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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • Page 3

Helena, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DA3LT SATURDAY JANUARY 8 Morning Star No. 6, A. A regular meeting of the above Lodge will be held ai Haioulu Temple, cor- uer Main and Edwards (rrl- day) evenl' at 7 o'cloek. All members are eipected to be prompt In attendance, aud lojourninjt Brethren cordially vlleH. C.


verm, n. J. 1-oiiKer, Wllllaoi J. Calkralth, J. JANCAUY 7, 1881.

"Jamea King, appellant, vg Nat Mining anrl Exploring respondent: judgment of the court below affirmed with coats. Opinion by Galbraith, J. Wm Young, E-q, of Twin Bridges, and Benjamin Sbeek, Keq, of Buttc, were admitted to practice in tbe courts of Montana. Peter McMahon, appellant, TS Jobn Thornton, et al, respondents; to be beard January 8, at 10 a m. United States upon the relation of Jobn Young YS Imoda; petition for writ of habeas corpus argued and submitted.

Adjourned until January 8 at 10 o'clock a HOSTS I. K9. from Major Gnldo ST. January 5 Military Headquarters baa the following from Major Guido Ilges, at Camp Poplar riTer, January 30tb Moved hoBtiles to-day to my camp and have them under guard. There are by actual count 195 of them and 100 more to come over from the Yankton camp to-morrow.

I proceeded against them thia morning, and was met by the Yankton chiefs, who requested that I should not visit their camp, and promised to turn all hoptilea over to me to morrow. When this is accomplished I will moye at once to Buford. I have burned and destroyed 42 of their guns, which were worthless will get more to-morrow. There will be about three hua- dred horses. Reliable news, just received, is to the effect that Sitting Bull with over 100 lodges is at tbe crossing of Milk rirer, fifty two miles from here.

A train from Keogh, on Red Water, will probably reach us to-morrow. Tbe Crows surrendered their guns and ponies this morning. th 'f. One of the early pioneers of Montana bat fallen. On 10th of December, Amos T.

Laird departed this life at Nevada City, California, in the OSiu year of his age. A Georgian by birtb, be joined the general rush to California in 1849. He was extremely firtunatc IB hit mining operations there, and succeeded in amassing a fortune in a few years. lie i sttid to have been tbe first person on the Pacific coast to substitute hydraulic mining for tbe pick and shovel. After be grew rich be spent bin money like a lo'd.

A staunch Democrat, he took an active part in politics and soon became somewhat noted in the State. But oy tbe breakage of a large reserroir which be had constructed be became involved in heavy with parties who had suffered severely in consequence of the accident, and although he ultimately won big cases in tbe supreme court, the expenses, lawyers' fees, were enormous. Other reverses at last he found himself in middle life a bankrupt. He came to Montana in 18C5 and located in Helena. and shortly afterwards appropriated tbe waters of Arofino Gulch from which for several years be derived a moderate revenue.

Here also, however, he became involved in litigation and was among the early clients of tbe editor of this paper in 186C. He was one of our most enterprising Few men were better known in Montana or bad warmer friends. He was a true type of the old warm-hearted and generous to a fault, devoted in hie friendships, but bitter in his enmities, shrewd and practical, yet fond ot excitement and adventure, and withal a little reckless in his ventures in search of fortune. About the year 1873 he returned to California, where be resided until his death. Boy or IDan A boy or man who can set some type and willing to do office work, can get winter employment.

Address Nuw NORTH-WEST, dec31dtf Deer Lodge, M. T. WANTED. A good cook lor a small at this office. declStf 4 8 3 -6 1C 8:40 pm -10 -11 -16 -14 4 APPLES, PEARS.

LEMONS, Sweet Potatoes, Oysters, Etc. jMOKRIS BIROS. DOW receiving tht Choicest Michigan Fruit, Packed by the Junior Member of the Firm, for this Market, From data furnished by C. SmitU, observer of the Helena signal station, we hftvt the following weather for yesterday. In temperature tables the sign indicates "below zero;" where no sign it gw- en, "above zero" is understood.

The temperature was as follows 4:40 am 12:40 pra 10 Shaw, 4 Benton, Aasinniboine, -5 Missoula, 19 The lowest temperature for the 24 hours ending 9 o'clock last evening WM lol lows: Helena -10 Fort Shaw -H Fort Bentnn -1? Fort Assinniboine -15 Fort Misgoula 5 The tttte ot tbe weather was as follows Helena morning, wind, snow; noon, wind, cloudy night, 8 wind, clear. Shaw morning, snow; noon, wind, cloudy night, wind, fair. Beaton morning, calm, heavy snow noon, wind, fair night, wind, clear. Assinniboine wind clear all day. Missoula morning, wind, heavy snow noon, wind, cloudy night, wind, clear.

The barometer leading! yesterday were follows a. 23.76 Port 36 48 Fort Benton, 27 36 Ft. 27 48 Fort Missoula, 26 65 aad tupply the any quantr required OB thartwl ncttec, MOST ItKAHONAKLH TKKBS. Have the moit complete itoek Crockery, Glassware A China Long The cntfcrUiuuiout itt the Opera House lact evening was au excellent oue. The ''Long Strike" or the "Woikiogmeo of Manchester," afforded to Mr.

Prank worth the best opportunity that be has enjoyed (or some time of displaying bis histrionic talciit, and the opportunity was used to the beat advantage. JaneLeroyd" was presented by Mies Uame Koley in a mincer that won many exprcs-ions of admiration. Mr. Bosworth and Miss Foley were called and appeared before the curtail! to the di-lighted audience. Each of the other members of the company performed their parts witb moie tbuu usual animation and effect.

Jack Martin was at home as a '-sailor boy," and was apprcci uted. The audience was luir, but a crowded house was rightly earned by the merits of both the play Rid the anting. The piece will be repeated this evening, and we trust the company will have a full bouse. ''Long Strike" is au attractive play--i- well presented and everybody should see it. At tbe matinee this aftetooou "Po ca hon- tas" ill be repeated, and thu house should be filled with the little Mks.

Personal. --lion. Israel Clem. member-elect of the Legislature from Deer Loiige county, arrived in Helena on the Oih inst. He will visit Jleagher county, his lormer home which he represented in the Legislature in 1872, and return to the Capital in time for the session which opens on Monday next.

--Mr. Matt Price arrived in Helena from Judith country last evening. He re ports stock in that section as doing well. Although considerable snow has fallen, the winds have blown it into heaps, BO that the ground was exposed in spots, furnishing abundant feed. --Mr.

H. Bratnober, of Jefferson, it registered at the Cosmopolitan. --Mr. A. H.

Wieber, of Vestel, arrived here yesterday. --Prof. Hassell and wife returned to Butte yesterday. Hon. Armisted H.

Mitchell, of Deer Lodge, has arrived at the Capital and will remain to look after the interests of his constituents in the Legislature. --J. C. 'hinson, Esq of De Lodge, is in the city upon business before tbe Supreme Court. Hon.

Stephen DeWolfe, ot Butte, is in the city. --Mr. Peter Febrenbach, one of tbe prominent mine ownera of Barker district, has been the city a days past. Mr. F.

regards the new camp as one of much promise. --We had the pleasure yesterday of a pleasant call from Pror. W. W. Wylie, President of the Territorial Teachers' Association, and Judge A.

D. McPhereon, Grand Master of Odd Fellows Both gentlemen have been spending several days in tbe metropolis, and expect to leave for tbeir homes at Bozeman this morning. --Mr. Jerry O'Leary, in charge of T. Powtr agricultural house in Bozeman, is visiting Helena.

--John C. Rainsford, has moved from Missoula and established his home iu Prickly Pear valley, a abort distance Irom Helena. He is welcome back to Lewis and Clarke. tor jmmumtr. The C'aliforuiau fur January IB au i-xccl- ent number.

Tills pnseiitative western iiagtiztue enters upon the new year under he most favorable holding a high place among literary periodicals aud we wish for it a prosperous future such as richly merits. Among the articles in his number arc the following; "The American Imitation of England, a cllo- UT," by Octave Thunet; "A Clrid's Journey through Arizona and New Mexico," Kale lletUli; "The Decay of Earnest- ess," by Royce; "Love's KuightU- ess," by Charlus Edwin M-irkhnni; "Tbe jest ase of Wealth," by E. R. Sill; "Old by Joaqnin Mi ler. Cuater County liema.

Yellowstone. Journal Dec. 23. Mr. Ingrauie, formerly ol City, was hot three times by one of Mr.

Qumn's lerks, who he attempted to Later iur correspondent says that Mr. Ingrame ill a precarious condition, and will not ive. Very early Friday iiiorninjj a number of quaws were noticed in front of the recent re, chatierma add laughing over a barrel which they unhendeil. Suspecting that all was not right "Lieutenant," Mmiidin approached tud found the barrel to be whit-ky. He immediately procured und lelivered the whisky to its owner, Gcuige.

Silverberg, who supposed it to have been Icstroyed by fire. For his timely rescue nd a i a general intoxication at he Indidu camp, Mr. Silverberg presented he "Lieutenant" with a neat guit of ilotbcs. p.m. 25 7G 26 62 27 54 52 26 82 p.m.

28 05 20.70 27.63 2757 27.01 San prophet. Itmtt. -DiroT ITOE- tte. Call or lend for Pries Hit. gttUfactlBBUBar an teed la octM dtf NEW STORE.

NEWCOOD8, NEW PRICES. A. P. CURTIN, Javkaou Street, door kelow BroMway, oppoilte Opera lloHM. riTHIMITURB.

Chamber Parlor Sets. Center Tablet, Pat. Rockers, EltABilOD Tablet. Chain. and and Brackets.

Body BruMels, Tapeitry Bruiwels BHper Three Ply, Hemp, Cotcou, Cbala. etc. A gentleman of dun River valley who is known the "Sun Rivor prophet," has made a schedule of the kind of weather he predicts shall have from January to February 6th inclusive. We hate been permitted to and copy this prophecy which we Rive below for the benefit of our readers. It may be said that tbe prophet ffot off the track somewhat in his forecast for yesterday.

The predictions are as follows: yoR JANUARY. 7-- Fine. 10 Four inches snow. 11- -Froze hard. 12-- Chinook gale.

14-- Like summer. 15-- Blow. 17 Wet snow. 10-- Colder. 20-- Wet snow.

21 Froze bard. 24-- Rain. 25 Freeiinfj wind. 25-- Snow. 37-- Bitter cold.

28 Same. It is expected that the chinook between the llth and 18th will clear the ground of snow. FOB. FEBKUART. 1-- Thawlike.

2-- snow. 4 Chinook. 6-- Frotty. wanted. A situation ai book keeper or salesman--Dry goods or Eieht jvars experience.

Best if ftlyen. A a iep21dtf I OFFICE. For Sale at Klelimclnuldt Ar This cel'jDrattd Pc rl Bakiuy Powder, ecommended by the eminent chemlat, Guatavus Bode, as follows: "After a tliorough chemical examlnntion of the contents ot a can of C. E. Andrews Pearl Baking Powcier, I pleasure in stating that I find it entirely free rom any deleterious substances, and in regard to strength and fineness, equal, if not uperlor, to the best Baking Powder in the Market "QUSTAVUS BODE, "Analytical Chemist." C.

Andrews it Co. offer a reward ot One Thousand Dollara lor the discovery ot any slum or other injurious substance in heir Pearl Bttkiog Powder. dtt Who rail Beat It' My lease expiring on the first of May, and laving to change my business, ind having a large stock of the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars on hand, I will. 'rom the first of the year 1881. reduce oil the above articles to cents per i and the best of Cigars at cents per piece A keno check Will buy you A hot rum, A hot whisky, A hot gin.

And alao the btst Cigar in town at the bar. J. VT. BTSCKSEY, janCdtf Proprietor Eldorado. -hsnldt Bro.

Call the 1 Mtetitiou of buyers to their larg ruuoiu of choice Diied which been carefully selected under tbe supervision of one of the firm in California and Eastern markets. jauUliwlf In the The Veurl Baking Powder is a strictly pure article. One Thous ami Dfllars Reward offered by tl-e Man- 'f for Hiiy alum or other impure l'-txnce fouii'l iu it. For sale by Ivlein- Brn. lu Hulera.

Moutanii. Tbursday. January Gib, IsM, Io the wife of A. a ihuurhto-. In linultler Valley, M.

January 6tb, ISai. to wife William Deaiicy. a noil. Al Hie rekidunce i on South of Sun river, uiuary 2(1 1SSJ. Uev M.

J. Hall, Mr. W. H- Buruaril, to Lottie Wslbrath. Ming's Opera House 1 A A A A NICillTS I Grand Sensational I'hiy-- Klro Acts and Ten Scenel, tile Or (he WorKliiK ITlcu Mr.

Frank Bnswortb In Ills Great Dual of Old Vtsoole's Lawyer and Noah the Leader of the Stilkc. THE GREAT TELEGRAPH SCENE Saturday Afternoon, Tlic Voltaic licit i sell the'n- celebrated Electro-Voltaic Bulls to the oflltcted upon 30 days' trial. Speedy cure gmiranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without clehij.

decaSclwlt IlKVO III SlOOlt A assortment of Old Government Juvii. Ceylon, Costa Rica, Mocha and Rio Codecs. KI.BINSCHMIDT ifc Bno. GREAT SALE -or-Real Estate and Slock AT SILVER C'lTV, On Thursday, March 24, '81. On Thursilny, March 2-ith.

I will sell at public aui't to the hlnheal. bidiler, al Silver Clly, thu vulu property known as tho JHOXJS3E Wltli all tile appurtenances thereunto belnnclnR i Hotel. outtnil'dlnKs. and ilx ty-ulne IUTHM of choice Und. Ainu, line of Household Furniture, conslitlnjt of Itedstcacls, Bed- dim! Fcaihi-rOeds and 1'lllows, Tahlca, Crock" ry, C.uiklnR and Heatlnic etc etc.

Also. 20 head of uuo Milch uon-" anil Calves, head Horses, about 100 Chickens. WBKOIIH, Sleighs, In I'undredi of iirtlclen not emnnuruifd. '1M- Is a splendid opportunity to buy a Kootl home- hotel that Is a fnvorlti- resort for trarel- crs. Sale will beRlu at 10 o'clock, sharp.

RAIL, Proprietor CUims 1 BOOKKU. UanTdwtd Napier Table Soor oil cl.tfe, Carpet LlDlnci, movnm rommnmxo OOOIM. Table Linen, Towels, CTMB, Musltis. Tlctlnn, kMtlan, FrlBU, Window fti- Table aid ao eoren, nte. CPHOUTKRT.

Tae abore the conpieM nock tl klM to ihe will MM wsi tor OIMSI. Affwil for of tta eel? knMd OMU BtoCfelH. LMMn wlil PralU Embracrs a tull assortment ot Sun Dried Alden Evaporated. Apricoti, Apples, Peaches, French, German and Hungarian Prunes, Pitted Plums, Pitted Cherries, Carrants, Seedless and Lsjer RuiRins, Italian Prunelles, Blackberries, Rwpberries, Peart, Figs, California Euckle- bemet. 4c BKO.

IB Arc at A Urge Stock of which were the Ute fire now offered and will be closed out Kow it the time to ii your supply for diy. soon, oinf off rap- OAMIR. Brief --Another cold snap. --Wood is worth only per cord delivered in the new town of Gleiidive. --The Legislative Assembly of Montana will convene in this city next Monday.

--The public echoola will re-open next Monday. --Members of the Legislature are arriv ing at the Capital daily. --John Maguire, the dramatic arttat was in Miles City during the holidays. --Concord single ana double buggy har ness, at A. J.

Davidson's. tt --Up to the time of closing the post-of flee last evening no mails due from any point had arrived. --A pleasant entertainment was given by the German Club at the assembly room of the Graded School, Thursday evening. --Nearly all the teachers visiting Helena during the late Educational Council have returned to their homes. Home made cauclies received every day at P.

O. News stand. nov5d3mos FKED H. ASDEnsox. --At Child Jones' can be found a complete list ol the Seaside and Franklin Square Library publications.

jly7-dly --Apples for sale. Address, by registered letter, AMON WKIGIIT, i Helena, M. T. --Mr. Uenry Cannon hai purchased from Mr.

and Mrs. George W. Storey lot 4 In block -117. corner of Main (street and Eighth avenue, paying therefor the sum Sunday morning, between Fifth Avenue, Helens, and tho Catholic cemetery, a long mink boa. The finder will bt suitably rewarded by leaving the stme Weir Jfc Pope's drug store.

--The of the Educational convention had an interesting nr.d pleasant reception at the residence of Mr. and D. II. "Weaton on Thursday evening. The occasion was highly enjoyed by all who had tho good fortune to be present.

--Hon. J. J. Donnelly, who arrived from Benton on Thursday, informs us that the chinonk of Mondiy and Tuesday cleared the snow from the ranges of Cho- tenu county and Sun river, and in that section are now out of danger, except future storms. --Twenty-two bachelors and only four nmritgeable women reeide at Etchetuh.

This is splendid opportunity for some enterprising single women. the mr.n arc Mlious to obtain helpmates and build up bonus io the beautiful part of the Wo are now in receipt of our "Wino-ter Styles of Clothing Chinchilla Ulsters, Reversible Ulsters, Beaver Overcoats, Chinchilla Overcoats, Suits for Men, Suits for Boys, Suits for Children. Fancy and White Shirts, Hats find Gaps, J3oots ancl iixl Startling Announcement For the next Thirty Days, wejproposc dosing at Strictly Oost our extensive anil unrivalled stock of Fancy Dress fiooJs. This-Departmc'iil very choice and desirable line of the above goods, in tho newest shades and Fashionable A nice Dress Pattern forms a very appropriate and substantial Ilol'i-j day Present. A BEAUTIFUL LIRE OF LADIES' AMD MISSES FOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.

Extraordinary Oll'er Extraordinary Offer Extraordinary Offer For the next i DflyS vt dispose of all our elegant Suits, Cloaks, and Wraps, I COST, order to Extraordinary Offer Stock preparatory to our animal inventory. RALEIGH CLARRES. -o- Cases, Odor cases, Fancy purses, Elegant fans, Fine leather goods, Silver and gilt goods, Glove, nail and sugar cases, Jewel IT, Perfumery, Useful Fancy Articles in jreat variety. A full assortment of fine handkerchiefs, scarfs, Collars and Cuffs in sets, Ties, Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries. present a full and very attractive line of Hosiery.

Nubias, Hoods, Skirts, Gloves, TJcsides a assortment of Child's Coats, caps, gloves, Lose and under wear, It is, perhaps, unnecessary to call attention to our unequalled assorfment of staple goods. In plain, opera and twilled flannels, all wool cassimeres, shirtings yarns, halts, quilts, prints, tahlo linens, oil cloths, carpets, rugs, our block is unexcelled, and prices very reasonably. Consumers will save money in every instance by noting ourextremly low prices, and the superior excellence of our goods. Raleigh. Clarkes.

CHILD JONES, DEALERS IN STATIONERY, 1869-1880. BEEVES CO. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS and WATCHES AND CLOCKS, DIAMONDS. FINE JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATFD WARE. 1 We liave largely Increased our facilities for I Manufacturing Jewelry, And are nowrprepared to Sheet Music a Specialty I Wake to Order Jewelry of any Ana propose to compete with en In MAIN STREET, A Helena.

Montana. MAIL LETTINGS. Main Street, Helena. I FOB SALE AT Flannel CTnclerwear, Cassimere Shirts and Cheviot Shirts. A Full rine of Plain and Fancy Hosiery, Neck Wear, Und erwear, Handkerchiefs, NOTICE to CONTRACTORS POST OFFICE DEI'ARTMKNT, (.

WASHI.SOTOJI, I. 0., October 15tb, IbSO. Call and Examine our Coodi. i be received nt Contract OUlce of this Department until 3 P. M.

of JANUARY 10th, 1881, for carrying the Malls of ihc Dnlted Stated, upon the routes, and uccordlntr to tlm rtebeduleti of arrival wxl departure specified tnu Departmeat, in tbe Territory of Montana, --FROM-JULY 1881, to JUNE 30, 1882 with of arrltuls and Instructions to bidders, uith Fornn for Contracu and and all other necenrary Information will furt.lnhed upon to the second Brick on Ten Mile, six mllen from Helena ThB brick flrnt octwtt MASON, SALISBURY MOXQIIEF. SUMMONS. In tha District Court.of the Third JudlclAl dutrlct of the Territory of MoDtanu, in and for tho county of l.iwls Clarke. EHIckson, plaintiff, afrainat Jno. ttefenilnnt Tin- people of Hie Territory cf Montana scud to the nhove nainvd Ynu are hereby required to appear In an action brought asulnit you ny the abovi--nami'd plulntiff.

in iht; District the Third Juniclal District of the TVirltory of Montana, in and for th- county of T-etvli find Ulnrke, to answer the complulnt nied tlicrt-in. wltnin ten tlajn (exclusive ot the day of service) after the nerviceon you of i sumn.ons, If nerved within thlscounty; or. If se'veit out of the county, bin In tula DUtrlct, within tw-niy otf.t'rwlse wltliin forty days, or judgment by default will against you. according to ths prayer of eatd complaint. The said la brnunht to obtain a decree of aMl court disiolvln? the bonds of matrlmonT now existing between the plaintiff and said defendant, also for custody of Joseph Wllllo and tor coma of suit.

And you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear answer Mild complaint, ahoTa rf quliwl, the plaintiff will take delimit apCAinst a a pi to the court for tho relltf detnaudftd In tald plaintiffs complaint. Given under mr band and the seal of tbu Diotrlct Court of tho Third Judicial Ulsirlut of the of Montana, In and for the county of I.CWM LSKAL 1 ami Clarke, Rth day of January, In tbe fear of our Ixrd one thousand, risht hue- dred and ALFX. H. WF.JtTTIE, ClerV. CKDMASKRO CHADWICK.

for Plaintiff. Tor tne care, snpitort, ir.alntalnanre ard elM of the poor JnSenon county, Montana Territory Bldi will be recebed, at the ofjlce of tbe Clerk of Jeffenpon Xnataoa Territory, for the care, unpport, malnMnitnce and elothlDE of poor of Jeltnrpon coua-T, M.T.. for tkeytar Jl. D. until tbe Drat of January, will be received at the a.d nntll the Mme for the treatment of IDC f-wr of rtild county for IM directed to IM Chairman of ttm MHI marinl for of poor" or "bMi for of, poor," e.M may By order of Hoard.


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