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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 12

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 GILVESTOIGREEIS TlEBffllEIPS THETU1KU RBAR WAHD COMMAND1NU. BVTERS PORT THIS MOBMSU. of ud Mlllt.rr Fonrm WrulT 8,000 Klcbtrn to thr SrmwaU City. Today. June 7.

9 ships Minnesota, Vermont and Mississippi arrive in harbor. e. committee of prominent Qalvestonlans visit flagship Minnesota on pilot boat Texas, welcoming Rear Admiral Thursday, June 8, 7 p. quet nnd reception at Hotel Galvei. glren by citizens of Galveston In honor of Rear Admiral Aaron Ward, General Albert Mills and officers of squadron and brigade.

Friday, June 9--Brigade review of First Separate Brigade at Fort Crockett, given by General Albert Mills in honor of Rear Admlrat Ward and visiting naval officers. Saturday. June 10--Ball given In Surf bathing pavilion by officers of First Separate Brigade In Galveston In honor of officers of visiting squadron. A wireless message received In Gal- vcston Tuesday evening from Rear Admiral Aaron Ward on the board the United States battleship Minnesota announced that the third division, consist- Ing of the first-class battleships Vermont, Minnesota and Mississippi, are making schedule time, and will enter the port of Qalvestbn this morning at 0 o'clock. The entrance if the sea 'fighters Into Galveston harbor will be the signal for a series of festivities that 5S 11 of the people of Gal- yestcjn the fitness of things evidenced tR re eno of the United States navy In the best port In the Southwest and the South.

The pilot boat Texas, after maklne the official trip to lead the visiting ves? sn 0 tna afb will return to Pier 20, where reception committee of we 1-known Galvestonlans Ir mf, will be -taken 'iL 10 0 tt on tha to tha flagBhlii Minnesota, where the courtesies )1 Th prep i A 1 ons or th reception of the three battleships- have been ooiri- gletcd and outlined as far as possible. Some leeway It has been necessary to leave, as the. wishes of Admiral. Ward, the ranking officer of the United, States navy in tSe port, are naturally-Jo be consulted in the matter of uurlng his stay. puflng the day Tuesdfty there was an unusual influx of visitors in the city, and the hotels throughout Galveston were filled Tuesday night with those' to whom the spectacle of: the combined, military forces "aD- peal.

The fighting forces in. the city arb greater than the United has concentrated in' this section of the. country in time of "peace. AYith- the 2.600 'sailors and marine's -on the 'third; division; there are also 4,300 under General Mills nnd 'the 000 on" the cruiser's Saloni and bringing the 'total 6f the "forces conoen- trated ln-(3a)Veston' well up toward city tkrt 1 1 wiU an influx of v( rititon dur'-air the pwloa veweU which wil! In Gal- vectoo tbU xcorciog sjrt among the powerful eattleshlpc. of tbe and of 105 present day.

Hianteou'a vraa laid In and she has of Her apeta Is nineteen a fcour and her generate horsepower. The cost of the ves- sri iras IT.Ht.103. and her armament con- tf main and iwondary batteries rhB main battery is comprised of four 12-Inch rlftes. eight 8-Inch and twelve 7-lnch rifle. The eeoondary battery bat twenty S-inch rapid-fire guns, twelve two 1-pounders and suns.

Tho MisalMlppI, started la 1MI. la a TMM! slightly less pow.rful then the Minnesota. Her dinplacement In tons la 15,900, and she has a of teventeen Knots an hour. Her englnei are of unri her total cost "wao Her main batteries contain four 12-Inch eight 8-lnoh rifles and eight 7-lnch. In the secondary battery are twelve 8-Incb gune, six 3- poundert.

two 1-pounders and several smaller Vermont, whose keel was laid In Is the moit powerfuhof the three. Her cost was Her dlsplace- inent le 18,000 tons, and she generates "and twelre 7-lnch rlflei. The secondary battery contains twenty S-inoh rapid-fire, twelve 8-pojnders. four 1-pounderi and various other smaller pieces. Officer, of The complete list of officers In command of the three vessels, the division being commanded by Rear Admiral Aaron Ward, Is as follows: Minnesota---Rear Admiral Aaron Ward, commanding the division: aides, LJeu- tsi.uitRoger 'Williams and Iflnslgn Rus- neii Wilson; Captain George" F.

Clark, commanding officer; Lieutenant Commanders Edward S. Kellosg and Austin Kauti; Lieutenants William S. Pye and Theodore A. Kittenger; Enslgni Stephen 11 106 Fellx Cyga-it, Ralph C. Nse-Jhant.

Ezra G. Allen. VTotor'l). Herbster. Thomas C.

Kinkead; Midshipmen gaymond E. Jones. TVlillam C. Wickham, POIOY T. Wright.

Frank S. Carter, Ralph G. Haxtoii, Cuclus C. Dunn. Wadlelgh Capehart.

Josiah 0. Hoffman Edwin J. Gillmnn. Joseph P. Crowell Surgeon Odrnln Alfred, Assistant Surgeon Johnson, Assistant Surgeon THE CALVESTON DAILY HEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUKE 7, 19U.

MHHS WEST Hi mm TUGS-OF-WAR HKTM'KKX SOLDIBHS, SAILORS AK1 Xorih Gtnsmn JJoyd BmwrU Ei- tloci Sow Total covar or civu, APPEALS. TENTH DISTRICT COCRT. Es port. LcvU Kerxx-. 1 -SIXTH DISTRICT COfRT.

Bnuide. vi. dlvurn. Cwgtttj Cooajt. Georss E.

Sinuc. Judct. mmBI 1 Houwfur- f. 1 8 1 1 court; and dlsa laaM of def-ndim. Robert Paymaster George K.

Chaplain Sidne Kvans. Mississippi Captain William F. Ful- lani, conimandlag bf fleer; -Lieutenant Commanders Cleland Davis and Arthur G. Kavanarh: Lieutenants Joseph R. De- frn Wllflam S.

Miller and'SoSert VS. Ensigns Lelgli Noyes, John P. Miller, WalterB. Decker, Isaac C. Bog-art, Cliestar.H.

J. 'Kopplen Carl T. Osburn Midshipmen Edmund. 3. R.

Brandt. Rob- rt .1 "St Jr -i Georse M. Cook, John II. Sm th, Francis P. Traynor.

Chaa. A. Pownell, Murphy J. Foster, Valentino N. Beia; and Mllo P.

Refo Surgeon James S. Taylor. Assistant Surgeon Qirdner. B. Robertson, Paymaster Robert Ji.

Orr. Vermont-- Captain Walter McLean, commanding officer; Commander Henry F. Bryan, Lieutenant Commanders Edward H. Wecton. Gilbert Chase, Frank L.

Plnneys Ensigns William A. Hall, Richard A. Mann, George Dallas. Rlley F. McConnell.

Richard B. Coffman and Clyde G. West: Midshipmen Ralph D. -Weyerbaohor, Thomas B. Richey, How- rdT -iBenson, Aljrer H.

Dresel, Creed H. Boucher, Monroe KellyJHenry E. Ros- Augustine H. Gray, liewlfl Hancock William P. Brown and Scott B.

Mo- Farlane; Surgeon Robert O. Shlffert, Passed Assistant Surgeon Clarence E. Strlte; Papmaster David, C. Crowoll. Assistant Paymaster Smith pempstone.

Beail Estate G. C. Perkins et ui tb tftiTTj. G. Cra- SDfii lot Ln 1 4 block 8, Merchant's addition to League City; $275.

PERSONALS Gregory la a "Waco gueat. of Houaton la.fc^T*;---^. C. Harrlaon a Chlouo.Hllltar^ F. 'Eldrlflse la' a' Colorado visitor.

Demalt is a New' York vlaltor. C. Lester Is a -visitor ro'm' Sihulenlntrg. Frano'lB la-heri from Mount Calm. H.

Potter. Is guest Dtigango, Mex. Van i Brlnnsr Is here from Pueblo, Colo. B. Dumball.

arrived 1 Tueaflay from-Dallac. Andoraon In the city, from Knoi City. a i of New York D. Hoberts la a visitor 'battleships "will greeted 'outsl'de. the.

jetties Ay the pUot' boat'jexas, wljich; after It-has coridUctVa the will return to the wharves a.nd'be- tlie reception. cqmniitte'e. The committee-" will at' once -bqard the flagship -Minnesota, and tender: the freedom. of Galveston. to the visiting officers.

members of the welcoming com-. mittee are Judge Fish'er, may'or'ut- Galvesto.n;.City.Commisaioner V. K. County Judge George B.Mann, Couh-- ty Commissioner. Fred -c.

'-Pabst, H. ColbnBl Walter- Gresham, Traffic' Manager Halnes of the Galveston Commercial Association, Vice President and General Manager J. H. of the Galveston, Houston 4V Henderson Railway; Senat'or- Kauffman, secretary of theGalves- ton --Commercial Association; Captain William Scrlmgeour, General Passenger 'Agent W. S.

Keenan the Santa Fe, Assistant General Passenger' Agent Sydnor J. Tucker of the Trinity 4 Brazos Valley Railway, 'George Sealy, Charles Fowler Leaker, J. W. Jockiisch, B. Adoue, Colonel- II.

-Hawley, United States Inspector in Charge Alfred Hampton of A. J. Rosenthal, special deputy collector of customs; H. A. Grltfjn, Fred President M.

E. of the Galveston Labor Council, J. H. W. Steele and J.

Jackson. at Hotel Golvex. Arrangements have been completed for the banquet to be (riven at Hotel Galvez to the ranking officers of the army and navy who will bo In Galveston on tha evenlngr of Thursday, 8. The'ban- quet, which will be tendered to the officers by the citizens of Gslveston, promises to rival in thoroughness of detail the famous ball given by Oalvestoniana a'nunfbor of ago to what was then known as the "White- Squadron of the United States navy. Covers will be laid at the banquet for not exceeding one hundred people, fifty of whom will be hosts tnd fifty guests ahong the officers of the navy.

Beside General Albert Mills and his staff and Bear Admiral Ward and hie staff, the uests will In all probability include pvernor O. B. Colquttt, Major General W. H. Carter and aldys, and Brigadier General Duncan and aides, all of whom have been Invited.

The Second Regiment of the First Brigade have tendered for this Occasion thalr celebrated band, which-has a reputation throughout army circles of bctnc one of the best ban-Is in the service. The banquet will begin at 7 o'clock and will engage the personal attention of tho entire stalt of Hotel Galvez. from Manager lieuon down to the waiters. "Becb subscriber Isjjrlvllegcd to invite two ladies to be atQrtho Oalvcz at 10 0 clock to participate In a reception to be 1 given the army and the navy officers and the ilffnlr promises In all respects' to a gala event In the social history oalvoston. Troops Prtrtlclpnle.

As the troops under the command of Xisnwal Mills are due to return to rejton toilsy, there will be an unusually spectacular pngeant when the thousands of regulars detrain nnd march out Tremont street to their quarters at Fort On Friday. June 9. General Mills win give a. brigade review at Fort Crockett, in honor nf the visit of Admiral Ward ana the officers of the visiting Third Division. Saturday.

June 10. win signalized by a bull, Riven by the offlct-rs of the Irst Brlguclo at the Surf bath- pavilion In honor of the visiting of- 1 leers of the squadron. Assurances have been received In Oal- 'ii st rom "IlroHd officials thAt there will bo favorable rates to tho B. E. G.

D. B. here. L. H.

M. Shllsto'n arrived from.BilKa.r-;. G'. Loirue' Is vlsitinr friends from citW JI I ner Boston Is''visiting In the H. Dorety la mong the Boston vls- TyYe'r 3 tonle 4 "'ved Tuesday from rirais CochriS 1 the Austin ar- vliu'or Sm a Galveston 'lliP 'f' Graham Baltimore la guest at the of Chicago Is 'a commercial Is among the New Orleans 'friends Sh0r3S Beaumont ln th city Strr "day" here "from" Br(mks a vl ltor tr om Grand frIends We Be umont "er'o visiting James McGuInn the" Ck Ho tm reglatered at B.Sh'..«.r rorl herc Ior tt " from from gueats Beanmonf llmo th late inf lr7-, frem New visa' from fro 8 of Houston I the clt 1.

vtait- 8P Ta th Il3r for 1 Nm Tork (3rma pla 1 Bls TEX UOLLABS IlKWAKD. The abova reward will be paid for the r( and conviction of any person rSF ht stcRl a The GalvestoS Dally Niwi, delivered to any subscriber. A. tt BEIX) A CO, The chief feature of the meeting of the executive committee of the cotton carnival, held Tuoday afternoon at 4 o'clock, was the determination to make the amateur athletic feature one of more general interest than those previous carnivals. The department of is In charge of Director John w.

Young, and vbllA admitting that the previous carnivals have produced Interesting programs Director Young Is of the opinion standard of 100-yard varied As a result of the discussion with the executive commltteemcn, Mr. Young hits letermlned to organize several contests that will be unique in local athletic Chief among thesa will be a between picked teams of cotton icrewmen. The manner In which the 3ales of cotton are packed In the ships' holds is unknown to thousands of those who are otherwise familiar with the staple, and this content will be peculiarly appropriate at a cotton carnival. Heavy bulkheads, representing the ship's sides. will be erected at the carnival grounds uid Uie contest will be held in the evening, to see which team can pack the greatest number of cotton bales In the same space, with the greatest expedition.

will be awarded the winning teams. Tin of War. Another feature In the athletic line will a tug of war between picked teams of longshoremen. Tho oo-operatlon of the soldiers and Ihe. sailors iii the port at the time of ttio carnival has been aesured by the brncers of both the brigade and the fleet, and there are planned wrestling matches and tugs of war for substantial between men of the different branches of tho service, together with drilling competition! by picked squads of regulars, also for handsome carnival prises.

North German T.lojd BlMMi. One of the new and most attractive exhibits for the 1911 cotton carnival will bo mado by the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Captain Alt. Bryde director -of the foreign Imports division of the carnival, Tuesday received a letter from the offices of t(ie North German Lloyd Company In which ho was informed that the company will send to Galveston as Its exhibit the same display that has Just been shown In the Brussels Exposition. It consists of models of the entire North German Lloyd fleet of This Is one of the largest merchant fleets In the world, there being but one other fleet in the same class with it.

Tlie exhibit will be notable In many respects and is expected to attract a great deal of attrition. Captain Bryde attributes much of the success of the carnival In getting this exhibit to the friendly interest of Mr. Alfred Holti's agent'atGal- veston. who Is now In Burop.e and who undertook to help with securing the exhibit. The foreign- displays at the coming carnival promise to bo much better than any foreign displays.

over seen- In the United States with the possible exception of some ot the "larger international expositions. The Interest abroad in 'the cotton carnival is growing and the progress that will be noted this year as compared with previous years expected to bo most marked. Captain Bryde la confident that the foreign Interest la going to grow until nothing (n America win draw much of attention. Iri the way "of exhibits from tho several European nations that trade and are toward the cotton carnival. Dlrcctorahlf of minor matters of business wsre'i given attention at the committee meeting.

J. C. was-appointed. l.rt charge of the aquarium. 'The vacancy caused by the resignation of J.

Maurer from the place of director of the art exhibit has 'beeii 'the election- to that R' B. Harris. Maurer was forced to submit his resignation on account of pressure of personal business. Miss Alice Block, -su- resTg'ned, and her place Miss, Frances Kirk, in charga of the department of drawing In the Galveston puoltc -schools. The reports of the soliciting committees at present show.

$11,231.76 pledged for the present carhlval. IN THE LOCAL COURTS In Federal Court Dlicmuired foi the Term, Which la an UuusuaJly MlM RW Hott MM. D. Dl nn MlaJ AO1. i Tenth Dj.Lrlrt Court Nonjury following two oaws on ixjujurr dockst of the tenth oouit be called for trill bj Judje Clay a Brlrii on 28JZO.

o. J. Moaele; va. Telula Moaeley. Tenth IMstdot Court Jurr following cue.

on Jury docket of tl tl 5. oourt aoim for trial try Judge Clay 8. Brlxra durlnr the Titnl term: MONDA1, JUNE 1J. i Houston Packing Co. JE I 4 Co 1 WEDNE3DAT.

JUNE It. Thoma Gulveaton Eleo- Albwt Moore vi. Galveacoa Cotton ritlDAY, JUNE II. John J. Bran Galvtaton Eleotrto I.

A. Btoln va. McShino Lumber Co. I. Htta M.

Vogel va. C. A C. J. Chim- Mra.

P. c. Howell va. MTM. Molll.

Lee. MONDAY. JUNE! II. t790i. Leon Brownie vs.

Jules Block et al teneen'i CoTM'" Chrl sn en vg Chrli- 3s L'u N. Copl.y vb. Houston Henderson Railroad Co. WmNE3DAY, JUNE HI. O.

Shorman va. Texu City Refln- Ing Co. 28I5S. Wharf Co. nowena Mott B.

E. Dana. SB804. Atchlton. Topaku Banta Pe Railway FRIDAY.

JUNE 1 Manl The June term of" the United States circuit and'district court for the southern district of Texas, which, was 'convened Monday morning, In the History of this court Judge Burns on Tuesday morning dismissed for the term the petty jury impaneled Monday, "ar.d al! business--for the term, save the few cases to heard before the court, been disposed of. Judge Burna adjourned court at noon and departed for Hoiuton, nut will return later The following orders were entered Tuesdavi John Tolex vs. North Atlantic Steamship Company; dismissed at coet of defendant Huso Leaf-vs. Steamship San Jaclnto; hearing upon order to caum why proceaj In admiralty should not UBUO; wagos from New- York to Qalveston allowed, tld upon leavlni with tha clerk an order upon the shlppinir oomrtllesloner at New for wagej deposited with him; otherwise proows to Issue and cost, to be divided equally. Caaes.

The following naturalization casea In the tenth and district co-irta will be called for trial thla morning. The petltlonna appear In person to cause, If not for trial, for atkltig a continuance- the suits will be dlimissed, Under a recent ruling by the-department of. and labor, natunliiation bttreu: OMe. heard In the district oourts ooiy ii-SH time, year.

The OMO. aet ftir hearing are; Tenth district court: Edward -Oarlsc'n. Robert Gardner Robinson. J-scBh GonzaJat Braeit Coalman Hiaooe, Somml CohenTMarkua Alfred Klkelaen. Dotnlnso Vllas.

Bemhird Bergersen, Thiwdor-Thlom, Leonardns gjeju Van Melaon. John Crotty, FraltU, Anthony Tfagnor, Jtmcj "Valentine Ruxton, James collier, Charles Stangbfe. Celostlne ChecchI, Ole Lto Petkovlofi, Jonn Botlca and John TnomD- eon Hegtand. dlBtrlct court: Gustaf Oscar Connell, Bnrtoto Parnolofa, Aritonlo Novofil Neila FTfdk. Hainan.

Mo.o» Joseph Oerard Toang, Simon Slmonson, Blnar Maurlta WcnnherB. FranK Albert Friedtnburs Han" Carl KUMOW and Mlii Sophie Tsntll DIfltrict Totlrt CsDltnl CMCT. Tho following caaltal costs on the criminal docket of the tenth district court -were Tuesday Jet for trial tho term br Judc-4 Clar S. nrlpprs: 3 5' ordered. o.

murder; special venlro June S9. Orrcn Taylor, criminal nasaulf clal vcnho ot 100 ordtrsd. SO. Austin Tyler, criminal nnanlt: siw- vi i C-ldeFcii. Automobile I-lcrnwa.

Automobile licenses N'oii. 2S8 ftnd Isauta out of the office of County Clerk Goorro Vuenilay to John F. Lowrcnee ot 5001 Twenty-third streM. Tenth District Conrt. Clay Brl2fr DMrlcl Cmirf.

Mobtrl fj. Street, Fred Holjworth Ta. Harrltlrart Sick Headache bjr of by oj Mar tax? to ma thorough, purely ajapted for OMC adults. Remember Is no rtju substitute. and always Insist on havtnr; Hood's Pills Git tsi iiiny.

35c. or C. I. Hood Co, Lowelt Mts.TM by Hwd Good. Social and Personal al vi.

LouU KcrpBl. B. nellley VB. Texaa City Tranaportatlon Co. Hfty-Siith Court Nonjury Settlttci.

The fotlowlDK cues ion nonjury docket of the dim-lot court have bean aat down, for tr.n.1 by O. Street at June term: SATTTRDAT, JUNB 10. 37581. Emma Coleman vs. TV.

B. Colemaa .27703. Louisu A. Shielflii vs. R.

Sh.eidB. 37763. JDBephlne Randolf TB. Htrman Rau- UOll; ZtjiTB. Lulft Faithful va.

Jacob Faithful. i7n27. MUler Mooro VB. Beatrice Moore. JJW6.

Sully Theuer George Theuor. 27856. SiyaJi Bryant "vs. 37901, Htnry Robinson vn, Nanoy Roblnion, 27879. TVlillam Benton Parthena Btcton.

27887. Bernhard Braun vt, Innej Brauu. 28001. Artlce VB. Bcaty, 28063.

Nancy Alvla vs. Cheiter Alvla. 28076. Addlti Hoffman Fred Hoffman. 28087.

Clyde 0. DavfS vg. Al PAvld. L-em Wrlcht vi. Ida Wrijht.

25108. Josephine Mikftuch VB. Frank Klkecah 28119. Joaephlno Mttohell VB. Geo.

Mitchell. 38H3. Lavlna Brown TB. Henry.Brown, 28183. Jennie Evans vi.

W. P. 2S181. Lucy Jonet VB. Foiter Jon OB.

28129, Aldftrlgl vi. Sllviatro Alderlcl. 28237. Beiitrlce VB. Hayward Cartwrlght.

18256. Bdyd VB, Klla. Boyd. 28279. Frank ya, Elfrlda'Mld- dleton.

28296. Mdud Johnion vs. Jacob Johnton. 28301. Ella Duncan vi.

Jamas Duncan. 28309.. Ceaaer Centurion vs. Rltta 5L Cen- turlon. 28313.

AH on Jafikcon TV. Ruaus Jackaon. 28833. Ethel Burgosa va. John 28336.

Donnld Ridings VB. TV. RL' 28387., William Ltg Lee. 28339, J. Adams vn.

Leota.Adarha. 28343. Richard Henderson Henderson. Bostnthal- TH. Joaephlne Rosen- tha.1, -i 28365.

Alice-E. Lotffler Alois 28380. Regina Junainan-VB. George Juneman. 28371, Kate Preece VB.

Frank Preece, 28376. Sam Kamlniky va, Dora'Karalnsky. 2838.7,_N^BJl.:i.V8..Emnia..Belfi 28391. Ollie Williams-vi. 28B93.

Anna Anderson vs. Aujjuat Anderson. P. Nuport vs. R.

JUNE 12. 21118. Toni '24899. Weatern. Ilallway Company va.

Galveaton at ah- 26609. M. 8. Burns VB. Goeclhm' Bates.

2694 R. B. Garnett TB. Unknown Heirs of J. 263S7.

O. Martini aud, E. Gulrtl TS; J. B. Helmer Jr.

26627. A. P. txeoutor, al vi. Saving? and Loan of Ctiarles H.

Hiiches et al, defendants; No. 23411. 26629. A. F.

Borden, executor, et Galvsaton Suburban Improvement Company, garnlBhee of Charles "Hj-Hugrhes et al, defendants; No. 28411. 36851. Morltz A Plncoffe vs; Galveaton Cotton Seed Meal Company. TUESDAY, JUNE 13.

.26886. Francis L. Melton Frank J. -Nais. 27123.

vs, the'Wichita Valley Railway Company et al. 27125. J. jjouls Sin Francisco Railroad Company pt'aL 27217.

The City- of Galveston Glyan. 2723d. J. H. Langbchn.

va. Great Northern Railroad company al. 27281. The Galveaton Dry Goods Company vs, Tubb Bros. 27049.

Charles Nelson vs. Colltni and Maggie Uolllna. 14. 27676. G.

Levy O. Berger et al. 27688. Edwoxd Schwrer C0. vs.

NortSVQ man Lloyd Sttsarnshlp Company et al. 27717. Suderman Dolson vs. Lloyds. In the matter of- the estate of Kollla Walters, deceased, Mary B.

tate of Mollle Waltera, decoasod, and appellea. 2781L Tha Galveston Dry Goods Company va, H. J. Ashley. 27B33.

W. 1 H. Perrett vn. James J. Norton etal.

i 27863. Joaeph H. Hall VB. Mount Pilgrim Free Mlsilon Baptist Church. 27859.

The Clear Creek Orange Grove nany VB. W- A. Stockwoll. THUP-SDAT, JUNE IB. Rtlroi vs.

Hairs ot Asrln H. iOoudii 37801. Gonralos et ol va, Gwrgs W. SojiaDer et al. 37895.

Benj. Frederick et al 'Frederick. 88133. Henry Engelmclr, next of Andrew Engoimetr, va, the Gblf, Colorado St Eanta Fe KallwaT Company. 8819L J.

V. Solroan vff, T. K. BesB. 261S2.

J. F. Sclmon VB. First National Ban5t of Galveaton and Texas Bank and Trust Company, garnlshee of T. K.

Bess, defendant. No. 28 B. J. Splller and J.

L. Spiller vs. T. K. Splller Splller vs.

Flret National Bank of Gftlvc.stOD and Texas Bank and Trust Coinpany oi T. K. BC-BSI, defendant, S1 FRIDAT, JUNE 2S19S. Theresa Heater UK VP, M. 281 U.

Charies P. Macglll. trustee, vs, C. O'Donnell. 28217.

Charles P. MArarlll. tnuteft, m. GnstaT 2822R "Robort Maopln vs. Lungbchn Bros.

28307. Frank C. vs. lola S. 2fJ4fl.

Fayette Dllwovth vs, Gatveaton Wharf Conipoay. 2S361 John Pftrr et VB. Pat Newport ct at Henrietta Mosoowltz ot al vs. Morris 283 3 John 'C. Wa-lkor.

cxcctitor, vr Heirs nnfl Kstatc of Charles Nolan, Oc- Palmer Wyatt vs. Olllo Wyatt. Ai bc Cnnlno. Offering more attractions in tho nmusemcnt than any other beach resort, the Casino on the bench Is nightly crowded with a say throng. Although the of weathor just being 1 liamled out Is generally conceded to bo most too warm tor strenuous exercise under sunli conditions ns prevail at the Ca- fino, pkaving.

one of the winter indoor sports, is among tbe most popular rtl- with the crowds. Tlio danclnff floor, top. is Mwayg filled with a number of Tho roof garden holdg attractive features for all. and amtisornonta under the roof of the Cunlno Bo lovtmf and U1 da' th Ur th the word from your heart, with In the IJKe the scent of a rose In the month Af.JiinA .1 your oheor-frlvtifg- thought put In worda opportupe. a cup of oold wcter, clear, sparkling and fresh, Are your word.1 of good cheer OT of comfort and rest, I The world i a-weary, Be loilnj cheery.

Send forth the good words that will strengthen and bleat. Helen Van-Anderson. Social life last irlnter was quiet and uninteresting, but the summer girl here can not of lack ojjgaiely. The presence of the anhy and navy hag made a big difference in social lite since early spring. Instead of the pleasure! lessening fwith the coming of June, the Joys Increase every day, and from today until the departure of the- Third Division of the Atlantic fleet next weok tho hours will be crowded with merry events.

Today has a wedding, a commencement, a reception, and the Garten Vereln (lance. Tha program of dance music, as arranged by Mr. Conway H. Shaw for the Oarten tonight, is as follows: Two-Bte-- Stop! stop! Stop! Berlin Waltz-- Every Little Movement. Hoschna Two-Step-- Piano Man Bchulta Waltz Polnsotta Daly Two-Step--Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey Tllzer Walti On Our Two-Step When Marlolt Do tbe Cu- bar.ola Intermission.

Waltz-- 'fee Prince of Tonight Two-Step Qrlzzzly Bear Botsford Wait! Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland Friedman Twj-Step-- Pride of the Regiment Meyers Waltz Panslei for Thought Blyn Two-Step The Arcadians Waltz-- All That Ask Is Love Ingraham The 'entire program Is the request of Misses Battle Moody and Elizabeth Parkhill, Adjourned for the Yenr. The Girls' Musical Club met Tuesday morning at the residence of Miss Adoue and adjourned until Dec. The tenure oC office in this club Is three years, with the exception of the chairman ot the executive committee. Mrs. Morlt; O.

Kopperl was at this meeting unanimously re-elected chairman of the executive committee. B.y constitution and by-laws, there -other office vacant, as most-df those now In jofflce have another year to serve.i However, Cupid pays no attention to by-laws, and he has again declared the office of president vacant, as Miss Lillian Crookor.cwho Is now In office, will be rthe bride of a navy officer, in July, and goes to a distant city to reside. Miss Koroolaelle Randall, the "vice resident fill the unexpired term of HBS qfSctei resigned as corresponding rioretary, and was appointed vlceipresi- derit, Miss Elva Trueheort appointed corresponding secretary for the vacancy made by Jliss-Adoue's resignation. 'On the executive board Cupid showed hlfl autocratic rule, and- In Miss Clarlde' Robertson's removal this Thursday Oklahoma as a bride, a vacancy was Miss Warrlner was appointed a member of -the board to succeed Miss Robertson. Miss Laura Park was likewise appointed a member of the executive board.

who have of office Mile. Jeanne Mllon de Peillon, recoraing secretary; Miss Bllleen Allen, treasurer; Miss Rebecca Trueheart, chairman of the program. committee. Before- adjourning the club Miss Crocker a rising vote ot thanks for 'the capable "wai In which she has held this high In return- she thanked the officers and members for their co-operation- and. the zeal displayed in the club's welfare.

H. P. A. Meeting. Women's Health Protective Asso.

elation mot Tuesday, morning at the Rosenberg and adjourned, until autumn. George D. Morgan, called' tb order. Mrs. Christian-, secretary, -read tile min- meeting.

-Mrs. Morgan, i order" business; as.ely,in' called for reports 1'roei. the various stand- lug Mrs. Jens Mollor. treasurer, made repoi-i of the finances.

A communication was road from the civic league at Port Lavaca, of which Mrs. Wllloughby J. Chapman Is president. Charles Heller, forest assistant. United States department of agriculture, from Hot-springs, to Mrs.

J. Bonart, giving a list of trees he thought woulc likely to- thrive this climate. The Deluded: Maple, elder, Chinese Cool as the Proverbial Cucumber White SuiU $7.50 and $10 Wbito HaU $3 and $4 White Shoes $3.00 and White Shirts White Ties White Sox Outfitter verslty of Texas scholarship fund waa en inuch given inuch a S. H. Clarka hip S.

tre 1 i-hite'ash, watlir ash, Russian mul- poplar, aspen, cotton- berry basewood and Osage orange, Br. -Charleb wr ieaith officer, wiote-that in order to, continue the war on the typhoid fly the sum $100 WRS needed for a film and some additional- stirooptloon- elldsB. In -this communication Dr. Trueheart stated thai Dr. Peek would contribute his services as lecturer: The association discussed the communication.

Mrs, N. H. Christian made the me tlon- that while the association "hilly indorses the commendable Idea 1 'of giving a free lecture 'On the typhoid fly tha association could not give financial aid. This motion was seconded and carried. Before adjourning Morgan put before tho club the question of the annual fall entortalnmeht.

Nothing was decided. The members attending this final session for the year were: Mrs. N. Christian," recording secretary; Mrs. Claude B.

Relcherzer, financial secretary; Mrs. Jens treasurer; Mosdamea I. Ixven- berg. Bachelor, George Wilson and Miss Trueheart. D.

SI. S. Almnnt The Ball High School Association met Tuesday aflernoon for regular monthly meeting. Business rff Importance was Including tho annual election of officers and final arrangement of plans for tho dance to tho graduates, clrisg 'n, Commencernont is on the 15th, but the dance will r.ot be given until tho evening of tho 17th. This wil' be given a', the Surf Pavilion.

Mr. Shaw's Orchestra has been engaged, and the committee In charge has rfeourerl l.rnml.i.. of izlni car to and rroin iho pavilion." invitations Is- lod 1 tlliij scrv-e as cards of admission Iho bo the grailuates tho junlora. tho.jciembcrs of the association nnd escorts of all. This will make a large assembly.

Previous to dancing Judge Clay Stone Brlgm, who is an alumnus of the will address the The election ofof fleers follows: President, Miss MurKsia! nuaao vice presldci-t. Mri. Anltn Bviirs; tary, Miss. Kathlwn Mrs. Abe Kauffman.

Miss Ai.tli '--jhen thfc rctlrlni; prcsWenl. flr.otint,! tlon hi-ciiisc of Inck of time to rtcvot" to the i.SKiolatlon. C.ihon mode a conscientious and efficient present. Hurlnz nrr term of office srcnlnt; meetlnirs were held so that the gentlemen members the association might attend. The SALZMANWS FOR SILVERWARE The Leadership of this house has been recognized for public has grown to know aay piece of Silver-nir that comei from Saliiauin's is to be relied upon.

And it an acceptable faoS that quality for quality, Saltmwn'a prices are invariably lowest. With Increased faoUHles and more room, we have added many new aad exclusive lines which ire feel aure will prove of i to prospective buyers. lere for a lecture on Maeterlinck's. "Blue- Bird," and in these and many other wayv Miss Cohen worked faithfully for the ae- poclatlon. During this term of office an announcement of great Interest Is likewise made, and that Is that next Novem- er Ernest Thompson Beton will be brought here.

Thus tho year closes not alone with good work done but wltb something big to anticipate at atari of the new term. The members present were: Misses Johanna Tacke. Kathleen Hudson. Lillian Here, Anne Puella, Marcaret Runge, Bertha Trube, Augusta Bertna Illmler, Ruth Cohen. Edith Warrlner, Mrs.

Anita Evans, Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Abe Kauffman. Clo.lnar The Bath Avenue School Mothers' Club adjourned for the year Tuesday afternoon. Instead of routine business the closing was made (i special occasion.

A large number were present and the following program given: Piano Raymond Haynes Flute Solo Master Albert Kampe Accompanied on piano by Miss Josephine Kampe. Piano Solo Miss Helen Janssen Recitation Master Starley Tevlg Piano Solo Mrs. Thompson Violin Solo Master James Burke Accompanied on the piano by Miss Moselle Murray. Piano Duet Master Beverldge and Mrs. Hagood.

Recitation Raymond Haynes Piano Solo Miss Ittoselle Murray The participants are children of tho club members, whose pleasure it was to entertain on this, the final session. pro.7am was given with much credit anS' upon Its conclusion Ices and cakes were served. Miss Mary T. Walker Is principal of this school and both she and the teachers work In harmony with the Mothers' Club and In the friendly relation ot school and home accomplish much for the welfare of the children. Surf Party (or Misses Gladys Boone of Mississippi and Emily Hanford of- Arkansas, the guests of Miss Clarlde "Verriuh Robertson, "were complimented Monday evening with a surf party.

The party assembled o'clock and after the surf enjoyed supper on the beach. Tho 'party was chaperoned by: Mr. and Mrs. Hex Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.

Prank Allen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and.

Mrs. J. M. Dykes, Dr. and Jos.

P. Arnold, Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Haden.

Those In the party were: Misses Boone, Hanford, -Margaret Robertson, Alyey, Gresham, Hamilton of Houston, Wlnnifred Allen, Eileen Allen, Alvey Randall, Messrs. John Lanham, Morgan, Berto, Robert' Vance Davidson Tom Allen, Gus Arnold, Wltherspoon, Harry Black, Randall John MacgllL Commencement 3 The cards have' been You are cordially Invited'to attend the, sixty-fourth annual commencement and. graduating of the Uraullne Academy. Galteston, T.ex., Tuesday, Juno 18. 1911, at 7:30 St.

Ursula's. There are nine graduates at Ursu- llne Academy this His Law Deffree. Davidson ig'ners-'irom'fne vis-" itlng hia'sister, Henry Car- mlehael, wlll.receiya hlg.bachalor of law degree this term. Mr Davldspn will- i-amain here only a few -returns to Austin for the conferring of degrees and to attend the final ball. He will practice law- in-Dallas, Mr; Davidson is the oungest son of-Hon.

and Mrs. Bobert Vanes Davidson and Is the third son to graduate from the Texas 'Miss Thresa Byrne; sailed.on the steamship Jjloyd, for Germany to spend the summer. Mr. -and-Mrs." Allen and Misses Wlnnifred and Eileen Allen leave Sat-" urday 'for New York en route "to British. Isles.

for a sojourn of several JCWOERS UNO OPTICMWS 2215 Postoffloa Stnwt. HOTEL ma OH StlUnDDY, JH10' CAPES WILL OPES TO ItTBIJO AT P. M--SIAIBT-BUILDIKG AT 5 P. M. MT Room Already En Hotel Chairtercd for Itumdiy NUtnt Dinner.

On Saturday, June 10, at 5 o'clock In the afternoon, the new million dollar Hotel GalveB will be formally opened. Onn hour later--6 o'clock--tbe doors of all the cafes will be formally thrown open to the public, and another step will be taken in the progress'of Sftivosioh. the resort. This is the announcement of Manager J. y.

Letton. who Is at present busily engaged in attending to tbe thousand and one details that go making yp the. marvelously complex mechanism of the modern hotel. At this date of opening the entire will be practically completed, with the possible exception of joins final touches to the ball room and to the marble stairway--the latter one of tho architectural features, of tha big tavern. Every room in the whole house will be finished ahd completely furnished, and tho best hotel that Galveston has possessed, up to the present date will bo ready for the public.

That the public hafl-lonar beeu'ready-- and waitlnc--fer It, li amply-demonstrated by a glance into Manager Letton's business office. For several days past two stenographers hare been kept busy answering the correspondence people from all over Texas and contiguous In this oorreepondenoe reservations have by far exceeded queries as to rates and Chartered TfcunadaiT. "There Is one'matter in which I par- loularly wlih the public notLtoibecomf. confused In to-the GaTve'z," laid Manager Letton. "A number ot peoSla seem-to have, aoqalred the linpresaftn that the banquet to be riven at the Gal- vei on Thursday evening, June Officers of the.

army, and narr br citizens of Galveston. marks formal opening of the hotel. Thlt is not so. The Galvez haa that evening for the purpose of enterUlnlnir guests from both of thi United States lervioe. In spite-" of Interest of hundreds of people the-hotel, I must ask them to bear with us for a few days longer--until we be open to the general public.

AdTcrtlnlnc i "There-has been to 'much upon the proposition" a' city." Manager "that some of my recent experience might ba worth considering. On Buriday .1 ran a half page advertisement of the Qalvex Austin. Worthy Xlallasj- City, Waco, Lake Charles. Muskogee ana of those advertisements already been- felt that "made go into. Affect, on Monday we will not have an empty room in the entire ho- i tel." Hundreds.of letters are coming In I from a'radius.

of--raany and Hotel Galvez as an advertising proposition for Galveston. the worth- the entire This advertising-is only to be classed as local, As soon as the winter season sets in, onai -will be sent to every prominent paper in the Eastern.and to make Galveston winter and summer resort in the United States, ana to" judge from- tha early rush of patronage. It is.not going- to be such an uphill bit of work as soma may have imagined." a "week and 4111 iticnuw MO'II-" day night for a. visit to Los Angeles and the Pacific coast, Ben Levy, goes to -Austin the latter week to be present at commencement of the University" of Texas. "Her son, Mr.

-Marlon Levy, -who Is an honor, graduate'from the academic course, will return tb the university-next fall and will enter the'law school. Mr. Levy has a remarkable university record, as ho 1 graduates in a three years' course, instead of four, has a fellowship in history and ranks- among the -highest in" His Louls Schwartz of Dallas, will attend commencement. Miss Myrtle Trost Is spending a in Houston with her cousins, Ven Becllnts Benett. Miss Eleanore' Dwyer is visiting and relatives In Smlthville and is the guest of her sister, Mrs.

T. McCaul. Cards have been received In Galveston announcing that Miss Florence Wlllard will graduate from the Denver, West End High School on July 8. Miss Wlllard lo a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank TTillard. formerly of and a niece of Mrs. J. H. English and Miss Annie Warren of this city.

ASKING COUSTB.Y. Latest Inqittry Jamufcn, Aaklnpr About Sugar Inquiries about Gc-lveston and tha coast country are a dally occurrence' at the office of the Galveslon Commercial Association, anrt they come from all parts of this country and Canada. A new field, however, was opened up-Tuesday moraine a leiinriwns received from AdoVphl postofflce, St, James. Jamaica, B. W.

asking for In- with sugar Industry In the coast country. The advantage of having somebody Intimately familiar -with the situation down there to wtiorn of this character can be referred then became apparent, and Traffic Manager Halnes, who answered the letter from Jamaica, referred tho gentlemar. to Mr. w. A Cl.inp.

tho secretary of the Mid-Coast Industrial Congress, Collcgeport, asking Mr. Clapp to give tho gentleman making the- Inquiry tha information hs doelref. coon noAns colonel Itnirlcr to Deliver In Brenlinni. At a meeting to be held Friday night in Brcnham the question of a bond Issue for building good roads in Washington County will be considered. Colonel Hawioy Galveston.

manager of 'the Gulf Coast Good Roads Association, will 0 mo tln upon Invitation of Lusk, mayor of Brenham. and deliver on address on the bulldlne of ronds find the desirability of this rrork Tlic to bo of Irn- for it marks (he beginning of ntereet In rood road? In several counties that section, and will no doubt be followed by other moetlnKs In neighboring Ame i a Indian-- nealtkiest of all creatures until civilization came Lia "way knew tltc tonic value of tlie roots and neros Keld out to nim ty Nature. That stored-up virtue cornea to you in Tte drinlc tkat is not onlytke tegt tnirst- tut more. It tones and braces 1 7 che ayatem. i nat "all-iu" Reeling tkat makes you tKink of hunting tke fountain, and stay away af tar a glass of Hires.

Sc of roonfoin- Scntocl, tparkling. carbonated..

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