ma finest 'ideals for which the party stands." RepubUcn leaders were quoted in their former criticisms of Herbert Hoover and then Governor Byrd cith aa "a master of gov- if vou aa you are nra tolerant than-those whom for political cans and DemocrJta. six years agp pur planes. nnmnua vou denounce 'as intolerant.

-An army ampuiance nurrieo to mo of tho took the body chased stock in the Forum wun tne the publication would be id Governor Smith's ed Kirkpatrick also employment but has built standards from exposure and from concussion tecurity to ev. Jm-J and from concussion emu anritTtTi and addef teclirtl7 10 ernment bearing the same relation ernment bearing the same relation of Captain Archibald away from the quoted statements at Baltimore that devoted to the interests of Masonry. to the world of government that Edi- the raln uy a blow on 00 hoar 1 the electrical." He ery neao. he was a loyal son ot tne cnuruii 'Besides, there is an involved. Men iwl wmjbj do not care to remain on the farms If they find their children are not goiis to get the education in the The text of Mr.

Angell's letter to r-hnirman Ragkob follows: We have gained cnormoUBly in, 1. 1. vrtCrt I h. arihn.ed to the American prin wreck, while Langley orricers prepared, for an investigation of the No report was made late last night." ciple of of church and state 1-ouee saia urc 1 national weaitu. xnere na wot as stufted in Kirkpatrick moutn wWe 'diffUsioa that wealth "and in all these 25 years 01 public service pot one charge against his personal or official character has imcia mod I know of nothing "The undersigned has probably given for mibllcatlon less than any othef were flatly contradictory." was entitled "Intolerance, by an our 00Dle- The combined I country that cniiaren i jS1 nne of the contrib halrman either Republican or CHANGE OF PRECINCT The meeting was neid unaer.

mo auspices of the Williamsburg Smith-Robinson-Montague club, with i-T. F. Rogers presiding. It brought the rally -campaign Willlamshurg to a close, with members of the club said confident that on Tuesday Williamsburg will poll the greatest vote ln its long history, and that the majority for Smith will bfr the nM.lsat ovor ratiirnnd for anv one WOODRUM RAPS SUNDAY more conteuiptiDie man 10 huciuih Democratic in the United States during TIOF.S NOT UAJNUla IXi destrov tha character ot a man wu- nnwnt camDaien and I am now CAMPAIGN, FOR HOOVER uting factors toward causing people 10 move into the residential and 3r, -T" (C'oiifilif ft M) with reluotance for the out having the courage to sign your name to the cowardly attack, as the reason that it is often difficult to make tolerant." increase in assets of life and indus- Kirkpatrick was said to be a real mEUranoe building and loan CBtate broker at Germamxwn. fuaJMjationB and gvings deposits District Attorney McGeetian and Jn Bevea years inereased by police of the Bronx said they were near, 10 por cent to the gigantic indued to doubt the story later toiu gum of over 60 of dollars, in the hospital by Kirkpatrick that or peariy one sixth of our whole he had been attacked, disrobed, bound pgtjoj wealth.

These are the sav-hand and foot and branded. They jnfts hank. cf the- average man. said that although he had been dis- Mcre of our people own their own" nroo thrown OV' I An-wr than maVfTi TMHl ftffl xTirtr.t Knv 1. There one's position clear unless all the tacts Masonrv that would lead originators of these anonymoua leaflets attacking Smith have done.

"I want see Smith elected, if for no other reason than to confute those cooha who want Mrs. fmith In and circumstances are maae snowu. 11 tpr of yesterday to Dr. candidate, 'local, state or national. -Mr.

Dovell brought out the fact tbat voters who never before have i RICHMOND, Nov. 1. (flV-John R. Saunders. Virginia attorney general today gave out the opinion that any qualified voter who moved from one Richmond precinct to another on Sept.

1 Is entitled to vote next Tuesday in the precinct from which he or she mov-a th move was made for the anv Mason to vote against any candidate for any office in America because of his religion. Representative Clifton Woodrum of the 6th district KEYES IS AWA1T1WG mi ki rnn nninrnu Hubert Work; Republican national vnv of which was carried by her the White iiouse oecnuno wucu aoiea, nis uveii-uav "oo numra iinj -r husband needed her she cooked his hiH back when he was found. and they are better hornet And ijb 1 I i ,...1 oairi LI1PV deter- I -HHltion to thiPKP larseT SaVinRS. OUT the White House because when bju mrj to uinw the Associated Press In this morning's an artnresn nere been Interested enough to vote will cast their ballots Tuesday, and stated that more than a majority in Williamsburg will cast their vote for the Democratic ticket. papers, my attention has been called vm.r-rference to the writer's Interest Hospital physicians aoamon mined that the marks on Kirkpat- people are steadily increasing their i K.t for standards Ot under the auspices of the Danv lllo Democratic Club.

purpose of abandoning residence In the inimrun uiiiuuii i th VpliowshiD. Forum. The writer ricKS POOV. woicn .1 tu mn and meais, wasnea ms cnuira ouu icaiw his children. It might be far better if some other wives devoted themselves to those things instead of to rearing noodle dogs." to vo trf.n cut wltti a Kniic, m.1,1.1.

living, i i "I have 33 degrees oi masonry. Congressman Woodrum continued. mnra ho hprni madn more secure i rathori oithur with the also heard over the radio your chief Alfred E. Smith In 1 Siriua in Port first precinct and acquiring a new residence elsewhere. attorney gave the opinion in response to an inquiry from Wllmer L.

O'Flaherty secretary of the Richmond electoral board. "Has anyone nere gov we have decreased poverty until we are within hope that it shall be abol- Tim naval siiddIv shio Sirlus ar- nav uTcii. point of a knife or a pm, and that all of them were within reach of the Los Angeles County Prosecutor speech In Baltimore a few evenings ago rrived here yesterday from Corinto, vir-arainiH hrinelne the body of Pri make reference to tne writer in mo lAllll IIUU1 HI' POINTS man right nanu. Aiwr m. hnsnital surgeons paid surgeons 'Springing from, our proF-pen -am.

marinor ns you have. rpr vate Parker E. Burnett of 2119 Mon they found that he nor FcienUfic research roe street, Toledo. who died in of fpvur while "I have often heard the statement that 'all things are fair In war and vAt I am not entirely sold and degrees than jthat?" he asuea. so he may be able to tell me where there is anything in Masonry that imposes a religious qualification for political office.

Masonry is opposed to the encroachment of the ecclesiastical powers upon the civil powers and this applies as much to a Metn-dlst bishop as to a Catholic priest. "Name for me one instance where r-othniix nrlpst has made a politi struck on the head and was noi mu have AnASed ulnes8 Md fering from concussion of the brain lengthened the average -araa firsr aiiDOose-i. The surgeons 1 1(1 IS -J I V. serving with the Marine Corps. There committed to that policy, and feeling as IRSIl TO 1.

1 Charged With Having Ac-cepted $140,000 in Bribes. LOS ANGELES, Nov. Attorney Asa Keyes Los ngeles county prosecutor, caught in an unexpected backwash from the $100,000,000 Julian Petroleum Corporation scandal early this veLr. todav awaited trial for bribery in the comts where he has been a fa also was a -letacnment ot ii marines hvomyht from vloaraffua to be mus said It had been decided to send OUP 4ncrea3ing resources we DOIU 11. I do that notwithstanding we today's program in v.

Labor Gains LONDON, Nov. 1. Cities and towns throughout England held their municipal elections today, London electing an entirely new muncipal council, and othr cities one-third of their councils' members. Partial returns which had been compiled tonight showed, Labor gaining largely at the expense of the Kirkpatrick to the psychopathic ward tered out of service or sent to other have doubled the expenditure upon pur educational system In eight years. Although we have increased i r.

Halt ton Tr Mint fYOm politics, I am persuaded that your high business standing and sense ot right, posts and Lieutenants II. D. Boyaen and H. D. Palmer, Marine Corps avi at Bellevuo Hospital ior ADTHLPIIiA.

NOV. 1. Former Democratic Vice Presi would riot permit you to do me an in- ators, who nave Deen engagea man maklna work in Panama and ouf Kreater income and this our W. rank Kirkpatrick a real estate iuik Kirkpatrick a real estate cal speech during the present campaign," he continued, "or where a Catholic bishop has mounted the po-. a r'uthoiio evan- dent and Samuel Ralston other Central American countries.

dealer In th Germantown section ci to frpp youth from toa we Philadelphia, was in New York to- i haye increased the attendance In our "Probably the best explanation me writer can make of his interest in the Cited as Clean Leaders. day but whether ne was schools by 14 per cent, in our mgu cay out iicini i. i found in the Urons with branding l.o3) not. be leirned Fellowship Forum' is contained in an editorial which appeared in the Roanoke schools by 0 per cent ana iu wur institutions by 95 Dying Girl Says "Pad" uirai rosiiuin, ii gellst spread the gospel of hate and Intolerance." Representative Woodrum paused to cast his scorn upon the Rev. Bolly Sunday, characterizing him as an f'ontriiat who is snreadlmt the gos FORT WAini'i, on nis cnest cuuiu 1 stituv.ons ot mgner iiii The namos of Thomas K.

Marshall, i Qpfiniteiy here tonight. per cent. Not all of our Industrie in the 'Wilson admin-i ifirkr-atrlck she wnt oaop, with the front rank of higher learning on hls cheat could in tne Mrs. Mri-ua have kept pace with the front rank World-News of this afternoon wm paper is one of the most ardent sup miliar figure for Jo years. Charged with accepting approxl- mately 1140.000 in bribes in connection with acquittal of accused officials of tho now defunct oil concern, Keves faced Presiding Judge Douglas K.

Edmonds from the prisoners dock this morning. Close behind him came sever, others also indicted for the alleged passing of bribe money. A plan to have all defendants, vieti nionVt not anility and siis Vice urcBiuriu ii. of in- i ka hiicnann vice president and it is the duty of the government to build them up with every resource in Its power. Istration and once govcrnm i ir was ner nuoum and of Samuel Ralston, also declared she could not advance any pel of hate, who has turned from the porters of Governor smitn, Dotn editorially and otherwise of any newspaper In Virginia.

In part it reads as fol With Another Resulted In Burns From Furnace of winninsr souls lor vjnnst io a former Governor ot tne main, rtaauir iw o-" a Dohlnson invoked Dy senator jw n-TTTT TlVT -DTTT A'M RAILED CUinvl L'T7 i IT7 13 1.10. fc lean people wish to abandon thcoe lows: -to oireet the attention of In the business of winning votes for Hoover in Virginia at $200 a speech, in intF-nrtiicinar Reoresentative u.i.. ffnrmmpnt which haTe "fiovernor Smith in his aaiumore address and Chairman Raskob, in a have early trial dates set went awry at the last moment and on motion of nttnmev for one of the dlana to clean and honest government. He described these two dead sons of Indiana as great leaders whose ad UPON LOTTERY Jed i7 the Republican party and without which results so tunrTPHU Nv WI1-! amazing and so stlmuiaUnJC to the PHILADELPHIA, rov. a.

well aa to the material tody," the statement' conluded. T.Alvtt RT.IIFF. Nov. 1. (VP) recent statement, alluded to the ownership by R.

H. Angell, Republican chair, man for Virginia, of stock in the Fel Voodrum, Judge A. M- Aiken of Danville said he understood the "Pope was a rich old man and did not believe he wanted to annex the T'nitorl sitates. If he had wanted to, indicted men. arraignment went over ministrations while governor oi m.

Ham B. Smith, state Idv of the nation would not Miss Elfrieda Grace Knaak, whos hiirntfii? Is under Investi until November 8. Th. othora indicted are Jacob Ber- had a pact with some' one A search was starting tonay ior Frank P- Mandy, Lake Bluff violin teacher, as a result of Miss Knaak'a repeated mumbling thiit "Frank turned me down," Mandy jjhared a ctuHio ch.irleji Hitchcock. Lake lowship Forum.

If they were more closely informed as to Virginia affairs, they would know that in this matter isslble. advancement Is not and u.iw.aiftil demneracv oiiaa Bennett, known as whose name she did not oisoiose, he would certainly have bought it during the Republican administration of the past ven and a half rnu 1,." the flnancla' "wizard" of the Julian F.d and Jack Rosenberg, said tonight when talking to tier brother, as she lay In a hos they are fighting straws, ins way which Mr. Angell and a' number of other age in leadership and constructive, Attorney Jo tin I solrltual ouaMty of Its people. M- Bluff policeman who taught elocution i action." 'Barred him yesterday ofior- terial prosperity and moral progress mon mm uuj pital bed near death Kita nod npu npii who, with Berman. were acquitted of felony charges in connection with the he declared.

ALLEN SAYS RASKOB "We had a pact," she eald. "but ln his spare time and the girl state-j Referrlnli to the acceptance speech dwin u. Lewis with policemen. must arf A we would the other 6ne did not go through ments reRardir.g "itchcock resulted IIerbAPt Hoover that anrl rPCeived wairants speciflCA.iy United States that eo- i.i. Ii i InnAef tiuHnn of hla COn- I "i-1'-' u-lf e.

i.K a.lth Mil HlllraC. V. Jl- u.lMbl Roanoke citizens, some or tnem democrats and office holders, acquired a few shares of stock some years ago in what renresented then as being a gen stock scandal; A. 1. a oruser, nrtiort hut never triad for his al- with it.

I went through with it I in a iunner mwnnisiiwuii vi the last seven ann oiir-mu muui uionweaitn so srniimji -f leader-'C. an illetral lottery, extor- nur pmi-nmtnL to IS NOW MUD-SLINGING nection: Ben and David railipr nnd son. respectively eral fraternal weekly mat woma u. r.r iiftino- ut "eo between" in Nov. 1.

(jiPi HI V. llil! II L. their Spring street tailor shop, and alone." Later she added that sho nation wun -tne chsh. didnt think the other girls would: Meanwhile Miss Knaak although put It over on me." informed that she probably cannot Although authorities Investigating live, persisted in her story that she the case, particularly the physicians, went to the village hall Monday are begnning to accept the theory night, found it deserted and after Henry J. Allen, director of publicity of th Rpmihlican national commit Charles K-nmer.

investigator ior f.m nMnmfiv'fl office. tee in a statement tonight accimnd Chairman Raskob of the Democratic Interest to Scottish Rite Masons, nas been fully explained. Now that the Fellowship Forum has fallen from the high purpose of its founders and become merely a -medium for transmls-slon of Anti-Catholic propaganda of the most scurrillous sort, decent citizens are embarrassed by having had even the slightest share in its found- "A "discharged and disgruntled invt-stleator. to use the pros- i n-k inr: mrv iurn.Pk that Miss Knaak hurned nerseir, ai- nnomn umiT. vln and other relative? insist she self-Immolation to prove her sp.rlt-was the victim 'of an assailant.

I ua! faith and on Tuesday morning national committee or trickery in issuing a statement last night charg nwn words, unearthed the hich brought the indict ing that the jv'puoncans counte mttirned unexpectedly late nanced the injestio'i or religious is it was Bert Ramsey, self tri. oamn.i 'In natural affairs as well, the! waived hearing, today and were re-record of the last seven and one-half lensed ln K.500 bail each, veara has not been marked by Tare Es ks rtsa shamed by acquiescence for polltl-! Fish" still w.i In tt hnnsar at the cal purposes cn the pai-t of th Hampton Road naval ir to-President and hl cabinet- and haanlght a'ltlnf favorable t' a i. npooWr1nen ana ii Ii Hponnuad flitfht Tho Raaitnh Btatt'iiient. Alien saia Miss Knaak was burned on ner removeu anu numcu um arms, legs and head in a furnace then thrust her legs and arms one in the basement of the Lake Bluff after the other Into the live coals city hall, and Alvln, after his talk of the village hall furnace until they with her tonight, said he was cer-jwere burned to the bone, lain that some one was with her; The attractive girl book agent. "rh statements as contained in mt ovoaioH tn the couniiv that his ar- mm the editorial states fnf a rip in rnir.aieil was 4 styled investigator for the county efficiency nureap.

"Jt took me Just one Ramsey said. 'Here is the district attorney under arrest. I kept my prom clearly the facts as they developed mere mask to hide his own mud In the basement, wnere sne wns cunim kiu "umi nmn aeven or eicht years ago. been sieepe" tore laaiug vn fonnH last Tnesdnv. Repeated exam university co-ed and student of pay i ,..1 nonoet to guns.

Whenever he has accused Republicans of a trick, It has become a that the Dpmocrnts Tug Tew In Oittfea SAVANNA It, tla Nnv. l.WV The PUttr Vaniaeraw. 5, C. 0,, Ui'a afternoon at I.W clock to the aletftltt ef the tu Oniarlo and tha liars A. W.

ln the t'-a nt wireleM atatiff tht aha rminiPt 5f 'ow' th Ni-fl wi.n rt0 ef fw tha Oa la IMImlesieo. NV fh i ve-e! wa altnut Wi Of Cavauaali Toft wJiich disclose lrk of whole ise "Now, please do not get too en-niatir over your new political ac to Bermuda, an vai-wtr pi I 1 1 I lliailiico.u lea. giVLh 'm r.n men in all were in i ji i 1 1 lo 'inriprtak nr were al- intlea. Indlraliona tnai the would r.nt l' day when Hitchcock name wmjom inn oours'iu mentioned. Hitchcock formerly in- i Because of tliean things, senator wric quaintances, as your services are badly ready undertaking that particular i i no.ri.H in the house of your tamers.

Repub- i p'-emifd, A her ln elocution and publle Robinson that "tnousanas ot wpuo nd publle Robinson that "thousands of "Wishing you all the blessings of speaking and she was believed toucans, not only ln Indiana but in wm ff0 wlp mt Ul In no instance Allen said, "has Inations of her body, however, have dstclosed no signs of physical violence. Vr. C. Johnston David issued statement tonight saying that a small bone ln Miss Knaak's upper left arm was slightly cracked, indicating that ahe may have fallen. "But there not a bruise on her 1 have trone to the ail to see.

every n. law vlnibiaty rW0ine hall every s'ata in tne union aie vl.iUiUty rewbinl dicted whn it was revealed that there has been an over-issue of nearly 4 000,000 shares of Julian stock. Hundreds of small investors lost their in the collapse of the concern. A.nong those accused were prominent bankers, brokers, theatrical men and others. No convictions wuultcd.

this system been so conspicuously employed as in the action of the Democratic chairman In deliberately life that this great country of ours af fords, except on next Tuesday I am "Yours very truly. H. Angell. "State Chairman." Vioo8ver andP willvote pen.t ef DemocraUi ticket, jaertaia. him.

Hitchcock, however, was at home with his wife and four children aufferlna- rom a broken lea. dragging In the issue oi rengioua in.

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