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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 2

Galveston, Texas
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BffilKlL WILL CALL I THK LOK1MKM RK8O- KBIT Tl'BSUAY FOR AOTIO.N. WMIDEIIHIUMS XlrMaran eirrttam Bonk'ii 6tsff Special to The News. Washington, Feb. Lortmer supporters are not yet willing to let the Larimer matter come to a vote. This wu shown again this afternoon, when Senator Beverldge again pressed his resolution to declare the Lorlmer election Invalid.

Senator Burrows promptly objected. Thereupon the following brief debate followed: Mr. Beverldge--It Is perfectly apparent that, In view of the legislative situation. unanlmoua consent agreement must be made, or else notice must be given that on a certain day the subject will be pressed. Therefore, since Urn senator 1 Michigan again objects to fixing a The 4.

New York. Feb. oily of New Vork went njilk bust- H. today. were authorised if by the kinking fund commission for twelv pieces of property are to be for the eale of milk of standard purity for the feeding of oabies.

principally In the cotii-ejted districts. The milk to be standardized at the laboratories of the board ot health, and Is to be supplied to con- suuiera at cust at the stored. city will employ five medical in- apectors at H.iOO each. nine- nurses at I1.6QO and one at 11,100. fifteen nurse? assistants at I4SO each, five cleaners at JJ60 each ind one medical inspector at 11,500.

Mrs. J. B. Bordeu llarrluiau gested the plan (or the city to sell 4- milk for babies. RECIPfiOCITK Bill FKBMDKVr HILL UKKI.V SKUKIT I TO NAN'AUK CAMPA1US.

FIIMCE OM1E OFFISH T1ZAS BOTTLXBI from day to uu and dispose of this matter. I give notice that on Tuesday next, immediately after the morning business, I shall submit some observations on this matter; that I shall press It and shall ask the senate to vote on this resolution and to dispose of this case on that day. Mr. Burrows--I would say to the senator there may be others who desire to say something with regard to the matter. Mr.

Beverlda-e--Very well. Every one apeak who wants to, and of course will da so. But I call attention to tlio fact mat this debate hag lasted now longer than any similar debate In the. history of the senate. I may be wrong about that, but I think It Is the case.

Here the debate came to a close be- csuse of demand for the regular order of business. It li the purpose of Senator Borah, who Is In charge of the resolution for the popular election of senators, to press this matter to a conclusion tomorrow afternoon, B1VBBID01 HOTIFIH to He Lukewarm Herlpnwlly tut Uvrs Net tv Drier Ike Matter. Adjoins at Dallas-- Klevt Ot- flnrn--9lwt Nrxl at Austin--Ei- trad Deposit Will Cull Up tke Ixirtwer BeMilatloa far Im tke Washington, Feb. the plans of Senators Borah and Beverldge with reference to the. election of senators and the against Senator Lorlmer are not frustrated.

senate calendar j.will be relieved within the next week or two of the meauraa which have occupied much ot the working time of the senate during the present- session. Mrt Bdrah yesterday gave notice that he would ask the senate to sit tomorrow until a vote was had on the. resolution'providing for popular election of senators, and Mr. Bevsridge today indicated a similar purpose with regard to the Lorlmer resolution for next Tuesday, Whether the senators' will accomplish their purposes by these tactlcu Is a question, but It la evident to all that if they fall, and If these two measures continue to receive the -attention of the senate, there wUltbe little time for the consideration off reciprocity and the tariff, board blll. Both the Lorlmer question and the election; amendment been discussed at great length) and tlulr-supporters declare there can be no In'delay- Ing a vote other than tb defeat them through default.

BIATJlfOHT COMM1HC1 CHAMBER New Dlrcvteri Met aid Effected Pertna- Plann ter Named. Bpiclal to The Beaumont, Feb. first meeting of the new board of'directors ot the BeaumoRj Chamber of Commerce was held this afternoon. Officers were elected for the year and plans were discussed for active and effective work in the Interest of Beaumont and the Beaumont country, organization was effected by the election of the following officers: C. R.

Bone, president; J. M. Conrey, first vice president: Frank Alvey, 'vice president; J. J. Nathan, third vice president; T.

W. Larkln. secretary; J. L. Cunningham, treasurer.

Alter organizing what the board considers' a most a-ble executive staff, the important matter of appointing standing committees waa given consideration. It was finally decided to select only the chairman at this meeting and leave the appointment of the menibers ot the various committees, to the president the chairman of such committees. It was suggested that there Is so much important work to be done by the various standing committees a the utmost care'should be-exerclsed in their selection so as to insure the best possible team work. The following committee chairmen were named: Publicity, J. Nathan; rice, H.

D. Keith; maritime shipping, C. L. Waldst traffic. R.

G. Wilder; agricultural, J. S. 'Edwards; convention, F. M.

Law; new Industries, H. A. Perlstein; railroad, John N. Gilbert; trade extension, Ixm A. Bernard; good roads, Wm.

Senger; civic improvements, I. Bordages; drainage. J. D. Wllkerson; deepwater, W.

P. Hobby. iwomas, HOUSTOH Cottage tad Contents LORH 9500. Structure la Highland Park rfe- LOMN 91,000. Special to The Newt, Dalian.

Feb annual convention of the Texas Bottlers' Association adjourned finally this afternoon. Practically all the work of the day was devoted to formulation of plans for extending the deposit system In the state. At the forenoon session a committee, to be known as the'central deposit committee, was appointed. In the the committee submitted a report. Among the suk'gvstlons were: That ttie association snail make an effort to enlarge the deposit area In the state; district the state Into fifteen districts, more or less, as may be decided later: appoint a committee composed of both bottlers and supply men, who will have direction of the work.

The report was adopted by a unanimous vote and the committee submitting the report was continued as the central deposit committee provided for In tiie resolutions. The committee Is composed of ij. W. Moyer, chairman; George W. Baker, J.

B. McDanlel. C. J. HoweU and D.

A. Becker. The association voted, unanimously to hold the next annual convention In Austin. San Antonio was placed in nomination, but for some reason was net pushed and Austin won easily. The officers for the ensuing year are: George W.

Baker of Dallas, re-elected president; Dr. G. Kberle of Dallas, secretary; R. 8. of Waco, first vice president; D.

A. Beck of Terrell, second vice president; J. 8. McDanlel of Fort Worth, treasurer. These officers with the following constitute the directory: W.

F. Freeso of Paris. H. McDonald of Dallas. F.

II. Potthoff of Waco, L. W. Alexander of Ban Antonio, A. B.

Asset! of Austin and A. E. Grimes of Tyler. Fmmstarei. Rouen, France, Feb.

captain of the Spanish steamer Ollargan, which has arrived here, reported the Spanish steamer Abercon, which left Rotterdam for Bilbao at the same time as the Ol- Inrgon. foundered In a tempest and seventy passengers and the crew perished. There Is no confirmation of the captain's story from other sources. No such steamer as the Abercon is listed In the The Ollargan arrived on Jan. SI and sailed a few days later.

Washington. Feb. President Taft may Ue compelled to designate a leader to take charKe of the administration's fight over the reciprocity agreement In the, xuriate. anil If he docs, the Indications are that hr will select Senator 1-odge. Th- finance committee, to which the McCall bill referred when It sent over from the house today.

In lukewarm toward the mrasurr. Si-viral of the members i vote for It but It Is not expected they will exhibit any great enthusiasm In doing so. There was much speculation today as to whether the McCall bill would receive majority vote In the committee. No member of the committee Is Inclined to view of President In the agreement. To avoid opposition to the president's program it 'was reported tonight there might be no vote In committee at all.

Some senators are trying to liave the McCall bill reported without reeommend- atlon, giving the opponents the right to prosecute their objections on the senate It 'is not likely that the committee meeting will be held until Saturday, and e4 to'thvni a vl itu-} In chjUACler of ilw tbr were icoltuvd hvld the that vl'- of trtv had oelaed upon woat war regarded au harmless statement to uiakv 4gatu8t the ratification of the agrwement. A declaration (-iuular that by Mr. Clark was contained the opening Monday In favur the reciprocity bill In the IwLBe delivered by Representative Kill of Cwnectlcut. a member of the ways and committee and a member of the administration party. This spewh.

hugely reported In the Americai: papers, caused nut a ripple to fur as Its annexation sentiments were concerned. Mr. Hill also quoted from a speech made a few ago by Speaker aauon in he uot only took Canada In under the American flag, but pro- rosed to make the i Western Hemisphere into one country. Democratic leaders particularly were "eased today over the passage of the cCall bill. i Representative Underwood of Alabama.

Minority Leader Clark's chief lieutenant and the chalrnan of the ways and means committee of the next congress, said he regarded the action of the house as In every way helpful to democrats, that It marked the beginning of the end of high protection and foreshadowed a democratic victory In the national elections in He said the republicans by their vote P)yspepsia The fact tMt Hood's Sarw- works 1'ke a charm iu dyspepsia is well-known by thouianU vf people. Miss Clara A. Dearborn. Tiltoo. N.

"I aufferej great distress (rom djs- pepsia Friends, urges' me to try, Hood's It worked like a charm, gave me a good appetite, and made my stomach and other digestive organs se much stronger that I could eat almost i without distress." Get Hood's Saraaparllta today. la liquid or tablets called the. luciiiuvr ui 1110 CMIIII delay procedure In Tuft's great Intere-x To avoid oopositloi probably not till Monday, owing to tho Illness of Senator Hale. The senators from practically all of the agricultural statoh are opposed to the passage of thu McCall bill, nnd many "standpat republicans will stand with them. Nevertheless feeling there are enough votes In the senate to pass the bill by reason of the almost solid democratic support that Is certain to be Klven, the republicans who oppose the measure may decide that the objections are sufficient to Justify a filibuster.

FOXS TO MOTEOCITY showed thapthey were as badly split up us the democrats were in the last session of congress curing the. Cleveland administration. Speaker Cannon. Republican Whip Chairman Ualcell of the rules committee, and other leaders of the republican party In the house were among those who stood against the administration program and the democratic leaders figured that this split It) the ranks augured well for democratic success. In reply to Representative Clark's statement.

President Tuft Bent the following letter today to Represe'ntntlve McCall of Massachusetts: "I write to congratulate you sincerely upon the passage through the house of the McCall bill, enacting Into legislation the reciprocity agreement with Canada. I sincerely hope that It will pass the senate and become part of our statutes. agreement. If It becomes law, hn; no political significance. No thought of future political annexation or union was In the minds of the negotiators on either side.

Canada Is now, and will remain, a political unit. "I am very sure that If this agreement becomes law It will Inure to the great social and economic benefit of both countries." BE1MHTR 8TAID8 FIRK HE SAYS THAT WILL COMB AKTKH Tilt: LORDS' VETO IS DISPOSED OK. MDIHEPKS HAND-COLORCD PICTURE COUPON THE NEWS. GALVESTON, TEXAi PteMe Had Daily and One Sunday) lor Picture oi Ceats and Seven Coup-oat (Six hind Postoffict Street State NOTICE-Only Cespon ol each date wHl be accepted In each Set. Remember, tke Coupons need be at consecutive dates.

Seven Coupons and lOc secures one picture over our counter. II the picture to be mailed, send 5c additional-15c in ali. B. WAWLXI unim CMAI. FOWUEB W.

X. ITOWX FmXU W. CATTEKALL r. tXOUOL. The First National Bank OF OALVE8TON TrwOWeit Nationt) Bank in Texai Southeast Corner Strand an4 ltd Strntt.

CMMaJ. TnttU. J. J. Hill I.akeli Tkfsi us Special later- eiiffl amsl Pollllral Am Vrceat IMea Their Kx Sallafaetlcm With SolMtle.

Prohlem Say. CMailH Will Net Ckas3ge Attitude BemiiM of Clark. DaUr Oiem'a Davenport. Iowa, Feb. Daisy Odeh, clilet clerk of the Davenport pau- aenger office of the Chicago, Burlington Quincy Railroad, has been appointed division passenger agent, the first woman, so far as local railroad men know, to occupy such'a position'In the United States.

Negro IB Gleetrle Chair. Ralelfli, Feb. Montague, a negro, was put to death today by electricity In the state prison here. Montague In December last assaulted and murdered Miss Mattle Sanders and also killed her father, J. Sanders, and the iatter's grandchild, Irene Overton.

TIXANS ABROAD New York. Sp.cli1 to The News. New York, Feb. registered at New York hotels: W. Munn; Great Northern.

A. U. Fletcher; Holland, Miss R. A. Brown, Miss A.

Sweeny. El Paso--Hotel Hector. Htchwaldt. Mexia--Breslln, 1. G.

Phillips. Houston--Herald Square, G. B. Dlxon, A. Kiser.

Port Worth--Navarre, W. H. Phenlx; Continental, W. Fielder. Antonio--Barllngton, W.

O. Robertson. Dallas--Hoffman, C. J. Julian.

In Chicago. Bpeclsl to The News. Chicago, 111., Feb. registered at Chicago hotels: Dallas--Congress, Ernest McGIll, J. M.

Wellington. Truman Hall; Great Northern, B. F. Purl. Fort Worth--Congress, H.

L. Berkey; Lasalle, J. M. Hudson. Graham--Auditorium, R.

F. Short. Amarlllo--Brevoort. W. Stewart.

Chicago. 111., urgent plea for the proposed reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States was made tonight by James J. Hill at the Chicago Association of Commerce, at which 'he question was discussed. Mr. Hill said In part: "There ought not to be one vote In congress or one voice In the country against an arrangement worth more than isrmles usd navlvH, more In, dollars and cents than the acquisition nf other markets for which we are prepared to spend huge sums.

Every man in. public life known or does not know the true value and effect of reciprocity. If he does not know, he Is not fit for the responsibility he assumes. If he does know, and yet opposes, he Is willing to sacrifice thft. jrnost Important Interests of his country 'and to close the greatest opportunity open to It In years Tor the sake of tome private, political advantage which believes can be won by' pandering to Ignorant prejudice.

Elvery such man should be publicly judged, condemned and to the rear. "Opposition to tiie proposed Canadian' pact comes from three sources;" said Mr. Hill, "two of which," he continued, "may be summarily disposed of. Such ot tiie monopolistic combinations as find their, power to overcharge the people Imperiled by reciprocity naturally are against It. The lumber Interests, more liberally treated In the new tariff than necessary, protest against cheaper building material for our people.

The paper combine, the one dissolved by the federal courts and now always under suspicion, dares to appear at Washington and fight the treaty These and all similar objectors are entitled to no "As little worthy to be heard are the men In public lite who regard this measure an merely a grindstone on which to whet the ax of political fortune. Many ot these are eagerly denouncing the treaty offhand In the belief that they can first create a prejudice and then prosper by catering to It. It Is one of the familiar and meanest policies of the demagogue. "To. this despicable scheme are due nearly all tho objections raised anywhere by the agricultural Interests.

There has not been one objection made or fear stated, so far as the American farmer Is concerned, to complete reciprocity In farm products which Is not provra groundless by the' government Ottawa, Feb. 15. There was considerable Interest and some Irritation today over Champ Clark speech In which he said the reciprocity agreement was the first step toward annexation. At the opening of today's session of the house Colonel Sam Hughes asked If It was a of the American attitude a so Inquired if the Canadian government leaders were prepared to withdraw from the reciprocity arrangement. Sir Wilfrid Laurler said the government had no Information on the subject, that the Canadian government had announced its policy and would not change It till It had more Information.

W. D. Scott, superintendent Immigration, today Informed a committee of the house of commons that the proposed removal of the American tariff on foodstuffs had resulted' In a great Increase In the number of Inquiries from American farmers who conterrlplated locating In Canada to raise cattle and grain with the object of finding a market in the United States. Statement. London, Feb.

15. Tho American-Canadian reciprocity, agreement c'arpe the fore in 'the Chouse of commons again The. 'government questioned regarding the statement to Henri Boura'ssa, nationalist, leader. In the legislature of Quebec, to effect llmt the home government had encoufaged the Canadian government to conclude reciprocity traoe understanding with the United States. Premier Asqulth replied: "The statement ia entirely without foundation In fact." The premier also denied that Ambassador Bryce had been engaged actively London, Feb.

the preliminary home rule debate In the house ot commons today Premier Astiulth reiterated his declaration that the government's first task after the veto bill had been disposed of would be to carry out policy of self-government for Ireland. Son to Cerberus. Mr. Malcolm, conservative, (rom Croyden. asked on what terms peace had been patched up between the liberals and the nationalists.

He claimed the land pur-' chase act, permitting Irish tenants to acquire properly, had knocked the bottom out of the demand for home rule, and protested against an attempt to smuggle home rule through by a single chamber government. Irlsk Apnllnn Asnnlth. Premier Asquith followed and In brief speech, which drew.forth vigorous cheers from the Irish and liberal benches, declared that every one voted In the general election In December with the full knowledge that when the opposition of the house of lords, the great obstacle to achievement of liberal legislation, was cleared away, the first task of the government 1 would be to carry on a policy looking to full self-government for Ireland. "We never for one moment have retracted or receded from that said the premier. Cry of American Mr.

Asqulth remarked upon the absence In the present debate of the "foolish and discreditable" election cry of British votes being sold for American gold, and maintained that-the only satis- the problem of the congestion i house of commons was- tho creation of an Irish parllamenl eweutlve responsible ther.etQ, fdr.deallng wlth'purely Irish affairs, while maintaining the prf rriacy if'4He Briytt ui paired. AMISKMKXT3. layed signals of distress. Every effort a reach the Island and relieve the residents has proved unavailing. MyllM Withdrawn Arival.

London, Feb. K. Myllus, London agent of the Paris Liberator, today withdrew the appeal which he entered following his conviction for seditious libel In having circulated a report that King George while a cadet had formed a morganatic marriage with a. daughter of Admiral Sir Michael Culme Seymour. RMMlasi Ualvenlt? St.

Petersburg, Feb. ranks of the faculties of the Russian universities are being depleted rapidly through resignations and dismissals resulting from the student rebellion whtoh has oecome general throughout the empire. One hundred and twelve are now vacant. KalMT Greatly Berlin, Feb. condition of the emperor Is greatly Improved, and he has accepted provisionally an invitation to the ball to be given Friday evening by the imperial chancellor, Dr.

von Bethmann-Hollweg. GRAND TO in. The Inimitable t'otm-dlan. UK WUI.K IKM'PRH Mnrlr In Reason's Musical Sensation, "A MATINKF. IDOL." "A thousand laughs i a utngle York Herald.

No Prer List. Telephone reservation be sold after 5 o'clock. TOMOHHOW MATI.xlftB VM MGIIT. Henry W. SavnKO I i i of the World's uramntlc Success, A 1) A M.ll.e-.

SOr Mckt. 5Oe, lo 4 "One of the greatest dramns of modern times by a company whose every member Is nn actor of the first Chronicle, List SATURDAY. FEB. IN, Gllson and BradfleW Present DWIGIIT A. MKADE In the Great Laugh Play.

"A BACHELOR'S 1IOMCVMOON." A merry niinKlliiK of music, mirth and mischief. An production of Hoyt's Greatest Comedy. Seats -Now KelllKsT. Prttes (HK-. Trie, 1A1.

MATINKK AT XlSsX Prlees--Strje and SOr. BaJ Poudrc Dnce AT CATHBDRAIi HALL. FRIDAY EVENING, KGB. M. Kit, Given by Tke Voiif Ladies' Hospital Aid Society.

8 1. m. AdMlmloa, Svr. Tickets can had at Schott's, Nobbe's and the Tremont Hotel. tptelsl to Th.

MWI. London, Feb. Jill, by the New York Herald disquieting reports are current about the heeJth of Queen Alexandra, but her physicians say her Indisposition Is not serious, KoUer Wltkwt Jnrloiletlon. Berlin, Feb. commission of the relchstag today further amended the government's draft of the constitution proposed for Alsace-Lorraine, wholly freeing the future state from the Influence of the emperor.

I.oni«n In Berlin. Berlin, Feb. dispatch from Breslau says that one of the band of anarchist burglars who operated In the Houndsdltch district of London, was captured there today. KalMr I-MOOB. London, Feb.

Is stated that the emperor of derrnanir will visit London in helping to bring about the ment. agree- by statistical reports. The "men' harping on this string are either "dTs- lltobly ng tenses." credll e.nctng Special to The News. Houston, Feb. thought to have been of Incendiary origin, Wednesday night destroyed a cottage at 1920 Houston avenue, belonglns to C.

Morris and occupied by a family named Overstreet. The furnishings are a total loss and the cottago Is badly damaged. The loss was estimated at J600. Mr. Overstroet the occupant of the house, was out of the city at the time, and his wife left Houston Wednesday on account ot Illness for a visit to her relatives A two-story building In Highland Park, belonging to the city of Houston arid formerly iised as a dance hall, wap attacked by flro Wednesday nt i i and completely destroyed.

The building was vacant, but It Is the loss la covered by Insurance. The value of the Kuildlng was $1,000. The origin of the fire Is unknown. TiFT AND JEWS COHFJR ignorant or bent upon influ- public opinion by false pro- Mr. Hill then discussed the advantages of which he said are many and substantial, and that no American business man can Indifferent to the unequaled offered.

He said that on the, side of wages and cost of reduction the objection to reciprocity is list as futile and disingenuous, and no law can make the economic status of industry greatly different In these two countries! They DISCHSK Beftmnl to Recog- nise PnHftportn in thr Poftfleftnlon of Araerlenn JevfB. Washington. Feb. tile abrogation nf the existing commercial pcaco treaty between the I States and Kusla because of the latter country's refusal to recognU" in the hands of American leaders Jr. this country nf a rare met at th" i HO.USP.

today In a conference wltli President and Secretary Nagel of flf commerce A Further a a no decisions were reached as a result of conference. Nothing i i coulr) be. learned at the i House or from of those who were present the conference as to the r.Mure of two hours' discussion. It announced, however, that later on the pmldent would issue a statement In regard matter. In St.

IiOuln. Special to The News. St. Ixiuls, Feb. -registered at St.

Louis hotels: Galveston--Planters, Mrs. D. W. Kem- trost, D. W.

Kemfrost. Sherman--Southern, C. E. Boss; Benton. P.

Bmbry. Clyde--Benton, O. M. Thaxton, W. C.

Traxtei 1 Thornton--Benton. O. Kehdrlck, J. O. Wilson; Planters, W.

F. Corftior. B. Carroll. Daisy Dale; Maryland, J.

Q. Wilson, C. T. Mrs. W.

Stewart. Antelope--Benton, A. Ij. Bowen. Fort Worth--Benton, C.

B. I.ynes; American J. O. Phillips." Beaumont--Benton. T.

Hudson. Brenham--Planters, E. C. Buster. Housiton--Planters.

Mils N. Knlblock; Laclodc, J. W. Spensley, R. 8.

Hurley. C. A. Ijee. Austin--Planters, M.

B. Walker. Dallas--Planters. Mrs. Graham Grosvc- nor; Marquette.

W. Holllngsworth; Terminal. H. C. Kllntrup, A.

B. Wilson. Greenville--Stratford. O. Murphy.

C. R. Hauster. Cameron--Jefferson, W. H.

Basken. Commerce--Jefferson. B. Maloney, J. F.

Rtnckey. Mount Vernon--Jefferson, J. W. Maloney. Ooleninn--Jefferson, C.

E. Gough. Honey Grove--Jefferson. R. D.

Orovcton--Jefferson. .1. C. Anderson; Marquette. C.

I). Poe, Waxahachie--Kdlson, W. B. Williams. Corslcann--Edison.

William Tweed. Wortham--Marquette. Henry Bounds, Miss Kose Parker, Roy Simmons, Mip Mona Ross. Sunnyvale Marquette, Miss Dougherty. Farmersville Marqnette, F.

S. Tyet- son. Ml.ii ICstelle SprlnKfleld. W. O.

Taylor. i Miss Adrlle lllng- hiim. Miss Josle i Rosenberg-- a Joe Poe. Hubbard--Marquette. T.

T. Tatc? LITERAL BKITIgEZBS Tcok Scrloiislr Champ Clark's Facetious Statement Cannria. Oppouenis Mnke Cnpitnl, a i i 1. Mitchell: i i ri. if.

Henry Terminal. W. D. I.iibbock--Marquette. Katherlne Moore.

Tcnelia--Marquettei W. A. Bonrlanrt. Orand Saline Kflzler, W. T.

Buchanan. Tvirr R. Ryorly. Savonbiirn--Rnsler. K.

K. Smith. Qnanah--Rozlcr. J. F.

Womnck. Koss a Terminal, F. H. Ralrrt---Maryland. B.

Roysfn. a a a Mrs. F. Heard. Paris--Portland.

R. stetson. E. Koanud. O.

S. Rose Texus--Laclede. Mrs. M. Iredell--LdcleJe.

W. H. D. TidwelL Washington, Feb. semi-jocular remarks which Champ Clark, the democratic speaker-to-be, made in the house yesterday during the debate on the Canadian reciprocity agreement to the effect that he believed tho stars nnd stripes would one day float over the entire Western Hemisphere, stirred up most 'unexpected trouble today.

President Taft took occasion to write to Representative -llcCall, the. Introducer of the reciprocity bill, a letter disclaiming and deprecating tile annexation talk and lo follow It i personal remarks to visitors, even more emphatically. The news thaU Mr. Clark's allusions had created excitement In Canada and In England occasioned groat surprise and considerable, aniupr-ment at cap- Hoi. Tho mun most surprised of all was Mr.

Clark himself. Mr. Clark's entire speech on reciprocity yesterday was delivered In a hair Humorous, a a i vein. The house, was In a gale of laughter most of the time In for the laughs he creating at i expense some of the republicans tried to tables on Mr Clark hs' chiding him i the fact a lie. might Taft as ail oppo- for the democratic i a i This reflected tho i i of 111" debate i the i i line Mr.

Clark was on his feet nnd no one gave serious tlon to his remarks rcftiirdlnic Hie possible a a i of Canada at srnno umt They regarded his statements In the a a compliment to tho Canadian penple In that ho would be glad Knnx' on Reciprocity. Chicago, 111., Feb. of State C. Knox and, James J. Hill joined- hands tonight In urging the adoption by the United States of the reciprocity agreement with Canada.

Both spoke' at a banquet given by the Chicago Assdcla- tioB of Commerce, at which WOO persons, representing almost every big oommar-. clal and Industrial enterprise of the as as -commercial and municipal organizations from a score of the Western cities, listened and applauded. Muefc Comment In Ottarra. Toronto, Ont, Feb. Clark's remarks In the house of representative's at Washington -last night, when cusslnfr reciprocity, caused much ment here today.

At Ottawa government supporters say his speech has given the opponents of reciprocity their only, effective weapon. Hallroad Contractor Feb. Nuckolsj' a Knoxvllle railroad contractor, flleiji. a voluntary petition In bankruptcy, today, PJac ng his assets at J122.000 and hlslla- "ties at J77.779.62. The larger his indebtedness Is for supplfes, repair; nnd merchandise contracted while he was engaged In work at Casky, Ky.

Woman Tax Assessor. Longvlew, Feb. on the first ballot Mrs. J. Matt pwings was this morning appointed tax assessor of Gregg County, being the first woman ever to hold office In the history of the county.

Mrs. Owlngs' husband, her predecessor as county tax assessor, died Sunday. MARRIAGES Denver's Richest Girl Weds. Denver, Feb. Mary Sheedy, daughter of Mr.

and Dcnnlu Sheedy or Denver, was married today to Robert u. Ing-gton, a member of a prominent New York family. Sheedy Is known nn the "richest girl ot Denver." The presents Included, a residence In Mew Tom. Depew's Nephew Marries. London, Fell.

15--Mrs. Trenor Park and Clmuncey Mitchell Depew. a nephew of I'nltcd States Senator Depew, were married here today. The bride Is the widow vf Trenor Park of New York and a daughter of the late JuMiis Catlln ot that city. Redmond I.lkerikli.

John-Redmond; on behalf of the-nationalists, the 'preYnler's Jec- laratlo'n, apd' added that.Me honestly believed that home rule, as defined by Mr. Asquith, would be the final settlement of this question, and so far as they could the nationalists pledged their countrymen to. that effect. Mr. Redmond denied that he -Wai i separatist.

The nationalists, he said, had accepted Imperial supremacy, and Invited the house of commons to 'make it effective. He hoped the reign of the-pres-: ent king be made "glorious, by the opening by sovereign In' person'of a parliament of a friendly and reconciled Irish nation. In May for the of the national memorial to Queen Victoria. no capital stock. Incorporates: Miss Gertrude Cramer, Mrs.

W. T. Full, F. Herrmann and others. J.

C. Wylle Company, Mlneola; capital stock, 112,000. Incorporators: H. H. Wylie, M.

V. Wyllo and a C. Jones. Mercantile Grain Company, Palestine; capital stock, $20,000. Incorporates: A.

F. Sledge, R. K. Moore, B. W.

Walker and others. Amendments to charters: Gunter Continental State Bank. Gunter, Increasing capital stock from 110,000 to Hartxog-Wllson Hardware Company, Whltewrlght, changing name to Wilson- Vaughn Hardware Company. of dissolution: Artesla Cream Company of Wico. MeKtMle to Beach, Special to The Newt.

Austin, Feb. F. McKenile of Pecos City, Reeves County, arrived' here tonight, accompanied by- Will P. Brady, district attorney of that district. Mr.

MoKenste Is applicant for a place on the bench of the new court of civil appeals, to be located-at Paso. He has served In the Texas legislature and Is a graduate of Vanderbllt University. As' an original Colquitt man his friends think he will receive one of the Hires' places. i Art BMesrt Rome, Feb. 16.

The police have ascer- that A man Orviete -'and Todl- Is not Henry Lawrence Wolfe, the missing art student. miTIOI 70R tlTO CKXAT1D A STIR All England Is Discussing Approval o'. Premier An Home Rnle Plan. Some Cttlscnn Tnnrknnn to Ktll Cknrtvr Bill--Pnsnlnmt Slcnatnren. Special to The News.

London, Feb. 1911, by the New York Herald England tonight is discussing Mr. John Redmond's home rule speech in parliament, In which for the first time in the' history of Irish nationalist movement an Irish leader has publicly proclaimed his willingness to accept local self-government as a full measure -of Irish demands and to acknowledge England's king as the ruler of Ireland. Hitherto, the nationalists have to accept whatever England granted as a step toward final separation, but the Irish leader today In indorsing- the prime minister's statement of the measure of home rule to be grant- 'ed. astonished all his hearers by ap- plaudinp tho autonomy granted to South Africa by King Edward, and nxnressing the hope that King George would open the Irish parliament and so hasten the day when Ireland reconciled would become a loyal unit of the British empire.

His speech was hallsd with Joy by the government leaders and liberal newspapers and has rather dismayed the unionists, whose dissatisfaction is Increased by William O'Brien's tentative, promise to support the national leader. fipeclal to The News. Texarkana, Feb. petition was circulated this afternoon and received numerous signatures asking Governor Colquitt to veto the Texarkana charter. Among the signatures.

secured were those of Judge John J. KlngVScipIo Hoblson, president of the City 'National Bank; Manager John Frudhomme ot the Postal Telegraph office. Dr. C. C.

Burke, John C. Watts, B. W. Qodbold, A. L.

Burford, E. A. Dryer, Joe Llparl and others. The petition reads: "To His Excellency O. B.

Colquitt, Governor of Texas, Austin, Dear Sir--We, the undersigned citizens and taxpayers ot Texarkana, do heneby respectfully request -and -urge you to veto the 'special charter for this city, Jvisf passed by the thfcy.second Catltal city Nutes. (Metal to The News. Austin, -Feb. Commissioner BX- A. Bolmcs' will 'address the members of Dick Dowling Camp, II.

at Houston next Sunday on pending legislation, especially discussing the proposed amendment to the constitution- providing for a special tax fdr a pension fund. R. Buford left tonight for home at Henderson. He will return to Austin some time prior'to A'prll 1 to be ready-to assume his duties as pension commissioner at Tiie expiration of the term'of Mr. Bolmes.

State Controller P. Lane will ad- 1 dress a prohibition rally in Houston Sun- day In which he will open the campaign for statewide prohibition. R. D. Harker, engineer of "the-railroad, commission, has returned from North Texas, where he went to inspect some' railroad lines.

I.wkoit nt Wlnonn. Wlnona, Feb. employes' of the, Wlnona Railway Light Company have locked out as a result of an attempt to organize a union. legislature, pecause, 1. We consider CUBA FAVORS AMSKICAXS The Honne Pnnnea Senate Bill Granting Concession o.

an American Dredg- 1 Ing Comvauy. to fee tho friendship exists at p'res- ent between tho Canadians and the people of the United states so ripened in the I nil some day be flaK. Tlu-rc was a lotjch of rnjsness to i when ort" of the i a a if he would like to VIP the i i nf a i i i he was creatina- and he replied a i of l.iiifthter a he i a would. The abroad war, a i at the copitol today In part to the fart number of English and I newspaper correspondents wre in the profs nailery following debate when Clark spoke, His remarks may have Dlerkc and M. mler were married at the homo oC Sev and Mrs.

Dallas on Tuesday cvcnlnn Rev. Or. Dallas, who Is pastor or the Christian officiated. The bride and uroom were born and reared 1 In Hrcnham and arc popular younn people. HUHT-VICK--Sveet TM Frl, 15...

Miss Byrdlc Vick and were miir- rled this mornlne at Ihc home of Ilio lirlde's paicnts. Mr. sml Mrs. F'. M.

Vii-k. Justice Potoison of nfriclntlnic. Tni uonriln loft todny for a briilril tcwr In MointTM. after which n-lll re'slfle i plnre. T-J Krh Denson of a nnil Mlsi Maude Williams of plar- wer- a Methodist pnmonftjtn lai( nlpht.

Mr len- son Ir. a son of N. IVr.son of I'nlon county. Miss Williams Is daughter of Mr and Mrp. N.

11.* of I A Voltn Trs Rnllle Gardner nrcl KrM were a i here yesterday, Mr. TTT- the rresbyterlpn 'h'ir'-n Th'f yrtunK couple will plaee. rJ.AI/'tTKA a ftT TnTtor of the Peace N'. Vs-rvrn tens'- rim Ioup3a snd Miss Msrj- of Tabor section.

made their home. COLDS CAl'SB HKADACHK. Lexntlvc Rrorp" the warld- wlde cold and trip remedf. removes cause. See slcnature, E.

W. QroTt, S50, Feb. house today passc'l the senate bill giving a concession wliich Is considered the most Important since the rc-cstabllshment ot the Cuban To an American company, organised under the laws of Cuba, Is given the privilege of dredging and Improving, which sh.ill Include the re- movnl of all wrecks and other obstructions from the harbors of Havann, Clen- fuegns. Cnrdrnas, JIatanzns, San Fernando de Kuevltac nnci Ouantanamo. Thn concession will -run for thirty years and the work will hceln In about six months.

Tho contract auo involves the drainage of a i a districts ad- a tiie harbors. The. approbation of President Gomez is paid to assured. a species, of centralized government and violatlve of Jef feraoman principles. It denies the voters the right to elect city officers by popular vote.

"2. We, think that many of Its provisions are unwise and violatlve of our constitution. We believe that tax levies, bond issues and expenditures of public funds should be passed upon at the ballot box and adopted by a vote of the qualified city electors. The majority of the cltisens of this city have not read said special charter and they do not know Its contents. We think the majority of our people would now vote down said 'special char.

ter' If It were gain submitted them. "4. We earnestly ask that you veto said 'special charter and transmit this petition with your veto message to the legislature. We shall forward to our senator and representative (to be delivered to the senate and the house) a petition asking them and the legislature to sustain CHARTERS AND Texas City Ught and Water Company, Alno Sewerage Company. Special to The News.

Austin, Feb. Chartered: Texas City Electric Wght and Water Company, Texas City; capital stock, $100,000. Incorporates: William Dorsett, R. C. Trube, F.

F. Danforth. Clyde Ambnrn and Harvey A. Thomas. Texas City Sewerage Company, Texas City: capital stock, 160,000.

Incorporates: William Dorsctt. R. C. Trube. F.

N. Danforth, Clyde Amburn and Harvey A. Thomas. Rivera Cemetery Association, Rivera: FTER the dentist has repaired the damage your teeth have suffered through neglect, the daily use of Mninr Observed, Washington. Fob.

I i nf destruction of I a tl'-ship Maine nhservl here I by a I i i from Ilu- ners' class at the Wimlilnicton a ynrd ami nii-mbors nf tho Cuban Tho were held at Aldington Cemetery, where Kcnor C. A. Hnrrnnrn. vice rnnsul of Cuba to the 1'nltcd States, mode the address. Serrlan nttlrr In Horn" I i Tr-tcr rf Srrvla a a mimTousi suite arrived hpr' 1 a in r.f i a uel.

wrr- curr'-nt tmlny nf a conspirnrv to both and "vTy i i to I i wns a Flint Mummied. SyHr.ey. r. Fsh. by (treat floes driven down from nnrth through Csbot ftrnlto, the inhabitants of Flint Island hate 4ll- Tone Up the Hair From Root to Tip Dr.

Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder will cleanse, preserve and beautify them, without jury, and impart purity ana fragrance to the breath, BttoNCHtAt, TROCHES are safe, effective and convenient. The best remedy forcoughi. hoarseness and sore throat. Prompt and safe. Free from opiates--The oldcit and but remedy.

Price. 25c, Me and Jofca I. Brown A Sam Boitop. JRohrer, In Style and Fashion.) "Many women can not wash the hear! for reasons of health: all find It Inconvenient to do so at tlmpa.

These can prepare a shampoo powder at homo that i n-ake the hair clean, fresh and glossy. "Mix four ounces of thcrox with four ounces of orris root. Sprinklo ft little of this i on the hend once a week and brush It thoroughly through the hnir. It pnrUculnrly good to use when the hslr l. dusty, dull or greasy, nnd no other shampoo or tonic Is necessary.

"Therox has beneficial properties that make ihe hair grow nnd preserve its natural A shampoo powder made as shore has delicate perfume and makes hair beautifully coft nnd fluffy. It Is nnnirrMuir, refreshing and revlulli- Start The Day Right, Feel Keen, Spirited--FIT WITH HAND SAPOLIO It gives your skin an exhilarating tingle- makes every pore respond. revives circulation--Invigorates--CLEANSES. All Grocers snrf Drafgists STEEL TANKS or I DESCRIPTION HARTWELL IRON WORKS HOUSTCS TCXfi.

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