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The New Leaf from Effingham, Kansas • Page 3

The New Leafi
Effingham, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 OlJSjfftUiT HO. 2 I Ann1 2- Mis knsseli, of SOUTH CREEK. Aair 2 The threshing bean Mens 50c. Shir ts in this sale Mens 10c. Socks in this sale 5 ATCHISON, THIRTY DAYS OF SPECIAL PRICES ON BUGGIES Our Great Clearance Sale Will be Extended to Aug.

15 As lots of onr customers could nt take advantage of it lt'in too Jwasy to get to town $45.00 $90.00 A good Top Bujrjy as low as A high grade Rubber Tired Buggy for Extraordinary Sals ol Men's Good Suits PLOWS. A 16-inch fully guaranteed Sulky Plow onlv. $18.00 Suits $12. 00 15.00 Suits 10.00 12.00 Suits now 7.50 10.00 Suits 6.50 7.50 Suits 5.00 5.00 Suits 3.50 We sell the Case, John Deere, Brown and Badger Sulky and Gang Plows. All of whirl) are standard makes and give the best of satisfaction McCormick Mowers and Great Sale of Hen's Overalls The best 50c Overalls made two scam ley warranted not to rip.

Sale Price Dain Hay Load Sweep Rakes i to Hi i ii ii i Farmers, Lexington 6ITY DRUG STORE I COA THE, HOME OF GOOD GOODS Cavanaugh Kelly 39 C. Great Sale ol Boys' Suits $7.50 Long Pant Suits $5.00 5.00 Long Pant Suits 3,50 3.50 Lor Faret Suits 2.25 Big Values in Boys' Knee Pant Suits at 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2 40G Hi ti ih ii i vJi i ii vi vt; vi it Hi it it it) it it it it iti it it it it it it it it; it it it it it it 4 VI i i i Vl vi HI II BR and Salt Mant EVEKYTHlXil IS KIKST-CLASS Kftiitirtutm, KatiMa. wm. m. Davies MERCHANT TfULOR A iuTA line of StiitlnifK nlaiitrtl all 'Hmi iiianufaeliiieil to mtT uiltl WiW'nuilfU hi urn itiimiisimi.

A partuctfl is truaxanU'trtl. Cor. 6th Ave. ATCHISON JCB. 3 it it fc ifc it fc kt 1 it it it it it it it it it it it it tti it it DRJ.F.

Preston SrfcON The I Druggists useotah i it v. I lie wee a v. rt'cm with lief datiihtef. HT. Miss li.

nber, S' tllltM 'isiUm; of Joe at the home of Slirnm. A herd of 1'Hl biin the pafiillel rimr la v. Two men we if driving tin-in imm southern New to Illinois. I'iissnaebt, of Arrinirtnn. is helping his brother, care for his wheat crep.

Chas. Marsh was eon fined to his bed with the rheumatism last week. iss Keuuieeta Foster, is viMiin her eons in. Weaver. of Miss Tvily Miss Mabel Keven daya in iri ny hani lias beoomo spent week.

several such a popular th it som li.tve it nee.e pa.i notices. if the farmers try to post Ires- John Sullivan has just completed a hay rick containing 30 tons. Ed. Tolle who lived i 1 the Brush Creek neiyhborhoo.l a 11111 her of years itifo is visiting old neighbors. He is a traveling representative of the SalviUion Army.

Mrs. Chas. Miimjcr and daughter. MuriH, visited Miss TilHe ICvatis in Lancaster last week. If a K-eee a nd A tul rew Speer who are rutnting a thresher in the Brush Creek neighborhood at present, have a 1 i i plan hey 'thresh man's as they fjo.

Hv the mil method where the) threshed here to-dav and six niiies off to-I morrow they wore out more machinery I and burned more coal runuinir over the roads than they did in actual work. Blaine, the 17-vear-old son of M. C. Van. eli, who jumped from a horse and broke his right leg last Tuesday morning at his home lla miles north of Miu-cotah, died Saturday.

The injury was a double fracture and for a time the doctors hoped to save the limb. Blood poisoning developed however and amputation was deemed necessary but the St. Joe specialist who was sent for to perform the operation arrived an hour after the young mau died. Blaine Vanaell was born and raised on the farm where he died; was respected and liked by alt he knew, aud will be missed for many days not in the family circle alone but among the young people of several neighborhoods. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Rev. McCtaiu, of the Congregational church conducted the services and schoolmates of the deceased acted as pall-bearers. The body was interred in the Musco-tah cemetery. R. A.

Wallace and wife and Mrs. L. H. Strickler, of Topeka, were called here last week on account of the illness and death of Blaine Vanaell. tbe bile more fluid and thu helps the blood to flow; it iitfords prompt relief from billious ne, indigestion, sick and nervous heiidaches, and the over-indulgence in food and drink.

Herbine acts quickly. a dose after meals will briny the pa- tie nt into a jrood com! it ion in a few da vs. G. I. aldwell.

Act. M. K. and T. K.

i Checotah, Ind. writes, April IS, "I was hick for over two years with enlargement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me nonfood, and I had niven up all hope of beititf cured, when my druuist iidvi.sed me to use Herbine. It has made me sound and weil." 5(V. Sold by Ebert Co.

PRfURlE VIEW. Autf 3 Gilbert Anderson who has been working for J. P. Azleen started for Nebraska Saturday. Fred Huhrtuester aud S.

A. Kepner went to Tojicka Wednesday a delegates to the Democratic state conven tion. Mr. Uuhrmester has finished having and stacking grain. Ice cream was enjoyed with Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Heckman Sunday afternoon. L. W. Urandon, W.

M. liolinKer and Charles Iiyckmati have new phones. SricmK Pkkvkntkh The startling annuiincement that a preventive ot suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system, or despondency in va riably precede suicide and something has been found that will prevent ihat condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters.

It hcin a great tn'c and ueryine will strengthen the nerves and build up the svslein. It's iiUou great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. I )n Sic. Sa is actum guaranteed by Ebert druggists. Aug 2 Jient llolsingcr aud family Sunday ed with Chas.

Morgan and family. The Misses Osie and Tillie Stunts dined at the Koad Monday, Mrs. James McMulleu, an uunt of Mrs. Charles Morgan, aud daughter, of Leavenworth, and Mrs. Ella Wells-Gratg, of Kansas City, visited Wed nesday with Mrs.

Chas Morgan. Mr. Cam-pion brought In two car loads of cows last Wednesday which he bought in St. Jon. J.

ix Hopple and family sited Mrs. Hopple's sister near Hortit Sunday. Mr. Hildebrand who formerly lived in this neighborhood is dangerously ill at his home tie iir Everest. End op Bitter Eight.

"Two physicians had a long and stub bora tight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. E. Hughes of DuPont, "and gave rue up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr.

Kings's New Discovery for Consumption, The benefit I received was striking and 4 was 011 my feet in a few davs. Now I've entirely re gained my health." It conquers nil Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by Ebert drug store. Price S0c, and 'rial Wjs 5. to 1 this ear before the funnel were through injr and corii plowing.

Joe Koberts iini-slied threshing at Chan. Till iafer i-i'! Saturday night and for Sutter hlros. the first part of he week. Mil- Iv.ite Carter arrived Saturday spend two weeks with her sifter, Mrs. Kd Van aoner.

Miss Carter spent the winter with a sister in Sharon Springs. Miss Katinie Sutter returned Tuesday from a visit in Netawaka. Win. Steward has sokl seventy dollars worth of sweet corn this year. Mrs Steward's butter finds a ready cash nut ket at 2 cents per pound in Morton, Miss Iva Henderson visited her fiend Mws Kite Meador last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tib V'auWaouer enter iiu-d with an ice cream party Salurdav night. Horace Wiue is putting up hay near tow illiam Barkow returned to Atchison Saturday night, after spending a week in the hay held. He went to South Dakota and registered for a Rosebud claim, then came out to help the Suiter boys with their haying.

It is said that the way he handled a pitch fork would dispel any delusions regarding- a town man's incapability tor manual lao r. IO Mi NT A TT A CK OH I A Ii A Ct'HKD UY CllAMBKKI.AIN'H COI.IC, UOI.KIIA AND DlAKHKUKA RjiMKDV AM I'limtAl-S A Lifk Savkij. A short time ago 1 was tit ken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I hud not gotten says John J. Patton, a leading citizen of Patton, Ala. A friend reoom mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.

I bought a twenty-five cent bottle and atter taking three doses of it was entirely cured. I consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Ebert A Co. NEW MftLDEN. Aug 1 Mrs.

C. P. Davis, of Holton, is visiting her father and mother Mr. aud Mrs. John Vason.

Lee Noe has a force of eight men putting up hay under contract on the eckman farm. Frank Brady is seriously sick at Netawaka. Mr. and Mrs. John Nary are there helping attend hit! Mrs.

Brady was formerly Miss Alice McNarv. Edgar eckman was badly stung by bumble bees last week while mowing grass. An epidemic of distemper among work horses is causing trouble to fanners. Horses ruuuiug in pastures are not affected. Mrs.

Hugh Caughey aud daughters, Margaret and Inez, of Horton, accompanied by Kev. Jewett, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mr. W. H.

Wheat ley aud son, Edwin, of Horton, were callers at Chas. Beldeu's Friday. Lightning struck the fence, surrounding L. B. Duff Sous big hay barn lately and wrecked it.

It is considered remarkable that the barn escaped. Henry road us was an Effingham visitor last week. Thk Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty.

It is wise to have Buckleu's Arnica Salve ever handy It's the best Salve on earth aud will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, L'lcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Ebert tV drug store. TODtf. Aug 2 Mrs. V.

M. Thompson was on the sick list last week John Lewton helped his brother E. M. Lewton with his haying. Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Cook visited their aunt Mrs. -it tie Demmiug, in Larkiu last Sunday. Mrs. Demmiiig and daughter, Dora, will leave for New Albany, Indiana, in a few days.

There is to be a home gathering of old friends at this place. We ars glad to hear Miss Ora Grandstaff, our last year's teacher, drew a claim in the Rosebud Indian reservation. Miss Myrtle Nichols of Nortonville visite.l several days with her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Donaldson, recently. Mrs.

Thus Kuouse accompanied her husband on the mail route Thursday and to'jlt dinner with F. M. Thompsons. 1 he correspondent from these parts wishes to differ with Mr. Horn about the prospect for corn being as good as last year and our corn is equally as ood us around Ciioi.kka Infantum.

This disease ii ts lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy came into general use. The uniform success which attends the use of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become known, Eor sale by Ebert Co. MONROVIA. Aug I Mrs. John Glenn and Lillie Lupoid, of and Helen Lam- berson, of Atchison, spent Sunday at the -home of G.

Lamberson. George is tiering with asthma. The three-year-old son of Frank Jefferie is quite sick. W. H.

Stewart, of Saliua, was calling on old friends on Sunday. He taught achool in this cwunty in the '70s. In the ball game Sunday between Lancaster ana Monrovia to score stood 17 to 10 in favor of Monrovia. Ciikhs Sciatica. Rev.

W. L. Riley, L. L. Cuba, New York, writes: "After fifteen day of excruciating pain from sciatic rheum itisin.

under various treatments, first application giving my first relief and the second entire relief. I can give it unqualified vecommendatiou." 55c, i)c, $1.01, Sold rb bert C. Dr. J. Preston Compounds His Own Medicines at the 6ITY DRUG STORE 27 and Hav Mil 1 and Cherokee Nut I PI.KXTY ot old papers fvrr oaleai thts office.

Don't Depend Upon Others! Success in any walk in life cannot be won without persistent and determined effort on your part. Remember this is necessary in building up "Rainy Day" fund. Open an account at once with alir tXttisrua gtatr iBank C. L. Cummings, Cashier Make up your mind to keep it then and add to it whenever possible.

You can open an account here with as low as FEMALE WEAKNESS 642 1-1 Conrres Bt. PoBTLAHD. Mains. Oct. 17.

1009. I consider Win of Oardui mporior to an doctofa roedioine I Tor uaed mid I know whereof I epoak. I iu(-furel fer nine inonthi with suppressed moufltrnation which romplotoly proa tnu xt nie. Cains wouM ahoat tlirough rnv back and bkIoi and I would have blinding headauhes. My llinbl would well i and I would feel ao weak I emild not Btind up.

I naturally felt diicourafrtM for I toemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Vine of C'ardul came oj a Oo.l-scnd to me. I fjlt chaago for tho butter within ft weelc. Aftor pinotcon days treatment I menstruated without PiifftTing tbe acronica I umiallydid and aoon heoame rojfular and without pain. Wine of Card ut ia simply and I wish that all ufferiBf woman kaeir Of Ut IS hUJUU Treuorer, Bconomio Lww Periodical tell of female wcaknen. Wine of Cardui euro, permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearins down pain or any female weakness.

If yon ve discouraged and doctors have failed, that is tbe best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Hemeinber that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a tl.00 bottle of Wine ot Cardui today. 1 vi li ii V4 Vl it il Graduate under the founder. A.

T. Still, at Kirksville, Missouri EXAMINATION FREE DR. C. W. MftYttUGH OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN tfill be in Effingham every week on Monday, Wednesday orf Friday Office at Mrs.

W. S. Knight's residerroe Hours: 10:45 a. m. to 3:00 p.

m. I am located in my new shop north ot H. C. Snyder' blacksmith shop ready to do all kinds boot shoe repairing at reasonable prices. Your work is solicited James Beatley.

SIMniHTlTninnilinMlIMim PLEflSfm GROVE. Aug. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Leigh-ton visited at Potter last week. Mrs. Mary Martin came home with them. She is an aunt of Mrs.

Leigh ton. Church services were well attended Sunday morniug aud evening. Ralph Leigh ton is working for Ernest Bell. Some one has been kind enough to 1 pick Mr. Shugart's black berries tor him.

All are invited to attend the meet- i ings which will begin at the Pleasant Grove church August tt, conducted by Kev, Edward L. Ely, of AtehUon, assisted by Rev. C. K. McResnolds, the pastor.

Mrs. Ely will assist with the singing. 1 Stop That When a cough, a tickling or an irritation in the throat makes you feel uncomfortable, take I Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Don't wait until the disease has gone beyond control. Mr.

and Mrs. A. Anderson. I 354 West 5th Salt Lake Citv, Utah. write: "We think Ballard's Horehound Sryup the bet medicine for coughs and colds.

have used it for several years; it always gives immediate relief, is vety pleasant and wives perfect sattv. faction." 25c, 50c, $1.00. Soid bv Ebert Co. I MUSCOTftrt. (From llii" Dr.

Plummer has the Alvord place to Harry Harding. Hick. Hmos arrived from San Antonio. Texas. Sunday, to visit hi sister Mrs.

I'red Wiusor. The postottice will be moved soon to the titone building recently vacated by N. S. Uurch's store. Miss Nellie Murphy will teach at Rose Hill.

Blaine Massey will teach at Kairview. V. K. Jewett and wife, and Miss Lirtia Stoddard, of Coraopolis, will arrive Friday to visit the Stoddard. A business house in Muscotah will change hands" in a few weeks.

S. L. Hole was down town. Monday the first time for several weeks. He is thin, but he seems to be slowly improving.

Drs. Hluuk and l'itts. eye and ear specialists.bth and Com'l Atchison. Kas. Correspondence Smith Moore bends his laundry away Tuesday return ridar, Rhktmatism When putnsor irritation on any part of the tuvly, 'he application of Uallarcl's Snow Kiv's prompt relief 11.

Sullivan, Prop Sullivan Houso Kl Keno, O. writes, June (, "I take pleasure in recoinuieu'linj Dullard's to all who are Hfllictod with rheumatism. It is Hi only reiueclv I have fonn'1 th it ifive TBlipf." 2Se. SIV. 1.00.

Snlfl immediate by iioei Co. IKlrst iultUUii1 in ibe Effiimbitm New Leaf, KiHniflniiti, K.iixus FriUy Julra, 1W.1 Notice of Final 5ettlement. Htnle tt KanHas, Cuuttiy, I In the Mur nf Hie Kf-iatu i 4 Ctiurt, In miJ for sahl County. Crediiurs siid all uiber put-ktitis iuiertiii(-l in tbe aforesaid Kstate are hereby nuiitlt-d ibat, ai ilte nukt retf uUr term of the I'rot-ite Cuuit, i uud for Maid County, tobebirun aud hold at the Court Room, in the City I County of Atcbihon.Htiile aforeKaid, on iIik Hi tit Monday hi the Mouth of Auinii, A.H., ti4, I tihalt apply to tUu aid Court for full and liual Ht'ltlv-IMfl'lof KhIuiu. L.

A. Murphy, Adm'r. of L.udiuid Shell, Dec'd. JTIIiitKliain. 1.

IV J. BUY GOAL HOW WHILE IT IS GHEfF I can furnish you anyof the following grades coal at the very lowest market price. Grermine Farmers, Pure Farmers, Wier City, Pittsburg. Cherokee, Flemming, MeG-rews Electric Lump, Pennsylvania Anthracite. Best grade Threshing Coal $3.25 ton.

The lengur you put off the more your ooa.1 twDI cost you. 1 wUI guarantee my price are the lewest. VV. II. LJJVII-O i iiuiitiiitiiiliiiiiiliiillilUllliliilltllllllUllllllllllLllltllllltllllllllllllllllllllllPlliT.

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