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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 3

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
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I'fAILY PRESf. POUT NICWS FRIDAY MAIUI1I 1 ufe) i IL? ti LI When Hieliiies Comes to the JJttlfl OllM. It Is the Mother Who Chlffly HuHVi-m. -Sr fl, I -V- V- ill A ru Rhfl suffers even more than the child who happons to le sick. Hiti sympathy Is deeper than that of any other luoinlier of the family.

The mother looks forward with dread to the torrid heat summer, 'thinking of her children und the many liabilities lo dlseaso that are before them. Spring andsnmmer are sure to bring ailment, especially among the little folks. It does not take a mother very long to discover that Peruna Is the best friend she has in time of Illness among the children, A Multitude of Mothers Have discovered that Peruna is tbelr stand-by, and that In many of the ailment of spring and summer to which the children are subjected, Per una is Ihe remedy that will generally quickly relieve. Whether It Is spring fover or stomach derangement, whetlur It Is indigestion or bowei disease, a catarrhal cougvstlon of the mucous surfaces Is the cause. Peruna quickly relieves this condition of the mucous membranes.

Its operation Is prompt, the children do not dislike to take the medicine, it has no duis tcrlous effects In any part of the body. It simply removes the cause of the disugreeablo symptoms and restores the health. Peruna Is a household remedy for all "1 i ww-w www "WW w-w-w- i IT i 1 Mrs. J. 0.

StM-Iini. 133 Brown Avenue, Norfolk, writes My littlo boy, Meredith, Buffered wllli Indigestion Iw'ly he could not eat anything without it making him very slek, so I thought (ns many others have) that i would try Peruna, and it worked like a charm. AW he eats anything he wishes, and I would not be without It tor anything. "My other little boy, Alfred, two and a half years old, has taken It and received as much benefit from Peruna as bis brother. hope my testimonial may Mrs.

P. Brofkma Meade street, Applcton, writes I have never had a return of the catarrh, xvMcti bad made we ao mtsm erable and unhappy before I began taking Pcrvua. "I would not be without It In the house, now. "I have a baby boy, two years old, to whom I give Peruna for a cold, and my husband also takes Peruna. I thank you and wish you Mrs.

F. Brockman. i I The Benefit Which the Children of the United States Have Received -ft, Pe-rn-na Should Be Kept Every Household Where There Are Little Children. Pemna should be kept In tbe.houa all ilic time. Don't wait until the child Is irkj then send to a drog store.

But, liare Perun on handsncept no substitute. Children are especially liable to acnte catarrh. Indeed, most of the affections uf childhood are catarrh. All forms of Bore throat, quinsy, cronp, hoarsenesa, laryngitis, are but different phases of catarrh. Pe-ru-na Contains Ko Narcotics.

One reason why Peruna ha found permanent uae in ao many homes i that it contains no narcotic of any kind. JYruna, if taken according to printed baruilcss. Itcan nSed any length of time without acquiring a drug habit. It docs not produce temporary results, but It is jnanent in its effect. has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re-tuoring the cause of catarrh.

in No Doctor Required. Mr, Edward Otto, I)e Solo street, St. Paul, 'writes "1 cannot eay enough for Peruna. It has done great work in my family, especially for my oldest boy. We had doctored ''with-three or four different doctorsand they did not seem to do him any good.

"We gave up hopes of cure, and so did they, but we pulled him through on Pervna. 'We had several doctors and they said they could do no more for Mm, so we tried Peruna as a last resort, and that did the work. Since then we keep it In the house all the time, and no doctor Is required." "Edward Otto. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. Ruch a thing could not be possible If Peruna contained any narcotics.

foreign steamers entering port ing the. month: tonality. Xo. Tons. ALONG THEVATERFRONTiB the 36 79.518 7 14.7.12 5 8.SS5 2 4.700 2 2.931 1 4.231 53 117.030 53 catarrhal ailments of winter and sum- mcr, acute or chronlo.

The mothers all over the United States are the best friends that Peruna ha. Mr. C.llallock, Antwerp, Ohio, writes: "My daughter Allle, after taking thrse bottles of your Peruna Is entirely cured of catarrh of the head of two years standing. We have ued Peruna as a general tonio as well as for catarrh and are well pleased with It and recommend It to anybody who has catarrh." The Mothers Hold Fe-m-na in High Esteem, Not only because It has cured them, of their various aliments, but becauue It promptly rescues the children from the throes and grasp of catarrhal disease, We have In onr files many testimonials from mothers whose children hava been curod by Peruna. However, the largo majority of mothers who ut peruna, we never hear from.

But we do hear from a great number of mot hers who are so overjoyed at some special good they have received from Puruna that they cannot restrain cnlhUHiasm. They are anxious to sbans titese benefits wlta Other mothers. again In the Interest of the denominational ehlblt. It has been dechb-d that Mr. Wellford will not have tlm to go abroad before the opening of the Exposition.

Social-Personal iMJLIUULaJLjUULajL Miss Janle Clay has returned from a visit to Tarboro, N. C. Miss Clara Marshall returned to her home In Richmond lost nlgtit after visiting her cousins, the Mlaso Marshall, here. Mr. L.

A. Meyers left yesterday for Baltimore on a business trip. CNefjIpelnsiereIi8hrdlu hrdl taolli a Mrs. I P. Stearnes has gone to, Richmond to undergo treatment! the Memorial Hospital.

Mr. Judson Mapp has gone lo Ac-comao to bring home Mrs. Mapp and their little daughter, who have been spending several weeks with relatives. In Accomac. Mr.

Al H. Fisher, district for the fourth civil service district, spent yesterday In this city on hns- iuess. Frosted Post Cards Barred. Postmaster W. T.

Hopkins has; been notified toy the post office department that post cards ornamenfem with particles of glass, mica and other similar substances liable Injure the persons of those handling mall, are to be barred from the malls. REACHING TIIE SPO'i It Can be Done, so Scores of Ncv- port News Citizens Say. To cure an aching back. The pains of rheumatism. I The tired-out feelings, YoK must reach the Byot get nt the cause.

In most cases 'tis tha kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for tin? kidneys. Geo. R. Abbott, carpenter of CK Twenty-ninth street.

Newport News, says; "I had rheumatism in my legs so acute some days that 1 could scarcely walk, rt struck me that if Dean's Kidney Pills performed hair what they promised and were a clflo In removing uric acid from my system they might help to tide over the last attack and I was readily inclined to go to Allen's drug store ir a box. If they had not performed exactly what they promised I would be the Inst resident of Newport News publicly recommend the From Pe-ru-na Can Naver Be Put Into Words. The chronic ailments it has prevented, the suffering it has mitigated, will never be fully recorded. at least this much can be said that the coming' generation owes a groat debt to Peruna, for it is in tho t'-utlar years of youth that slight ailmeutsare liable' to develop Into lasting diHeasc, thus blasting the whole career of the individual. The mothers who ore bringing np their children to-day to believe in Peruna are speaking from their experience.

These children brought up to believe in Peruna from the start, will, when they become heads of families themselves, use Peruna wiih unquestioning faith. Newport News, Norfolk Bos-tort. While at, the shipyard a new wheel was placed on the vessel, several new hull plates were put on her hull and her engines were overhauled. Hestia In Port With Cargo. The Brltlth steamer 'Hestia aw rived In port yesterday from Nor-j folk with a small quantity of im- porta whfch sie Is discharging her.

sz irjisr first apnearance or tne liesua at this port- for several months, s'ie having been delayed In Scotland for innm time by the breaklna of tier shaft, which oceured nrar Shannon the vcs-sel was hound here last December. Corinth Surveyed. A survey of the hull of Hip ism steamer Corinth, now In dry dork No. 1. at the rhlpyard.

been made, speelflcations the necessary repairs hw i prepared and 'bids on repa'ring tic-fih'n liavp been asked for. The ves- hull V.i In very had Viape Rni the est of repairing her will amount lr fltiito a lare sum. DESIGN FOR EXPOSITION fT1lnC IC RDDPnifPtW Jinnit ij nwi.u -u o.Z Vlgncttt cf C9ptP.n With Pr files of Pocahontas and Pew- hatan. (Bv Associated. Press.) WASHINGTON, D.

Feb. 28. Postmaster General Cortelyou today approved the design for a one-cent postage stamp, which la to be of the series of stamps commemorative of the Jamestown Exposition, The denominations of tho stamp? OI n.rtUMK- ,1 f. and two-cent. Tho design- of the latter was approved by the postmaster general several uas ago.

The stamps will be rectangular In form, the one-cent being green In color and the two-cent carmine. The one-cent stamp will bear a clgnelte of juun ouiiui nis Dirtn anu ueaui, iomi ami imi, In the upper left-hand corner will be a profile of Pocahontas and In the upper right-hand corner a profile of! Powhatan. Tho two-cent stamp will ar a fine engraving reDresenUng tho binding of tfre'ilrst ael tiers at Jamestown. The ntamps will be placed on at throughout the T'niied' Sfatis on Ai-rll the day of the. oTienlng cf the Jamesiown Exposition.

Mrs 'Mrs. Jam nf Witllnms- WAY) l'el Ws-ii'iehrav nrtcnoon at 1'Ft homo after a hrlsf Dfivis'ls 'child r.m, Mrs. M. E. Drtdsort, of thii cilv aivr Mr.

Fred C. Davis, of 1 i I I i 'n A ChilJ'l Ufa Mr. O. II. 'armor, cv Martinsville, W.

writes: "Our little son, Uarry, is well and hwiitby now td mo thJaU If we do as yon directed u.i, will UcriihU health and prow strong. IV? know tiiot cur litth ton's lite was Sii edby your wonderful medicine, Peruna, and we shall aU ays praise Peruna and use in our tamily wheu "Should we have any more catarrhal trouble Incur family, we shall always writo to you for treatment." Mr. W. r. Mt.

Veruon, writes: "I have used Pcrnna to my entire satisfaction and am exceedingly well phased with tho rcrulU, having suffered greatly with catarrh of Ihe stomach." A REMARKABLE ViREGK BeKImore Cblj'Passerg'r. Trgla's Kjrrow Escape la tefj'yarla. 1 eeucie mm so: khuo If Train Hnd Eeert Ditched on Other Side cf the Track It Would Have Gore Dawn Fifty Feet Into the River. (By Associated Press.) PITTSBURG, Feb. 28.

Train No. 49, on the Baltimore Ohio llall-; Tiud. running 40 miles an hour, was wrecked tonight at Indian Creek, elx miles east of Cotinelsvllle, Pa. T.e engineer was killed and many pas-I eengers injured, Forttmiately the train left the rails to the left and was ditched at the foot of the moun- tains. To the right was a fifty-foot embankment and wafer.

The wrecK- (o()k fre an(, cludinK the private cap of Robert J. Finney, superintendent of the Pitta-'lung division, was burned. A long idisiunce telephone message to the Associated Press it was one of. the most remarkable accidents on1 record Inasmuch as only one person was killed. It Is said to be even' more remarkable than the wreck of the Pennsylvania Special on the Pennsylvania at Mineral Point last i The engineer.

Wylle lnwln. o. Pittsburg was caught under the wrecked engine and burned, to death before the eyes of the who were powerless to liberate" him. Jnju naggag master, express mesaenr and six passeugers were reriously Injured. About 30 others were cut an 1 bruised.

There were 41 passenger? on t' tra'n Including a party of Baltimore Ohio officials, who were on four of Inspection, Wiien the train U'reo miles east of Indian freok tiie eiis'neer began to speed tip nn endeavor to make up IS minutes lo'd. es-lv In the t-Jt. T'-e train Trnklns ti miles an hutv Sud-ib'-ily the w'lole tra'n sweyed iiVf'i rrin and racking, is. Frrt'irately the train 'ioV 1 c.rirs'e t'j the we'jl from t'C nnd or. nnnlng alons- tv 'nt') a d'feh at the foot of no'jpfii he Cfrs niled in a directly over the.

engine. be of some benefit to others, as feel as though I cannot praise It enough." J. C. Sterling. Mr, Howard Andrew Sterner, iU Caual street, Heading, writes: "I have Peruna in my house all the time and won't bo without It.

It is good for children v. hen they take a cold or croup, It cured my bahy boy of croup. "I have Introduced Peruna Into six families since I received your last letter, and four have seen relief already." Howard Andrew Hterner. Pe-ru-na Protects the Entire Household. As scon as tho value of Peruna is appreciated by evary household, lioth as a preventive and enre, tens of thousands of lives will be saved, and hundreds of thousands of chronic, lingering cases of catarrh will be prevented, The passengers were thrown and tos.sCil about like packages.

Screaming and desperately they managed to break the windows of the cars and gain places of safety just as all the cars became Ignited from the engine and commenced to ibiirn fiercely. Within a few moments all the passengers had got out. Belief trains were "dispatched from Connellsville and the Injured taken to the hospitals there. Train 49 la the Cumberland-Pittsburg accommodation train, leaving Cumberland at 3 p. m.

It wag Cue here itt The wreck occured shortly after o'clock. Talking to the Assocated Press concerning the cause of wreck Superintendent Finney "The wreck was caused bv some part of the engine mechanism hecomlng loosened and dropping to the track throw-Ing the train from the ra'ls." WEMRtCAk mrrr-, The good s.ilp Dockslader, loatioa to the gunwales with minstrel nov- New York, and will arrive In New-1 port on Tuesday March 5th when the cargo will be unloaded and the big show will be at Academy of Music for matinee and nlht performances. Mr. Doekstader this year Is said to have outdone himself In the matter of novelties. lew Dockstader's name has always benn the synonym for a performance full of surprises, but th'n season he promlsia an entertainment eo refreshing in Its new.

tiess as to call forth' the praise of critics DR. COOPER WILL BE QUARANTINE OFFICER Governor Announced Appointment Yesterday, Stttllng An Interesting Context. Governor Swunaon announced yesterday that appointed Dr. William p. Cooper to succeed Dr.

W. F. Creasy as quarantine officer for this port. Dr. Creasy's term of office expires on April 30 and Dr.

Cooper enters upon his duties the following day. The appointment of Dr. Cooper closes an. intN-reKitng contest. Dr.

Creasy was a candidate for re-appointment and Dr. S. W. Hobson being an ap plieant for the position. The term of office Is two yrs.

Gnes North Again. Rev. E. Wellford, pastor of the First Presbyterian church and chairman cf the Presbyterian Jamestown Exposition cotnmttlee, has gone North FEtroarg Coal Slants a Considering Frequent Cslags. BUT VESSELS ESTEflEO P03T Exclusive of Coastwise Freight and Passenger Ships 116 Steamccs.

Schooners and Barges Came Here From American and Foreign Ports. The total shipments of coal from Newport News to porta In the W'est Indies and around the Caribbean Sea during the month of February, ending yesterday, aggregated tons, valued at $100,912. Considering the delays in loading vessels at the Chesapeake Ohio coal piers during the month, occasioned by frequent severe Ktnrms. this Is a comparatively large monthly output, although not quite as Kreat as tne total oi me. snipmems January.

Three steamers, the Egda. Nordkyn ond Lillie. are now In port for full cargoes of coal to be transported to fnrnlnn nnrta niKl Olzllt Or tell HlOrO tM I vessels are Bxpecusu vt luring the month, so that the total output of coal from hero to foreign forts In March should reach 50,000 The following table shows the ship-! rm-nts of coal from this port In teu runry bv countries: Country. Tons, 10,529 7.125 4.81,1 4.S00 4.nn:i 3,113 1,789 Value. 129.331) 19,594 12.967 13.200 11.933 8,551 5.3G7 (Mm Mexico Jamaica Panama St.

Thomas St. Lucia Bermuda German Totals Cereal Exports. The cereal exports from this port during tho month ending yesterday were as Flour 125.C7!) 1-nrrela Cora 282,856 bushels Thursday, Ferubary 28, 1907. Arrived. Steamer Hestia (Ilr.J.

McKelvle. Glasgow via Baltimore and Norfolk to United States Shipping Com pany with merchandise. Steamer Nordkyn Paliimoie- to Rerwind-White Company In ballast. Steamer Ullie (Br.1. ILonklns Und, Coal New Yorkto New River' Coal Company in ballast.

Steamer Essex. McDorman. Provl-enee and Norfolk to Merchants Miners Transportation Company with and meroVaniHse. Steamer Dorchester, Johnson. Pal-flniore trt Merchants- Transportation Company with pass-en aers and merchandise.

Steamer Howard, Chase. Boston and Norfolk to Merchants Miners Transportation Comnany with passengers and merchandise. Steamer Monroe, HultVrs, 'New York and Norfolk tv Old Dominion Steamship Company with merchan-' diKe. I Steamer Mohican, Curry. PhiladeS- l.hia and Norfolk to Clyde 'Steam-J rhlr Company' with merchandise.

Cleared. I Steamer Earl of Carrick Elevens, New York Furness, Withy, Company, Ltd. Ssiled. Steamers Gloucester, DIzer, Bal-( t'more; 'Esse. McDorman, Baltimore1; Dorchester, Johnfon, Norfolk Providence: Howard, Clisse.

ualtlmore: Seneca. 0'Kee. Norfolk mihI New York; Hamilton, lioaz, Norfolk New York. Sctiooner! W. Stevens, Stevens, Mayport, Fla.

Clerriar for This Dav. in r'scs 34 a. m. Sun seles Illph water Low water .6:01 p.m. .11 a.

:41 p. m. .5:13 a. 537 p. m.

GLOUCESTER LEAVES YARD. Merchsn A. Micers Lirer Has Been ThorourMy Ovirijoiled. The Aierchents AliniTu has-bee errtop. poinc f-tens'vo flt.

the lcni Bi1pvi.i, milled veMrf'-itr rnorn'n" fr and will lodtiv hrr rc'ilnr ruiis between Mat cl Totals 30,472 $100,912 'many ship enured from foreign ports Hundred and Glxteen Vessels Not Including Regular Liners in Port During February. Dnring the mouth of February total of 110 vessHs, not Including coastwise nnd passenger vessels, entered this port from foreign and American porta. Of this number there were earners, 21 schooners and :10 barges. The following table shops the number and net tonnage of.

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