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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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A. FUEDR1CKSON. Editor PAUL D. HUMAN Advertising Manager Sole National Advcrllslne Representatives: Wallace Witmcr New York, Chicago, Detroit. Atlanta, Memphis.

Entered as second claw matter at the post- olltce al BtyDieville, Arkansas, under act ol Congress, October 9. 1917. Member ol The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier in the city ol Ulylhevjlte or any suburban town where carrier service is maintained, 25c per week By moll within a mains ot SO miles. $5.00 pei year. $2.50 for months, $1.25 (or three months; by mall outflde 50 mile zone, 112,50 per year payable in advance.

Meditations My jH'ople arc destroyed for hick nf knowledge: beta use tliou hasl rejedcd knowledge, 1 will also reject tlicc, that tliou shall lie no prlesl lo me; seeing thou linsl the of thy God, I will also forgfl thy Ignorance, when voluntary, is criminal, and a man may be properly charged with that evil which he neglected or icfuscd lo learn how to Barbs funny how many people who always wiml to start something are new in sight when there's to be started. It's best la laugh misfortune, a Anil U's easy, when you're tlie one It mi.sscs. Folks didn't have lo worry about their hands getting cold tills past winter. Prices kept them ill their pocke-ts most uf the time. We'll have sojnelhlng lo worry about if all of til? little bubble gum tuts turned out lo be busts themselves.

Dropping so many doesn't help a woman to carry her years lightly. Neighbors Lend Helping Hand to Coalter Family The kind of ncijfhborlincs.s which is Hie cement Uint holds a community together was displayed when a fire left iMrs. G. Coalter and her three sons homeless and without clothing- except for that which they wore wearing at the time. From all reports, the neighbors were quick to lake the boys into their homes and equally quick to organize their own disaster project to help I Coulter family.

This is somewhat of a return to the days when citizens looked upon such cases as this as the responsibility of all living in that particular community. Days when people relied more upon Christian friendship and less upon big federal government to help each oilier over the rough spots of life. We offer our congratulations to those persons who extended aid to their neighbor when an unfortunate disaster left her temporarily without means to provide for her family. Federal Program Needed To Harness the Missouri Once again the mighty Kiver is on a rampage, and once again there arises tlic pressing problem of how tliis paradoxical source of destruction and fertility can best be harnessed. For several months now a special Missouri Basin Survey Commission, appointed by President Truman, has been investigating the whole complicated subject.

What the Commission will come up with remains to lie seen. Meantime, two remedies have already been put forward. One is a bill which lias been introduced in Congress to create a Missouri Valley Aulhorily similar to the TVA. The other is the Pick-Sloan plan, developed by the Army Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. It aheady has partial authorization by (If tlie two plans, the MVA is more extensive and initially wouUI be mure costly.

It would provide for irrigation water, for electric power, and for hol'l- ing as much rainwater as possible in the region where it falls. The Pick-Sloan plan relics hugely on building levees highcv to control flood waters. Another important part of this program is to provide a fairly deep foy navigation up the Missouri as far as Sioux City, la. Opponents of the Missouri Valley Authority bill claim it would he too costly and too inflationary, would require metals and materials needed for defense and by the civilian economy, would impose an authority over state and local governments in the area, and would provide electric power in competition with private power companies. opponents of MVA have also criticized the fact that it would put a limit on the amount of land for which a single owner could get irrigation water.

These arguments carry weight, particularly the one about cost. In these days of high taxes and rising government expenditures, any big new expenditure is going to get lots of opposition. Hut advocates of the MVA, while admitting its high initial cost, point out Hint certain phases of it, like irrigating water and electric power, would be sources of revenue which would amount lo a great deal over the long haul. And this is not to mention the benefits which accrue lo crops and soil conservation from a plan which would simultaneously reduce soil erosion and hold water where it has fallen for later irrigation use. Rightly or wrongly, MVA advocates say certainly MVA would in many ways constitute imposing certain over-all supervision on the.

states and localities involved. But such supervision is necessary, they say, if a unified program is to he devised which can place in their various niches of importance all the many Missouri River problems. However, needed lit this lime, while the two great Missouri Hiver floods of the last year are fixed in people's minds, is a well-thought-out government program for the Missouri Kiver which will do the most good for the most people. Il's certainly to be hoped that the President's Missouri Basin Survey Commission will come forth soon with workable plan which can be carried out as promptly as possible, and with a well- defined aim that eschews government encroachment in private business, unnecessary expenditures and federal control over anything except the project ilself. Control of the truculent Missouri River is the only problem and the aims and effects of such a program should be spread no thinner than that.

Views of Others Phenomenal! Fvom a bulletin. United States Department of Labori "As employment increases, unemployment is expected to decrease." iS'avr! As hair falls out, baldness is expected to crop up. As rnin falls, the drouth is less. As the sun sets, darkness Ls expected. II steers are fewer, steak will be, anil lot us all be thankful thai enlightenment by government bulletins is expected to as taxes go Morning News SO THEY SAY 'Stop Rocking the Boat! Erskine Johnson.

IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD (NEA) On Cdson's Washington Column Flood Waters Refloating Plans For Missouri Basin Development the Record: Maureen O'Sullivun, on banning publicity photographs of her seven children. "It's such an awful bore to everyone. It gets to be like a three- ring circus. And I know the children resent it." Gene Evans, on his role of a bearded pirate In "It's Belting so thr.t in every picture I hardly above a whisker." Dorothy Lamour. on happy marl-Inge: "A smart woman picks a strong man to lean on.

A dominating wn- man pfrks a weak man who leans on her. A wise woman picks a mate." John Carroll, on movie box-office: "The producers are trying to destroy the very thing that makes movie stars boxoffice temperament. It's about time Hollvwood realised that actors ore NOT like other people. I'm all for Mario Lanza, Shelley Winters and a few more of the current crop who know what they want and ftehl for it." Corrine Calvet, on being com oared as "character" to Shelley Wintres: "Honey, I'm a settled-down character." Louis Jourdan on movie censorship: "Girdle and bra advertisements are far more suggestive and destructive to impressionable young people than'the French movie, 'La which was banned in New York." James Mason on his acting: "I wish I could take acting light-, ly. I really do.

I wish a snap of fingers would get. me on and off the set and in and out of the mood. But it doesn't work llmt way with me. Every before the camera Is like a first night on the stase." Pat Morrison, after a trip to London: "A film siar's career In Fug-Innri is mor 1 enduring than in Hollywood. The fans there almost adopt WASHINGTON (NEA) 'lood waters (town the Missouri Ilivcr have torti a few lungs loose in Washington, too.

I'liey have refloated the long- tranded plans for Missouri basin ievclopment. The Hoover Commission recommendations on reorganization of the Federal government's water resources agencies are at going to get sonic consideration hi Congress, I'eter Etlson nun's latest Missouri vcy Commission held President Basin Hur- its first or- plan was born. Aside Army Engineers are estimated as. high as $4.5 billion- Si.8 billion for Corps of Engineers. 52.7 billion for Bureau of Reclamation.

The 3137 million Fort Peck dam was completed in I93G before Pick-Sloan from tins, spending S200 million on building a nine-foot navigation channel up to Sioux City, and eight other dams to cost $800 million. BUREAU OF Reclamation has completed nine smaller, upstream dams but of 89 authorized, to cost another S800 million. All dams built arc reported holding back millions But they hack last a performer they like and there no such thing as a Ms-been. An aetor automatically graduates from leading to character roles." Vaughn Monroe, about the dance band business: "We used, to average 200 one- night stands a year and money in all of them. People aren't dancing any more the way they once did.

We need someone to Invent a new dance like the jitterbug. That will bring back the dance band." Geraltline Brooks, on movie star- do in: comes (no easy. No wonder it goes to people's beads." Jclm Hut-hard, on his early movies playing on TV: "I look at them and say, 'What a callow youth I was. And what a sucker to accept that particular piece of direction. 1 Viveca about her mer- ry-ffo-ronnd life: "Everything is happening to me.

Television shows, a movie, a new home let me having a baby in June." Director Mervyn Leroy, about Esther Williams in "One-Piece Bath- in? "This picture will prove for alllf time that Esther doesn't have to swim. She gave a magnificent acting erf or ran nee." tilltana Simonc, the Italian actress, on Rome fashion designers: "They all try (o make women look like the last page of an American fashion magazine. When (he rfrcss overpowers the woman, which is the Italian designer's aim, may make a pood picture, but the wo- of acre-feet of water. aren't enough to hold winter's heavy snow-water run-off meeting early in April, of the plains and the thaw in the The President announced he mountains still to come. Since the appointing this new group in Jan-1 start of the Korean war, there has uuy.

He named it in February. Its I been a froe7e on funds to start new chairman was Morris L. Cooke. The Cooke Commission report, In three big volumes, weighed eight and a half pounds. It recomended that Congress set up a separate commission to develop each major river basin, designating which Federal' agencies should participate in each project.

The Cooke report was completed a year ago and then this commission itself went out of commission Nothing much happened. The report went to the Budget Bureau for condensation and drafting into authorizing legislation. The 17-patre Cooke summary emerged as an 87- page draft bill, but instead of going to Congress it appeared principally in literature of the Farmers Union, which supported it, Further compounding the confu sion, President Truman then ap pointed the Missouri Basin Survey Commission under James Lawrence. chairman, James E. Lawrence, is editor of the Lincoln (Neb.) Star.

It, will set up headquarters in the area and submit its report within the year. The billion-dollar damage anticipated from the present floods will give the commission plenty to write about. THIS IS the fifth planning group lo tackle the Big "Muddy problem. The first iden xvu.s for an Missouri Valley Authority for this one-sixth of Hie nation, modeled on the Tonnes.sec Valley plan. MVA was opposed by many spe- projects in this vast undertaking.

While the Pick-Sloan plan has its critics, it is today the only complete plrtn in existence. Any new MVA or other flood control plans thought up later will have to be based on Pick-Sloan surveys. When ex-President Herbert Hoover'. 1 Commission on Reorganization of the Federal Government came to study the rivalry and duplication of effort between Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation, it recommended that all tins river development and flood control work be transferee! to Department of Inter- man's personality is lost." Novelist niJint Paul, famed for clal interests in the area. Corps of lor.

lint the Hoover Commission cx- in the Army and Hurcai of Reclamation in the Department of Interior tVtfii came up lYic famous Plck-Stoiin plan. It Fome 300 and reservoirs for flood control, navien-' nt this conflict, President Truman Hon. irriLjution and Hectric in appointed a Water Re- Total cost- has bren MUMTC.S Policy Commission. Us Pin-curls arc -A slate of undriNS. If we're to teach good manners in the school, we should certainly include proper Prank Alien, Principal of Aultoch High School, on Ins refusal to permit girls with their hair up to ivt- icnd classes.

I challenge (he aauli-my lo'pruve that one of them pot a trial before a cadet honor commit tee us required by the IGQ-year tvadttion of the Robcit Darn, on expelled Point cadets. All veteran officers involuntarily recalled from (he volunteer and inactive reserves arc being released on or before cnmpletion of months active duty it they so Defence Secretary A nun Rosenberg. The economy is like luggage. Part is new. part old.

Some pieces have Yale locks, others arc held together with vopc.s. But it's all Rood enough. Ui Sidney Sulrin, EGA Ad- mimstrntorr 1 haven't my mind basically about my philosophy, but I don't have the sense of simplicity that ii.scrt to George Santariya on his fifith birthday. It to tiy to decide the ox- act form immmulity will take. won't br able to change it and accept Roosevelt.

Nowadays al! paintei P. even those who call themselves Communist, paint for millionaires Poet Cenrtrars People drink to not Ernest Uub- tc-r. psychologist, aliei exhaustive studies lo lind out why people drtufc. puns split seven ways on their power recommendations and three ways on water pulley recommendations. AN to resolve some er could run the hearts, but he still bad to go after the clubs, and when he did sa East got in with the king of clubs to defeat the contract with the long spades.

"We see that South would have made his contract if he had tackled the clubs instead of the hearts at the second trick. What we don't understand Is how South is suppo.y- ed to guess which suit to begin oh. Can you explain this? can explain IL, out I can't give a slick, ensy answer in two or three words. The important point is that' Sohth must think In a situation of this kind. South can tell from the nature of the lead and from the size of East's signal that West has led a short suit.

There is no if East has only four spades, so South must consider the possibility that East has started with five spades headed Its other members include has the ace of hearts Jim Murray of Montana, Milton am thc king of clubSi he wlll bc Young of North Dakota, Congress- a ble to clear the spades with one TT entry anrf nm them wtill tnc entry. South therefore expect to be set if East has both of the missing key cards. What if West has both of the key cards? Then the club finesse will succeed, whenever South tries it. No danger. What if East has one of the key cards, but not the other? Any plan will work if East has the ace of hearts but not the king of clubs.

It dcesn't matter which suit South begins. If East's one key card is thc king of clubs, however. South must start authoring "The Last Time I Saw "Remember those wonderfully charming neople I used to write about? Well, I Just can't stand them anymore." Lucille Ball, describing her baby daughter: "We think she looks Just like Winston Churchill. But without the cigar." Milzl Gaynor, after hearing a leopard would have a bit part in her new movie: "What's worrying me is who'll really have that bit I or the leopard." men Aspinwall of Colorado, Hope of Kansas. Trimble of Arkansas, and prominent citizens of four other the area.

THE GENERAL impression ts that the commission is loaded in favor of a Missouri Valley Authority. Hoover Commission recommendations were out In 1 bill form and introduced in Congress a year ago. Again nothing tmpnened. Corps of Engineers has friends in the built up so many flood areas and men. Patricia McCormick, year-old.

Texan bullfighter. Congress that, the chances of putting it out of business are slim. But now President Truman ts submitting to Congress a new reorganization plan which would put all flood control work in Department of Interior. I be Doctor By EDWIN IV JORDAN. M.

D. Written for NEA Service The name tor the disease called i disease. The spleen also Is usually irukcinin, was originally proposed I enlarged. Increasing fatigue Is aji- hy thc famous Gcrmrvn other common early sign. more tlinn 100 years Translated it means "white blood." Of course, the bUxxl docs tuvii oompleioly white in leukemia, but there is a "whiteness" about it which is caused by the destruction The person who discovers a cure for leukemia should be highly hou- ovcd.

As things are today, however, cure for the disease is not im- mrdisueiy in sight. Those who are afflicted with leu- ot many normnl red cell 1 and their kcmia, especially the chronic varie- roplacreinm by tic.5. can he helped temporarily in known as while celis or leukocytes many cases by blood transfusion, by leukemia is really condition in over the spleen or by cert- wliich the white cells have prnvvn "in kinds of arsenic preparations wild, Not only arc iherr more white i taken by mouth. Radioactive phos- -Hls than there sohuld be in leu- pnorous. urethanc.

nitrogen mus- irmin. but thne arc abnormal i ACTH and cortisone, and forms and kinds. mnny other substances have beer Umirr normal conditions there' tried and may have a place in ate between 5.000 to 10.000 white some cases. However, up to th tolls In a cubic of blood prrseul, no reliable method of cure (a cubic millimeter, incidentally. Is; has become available.

an extremely small but! "The only good thing that can be in leukemia, the number of white' about leukemia is that it is not avid ware common. There is probably lo 30.000 or 40.000 and as danger of being hit by an hi'h as 100.000 or more in rv cubic: Automobile than there is of con- milliincler. There arc several kinds of Iru-1 konua uamfd according to the type of cell hich is piedoimnenl mid whether the condition is acute or, chronic. Rcuardlrss of the of leukemia is JACOBY ON BRIDGE Here's a Solution For Tough Problem By OSWALD Written for NEA Service accompanying hnnd puzzle: us," writes a Cincinnati correspondent. "We can see the result clearly enough, but we don't understand it.

"West- cleverly opened the nine of spades against the contract, Bats do not fly by sight, but by sound. Nature them with their own radar. Seems like there should be moral in (his somewhere for human wise- leukemia. 75 Years Ago Ir Btytheville caus however, the not. known, iiUhoush nnny theories been siuipeMr-d.

In tlio rapid or acute r.isr of Iru- komia. i ol the type of cells involved. The body becomes overwhelmed with abncmunl rapidly. HNvdmjt may take pl.iro from thr emm or into the skin, and the latter is usually pale and i yellowish looking. A rtauchUv born this mouth lo Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Jilvtliovillc visitors are Mrs. Otto KochUlzky. of Columbus.

and formerly of here who is visit inn Mr. and Mrs. RiuveU Phillips. and Mrs Josinh Fort. Clarksvillff.

wlio also once lived here and is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. D. Holies. Dr.

C. M. Harwell has been elect- NORTH J42 WEST 498 VA7653 K754 A 102 CAST A7653- 743 South I A 3N.T. 9831 AJ Q885 Both sides vul. West Norlh Pass 1 Pass 3 4.

Pass Pass Eut Pass Pass Pass Opening 9 three no-trump. East signaled wil the feicn. and South won with the ten South had to develop both chib-s and hearts, and the question was which suit lo tackle first. "The actual declarer began on the hearts. West took the ace of hearts and led his other spade.

I cnl.neriirm of the lymph, taiv Club which was organized un-j East look the ace of spades and Island" in rhe arm groin, orjdrr spousorshiu of the Blylhevillc continued the suit, setting up life neck may be Xim sign cf thc club. I two rtmaininff Now declar- the clubs at the secoi con win. an1 can clen buL he is then entryle fearing the spades. trick. East the sJV-dcs, ss.

South can without Pleasant Pastimes HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Check-mate 1 Used in loy wins this game gunplay 6 Tennis stroke 2 Hurry 9 Metric 3 Respected measures 4 Slope 12 Walk down 5 Infrequently this to see the 6 Burden movie 7 Mineral rock 13 Constellation 8 Former Exclamation British prime of contempt minister 15 Flower part 9 tyonth 16 French 10 British architect novelist, 18 Invest "Ouida" 20 Young chickcnll Earthenware 21 Orator fragment 23 Produced a 17 Declaimer colt 19 Ingredient of 24 Point an atom bomb arrow in 21 Grate archery 22 Pleasure walk 25Eleohant driver 27 Used in winter sports (var.) 29 Constricted 33 Hawking 35 Unusual 36 Immerses 38 Adjective suffix 39 Disabled Reposed 44 Contused flght 45 Natural fal 46 Polo ponies wear these 48 General I 6 2 Zl Tt za who art YT rutted solely by the at voices. Answer to Previous Puzzta ri A A COR A k- 0 A ANN 1 a A 1 1 i f. IAN" CO A 3 1 A I A 3 NT? 3 1 C. 23 Counterfeiters 39 Fix in 26 Christian surrounding Andersen matter 28 Whirled 40 Coolness 30 Table 4 1 Long high attendant may 31 Sea eagle drive in 32 Act 'baseball runl 34 Her pastime 43 Harem was 45 Serf shipwrecking 47 Bine- sailors 49 Born 37 Hunting dog 50 Denlist (ab.) 13 5 tH" 1 31 'Hk 0 1 30 if 5 31 am absolutely convinced that we are living in an rhour just before the Judgment of God Graham, evangelist. I would not be surprised if Stalin's trouble is the lack of feminine influence over him.

I think a woman might be able to accomplish far more with him than the Western statesmen have been able to do, of Valencia. I prefer to fight my bulls on foot and to continue alternating with 23- In the slower or more chronic rd president of O-sccola's Ro- 51 Her pastime wu eating apples 52 Bring forth young 53 Comforted Mfcines 55 Follower MGcU UB.

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