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The Summit County Beacon from Akron, Ohio • Page 2

Akron, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


made up their minds to have the county offices at all hazards." left that has not bean visited by the yellow fever scourge. Holly Springs, Sept. 6. Great consternation and demoralization exist. The town is deserted.

Six hundred only on the great National questions for Con. grcstdonal consideration of the finances and the tariff, which is more than can be said, probably, for any four speakers ACCIDENT UPON ACCIDENT. Newark, N. Sept. 4.

huns The result is seen above. Governor red employes of a leather firm here GLOOMY NEWS FROM ALL POINTS Miller issued an order disbanding these mili'ary organizations but no attention have denounced Denis Kearney in speeches and resolutions. are left. No help ot any kind. There are estimated to be 80 patients down and OHIO, BEPTEMBER 11, 1878.

MILLER NOMINATED AT ELYRIA, AMID CONFUSION. Fall of Four Men Colored Man Badly Injured. It Goes Republican Greenback Gains on Local Tickets; Portland, September 10. The present showing defeats Hale for Con gress. The Senate appears to be 20 Republicans to Greenbackers and Greenback Democrats; no straight Dem was paid to it, and ball -dozing carried Pottsville, September 9.

All ia deaths in theptst 48 hours. Tne Relief Commit'ea are destitute of funds. of equal prominence that the Democrats of a sing'e State can put upon the stump this year. And furthermore, in Maine and Minnesota, California and Kansas, Massachusetts and Republicans are substantially a unite upon these the collieries in this legion commenced work this morning. This includes the J013 WHOLE IV O.

the day. As to Ouachita County, it gave Mr. 4 majority and Governor having impoverished themselves to help About 1 :30 o'clock this afternoon four men were quite seriously injured by the breaking ot a scaffold at the new Universalis Church, corner of Broadway and NURSES STARVING AND IDLERS RIOTING FOR FOOD. urenaaa. number that were compelled to suspend Miller 55 majority in 1876.

Now, under operations in August owing to the scar Fort Gibson, Sept. 7 Four ocrat. Portland, Me Sept 0 One hundred and fifty towns give ConLor HURON WILL COUNTY RUN A BOLTS AND DEMOCRAT. WITH SUPPLEMENT. city ot water tor engines.

the bull -dozing tactics, it gojs Democratic by 100 majority. great questions, and do not, ebamelono hundred cases and 76 deaths. The population of 2,000 has dwindled to 550, and Chicago, Sept 8. Reports were Mill street. Thiee men with hods of bricks on their shoulders were walking across the timbers when the stays Eupporting the Dut 6) wen ones were lelt.

received here at the military headquar New Yoke. Sept. 8 Agents in this Tns Akrox Beacon is touched by the ters representing that the Cheyenne Indians, numbering about like, change their colors to suit every section. It is a good supplement that is given with to-day's Beacon, one that should be Why eay fiat money? Bogua money is more exact. city for Southern firms say business is at lan smith ill 001.

Connor lacks 5.229 of a mnj rity. The same towns lssl year gave Connor 28 337, Democrats Greenback 3.470, scattering 220; Connor's maj iriiy 3,233. If tbe voti continues as it is in these towns, the aggregate vote will be about 20,000. The Democratic vote comiaui to fall off and a stana-sttll with Tennessee, Louisiana 1,500 were about to leive their reserva. tion in the Fort Reno Agency, Indian and Mississippi.

The Southern trade has Memphis, Sept. 3. The condition of our city to-day b.ggars description. While the list of new cases reported is only about CO, the death rate has amounted to 80, oaly two of which were fii ottur ius9s than yellow faver. Bodies were discovered to-dav in oat-of-ihesway places which have, from appearances, been dead several days.

One scaffold broke.tho men falling a distance of about 12 feet and the loose bords, men, icks, hods and mortar all lodged on J. Smith, a colored man, who happened to be standing directly beneath the scaftold. Smith received a very severe cut on his heael from which tne blood jen as suddenly swept away as many of I Territory, and go upon the war path 8atnrdy, gold all day at loan. Better co back aeaiu. hadn't we? removal of Governor Axell.

It manifests its displeasure by a subdue! growl, and intima es that it does not discern any Civil Service Reform in this. Just such lack of discernment has called down on the heads of her papers ugly observations. The Beacon will be classed as a sorehead if it be not careful, Elizabeth, N. September 4. Or- Special Dispatch to The Beacon.

Elyria, September 10. The Democratic Congressional Convention, which met here to-day, was neither lull, harmonious nor remarkably spirited. Only eight delegates were present from Summit County. Most of the other counties were not carefully read, and saved and used. Secretary Sherman's speech at Toledo is full of facts of value.

Judge West's re me victims oi ine piague. rne piague is as bid as a blockade Siid one, and the market is as far from our reach as if cut the Greenback to increase. Rcd.Reput- ville Grant, the ex -President's brother, was this morninr seat to the Insane If you are against currenoy-tinkeiing, your vote will be against both Damocrats and Nationalists. oil by a wall or by an uunavigable sea, Asylum at Morristown. His mind runs view of Thurman's speech at Hamilton, has compelled the great "Trimmer" to peculiarity mauifisted among many ot In the postofflce the effects of the yellow on immense speculations, starting a new businees on a gigantic scale, ne fever is seen in the contused condition in which bouthern mails coma in.

The was sent at the request of his friends and flowed profusely. He was also considerably bruised on the shoulders and of the hod -carriers having fallen upon him striking the unfortunate man with the heels of his heavy boots, scraping the entire length of Smith's back. Chas. Paul, Jos. Dandridge and James Laech are the three men who were on re-elected in the First District by probably 3,500 plurality.

Frye, Republican, is reelected in the Second, and Lindaev, Republican, in the Third. Pow-ets, defeated in the Fourth by Ladd, Democrat Greenback.and Hale is piobably defeated in the Fifth by Murch, Greenback anel Labor agitator, although there was a Democrat in the field. dodge pretty decidedly. Garfield's Mas-sillon address, is lull of ideas and truths as an egg is of meats, and is unanswera volume of business has not altered in any Dr. Morton.

marked degree, but.tne pouches sraveevi Berlin, Sept. 9. The was the sick is a desire to seclude themselves, while among the poor there is an unreasonable fear of being sent to the hospital or infirmary. Hence the discoveries ol to-day. Memphis, September 4 The mortality last night and this morning is fearlul.

Two undertakers report 30 interments, deuce of having passed through quaran. and with as little justice as others have been. Cincinnati Times. It will have to ba so, then. As we understand the case, Axtell has made enemies in New Mexic by fighting the grossest usurpations of the Jesuits, and by trying to maintain law and order with insufficient force against an organ-iz and powerful mob that is terroriz- Townsend's deserved renomination completes the list of Ohio Republican Congressional candidates.

Republicans, vote, and vote the whole ticket. Every man is titled for bis place. We never bad a batter ticket. opened by the Emperor to-day. Ia his spjtch he expresses the hope that the full.

D. R. Paige, of Akron, candidate for Secretary of State, was elected temporary chairman, but on coming into the hall declined on account, as he said, of the peculiar position he occupied. N. L.

Johnson, an editor of the Elyria Constitution, was then made temporary Chairman, and after the appointment of committees, the Convention took a recess. In the afternoon the Committee on tine at some point on the transit north Postmaster James has made arrange auti-Socialist bill mty be pasted, auu ments to have Texan mtil matter eo di ble. General Grosvenor tells the story of the Ohio Legislature and of Tilden's frauds, in a way to command attention. Don't neglect give your opposition neighbors plenty of opportunity to read these speeches. the pernicious Socialist movement arrested, and that tho-te who have been mis Bath, Pep'.

9. The returns "show a majority of 935 ia Sagadahoc coun'y, for rect from this city via Galveston line of steamers, ani the first mail shipment the scaffold. Paul's lelt foot was considerably bruised Dandridge received a slight cut ia his face and Leech had his right wrist badly battered. A BiA- Killed Fireman Injured. Lat Friday evening, an engine and while County Undertaker Welih reports 100 interments ot paupers, three fourths of whom are negroes.

Ia view of the inability of the under under this arrangement will bj made to led by it may be brougnt back to the right pith. He mikes no reference to foreign affairs. morrow. i giiiior nire countits of that wi.ei territory. The only charge we have'iean Sherman is giving out of tne standard silver dollar in exchange for greenbacks, and thj Democrats complain abjut that.

Washington, Sept 7. An abstract of srven cars on the Youngstown Coal S6 Chicago, Sp 5 The firemen's the reports received at the omce of the Comp oiv's branch r- ad near Massiilon, tournament continued to-day. The takers to bury the dead as fast as they d.e, the Citizens' Committee to. day organized a Burial Corps, consisting of 40 men, with the necessary wagons, who will enter upon their duties to- Surgeon General of the United States contest was between hr-ok at rye, tne contest being on the Representative to Coagies. I.i this city Frye has 941; Belcher, 71; Chase, Greenback, 364.

The Republican ticket is e'ected. 'Ihe Republican elect four and probably five Representatives, the Democrats and Greenbackers throj, and two are in aoubt. Returns from 22 town3 in Washington couaty give Hule 1,400 plurality east of Pen ibscoi River. He is probably elected. Manne Hospital, for the past week, un was pitched over the side of a bridge to the ater below, by the giving way of a stringer and all thoroughly demolished.

From 2,500 to 3,000 is the lowest figure for the Republican majority in this Dis over Democrats, Nationalists and Socialists. That is 1,300 to 1,500 Republican votes actually cast for Barnes White and Paul will have to be changed ladder compauit-s, distance 300 yareis. Rough and Keadv, ot Monmouth, made Down still another notch. Yesterday, in New York, gold opened and closed at 100, wi sles in interim at lOO 1-8. One more, and then? the distance in 49J tecemds, Monitor ot tier the Quarantine Act, is as follows: New Orleans, 1,733 ctes, 520 deaths; Port EaJs, 1 deatn; MorgtnCitv, 14 cases, 2 deaths; Vicksburtr.

181 agaiDst him is by the Cleveland Herald, on unknown authority, that "the trouble with Axtill as that he went into land and miairg speculations and behaved as if he thought himself an O.iental Sitrap." If there is any such charge, why is it not formulated and proved, uneler the of "no removals except for cause And how moirow. The demoralized condition ol affairs hers has created n-i Jerable alarm as to the pre.ervation of the peace, aad Mayor Fiippin toed ay teleriphed the President to station two companies of ouu niter auujitiu a re-otution indors'ng the State platform and the nominee of the Con vention, the counties were called jr candidates. J. B. Young, of Medina, ntuied Lewis Miller.

A discussion followed in which it was evident that Huron County would op pot him. The delegates from Huron wi h-Irew for consultation, and the oiher cmoties cast their votes solid for Miller. Dixon in 58. The Xtescues ot JNorwalk, Onio, in 47J, took the first prize and champion bslt. Fitty-fl rods.

deaths; Grenada, 93 new cases, 4'J deaths; Canton, in the pst two weeks. 173 cases. A iy, 13 years ot age, wno was riding in one ot the cars was instantly killed, and the fireman quite seriously hurt. The engineer dught on the bridge and was butslightl injured. At last accounts the wreck hael not been fished oat of the creek, where it lay partially submerged.

Fell Thirteen Feet. from Monroe to Miller, to make the race even even. And then there's the Prohir bition vote. And then there are the Minneapolis. Sept.

0. Rarus ap 22 deaths; Ocean Springs, 15 cases, five ueath-; Holly Sprints, about 100 cases Next Mondey, resumption in silver begins. If anybody wants to carry the big white dollars in place of the paper prom-, ises, he can be paid ofi then. United States troops in tha vicinity of the city. New Orleans, Sept.

2. The hum of physicians' caniages is now heard all night through, and many drug stores are ana zo deaths; at Mempa 039 deaths; ever this may be, it is conceded oa all Democrats who would as soon vote for Monroa as for Miller, if they must choose between two men, neither of whom is a peared at the Exposition grounds this afternoon to beat 2:14 for $2,000. Although he failed in this he made three wonderful heatjin The achievement was greeteei with great applause by 40,000 spectators. Hopeful Hickman, altogether 60 cas-s and deaths; Lou sville, 25 new ca deaths; bt Lo'iis, deaths and 10 new cases at Early Friday morning, James Sence, a brakeman on the alasjiilon Branch of the Mt. V.

C. Road, fell over an emb ink incut near the bri lge at the Mas- County and District Conventions. Cleveland, September 10. Joseph M. 1 oc was nominated lor Congress by the Democrats of this dis rict to day.

Cleveland, September 7. Hon. Amos ToAnsend, present incumbeut, was renominated by acclamation by tne Hepublicans of the Tweniie Congressional District in convention at this city to-day. Asuland, Sept. 7.

Ashland County Republican Pioba Judge, Mar cus Demas; Cierk, H. V. Topping; Sher the quarantine, ail refugees but the Stew A god offer was mada to the Akron Argus, if it would procure and print a verbatim report of Us Congressional candidate's speech. Why did it not do EOT tro's to morrow to be-it the above record. The other races weie postponed on ac hands that one reason for the change is to make a place for Law Wallace.

may be good "machine politics," but it is not what we have a right to expect from "reformers," and The Beacon expects to grow at such poor fulfillment of promises whenevtr occasion offers. ard, who contracted tne disease at the quarantine; Pascogoula, 8 cases; At er quits a wrangle, Huron voted five for Miller, seven blank. On making the nomination unanimous several voted "no," and G. A. Cummins, of Huron, gave notice that another man, who is a Democrat, would ba put in nomination at a proper time.

The result was in great contrast with tha harmonious feeling which acquiesced In Mr. Monroe's nomination. W. opn till 2a.m. The epidemic is fast assuming colossal proportions, but when or at whit figure it will reach its climax experts are at a loss to conjecture.

Mauy up -town are barricaded and saw-dust is lavishly used to deaden the rattle of vehicles. Tha tolling of church and curfew bells was discontinued today. Memphis, September 7. The fjver Democrat If the rest of the District is like this vicinity, Monroe will get a Democratic vole for every Republican vote Miller gets. But if the district does as Well as it did in 1876, and tha proapacts for it hereabouts are excellent, Barnes will have 5,000 or 6,000 majority.

Where Key West, 2 capes and 1 death. No official rep ma could be obtained from Port Gibson, Greenville and Brownsville, sillou round struck the ground thirteen feet b-dow with such rce ss to iufliot quite serious injury. He is now almost recovered, however. Saved prom Drowning A five-yearrold so a of F. Whi fell into the Ohio Canal near the wnere yellow lever is reported to count ot ram.

Washington, Sept. 4. It is anticipated by the Custom officials that even a partial abolition of the free Zo will be of advantage to the revenues ot this country. The Treasury ha9 long had information, but has n.iver been able to obtain exact proof, that an extensive exist. Reports from oiher places indicate Adm'rable executive ability and a pleaung address are combined in ur candidate for Clerk, Mr.

Sumner Nam. The nomination could not have been good health. Will the coalition candidate be then? iff, T. J. Whitney Auditor, Jacob Smurr, Pioecuting Attorney, J.

C. Gaines; Infirmary Director, C. C. Stamen, Crabus. Paper Mill wareroom in South Akron continues unabaied.

Many active work men are being stricken down. There were 54 interments up to noon to. day and 103 deaths within the last 24 hours. Ex LYNCH LAW IN ERIE "Local dismtegra ion," is the Akron Oermania'8 prediction as to the Democ racy, if they ratify Mil'er's nomination, "but tbe Democratic party cannot so far "forget its principles," But it just can that and is going to do it, however the members may squirm. The leaders run The Akron Oermania, true to the in stincts of all thinking Germans in this country, takes no stock in the dishonest "Ohio Idea," as will be seen by the translated article printed elsewhere.

In its A Sandusky Mob Hangs a Negro. Sandusky, Sept. 4. On Tuesday af "Helen's Babies." This work is bc-knowludged to be the best selling anir cle in our bookstores Druggists, however, say that Dr. Bull's liaby Syrup sells bettar than any other medicine.

It is always reliable. FOR SALE. tpOK SALE OK EXCHANGE t-THE 7 LOTS in grovo on Wed Ex hango street, Akron, cheap for cash, or will trade lor small improved farm, or lor Western lands. Address M. U.

V. YOUNO, Cleveland, O. 390ws-14w Ravenna, Sept. 7. Portage County mocra's: Sheriff, Geo.

C. Gentholtz; Probate Judge, Wm. H. Bettes; Clerk, J. B.

Harrison; Commissioner, Wilaard Moody; Coroner, Charlts W. Fruak; Infirmary Director, Gilbert E. Clark; Surs veyor, B. Coolman. Youngstown, Sept.

5. Mahoning Republicans to-diy nominated the following ticket: Sheriff, James B. Drake; that machine arid have rmde the bargain system of smuggling is carried on between England and the United iftales through the Mexican free Zone. New York, Sept. 3.

The House of BishopB, in public session this evening, unanimously deposed Bishop McCoskry, ot Michigan. The ground lor the depo-fci ion, wuich was solemnly pronounced by Presiding Bishop Smith, oi Kentucky, was that Bishop McCoskry had "abandoned his diocese and left the terrl oryof ternoon the police authorities of th ci were notified that a young woman manly criticism of the aims and pur yesterday afternoon. Some of the em' ployes of the Paper Mill saw the little fel-iOw struggling in the water and the men rushed to his rescue and reaching the banks jumped in the water just as the boy was sinking the third time. The little fellow was so far gone when brought to the shore that it was neot'ssa ry to roll him about for some time before he recovered Mr. W.

wishes us to return his heartiest thanks to the gentleman who saved his boy's life. Dashed Against a Railroad Bridge. named Al'ca O'Donnel, a servant at the, perienced nurses are much needed. Ten dollars per day is offered for them. Memphis, dept.

8. Another sad day has passed and near one hundred fresh mounds are added to our cemeteries and the Potters' Field. Six resident physicians report 96 new cases, and it is safe to assert near 300. Among those reported are Rev. E.

C. Slater, of the First Methodist Church, Hon. John Loague, ex-Mayor, and W. S. Brooks, river edit ir of the Appeal, whose wife died this The right man in the right place Dr.

William Sisler for County Commissioner. Dr. Sisler has given universal satisfaction and will be re-elected "and don't you forget it." Having been in the Treasurer's office for several years as Deputy, Mr. H. Yiele is admirab'y fi.ted to assume its duties.

Under Civil Service rules he deserves promotion let him have it. house of Mr. A. West, Washington street had mysteriously disappeared from the house Monday afternoon. She was preparing the supper, when, at the time to nominate Mr.

Miller and their 1 overs will have to submit. And as to "principle" on the currency question, the Ohio Democrats insist upon it that the Nationals have only "ste.lon their thunder," and tbat they are as soft money as any-. poses of the new party, and its vigorous protect against the stultification of the Democratic parly by forcing it to swallow the Nationalist nomination, it no doubt ppeaks the real mind of a large portion of its and is words will not be without effect in stemming the United btates while grave a. legations existed, thereby decliuing to promote anv inve stigation of the allegations at re- sid." Tne reading of the paper was lis1- morning. Among the deaths are W.

T. Powell, late editor and publisher of indicated, she stepped on tne perch, and was not seen again Irom that lime until 5 o'clock this afternoon, when her dead body was found in a fence corner, near Venice, in this county, with her throat cut nearly from ear to ear, and her Bkull VjHIK BALK TU1KTEEN OOOD, L1UUT AND heavy farm and road waffous that will equal any in the ouniy, which 1 will sell as low as any responsible man; all oi my own manufacture. Call and examine and see for yourself. Uepair- Uui promptly atlemied to. Yours, 7 VV.

A. MUSSON, Mogadore, O. tened to with the de-p st attention, and Probate Judge, Lewis W. King; County Clerk, H. H.

shields; Treasurer, Alexan. dcr Dickson; Commissioner, M. McMasi ters; Iufirtuary Director, Amos H. Sell. Norwalk, Sept 5.

The Democracy ot Hutou County to-day made the following nominaioas: Piobite Judge, A. D. Skellenger, New London; C.erk oi Courts, Daviei Stoutenburgb, Norwalk; Sheriff, Jacob Uutp, Plymouth; Prosecuting Attorney, Louis D. after the semeucs was passed the House of Bishops adjourned sine die. No action was ttkea toward appointing a sue Gold was even cheaper Monday than reported.

It was "weak" at 100, with ontyibid. How far is that from parr Bat Government bonds were steady and the stock firm and advancing. cestor to the deposed jiishop. As lost evening's 5:45 train south, on the C. V.

C. jad, was going upon the bridge about a mile below Warwick, a man who had been riding for some distance on the platform, leaned lar out on the side of the car and before he could recover himself struck the side of tbe bridge viith terrible force. Neither his name, nor the extent of h's ins juries could be learned, but it is stated that he was appart ntly very badly hurt and the blood 11 iwed freely oin wounds about his bead snd body, though it is the preent tide of financial dishonesty. At the same time its endorsement of Mr. Monroe, on the general grounds of character, efficiency and soundness on the money question, is well put, and is all the more valuable, coming as it dees from one who holds convictions at vari ance in many other respects with the principles oi the Republican party.

body could pissibly wish? Significant, indeed, is the kick against permitting Durb Ward to "stump" any more, b8 causa he demands that the paper money shall be in "value dollars." It proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the "Ohio Idee" is for an unlimited circulation of piper, without promise of payment and with all preparation tor pay, ment suspended That kind of money is well set forth in the St. Louis Post's the Southern Catholic. A. F. C.

Cook, of the Howard Association, died to-night. Memphis, September 9. The condition of this city grows more desperate every hour, 70 deaths being reported up to noon. The dea'h rate to-day will probably exceed taat of any previous day. It is impossible to get the List of new cases any more.

Memphis, 8 We are threatened here with another daoger. So many negroes trom the country have come in at Cheyeune two inch of Sunday -yALUABLB FA KM. FOK SALE. In pursuance of an order of tho Probate Court of Summit County, Ohio, I will oiler at public rale on tus premises on TheSSSthday of at 1 o'clock p.m., the following described real estate, situate in the township ol Hprimriitld. Uounly of Summit, the piouerty of K.

V. bawyer, deceax-ed, as fallows: Being part ol tract 7, beginning at a snow. iricturea. An examination ot the circumstances led to the arrest ot William Taylor a cotored man employed by Mr. West as a hoet'er and general choreman.

Taylor denied any knowledge of the at-tah when arrested, and it was only after persistent pumping that he weakened and this morning made a statement to Marshal Berr gam in substance as follows: "Monday afternoon, about half-past 5 o'clock, I went to Mr. Wes''s house. It was raining, New York pn eiuce exports for last Kecorder, w. Hi. Green, JLynn; commissioner, W.

L. Latham, Monroeville; Infirmary Director, H. H. Manahan, Bronson; Coroner, Dr. E.

E. Beeman, Wakeman. Warren, Sept. 5 The Greenbackers week, 7,625,000. The past three years have been yetn of steady progress toward making the p.

per dollar worth its face in gold. That has been practically accomplished, and the Republican party's promises of 1875 are realized facts in 1878. Congressman Frarjk Welch died a not tnought tbat they will prove latal. Wednesday night. U.

S. bonds deposileel tor circulation article on "Fiat nay," or byjudga On the "RAtaNa." "My former history must be my pledge for my future action by the support of thosa who believe in legislation against monopolies, in favor of the interested the people, and of Americ in industry." for we amount withtlrawn, $170,000. and at the request of Miss Hattie West took an umbrella, shawl and rubbers to Kev. Georce B. Vosl erh.

the Jersey Biuuu iu luu west iinu oi ttma tract at tne b. W. corner of David Babb'e land; thuuee 8 1 deg. 26 59 chs 75 Iks to aetoue; thence SHI deg JU chs 58 links; thence de 6 chs 85 nuke thence 8t deg 10 chs 8a links; thence i deg WB3 ctias links; then -e 8 89 den 8 elm 4 links; thence JdisW 4 chs to links to un ah tree; thence bill ilejr 7 chs Iks; thence li deg 2i chs 38 links: thence 8UJ deg chs 88 links; thence i deg VV 3 chB 21 linka; thence de 40 chs 50 links to the place of b' Kiuniua, contain tig 222.50 acres, except 102.48 acres sold from the south sloe, leaving 120.112 acres on the north side of the road running east-wardly past the bpiingfleld church, which is the her mother, who was visiting at a neighbor's. Wh I got back I did a few upon us to draw rations from the commissary that the rations are being rapidly exnausted.

It was found necessary to cease the issuance of rations until it can be ascertained who of the negroes are actual residents of the ci and who of them have sickness in thtir families as the rations are only intended for families who have sick, indigent members. In consequence ot this determination on City has retineu, to take bo sys Mr. Miller to the Norwalk Nationals. It is a curious sentence, in errands for Miss Hattie and then went to Oct. 31.

of 19tn District today nominated for Coigrei8 JudgeG. N. Tultle, of Paine3 ville. The otaer Ciiididatjs were Judge Albert Veomans, ot H. Morrison, Ashtabula.

Judge Tattle, the nominee ot toe Convention, was formerly Probatjof Like been elected to that puwitioa for three successive terms, on the Repubican ticket. Of late years his views oa the questions of the iliyhave been of the moot extteme de verging on ultra-Communism. A committee was appointed to se An excursion on the boat "Cora" from MaiS'lioa passed through Akron this morning. Thera were 40 passengers. "Commodore" Dick Powell was in command, and Birthwell in charge.

There was plenty of "grub" and good accommodations They left Massillon at 0:10 p. m. Monday. The demand for the suppression of the trade dollar is unanimous. It was made for foreign trade only and its domestic use should be prohibited.

Redeem it in ttmdard dollars, at least, or there will be mischief. the stable where I found Alice O'Don Adsm, Consul General at Lin- stinctively suggesting some questions. don, haj b-sen restored to the list, ol icir- When "legislation against monopolies West, when he says What will b3 the firm of this new fanglcd "legal tender" paper, whose "per manent eBtabljsoment as tbe sole paper money of the country" is demanded, which is to be "of equal tender with coin," but which is not and never can be made of equal value with or exchangeable for coin, but releemable only by receivabil-ity for public dues? mparscription will probably read as follows: "THIS IS A DOLLAK. "Payable to nobody. Inconvertible.

Redeem able in nolhi-g. Permanently established ly act of Congress as tiie sole money of the nel lying on the floor with her throat cat. I was afraid if I gave the alarm people would think I had done it. So I secreted the body, and about 11:30 o'clock el officers a3 Captain. 'in favor of the interest of the people," The hotel and barn of Frederick Ct- is condemned, one wonders whether the ner, at Holmesville, five milts south of Fredericksburg, burned last night.

speaker ever heard of such a thing as the monopoly of patent rights. And the Ships arriving at Italian ports from took a horse and buggy from Mr. West's stable, and put' ins the body in it to it out to McCartney's woods, abut four miles and a half Irom town, and threw it over the fence and covered it up wi lauu iu ue sum Also a part of same tract No. 7, in Spring field Township, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line ot said tract 7, the tame being tbe comer of said R. V.

Sawyer's land and tbe 8 corner of Ablah White's land; thence deg on the west line of Baid trai 1 84 chs 0 Iks to a point in tho middle or tbe Akron and cfe-tun road; thence 8 43 deg 4 chs 85 links theuccNr leg. 1 cha and 30 links thence 8 2J cleg chs lk; thence 151 deg 2 chs 30 Iks: thencd 8 .1 the part of the managers, of discontent ard threats were prevalent among the black fisnds, and a much stronger guard bas been placed arouud the commissary bu lding. Tne fields in the interior are white with cotton ready tor gathering, and a good price is offered by planters for enty ot wholesome food and healthy atmosphere, yet the bleck wretches prefer to cure, it possiulf, a speech from Ban Butler. Will tub Sixteenth District Candidate VWxiidkaw? aoy part of the United Btatt have bueu The important legal business of the County cannot afford to be entrusted to inexperienced hands. E.

W. Stuait, has both experience and clearheadedness on his side, and should be our next Prosecuting Attorney. reference to "American industry" seems A Good Selection. At a special meeting of the Akron Iron Company directors, sterday, the pod. tion of Superintendent, made vacant by ho resignation of Joseph Corns, was rendered to Mr.

Fred. Bishop, formerly in their employ, but now foreman of the ortiertd placid in quarantine. to refer to the idea of Protection, but some hay." He emphatically denied Yesterd iy, Gov. Bishop pnrioned Ig having Kinea the n. natius Fuchs, s-nt to the penitentiary Mr.

Miller is to be a Democratic candL da'e, also, if the managers of that party from Cleveland, for receiving ttolen When all the circumstances in the case became known, an intense exeitemeat was goods, in January, 1877, for Si years. Falls Company, Cuyahoga Fred, is an experienced and energetic iron man and will make his mark. country. "Good for nothing but to pay debts and taxes. nlhilo, nihil lit." Yet this is what Senator Thurman says this platform of flat money proles aod that it is an honest platform up which he squarely inds.

How are the mighty Mien? stirred up in tha community and threats That railroael accident near St. Louis of lyncning were iret-ly expressed. Cit can control things that way on a Free Trade platform and with Free Trade measures from the Democratic side even now threatening every "American Industry" north of Mason and Dixon's line. izens heretofore peaceable and law-abid last Friday, was a narrow escape for the 300 passengers of the two trains that collided. ing, rushed with the crowd, whicn num bered fully o.ouo men, to the jail this Wooster, Sept 0 For some time last Mr.

A. M. Hunter, the candidate of the 10 li Dibtrict Nationals, has been safhring auder considerable pressure brought to bear by Hugo Pr yer, of the Ohio (Stoats-Zeitung, of Canton, to induce li-ni to withdraw from the field. Hun er, last evening, concluded to aid in securing the calling of another convention in ie district, if such was the desire ot the National voters, and he wrote to that effect to a Grteabacker belonging to the District Central Committee, who, he s.ii, had trsatetl him mo courteous. iy than Preyer had done.

If there should be another convention called, St. IiMiis claims to have the best fair evening, to visit ewtlt vengeance upon yet. The ar. gallery alone has over htlt the villain but Sheriff Staar warned of deg 3 chs 50 Iks; thence deg 3 chs 42 Iks; thence 2S Iks; tbunce 20 deg chs; thence 8 42i deg 17 chas 52 Iks thence 8 8iU dug 19 chs lit links to the place of begining, conta'i)iug29 80 acres. The llrst above mentioned farm of 120.02 acres is north and east ol the center of Sprmgllold, about 4 or 41 miles from Akron, nd is aboui, as well improved as any farm iu the township; has a good, large frame house, large bank barn 45 by 78J stone underpin and built in the most substantial manner, a alone wash-house and spring-bouse, with all other necessary outbuildings, shop, com crib, wagon and buggy Bhed, There is also a good clay bank aud a stone quarry on the premises.

Any person wishing to look at tho promises can call there or on David ltsbb, living near. First piece appraised at (16,800. becond do do 1.S0. JAMES D. Adm'r estate ol Hobert V.

buycr, dee'd. Sept 2, 1B78. 8 their coming, placed Taylor in a buggy a million dollars' werth ot pictures and statuary. What are the good people throughout Summit County going to do for the yellow over sufferers of the South 1 The draw rations here and live in indolence to the fever. There are some brave white men left here yet, and we may have some trouble with the blacks.

New Orleans, September 5. New cases to-day, 201; deaths, 80. Before this, total number ot cases to date, 4,119 total number of deaths to date, 1,249. New Orleans, Sept. 5.

The fever is increasing, With unabated violence. In the Bowd of Health to-night, Dr. Choppin stated that he believed there were 12 000 cases in the city at present. Ho estimated the mortality at 10 per cent. The weather is changeable and very unfavorable.

Several prominent physicians are ill from exhaustion. New Orleans, Sept. 5 From the Maeiuage William Snyder and Ellen Oberlin. Kivd Rummer and bonha 8. Delawer.

-JeiiVrson Keed aud Esther Carney, t'hafi. E. Barton and Ifillen M. Newton, dustav A. Sutmeehe i and farrio E.

Schneider. Jra E. HuiVtnan and Laura V. Keller. James M.

Pert an -1 Rebecca A. Hartley. Byron Albro and Mary V.Lytle. I'll. Simmons and Belle A.

ArmitaRO. (iuornc VVriuhl and Elizabeth A. Wilcox, diaries Doerler and Katie B. Jaques. Kidney M.

Powers and Julia Hancock. George tiromppor and Henrietta Marquitt. and drove toward tne Lounty innrmiry three miles from the city. The mob was K' nton's V.gtlanca Committes Friday night took two trampp, v. ho had threatened to bum the place, tarred and sand not to be cheated of its prev and imme harrowing reports sickness and starv.

ation coma daily over the wires. Thousands have dieil; thousands more dittely started In pursuit. The race for lif for the maintenance of law and order ed them and ex; elled them from the Albert A. Birtlett lout an arm at die battle of Antietiin in the defense ot his country. Tne Republican pirty owes it to him that his other arm shall not lack honorable employment.

Besieles, he is ia every way fitted to fill tbe politic of Recorder. Give him a rousing majoiity Tha abolition of the coroner's jury imposes still greater responsibilities upon this useful public officer. Aim on Brown thoroughly understands the duties of the place and the wisdom of his findings has nevtr, to our knowledge, ea called in question. The business of the Probate flic has never been transacted more smoothly and satisfactorily than uader the administration of Judge S. C.

Williamson. His renomination was a deserved tribute to a worthy officer, and his election is a loregone conclusion. town. against viojenca an el aisoruer, continued until near the Infirmary, when the Sheriff A de sarter from tho army has been ar are still languishing, and still greater thousands are absolutely in peril Irom rest! at Killrush, charged with mur Dwelling Burned. was overtaken by Hilly Higgins and Dm Donovan, who informed him that they had dering Lord Le-itrim on the second of last lack of the necessaries of life.

The been commissioned by 500 men to secure fa'urday night about half past 11 cities ot tho land have been heard 8ii alarm ot hre was sent in orn the botly of Taytor, and return it to them April, lhere is considerable excitement in Ireland over the arrest. Yesterday, at Harrisburg, Pennsylva Hunter might be renominated, but it is more probable that Preyer's friend, Mr. Louis Schaeller, of CaDton, will be se-lectetl. Maybe a dark horse will come up. So runny of the Nationals favor Major M.Kinley that there is small probibiluy of their polling a very im portant vote lor their own Congressional candidate, whoever he may be.

Minnesota Republicans St. Paul, 8 pt. 4.. The Republican State Convention met in Music Hall with Robert Siinson, ot Winona, as from, and riht generous has been their response but nob.dy appears to have for punibhmeut The Sheriff resisted, but in vain. He was overpowered, his buggy upset, the prisoner taken from him and books of ten prominent physicians, it is estimated there have been 30,000 cases of yellow fever since tbe epidemic commenced.

Thoughtful physicians here say tbe existing epidemic will make the disease a national issue, and spread to the Ohio River, showing that all localities are iia-b'e. New Orleans, September 10. A dis thought that the farmers would gladly dragged by a howling, infuriated mob to the City Pa k. While on the way to the EXAMINATION OF TEACDKKS. FEltAiA, neut Arrangement.

I'he Board ol Examiners for tbe County will holt meetings for the examination of Teachers, at tht iligb School House, Akron, as follows: On tbe Is' Saturday of each mouth, bxckit January ami Jolt and also on the third Saturday in February March and April, and of September, October ana November. Examinations will commence at o'clock A. ouly one day will be allowed In which to complete the examination. Applicants not personally known tooither of the itxaminors, mast bring cortiUcales ol moral character. No applicant will be admitted to tho class late than 11 o'clock, and no certillcatu will bu ante-dated.

8. FINDLEV, auil7'72-w aur 7d2. Clerk of Board. contribute had they the opportunity. Farmers of Summit County, park Taylor was struck and kicked by all who could get near enough to reach him, and was more dead ihan alive Chairman, and Ueorge W.

Jjushnell, ot patch from Grenada, dated the 9 says Box at the corner of Bilch and West Market streets, a dwelling house belonging to theChitty heirs, just east of Mr. C. W. Bonstetit's residence West Market street being discovered in flames. A stream of wa'er was soon turned on the burning building, the hose being attached to a hydrant at Park Alexander's pluce and the name were extiuguished before it was entirely consumed, though the flames had enveloped everything almost from the first.

The discovery of a jug ol coal oil at tbe barn on Friday is tuppos-ed to be an tndica'ion of the manner in which the Are originated. The house was unoccupied at the time, and to fire when the mob halted. Taylor there en- Fait bault, Secretary. John M. Berry, of The fever has broken out at Senatobia, Mies.

There have been over 30 cses up deavored to siy something, but all that could be heard was, "I buried the gul to date, anei the a' arm among the citizens is reported very great. They are but another nigger killed her." But in what is ycur answer If you have no better way, send your cash contributions to The Beacon, and they will be duly acknowledged and forwardeel without delay. Out of your abunbance, help thete suffering people. Hewitt denies all knowleelge of the cip'rer diepitches, which went so thick and fast between Til- spite of his entreaties, a noose was qu ck ly made and ttirowa over his nead and dozen hands grasped the rope thrown SHERIFF'S SALES. SUEltlEE'S SALE.

William JC. Kussell vs Cyrus B. Allen etal. By virtue of an Order of Sale to me directed frorc the Court of Common Pious of Summit County. over a lamp post and swung him into eternity.

The rope broke and the body C( uld have been communicated from the interior. The loss was ptobably $700 or 800, with an insurance ot 500. reli heavily to the ground, but it was Ohio, Samuel A. Lane, Sheriff ol said Count) quickly seized, the rope spliced will ouer fur sale at public vendue, at th door LEWIS MILLER'S DEMOCRACY. Is Lewis enough of a Democrat to entitle him to the support of that party for Congrtsi? This is a that will doubtless obtrude itielf into the Djmocratic Congressional Convention at Elyria to morrow and ought to have an answer.

Upon the financial questioa it seems to bo generally admitted that his views coincide with those held by the extreme advocates of the "Ohio- Idee" So far he wi doubless a majority of the party, though we are inclined to think that there is a very reppectable minority of old-time Democrats to whom such wild-cat notions as these will be extremely distasteful. But supposing tbat Mr. Miller suits oa the fnnnces, can Democrats with any piJiti cal consist ncy or self-respect suppoit him? Fortunately Mr. Miller has not left us entirely in the dark in this mat er. In the Fall of 1875 the repoit was start ed by an Akron tjlegtam to the Cincinnati Ewjuirer that Mr.

Miller had declared for the Democracy. Ex-Speaker Converge retai'ei the story in a speech in A brother of Mr. Miller heard it and telegraphed to Akron tor the facts Mr. at once repli "Not by a long ways. Wlien I become in favor of the destruction of our Repub-, lie, and the Democratic party avows and practices the same principles which they do to-day, theu I will vote their ticket." The following dy The Beacon obtained from Mr.

Miller the subjoined statement: "Much has been said about certain manufacturers in this communi who have always voted the Republican ticket, now declaring themselves in favor of the Democratic party, and even ing so far as to dictate to the'r workmen, at the penalty of wages and wit ion, to vote with them? This maybe true, but in order to c.ear my skirts from any such imputations, I will say that I never aad scoa tne body ot lay the House, iba arou, on lor was swineinsr under the preparing lo abandon the city. ViCKsnuRG, Sept. 7. The fever continues increasing in the same proportion as during the past week. It is estimated that fully 2,500 are down.

Deaths today, 31. Among the deaths to-day was William Harrison, Secretary of the Howard Association. Vicksborg, September 10. The fever cases ara somewhat decreased but the mortality is fearful. There were 46 deaths yesterday and 44 to-day.

Vicksburg is two-thirds the size of Akron. Ed. Beacon Jackson, Sept. 9 The fever has broken out at several new points in this State, Bolton. Lake Lawrence Sta Saturday, the 12th or October, A.

I. 1878, between tbe hou.s of 12 o'clock M-, and 2 o'clock flaring gas light. After hanging 20 min Thursday a single firm broke tbe gold market by an olloring of $500,000, and on Friday in New York gold sold down to oneuarter, the lowest price since the suspension of specie payments. This is a good time to go ballooning again wi of paper promises not to pay, and no timo fixed lor their isn't it? "The Practical Beginning of Resumption of Specie Payments Silver Dollars to be Exchange i for Greenbacks in any Amounts The Four Per Cent. Loan an 1 Customs Virtually on a Greenback Ba is." Such ate the Cincinnati Gazette's headlines over its speacial telegram copied by us Tuesday.

As all Jthe Democrats pretecd to ba silver men, ol course this will suit them. utes it was cut down and delivered to Eujimit County: Physicians. The Summit Onnty Medical Society convened in The Union yesterday afternoon wi Dr. W. 8.

Hough in the cha r. H. ol said day, the following described lands and the officers of the law and the crowd tenements, to-wit: "Situate iu said County ol Summit, to-wit: Lot two hundred and sevunt)- quietly dispersed. Pisent Drs. Baker, lie Id en, Boweo, seven (477) iu tbe city of Akron, as surveyed and numbered by Joshua bensltaw.

urvevor, aud re- Sandusky, Sept. 5. The excitement here over the murder of Alice O'Donnell elen's private headquarters and Democratic "statesmen" in disputed Siatep, pending the Electoral count. He did not even hear of it until the next Winter, and now says of the Marble and Pelton cipher telegrams printed in Tuesday's Tribune which plainly show that Tilden's immediate managers were busy plotting to buy a Republican Elector in Oregon "without regard to technicalities:" "If those dispatches had been traced home to 1 should deem it a disgrace from cordnd iu County Kecords, book ages 13, iw, ana xu. and the lynching of William Taylor is subsiding somewhat, but our people are determined that the men who tooa Tay lor's life shall suffer toe penalty.

This Appraised at sa.autl no. pi JVH'l S. A. LANE, Sheriff. sepllwSt 10.

ASSIGNEE'S SALES. 8SIaNJtJ4'a BALK. Notice is hereby civcsthat tho nndersltrned. as afternoon the Erie County Bar held meeting at the Court House, and took action to that effect. A mass meeting to the same end will be held to-morrow FairbiU't, was renominated oy acciamae tion for Associate Judge the Supreme Court, and Samuel H.

Nicho's by acclamation, lor Clerk of the supreme Court. O. P. VVhitcomto, of Rochester, incumbent, was then renominated for Auditor of 8 ate, 107 vo'es to 48 for M. D.

Flower and 48 for E. W. French. The following is a portion ot the platform unanimously adopted Pesolved, First, Tbat in its efforts to restore harmooy at the South, in administering the various Executive departments so that no ta'nt ot corruption rests upon them, in emancipating the primary councils of the people from the domination of office-holders, in Its redemption of the pledges of Civil Servics reform, and its financial measures and policy, the administration of President Hayes holds the confidence and hearty co-operation of the petiple, and we feel no disposition to censure that Administration lor embarrassments caused by in cidents and collateral difficulties which are necessarily inherent in the situation. Second.

We believe that the faith of the nation is pledged to pay its debts in iin. We urge parsistence in the policy of speedy specie resumption, because we believe it to be the policy of common honesty and wise economy and prudent sta esmanship. We warn the people against the doctrine of an unlimited and irredeemable paper currency issued by the United States as a pernicious delusion, because it is uncons itutional under decisions of the proper court of the United States; because it will unsettle and betray the resvurces of the country into demoralizing speculation because it will bear with disastrous lorce upon the laboring man by DUtting into ODeration the well known law that under such currency prices ot neci sdties of life rire first, while the wages of the laborers rise last. nia, the Hoard ot Pardons relused to recommend a commutation of the death sentence to 1-fe imprisonment in the case of Jack Kahoe, a Mollie Maguire. County has yield its see ond mastodon this yeir.

Giant ie mains were found Tuesday in a muck Kwamp on the firm of George Jones, in Plymouth. Pickney Bell, a white man, in jail at Murtreesboro, wbs taken out and lynched last nigbfc, for killing a constable of Ruth- rford County, who attempted to arrest him. Tho liabilities of the Oxford Iron of Nflw Je-se-y. will not exceed which $250,000 is due the Delaware Lackawnn Western Railroad which is fully covered by mortgages. The company's loss will be very light, if any.

Monday at 3 a M. at Dundas, Canada, five masked men entered the Great Western Railroad fctilion, tied and gagsed the watchman, anel blew open the safe, which coniaiuad about $100 end a check for a small amount. The burglars escaped. Garrettsvil'e's I. O.

O. F. Hall was dedicated Thursday. Lodges from Can-field, Warren, Auburn, Keut, Chagrin Falls and Ravenna participated. Hon.

H. W. Curtiss, of Ch agrin Falls, delivered the address. A ball and supper closed the day. W.

L. the Merchants' Nattou-il Bank of Cleveland sines its organization, and connected with that institution and its predecessor, the Merchants' Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, during the ast 28 years, has, on account of ill-health, resigned. Dr. Hawkes, of Circleville, died at the Columbus Insane Asylum, Tuesday. A few years since Dr.

Hawkes was one of the most celebrated physicians in Central Ohio, but hard work and constant stuiy produced organic disease of the braiu. A Mrs. Cassidy, whose husband is an employe of the Baltimore Ohio Railroad, living between Washington and Bladensburg, has just given birth to three girls and two boys, all remarkably well. They are very small but still perfect and may live. The mother is out of danger.

The shoe business of Lvnn, is being seriously affected by the yellow fever scourge at the South. No shoes are shipped at tbe prt-seat lime on orders previously given, and no demand for which I would never recover." Comptroller Kelly thought the send evening. signee or the estate of Jarues It. Maiq'iitt will, by virtue of an order of sale issued to him by the -Probate Court of Summit County and lo him di Brastear, Davison, T. McEbright, Fisher, Fol Fousnr, Hough, Lyon, Keed, Kiwe, 8mitb, Taggart and Underwood.

Aduitional papers bearing on the Rowe-Sisler spute we ra reterred to the Committee on Ethics. Dr. Taggart reported asuccefs'ul treatment cf an injured knee-joint. Dr. Underwood presented a patient with a compound fracture of the leg, in which delayed union was overcome by a plaster of Bar splint.

Dr. Smith discussed "Ma'arial Diseases." Pe titions were arranged to be circulated at the request ot the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine, asking the legislature to pass an act legalizing the dissection of unclaimed boiies. Appointments for next mee ing to be held at Cuyahoga Falls, October 2: E-i sayist, Dr. Leignt; Alternate, Dr. E.

W. Howard: Ut-ports of Cases, Drs. Jacobs. More Ohio Lynch Law Threatened ing of the dispatches unwise and injudU Cleveland Leader Special. cions.

tie would think it immoral to send such telegrams. He did not think Tilden had any knowldge of these dis rected, at ten o'clock a. m. on Friday, the OOli day cf September A. D.

1878. at the sled factory lately occupied by K. Marquitt, In the town of West Jiichllold, Summit Couuty, Ohio, offer for sale at public auction the following goods and chaittela to-wit: one lease ot 35 acres of timber land, one set of blacksmith's' tools, one corn mill, one planer, one shaper, oue laihe and numerous other articles or machinery and tools formerly used in said eled factory. Terms of Bale All sums under rive aollurs casta. Norwalk, Sjpt.

5. Geo. Emery, the outrsger of Kitty Dooo, was arrested at White Pigeon, Monday, and brought back here yesterday Detective Tne general and emphatic condemnation of the Democratic reorganization schemes has not been without its effect. At a recent meeting of the Trustees of the Girls' Industrial Home, after a sharp cross-firing it was finally vo'ed to retain the present efficient Superintendent, Dr. R.

Hill, until the expiration of his present term, in December, but one Democratic trustee was so mad that he has resigned from the Board. patches, for "ho is too cautious a man to send such." Why don't Potter investigate thisf tion on tne JNew Orleans lioad, and Dry Grove in Hind's county. No aba'ement at Vicksburg, Holly Springs, Port Gibson or Greenville. At Grenada only three or four remain to be attacked. At Vicksburg W.

G. Paxton, Grand Commander Knights Templar, is among the new cases. Governor Stone is here to-day to confer with the State Board of Health and citizens as to State aid in the present emergency. It will be impossible to convene the Legislature now, so strictly quaran ined is nearly every couaty in the State. Cincinnati, Sept.

8. Governor Bishop has issued the following, dated Columbus, September 7: Whtreas, a large portion of our country is afflicted with a terrible plague which is sweeping away hundreds of our fellow citizens in the South and rendering lesolatemany households; and Whereas, Human science and human efforts have proved unavailing in stops ping progress of the devastating scourge, and the oaly hops in the hour of extremity is the intervention of Almighty God, who has promised to an Marsh, knowing the excitement the out rsga had created, very wisely took the precaut on to stop at Monroeville an all sunt of live dollars and over.six months' crodit with approved surety aud interest. ISAAC T. WBLTON, 6 Assigneee of J. E.

Marquitt. have the prisoner conveyed by carriage to Norwalk, and to the jail through the back streets. Tne prmouer was remand' Jewett, llitchcock, i5ovd aud Howe ed in default of $3,000 batl. The excite Topic of discussion, Uraemia, to be LEGAL NOTICES. ment increased toward night, and during opened by Dr.

Underwood. for one moment lliought of casting a vole the earlier part of the evening groups of men were standing upon every street corner. Threats of lynch'ng were freely The Coming Faiii. To the Editor of Tub Beacon: indulged in, and many ot the cooler men became somewhat alarmed. The ser The fair in Fountain Park is near at The canal receipts for August exceeded the expenditures by over $10,000.

What to do with such a valuable propers ty, is a very important campaign question. The Republicans offer in George Paul a man of experience, competent and honest. The Democratic candidate, Rush Field, has not the first qualification for a member of the Board of Public Works. This is a business office, and it will be curious to note how many Democrats in vices of the military company have been Hand, a ariners or eummit County, are tendered to the Sheriff for the purpose of swer prayers addressed to Him in the you preparing for a grand exhibi tion oi tae products of ih'j soil, at your aonual MESSENGER'S NOTICE. THIS IS TO g'-ve not ce that on the 4th day of September A.

1878, a warrant in Uaimrnpicy wus issued against the estate of Jam-s O. Moore, of Akron, iu the county of Summit and State of Obio, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment ol any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim or for his use, aud the transfer of any property by are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tne cied-itore of said bankrupt to prove their debts, acd choose one or more assignees ol his estate, will bo held at a court of Bankruptcy, to be bolden at Cleveland, Obio, before M. it. Keith, Itegister, on tbe 30th dy ot September A. 1) 1" o'clock A.M.

N.B. PKENT1CE. TJ 8. Marsha), as Mcesuncr. N.

Uodsi, Att'y for tiliontr. 7 preserving order. the excitement tubsidd and the crowds duperssd. lair? Remember it has been a year of hour ot need. Now, therefore, Richard M.

Bishop, Governor of the State of Ohio, recom great productiveness. Let there be no lack in your stock and products ol the An English Hokkor. soil. Saould tbere be, 30U will under mend that on Friday, the 13 day of September, all Christian people in the State of Ohio assemble ia their respective hout-es of worship aad offer up their London, Sspt. 4.

Thq cause of the The Herald wants to know whether Mr. Lwis National candidate for Congress in the Seventeenth District, desires the repeal of the Resumption act. It ought not to take Mr. Miller or any other candidate long to answer such a query. Contraction having done about all the damage it can, and at the beet the Government having been compelled to adopt a fiction as the stone of its policy, it makes no difference whether the resumption law stands or falls.

Cleveland Plain Dealer. We are giad to get this grudging and rather ungracious admittance that the Plain Dealer dees not demand the rer peal of the Resumption law. Its position on this important question has not been as well defined as the hard-money Democrats among its supporters have desired. Now, what does the P. J).

mean by the Government adopting a ticton as the corner-stone of its" policy? Cleveland Herald. But the 2' B. does not apeak for Mr. Mille for he wants the Resumption Law repealed, though the Dealer does own up tbat "it makes no difference" now, whether that law "stands or falls." When Democrats difiar so widely, the Republicans will have to decide for them that with resumption reached, the folly of repealing the law, will not stand with whom the responsibility Princess Alice disas-ter is lieved to be res'S. Ualy res ive to matte mo exhibi that both vessels were rounling a sharp tion tho largest; and put will into the united prayers to Uod to check the further shipments Ms perceptible.

On bind in the river, caused Dy tne pro dreadful plague which is iflicting the this account many shoe operatives are resolution, and the thing is done. Mechanics, artisans, mtnufacturers, trades iection of a point of land whereon the southern estates, ana unit Me in His in obliged to remain idle Minnesota Democrats. St. Paul, Sept. 5.

In Minnesota State Democratic Convention to-day following nominations made: Associate Judge of the Supreme Court, Wm. Mi chell, of Wirjona; Clerk ot the Supreme Court, Dillon O'Brien Auditor ot the Stnte, Msh'oa M. BIa k. Resolutions we aid ad' ped urging up the parttf anel ihe country tie im-p ovementof Mississippi r.ver. The convention then adjourned.

Kansas Democrats. Leav4Nworth, Kas, pt 4. Democratic State Convemion was called lo order at 10 a by E. G. Ross, temporary chairman.

Permanent orgtnization was eflacted by electing Thomas P. powder magazine of Woolwich Arsenal finite goexluess will restore health, peace Another cut in passenger rates from is si uated. In order to turn this point men, one and all, the principle apphed to the agriculturalist applies with equal force to you and our retpective depart Cincinnati East. First class tickets are MESSENGER'S NOTICE. THIS IS TO give notice that on the 4th day of September A.

D. 18.8, a warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued xgainst tbe estate of Joseph Mure, of Akron, in tbe county of Summit and State of Ohio, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt on bia own petition; tbat tbe pament of any cebts aud delivery ofany property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim lor his use, and the transfer of any property by bim, are forbiddi by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to Drove their debts, and auu prosperity to tne nouses ana nomes which have bsen called upon to mourn ments. Only uniteJly will that tLe ex the Princees Alice had crossed over to the right bank of the river and was thus out of her proper course. Her lights were probabiy obscured by the shadow selling as low as twelve and fourteen dollirs, with the prospect of still lower rates. New York railroad state the loss ot friends and rela ivts.

Signed! Richard M. Bishop. bibitioii shall be to any one hereteif re, and Summit County can, on Governor of the State of Ohio, that the reduction is caused by the Penn toe most picturesque artel attrac choose one or more assignees of bis et-late, will be held at a court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Cleveland, Obio, before M. H. Keith, ltegietor, on the 18tb day of November A J).

at 10 o'clock Cincinnati, September 16. Blaser, Gallipolis, Ohio, died last-night of yellow fever contracted from sylvania Rilroad placing its fare below the reduceel rates which the A'lantic Great Wettem Railroad is permittoel to tive fair grounds in the State, at the closo of the exhibiiion, feel proud that they are citizen of the Ba trier County, for so it can be made. The of the powaer mag v.iae, and being much smaller and lower than the By well Castle the latter was upon her before the danger was perceived. London, September 10. Over COO bodies have been recovered of the persons drowned by the Princess Alice A- N.

B. PEEN'l ICE. the steamer Porter. There are a dozen with or for a party which has, in my opinion, for many years tacrifiecd all principles for the sake of party gain, and in whose promises for the future I have no faith. "I have stood by the publican party, because I believed it to bi nearer right than any O'her party.

I still believe that with ihem rests the safety of our country's future. "I may ff with maay in the party as to some of its measures, which now agitite the public mind, still I believe in its honest purpose as a party to care for all honest enough to correct errors and root out corruption in its own ranks, and thus maintain the party's honor. "I will now declare, so that I may not be mi quoted, that my vote shall te ctst for H'tyes and not for Allen. "Lewis Miller This Wis li3wis Mider in the fall of 1875. Has he changed materially within the past three years Does he or does he not still impute to the Democracy the attempted "destruction of tbe Republic Does he or does he not hold to the con viction th it the Demi cracy is a party "which Lai fcr many years sacrificad all "principle for the sifee of panygwD," and doos he or doei he not have "any faith in their promises for the fu'ure?" TheS3 a-e points which, unfcrtucatjly, Mr.

Miller utterly failed to tou-h upon last Stturday evening; bat perhaps the above txti acts from his printed utterances are sufficient fir a'l practical charge. U. 8. Marshal, as jKeeBeuger. N.

Hodqk, Att'y ior Petitioner. 7 people sick from lever in the neighbor spirit, taste, and energy exist if it can bt hood WDere tne steamer PorLer is Efforts are bung made to procure a new trial for McManus and ca led out and applied. moored. Nearly all of them were convicted of muraer in the first tie XfESKENGEK'S NOTICE. THIS IS TO Jl pive noticethat on Ihe4lh nay of (September A.

D. 18T8, a warrant iu Haukiumr.v i.u.,.i came in contact with the crew of fenton chairman. The following candidates were nominated: Secretary of State, L. W. Barton; Treasurer, C.

C. Black; Attorney General, J. F. Cox; Superintendent of Public Instruction, O. P.

McKern; Chief Justice ot the Supreme Court, R. Ruirgles Auditor, Osbun Shannon. Convention adjourned at 11 p. m. The writer is well aware tint much, very much depends upon tho

The feeling in Lied against the gree of Frcelerick Hesser, at Hickory Ohio will cast their ballots for it on business principles. Durbin Ward is being warned off the platform, as his idea that the only paper money should be value money, that is be worth all that it pretends to represent, doesn't suit tha Ohio Democracy. The Democratic Committee of Guernsey County, unanimously resolve i to send a letter to John G. Taompson, telling him to cancel Durbin Ward's engagement to speak at Cambridge on the 25th as the Committee felt that it had enough to do to fight the Republican party, without being handicapp'ed with Ward's hard-money heresies. So says the special.

The signs of cheer multip'y all around, to the discomfiture of tha Nationalist prophets of evil. Thus a telegram of Saturday says that the oats and corn crops of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are the largest ever known. Here is another from New York "The Managers of the Pro luce Ex change have adopted a resolution to the effect that in consequence of abundani crops, the satisfactory condition of lit export trade, increasing activity of mestic trade and prospects of prosperity, a committee be appointed to provide facilities for the transaction of increased business." Without the taste, energy devotion tne steamer, tner wnue tnoy were on shore or rn the boat. The physicians Colliery, 1874. severu weeits ago, Master aud pilot ol tbe isywell Cas le, which was Viry bitter, has quit; of the wives and oaujht jrs of tho county, by upsettmg the testimony ot tne wit died away, as it is evident that the lault against the estate Davie s.

Alexander, ot Akron, in the county of Summit and Mate of Obio, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petition; that the payment of any debt an I delivery of ai.y property belonging to such baiikinpt. to him or lor bis me, and the transfer of auv property bv him are forbidden bv law that a the beauty. mmetry, order ana har disagree as to whether it the type fever that was on the boat or a maligt noes Morgan P. Davis. It' sidentB of Canton, Bradford Coun'y, claim nant tjpj ot bilious fever.

The Board of mony would be lacking. The writer ecu never soe why they should not be ot the co lisitm lies with tho Cat tv.n ot the Princess Alice, who, however, is among the drowned. that they can prove poittons of it to be memb rs ol the socieiy, and until they false. are admitted every society is in danger tbe creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose one or more assine of bis estate, will be held at a court of Kankruplcv, to bu bolden at Cleveland, Ohio, before M. It Keith, The News yes'erdav ref ised to on the 1st day ol October A.

I. 10 o'clock Two Mollie Mrgaires, Manley aud Noon, were arresteei at with the mu derof Pat ick llanesville, near Mahony Plane, ten ofdeca3'aad dissolution. fcummil County take this step in advance and tht success and perpetuity of the ciety, as we'l as its usefulness, is guaranteed. Udtd it does like many others it will TJ. S.

Marshal. fcsTTT U. L. Mauvik, Att for Petitioner. pay ailvertiseinent by J.

M. Waterman, tobacconist to tbe ellect that on a certain clay next week he would donate to yellow f-ver sufferers the entire gross receipts of his store on tho ground that the people of Oberlin, being so op-psed to tobacco, would object to seeing a tobacco advertisement in the pa years ago. drag, and perhaps dwindle if cot fail "Phillips County goes Democratic by 2,000 majority. Ouachita County is Democratic by 100 majority." Such were all the telegraphed returas from the Arkansas election. What do they signify? The New York Tribune of August 20 published a letter from a gentleman of high standing in Arkanssts which may unravel the noy-t Ty.

He said "Paillipi County on a fair vote will 2,000 Republican majority. In 1876 th vote stood: Hayes, 2.8G7; Tilden, 982. The county has been carrcd by the Republicans by fr 2.000 to 2,500 majority ever sit ce 1S66, the year of reconstruction. The county ofliceis of course are Republicans, gcoi and true men, upon whom the charge of fraud has never been The affairs of the county have been well managed, and there can be no cause for complaint on that score. About a month ago the Democrats commenced organizing militia companies, and their MESSENGER'S NOTICE.

THIS 18 TO give notice that on tbe 9th dav of altogether, liut conie up witn your ar ticle-s for exhibition aud have one more A. O. 1878, a warrant in Banr utcv was Health of Gallipol'S have notified the owners of the steamer that they will not be respons ble for the satety of the boat longer. St. Lours, Sep.

4 Prominent citu zens of Greenville, report that yellow fever has obtained a strong foothold there, and that there will be great suffering and destitution among the people. The town is on the river, 125 miles above Vicksburg, and has about 2,200 inhabitants. The place has no railrosd connections, and as all traffic by boat has ceased thi town is cut ott except by telegraph. There is sufficient food for the present, but money and hoapi-al supplies are badly needed. It is feared that Greenville will be another Grenada.

Grenada, Miss, September 5 The situation is heartrenderine. Eight deaths to-day; 12 new cases. Not a house is Facts That we Know. If you are sugering with a severe cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in tbe throat, or any fiaction of throat lungs, we know that Dr. King's New Discovery will give you immediate relief.

We know of hundreds of cates it lias com. pletely cured, and that where ail other medicines had tailed. No other remedy can show one half as many permanent cures Now to give you satisfacu rv proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure you of asthma, bronchitis hay fever, consumption, severe coughs and colds, hoarseness, or any throat or lung disease, if you will call at Sisler fe Sor-rick's, Akron, drug store we will give you a trial bottle free of cost, or a regalar bize bottle for fl.00. grand gathering.

against the esi ate of Gewrge Weiuior, ofAkion in the county of Summit and State of Ohio, who has been adjudged a baukrum. on his nwn n.u. per. UNK OF THE l'EOI'LE. tion; that the payment of any delit and dolwciv of The Centaur Liuiments are of two kinds.

any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him for his use, ai-d the transfer of anv nnmnrttr kv The White Is for the human family; the The quantry of po and o'her im 1 euow is for horses, sheep, and other an him. are forbidden bv law: that a menim. LEM AND OliASGE. Dr. Price's Fprcial Estrae's proper food consumed is enormous and proeiuces its inevitable results in innumerable types of disease, especially those imals.

Testimonials of the effects produced by these remarkable Preparations are wrapped around every bottle, and can be procured of any druggist, or by mail creditors ol said bankrupt to prove their debts and choose 0110 or more assignees of bis estate will bo held at a court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Cleveland, Ohio, before M. ft. Keith, ltegisler on the 7th day ol October A. n. 1878.

at 10 o'clock: Dawfoa of the blood, exhibited in pimp'es blotches, sores, etc all of which, however, yield rapidly an surely to Dr. Bull's One thing is rertdu, the four Republican speeches in the supplement with to-day's Beacon agree with each other Yesterday at Lebanon, Pa G. Co.emaD, President of the State of Lemon and orange ate from the frail, and have their grtt ful, agreeable tastf, without the turpentine order which is ob erved in those extr c'9mully sold, male fom cheap oils. Board of M. B.

PKENT1CE, TT M.r.1,.1 14... from the office of The Centaur Company, 4G Dsy Street, New York City. 22 Public Charities, died. Blood Mixture. Henry McKinnkt, Att'y for Pol.tlonor.


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