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The St. Joseph Herald from St. Joseph, Missouri • 4

St. Joseph, Missouri
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being tret oongrees felted to meet bU eon spent the firs seventeen years of hie Brcoton, VaMSm on the putform "It paia toed' 1 1 Ufa ahar orajInKtAll ia tha DM OI IU 111 la tfira earrenov caused by tbe Genera At a great a.COC.OCO of national bank notes hereto- plow and reaper. Conse quently be la not or. Kirby ojnitr, is BUf- New for the entire fifty pounds of twine? What Is true of twine Is equally true of of hundreds of other artiolo, and yet there are taoee wno are bo baand up in free trade that would rather see tbe whole national fabric perith thc to se it emvive and flourish on the proWo ivs ptnoiple. fr tHitoKrini." ani waa nr. "um oBCoer.

sea cow in next session should re withdrawn. The ffHB BBBALD PUBLI8H1WQ OOMPAWT hirn -tth a silvar sooen in his mou.h. i yjIJ undergoing ament. mm Attend to this matter. Offloe Cornet BOmoad and Blxth BtweU.

After attending the common school 'where I A VWata tttu A mt Ytsm naa a than lha an It la a happy thought la President Harri smUrtd at tM toUfflct at BU Joseph Class Matter. he excelied in all its branches, Mr 'WAol of the roily of Boaton. spent four years ia ote of the best -and most 1 Daniel Seales, the colored mill onaire cf son's mind when he expresses. In foroible terms, the fact that other countries some Dry Goods Co. widely kuown colleges of the West and the, San Franolroo, is a man of fine appearatios, times give their devotions to men but in this after a orouih study of aw with an ex- who dresses in toe height of style.

Ha is United Ci.ates senator, wa admitted to the BOV 70 years old, bat as lively as a cricket. repnblie we give onr devotion to the supremacy of the law, the constitution and the flag. TO-DAY Niggardly Minded Partisan Prejudice. Kansas City Globe. It is a Door and meager minted gratitude that will over the figures and calculate when it ocmes to estimating the services of the union soldier during the war of the rebellion.

I is a nlsgarcly-minded or a partisan-prejudiced man who would seek to withhold from bica what be eek. ao maob, as what th tp.vemnaeut should be-ttow uoa tbe frntvivrof the rebellion or oocfer upon ho hva been rendered Thz rsilroad interests are still palling for bar by a very thorough Examination before! Voltaire once said tho English are never the state supreme oouvt, rank'g among the Jf "Ies" of the class. He is r. thorough busi- fSSi nes men, reliable iu every respect, and will "Oarmea Si 1 th 0en of RoumanU. HATB4 Or 8UB80B1FI1OW.

IN THJt CITY. ID Datlt Hibald. published every jmthe fMT. wUl be delivered to any part of tr- jd anu a week, or 86 cents per month Qf advanoe, tor a.CQ. Single coptc BTMAII Tn Di.iiT Huld to any postoffloe in the Cntted States or Canada, pr prw, to dmti per month, or Seven iy Mart per year.

Tn Wiiu-T EiaxLi) rgt and best taznU paper published ttreat west, and eeeond to no. weekly tn jj, united States, Is sent by all, postage Cftld. one dollar a year, In ad- a deep water harbc rat Bablne Pass. That is their eoheme for defeating the Galveston deep harbor. All east and west roads are HOSIERY be a valuable aid the new county oourt in ia delighied Hha will tske placiog our i flairs in that oondition heme a porsfolio of skeioies of tiorare'qas SALE! opposed to a deep hatbr on the Gulf cf wbioh lbs peorle demand.

Sooieh, Irish and lb esa ery. Mxloo. Ii is their interests that make dependeat btasae boc, father or brother It was twenty years sj this winter tat WELROKS TO THE PRESIDES T. I Adelina Pattl caplnred St. Peterpborg rnd them so.

Galveston first, then Bablne. died tn the dtfeuee of bia oountry, or rather to maintain a lu(griiy and unity, to per-poate it a "me ai divisible." 1 1 1 poor po'toy and a mean spirit that tries "to ftiU't" op te services of men who A obiat state ehouid be represented by The president iJ errlve in SN Joseph this Onr Immense New Stock at Special Prices To-flay end To-morrow. wwwauawu ui auo vurt vi.T74 a L.v;a: strong men in ooagreas. Nicholas Dora morning. All our people unite in bidding twelve this winter is St Ferr.

oomoletelv fills the bill. With him In oan- burs Moscow she will be deosraied with All remittances thouia be made payable to BXBiU PUBLISHING COMPANY, 'ralepbone 6B. 8t. Josxpk, Mo, bim cardial wtloome to Miesoori. He baa bftve exposeo themselves to peril In the armies and wars of onr ooau'rr, and however Bisril'oa at enormous tha mere figures may a oh'ox.

grets St. Joseph will have an able and ltfla entlal representative, and one that will re given the oountry a wise, oonBervativs hon be wbioU prtiteod to rrpresent a money pay-mnt forth;) services thev havs rendered. H. C. Bp onson.

special traveling agent for Thb rald, aulborized to collect and receipt on est administration and is entitled to the re- main In Washington daring the entire bsofltdons. session at eongrtes and attend to oar bust the sum ii far a' or what they have earned. rpeot and gratlod of bis countrymen. ine aervioefi of the men ho hava onoht to cees- Tbe president's stay among us will be bat defend atd eav tri country cannot be Those wh heiitate io lay in their Fall and Winter Hosiery during th sa'e will be losers, as piicts east are already great lv an vanted. Our buyer writes us i hat Hosiery feels the efftct of the revistd tariff more keentv than any other line of goods.

We offer complete lines of Silk, I isle, Cotton and Woo en Hcs'ety for ladies, children men and leokoued In dollars and oents. Etui sobool hoase should have a perma REPUBLIC AN8TATE TICKET. War Justice ot the Supreme Oourt a i boar. This la greatly to be regretted. Oar people would like, if be nent flag staff and on all speoial ooeaslooa the flag of onr oountry should be unfarled, ALEXANDER V.

MOLL1N3 of linn Brighter Prospect. St. Louis 8tar-Sajlnga. oould have tarried longer and for it ia the emblem, enlightening the world. County.

War Superintendent of Public Schools Missouri has reduosd its bonded indebted with whloh every Amerioin pupil should be aooepted our hospitality wbioh would have been generously tendered bim and his party. FRANKLIN P. SEVER of Newton County. eome familiar and whose lips should be ness $200,000,000 since 1880. During the next ten years it will be emancipated from Bourbon thraldcm and wili bound forward Tor Railroad Commissioner trained to readily rehearse the object of its JAMES K.

MERHIFIELD of PetUa We could have shown him the most substantial oity of its population In tbe nation, mission. Shu more rapidly in tbe direction of pros The paster of a Denver ohnroh effers a trip to Europe for 25 oents a obatoe. How his people would mile if be should happen to preaoh a eermoa against the Louisiana lottery. Captain James Bend, who saved tbe lives of 298 persona wreoked eff Long Beach on tbe ship State of Georgia In December, 1852, still lives at the age of 90, near Beaoh Haven, N. J.

There are more women lawyers in Chiosgo than any other city in the world. The first to obtain a license to praotioe was Mrs. Bradwell, and sine) ber time the list of fair praetioners in the oity has been constantly increasing. Miss Jane Graydon, professor of Greek in Hastings oollege, Hastings, is only 24 years of age, and is, perhaps, the youngest professor in the oountry. Bhe is a native of Indianapolis.

A New Yorker offers drowning as a eolation of the oapital punishment question. He says it is certain death and humane be-oaase the writhinga of the victim are not seen. Certain Chicago gentlemen of a nervous, SEE OUR BARGAIN $5.00 JACKET FOURTH AND FELIX ST. If either is to survive let it be the kidnap located in the most fruitful valley of the ping of the African Into slavery rather than perity. Vest's Grip.

St. Louis Star-Sajlngs. Vest seems 0 have lout his o-rln aa a nonn Ooonty. For Cong wis. NICHOLAS FORD.

For State Senator. GEORGE R. MANN. i the proourlng of ignorant Earopean girls earth. Aa his time of outing ia limited and he mast speed on to his destination, we oan only in the name of 55.0C0 people, bid him welcome, thrioe welcome to Missouri.

lar orator. Kansas City Globe. And what is much more to the col at. be for Mormon polygamy. Of the three great evils, lnolodlng the forcefol disfranchising of the negroes in the Bsnth let this Mormon importation of young women be the first to IF YOU ARE has aluo lost Lis grl? on the United States senatcrsbip.

Tbe next Mlsnoorl legislature 1)1 have at least a working Republican ma receive attention from this government. jority. Representatives. First District-iOUS G. ADAMS.

Second District-HkMUEL H. KELLET. Third District aawaaMaHS County Officers. Circuit Judge-UEHRY M. RAMEY.

Probate JudaeiOUX M. STEWART. Taw, National weather bureau will be trans AMUSEMENTS. LABOR AND CAPITAL. There must be a go-between for the settlement of disputes between oorporatlon capital and organized labor, and some of oar ablest statesmen are giving this eabjeot thoir ferred next spring from the army to the agricultural department, a very proper Eden xdsee: You oan always go to the 1 1 Musee of an eveniig and find a large at change.

May we not hope that men will be tendanee, but that of thii week has been Prosecutina 4om-HOWARD PASCHAL seleoted whose education and oooupation fit sanguine temperament have incorporated a company with $2,000,000 oapltal to build air ships, and promise that the first ship shsll sail in Chiosgo in tixty days. It will prob phenomenally to. The programme was ohangtd scmwbat yeetsrday, presenting them for the duties to bs performed, and that no more misfits be made, cuoh as detail ably sail in on a fiat csr; ing army officers to make weather forecasts Dr. John C. Barry of Bath, who is in Asia, recently mailed a letter and a postal card on tbe same day to a citizen of Bath, sending one westward, via St.

Petersburg, The Demoorats are trying to mike bs lieve that Powell Clayton's friends in Arkan Why not come to the store where you can get them? We have a fine line of Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Bots, Shoes and Slippers on hrnd wirch we are actually slaughtering. PEOPLE and the other eastward, via San Francisco. saa tried to assassinate Breckinridge while he was speaking. That is a well planned They reaohed their destination in tbe same mail. sevsral new th prinoipal of wbiah is the ooco.udir number of the team, in which Mr.

Seymour plays upon two cornets, tbe lead upon one and the alto on the other, and Mr. Ooe aooompanles uprn a large alto born and tie, thus they represent a full band, a most d.ffijalt performance, and only executed by them. The Ma-retta Brothers alo da an exoellent horizontal bar aol, and is as clever as ever. To-dy eoi lady visitor reoiives a beautiful emboEBed art study as a souvenir, a gem of ohromo lithograph. To-morrow the little fo ks reotivs free seats in tbe theatorium, see the little midget and hear a bran new Poach end July.

plot but it wont go down. If the truth ever SaeHr -EUGENE BPRATT. Circuit Clerk- WILLI AM BOHAEFER. County Clerk-30nH H. GALLUP.

Coroner-GEORGE W. FAIRGRIEVE. Recorder of Deeds HARRY KEENE. County Collector-lklAEd HULL. County rrutrer-JOBEPH ANDRIANO.

sseaaor-WILLlAM COY. County JadgM. At Large DANIEL RANSOM. First District-iOUS B. BRETZ.

Second District RICHARD HORIQAN. Washington Township. Justicts of the Peace Harrison b. branch, edwin m. riddle, william fitton.

Constable HENRY D. YOUNG. comes to light it will be found that it was If a man gets a eeven-year sentence for robbing another of $1.13, two years for steal Democrat who snapped that empty gun in ing $100,000, and gets eff free for embez most careful thoughts. Rules made by either capital or labor alone and without conference with the other, when these rulea are to touch the rights of the other, cannot and ought not to be binding, and the making of suoh rales for each purpose ia tbe soutoe of the whole troublesome controversy. Mr.

Abram 8. Hewitt's address, circulated in pamphlet form In tbe meeting of the iron and steel men, gave a forcible presentation of his CDnolueions concerning the mutual relations and rights of oapltal and labor. "His ODnoIuslons, stated in seven propositions, are singularly like those of Mr. George Howell, M. the well known English writer on the conflicts between tLose foroes." Both of them favor the voluntary submission of die pates to a oommlttee imposed of an equal number of members from eaoh of the two olasses.

It is stated that this method had been abundantly sucoessfal in Eagland. Between 18C9 and 1886 the North of Eoglaod Bardof Arbli ration adjusted 800 of these controversies, and in the Northumberland the darkness tor ais 9 a sensation favorable How zling then ex Presdent Oelman. an We Do It?" to Breokin ridge's eleotion. who robbed the Argentine Repablio cf should be given a bonus. Yet they have arrested him.

The don't understand Tax Wall atreel croakers are trying- to get equity down there. another money panic Their taotlos are very moon like that of the Chiosgo grain South Dakota ia going into irrigation from gamblers. Is there no way to get rid of ANN ODNCEMENT. Because we have $13,000 worth of stock remaining which we bought of the late White Bros, for 65c on the dollar. We guarantee to save you from 25 to 50 per cent on all goods purchased.

Ca'l and be convinced. the under flaw in earnest. The Sioux Falls Press says that at least 50,000 aores of land that incubus? No giant on earth is closing a greater amount of misery than are these In Beadle oounty alone will be irrigated the coming season. Brown oounty will soon We are authorized tc announce Mr. John a.

Bretz as ar Independent Democratic candidate for Judge of tbe First Judicial district of Buchanan at tbe November elfctlon'ISJO. Hub Most Is in fsvor of a three story bell Wall street money gamblers, and the ooun vote on a proposition to put down 200 wells, Osmmanism, a their and anareby. try should give rpeotat attention to finding and there Is eviry prospeot of a eueozssful means to banish the ourse from this land. Gbotcb, the stuffed prophet, la not coming Jacob Schloss Son west. He la too fat to walk and too heavy Thb Republican state central oommlttee dtolrlo 39 aJsturbanoee were settled by flAJ I jiat committees.

ia compelled to rely upon contributions from issue. Other counties are doing likewis. Next summer will see nearly 1.C00 iqaare miles of laLd under bountiful crops, tbe result of irrigation. Our noted divines are unoosventional in the matter of dress, and most of them wonl 1 fail to fevorably impress a man ignorant cf their identity by their looks. Professor It is just possible the employing olass in to cany.

Stocks are tumbling In New York City. Let them tumble till the water la knocked oat of them. members of the party in the state for funds to pay the expenses of the oampalgn. The the Unite 1 States would be slow to oonoede Damooratie state central oimmittee la liber 503 Felix lite Bro's Oil Stand. Mail Orders Promptly Filled.

the point yielded by some of their brethren on the other side of the Atlantic, wbioh prao-tloally amounts to this that the man who 1 1 eii i jr if ally supplied with CobJen Olub funds and does Lot ask for contributions in the state. This plaoes the committees before the Bwicg never wears other than a slouch ha, Dr. Lorimer rarely exchanges one for a silk, gdgFine "men ioiks" are Oattlb thlevea are raiding the Cherokee trip. There ia likely to be some lynohlng done in that country ere long. Dr.

MoPherson wears a rusty derby, and Dr. not expected to read this ad obtains work on a job acquires thereby a proprietary right entitling him to say what other elass of men shall be employed. people of the state in their txaot conditions. it for the ladies only. Painters' S-uo-plv Store, Thomas appears to have negleoted to get his dloar ironed since bis ordination to the ministry.

Mra. Hitty Green, whose apparel Aocobdinq to the new Mormon "revela Tata just reforms asked for by the Farmers' As tlvs is for "the adorn tion." polygamy Is now equally under the A and oomlete itock ot painters' supplies, painters' and paper hangers' tool, plain ano Allianoe can never be obtained through a new party nor by the Dsmoeratlo party. ban of heavenly and United Statea law. ment" mostly that is suppos ia more like that of a superintendent of a charitable lnstitn ion than a woman a quarter of whose sixty millions is in Chicago dirt, ornamental glass, eta AH. ktnf of house WUllamt A Mir best In tbe market.

Frloee the lowest. ing the case) the gentlemen The strongest element of progressive reform Thxbb are nearly 700 silk abrio establish- weara an outfit whioh ia gorgeous beside that la found in the Republican party, and the rmenta in operation In the United States, don need any. GEO. W. POOLER, 618 Felix Street.

of Dr. Fannie Diokinson and Dr. OJelia than with an annual production of more surest way for the farmers to come into control in legislative bodiee is to add their Bunn. They have been to busy earvlng a $60,000,000. niohe in the temple of amr, too diligent to PSUGMA.

This takes the place of vasa forces to the reform foroes within the Re aoaulre oelebrity in finance, theology and A GBEAT DISCOVERY. Borne years ago when it was told that a method of extracting aluminum from clsy at a oost of a few oents per pound had been discovered, it was predioted by those who knew what aluminum is, that the great problem of aerial navigation was praotioally aolved. For aluminum Is so very light, eo strong, and baa so many other qualities as a metal, and la ao very abundant, that If it can be bad oheap It muet take the place of most other metals. When Mr. Webster of Birmingham, England, found he could produoe It In a week by oalolning pitch and alum, Gbeat Casab will wonders never eeau? REPORT OF CONDITION publican party, and thereby oontrol its nom eoienoe.

to even think more about adorn THE OF TAXES. TAXES. line and Espey's cream. This The Mormons renounelng polygamy and lnationa. ment than the demands of comfort Impose.

ahree hundred young women oonverte on the Colonel o. e. Boudinot, who died at Fort (new and pleasant preparation Bltb. recently, was the son of a full-1 i i -i Thb Republican oounty tloket, like tbe way from Europe to the saints' rest. THE STATE NATIONAL BANK blooded Cherokee who bad been adopted by wariauLcu lu icavc uu uiiy Republican party In general, stands npon Its own marits.

It does not need to resort to Thb Democrats in tbla oounty are by no AT ST. JOSEPH, IK THB STATE Of a Philadelphia patriot. The colonel's moth-1 or Sticky substance On the detraction of its opponents In order to win erwaa a uonneonoui gin, suss ninoao i i r. t. neans a happy family.

Several of their candidates have a fine prospeot of being left HISSOTJbl, At tbe Close of Business, October 21, 1890. RESOURCES. votes. Aa representatives of tbe grand old getting 90 per cent in the metal, the great I have received the tax books and I am prepared to collect the the wishes of her family. Both father and I dries immediately on aDDl viner.

out In te cold on the 4 of November. Loans and dli counts $1,634,117 63 discovery was made. Thia metal, aluminum, is found ha clay, granite, shales, eto. In faot, Try it. party of the anion, aa worthy and Intelligent eitlzsne, as men competent to fill the post-lions for whloh they are named, and not be-eauee other men are deficient in any of these son were men of distinction In Indian Territory, the former having been a ohief of the Cberokeea when that nation was removed Of erdrafts, secured and unsecured 16.68J 19 U.

8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 0U Ktocke, securities, bonds, etc 70,691 60 With such conduct as the landlords in Ireland are gulliy of, they oould not live a week in this country. No people on earth NEW PERFUMES tbe alumina lathe most abundant of all the earths. This metal will soon be used for STATE AND COUNTY TAXES FOB THB YEAR 1890. from Qeorgia.

The son was a lawyer by profession. Oviog to bia advanced and pro gressive position he became rather obn lhese oaors are new and qualities, they soliolt the votes of an intelligent and pairioila people. Upon these bolldlng bouses, weather boards bat the Irish would endare such outrages. shingles, for all furniture, etc It the quality exceedingly line grounds alone they deserve and expect toua to many of his tribe, and had not lived in tbe nation for nearly twenty years. He oannot rust; It looks like silver, gold or zlno just aa yon please to have it.

Shandon Bells, Sweet Clover Bpxakeb Rbbd oorreotly says: "There never met in the House of Representatives a minority ao determined to thwart the will u. a. Donas on nana i aw uu Due from approved reserve agents. 189.393 13 Due from otber national banks 43 Due from state banks and bankers. 73 Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures.

61,350 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 67 Premiums on U. b. bonds 12,049 00 Checks and other cash Items 4 448 61 Exchanges for clearing-house 31.441 05 Bills of otber banks. 2,694 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 20e 28 Specie. 96,99 00 Legal tender notes 89,683 00 Redemption fund with D.

S. treasurer waa of a literary turn of mind, was well read Meadow Blossom, Italian Vio Its properties fix colore in cloths and lend and a good conversationalist. He waa espe EFFECT OF THE TARIFF. The New York Tribune reporta a promi of the people aa that led by Mr. Mills of daily well versed in Indian tffairs.

During let, Francis Bennett, Heather tone to all the colors called lakes. It Is Argus and Briareus in one and marches with Iris Texas." nent manufaeturer of that oity aa saying: Merchants' and Manufdcinrbrs' Taies ARE DUE OCTOBER 1st, And al merchants' and manufacturers' licenses expire on that date. JAMES HULL, Collector. freemeni uieveianas aaminisirauon uji. tji "Vio- Vlo.

Boudinot was pressed by bia frienda to apply Jang 1 lang "The old tariff was large enough and I think decking its brows. It ia at leaat four tlmea lighter than silver and can be made still for tbe ptaee of commissioner of Indian fiat tbe increased duties will have a disas Thk oity of Atobison shows a decrease of population of 8C3 in the past ten years, or 80 per cent. The inoreaae in Leavenworth (S per cent, of circulation) 2,250 03 SPANISH COURT CREAM And its companion, trous effect upon our branch of business. A lighter. Why does a balloon asosnd? Bimply affairs.

He did so, but waa disappointed in not getting the ofBoe, and it is said he never Total ta.260,640 21 beoauae the air ia driven cut by the gas daring tbe same period la 6.C67. Bad for prohibitory tariff, while it may prevent foreign manufaoturera from shipping to thia visited Washington again whloh takea Its place, and is lighter. Sup Atchison. Spanish Coast Face Powder. LI ABILITIES.

oountry, will not prevent their establishing (Sherman on Trusts. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Epukbb Bud's gavel pounded to splln- Capital stock paid In $1,000,000 00 Surplus fund 8,000 00 Undivided profits 33,497 01 Dr. J.

J. Newell, DENTIST. These toilet preparations are faotoriea on thia aide of tbe water and there pose tbe air Is expelled, and nothing is put in its plaoe? Then the balloon would more rapidly asoend; but the pressure of the outer ters the speaker's deak, and visitors are car by ereating a competition that oannot help Senator Sherman deolaree that the great National bank notes 45,000 00 Dividend unpaid MOO rying away the pleoee. Minority rule ia endorsed by the leading physicians, and who pronounce obitaole whioh stands In the way of the too- air crushes it together. If now we have even in a worse condition, for Bead sat down Individual deposits subject to 658,403 86 Time certificates of deposit 42 aMB of the new tarff law is theinnaenos reD being harmful to our native indue' ry.

What American manufaoturera require is protection of a moderate and not prohibitory sort. metal out of wblob we can make a on it ao bard that it was smothered. capable of resisting tbla external preaure, resented by the trusts. If tbe benenolarles them abSOJUtelV DUre. 1 fiese Cashier 's checks outstanding 4 4i the measure shall maintain free and fair If American manufacturers are to make Due to State banks and bankers 13U.648 86 we oan exhaust ine air, and if It In light preparations are beine used Thx county oourt moat not be made a i nrtmriAtliion in their various crodnaiions.

no money.raw material must bs admitted free. Aluminum ths he peope msy have the advantsge of Wood? on Institution. The entire manage by our best ptople, and at 21 enough it will forthwith aoerd. ij this metal. Vessels of certain That is exaotly where the West and the fenrl i- a ment of the asylum is in their bands now, 3ija BHa I TwlHHTIBlOAH DrlOHV.

BfieU All as rMDlH Will Dfl HI. ist differ in Interest. We want more man pronounced Buooe.B; but if. on the other their suggestion Vfe have put shape have been made out of it, tbe air tL If I i ad that's enough. Vote for Ransom, 6 tz exhausted, atd they have been and Horlgan, and the Interests of the people hand, toeie benefloiarles shall combine and in a line of these SUperb goods, oor federate in order to competition 1 ufactor'ea in thia oountry and we do not care where they oome from, and if a prohibitory will be carefully guarded.

and prevent the reduotlon of prloee, then tbe tariff would transplant the English manufac Statb or Missouri County of Bucbanan K.Dfst Lindsay, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear tbat the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. RSNMT LI DdAY, Caxbter. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8th day of October, 1890. WM. L.

BUB HLK. Notary Publla. Cokrxct: Attest. w. a p.

Mcdonald, i BOT. WiNiN(i, Directors resnli wiil be a miserable failure. It all depends, sir. Bberman contends, opsn The Interior department baa deotded let go and are now floating In space. A great company has been formed and the business of ballooning promisee to be a success.

If ships oan be made to iaat In th'a noeau of a)r why shell it not tories to the Missouri and Mississippi valleys that would be to our Interest and what Booms UU, 81 and as, second floor, Cobb-merdal Block, tut) aid umt epixsut anr ST. JOSEPH, MO. Elevator entrance next to mond atrant galnst permitting the Indiana traveling the action of tbe manufacturers. Tney have bsen given all the pro that prominent manufacturer oomplalned of with wild weet shows. This step la token for the good of the Indian morals.

Whew! teoMon that tney need, witn tbe under ia just what we want and don't want. Bend be navigated as well aa tbe ooean of water? standing that competition ia to prevail, and If aat ai idea! Indian morale? Where do The larger the vessel the more extra weight that the people are to share in tha profits of us tbe manufactories but exense ne from permitting ail raw materials to be placed on the oinitoarry. A vessel welshina ten thousand tariff legislation. This theory of the right tbey secrete their nortl? of the people to all that oan be stioedi free list. If tbe manufacturer la proteoted pouuaseonHunssar wiimn na wans ioy through the prooesa of competition must be In twelve mourns Wnitelaw Reid, as min so must our raw material products be pro nousana pounaa or common air at tbe sur- reeoanlzjd and enforced, be says, if the new later to France, has done more in the Inter s- Cor.

6th Idmond. Feet Dr. Kritian's EfBieJj teoted. face of ooean. Exhaust this air and load It "a9 to give satisfaction.

Tbe demand of at of the western farmer by pressing the tne time ooeaper proaootion, lower priose; BflMoarl, St Josrpb, and a larin taw wmon does not nve tnat ef French government to rescind tbe prohib FOB FKOSKCUTIVG ATTORNEY. fect will be oondemned and repudiated. A Howard Paschal, Republican nominee for ltory ediot against pork than the whole point ha been reaohed io our effiirs where This well-know 1 1nstitution gives the most thorough and practical instructions In all business branches and short hand. Rull particulars and' specimens of penmansbip sent to any address. -IS a- Cleveland edmtoiaraM-io 1d in four lean, with twenty thousand pounds freight and you have ten thousand pounds to lift, vessel and all, to where tbe gravi Is equalized and there the whole floats like a vessel in the waters.

For we may regard the air merely aa a thin kind of water. The air la man's ele proscoatlog attorney la perhaps not ao well the popular judgment will no longer indorse xry a jr. SATURDAY NOVELTIES. 'New Veilings in Beauty Spot, Crescent Spot, Black Spot, Plain Fascinatii Big Spot and Straw Spot. These are the latest in Veiling.

NEW NECKWEAR. Henry II. Rufflings, Elizabeth Ruching, Feather Collarettes '1 hese are just the latest. "Also among the novel is the Embroidered Crepe da Chiene Mulls for rec-wcar in all the rcw tints. Our residenr- New York buyer senc's vs every eek the new goods as they come cut.

You will xlways find newest with and the latest at tbe imposition of dui'es tbat serve to in crease prioea a to enrioti the few at the Pres't' Ttioa. Bryant A OBiiT ado ws made over ibe hurry to bring certain rhip load) of goadi before the rnn nf ihn mnriv. Thl nnft nrnUn. or sion, but oppression, and the oountry will ment, and the propoaition to fly through new tariff law weat luto Bat there WASHBURN oi not stacd it. 1 we a muoh larger amount of goods whloh rcr Fetli Pe sptratloa of ill! reel, itjs Ei tlrely Ha-m'ess aii aitrlal fill Stow Itsierit Alnm and mirar of ied are frequently usedjfor thl direan nutthT arevey Injurious, utver i rencribed by.the medical fraternity.

Ayonr Drnggist for Dr. Krigliaai's htveben ptaoftd on thi lis! )hat was in no in volnmn and Quality of ton Binding Twine. Peoria (I1L) Journal. hurry to eo re In and which are now landing the Ii. si in world.

WwrantM to wnar in any climate. Sold by all lee A. In Urge qisnfltles. inv dcnJrrj. Beautiiuuy illuatrated.

da. pcriptive catalogue with portrait e( WX artists IAII.KO 1TKKE The "additional tax" tbat tbe eversg farmer will have to pay In tbe way of tariff on the twine with wbioh he will use to bar- known to the voters of this oounty as are most of Ihosi with whom be ia making the esnvaai for eleotion, but be la one of those young men whose sterling qualities and natural ability will mke frienda wherever known. A louog man who will eome up to aueoesa through the temptations that beset oily life must posceta good tualltiea far beyond the average, and he whose natural abilities oarries him up from the farm to honorable positions in the city where competition la aharp among tbe many bright in-telleo'e that gather there, provt a himself to posssaa more tntn medium acquired and natural endowments. Mr. Paschal is of the of the latter class.

Hi father is a hardworking. wei -l3-do firmer, who is an aero vest hia grain, oan be very easily amvd at, IX UH cL HEALT. CHICAGO SHULTZ H0SEA. navigate it la not ao strange to us at first cs was the proposal to navigate the oesan. It Is not nearly ao dangerous, aeoideata in it are not ao dreadful, and rescue may ba easily made.

NOTES AND PERSONALS. Barnaod'a salary for editing Punch la $300 a week. That is tbe funny part ot It. Archbishop Keorick of St. Louis, who is expeotedto reoelve a cardinal's bat next year, Is in hie 85 year, and is tbe oldest of living Am arisen arohbiahop.

Mr. W. L. Daujla-s, the justly celebrated $3 shoe man, whose pioture yon may hava aeen In the newspapers, was eleoted mayor of mM fiHEHLUAl Say that the average farmer purchases flf cv pounds of twine per year to harvest hie grain, he will pay less than 50 oents to the Thr Nati'ioal Demoera'ia commtttee has pild grr $200 for eaoh and every apeeohfcehaa delivered darlrg the present campaign. It in tbe dearest literature ever bought.

Mills abandoned hia seat in congress to make the speeehes for which he was paid ao big a rrio-. ivhnlBSulh Krocers SHELF DIM "robber tariff" lew than the price of two buthtlsof corn, and where ia the farmer that would not give two bushels of eorn annually to keep a twine or any otber similar industry In tbe United rather than bave to aend hia money out of the oountry TOWflSEND, WYaTT Thb issuance of toe new treasury note will WIRES AND L1QU0E8. Seaood atreaa. ST, 06X910 Cul.err, Tlomre, Tin Plate, Tinners' Bnpp'toa fence wire, Btainpad Ware ana trtaniu laoo Ware. Sio sis and si Bonih ramrtfeCM 2aJanoe the national bank ourreney no est advooate of the Farmer a' Allianoe, and DBY QOOL.S CO..

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