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Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota • Page 5

Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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August 6, 1944. THE SUNDAY ARGUS-LEADER, SIOUX FALLS, S. D. 5 Sunday, -Henson Photo SMILES THIS PAIR for their Pictured husband Mrs. and Terrence daddy is Mac alive, ALL in Germany.

are Wilwen though a prisoner 22-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Williams, of wife of the liams, former Sioux Falls residents, and 1 his 21-month-old son TerReported missing in action. since June 14, Capt.

Williams Gettysburg, rence Mac, jr. P-38 fighter over Europe, when he was seen to parachute vas piloting a Netherlands. Mrs. Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

George ever 308 North Duluth accompanied by her son, has been visthe R. Barnett, and is expected home today. Capt. Williams holds the ting in Gettysburg, DFC with oak leaf clusters and other honors. Air Medal, the How to Avoid the Handbag Tax APPROACHING marriage of BETROTHED: Mr.

and Mrs. H. Miss Mary Beth Carter, daughter of F. Christopherson, 928 West Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd S. Carter, 1616 ty-third announce the engageSouth Seventh to PFC. Donald ment of their daughter, Joyce, 1 to Ulmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Corp. George D. Fowler, son of Ulmer, Moorestown, N. is an- Mr.

and Mrs. George D. Fowler. of nounced today by her parents. The Glendale, Calif.

Miss Christopherpride, holding a local in son was graduated from WashingSioux Falls, is a graduate of Wash- ton high school, attended Nettleton Ington high school and Nettleton Commercial college, and is now emBusiness college. The wedding will ployed by a local farm loan firm. She (oke place September 3 in the chapel is a member of Nu Phi Mu sorority. Bryan Field, where Pvt. Corp.

Fowler recently graduated from Ulmer is stationed with the AAF. gunnery school at Yuma, and is now stationed at Lemoore, Calif. DORIS FEAY TO GO TO WEST COAST FOR HER WEDDING CEREMONY Miss Doris Feay, daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs. Henry S.

Feay, 1620 West Twelfth will leave today for Fort Ord, where she is to become the bride of Sgt. Charles Graham, on of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.

Graham, (412 West Seventeenth Sioux Falls, who has recently returned rom service in the south Pacific with the 147th field artillery. The redding is to take place shortly after Miss Feay's arrival there and the couple will live at 453 Van Buren Monterey, Calif. Sgt. Graham is stationed in the west at replacement center. RAW VEGETABLES For a time and vitamin-saver try nerving some vegetables raw.

Carpots, turnips and celery can be sashed, cut into thin strips, chilled until needed and served as a finger food. Sprinkle with salt. They can "dunked" in a savory salad cressing lightly pepped up with chili sauce or catsup. Prepare some these vegetables, sprinkle with eater, chill covered, over night and out into the lunch boxes that go work and to school. Cauliflower good the same way.

Wash well and separate into flowerets. For a sandwich mixture, chop the raw egetables and moisten with salad By DOROTHY ROE AP Fashion Editor That per cent tax comes as a jolt, doesn't it, when you go out shopping for a new fall bag? The only way to avoid it is to make your own. You can save money, provide yourself with a brand new hobby and wind up with something handsome and original for carrying around your compact, lipstick, ration books, driving license and cash, if any. Needlework stylists have worked out some wonderful new patterns in out-size crocheted bags and matching hats that any crochet fan can run up in a few evenings at pinmoney cost. Directions for making may be obtained at most needlework counters in department stores or specialty shops.

TOMATOES ARE TOPS When citrus foods are less plentiful see that the family gets enough vitamin by serving tomatoes often. Other good sources of this vitamin are fresh cabbage, greens of all kinds, green peppers, fresh berries, melons, and even new potatoes. Tanganyika will gather 109,000 tons of sisal this year. THE Gift DIAMONDS When you give a diamond you give more than a beautiful jewel, for a diamond ring is made for memories. The endearing sentiments of love and respect last as does the sparkling beauty of the diamond itself.

FRANK HYDE JEWELRY CO. Diamond King of South Dakota 0 Beauty Editor Answers Some Queries Today By ANTOINETTE DONNELLY (Copyr. 1944: By News Syndicate Inc.) Today's column is devoted to answers to readers' beauty queries. M. Apply cologne, perfume, or toilet water directly to skin.

Light, floral bouquets are best summer choices. Application to skin does away with staining clothes, and it preferred because body heat intensifies scent. V. To keep skin from becoming dry and taut after tanning, lubricate well with a good emollient cream at night. During day try using a rich, creamy sun tan lotion as a temporary powder base.

R. The answer to your vacation hair grooming problem is a dry shampoo. Take one with you. Dry shampoos do a good cleansing job, and they do not ruin your set. Drug stores and department store cosmetic counters carry them.

W. Thickened nail polish will have a smoother consistency if after you have thinned it with nail polish remover, you let it stand a few hours before using. Did you know nail polish makes an excellent "paint" for old buttons, earrings and other costume jewelry pieces? B. An eye cream or oil, smoothed on lids and temples, where tiny crow's feet lines often appear, is soothing and smooths out tiny wrinkles around eyes. Wear good sun glasses or wide brimmed hat to minimize glare.

Rita: To reduce hips and abdomen: Sit on floor, legs out straight. Clasp hands behind neck. Bend at waist and touch right elbow to left knee. Return to original position, then bend and touch left elbow to right knee. Do 20 to 30 times.

G. There's no rule against shampooing hair once or twice weekly in hot weather. In fact, it's highly recommended, because of perspiration, bathing, and outdoor dirt collected while going hatless. B. A wet pumice stone to rub off rough skin edges around nails is better than, cutting, for cutting tends to let skin grow back hard and, in some cases, jaggled.

City Briefs Lawrence Benard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Benard, 2024 South Main has been promoted to captainat Camp Shelby, Miss.

Inducted in June, 1942, he was graduated in March, 1943, from Ft. Benning, as second lieutenant and in October, 1943, was promoted to first lieutenant. Robert M. Martin, apprentice seaman, West Fifth is in training at the Maritime Service training station, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.

Edwin C. Scott, 23, 703 South Cleveland has been enrolled in a course at the Electrical Naval training school, Iowa State college, Ames, being selected as the result of aptitude tests given at Great Lakes, Ill. Shipley's Laundry. It's phone 4. Recently enrolled at the Radio Naval training school at Northwestern university, Evanston, is James F.

Corcoran, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Corcoran, 1404 West Ninth st.

Corned beef and cabbage dinner. including drink, 35. Dinty's Place, 7th and Main. Come in and get your membership card to Dinty's Maggie Jiggs club--it's free. Ens.

Virgil Lokke, 29, son of Mrs. L. M. Lokke, 1311 South Prairie whose wife lives at 1500 South Duluth will be graduated from the Naval Reserve' indoctrination school, Tucson, after completing 60 days of training in seamanship, navigation, ordnance and communications. "Enna Jetticks," Devers Shoe Co.

Pvt. Gene Sigler, son of Mr. and Menlo has arrived in Sioux Falls from Camp Campbell, to spend a 15-day furlough. "Bostonians." Devers Shoe Co. Steve Kahler arrived home Saturday night from Camp Pickett, to spend a two-weeks' furlough with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. Kahler, 1509 South First ave. He visited his brother Jack and family at LaFayette, en route home.

Anderson Flower Ship. Phone 367. After being graduated from the adjutant general's school, Ft. Washington, Robert B. Schnaidt has been promoted to technical sergeant, fourth grade at his new base, Camp Livingston, La.

He recently spent 14 days with his parents, Mr. Mrs. G. A. Schnaidt, 917 West Tenth st.

Dr. L. H. Tautman, Dentist, 203 Boyce-Greeley Bldg. Phone.

1376. Corp. Wayne F. Stuck, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Stuck, 2111 South Grange is attending an army air force combat crew training school at Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. Shipley's Dry Cleaners. It's phone 4 Aviation Cadet Marvin J. Christiansen, son of Mr. and Mrs.

William Christiansen, Rt. 2, has reported at the Big Spring, bombardier school to begin training. 100 ENGRAVED iting CARDS Genuine engraved cards on plain or paneled vellum. Choice of 67 styles of engraving. $195 PLATE INCLUDED! Order your cards today.

WILL A. BEACH PRINTING CO. Phillips Ave. at Seventh Phone 124 S-Sgt. Kroger Arrives in State to Join Bride Former Melbourne, Australia, Girl, Phyllis McLaughlin, Comes to Sioux Falls to Await SoldierHusband Here awaiting her husband's return home from Australia is pretty Mrs.

Clarence Kroeger, the former Phyllis McLaughlin, of Melbourne, Australia. One of the first 90 war brides to be sent to the United States by American men overseas, Mrs. Kroger landed in San Francisco three months ago. Since leaving her husband last November, the bride has not seen her husband, when as a member of the 147th field artillery headquarters battery, he was sent to New Guinea. After a nine-weeks courtship she married the former Flandreau son of Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. Kroger, October 7, 1942. Mrs.

Kroeger re-. ceived a wire July 30 from Sgt. Kroger that he had landed in the United States and will soon be in South Dakota. He has never received one of her letters since he left Australia and is anxiously awaiting 8 reunion here. Mrs.

Kroeger is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Feay, 1620 West Twelfth st.

August 10th to See Start of Perseids Begin to Appear Late in July--Called 'Tears of St. Lawrence' By J. HUGH PRUETT Astronomer, University of Oregon Despite the noise of bursting bombs and the terrifying illuminations of war, not all the speeding lights of the night are intent on cruelly destroying earth's creatures. Each year, without fail, watchers of the sky are cheered by the noiseless, merry flights of the Perseid meteors across the blue of the August sky. In some countries these yellow meteors, tracing long arcs across the sky, are known as the "tears of Saint Lawrence." Although the Perseids actually begin to late in July, not until appear, is the display very noticeable.

The maximum numbers usually appear on the nights of the 10th, 11th, and 12th. But even then the term "shower" is misleading. These meteors, traveling in the orbit of Tuttle's comet, are likely disintegration products from that comet. The Perseids seem to be quite evenly distributed around the entire orbit, which is so large that over 100 years are required for each individual meteor to make the round trip. The earth the Perseid orbit once a Then many of touches, these dark bits of matter dash into the earth's atmosphere and, heated by friction, are destroyed in a "blaze of glory" and are lost forever to the meteor stream.

Under the most favorable conditions one person may count 60 or 70 of these in an hour. When sky conditions are favorable, the highest hourly count of Perseids may usually be obtained during the few hours before dawn. This year, however, the last quarter moon will interfere with morning counts, but fair counts may be obtained before midnight. In order to see most nearly the maximum at any hour, one must his eyes constantly on the sky. Casual glances skyward may show only a few.

A reclining chair in a dark spot is recommended. Dr. Chas. P. Olivier of the University of Pennsylvania, who is president of the American Meteor society, is again this year asking for volunteers to count the Perseid meteors.

All who wish to help are asked to send their reports to the writer at 1832 Longview Eugene, Ore. Please state the date, giving hour of beginning and ending the count. Thousands of Arabs in Hadrimault, 120 miles from the coast of Aden, have been saved from famine by grain flown to them by army flyers. Wedding Irritations SPECIAL OFFER in Genuine Engraved Wedding Invitations and Announcements 95 for 50 The most exquisite wedding announcements or invitations you have ever seen are now on display in our stationery department. 50 engraved announcements or invitations, $8.95 to $16.75.

50 printed announcements or invitations, $6.50. Will A. Beach Printing Co. Phillips Ave. at Seventh Phone 124 S.

F. BOY AND AUSTRALIAN BRIDE: Clarence Kroger, who has seen nearly two years service in the south Pacific with the 147th field artillery, is pictured here with his bride, the former Phyllis McLaughlin of Melbourne, Australia. The bridegroom has landed in San Francisco and will be soon en route to this city to join his bride and visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Kroeger of White i in Summer Is Distinctive By VIVIAN BROWN AP Features Writer COMES HERE TO LIVE: A bride of midsummer, who has arrived in Sioux Falls to make her home, is Mrs. George Stephano. She is the former Eleanor Giana Kopulos of Chicago. Following the marriage in the Greek Orthodox Church of the Ascension in Chicago and a wedding reception at the Belmont hotel, Mr.

and Mrs. Stephano spent their honeymoon at Mackinac Island. They are now at home in the Blackstone apartments. Midsummer Wedding Service for South Dakota Lieutenant Former Member of 147th Field Artillery Takes California Girl as Bride After Return to States From Combat Zone Santa Cruz, Aug. a beautiful setting about the high altar of Holy Cross church, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Miss Nelli Rosolinda Zoccoli and Lt.

Lloyd Sherman of Sioux Falls, S. plighted their marriage vows. The service was read by Rev. Father Keane. The altar was arranged with lovely pink dahlias and at the side of the altar was an arrangement gained from the placing and massing of the long stemmed gladioli with their myriad salmon blooms.

At the pipe organ was Diana Erbacher and to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin the bridal party moved up the broad aisle of the church to be met in front of the altar by the bridegroom and his attendants. The bride was on the arm of father, Robert Zoccoli, who gave her away and was lovely in her bridal gown of ivory satin en train. There were long pointed sleeves and a long row of satin covered buttons at the back. The long veil also en train was caught in the coiffure by a crown and the net of the long veil was edged with wide bands of lace. The only ornament was a golden necklace with locket.

The arm bouquet gracefully fall- TO SAVE CLOTHES LAUNDER CAREFULLY You should wash clothes in washing machines just long enough to get them clean. Follow the directions which come with the machine or those you have learned from your own experience. Jot down your own findings. Over-washing wastes power and is often hard on clothes. Bed linens, table linens and slightly soiled articles will get clean in from 6 to 7 minutes washing.

Clothes that are moderately soiled will require from to 9 minutes. Very soiled clothes like overalls will need about 15 minutes. ing was of the pure white gardenias arranged and bordered with waxen-like bouvardia and caught with delicate green ferns. The bride was met at the altar by the bridegroom, the best man, Sgt. Ray McLaughlin of the United States artillery, from South Dakota, and his other attendants, Sgt.

Obed Olsen of South Dakota, from Ford Ord, also of the field artillery, and Andrew Dienesch of the United States navy, of Akron, Ohio. The couple, following the reception, left on their wedding trip. The going-away gown of the bride was a stylish blue and white dressmaker suit with black accessories. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Zoccoli, a highly esteemed family, She attended the local schools, was graduated from the Cruz high school and attended the junior college at Salinas, and in Salinas has been the private secretary in the employment bureau. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Sherman of Goodwin, S. and his mother came here to attend weding. He was graduated from the Goodwin high school and the commercial college at Sioux Falls, and was with the Western Surety company of Sioux Falls, S. D. He is a lieutenant in the air corps, ordnance department, and has seen active service in Australia and New Guinea.

On his next leave Lt. and Mrs. Sherman will 1 go to Sioux Falls and Goodwin, his boyhood home, for a honeymoon. STUFFED FISH As a change from fried fish, try stuffing and baking the fish instead. Or perhaps you might like to bake fish fillets in milk.

Try broiling fish steaks, basting once or twice with melted margarine to which lemon juice and a little minced onion have been added. SHARE YOUR UTENSILS Why not organize a block or apartment plan for sharing sweepers, washing machines, lawn mowers and other equipment which cannot be bought at present? BRIDE RETURNS: Mrs. John O. Stavenger (Audrey Nelson) and Lt. John Stavenger have arrived here from Texas following their marriage on July 1.

They are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Nelson, 712 West Twenty-eighth and Mr. and Mrs. Nick.

Stavenger of Luverne, Minn. Lt. Stavenger leaves for overseas this week. Mrs. Stavenger will remain with her parents.

LOOK OVER LEMONS WHEN FRUIT BUYING In buying, look for lemons with fine-textured skin, heavy for their size. Yellow lemons may be juicier, but are not so high as greenish yellow lemons in acid content which gives tangy flavor. Limes should be firm, not soft and mushy. Look for limes with smooth, glossy rind, thin skins, fine grained and juicy pulp. Lemons and limes are both rich in Vitamins the anti-scurvy vitamin, which helps to keep the gums and teeth healthy.

Use lemons and limes often not only for making cooling drinks, but for flavoring other dishes. COMPLEXION TIPS Always apply cleansing cream in an upward, outward, circular motion. Remove carefully with cleansing tissues. Use warm water and a good, mild soap to remove all traces of the cream from the pores. For oily skin, a skin freshener can follow this routine.

Whats your NAME? Is Your Name Agnes Ellen Alice Elsie Alma Emma Anne Emily Barbara Esther Beatrice Ethel Bernice Eva Betty Evelyn Blanche Florence Carol Frances Catherine Gertrude Charlotte Gladys Clara Grace Cora Harriet Diana Hazel Dolores Helen Dora Irene Doris Jane Dorothy Jean Edith Joan Edna Josephine Elaine Juanita Eleanor Judith Elizabeth Julia Ella June Will A. Beach Phillips at Seventh A dash of white is summertime fashion distinctior. But if you want to win applause for eye-catching smartness. you must pledge yourself to keep dickies, jabots, gilets, collars, cuffs, vestees, pique beanies, half hats and fabric gloves immaculately crisp and fresh. You may be only an amateur washbowl laundress but you can still keep all you whites gleaming.

If there are any specially soiled spots, rub them gently with a soft brush and thick soap suds. Wash cottons and linens in hot water. Make a two-inch suds and dissolve bluing flakes directly in the suds. Fabric gloves should be laundered often and should never be allowed to become so soiled they are hard to get clean. Wash off the hands to prevent seam threads from breaking.

Do not wring or twist. Smooth into shape and hang evenly over a bar or on a flat surface to dry. To give your frou-frou a crisp, satiny smooth surface, add quarter of a cake of a prepared wax -like product to each quart of medium starch. This makes it unnecessary to dry starch things and then sprinkle. You can then iron while they're still slightly damp.

When these frills are ironed, pin them to sheets of heavy paper which can be piled on top of each other without mussing. BUTTONHOLES BY YARD If you can't find a prewar, extra length slide fastener for your slip covers, you can get closed buttonand-buttonhole tape sold by the yard at your local sewing center. THOROUGH DUSTING To dust carved furniture or hardto-reach corners, treat a small paint brush with furniture polish. Allow polish to dry brush before using. Dorotte BEAUTY SHOP Featuring Nationally Adv.

Over Permanents Newberry's Phone 710 your first name is one of the hundred most popular feminine first names on our list. you are fortunate. That means you can have GENUINE ENGRAVED personal name stationery at the lowest cost in history. 25 sheets and 25 plain envelopes to match, only $1.00 Stop in and examine our new of engraved stationery in $1.00 boxes. On This List? Katherine Olive Laura Patricia Lillian Paula Lois Pauline Lola Pearl Lorraine Peggy Louise Phyllis Lucy Rae Mabel Rita Mae Rosalie Margaret Rose Marie Ruby Marion Ruth Marjorie Sally Martha Sarah Mary Shirley Maxine Sue May Sylvia Mildred Thelma Miriam Theresa Mollie Vera Muriel Victoria Nancy Violet Nell.

Virginia Norma Vivian Printing Co. Phone 124.

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