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The St. Joseph Herald from St. Joseph, Missouri • 3

St. Joseph, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ST. JOSEPH DAILY HERALD; SUXDA1T, AUGUST 16, 1890. COJISELU THE PLUM BEX. part of the night. The supp.sed rob- CVDCPTI MP TH UIM bc-rs are large in stature, one, of tbem t-AiCV I ImVJI IV Villi.

HOWL ALL NIGHT. THEY WILL NOT FUSE over six feet and the other al Tpusfee's Sale D. D. BURKES HUSSARS PREPAR most that tall. The larger man wore a dark, short moustacfe, the other was cleanly Both also wore black slouch hats aba dark clothes.

ber of others who were reading extensively on the subject, and predicted that "from now on, the working men who have been buncoed on the money question will be educated until on. election day this free silver bal A PAIR OF DOGS ON SOUTH 17XH STREET CAUSE TROUBLE. POPULISTS PROPOSE TO NOMINATE STRAIGHT TICKET. ING FOR THE ENCAMPMENT. RATTLE OF THE RAILS.

loon will be punctured." "CLOTHING AXD FURNISHING GOODS The Republicans have not paid enough attention to the country dis tricts in the past," said prominent Have Decided Not to Join Issues With, the Democrats Result of "Yesterday's Convention The lie-publican Ticket Nominated on Friday is Considered a Very Strong One Interesting Political Gossip. Republican yesterday. "They ought John Wigert Says Himself and Neighbors Are Greatly Disturbed Over the Conduct of a 'Couple of Canines Owned by Charles Roth They Are Dogs of High Degree, But Tnat Cuts No Figure With Wigert and He Swears Out a Warrant for the Arrest of Roth. Sergeant Farrell of the United States Army at Fort Leavenworth, Will in All Probability Put the Corps of Thirty From. This Point in Winning Form Horses Will Have to be Secured in Minnesota H.

N. Dye Elected Captain; N. G. Ayres, First Lieutenant and R. B.

Beeler Second Lieutenant. to hold more barbecues and picnics. If this was done it would give their speakers and candidates an opportu nity to meet and become acquainted Railroad News of General Interest-Excursion to Excelsior Springs. The Burlington's contract with the Northern Pacific for the interchange of business at Billings, expires September 1. and an is being made to renew it.

The Billings arrangement has operated greatly to the advantage of the jobbing interests of this city, as it has enabled St. Joseph houses to get into the Montana and Washington territory In competition with St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth Chicago, which they were unable to do prior to the Burlington's extension to Billings, as this is the only line out of JSt. Joseph that enables them to reach All Goods MUST Be Sold wan the voters, and to express their views on the issues. Tim is some thing I think should be looked tfter BARGAINS Regardless of Cost.

Now is tho Time to Get by the party managers." The St. Joseph Republican clubs John Wigert and many other residents on South Seventeenth street fay they have been sorely distressed during the hot summer nights when comes not so readily as at other seasons, and this has been agg avated will be well represented at the State league of Republican clubs conven tion to be held at Chillicothe, where The Buchanan county Populists do not intend to fuse with the Democrats on a county ticket, and the general sentiment expressed at their convention yesterday afternoon was that they" will endorse C. F. Cochran for congress, but will name a candidate of their own at "their convention is called for August 31. It was expected that the convention yesterday would put a county ticket in the field, but for various reasons this was not done.

About the renal number gathered at the court house, the campaign will be opened next that territory on an equitable freight rate basis. Under the present arrange The D. D. Burnes' Hussars propose to take the same number of prizes at the encampment of the Uniform Rank of the Knights, of Pythias as they did at Washington two years ago, when the national encampment is held in Minneapolis next month. The boys are getting in fine fettle for tha drill.

They have elected E. Dye, captain; X. G. Ayers, first lieutenant, and R. B.

Beeler, second lieu Wednesdaj-. Chairman 'McBride, who was instructed at the last meeting of the McKinley club, to appoint dele ment Burlington freight cars are taken by the Northern Pacific at Billings and transported over its line. There gates to the Chillicothe convention, is also au interchange of local freight and passengers. The arrangement has has not yet completed his list of appointees. The selections will be made FOR CASH STOEE ISTOW OPEN No.

105 South Fourth St. WILLIAM -L. BUECIILE, Trustee. Famous Clothing Company. also an important bearing on the lum from among the members who will her market, as at present very low attend the convention.

tenant. The division from this point through rates apply via Billings on lumber, shingles, from the great and they discussed the situation quite thoroughly. It was decided after a will be composed of thirty members, by howling kept and onned by Charles Roth cf T08 Soath Seventeenth street. Not only do the dogs howl tha livelong night, but er. ate annoyances during tht day.

At least that is the complaint made at the C.nrral station on yesterday. All the advi.e the desk sergeant could give the distressed neighbors was to swear out a warrant against the owner of the canines for "keeping a barking and howling dog." But the warrant stat.s there are two of the brutes. It is the first time such a complaint has been made to the pjliee, and inas and a better drilled lot of men will not be seen on the grounds. Puget Sound mills to this market, and the bulk of the lumber shipments from the northwest reach this territory via that route. It also gives much faster passenger service between this city and gocd deal of talk that there should be a full county ticket, but thut it was such an important matter as to require time and care in the selection At the competitive drill two years There is considerable dissatisfaction among members of the Bryan and Sewall club.

It is claimed tnat the club is conducted in the interest of a few office holders, and some of the members say they are rired of organizing clubs for the benefit of a few men. Mayer Vories is president of the club, and the secretary of the Democratic county central committee is its secretary All of the committees that are of the candidates. It was therefore ago iu Washington, Sergeant Farrell of Fort Leavenworth had the Hussars in charge, and for a month before the drill came off he worked with them, much as the deck sergeant has been and in a great measure was responsible dcided to put the selection of the ticket in the hands of the executive committee, consisting of W. S. Misse-mer, P.

Holme's, W. E. Irvin, 1. V. Riley, J.

X. Sampson, Frank Jones, a ppointetl, ana an ironors oestoweu, go annoved tn inh' for the victory. An effort will be made1 to secure his services for the coming drill at Minneapolis, and it is Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle and Tacouia than any other line. Colorado passenger traffle is not as heavy this year as last. The report of Joint Agent Flynn, with whom all tickets sold at Colorado summer rates must be deposited, Show's there have been deposited at his Denver office between May 15, and July 30, -2284 tickets; at Colorado Springs, 1053; at Pueblo, 301.

and at Maniton, 05, a total of 4,393 tickets. The Maple Leaf has cancelled its notice that tickets from this territory to St. Paul for the G. A. R.

national en to the efhee holders, and the privates in the ranks are used onlv to swell the hf r.hwuh ad-attendance. These facts were given auLan to.Mfk Jc.n:4 exnreion in an argument yesterday L.i 1 3KaL as xpresiSion in an argument rt I I mi George Doles and several others, WMfe names were not learned. These gentlemen will give the-matter prayerful consideration, and after (selecting when a Republican twitted a member of the club on the fact that the Democrats did not take enough interest in the campaign to hold a meeting, only officered, and although the youngest lamb of the flock, bids fair to rival and excel many of her older sister chapters. Agency Chapter No. 23G, O.

E. S. at Agency, in the first year of its organisation was the banner chapter in the state, iu the percentage of increase of membership. Mrs. Lucy W.

Miller was the first W. M. She is the present D. D. G.

M. of the twelfth district. She has proven herself to be a pleasant, painstaking, careful, efiicieut officer, and will have by far the 'best record to be presented to the Grand Chapter, for amount of work well done, of any D. D. G.

M. Within the past few months, notwithstanding the extreme hard she has organized and set to work three good chapters, viz: King Hill, No. 55, Whitesville, No. 01, and Aurora, No. ul-cu juis was accordingly done and the arrest made.

Roth denied the and says it must be spite on the part of some of his neighbor. onua n-ill i. the ticket will report to the convention width will meet again on Saturday, seven or eight members of their lead August 21, to hear the report. At pr, it it? tin's The viuc up iu tue ponce ers bemg present at its ine court tomorrow mornlnc, mf that time the ticket will be endorsed by the convention, and fairly launched campment would be on sale August 30, and will sell tickets only on the dates set by the Western Passenger Association, September 1, 2 and 3. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Witch Hazel Oil as a curative and healing application.

It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind cr Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant, It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises.

It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters.

Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions. Sore and Chafed Feet, Sungs of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receiptof prioa.

Hi KPURrib' MED. Ill A 1 IS Willba SU, 5w Twfc. WITCH HAZEL OIL reiny was tnat tne memoers or me Tiec.toti ti1P1. lw. T.T i Bryan Sewall club were tired, rest- wort thJ J- -rPrt less and chafing under the dictation of expected the government will grant the request, although it fs unusual.

The strongest competitors for the prizes the home boys will have to contend with will come from Sioux City. That point has possessed one of the finest drilled corps In the world and the victory of the St. Joseph corps two years ago was all the more surprising to them. This year they will ship their horses used in drilling to Minneapolis, while the Hussars will have to engage horses there. In Washington the latter had the use of horses belonging to a troop of regular United States cavalry, and a fine lot of animals they were, it is expected to get as good horses for the coming drill.

Until the time for departure the Hussars will drill two or thrae times a on the jtolitical sea. In the meantime it is said, the Democratic candidates 1., .1,1 tfcn "US 1U liie IUU1 will call on the gentlemen of the com City Passenger Agent Stiles of the Santa Fe estimates that there will be mittee and show them what good e- ti.ov- unhorse these office jesteruay. rr Populists they have always been at quenr trips were made to the noliee noiuers in me uiu tmu ui uj lxi i heart, and how the only way to dawn station by persons who are interested G4, at Gower, besides revising and new one. the Rothschilds is to endorse the suid one way or the other In the outcome Tim LVtirth district Rennhlican con- 01 me case. It undoubtedly will dp- niocra tic ca nd ida tes.

The Buchanan county Populists reinstating Savannah, No. 223. She has earned and well the title of "Queen of the District Deputies." convention will be held in velop into a neighborhood affair, and however, know a thing or two and Turner hall in this city tomorrow, con- according to the persons who called at they are strictly "middle of the road" about 1,000 people go on the Modern Woodmen's excursion to Excelsior Springs today. The train will leave the Union Station at 8:30, immediately after the arrival of the Grand Island's excursion train, which is expected to bring in several hundred people, many of whom will go on to Excelsior Sorings. The 8 o'clock train to Lake Contrary will be' held until 8:30, for the accommodatidn of.

passengers from the Grand Island's territory Who may wish to visit the lake. vening at 11 o'clock. The convention fetation yesterday the keeper of the weeK on juarset square. expected that Sergeant Farrell will ion pef.plo and the candidate who get-? their ticket has got to "show them" will be composed of 79 delegates, of -gs may ne sworn out of court, as far whom 31 will be from this county, 16 as the number of witnesses is con- thorn some time uxt week. He is cm as they are from Missouri froin Nodaway, 11 from Holt, li from cerned.

sidered to be one of the best. If not the According to the statement mude best, drill sergeants in the army. His Andrew. 7 from Atchison and 4 from noth says he has had dogs at his Platte. The convention is expected home before, and no complaint was to be short and business-like, as there before made.

The animals now In his reputation is known all over the United States. are no contentions of any character, possession are of a good breed, and he and the delegates are united and tkor- will not parr with them without a THE HARRISON 'PHONE GOES. In all probability a special train wil; be run from this point to t'le ewaiup- "Woodmen of the World. Olive Branch Camp No. 12.

Woodmen of the World, met last Tuesday evening and initiated forty neophytes into the Protection degree. The attendance was very large, there being a considerable numler over 100 present. Twenty new applications were read and referred to committees. Reports were received from all committees pertaining to the unveiling of monuments on September 13. There will be a large number of initiations next Tuesday.

Cedar Grove No. 2, Woodmen Circle, met last Friday evening. Several new applications were received and referred to committees. Routine business oughly enthusiastic to go into the cam- struggle. Curs in the neighborhood paign with the expectation of winning, have been tolerated by the community, The reorganization "of the eongress'on- he states, and dogs of high degree cer- meut.

The Hussars and their f-idds will make up a party. of sixty, and the yesterday by one of the leaders of the party they will not endorse Mr. Cochran's candidacy for congress, but will put up a man of their own who stands squarely on the Omaha platform. W. S.

Missemcr will probably be the selection made, though there nre several others who would poll the Entire strength of the party in the Fourth tlistiict. The idea is not so much for spoil's as to build up their party, which they claim can only be done by supporting a straight ticket. JJ1! 1 Buy If op MlHEBR 0aarmmMmmmmmwmaBmmammmtmmamtmamamaimmmmma9 al committee will also occur ou that tainly have license to live, G. A. R.

members who a Herd the re-union at the same time a others day. will make up enough to fill a train. BRYAN AND SEWALL CLUB. MISSTATED COUPLES. The parade of the G.

R. will t.vke place on September 2 In St. Pxal, and on the following day will be the pa A Vast Crowd of Twentv-Three Meet two jreiixions ior nvorce xiiea xes- at tne Court House. rade of the Uniform Rank in Minneap teraay- The Bryan and Sewall club hehl olis. Judgre Hazen of'Topeka, Orders the Property Sold by the Sheriff.

The Harrison Telephone company is to be sold out. Judgment was given against the company yesterday by Judge Hazen for about and Ihe company mortgages ordered foreclosed. This company has been figuring as a defendant in several both in the district and federal courts. The suit decided yesterday was brought 'by the City Real Estate and Trust company and several other owners of mortgage bonds Issued by the telephone company. The case was argued at length and a decision rendered giving judgments to a number of the bond holders.

The largest were in favor of D. C. Nellis as trustee and Edward A. Rozier. The assistance of the courts was meeting last night at the court house; yesterduy asked to sever the ties that is, twenty-three of them did.

It which bind two mismated couples to- was expected that there would be gether, the plaintiff in both cases be- "grand doins," as it had been circu- Masonic Notes. Hugh De I'ayens Coimnandery No. 51, K. will confer the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross at the regular ing the wife. lated around that prominent sneakers Sallie Doniphan states that she was would be present.

Marnr' Vnvips i A straw vote was taken at a manufacturing establishment on Thursday where 21 men were at work, a half dczen of whom were Democrats. The vote showed 20 for 'McKinley and 1 for Bryan. The ballot was a secret one and when the vote was announced the man who east the Bryan vote eaid he did not propose to vote for a man that had no more friends than that, and declared he would make it unanimous this fall by voting for Everybody in the City Can be supplied with the finest corn meal, fresh gTor.nrt from beBt white corn, at FIVE CENTS PER SACK. Patee Market Custom Mills always keep on hand a large supply. Wolf Rosenthal, proprietor.

Telephone, new. 1006. Also a full supply of all kinds of feed. Promptly delivered. married to John M.

Doniphan Sep- chairman of the club, and he and Al- was tranasacted, after which the degree team exemplified the new floor work. The officers for the ensuing term were installed, after which the grove adjourned. Last Wednesday evening a camp of the Woodmen of the world was organized at Agency Ford with twenty-six charter members. I. W.

Voorhees, C. nnd several other members of Olive Branch No. 12 drove down and assisted Deputies Hubbard and Clingan. The new lodge starts out with good prospects, and bid fair to be 100 strong by January 1, 1897. tember 10, 1889, and lived with him bert Enright, Will Snratt and several nu Aiarcn iaw.

ne alleges ner others were on hand at 8 o'clock. Thev nusoana is ana nas Deen an ame- waited and waited, but the vast crowd conclave to be held evening. Wednesday evening Mitchell R. A. Chapter No.

89 will confer the Mark degree. St. Joseph Council No. 9, R. S.

Masters, will hold the regular monthly assembly on Friday evening. Work in the degrees. 'St. Joseph R. A.

Chapter No. 14 on Thursday evening elected one candi Doaiea man, dui nas uecome a va- am not materialize. XVirW grant under the law by reason of his prominent sneakers. Fmnii- failure to support ner since iyu. Mie.

were twentv-three present, and the says she has been compelled to work meeting was called to order Secre-in factories, hotels and other places tarr john nnt.hptt ta tho minnta. 1 mi J7 Mr. Rozier at one time or another supplied the company with considerable money and his judgment amounted to $12,000. The in favor of Mr. Xellis was for There were a number of other and smaller ones.

The sale on foreclosure may made at any time after thirty days. Topeka Capital. as a Lservani oruer 10 piovme uor of tue last meeting which Rhn.i that date and received two petitions for the plied by one thousand, and expects to see it doubled in the near future. He has an abiding faith in the reserve fund plan, and other valuable features of the order. The brother expressed himself as very favorably impressed with No.

1S9 and said he would go back to his council and tell them how ha was introduced) to 400 members. The setr w-itxi -ne necessaries ot me, ami a lulraber of committees had been ap- degrees. No degrees were conferred The county ticket nominated at Friday's convention gives universal satisfaction among Republicans. All of the factions, if it can be considered that there are any factions, in the party, were well represented in the convention. -and all the delegates left the convention with the feeling thit thi ijui iiv, v.

i iitii ill tw I rnmnncpn nr Ttroii irm-kwn mon I Eclipse Lodge 143, I. O. O. F. The thirty-sixth anniversary of Eclipse Lodge No.

143 I. O. O. F. will be observed on Wednesday evening, Ausrust IS) a't the lorfge St.

Jo i- uui tne u. lv. were conspicuous usea tue money nimseir, arier wmcu thir iiemno hefnir on account of the extreme hot weather. Sensible. St.

Joseph Chapter, No. 108, O. E. held a pleasant and well attended monthly meeting on Friday evening, sue was compexieu 10 pay ju nt-. Hvif wor from her own earnings They finally absent from the cit wmch com.

separated and he went to Kansas City bined w-tK tfae hQt weatu hd -n. ix weeas ago surrereu with a very severe cold; wa almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult a physician. Noticing Cham rrom wmcn point lie roie mm fl th pwtpone the displa April that he had a good job and beg- of oratorif.fll firp Wflfi JL ged her to come to him. She went, berlains Cough Remedy advertised in it Hll n.lN.t te lail, members were well pleased with Bro.

Badger's remarks, and will be happy to see him among us soon and often. No. 189 received a very cordial invitation from Bro. Dr. Sawyer to come down and help institute the new council at Tenth- ard Pacific streets.

Aug. 21. which was promptly accepted. The officers and degree staff will be on hand and help start the new council off with flying- colors. On next Thursday evening No.

1S9 will have a large amount of business to transact as well as a large number initiatiaia. r.r..; tne committee in charge of Bryan's the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short seph avenue and Woodson stree.s. A splendid programme has been arranged by the committee in charge and a delightful time is anticipated. Each member of the lodge with his fanrly is expected to be present.

Interesting recollections anl incidents by charter members of the loJge wi 1 b' related, Interspersed with music and refreshments. Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 157, auilary to Eclipse lodge, will join them in their celeb. Knights and Ladies of Security. More than usual interest prevailed at and conferred the degrees upon two bachelor brethren.

No. 189 is improving and the work was well rendered. Several prominent visitors were, including Mrs. Lucy W. Miller, D.

D. G. Twelfth district. The year 1896 has been a pleasant and prosperous one for St. Joseph Chapter.

The monthly meetings have been well attended, peace and harmony prevails. Twenty candidates have passed through the mazes of the labyrinth, making a total membership of 96, with while 'was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to any 1 bition- Tuere was' Jntly imed. one suffering with a cold. William The other case was that of Pearl he had no doubt it would be paid, as entire ticket should be and wjuM be elected.

Republicans generally believe this is a Republican j-ear. and it seems that any differences there may have been in the past have been set aside in a general determination to work to the end that the entire Republican ticker, national, state, district and county will be elected. A number of old line Democrats were on lookers at the convention Friday and displayed a gieat deal of interest in the proceedings. Sereral of tluni stated they desired to see a good tk-ket nominated in order that they gat not only vote for the head of the ticket this year, but start right, by voting the whole ticket straight. When the nominations had been made many of these Democrats expressed a- entirely satisfied, and announced their intention of voting it.

Keil, 678 Selby avenue, St. Paul, Minn For sale by druggists. K. Williams asainst Thomas Will- nearly that much had already been sub lams. Thomas has since 1893 aban scribed.

doned the plaintiff and failed to sup Concert at Krug Park. The twentieth concert by Pryor's Mil Albert Enright, from the committee port her, and is now said to be in 4 candidates elected and 3 petitions for the regular meeting of bt. Josepn itary band will take place at Krug Uuincy. Illinois. She asks for a di to secure rooms, reported that they had in sight a splendid location, but couldn't get possession for another the degrees in the hands of commit- council.

No. 189, on last Thursday parK this evening, August 16, from 8 to vorce and the restoration of ber tees. evening, and the attendance was largo, 10 p. m. The programme follows: maiden name of Tillotson.

The Grand Chapter of the Order of over 100 members being present. As week. PART FIRST. the Eastern Star of Missouri will Then came a sensation. Jimmy Do- Since 1878 there have been nine epidemics of dysentery In different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect success.

Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic ch d-era. Heretofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying eond. lions, which Mv little boy. when two years of age, lan asked if it was in order to hand In was taken very ill with bloody flux. I 1.

March Crusader Sousa 2. Overture American Catlin 3. Concert Waltz Marien Eilentoerg 4. Selection Wansr Morse a list of new members, wtih the money usual a good spirit pervaded tne council and everybody was in a mirthful mood. The interest manifested by No.

189 during the "oppressive heat is certainly remarkable. A good number of applications for mpmbershiD were read and referred. the twenty-second annual in Kansas City Tuesday and Wednesday week, August 25 and 26, at 10 o'clock a. in the hall of Har was advised to use Cham! erlain's Colic, for their initiation. Everybody, became still, but the chairman was equal Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and InfL-ilv nrnriirfl ruirt of a bottle.

I mony Chapter No. 162, Ridge building, carefully read the directions and gave to the emergency. He said such busi-it nnrfUmrlv He was verv low. bnt ness was always in order. Then a 912 Walnut street.

The chapters in The twenty-nine applications that had proves it to be the best medicine In the 5. By Request Ma Johnson 6. March Honey Moon Rosey Ten Minutes Intermission. PART SECOND. 7.

March Black oAmerica Zickel 8. Overture Flotow 9. Concert Waltz-I-ipi Fleur D' Al sace Stiener slowly and surely he began to improve, ratner goou looKing young man came Kansas Citv have arranged to enter- been favorably reported upon, were tain the representatives to the grand ballotted for and elected to become chapter, and present and past grand 1." There lias probably never been a Republican convention held In Buchanan comity which was so enthusiastic throughout as that of Friday. While there was some rivalry between candidates, after the nominations had been tnade, all shook hands and there were no sore spots left, all differences being settled in the convention itself. sraduallv recovered, ami is now as iorwuru auu uug irum inKun-Li.

world for bowel complaints, tor sale by druggists. stnnt nnd at oner n4 ever. I fell sure a list or names, wmcn ne gave me sec- officers, at the Hotel Ashland, in con- Th. staff ner- it saved his life. I never can praise retary.

He pulled out a ten aoiiar the Remedv half its worth. I am sorry bill and asked for change. Nobody veuient proximity to the hali. Reduc formed the work in a very pleasing 10.. March Chicago 'Evening Post everv one in the world does not know could change it, but everybody craned how good it is, as I do.

Mrs. lana s. their necks to see it. nr. uoroen re-Hinton.

Grahamsville, Marlon County, I marked that the treasurer ought to be 5c Per Roll AuZSSSi Patterns in Wall Paper to selact from MUCHENBERGERS. Eighth and Felix. Pictures Appropriately Framed. ed rates have been secured for ethers who may wish to attend. A lu'Fdele-gation from this section is expected, who will go down tomorrow afternoon week.

On last Monday, August 10th, Mrs. Luck W. Miller, D. D. G.

twelfth mar ner, Sister Allie Sharp presiding at the piano, owins to the absence of the pianoist and played her part In a very creditable manner. The final report on the contest was given, when it was found that Capt. Wheeler and his army were easy victors. They are patiently waiting for Florida. For sale by druggists.

there to take charge of the runus, but Fassett These concerts will be given on Thursday and Sunday evening of each week during the peason. The next concert by Pryor's full Orchestra will be duly announced in the papers. Dr AVPIQnn ana ear diseases VI, IKjlildUll wtd fitting of glasses. as the storm came up about that time Vp to date funeral work furnished by I the meeting W36 adjourned, With the ten dollar bill still in the hands of the Meierhoffer ft Peg-an Undertaking The Lemen Brothers' world's best 831 Frlfx Street. young man, and everybody feeling vainly for change.

The next enthu shows gave an exhibition day and; A Tale of Diamonds. night in Winona to enormous crowds When purchasing a diamond, it is siastic meeting will be held on call of the chairman. A gentleman Temarked yesterday that he had never seen such interest taken lu a campaign by those Who nave little time to read and who are Ignorant of the issues, but who have the best interests and well-fare of their country at heart, and are anxious to obtain information. He said that no less than three men within the past few duys had asked him to explain the difference between the money plank of the Republican platform and the Democratic 16 to 1 financial plank. As soon as the explanation was given them they readily saw it wos to their Interest to vote for cotind money.

at both performances. Rajah, who is so largely advertised, is enormous best to go to headquarters. The rea son we say this is because we carry A BOI.D ROBBEBY. the largest diamond 6tock in the city. the banquet, and unanimous In the opinion that Ice craam will come much more acceptable in August than September.

The members are so will pleased with the result of this contest that they will have a second one to close September 24. The captains in this contest will be the prelate. Sister Hattie T. Mul-kins, and the second vice. Sister Belle Ayres.

From present interest shown this will be the greatest effort ever put forth by this working council. Three cash prizes1 have been offered and there will be some hurtling' to see who shall carry off the laurels. As a certainly the largest elephant ever seen here. The boxing kangaroo te wonderful. All the performers are first class, the managerie perfect and the eide You can, therefore, come to us safely.

xm. The above suggestion applies not JSVti. Seventh and Felix St. Joseph. Mo.

In Jfemoriam. Whereas, Divine, Providence has seen fit to take our midst our beloved and honored brother, C. A. Didrickson, who. i was an earnest worker for the castle and the ordaav in general, and Whereas, If is but just that a fitting recognition of his virtues should be had.

Therefore, be It Resolved. That as a token ot sorrow the charter the- castle be draped for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the record of the castle how good and no fakirs or games of Ktnnra flnrl lewelrv. of which we carrv I 1 1 1 1 .1 a larcre stock, enablina- us to make urgir ruuutu jau district, assisted by twenty-five of present and past officers of Agency Chapter, No. 236, organized and set to work a new chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, at Gower, Clinton county, by the name of Aurora Chapter, No.

64, with twenty-five charter members, and the following officers, Nellie Whitson, worthy matron; George W. Fallis, worthy patron; Laura Ogdeu, associate matron; Virginia Hammett, treasurer; May Ogden, secretary: N. G. Cummings, chaplain; George Jamison, marshal; Sallie Jamison, conductress; Gertrude Saunders, associate conductress; Ada Williams, Adah; Lucv Hill, Ruth; Minnie Fallis, Esther; Nellie Hall, Martha; Cora Ogden, Electa; Julia Ogden, warden; T. P.

Ogden, sentinel. During the intermission an elegant banquet of thfr good things for which Clinton county is famous, was enjoyed venr low nriees. Our stock of dla- oon at Eighth and Charles street early There seems to be a general de- pi re on the part of business men to result we are confident of placing from monds, watches, jewelry and solid and mormug. was one oi iue plated silverware, is large, varied and most daring robberies that has taken attiuctive. Special attention paid to place in the city, as entrance to the fine watch and lewelrv renairine.

building was effected at a window on- educate themselves on the money ones 100 to 300 moje of St. Joseph best people within "the fraternal folds. I 4 i .1 i 1 1 a. a chance of any kind. Ihe parade is a mass of glitter from baud wagon to-, callione and the show in every respect is as good if uot better than Fore-baugh's.

Sells' and Ringling Brothers We hope to fee the Leinen Brothers again next season. Daily Republican. Winona, July 27. Will exhibit at St. Joseph, August 20th.

The Buechle Abstract and Title Co. Abstract of Title. City of St. Joseph and Buchanan Caw 114 South Sixth street. At this meeting No.

189 was favored Mail orders nromntlv attended to. glare oi an eieciric ugni anu ai with a stirring talk by Bro. T. S. Bad lion, and there has been a considerable inquiry for financial literature from business men during the past few weeks.

A prominent gentleman told a reporter yesterday that he had A TlOSRiXFIRTiD I a lime wnen people irequeimy pass. ger of No. 37, Horton, who was Fourth and Edmond. Ane mone.T drawer was Droken open one of the eleven persons who organ and about $3 in change taken, several and published in the daily papeis and a copy sent to his bereaved family. C.


W. W. STRICKLER, ized the first council of the order in the Ta UVifsfff Cfl; TVce bottlea of wine, a large amount of plug parlors of the founder, Bro. H. A.

War ner. Bro. Badger is the oldest member been reading a great deal on the financial question, both for his own Information, and to equip him to talk Intelligently to those who solicited in- of the order, carrying a $3,000 policy. Showed no baking powder were also stolen. The burglars are be- tm tmmu MeTed to be a pair of suspicious look-so pure or so great in lew teK haractere wbo bad been loafing paid the first assessment called and mk at the Hotel Tlllery.

Aurora embraces In' her membership many of the best citizens of Gower and vicinity, is well Room the ftelom Label. Caloa utatle dsara. On Tour Next Trip To St. Louis try the new compartment sleepers on the "Burlington Route." formation from him on the financial was the first prelate of th? order. He has seen has policy numbered multi- Question.

He said he knew of a nam enlng power 'MS tho iioyau I about the budding during the early.

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