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Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota • Page 12

Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mi WoBflay, May 14. TOE DAILY ARGUS-LEADER. SIOUX FALLS, S. P. tscturs course.

Mr. Wheeler will return In connection with the brarck ths floors of the local InniitiTnv ni iin to sioux Falls about June 1 ta apsnd RADIO NOTES MUNICIPAL COURT charge of T. J. Morgana ths summer. 1 Ths Central school orchestra under For sals: 109 Comb RhodB Island Red dai- UUUUIM ULUD OPENS TUESDAY ths direction of Mrs.

Brewster played at ths meeting of ths Mark Twain Parents' and Teachers' association laat D. Lacey. phone mi n4 READERS' LETtERS A columa wherein readers may express themselves. No communications without the writer's nsms and addreas will be printed, though the nam will not fie used If the person so requests. Letters should not be too long.

Address tstters to Editor, Argus-Leader, 8loux Falls, S. D. D. Selgfrled was brought Into court this afternoon on a bench warrant. He waa charged with speeding and forfeited a bond of IS.

Tbs ease was dismissed. The rase of Christ Nichols charged Aa Xntarsatlar TT A tarnished allver cola and small piece of coal have been found to possess rsctlfying properties in crystal asta. Ralpn Fariiman, ieft lhi noon or Pierre where he h. k. with selling Intoxicating liquor waa Vwa and Toor-Wlrs on legal business Mf James Parllmaa left thiJ 36 Foar-baD, Nine-bole Foursomes continued until Tuesday, morning.

The dlstanos between wires of a two noon for Watertown to attend business. Scheduled Have Other Special Erents WOXXaT AJTD STGAB K. OF G. OBSERVE wire aerial should be thres feet. nd for a four-wire aortal the dlstanos should bs IS Inches.

ruling' Soles la Olaes Holes can bs successfully drilled In glass by grinding a three-cornered Ills Editor Argus-Leader; The writer was deeply Interested In and Impressed by Do Your Feel an Argus-Lader editorial laat Tuesdsy evening which took up the sugar prob A revised schedule' of ths nine-hole four-bsll foursomes which will mark lem aa It now confronts the country and "MOTHERS DAY" When shoes pinch or corn! cd to a sharp point. Before beginning the drilling operation pour a. few drops of turpentine on ths glass at ths point the Individ VKla. Ths question. Is: How many house the formal 1911 opening of ths Minne s- package of.jgjj,! Foot-East, the antlaentle Friday.

For first class httnstltchlng and covered buttons, try th Sioux Falsi Hera-atlicMng Shop, ovir Woolworth'a- 1 csnt stots. Dr. John O. Johnson of Hettinger, N. one of tlwj originators of the Tel-lowstone trail, and for a tlms on of Its officers, is spending a few daya In the city a gueat at ths horns of Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Grear, 40S 1-1 South Walth ave. Petroleum coke. Mullen ft Rourka. "Bank clearings announced for today f621.SM.10.

J. D. Hoven filed an appltcatloa with ths clerk of the United States court for a passport to Italy. Ths application has been forwarded to the stats department at Washington. H.

F. Shephsrdson of the Qulnn-Shsphsrdson Grain company, Minneapolis, was in ths city today' renewing old wives read the editorial page, and bow where ths hols la to bs mads. Amr tn he nhnWn Tuesday- ttowena Circle. Hoatesa, Mrs. Cora Jones, tit North Spring M.

B. A. lodge regular session. Fish-' lug pond after meeting, 8t Cecelia OnlM. Hostess, Mm Paul "Ftenson.

Ill 8outh Prairie Picnic Bancroft P. T. A. Meeting at 1:10 p. ta.

In school. Catholic Daughters of Ame-iea. Bi-, ctat meeting at o'clock. In K. hall.

Pythian Slater. Mealing at I p. m. In Odd Fellows hall. Channel Chapter.

Hostess Mra. L. A. tVakeinan. il South Orange ave.

5. Actor Guild to Stage New Play June 7 "Ilia Majesty. Hunker Bean." will ha presented at the Grphsum theatre, Thursday evening. June 7. by the Sioux Fslls Actor Guild, under the direction of Rev, C.

J. Schilling. Hold Services at Milcbefl Wben eiiAe. takes the-stinc out of many who did read it. saw In the sugar article," a "call to arms'' so to speak; a nrt colln and rlvM vu10r personal responsibility as as great opportunity? MASONIC NOTICES Four Women Are Honored Bj Assemblage Hauiii rehf Smarting, Aching.

Swollen fw. night when your feet ache ana from excessive danclnc nr The keynote of this article was Secre tary Hoover's advice to housewives to reduce to the minimum the amount of sprinkle some Allen's Foot-Eat t. A regular communication of -Trinity Lodge. No. 10ftA.

F. A A. M. will bs held Monday, May It, at 1:10 p. m.

All sugar used In the horns. This step, he feels aura, will promptly prick the iwi-imui wiu win eoive your troubles. Over 1,500,000 poundi of lj der for the feet were used hi- 1 bubble of Inflated prices, and accomo- masons invited. nan quickly that In which ponderous In snd Navy during ths War. Sola where.

Trial Package and a Poo, Sioux Falls Chapter No. 1 will have a special convocation on Wednesday eve Mother's Day was -celebrated with solemn and approprlats exercises by ths Catholics of Mitchell and1 vicinity, on Sunday. Solemn high mass celebrated In ths morning at the Holy Kama church after which the Initiation of classes In both ths Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters of America took vestigations seem to have made little practical headway. We read with sat haha Country club tomorrow was given out this afternoon by R. C.

flags whose "Indians" will wield their drivers and mldlrons against those of R. f. Beck-ley's "Tigers." Lunch will be served at 11:16 o'clock and play will start at p. m. All play must bs completed by 4 o'clock so that ths driving, putting and approaching cbntssts may begin on time.

A ladles' approaching and putting conteat will also bs held at o'clock. All entries are aaked to telephone their partners and arrange to bs at the club asrly and psrmit ths other events to bs staged. The revised list entries follows, ths -first two named In each ease being Tigers and the latter two Indiana: Jim Adams and R. J. Beokley vs Lawrence Bates and C.

P. Dunning. George Funston and Maurice Frys Ta. L. Helnahelmer and Frank Jaqutth.

Robert Fnkelhor and Dwlght Pan-forth vs. Homer Johnson and L. N. Hosteller. A V.

L. Baker and Al Bodley ts. Geo. McDonald and Jos Vandagrlft. Henry Hanaon and Sherman Fitch' vs.

Alien vl 1 Rnv "ootl ning. May 1, at 7:10 p. m. Cor work In acquaintances and looking over matters miaction or "blows to the sugar con- the P. and M.

H. M. Degrees. apiraoy but are advised by local deal Minnehaha Lodge No. 4 will have a special Joint communication with Unity placs.

era to lay In our supply now, for It Is not to be cheaper. This, of course. Is their honest conviction, they being vic For ths knights, Hugh Dempsey of lodge. No. 110, on Thursday evening, May 17 at 7:10 p.

m. for work on ths F. Denver, assisted ths stats (earn put V. degree. ting on ths work.

'ins day was fittingly closed with a tims as wen as the consumers. One housewife may say: "I know that Is a terrible price, but I'd rather pay It than endure the deprivation." Is this banquet to 1,600 guests thla bslng On ths -Committee t6 take charge of tb? play are Miss Lois Donahoe, alias Margery Ply mate. Raymond Honey, Alton Kelley and James Dean. Opening Dance, Dinner and Tournament at Minnehaha Country Club Tuesday The firat offielardanrs ttt the season for the Minnehaha' Country club will be held tomorrow at the club houae at o'clock. Dinner for those who care to dine at tha club will be aerved from to o'clock.

served In the Corn Palace auditorium ths proper stsndpolnt of a cltlten of which had been decorated beautifully 1. 0. F. NOTICES for ths day. oisfk RL Rev.

Bishop Mahoney and "Michael Monday, May It Regular meeting of Sioux Falls Lodge No. I at p. m. O. Luddy of Sioux Falls, mads the principal addreaaes at the banquet.

Dr. W. Jay Dundas and Milton Pay. ths Intted States? Does this settle the quest ion Let us suppose that 75 percent of the families of the country are willing to pay. 10 cents for sugar.

By. so doing, they are aiding and abetting an unlawful practice, and are helping to keep a needed commodity beyond the reach of A. Delaney acted as toast master and Marcus Aus and Jack Larkln VS. Har called upon Chester Morgan, grand ry Har fin and John Wadden, Tom wadden and Ted Johnson vs. "With fair weather forecast It la anticipated a large number will be aeen knight of the Mitchell lodge and" Mayor Bobb for talks, -f During the evening CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS.

Frank Fosdirk and John Barton. Carl Hassenteln and R. O. Rhodes vs Kelly's orchestra played, Father Wm. Reardon and Fred Kimball.

Schilling gave a reading and ths Daugh on the llnka taking part In the various content a women are aaked to take part In the putting, appr-fciehing and ter a sextet sang three numbers. W. Thompson and Will Beach v. Herman Freess and E. C.

Olson. driving contests which will start at 1 A feature of the banquet was the honor paid to four mothers, who o'clock. Jack Prause and Herb Freess vs. Ru The Counjry club orchestra will play dy Hoffman and Allen James. John Donahoe and Scott Reardon vs.

the other 25 per cent of the people. It has been proven over and over again by The Housewives League of New York, that women hold the balance of power In the control of food prices, concerted action and persistence being all that la necessary. Inuring the war, we reduced the family consumption of sugar to the minimum In the hope that our dear boys overseas might benefit thereby. Ws were not the sufferers then, and would not be now, If we followed Secretary Hoover's advice and repeated the sac Ferd Brown and Allen Fellows. have sons In the priesthood.

They were Mrs. Mary Schilling of Sioux Falls, Mrs. Patrick Brady of Kimball, their sons being members of the Columbus college faculty, Mrs. Callahan of New Tork, who la visiting her son Father Callahan at Vivian and Mrs. Morgan, who has a son i Robt.

Jasman and Henry Dempster Tor th.i dance In the Surprise Party Saturday Evening vs. T. G. Jones and Paul Stenson. Fred Sahr and Gens Robar vs.

Fred Monday. May 14 Regular meeting of Third Degree Knights of Columbus st 8 p. m. Father Kelley of Omaha, will glvs a talk on 'Ths Good of the Order." All members are urged to be present Monday, May 14 Ohthollc Daughters of America, will glvs a dancing party at tha Elks hsll. Thursday, May 17 K.

of C. dance postponed All members are Invited to attend tha "Mariners Farewell Hop" at Columbus College Muslo by the Country Club Orchestra. Tuesday, May It Catholic Daughters of America will hold a special meeting In K. of C. hall at p.

m. a Wsrren and Cliff Peck. Twenty-live frlenda of and Mrs. In ths Jesuit order. George Talbott and Douglas Elliott jonn Button gave them a jarewell sur- vs.

H. Berg and David Dux. prlae at the home of Mr. and Mra. J.

A large number from Sioux Falls motored to Mitchell yesterday to attend rifice. F. Armstrong and W. H. T.

Foster -W. Lestnsr. 8 South Dakota ave, the festivities, returning today. vs. Frank McCbrmlck and Art Fairbnnk.

Saturday evening. The affair was glv- Our cry for many years haa been for recognition, for more power, a voice in the' government--f our country, etc. Here Is an opportunity to provs our Art Qodfrey and C. J. Morris vs Chan Tuthlll and F.

I. en In their honor before they-depart for a tour of the western coast, which they will make by motor and later lo Ward Patton. and Edwin Johnson vs. PRISONERS WEEP power, to rise In righteous indignation Geo. R.

I.annlng and D. P. Lemen. against a colossat fraud and outrage and stamp It out, John Haggardt and Harry Hurd VS 1 Fred Hall and H. L.

Eggers, Let It once be thoroughly, understood H. J. Klngler and Harry Beach vs ON MOTHER'S DAY fflyMefJ Fred Krelsler and.Chas. Ashton. that housewlvea are awake, and ready to take a stand against monopolists and manipulators of food prices, and will not their operations' have received their Stvert Chrlstenson and D.

B. Johnson vs. Rush Brown and A. E. Ayrea.

Jerry Downs and Jim Dalton vs. O. A. death blow? Rofelty and Frank Weatherwaxv Here. Secretary Hoover saya.

Is our Memory Is one of ths hardest things for a prisoner to meet. When It happens to be of mother, the burden is doubly Copyright 123 Hart Sctiffner ft Marx golden opportunity for an entering wedge. What- are we going to do about C. TV Symms and Peter Honegger vs. Rav; Devers and Wm.

Donahoe. l. McKlnney and Eugene Saenger heavy. it? Men wept at both the pentltentlary va. George F.

Blackman and John Hag- W. E. Vander Creek, of Omaha. has arrived to take charge of th upholstering department in the Northrop Furniture company. He was formerly connected with the Nlelson Upholstering company -of Omaha.

Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Glenn, Miss Rhoda Jerde and Miss Helen Solheim returned from Watertown this mornina where and the county Jail where Mother's day en.

Let us hear from other housewives. Betsy. Sioux Palls, 8. May 11. ItSI, B.

L. Danforth and E. D. Putnam vs. services were held.

Strength and age mattered not. Their thoughts 'got It. J. Twohlg and C. H.

Mee. O. C. Ellison and-W: Smith vs. J.

them." W. Horner and H. Loonan. At the pen where 115 inmates volun they attended the annual convention of S. F.AD CLUB IS M.

Luddy and H. I'pdyke vs. J. E. tarily attended chapel at 8:45 Sunday morning, the visitors' galleries were fill Smeed and C.

M. Whitfield. George Hult and Harold Rohde vs. ed. It waa an affecting scene.

Chaplain 25 Discount On AU LADIES' Hart Schaffner Marx V. H. Locks and Andrew Kuehn. Squire of ths East Side Presbyterian the south jLakota young peoples League. ti: Dr.

A. J. Moe was called to Adrian, Minn In consultation. Word was received In the city Sam Stites and Dr. Trail vs.

Rex cate at Portland, Ore. Cards and a pleading program paused the evening. After a luncheon haa been served by the merry Invaders, Mrs. Sutton was presented with a beautiful gift, the presentation speech being made by Mrs. Lois Perry.

Mr. and Mrs. Sutton will leave about June I. Pan-Hellenic Bridge Club Holds Last Party of Season-r- Members of the Pan-Hellenic Bridge club met Saturday afternoon at the Shrlver-Johnson cafe for the laat party of the aeason. Pink and white spring flowers were used to adorn the table and score cards and tallies were In the same shades.

Mesdame I.ou Courshon, F. M. Mars-ton snd P. H. Waggoner, of Colton, were the hoat esses.

Score prises were awarded to Mrs. Leonard Boyce and Mrs. Snutre. Celebrate Twentieth Wedding Anniversary To have the pleasure of celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary motoring through the canyons around Santa Ana. was the happy experience of Mr.

and Mra. 8. K. Peel who were married 20 years on May In the evening an anniversary dinner was given at the Peel home In Long Beach. Orange blossoms were profuse and appropriate decorattona for the dinner table, around which seated several former South Dakotans.

In the evening the entire party motored to Hollywood to attend the famous Hollywood Egyptian theatre. church spoke. All prisoners were ask AGAINSTJPARDON Warren and J. B. Allen.

i ed to raise their hands who had good Fred Holllster and Oscar Brown vs. mothers. Every hand" went up. They J. M.

Fenn and Fred Koneman. day from the Carnegie Institute" of Technology of Pittsburgh that Earl G. were asked to pledge another trial to live Uvea loyal to their-rnother. Some Charles Day and George Douthlt vs. Takes 'Action Protesting Possible L.

Blackman and Frank Hyde. wept silently, others plteously and 150, raised their' hands. Rev. tleorgs Wll-j Tore Tamn and MorreJl Foster vs. Wheeler, of Sioux Falls, a atudent at tha llnatitute, has been elected senata representative of next year's sophomore class In the college of fine arts.

IT. Brownell and Sam 8peir. Hams, superintendent of ths Congrega Release of S.J. PanrMoH of Minnesota James Coombe and W. H.

Rounds vs. tional church Home Missions, from west Mr. Wheeler Is a student in the archl- C. C. McCloud and O.

N. McMillan, of ths river, and Edwin Ashworth gave Ed Livingston and Fred Jewett va. SPRING COATS a duet and a double quartet of prisoners R. C. Gage and Sam Fantla.

sang with feeling. L. C. Nichols and Carroll Mills vs. I A resolution of protest against the On a smaller, scale, there wars atmtiar John Bleeg aad'W.

Z. Sharp. scenes at the county Jail. Between 15 possible pardoning of 8. J.

Pandolfo con- vlcted before Ex-Federal Judge Landis t. ci HOUSE-CLEANING made easy by usinq P. 8. Campbell and V. S.

O. Cherry and 40 men and four women attended vs. Normsn Squires and Fred Diver. the service at 4 o'clock with captain for using ths malls to defraud was pass-ed at ths regular meeting of the Ad-! W. C.

Holllster and C. N. McMillan vs. Dr. Brown and Charles Fsntle.

T. J. Fosdick Sons Ernest Orchard of tha Salvation army in charge. A dosen. Including the women, pledged a.

new life. Two youths, al C. II. J. Mitchell and Harry Neelcy CIEANS ST5 SOAP vs.

C. M. Rohde and D. M. Pafrrlck.

vertlslng club of Sioux Falls at the Carpenter hotel this noon. The resolution la to be sent to President Harding snd to South Dakota's congressional representatives. SOFTENS HARD VOTER' Grocer "lociau uau a vacaaqe irom win most boys, brushed away tneir tears while a grey hatred man sat with bowed head to hide his. Dorothy Orchard and Orchard Bang while Sergeant- Major Mrs. Sunderman spoke on "Mother NAME CHAIRMEN; Hal Sessions in a talk spoke of the present lack of confidence-building ad 99r SOCIETY NOTES vertising In the local field.

A nominating committee consisting of Karl Pax-son, chairman, D. M. Parrlck, Hal Hus-Bey, C. J. Nuttal and Mra.

K. B. Cressey WOMEN'S LEAGUE was appointed by President R. S. Barnes to recommenaV candidates for election at O' Mine.

John Thomas sang ana me congregation rendered "Brightly Beams" after which Captain Orchard spoke on "Mother." What he said does not matter. Two score pairs of ears were tuned to distant music echoes of- boy and girl days of yesteryear, and misty eyes could see only the mental picture of "Mother." the annual meeting next Monday. Two nationally known advertising men will pass through Sioux Falls In the near future, word has been received from Mrs. Frank Ames. Mrs.

James Murphy. Mra. William Flannagan and Mrs. V. W.

Hlnterlotig motored to Mitchell Sunday to attend the D. of A. initiation and banquet held there last night. Mr. and Mrs.

W. Martin are now located In their new bungalow, 160 the speakers bureau of the Associated Advertialng clubs of the World. Mem POLICE ASKED TO FIND bers voted to Invite the advertisers to Announcement-: of the "'chairmen" of the state departments In the South Dakota League of Women Voters was mads by Mrs. Fred Hoffman, state secretary today. Miss Alice Lorraine Daly of Mitchell, is chairman of the women In industry department, Mrs.1 Franklin D.

Smith of Deadwood. of the child welfare lepartment, Mrs. Eva Robinson Dawes, ths social hygiene department, and Mrs. T. A.

Harmon of Watertown, th efficiency In government department. There address the local club. i ERNEST ABRAHAM HERE Norton ave. Mrs Martin departed thla Local police officials have been asked TAKE UP COURT af'ernoon for Mobrldge where will attend the Rebekah State Assembly. Mrs.

C. B. Overgaard. of Centervllle, has arrived to visit her daugher, Mrs. Z.

W. Zaayer, 1120 South Dakota ave. to assist In locating Kmesi Aoranam. a traveling salesman, who has been missing for several days. The request came from Abrsham who lives In Cham-berlatn.

According to her story her htinhand Chevrolet cnun headed for It Is believed CASESJAY28 The lsdles of the City Temole Wom- that he might nave necn seen in diuui an'a I'nlon will rive a clock banquet for the City Temple choir on Tuesday. May In the church dining room. are three chairmen still to "be appointed. Mrs. Ruth Hippie of Pierre, was named chairman of the legislative committee and Mrs.

P. J. Gunderson of Vermillion, succeeded Mrs. Hoffman aa the apnolnted member on the state board. Thres main objectives of the League of Women Voters will bs ths outlawing of war, the enforcement of law and getting out 75 per cent of the voters at the next Falls.

Abraham la described as being about 40 vesrs old. Ho Is five feet 11 Inches Judge Fleeter Announces Plans for Mis Keesie Frank of Canhy, Is twit, slender. wghtn sbo'it 140 povr, is. a guest at tl home of Mr. and Mrs.

Hs wore a light grey suit. May Term No Court Here Next Week Kdgerly. 721 West Fifth at. Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel M. Pavls had as ihelr Sunday guests. Mr. snd Mra. Cur Dizzy Snails Db9 lis Wilson, son snd daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dlttnian.

Mr. 'end Mrs. M. COLUMBUS TO-TEST ORATORS Krumrel and I wo sons and Miss Rlanore to Undigested Food Psvla. of Brandon, who was at home The calendar for the May term of circuit court here waa called at 1:10 this afternoon with the exception of the criminal calendar.

When the long liat of civil Jury and equity causes hsd been called and all motions for their disposi ever the week end. Our SemUAnnual Half-Price W- MILLINERY SALE Dlsxlness and falntness after eating shows that your food Is not digested and Is turning Into polron and gas. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, as mixed tn Adlerlka, sxpels all poison snd gas from BOTH upper and lower bowel. Re tion recorded, Judgs L. L.

Fleiwer announced that the criminal action of State vs. Lawrence Johnaon would begin Studenta tn oratory at Columbus will compete for first place Shave With Cuttcura Soap Tuesday and occupy the attention of the court this week. Wednesday evening at I o'clock. There will be two groupa of students, rep moves foul, decaying food matter you Next week Judge Flecger finds It nec The New Way a mm" essary to be in Madison, so will not hold court hers, but he will return on May 11 and try all continued court cases. In neref thought waa In your system which poisoned stomach and made you dlzsy and faint.

Adlerlka Is EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. L. T. Dunning Drug Company, Phillips and 4th. resenting the first and second year college classes in which the winner will be selected.

The elocution contest (hat wsa to hsvs been held this evening has been postponed until Friday evening at I o'clock. UltUOUt ftlllg tending to clean thorn up. Following the Johnson murder trisl the Jury will be excused until June 4. when they will be called back nnisn A general Invitation ia extended to up the Jury case. the friends and patrons of ths college to attend both of these contests which will be held in the college refectory.

STATE OFFICERS AH our High Grade Patterni Hats your choice of any make or design, including the famous KNOX HATS, CUPID. GAGE and ASCHER models all at HALF price (Both "dressy sport and street wear.) This is a Semi-Annual event at Rosenthal's Millinery and heretofore has always proven very popular with the ladies of Sioux Falls. QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Cliye TaMctj AT WATERTOWN CONVICTS TWO IN LIQUOR CASE South Dakota Retail Merchants i i 4 Attend Annual Convention Opening May 15 That.ts the Joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards prod -teed Olive Tablets, the substitute tor calomel.

Dr. Edwards, a practicing physlclsn for 17 years and calomel's old-time ene After pleading their own-' case and acting as their own attorneys W. B. Heating a and Charles Skaarud were both StiibborT found guilty of having Intoxicating llauor In their possession. Hastings my, discovered me tormuia mr uitvs Tablets while treating patients fo chronic constipat'on and torpid liven.

All this week Berdahl. secretary of tha South Dakota Retail Merchanta' association. O. I. Huckmaster.

field secretary, E. J. Nut- Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, soothing tsl. business manatterif ths Commercial and Miss Jeanette Agrattt.

Mr. Berdahl's stenographer went to served MtU-s an sppeal to circuit court white -John Lynch. wbs later ren-rt-sented r-ksarnd, gave nolle of an appeal for his, client. It 1 charged that the taro defendants weer fund In the Sttlngfellow home at were found In the Ptrlngfellow home st McMahon and rutolT. Aa ths officers ttempted to enter ths house It Is Claimed that th defendants attempted to break a Jug.

containing The Rosenthal's Millinery vegetable laxative. No griping Is ths "keynote" of little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets. They canse ths bowela and titer to art normally. They never fores them to unnatural action. i i Watertown to attend the annual ronven tlon of ths South Dakota Retail Mer chants' association.

usually respond to Resinol Although Rcim4 Ointment prU nnrilv intended for the treatment el-kin aftectumi and the control of itch-ng It has such a strong healing action that it if highly and widely reconv mended at a dressing- for the most stubborn halt toret, wound, etc hmM.oAt as' saw a SNfiswItasassaes, Maay alto' stHfy it has IweUd sukkly sad stty. sm that her Khswd ts yield ether treaisMaM. SrVsa3sraTWa, A special luncheon smoker ha been If you have a "dark brown mmith" ('i WithFusMd's planned for the delegates on weflne bad breath a dull, tired feeling alck day, tha second day of ths convention. Ths convention dates are Mar IS to 17. Jug was thrown Into tha cellar through a trap door and broke but enough liquid remained In the nrvk to show what It had contained.

headache torpid liver constipation, you'll find quirk, sura wed pleassnt s-ilts from one or two of Edwards' Oltvs Tsblets at Thouasnds take them every alaht Inst to keep right. Try them, lie and The muslo of "Home, Sweet Ilonts1 generally Is credited to K. Payns haa swld It Is aa adaptation of an Italian folk song ha heard Olaf 5 M. Thorstenson andf wife to Schoensmsn Bros. lot block 1 al'JiM A pt Itlj-huuyning.

1-4 I 1'' 4 iii i.

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