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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
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215. NEWS. Terms of tlie News. U. Cummer.

$1600 WLV. per year Jil 00 V.porvcsr 600 of irlallla. v. GAT.VVSTOX. (.

Murch let, ISofl. i Tcca; mai arrives 13 ts. A. M. and r.

arrive 1 at A. on Monday, Kriday, and depirts 4 P. M. mail arrives fit 3 A. 31.

on and Friday, and ranv 3 at A. 21., ilonday, r. nine day. JlicDONAUGH. Asent in Charge.

Kvt-'iiilu; Edition of Yesterday. to the officers ot" the Jose- City of Xorfolk, for latest Papers. Orleans yesterday and York lersia of the 11 th. Also, Harper's Bazar, Chimney Corner and sev- pipers. n.r,:ssos Lone Oeiot send? us the European lit, containing a fall snm- f'Ts-ign news, and as much else as a well-edited paper of -10 bo expected to contain.

i ia London, also number A'wletoa's I supplement OB Mines of Pre- C. K. HALL, late Collector of Tor: of Gilveston and probable indiclate for Governor of Texas, arrived the steamer this morning. We ar; inv.Vjbtcv\ to him for a tile of late papers. We had tiie pleasure of a visit from Gen.

-f. B.inies and Col. I. M. Camp, whose names have lous to and whose service in tfcu cause of internal in Texas has given them 2- j'nle reputation throughout the They inform us that their great i the International Pacific iiiilrvv.l.

occupies a very favorable po- -n V.i'ore Congress, and they have it ub: whatever that the government for in the bill now pending The adoption of that ---za-uri 1 would certainly be one of the r.r.i.3: advantages that Texas could receive, and would bring the inaterial aurt political beneSfc country. who have just re- a long visit to Washington iL 1 an extensive tonr at the North, inform us t'jat the temper of the and of Congress on the 'juestiori is of the ''ticklish clii.r.'.c.'.er, and that any bad man- na the part of the unrecon- r.rji'rfa fitatcs -svould be almost sure to in Coiigreaoonal legislation ad- to the of those States. From our Eveninc Edition of yesterday. LATEST BY MAIL The New Orleans Times, of yesterday, has the following an special to tlit paper: FROM May Postmaster General to-dny that he will not enter into contract" Navigation Company, or any other parties, to carry Kuropean until such, parties build or hold ships for the service. This decision defeats several big jobs projected against the Government, MATTERS AND THINGS IN TENNESSEE MEMPHIS, May nice young gentleman, named Holland, was severely cowhided yesterday by two sisters whom Rowland had the evening before taken to a beer garden, three miles below the city, and left them to fiod their -way home as best they could.

It is rumored that a difficulty occurred between the two radical factions, who held meetings at Bartlett's Station to-day, which resulted in a fight, during which Judge Hunter, wlio was'addressing one party, was shot and killed. rumor, however, cannot be traced to any authentic source. A shooting affray occnrred.atSomervllle Thursday, between Walter Graham and a negro named Harris, caused by. the negro rudely jostling against Graham's sister. Harris was shot, and The steamer Leoni Leotileft L'ittleEock this morning for Napoleon with two barges in tow and two hundred tons of govern-, ment freight, which wts to have been're- shipped on the Pester at Napoleon.

The boat struck a snag near McMiU's Landing, fifty miles above Pine Bluffi tearing out her entire bottom, and causing the steamer to eink in fifteen faet of water. The' boat and cargo are a total loss. Th'e former, is valued at She jelonged to the Memphis and Arkansas Jiver Packet No. lives" were ost. It is believed there was no insurance on the cargo.

The steamer John'D. Perry was'totally destroyed by fire a few nights since on White river, below 'No M-ea were lost. understood that the aoat was insured. There was no' cargo on board. II.

C. Chambers, of Mississippi, was yesterday robbed of $2000 by two men who followed him to his room. Arrangements ior the Convention and the reception of delegates and the invited guests have been completed. It is expected that ten or fifteen thousand people will be present, including all the Eastern, Northern and Western cities. Delegates are also en route fora Sun Francisco and The Louisville Courier- Journal, the loch has dispatches dated Washington Ix'tli, which we copy SO ISTEULIOESC'E OF THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE RECEIVED AT THE LEGATIONS.

No information concerning an alliance against the L'nited States been received at the Spanish, French or. English If.for no other reason, it is not customary to communicate- information of nitial treaty movements to foreign representatives. The telegram at first created general and spirited but tonight nobody appears to attach full credit to the announcement. The President and secretary Boutwell were early informed of the contents of the dispatch, bat apart from this they had no information. AND THE SINKING.

FUND. Telegrams have been flying fast be- New York and Washington to-day, inquiring into -the various reports concerning Secretary Boutwell's'purchase of five-twenty bonds. The newspaper de. Dial that he intended to purchase these bonds.for a sinking fand prompted. the inquiry.

It turns it, however, that the Secretary never authorized such a denial. On the contrary, it is his present intention to retire these purchased bonds and not place them in circulation again. The r'. C'ALIFOnSIA TO-GALVESTOS hail the pleasure "f' meeting, yesterday, with Col. E.

L. J.ane. of San Antonio, who made the trip from San Francisco to Galveston in -ixtoen days, laying over one day in and one day in Or- the time proper only days. He describes the trip ovort'ue 1'asitic IZiilror.d as anovel and :1 experience. The snow shed, lii'itiz long, tbe largest building covered -with snow.

S. C.IK! some snow 'was seen at cihtr We would like to give descriptions of the country which he passed, but cannot do ia a like this. Line drove cattle through to and is now on his return to 3- from which place he will MS star; with another drove for the coast. ilcCLur.E, at one time a I7t? F''p- man of some prominence in Orler.ns, died in that city on the --a As prbpiietor of Sam 7 --R: saloon he accumulated quite belore death. WANT OF THE CCXANS, Y.

He-raid says, is not men, but ia Ammunition. They want ri- ffii cartridges to meet the Span- 'ith their Chaasepots: but still a who have smelt gun- ic-r will 1)3 useful in teaching the idea of liberty ia Cuba how to Liv- correspondent -writes that a foot, the object of which eal a sLip canal through Ireland, to Galway, a distance of one hundred miles. The object to improve communication between and America, and it is said wi.jle of the necessary capital ca immediately obtained." TEL ISLAXD been rendered by the jury, by nine of the jurors, cen- t6 management of tile road, and signed by three of the jurors, to locate the blame. Charleston Courier of protracted cold weather which this season so late into "eg, is seriously injuring tho cot- ant some section's, and a letter nere from a lamp, planter, From our Svonine Edition of Yesterday, TI-X33 CITIf. EPISCOPAL members of Episcopal Church will give supper Casino evening neit, the 19tit." instant.

It will no doubt be a recherche affair, 'and well deeerving patronage. UNITED. STATES GBAND Grand Jury for the United Statea District will meet at the Court room on Friday next, 21st instant, at .10 o'clocS, for the consideration of important basineM. FOB regular packet J. H.

Whitelaw, will be the boat for Buffalo Bayou thin afternoon, to back ont'pt 4 o'clock. MEDICAL. MOVEMENT OF Earn lari, from New Orleans, which arrived is putting out her Galveston freight this morning. Will leave for In- disnola at 4 o'clock thia afternoon. The Josephine, fromBra'shearCity, with the United States mails and passengers, made her regular trip yesterday.

The mail steamer City of Norfolk, from Brashear City, arrived thig morning, and' returned at noon, as usual. THE Bargent, the magician, will open the Galveston Theatre this evening for'ah engagement of one His tricks are all" new, per-" formed with the dexterity of an in the art, and. cannot fail to pleaiej Vital'Barnard, a ballndist an'd dansense of acknowledged also, appear, during the evening. THE city was visited this morning with'a heavy fall of rain, thunder The rain was in good time, as many of the cisterns were being rapidly Since the shower, the clouds have blown 'away, and the sun shines brightly, with just enough breeze to "make the. temperature pleasant-and agreeable.

A CLEAR, SMOOTH SKIN Aifb BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION follow Bte.of Helmbold'l Extract II; removci black plmplui, moth patchei, and all eruptions of the sklo. IH THE SPBING MONTHS the nutem natn- rft'ly nndorgoofl a change, ai'id Helmbold'B Highly Concentrated Extract or SartnptiiUa an usitt- ol the greatest value. MAHINE of the Loyal- steam lighter Loyalist, engaged during last season in oar harbor, and which left here a few days since for New- Orleans, for repairs, sprung a leak on Thursday night last, when off the mouth of Mermenteau, and sank' in thirteen fathoms'water, at 10:30 on the 13th inst. Capt. Wolf, finding vessel filling rapidly and no prospect of keeping her gave orders for the men to launch the boats and save themselves.

officers and crew, numbering some fifteen men, all told, tootle the boats, the Captain being the last man to go over the side. When thel vessel sunk she was about forty miles from the Louisiana shore. The bbats came to anchor, on Saturday morning, using a lead line and bucket for a' kedgs; and were picked up by the Sabirie pilot boat Helena, been out. tmee nights in the open boats. The Loyalist was without 1 cargo, having nothing On boari'butcoal sufficient to take her to New Orleans." The Captain, Chief Engineer, and Mate, went on the Philadelphia Brashear City, arid will be here "on Wednesday remainder of the crew were'brought.

to this city by -the schooner Ellen Welchj from.Sabine. FOR ItENT-FOR SALE, TO HEPCT. A PLKA.8ANT DWELLING HOUSK--On Broadway, formerly occupied bjr Mm. DIcLocd Apply to J. S.

BEERS. mylM3t A Union Insurance Office. FOR ItBIfT, OSSESSION Immcdlatelr to penni- nent tenant--my FIKB PROOF bKICK BtniDINO, ore Tn-mont "treet; feet, titled lu bwt ilth fholrlng and tenren eompit-W fbr i Dr Hoods, Clothing, or Store. Or 1 will rent my Three-Story PRAJLE 81 ft In. 1-Jfl It, on Market utrcel, at preset occupied hy Blth'ur of tho above bnlldlngfl can be had rea- prices by applying to A.

FLAT5E, fobl2-dtr 166 Market Street. 6ALVESTON. PHYSICIANS, DRUGS, ETC. DCFFAIT, Wholeaale and Retail Dealers In DRp AND MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils. A FANCY GrOpDS, 1OG and 1O8 Treinont Street, TEXAS --INTERIOR.


BABKTOW. Oalveaton. 4'. T. MOTJIHH Columbia, COAL! COAL! FltttkMTg Ehgllsh Coaiv.

Also--First quality Rea Ash, Egg and Stove Coal: famished by the barrel, ton, or handled tons, ae required, at moderate raten. Famllleg wietunR a good article ot froebnming Coal for cookingjporpoMB or parlor crates, -will do well to ptvo onr Red Alb Coal a trial. It make? bat little asbes and no emolce. All Coal Bold by as IB weighed on our BankB, Dlnmore standard Kalei. and weight'vtiarantAcd.

W. B. 8ORLBY Jt Cor. Bat Arenuo and Mechanic Bt. YOUffO OP THB rSJTJBIOTJS "HFFBCT8 Of Jace Powders and Watbet.

All anch remedied C'OM ap.tba pores of the skin, ind in a short time th'o cornplozlpn. If yon a freBh. oppcirancc, nfe Helmbold's Extract. of Sarsaparilla. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that aflltct mankind arise from corruption of llie blodd.

Helmbold'B Extract ol SarBaparilla la a remedy of tmo utmost valne. bonds are likely to be stamped to that We understand there was a fire risk on edict. It is not improbable that official notice of this determination will be made at ODce, and it -is barely possible that these bonds will be used to created- ing fund. EXCITING SCETE AT THE H. V.

ASTI- SLAVERY MEETING. NEW YORK, May 12. At a meeting of the Anti Slavery Society to-day there was an exciting scene Tjetween the Rev. Mr. and Susan B.

Anthony. Foster made a sharp attack. on Miss Anthony in regard to the manner which she had kopt the accounts of the society. Miss Anthony pronounced -the statement of Mr. Foster respecting her a Mrs.

Stanton also objection to the aspersions cast npoa her official conduct. Mr. Foster resumed his remarks, but he was loudly hissed, when FrecJsrick Douglass attempted to slop the quarrel," but with little effect. Itr Foster claimed that he had the floor by right and did Dot propose to yield At the time, females on the platform became much and threats ot.eject- iog the speaker by the" aid of ''the police were freely made. He said" that he had been declared out of order because lie cons tradicted the assertions "of a -woman this was woman's rights with Mr.

Boatwell Defended Anthony from the attacks- made' upon her manner of conducting affairs of association. Miss Anthony followed in a sliarp speech in favor of woman's suffrage, during which she insinuated- that the the: ballot. has been given to the negro at the expense of the woman THE CURRENCY QUESTION-- BANK CJIAU- TEKS TO TIB FOli TBN YEARS. OTTAWA, May It is stated that Government banking policy to be submitTM ted to the House on Friday will provide for a general extinction, of currency after July, 1871, at'the rate of 't'w'enty per cent, per annum, to be completed in 1876. The bank charters will be renewed ten years; making the double, liabilities of the shareholders immediately available.

"The Government will pay the interest. on. bonds deposited for-notd circulation. The banks will be required to keep 20 percent, in gold for the 'redemption of their The cotes will be legal tenders, an'd not subjectto discount anywhere. From the amount of bank capital now isticg, this it is will provide ample means for 'the expansion of the currency when required; ACQUITTAL OK A miO MUBDERED, HER SEDUCER.

BALTIMORE, May The trial of Martha J. (Jairnes for the homicide of McComa, at Jaretsville, Hartford county, Md, on the 10th of April last, was concluded in the Hartford Circuit Cfturt evening. Tuejnry-. after "an about five minutes, brought In a verdict JNot guilty." ACIFIC MAIL EN ROUTE 'BY WASHINGTON, May 1-1 Postoffice Department has received a telegram from Promontory Point, stating that the mails have been delivered at that" place 'to tiie Central Pacific'Road, and! that jttfe through llae has been '-regularly established. The Butterfield Company was last week 4, lla frost jeatcrclay and and I know the ng yellow ali8t learns is djicg out aucltnrning yellow CoD5ti learns Tho lms TV I Jt that farm- 1E th "i- fields, and thus dangeroas esterminate formed that its contract would the junction of the roads.

The cost by the Butterfield Company for transporting ma 1100 61 road $200 a mile, per annum. the rail A comet, superior in size and lustre to Encke's is nightly STILL THEY Qe Qrant youngest and favorite-sister was married the other day. Wonder if Grant reserved anything or the happy man the Loyalist one of the 'New York as far 'as. we can. learn, there was noniarine insurance.

The boat: is a total.lossi i The rescued drew returfa thanks to the' different persons from whom they assistance. CHANCE interested' will take, notice that the Recprde'r'g Court will be open at 8 o'clock in the morning, after this HECQKDEH'S reception of his Honor this morning mpre.namer- ousljr 'attended than, for many days past. In point of fact, we were inclined to be- HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 8AR3APABILLA cleanses and renovates the blood, instila the Tlsor of health Into tiie syatom, and purges oat the humors that make disease. TIL'ACKSMITH COAL, ANTHRACITK STEAM COAL, PITTS BOBS and. EGG STOVfi COAL.

For sale by. W. B. SORLET CO. Kamlllo Supplied.

"'apSSdlm PBNSACOfcA 1CIMBER COOT Yellow Fine. Car furnloheii at short both gang nndcl cnlH gnwed. Addicts J. J. MAQD1RB, Superintendent, tujlK-dU.

Pouiacola. Fla'-la. QUANTITY HelmboM'a Bi- tract SarsaparUla. The dose ia BmalL Thoflewho desire a'iarge o.nantity and large of medicine ERR. Bisnor eREOG's SPRING San Antonio, Sunday.

'February 28 Segnin, March 7 Gonzalea 0 Clinton 12 Victoria, Lavaca 16 Corpus-Chriatl, Snnday 31 Indianola, Good Friday and 26, 28 Matagorda, Sunday April Caner Colombia 9 Brazoria, Snnday 11 Qalveston, Sunday 18 Harrisbnre 20 Houston, Snnday US Richmond 31 LaGrange, May Baatrop Brenham, Snnday ,9 Independence 11 Belyille 14 Hempstead, WMt Snnday 1C Washington 18 Miilican 19 Bryan 20 Calvert 21 Anderson, Trinity Snnday 2 3 Narasota, night 23 To close with ConTentton at Galveston, May 27. Texas papers please CODV. BAKSTOW m. DIOItRIS, (SacccsBotB of lAoaflio Biiretow.) BcnitHH Ln DKtfiS, 'B I 1 tfS AHD CSKJSlCOf YE-STTJPT'W; Petoiit at odiclues. Fancy Goods' Paints, Vurtuoa.

Garden- Becdf old stand, corner OT market and 22cl strectp. Hpl dtwly. ONS. BVENINO STAK MKSTA1JKA.ST. Market Street, next to 'IT.

Thb best or every tiiihpr the mafkcti of Now' Or- tvalvceloa affprd up in the choicest style-of tin nilinnry art, af all hours of tUy and night. Turtle Somi and Steaks served up daily. Wines ah'fl liquors of the moat approved brand's and. ac reasonable ratue. Restaurant, No.

112 Market' St. iavorite establishment having been JL oucaly renovated is azain reopened. Everything usiifilly kept in tlrst clasi Urstauranc can be lound here. Famihea 'can be anything they may want, either unprop-ircd or readv for their tables. 8CDl7-dtt J.

S. McLenflon, A. Proctor, J. Geo. MoLcndon.

G0. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND BBALERS M. GENERAL MERCEANDISE, Bryan urticnlnr attention paid to polllne Cotton, Wool and nicies. A. BRIETX, Attorney, and Gmmsellor at Law, Jiryan, Will practice In the Judicial District an do B.

Collectlnp; rinsinesa throughout the State twly TABOR n. F. mcs. TABOR I.TJCTB, GE'NERAL Commission IMCoroliaixts, Bryan, attention paid to receivinir and forward- Inp. ConniunmenlB n-spectlnlly solicited.

Staple Groceries constantly on hand. Terminus Central aprit-dtw6m GALFKSKUV. dOMMISSION MERCHANTS, ETC. 1 m. end Wot! Factor ud Ccitn)' I I A STRUTD, GALVISTOK.

IB3EAL adTauccsmado on coDilgurnesta ot JL4 Cotton for hens or for to New Tort, Boston and foreign ports. diwlT i C. St. B.1KKU, COTTON AND WOOL FACTORS Ciommi-t-ion Blerchautai. iilberal Aflvanccs on conslsumentB ot Produce of all ktnda Personal attention gimn to ailing orders for Orricx Strand, Ji3 S.TEKRT JKO HIKDBBSOX.

Attorneys at Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, Special attention given to the collection ni HemiLtjiEceB made promptly. ReJer U) J. 'Llttleflria Bi-vau; Stewart Barziza. Houston Insnranco Cov, Honeton; Jno. D.

Racers ft Win. A. Dunklln. Ballitiger, Jack Molt. Galvctton; J.

B. Hood fc New- Or leans. La. -ocM-twlv J. t.

tEOHARB Jk LEONARD, Becoiving, Forwr.rdincr. and General Com' mission Merchants, Bryan, Texai. Liberal cash advances mode on consJjnimeritp for sale or Oar Warehouse IB situated some dlstancp from tho crowded ol 1 town, therefore It if almost equal to insurance in case of fire. feb23 -dtwly H. L.


tE'W'IS, AOKJEKinAlS Coxamlaaion jS3Cerolxu.33.te, AND DEALLE3 IK Staple Goods and Groceries, ni-w3tn- Home, T. II. AB.1HIS, Architect and Superintendent, In -Ufl'ord's Buildmtr, second story, lOa Treinont Street. Drawings: Specifications aod 'Es imatoa for Build fuiuuhcd ou ruasraablu tcnua. THB STSAJISHIP i THOSE WHO BRILLIANCY OF COMPLEXION purify and enrich the blood, which Helmbold'a Concentrated Bitract oi Sar a- invariabljr does.

Take no other! piebalil holding an adjourned meeting from the odous with which our olfactoriea were as- Bailed as th'e stairs were ascended. tniasod, towever, the presence of the venerable guardian who stood sentinel at the portals-of the Tie flaror- ing wan the same, but the crowd assem-. of. respectabijiiyj weife infinitely 'sa'pe'rioT to the delegates who met Varieties we tender our apologies to ther attendants on' tKe Recotdei's levee for claBBingr them in the same category piebalds aforesaid. No less tha.n';tw'enty of the fall flavored, citizens were this morning arraigned on charge of disorderly conduct and making more noise than the law allows at a ball on Saturday'night, given by Cecelia.

Miller, corner- of Twenty-ninth and Wynnes streets, without peTinissiop. For this offense 'Cecelia; as proprietreBS pi" the place was mulcted in the round sum of $30 and coitg. for pftrticls CD unwarantable the festivities of the occasion, 'contributed $15 and -to -finances -while Eliza previous good character' to ma'ke amends for neglect at the ball, was dismissed without prejudice-to her character or pocket. The variegated gentlemen present, amon'gBt whom we find some of the most iHustrlous names known to modern times, were severally fined in the sum of aiid costs, viz: George Jackson, Thomas Jones, -Howard Taylor, Henry.Sales, Wash. McLaln, Jake Johneon; Tucker Ballinger, Henry Jaines Williams, Walker; Anthony Boss, James Jones, Isaac Winiferd, Albert Chambers, and James Johnson.

The amount of fines and coBts-'will "sum "up amount, and if the-game rate can be kept for any length pf time, city to sensibly appreciate. Ijewis Wechter and Julias Bader, arrested by'officer Malorie, for fightlng--Bader discharged, Wechter fined $10 and costs. John Mopps, arrested by officer and lying in the market; fined $5 and costs. SABSAPABILLi la th'e' Stood Purifier. TO TUB PUBLIC.

underalgned announce to the people of Galveston and adjaaeiit country, that he has hc LarKMt and Anxort- naeat ni Hongii and Uresaed Lumber and' 1 ever olTorcd in tbu Ua veston market. The Drussed Finishing-Hoards--haa been received from the best mills In- Fensaeola, and Wilmington N. nil of he guarantees well seasoned. The SHINQL'ES are of th'e best cypress, made by experienced itands therefore purchasers wkilUnd it to their advantage to examine ttock before buylnz elsewhere. He has also made.

arrangamentB mUlBat to fill bills for any amount. jf Yellow Pine Terr shortnotlce; and Builders will please cnll on The undersigned, who thinks he can clve them'entire ince too Resident of tho United States, Gen. TJ. S. Grant, came to to raiee the credit of the United htate-a s'o the undersigned, determined to folluw this excellent exnmple get before him, and raise his own crvcHc; and eirice he haa found paat experience, the credit, will hot do thK he has concluded "to seltl for CASH ONLY, which will- enable him to sell cht-ap; and he in that the mpncjed men will appreciate this, and avail themselves of thid opportunity of Bavins many a dollar.

11. HUFF, Office and Yard cor Bath Ave. and Church aprilll-dl? Op. 3d Ward Engine.Hanse.. -WILMINGTON" we are in receipt of 3(5 of AlTT- 13111 CAN ail styles, and prices From; $2 00 to $3O Oft, to give satisl'tic'-ory -FRANK Market H.

C. (Successor to Prir.ce Barium.) WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 1TO Trcmoul Street. Galvcstoii, I 'DEALER is' FINE WATCHES, SOLID: (JOL SOLID SILVER arid PLATED WARE; PKCTACLES, FANCY GOODS, BT.C 1 All goods sold by this house guaranteed resented. iy. attention paid to Fine Walch- 9 and'Jewelry.

ATX WoiiK-'L-irjARANTEEO. J. A. FAX. 4c Patentees "and Manufacturers of every descrip: i tion of WOOD WORKIKG MACHINERY, viz: Small and Tenoning Power Scroll BanO FK'ANeiS BBCICKR, 1G4 I STI3MDS to devote bis attention, principally, to toe sale of rianos and Musical Instrnincnts cnerally, and therefore ottere his entire and well elected large stock "of Sheet Mnalc at a discount', 2fi per cent, ou puUisheYs price His- ana uspucialiy llie Indies, aie re- pectfully to vis.t him at hU eatab.ish- ient.

at HELMBQLD'S I Craceiitrkted VIM Extract AR A.F AH I IJ A. ERADICATES EHUPTOT! and'tJLCBEATIVB I DISRASE8 OF STSLIDS, SCALP, AND SKOT, fa diiflxnre the appearance. PURGING the evil- effects.of mercury andremOTinc all taints, tbe remnants of, DISEASE 1, hereditary or and la 'taker." br ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAVETr. TWO of the Extract of Sarfapariils. added to a pint of water, Iteqnal In) the faparii Liebo n.Diet Drink, and one bdtf is equal to 6 PLAMKBS MATCHERS, Chair and FnrnitnTe, Spolie, Felloe and Wheel Machinery, ALSO SHAFTING AN!) PULLEYS, with IMPROVED PATENT ADJUSTABLE HANGBrlS, and PATJSNT COJIPRBSSIOJJ COUPLINGS, WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO ANTTTN VSE Descriptive and Illustrated Circulars furnished upon application.

A. FAY myll-a codSm-w eowSt CINCINNATI, O. SHOE: Great Deduction In Prices! F.LATTO No. 13 O7 UlWlcct Street, the largest and bes't aseorJm'eDt of Gentiemeu'a, Misses', Boys', and.Children's Boota consisting of every ftyle at pncuB below competition: New gooda received by uvery steimer. BEARD'S LOCK-TTJS, TJic JBesrt tlie "World a gallon of tbe Sjmp.of Saruparula, or.the decco- tlonB as nsnally-intalc.

Hedlce on the the Kitract or In certain (flections, by 'Benjamin' TraretK, F. B. Ac. SpeaklDg-uf "those diseases, and (r 'm tbe ez- ccsa of mercury lie tutes 'that'no remedy it tqual to, the Extract itlp'-wrr iitxtrv, othtr.dritffI-atnae-r quain It it 'in tiriftut terat, a. topic or, tubttancaef On i LE beinf iireferred to others at the principal Cotton points, where It Has Deen nied in large we -would "aak that all planteri and dealers 'their merchants In for Beard'e Lock-Tie, that they'may see and.

know the advantages this Tie ins over all others. There ire no loose pieces; it pnt on qnlckei and holds better, than any other lie in existence. Tbe Bands can to. any el zed bale, cui. are all booked up alike, making aetraight, uniform bale.

Try BEARD'S IOCK TIK once, trfll baive no other aner. BBAKD St. Patentee)! and Importers. Omni or PiAKTmii' COTTOK PBISS, Jannary 9,1809. MIMBS.

BEAliD yonr -request I have given ronr Lock-Tie a most severe lest, by pnttinz it bales or cotton areragiog C66 ponnda, eomeof them wei hing 7SO ponrids, compressed with a pressnre of 800,000 Doonds.on each bale, and the tieaJiookct ac tightly aa none of tcm broke' or have since-broken. The same class of cotton tied with any oilier tie tbat we hare itsed has' broken' them-to such, an ex tent that-we hare been, compelled to nse-iope which would stretch and allow tbe bale to swell bat with can now dispense-'altogether with the nse of rope for onr heaviest Tonr obedient SAMTJEL H. OILMAN, Superintendent the nndenigned. having witnessed the pu1 tme on of Beard's our Compresses in THE NEW DOMINION. Tlie Dominion 6B So it appears from Minister Hose's statement.

It is always good when.receipts exceed expenditures. A balance' on always betteir-'tharEitebe If, the-New Dominion prospers ao. its isolated condition, how mnch more would it prosper under ahine.of-the,Unton.--[N.-'y. Herald, She would feel akwaid in 4he. of debt' balance on Ejtabllsiied npwaras of -18 jtaii.

ir N.wTorki- gtate, ad prefer them to air In nse Snpt.Fla*teni'Cotton -Press P. J. WILLIS J. C. S.


McMAHAN CO. ft-ODTi M1B PLiWrs on Pnt and'fo, 1 HOStrau D. 11. PiLLiiis. FRANK D.

SHAW. A AM) A I NAVASOTA. ENSW, I COU. ENN1S i Cotton Wool Factors and Commlnlon Merchants, HenrUcv 234 Strand, Galvostnn. TJtTTLL irtve personal attention to'tte saleJ 1 Cotton, wool, and to the par caapeof Merchandize.

Liberal advances made on Produce sent to a i for sale or shipments other ports. P. E. A A A A WHOMSiLE AJfD EETAlt, DRDCGIST, i ALVKKD MIICK.1.E, FACTOR RECEIVING FORWABDINQ i Commission Merchant, Stranci fialreatou, luuim, ALBEKT S03CBBVH.I.E WATlTi? 8. DA.TIB.

i somenvii.i.E DAVIS, QEJTERAL COMMISSION KLEKCHAKT8, iAND. WHOLESALE GROCERS, 'Strand. Qalveston, Between 23d and SSd 8'trce r-1ONSIGNMENT8 or Cotton, Wool, and oth. t'onntry Produce solicited. Cash made on shipments to New York, Boston and Liverpool.

A complete stock of Stapm and Fancy Groceries always on hand, to which the at tcntion of dealers is Id. QtllKT, COTTON AND WOOL FACTOR -AND GBNEHAL. DECCS, PAINTS, kf Patent ITEciilcines Fancy Goods, STATIONERY AND GARDEN SEEDS. orders" filled with DRUGS. Satisfaction guaranteed as to.price quality.

JNO. 0. BEIT. OOODBIOTI. EASXON A A A And General Collecting: NnvaEpta, Texas.

'fcb23 i fliy o. K. BENNETT. MARTIN ar.BENIVETT, ATTORNEYS'AND NaiTBKOtn, tSf" Prompt attention 'given to the collection of claims. mnr6-dtwly mas n.

KJENNAKD. p. B. GREEN-WOOD. A GREENWOOD, A Navagotn, Crimes County, iSf" Ofllc2 five doors west of the Railroad.

feb-23 WACO. No. I Strand Gal veeton. Taias. Pergonal attpnuon given to nil business ed to me.

Consignments solicited, debll-twly W. P. M. BRA13I.T5T, P. MOODT 'UIOOBY, BRADKKY it A For the sole of COTTON, AND HIDES, 179.

Galveston. If Personal attention Riven to ordare for Merchandise and Receiving and Forwarding Goods. i JI8BE BATT8, of Brazos Co. OAJTS of JDEAH, SS.lffS BUILDING, STBAAUi OalTenton, Plantation suppMcs purchased. Caen acmmced.

on Cotlon in hand. D. C. Stone. S.

G. Ktbei liljre. C. STONE Successors to Stone ft Matthcwa.) A AND Strand-- Gaiventont FI.INT, A A I Attorneys at-Zdw and 'Ltmd Agents. 33 JL III -ft: WACO.

TE.SAS. dly THCS. HAKHISON, 1 A A A mar24 twly Bstablished ...1850.. OT. SHAW, St Tesae.

-Dealer in floe Gold and Silver. Solid. Gold Jewelry Silver nnd Plated Ware, and Table Gallery, Spectacloa. Ilock3 and Fancy Fine Watches and ewelry carefully repaired and warrnni-Od. Junell dly J.

C. HUTCIIESON, A A A Andemon. Griincn County, Texas. marls i datwly JNO. JO.

KOGKRS CO. Commission A DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, No. 128 Strand TV6l.STO?r, COMMISSION iSPOjiiVTARDINO MERCHANTS C3 o.t't'p a' a t.p'r Hondloj's Building, Strand. dly M'ALPIN, JAS. BAUJKOME, Washington Co.

siiccessors toT. H.Bagby A ABTD-- Commission i MAPS' tlbeial Iilscouat to the Trade. FOB SALE. 3TOBE3 AND NEWS apis-tr- 3,, M. ft 1 Cotton and Wool Eactors No.

.68 ST.RANp.V GaUTeiton, v. COOK, A A A Colnmhua, Texas. Prompt and personal attention tc the! collection fc Colorado and surrounding counties. 'feW-dtwtf I. P.

BATTAIL1C, S. M. cilM, 1 of.Brenham, oi'Anstiu. BATTAILE, CAIN Jt SncceeEora of Ecn. Stones,) OTTON AND WOOL FACTORS, AHT GENERAL 3MCei-clvaixts, BBESHAM, WisniNaTON TBXAS.

Cocaif.nments solicited. All business promptlj to. Liberal advances on conslgnmcnU. DRATAGE FREE. oct33 ditlwOm IT.

HuntEY Shipping and Gcucrai Commission merehautv, fttr lite Arroiv Cotton Tie, Bouse UALVESTON. EFERRING to the KDove card, I tr-fce pl'eM- nre in recommencims the firm of C. W. Earley A to note desiring their eervicea In that. Mecl3dtwu H.

K. SICHOt.4" VOW HAKTEN to Yon Dartcn) 8 A 1 And Dealers In L'quorn; Tobaccos and SOB SSOT Nichols- nncs MISCELLANEOUS: CARDS. STEWART IBXEWABX KARXIZA, A. T'O 8- A A donccon, Texui corner of Mf.ln:»u.1.r. Office InWrnger'B Prestou streetb.

ocUSuitwu JOB BOOK. BINDING AND RCI.INC! 1 C. G-Tt-A-TT Jfc HARMON caoss, A A LAW, A. H. CROSS feblM-tw3mt ir.

rniLLirs, 8. A. NZVILL, Victoria, Tei. O. Indianola, Tei A A RE Brepared to execute alLorderf in tie aKnro OL line with neatness and duptcb.

-Blank to OrfltW dtwtt NEVILt ARCBBB, A Will practice In-tho 10th ncd 14th JudicialDls- rlcts, and in tie Supreme AI.FUED KENT, Stationer, Haws Dealer, i And UENERAL AGENT- FOR PiraLisnERS Foil Office Building, myDt-vrem Texai. OFBIOK TK MEBSBS. A. C. AMD PWNTISQ Kennedy'i Honitoii, O.

DAVIb IB oar tulhoriioa at HonEton. All ordore for 8ul)Bcriptions, Job Worfc, or any other bueincetr-' hajiied in to him by. a P. M. at will be Bent to GaTreBton flame and recelvp prtimptr attention.

lie-will also delirer our paper to Eoastonpub scrlberB each day upon arrival of the train from Oilvesttm. W. RICHARDSON ACO. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. HOTEL, Corner of Centre and Market Strcetji, R.

COLLETT. having pnrcbosed well known and popular IIoUi. formeily liep; M. F. ThumiJHon, and moie rccent'y widow, icquesti" a contlnuai-co nf- the ptiroostje 80 4 Ubi-rilly bestowed ou ihe house.

miy be nesured of flret Hotul tion. mn.4-n.-jy RECTIFIERS, A'WD DISX11I.S Hado and. Warranted by ii. REED i 10S Cumch street, near Treniont, 'tMrtS-dtwly Galvefton. Teaia.

J. W. TUCK. T. J.

SACLiSD. EVANS, witl IIICK BAUIrAKB, DKAJJIU- IK Paiiits, Oils, Glass, 'Wall VTIodow Tremmt Street, Honse, Sign, Fresco and Banner mjia-dtwdm 5I to 8200 per month, everywhere, mule and fems'e, to introducu the GK.NUTNK DtfPKOVED COMMON FA1ULY SEWING Machine, fell, tcck, bind, braid and embroider lu a most superiormau- ner. '1-rltie-bnlyHUB. FnlJy flve yeare. will pay J100Q for.

any machine, that. will sew m-gtronijer, more more Mas than curs." It EJiBbc Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and slill cloth cannot bi pulled apart without tearing it We pay-agenta from to (9CO per month and eip uses, or a commission ftom twice.that le 'Addrctg. SECOMB 'PltTsBUKO. or.EOS- TON.HASS. imposed upon by other parties palming off cut-Iron mocUnec, underlie tame name or otherwue Ouri the only ewmlne.

pnkctloU cheap myll dsm I 0. LEARY CO. Irra ui feUet Bakm, Faotof Twentleth.SU, head erf thi' Brick. OalTMtOBt TOXBB, 1- i Are prepared to do all of dipper Iron I'Xi'li'l' formerly of South'Carolina, OOTJN8KLLXR AHD ATTOHNllY til UM Bupreme Ocmt bf the UcltoJ te JLthoOonnsoI the Omit MI HTKMTT. W.


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