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Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota • Page 1

Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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BUYERS warn TO NEW DAILY ARGUS LEADER Readers end Advertisers recognize that the Argus-Leader is FIRST by merit. 'SOUTH DAKOTA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER" It's NOW, more than ever, that the most for your money counts 'with Argus-Leader Service. TWENTY-TWO PAGES SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1924. nios a elm Oa tnlu and Vsws Ituti nn Immig Senate Votes 76-2 Jo-RejectlGentlemen's Agreement With Japan on a 1 U.ftVII 1 1 i WILL COMING TO AMERICA NEW LEADS DEVELOP IN TEAPOT DOME AND DAUGHERTY PROBES IN CAPITAL 3w i i I j. VOTE IS REBUKE FOR AMBASSADOR AND HIS PROTEST Hughes Calls at White House Twice During Senate Debate But Mission Not Explained TO ADOPT Jap Exclusion Clause of Johnson Bill Sure to Be Adopted, Observers Say WaaMnrton' 15.

(By The As nociated Press) Presaging the adoption today of a Japanese exclusion ameim-ment to the pending- Immigration bill, n9t late yesterday rave em phatic answer to Ambassador Hanlbara's nrotest by voting. 7 tu 2, to i.r.f nronosal that would have th rent lemen's agreement, fnollds-e'a Intentions with reference to the bill when It reaches him have riot been made known, ine aa mii.ivr.tlon has oDDOsed Japanese ex in.inn often consistently heretofore tii gentlemen's agreement amend ment rejected yesterday was drafted by .1 immla-ratlon committee to meet In some measure Its objections. Tmihiiinn leaders, however, said pn vsiely they thought the executive would sign the measure. rn at Wlilte Bona Secretary Hughes called at the white house twice while the senate was ill -cussing the committee amendment and the ambassador's" action' but fto imrrnn- inn wan el yen as to the subject or sun inin'i nt hla conferences "With the Many senate leaders had predicted that an exclusion provision wouia do adopted despite the stand and that sufficient votes would be available to override a possible veto but the overwhelming count against tne amendment yesterday was clearly a re suit of the Hanihara Called "Telled Threat" Amonir the votes changed from sup' port of the amendment by the protest which was described as a "veiled throat," were those of Senator Lodge nf Massachusetts, republican leader, and chairman of the foreign relations com mittee, and Senator Heed, republican, Pennsylvania, who has charge of the ii-imlirratlnn hill on the floor. Senator Reed announced during the discussion that exclusion amendment similar to the provision incorporated in tlie bill passed by the house would be drafted for presentation today, reducing the probabilities of long drawn but negotiations when the senate and house measures are taken Into conference to adjust differences.

---Iibu Watohlns IT. S. Toklo. April 15. (Cy The Associated Press Eyes of the Japanese nation todav are anxiously turned toward Wasiilneton and immigration has be' come an all absorbing topic.

The people are following each detail of action In the I'nlted States congress as chronicled In frenuent newspaper extras. Official coiirern already deep as a result of passage by the lower chamber of the Johnson immigration bill was further Intensified by news of the senate's over whelming refusal to indorse the 'gen tlemen's agreement. A cabinet meeting was held to discuss the problem after which, according to vernacular newspapers, 'new Important instructions' were dispatched to Japa rese Ambassador lianlhara at Washington The question was considered also a meeting of the Koseikal and parties in the house of peers and of both parties demanded stiffening of the foreign office's attitude in the matter. Regret Envoy's Statement In some quarters there was a deposi tion to regret Ambassador Hanihara reference to 'grave consequences" If the pending measure providing for exclusion of Japanese immigrants from the I'nlted States should become a law. It is felt a milder translation of the Japanese expression would have been betior and more accurate.

fi IS SANE, DOCTORSTESTIFY Jhysician Says Slayer of Stanford ite Fully Able to Man- age Own Affairs I'lnladelphla. April 15 Cross examination of Dr. Charles IC Mills will be continued today when the Jury trial to the sanity of Harry K. Thaw Is re-s'lnied. Dr.

Mills yesterday maintained, under cross examination by counsel for he trustees of Thaw's estate, that sane, fully compotent to nanaEe his affairs and that some of mental faculties were above the average. th witness at the open ng session of the case, said he for 11 nd had -i'i numerous examinations of him. sana.n-i',d believed him sane and had never found anything to tie contrary. oHw alienists who rs-of hi. th "Quest In r1 wer Pcted to testify ADMITS FORGING NOTE 1 'V Mrs.

Myrtle Bowman Hayes snapped In ths courtroom when she appeared and pleaded guilty to charges of forg ing the name of Charles M. Schwab, millionaire steel magnate, to a note for 6S6.000. OMAHA FIRM OF ORDER BUYERS TO MOVE HERE SOON Schwartz Co. Coming on Sioux Falls Market May 1, Manager England Announces NEW LIFE TO MARKET Buyers See Advantages of Get ting Hogs of Better Class, Wanted in East Aa announcement which means a new impulse for growth and progress of ths Sloux rails stockyards was mads today when It was mads known that Schwartz It 'second largest buyers oa the Omaha stockyards, will mve to Slonz rails and open business on the looal market May 1. This Is ths definite assur- anos of Olenn W.

England, general manager of the Sloux rails Stockyards company, who has been negotiating with Schwarts It Co. for soms time. Schwartz Co. are Independent order buyers with many packer clients In tho east, and have been on the Omaha market for 17 years. It Is reported from good authority that they are responsible and well known buyers, conspicuous for fair dealing.

They are hog buyers exclusively. Market "Coming Back" Their coming to Sioux Falls perma nently as buyers on -the local stockyards gives a new Impulse to the market here and means the "coming back" of the local institution, which up to Isst summer showed such remarkable growth In the seven years since the market was established. The firm is composed of C. Schwartz and his son, II. P.

Schwartz. C. Schwartz is now In the east calling on various large and small packers who are their clients. II. P.

Schwartz will come to Sloux Falls first and open the business May 1, and probably employ ocal men In their organization. Better Class Hogs Seeking the advantages of locating here and buying at the Sloux Falls stockyards, Schwartz Co. learned that the railroad facilities are as good here as elsewhere, the rates are practically the same, and above all that they obtain better class of hogs here, the kind wanted In the east Speaking of the coming of the new buyers. Manager England of the stockyards satd today, "I can say that the Schwartz Co. Is one of the best and most respected order buying firms tn the country.

Ws have been negotiating with them for soma tlms to get them to come here. Now they have decided to come here, and their coming will give new life to the Sioux Falls market and have a tendency to bring in other buyers." GOV. SMITH OF NEW YORK DEMOCRATIC POSSIBILITY Albany, N. April 15. Alfred E.

Smith, governor of New Tork, today re ceived from his democratic colleagues In ths state ths first official recoghl tlon In New Tork Stats of the posstblt- of nl becoming a democratlo presl dentlal candidate In delivering the keynote address to ths democrato stats, convention aembled today to select delegates and alternates at large to ths national eon' ventlon, former- Supreme court Justice D. Cady Herrlck definitely set hint forth I "'4 i i BE USED AS BASIS FOR NEGOTIATIONS Agreement as to Date of Confer, ence With Allied Governments Will Be Fixed Soon EflGLAFIO IS SATISFIED McDonald and Baldwin Agree Experts' Report Furnished Way for Agreement Berlin. April 15. (By The Associated Press) The German cabinet today de. elded to accent the exnerta' renort basis for negotiations and to inform the reparation commission to this effect.

This Is in line with ths attitude taken by the conferees at yesterday's meeting between the central government and the premiers of the federated states. The government has instructed Ir. Fisher of the Oerman war burdens commission in TarJs, to notify the reparation commission that Cermany la pre pared to resume negotiations on the basis of the experts' reports. It makes no suggestion with respect to the man. ner In which the parleys aer to be resumed that these will be Initiated through oral discussions shortly after ins uaster holidays.

British Satdafied London. April 15 (Bv The Assorlat. Press) The first official expression of opinion of the reparation experts' report from Prime Minister MacDonald came the house of commons today when he anno-meed that the rovern- mioiil nan raniru wnn greatest satisfaction of the unanimous sianlna- of the A t. 1 1... experts'.

finding. "The practical value of the annlica. blllty of the experts' conclusions ami the methods they recommend," continued Mr. MacDonald, "have, moreover, received prompt and unreserved recognition by their unanimous adoption by the reparation commission on April 11, subject to the willingness of the German government tor cooperate in their execution One Feature Stressed "The British government feels that the, reports, supported by such authority, must command general assent' and that there will be a universal desire to use the opportunity which such documents give to end the existing feature deserves special empha sis. It la explicitly stated in the re port of the first committee that It li an Indivisible whole and that the signatories' In the terms renounce all re.

sponslblllty If certain of their reservations are adopted and others rejected." Baldwin for Beport Ills majesty's government." sdde the prime minister, "attach ma much porta nee to the agreed recommendations which can be- brought Into Immediate operation that the yare prepared for their part to support the scheme in its entirety, provided all the other parties concerned are willing tn tnir thA course and on April 10 they communicated that view to the governments concerned Including the United States." After the prlmd" minister had made his announcement on the experts' report, Stanley Baldwin, his conservative predecessor, declared the premier would nave the united support of the British people in his attitude. This declaration was received with cheers. DENIES NEW TRIAL TO ALLEGED WIFE SLAYER Miller, April 15. Judge Taylor has refused a new trial to A. J.

Ferguson, convicted last year of murdering his wife, and sentenced by Judge McNen- ny to 20 years In the penitentiary. The case will now be appealed to tha supreme court and pending a decision from that body the accused man will In the near future be taken to Sloux Falls to begin serving his term. It Is now nearly a year and a half sines ths crime was committed. 60,000 STARVING RUSSJN CHINA Much Has Been Done to Relieve Suffering of Refugees But More Assistance Needed Geneva, April 15. The league of nations has discovered that In China destitute Russian refugees are desperately in need of relief.

Much, has been done already by the Chinese' and Japanese governments and by private organized charities Including American but the great problem of permanently caring for the refugees must be faced. Ten per cent of the refugees are women and children. They are spread throughout China and medical assistance is available for them only In ths large towns and cities. They live in tin-' hyglenla conditions, have Insufficient clothing and no money. Advices from league agents pay a great tribute to the fortitude of these hapless Russians whose stoical endurance Is described as amazing.

Senator Spencer Offers Record of Series of Questions Asked of Denby But Committee Votes Them Down Ballard Gives Testimony Waslhngton. April 15. (By The Associated Press) Resuming Us public hearings, the senate oil committee today listened to a recital of the chronology of the navy oil leases from D. A. MUlrlck of the general land office.

He was called by Senator Spencer, republican, of Missouri. Senator Spencer offered for the record a series of 23 Questions concerning the oil leases answered by Secretary Denby at the request of house members but the committee voted, three to two. against admitting them. Xatnon Had Ambitions H. Ballard of Angeles, who Identified himself as an oil man.

told the committee that, In 1920, Jake Ha- mon, republican national committee man from Oklahoma. -said to him "that Oen eral Wood wanted to be president and that If Wood could 'be nominated he would appoint a certain man as secre' tary of the Interior." Hamon had ambitions to be secretary of the interior." Ballard said. Hamon gave him the Impression, he declared, -that big oil men In California would help him to develop Teapot Dome. Later. Ha Hard said.

Hamon told htm the combination was too strong" for him; "the Sinclair interests beaten him to the that the stake was Tcanot Pome." The witness said Hamon -had t-elated that the proposition on Teapot had been put tip to. General Wood and Tie iaa fused to listen to It. Ballard said Ha' mon also had said -Fall was to be see. retary of the Interior but that Warren G. Harding knew nothing about "the deal that had been put over." The witness said he was not a close friend of Hamon but that the later had made the statements to hlm.when he was angry and disappointed.

niTCHELL ELECTION TRIANGULAR CONTEST Mitchell, April 13. An unusually large vots Is being oast today in VltohaU's annual olty election because of the triangular contest for mayor between John Broadbent, merchant, J. B. Williams, life Insurance agent, and 3. B.

Beese, minister, and because of aldernanlo contest In oaon ward. Ons of the hottest fights is on ths auestlon of continuing lory for 98.S00 for the maintenance of a municipal band, ths question having been placed on ths ballot by petition by opponents of the tax. HOT BACS AT FIXBBa Pierre, April 15. Voters of the capi tal city went to the polls today to select a mayor and two other members of he city commission, which consists of five. J.

E. Hippie and J. II. Thomas, former commissioner, are opposing can didates for mayor. A city justice of the peace and member of the school board will also be chosen today.

WEATHER AND ROAD CONDITIONS TODAY Tuesday o'clock a. m. Sloux Falls Clear. 60; "roads good. Watertown Clear.

66; roads good. Mitchell Clear, 65; roads good. Aberdeen Cloudy, 50; roads good. Pierre Clear. 50; roads good.

Brookings Clear, 46; roads good. Huron Clear, 60; roads good. OFFIGIALVEATHER TBBBMOMlSTBm BABOHBTXBj ABO WI1TD VELOCITY Furnished by J. H. Been told Voluntary U.

8. Observer Official Forecast- South Dakota Rain turning to snow and much colder, tonight; Wednesday unsettled with enow and colder in east portion; fresh to strong shifting winds in south portion. Minnesota Rain or snow tonight or Wednesday; colder In west portion to night and In south portion Wednesday; strong shifting winds. Iowa Showers probable tonight and Wednesday; warmer In east and colder In extreme west portions tonight colder west portion Wednesday; strong shift ing winds. Xioeai Temperature tiiifXk Ta.til.

P- 77 p. m. 66 12 midnight (1 Today a. tn. ft a.

m. tl a. m. 46 12 noon 76 p. m.

14 Wind: 8. 'IS' miles. Barometer, falling vwm President of Chemical Company Admits He Employed Todd Be cause of "Influence" He Had With Department of Juiti Saw Certain Men -Washington, April IS. (By. The As sociated Press) Cecil II.

Kerns." presi dent ef the-Vlctor Drug 4 Chemical Co, of Toledo, Ohio, was called before the senate Daugherty committee today to tell of the circumstances under which he was paroled from the Atlanta peni tentiary in February, of this year. Kerns said he was sentenced tn a liquor con splracy case and had employed John Todd, former law partner of It. M. Daugherty, the former attorney general. Bad "Influence" In Capital Asked by Senator Wheeler If he had employed Todd because thought he had "Influence with the department of justice," Kerns replied: "I most certainly did.

Kerns told of the liquor permit sltua tlon In Ohio, saying he had tslked sev eral times with "Abe Ungerlelder" about disposition of warehouse receipts for 600 barrels of whisky Kerns owned. He said hs sold the whisky to Ungerlelder after the latter had told him he could secure permits because of a 650,000 con trlbutlon he made to ths republican cam palgn fund. Kerns told of organizing the Con solldated Drug Co. to manufacture In toxlcatlng beverages for "medical pur poses. He was told to see "Warren Harnett, a partner of William Halley, and one of the coterie of Ohio people who were handling liquor permits.

Talked Over Situation came the Consolidated Drug plant to talk over the permit sltua tlon." he concluded. "Barnett said they were able to do business on the permits because they had the prohibition di rector appointed and wanted 16,000. If I wanted, permits, the price would be $17 per case." Harnett also was quoted by the witness as saying "they" were able to do bualnrss "through Howard Mantngton and Ralph Cole In Washington." "I told him." Kerns continued, "that the price would be prohibitive." It was Barnett, ho added, who "brought me to Ungerlelder." GAS AT 18 CENTS, BUSINESS IS GOOD Mitchell, April 15 Salts of gasoline at ths state highway depot hero have Jumped to 1,800 gallons dally with ths return of warm weather. Ths station hereafter will bs open for on hour oa Sunday besides ten hours each week day. Ths pries eontlnues at 18c.

aa compared with 84o at private stations. RENEWS ATTACK ON RESIDENT Senator Glass, Democrat, Says Let ter "An Amazing Imputation" on Senate Washington, April 15. (By The Asso ciated Press) The democratic astault upon President Coolldge's letter of last Friday relating to the conduct of In vestigations was renewed In the senate today. Senator Glass, of Virginia, declaring the president's letter to be "an amazing Imputation" upon that body. Denying any purpose to attack the president or the secretary of the treas ury because of their attitude to the Investigation of the Internal revenue bureau, the Virginia senator said he arose to "express In a temperate way the Indignation every senator of spirit must feel." It became known as ths senator was speaking that he had decided on the major points In hh address after con ference with a group of In Influential men of his party both In and out of congress His colleagues were nearly all in their seats and listened to the speech with an air of expectancy which indicated that they regarded the utter ance as Of unusual significance.

STINNES' ESTATE LEFT TO WIDOW; ADVICE GIVEN Berlin. Anrll 15. (Bv The Associated Press) Hugo Stlnnes' fortune Is left to his widow, Claire Stlnnes, nes Wagen-knecht who Is admonished to consult her sons and daughters In all things af fecting the magnate private and busi ness affairs. Ths eldest son. Dr.

Edmund Hugo Stlnnes, will direct the properties In ths Ruhr and Rhlneland while Hugo Herman Stlnnes will oversee the family's Interests at ths headquarters In Berlin and care for ths shipping and foreign properties. Btlnner advice to his widow and children, given while on ths deathbed, was to "stick together" and work for ths "common good." IN CENTER OF STORM a Francis 3. Heney, who won fame as prosecutor in the San "Francisco graft cases, again pops Into the limelight through- his appointment by Senator Couzans, Michigan, as a special exam' Iner In stlleged tax fraud matters. It was this that Jrew from President "Cool Idgo a special message' to the Senate protesting against "government by in yesthfatlon." FAMOUS PIANIST HERE TODAY FOR CONCERT TO fi I GUT Paderewski in Seclusion During Day for Concert Program' at the Coliseum Resting quietly In his private car-on the Omaha tracks today, not seeing visitors and shunning reporters, Paderewski, world famed pianist and former premier of Poland, was Sioux Falls' guest today, coming to give a recital concert at the coliseum tonight at 8 p. m.

It was his first visit to Sloux Falls and South Dakota, and his concert here is the only one In this state or this part of ths northwest. Hundreds of people from over South Dakota, from Sloux City, from points in Minnesota here to aes the famous ptanrit and hear his concert this eve- ning, and that the coliseum will be filled to capacity Is a foregone con clusion. Paderewski arrived In his special railroad coach this morning at 7:20 from St Paul where be gave a concert Saturday evening. Tonight's Program Ths program announced for tonight follows: Fantasia and Fugue, Minor Bach-Liszt 3. Andante con varlazlonl Haydn Rondo, A Minor 4.

Sonata, Minor, Op. II. No. I. Beethoven Largo-Allegro-Andante-Allegretto Variations on a theme by Paga- nlnl Ballads, A Flat Op.

47 Nocturne, Flat, Op. 27 Mazurka, Sharp Minor, Op. (t. Etude, Flat No. Op.

25 -Vales. A Flat On. 24 Chnnln T. Don Juan Fantasia Itaksa Piano "Slag" Paderewski la making his second American tour following an absence of Ore years from ths concert stags, whtls (Continued on page column 7) 1 i A-4 The beautiful Eva daughter of Mint. Curie of radium fame.

Is coming to America for a visit and tlano on- cert tour this summer:" Is nex lat est picture. HEAVIEST VOTE IW HISTORY OF CITY IS POLLED Much Interest, Pleasant Weather Swells Total at Mayoralty Election MAY TOTAL 10,030 Canvass of Polls at 2 P. M. Shows Total Vote of 7,670 Election Orderly Voting In the city election, today to decide which one of three men Is to be mayor of Sloux Falls for the next five years was considerably heavier than any municipal election In the history of the city. At -2 p.

m. approximately 7,500 votes had been, cast, and with three hours before the polls closed at 5 p. m. the day's total. Is expected to be over 10,000.

The largest vote heretofore was In the primary election two years ago when the total was 9361 in the city. Apersonal, canvass, by the Argus- Leader to every voting booth in the city between 1:30 and 2:30 p. m. showed that ,870 votes had been cast. At every booth the judges said a.

steady stream voters had come all day, with many Igns of unusual Interest and activity. No disturbances of any kind were re ported from any quarter, the election being most orderly. Pleasant warm weather aided in getting out a larger vote throughout the day. Automobiles were kept busy carrying people to and from the polls, some bearing the sign "McKtnnon," others with large tor Burnslde, and others with "Egan." These three candidates are running for mayor, and In case no one receives a majority of the votes cast today, there will be secondary election on Tuesday, April 22, between the two highest The tabulation taken this afternoon showed the following number of votes cast In eacn precinct irsj ward 3S5 i 0 470 368 264 23 417 322 309 255 346 250 320 420 509 257 339 801 Second ward Sixth ward, First precinct Sixth ward, second precinct t.ieventn warn, nrsi precinct Eleventh ward. secondDrectnct.

Seventh ward, second precinct Eighth ward, second precinct Eighth ward, first precinct Seventh ward, first precinct Fifth ward, third precinct Fifth ward. 1st precinct Fifth ward, second precinct Fifth ward, fourth precinct Third ward, third precinct Third ward, first precinct Third ward, second precinct Ninth ward, second precinct Ninth ward, first precinct first precinct Tenth ward, second precinct Fourth ward, first precinct Fourth ward, second precinct 190 250 265 266 393 ...7.670 Total TO TJK TOB COSOSESS Minneapolis. April 16. Miss Victoria M. McAlmon, for many years a high school teacher hers and active In labor announced that she would file today on ths farmer-labor ticket as a candidate, for congress Xrm lbs fifth district, 'vaa a presidential possibility..

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