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Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota • Page 4

Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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DAILY ARGUS-LEADER, SATURDAY; APRIL 30,1887 At tin) Cataract: W. Zim, Puhunne; THE ARGUS-EE ADER Clothing. Mothers really know more about Hoy's Clothing than half the clothing deal- twpniy fiv yt'Ris ko. The jwlge.will give tii Mitchell pole Hit bl, dignified Hml worthy The Jouriml-Detnourat of Watertown bun mtorviwt(il Colonel Khcafe with ihe following rwulta: I a recent conversation with Col. Shoe fe on thin subject hu remarked: "I ha ve fur nearly two year received frtMf hall in many canes.

They are utwatisfactory in many ways. Some we rejected and many that we tend to the general land ofbee are bus-peuded on account of the vague and in-der'nite manner iu which they are taken I don't propose to have the aHtlew impoKol upon any longer, if I can help it. Thin olUce propones to try the clerk of court, and hold them strictly xespotwitdo. want the exact facts brought out in the testimony, ho that we can judge whether or not the law has been complied with. We want no subterfuges and indefinite answers.

If tlm clerks of court cannot do the subject justice they must etep down and out rd let some one fill their places lm can. This office is uot run in the interests i any particular officials. We are expected to look after Ihe interests of the settlers as ers do, that is they know whether the boy's suit is made the way it should be, it is sewed with cotton or linen and all little details, that make 13oy Clothing durable and capable of standing the hard wear. We think our Children's Department is acknowledged to be the most, largest and best in the territory. Visit our Boy's Clothing Department if you are in need of anything for the boys.

Our stock is Special Benefit. swell have bought of E. B. Smith Furniture consisting of 5 -pieces' worth We give free one ticket with each dollar's Worth of goods purchased till July 1, when the Drawing will come off. Our goods are der the 25 yiar of K'publicAnismf I guets not.

They nevtT ked anything. iVmctimei when they' were without' solicitation, they accept cd v.v Auditor Ward: The only way tov build up Ihe party in the territory is for all to pull together. The governo occupied an embarrassing pot it ion. He could not appoint everybody, but this is no reason why those who did not get appointments should commence kicking at once. It is the more reason why they should wait patiently and their turn may come next.

Kickers never do any good. 4 Engineer Doolittle of the 'Omaha:" The Duluth road is what we want. There is no mistake about it. Our road is going to make some fast time. On the line from Tracy to Maukato they will make the run at about 40 miles an hour and save more than an hour's The line to Mitchell will be ready in about a week and that will probably increase our rate of i mining a little.

Washington "special correspondents" would do right well to get their old dog-eared McGuffie'a. down from their dust-covered shelves and read that instructive story of the bsy and the wolf. John was guarding his sheep and, for the fun ot the thing, yelled out one day, "A wolf, a wolf." The men came running to his aid but there was no wolf there, and John was left laughing in his sleeve. The next day he repeated the little diversion and a few men came, only to be disappointed. On the third day the wolf did come, and to his cry for help there was no response.

We do not remember the exact termination of the story except that it was pointed with a serious moral which would do those journalistic Jesuits who parade a Washington special correspondent a vast deal of good. Their first btch of statements about Cleveland's entire refusal to accept another term, was accepted with implicit faith. The second invoice called out fewer number of believers. The third time the cry is raised, there will not be a man who will believe the story, even if it is -true. These fellows have played with men's credulity just enough, and once more will be just once too often.

It is the old cry of a wolf when there is no wolf. Clarence LeBlond: Yes, I have kept pretty close watch of that CroV Creek trouble, and let me tell you one thing. Iam well acquainted with the agent, Mpjor W. W. Anderson, and don't believe he ever telegraphed to V'ashing-ing that the settlers are pleased at being relieved of their suspense." The major told me over a year ago that he had orders to call troops at any time he desired, but that he keenly appreciated the settler's condition and disliked doing so, the worst way.

You see, he deferred it for fully a year and now only settlers. are being removed from that portion of the Big Bend that is absolutely necessary for a pasture all marked in plain figures, anyone. THE MODEL DEALERS IN FINE CLOTHING AND GENTS' NATE ROSENTHAL Prop's. K.L. elevens.

New York; M. Mc Donald, Wotix Tilv: SiL'imiiul Keller. Milwaukee. Mr. ami Mrs, Inane Hmerson of Mel rose, re in the city visilingtheir son, Frank Emerson.

F. V. Hinckley of Sioux Citv is in town. J. Caldwell, Minneapolis is at the Commercial.

At the W. J. Ward, New York; F. Drake. Chicago; It.

F. Watson, Sioux City Lee Hem, Chicago. Firemen's Annual Flection. The annual meeting of the JSiotix Falls Fire department for the election of Chief Engineer; First Assistant and Second Assistant Engineers, will be held in the ourt room on Monday evening, May J. W.

Chief Engineer. H. M. Avkky, Fecretary. Utaee Up.

You are feeling depressed, your ap petite is poor, yau, are bothered with headaches, you are fidetty, nervous and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Draco up, but not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which bave for their basis Very cheap. bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will puri fy your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at L.

T. Dunning', wholesale and retail druggist. Most Excellent. J. J.

Atkins, chie of police, Knox-ille, writes: "My family and I are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; having found it to be all tbat-you claim for it, desire to testi- to its virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthama, croup and every affection of throat, chest and lungs.

Trial bottles free at T. Dunning's, wholesale and retail druggist. Large Mrs. Aarj O'Brien. As this lady's name has been fre quently mentioned ou the streets lately in connection with a $5,000 prize in the Louisiana State Lottery on March lotb, Pioneer reporter was sent to Central City to interview her yesterday.

In re ply to various Questions propounded to her, she made in substance the follow ing statement "I am a widow, 51 years of age; hav one boy old enough to help me along in the world; have lived in the Hills nine years; have always worked hard for a living, keeping boarders or any honest work that would pay me. have a speculative disposition. Have purchased mining stocks and paid as sessments on them nntil I had paid out every dollar 1 had and was in debt for provisions 1 had procured from the merchants. 1 had also put in every dollar of my son's earnings without his knowledge, and it had got to that point where money was an imperative neces sity to pay off my debts and keep my mining stocks afloat. One whole night I was unable to sleep, worrying over my embarrassed condition.

AH of a sudden. as if by inspiration, the thought came buy a ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery. In the morning I cut the adver tisement from the Pioneer, enclosed a 1 20 bill, all the money I possessed in the world, in an envelope and directed it to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, with a request to send me a one-teuth inter est in twenty different numbers.

Three weeks afterwards I received a printed list of the numbers that had "drawn prizes and with trembling hands and throbbing heart, compared the tickets with the lucky numbers and found I had four winners, two had drawn $5 each, one $100, and the fourth $5,000. I now feel that it was a lucky thought that induced me to send the money, and I shall advise all of my friends to take a few chances occasionally; iu fact, I am now eettimi no a biz club." Deadwood (Dak.) Tioneer, April 13. Money to Loan! We bave money 10 ou band in tan on Im proved anna la souiarrn iHUifia. Favorable Terms, and Long Time. Mum? I'kM orer when Paper are Signed.

Ko Red Tape. SCHOOL BONDS. ltrirt School Tawashipt ahont to ferae bonds nhookl eoaroiiKatv with we Mil 1 A. KcMHaw. I- V.

Ttuni. Diots, J. V. McDowiU, BURXHAM, TULLEYSiA C0. moitx fa Mi4, pakota.

lew pMblUhetfEvtr) Evening Except Sunaa). Term of So bxriiiitltm. One year, trt.vo; ix iMontlm. IfXW. three months, ei Iiy Arty, cunts per month.

Kati udav: Published every Saturday own-ln. Terirm: One year, tt.Au; nix munthn. 75 eeiitx; thru montlls. fiu eeiitx. Wkkki.v; lnllislil every Weftitewtay.

Terms- Oiiyear.I..W; Klx months, "ft cent; three inomhs. 4ii cent. The Daii.v in Kixht paise. Thb mw-1av Ahuuh I.baiikk Is special edition, enntitliiiiiit niaiiv additions to the regular Daii.v and special cunwpmuliMice, devoted to wK'U'ty new. Advertising received tor uus euunin alone.

Thr Wkrki.v is all printed at home, tilve the most itriglual matter o(, any paper published in Dakota. Seciineu copies ot eitlier tne mulled free on appllrallun. Keniittanees may be made by drafts, niimey orders or reiristered letter, at our risk, tiive potttoffice address in (ml Including tute ui.d enuntv. To Subscribers: Every effort is IwiiiK made to have the Ariiks-Lkaokr delivered early and promptly to all part of the city. 1'artle who do itot receive their paper or have nuy cause of complaint will oblltje by notifying (hit oiliee Changes of address will be made promptly, but requests must Rive the postofflee from, as well as the one to wlilrti such change is desired In order to receive attention.

Advertising' rates will be furnished on application at the otltra of publication or to any of its awnta. A RGUH- LEA DK It COM I' A Rejected communication! cannot be preserved. Address all letters and telegram to Tint hioiix Kntered at the Sioux Kalis. Dakota Kistofflc tor transtMirtatlon through the malls as second lass matter. Telephone Connection.

The Office of the Areas-leader for the Present, will be the old Anrtis Offlic, where all business with this paper or the Areas or leader May be Transacted. Sotlee Is hereby glvea to the pabllr that no per-torn Is aatborised to SOLICIT AilVKItTlKKMttiTft for this piper. Advertising spare ran be ol-tailed by rtliia; at the office or nhea dcklred represeatative of this paper nil call upon parties. EltfTAl. RIGHTS AND PUEJl'DH E.

(Joverner Church and his diminutive following of mugwumps are not the democratic party of the territory. Jamestown Capital. And still we call the Capital 10 order for using hard words of its own family. Does the Capital insist that a man to be worthy of political promotion should have been a resident of Dakota when the buffalo ran rampant oyer its boundless plains, and the prairie dog built his house unmolested on the sites of its now most populous cities And are those solid democrats like Ward and Kheafe to be classified with the sunflower mugwumps of the east, because they see fit to welcome as a citizen a man who has come irt since that time? Muni a man be an aboriginal to be a citizen to the territory, and to have a right to lead the party If not, how long should he have been a resident? One year, or two or twenty The Capital will con-far a great favor on i's readers by shedding a flood of light upon a few of these inquiries. Its principle seems to bo that no one has a right to political recognition except the old settlers, and if that really is its belief, the sooner we knew the better.

The Abgl-s-Leajjer believes that a man is a citizen of Dakota just as soon as he moves in and brings his family, and this paper can not logically give precedent to one citizen over another, "Equal rights to all citizens and no prejudice to any," is the truly democratic principle and the one which the Argis-Ijeadeb expects pow and always to follow. A letter wa received today front Chamberlain in which the following paragraph occurs: Your letter received. I see that your dailies, as well as all the rest, are publishing sensational reports about the Crow Creek settlers. There were twenty soldiers sent down from Fort Sully with wagons to notify the settlers in the Big Bend to leave, and if they did not go, to remove them. The settlers down tuts way have not received notice to vacate, and Major Anderson says they ill not be molested.

have not seen any soldiers, and know nothing about the Indians donning war paint, and following in the van of the soldiers the poor settler. Several new families have moved in lately and lought out claims on the reservation. By this coming fall, nearly all the claims within ten miles north of town will be taken by actual settlers. The other day Governor Church visit 4 and inspected the Agricultural college at Brookings. In order to make time and to see the college at its Vega lr every-day work, be went into Brook ings on a freight train and left on the next train for St.

Paul and hardly body knew that he had been there. How different from the republican way of doing these things! When Governor Pierce last year visited this college it was on a special train and with his full staff with a great parade and flour ish of. trumpets. This is Jefiersonian simplicity versus the g. o.

p. way. Judge Palmer to deliver the ad- drees at Milhcll on Decoration Day, Judge Palmer's eloquence is more of micd sod heart, than of the tongue he never so eloquent in mis way as when speaking of his comrades of i jJ IJ1 -u Xine ZLAxie of" Nfav Goods, Latest Styles, well as the government and we shad do it to the best of oitr ability, the Mil-bank Index and other papers to the contrary nntwistanding, If they enjoy assailing nie for endeavoring to do my duty, let them have a real good time at it. Its like the dog baying at the moon; it affords him lo's of fun and doesn't hurt anybody. We will try and secure proofs that will stand, all the same, so that when once made the settler will not be further annoyed.

The Index, I see, quotes me as being a candidate for political honors. You just say 'that he badly mtstaken. I have no such aspirations. If I can fill the office of register in a satisfactory manner to those interested, I shall be content. Ixts ff Fiends.

Dell itapids Exponent. Dan Glidden of Sioux Falls walked away with the Territorial penitentiary warden honors. Dan has innumerable friends in south-east Dakota. Lett ins Tired. Cedar Kaplds Gazette: The Postville iieview says: For twenty-five years we have given a good share of time to putting somebody in office, because it has been customary to do We have got both tired and hungry doing it and must have a rest.

We can do a candidate just as much good by advertising him as we can do the merchants for the same service, and if we work for nothing for the one we will for the other. But we can't afford to do it for either. The Gazette seems to have made quite a number of converts to this faith in the past years. There be more, and there will be. hould A Democrat.

Iay County Herald. Grover Cleveland has publicly declared that he is not a candidate for reelection to the presidency. Then, please bear in mind that Grover is one man who has been high up, but who i also willing to allow that there are still others on earth as deserving as he, Grover it a democrat, you know; hence he is liberal and progressive in his views. Do It quii-kly. Huron liuroultc.

The Sioux Falls planing mill was burned yesterday because a hydrant was filled with sand and dirt the accumulations of the winter and the fire company could get no water. Now let us profit by that loss and clean our hy drants out without delay, or precisely the same circumstances may be upon us. The Reason at I-t Omaha Herald. President Cleveland's absence from the Whitney kid's christening is still the subject of Washington's small talkers. None of them seem uhave considered that he may have been afraid the thing was catching.

lasnraace Easiness. Boron liurouite. Auditor Ward, who is not likely of bis own motion to lose any opportunity of giving the right end of the evener to a Dakota institution when it comes in eem petition with that the insurance statement advertising comes under the head of ''legal print ing," within the meaning of the new Dakota law. Commenting upon this, the Parker New Era says: "Auditor Ward will find the news paper men of Dakota his staunch friends in any of his future business undertakings. He has done what his predecessor should bave done.

Auditor Ward has aided newspaper me in securing legal rates for publishing insurance statements. WHAT THEY MAY. Tkev Talk aWnt Politic aasi Kallrmul They Always fay laterestias; Tbiar They Sever 6rw Weary. Dr. LeBlond: I hope that, under the new dispensation if it is true that Governor Church has the disposal of official patronage for Dakota that the "rascals will be turned out." There is no other way of running the government except for one party to bave charge of affairs.

Did you ever hear a. democrat fti for an appointment nn- large and in order to our sales this spring we. a fine suit of Parlor No advantages will be taken of FURNISHERS. GUARANTEED! GO TO G. H.

VINCENT Pioneer Eardvar Store) Per everything bi IM Hardware Line 000K STOVES. GASOLINE STOVES nd COAL OIL VrtleSamMrtrd 1 MIXED PAINTS Fuller A Wrrrrv Itaw" and Hazzard Powder Compni Sioux Falls. D. T. THI WASHBURN AMERICAN AND MANDOLINES I 1 ii I TON MAA4.T, a tat Ml CMv SATISFACTION SsCall and see what I have to offer.

R. J. McEWEN, VsTa.ples for the agency cattle. Charles Sibley; I like to see every man have his dues. You papers are pitching into Mr.

Winslow in rather a reckless way. I can't see how he is to blame in the matter, in the least. Of course we know that the water worka are not what they ought to be, but that is not Winslow's fault. He does the best he can with them, and at the planing mill nrc, the tire companies made the biggest balk of anybody. They ought to have tried the first hy drant instead of the one on the corner, of the Phillips house and saved con siderable time.

After they found that there was no water at the Phillips house hydrant, they came monkeying around cur private hydrant. First. they wanted lo attach to our hose, but I told them no, but that they could use our private hydrant. The man who bad charge of affairs thought that he knew all about it and I could tell him nothing. He tried to attach his hose without turning off the water, and the result was that things were flooded and 15 or 20 minutes of valuable time wasted, After he got it attached, they commenc ed complaining of the water pressure, They ought to have understand that it was only a private affair made of four- inch pipe and for our own use with one and one-quarter inch hose.

As far as I can see. Winslow was not to blame the least in the matter. I don'i like to see the whole fire charged up to him when the fire companies are quite as much to blame. H. Holt: We could get that Cherokee road for a song if we want it.

I think that I can agree to sing the song tOO. Ptrsenals. E. A. Sherman reached home today Rev.

Mollineanx went north today. Dr. Roane of Yankton, arrived today. M. T.

Jaqnitti of Hartford was in town today, WERNER RAABE.1 ManiitiMiiirtTaiHl in A Full 1Am orOrtrshoea and Slipper an hand. REPAIRING DEPARTMENT Charge a Experienced Workman ami all work is Guaranteed. Cacto Sam's Wat er lYtxrt Oil BlM-kftic for ale. PHILI.LIPS I rtavr-trtrtfti ninorr i mtKdUN MAKKt Main PI. Sherman Mock.

Opposite Fresh and Salt MEATS. Pon.TRT, OYsrratS asd Game Theu SlsSOS. I PETERSON, CARLETON CO Boots and i.

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