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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
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I.iiiHli,!,iccnts;lco Cream, 15 cents. No O.T- tra cliavsc for tea mid cotfuo. So rulllu.i anil Io wl Cotton Again. understand there is still good deal of Cotton producers' hands that will seik o. market during the next aixty days.

fermit me to sugpes that there no tetter cotton market in the Ktalt. today than Houston, and that sarprisMa- ly good figures have been realized here in January, notwithstanding the bad condition of the general nujrcS for cotton. I would niggeat that you ship me 'yrmr cotton or correspond with me about it, and you will find that you wdl do tetter than in any other direction. Noa. IS! AND ISt MK EXTERCD A THE I'OSTOFFICE AT GALVEn VOL.


TEXAS CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION, The Dallas Public Bullding-The Judicial District Bill-Eads and the Ship Railway, POWDER Absolutely Pure. VETERAN CERTIFICATES Three 128O and One 64O-Aore Veteran Donation Land Certificates. Submit offers to H. BLUM, GALVESTOJf, TEX. COKSICANA.

A Gala Day-The LayiDg ot the Corner-stcae. Special to Tile ConstCAKA, April condition of the weather this morning was not as favorable as was hoped for yesterday. A rather Btiff norther was blowing, and thick clouds -darkened the sky. Notwithstanding this unfavorable circumstance, at 8 a. in.

the streets were filled with citizens and visitors. 1'he I. O. O. F.

local lodge met at their hall a. short time before 0 o'clock to complete the arrangements for the day. The Grand Lodge held a session at the court-house at o'clock, at which it was determined to delay the laying of tho corner-stone until 2 o'clock, owing to the Having the largest and most compete stock in the State, comprising STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES LIQUORS, WOODEN WARE, we pleasure in inviting correspond- ncefrom interior merchants with a iew to business for mutual benefit. Fe are prepared to sell goods at low gures on liberal terms, and parties isiting our city will consult their in- erest by calling on us to examine oods, get prices and confer with us as any accommodation they may be in eed of. Kjmfiman Runge.

rpIIOSK WHO Imvo bought my goo.K order sample, box by stlpulat! pi a Motto, one in-ico. H'ifi nnt undersold. Money for t- goods returned. A. W.

Samuels To- corner Straud and street 'pace of your time. My friends, we needed r-one, and the names of all visiting members were registered in a book prepared fur that purpose. At li.Si.i o'clock the different orders and departments that were to for-u procession at the Opera-house were called together bv music by the Silver star- band of East Dallas. In fifteen there not standing room in the house hall, ami the incessant haud-shakin" and chattering and expressions of goo," feeling on every face betokened the spirit of good fellowship existing by the entire order. At 12 o'clock the procession moved off in the following order, led bv Captain F.

J. Barrett, marshal or the day'- Knignts of Pythias, mounted; Knights of Labor OL Corsicaua: Brotherhood of Loco. niotive Firemen; Corsicana Band; -Uert Hose and Hook and Ladder company Oor- sicana Hose and Hook and Ladder Company Ijo. Corsicuna Roller Hills; Juvenile club; branch of Y. M.

Dallas lowed words of our aged brother to tell us" thaI we are welcome here. To one who necessary, but we who have grown in their midst know what to expect I never disappointed. My brethren, we ai here to-day not only to celebrate the natal day of our order, but to lay the cornerstone of a building that will be dedicated to widows and orphans ofOddJfellows throughout the broad state of Texas, and. in order to know, we don't need to be told that we famous, but loving and ready to aid suflerinjc humanity, to institute the grand work of odd Fellowship, which has TMrown from to (iOO.OiX) in the space of sixty- seven years. The object of the association cana Lodge, I.

O. O. Alvarado Lodge, I. o. O.

No. 1S1; Methodist Episcopal Sunday-school, First Presbyter au Sunday-school, Cumberland Presbyter'aii Sunday-school. I. O. O.

F. Canton Grand lodge. As the procession approached the grounds where the addresses were to be delivered the several subordinates of the I. O. O.

F. and the other orders departments and Sunday schools' parted ranks and formed open rauk-s through which the Grand Lodge passed to seats designated and set apart for them. Music opened at the grounds by tne East Dallas band, the soul-stirring old Dixie The opening ode ot the order--Sreenville air-was then sang by the entire fraternity present, and as the same intonations went out over the audience for the first time 0 ha occasion filled the' mo uead. Jtlis- nry proves the order equal to the accom- pushrnout to the object of its founders and not until the scrolls of eternity -are unfurled the full grandeur of its be revealed. Alter the remarks by Mr.

Gibson, Barnett tlibbs spoke, and then Judge 11. 6. Beale iU hvered a long and very worthy address, ins rest of the proceedings very flttinelv completed the laying of the foundation for i'he basket dinner was a great Special to The News. WASHINGTON, April senate committee on public buildings and grounds today reported favorably the house bill appropriating $25,000 for the addition of a third story to the public building: at Dallas. Senator Mauoue, chairman of the committee named, promises Senator Mnxey that he will to-morrow endeavor to get action on the bill by the Senate.

Mr. Culberson's bill to change the eastern and northern judicial districtsof Texas which passed the House Saturday, is now before a sub-committee of the senate judiciary committee, composed Senators In- gnlls, Wilson and Vest. Senator itnxey to-day mnde an elaborate argument in favor of the bill before the full committee. He is hopeful of an early favorable report. Mr.

Reagan to-day introduced a resolution setting apart 1'hursday, June issi for the consideration of the 'Ends Ship railway bill. This resolution will be reported favorably and agreed to, and the bill will probably be considered and disposed of at this session. There is considerable opposition to the measure and its fate is doubtful. COOPER'S ENEMIES WERE AT WOKS. The Beauties oi Senate Executive Sessions-How tlio Characters of Men ran bo Kuifed iu the Dark.

Special to The News. WASHINGTON, April correspondence of the Washington Times, under date of April 21, contains Hie '-The Congressional Kecord of to-day contains evidence that Genera! John A. Logan, the senate ilnance committee and a majority of the Senate regard the publication of anonymous attacks upon the characters of persons nominated for ofttce by a Democratic administration as Hie proper business for them to be engaged iu. Among the nominations continued on Friday was that of Samuel B. Cooper, to be collector of internal revenue for the First District of vice W.

H. Sinclair, suspended. The neiiate ordered the finance committee's re- porViu the case to be printed in the Record appears to-day. Mr. Cooper the committee reported to lie a tit lind proper ur- soli to discharge the duties of the oriice fmd twv recommended the confirmation t- tiched to this report is a letter addressed tfa General John A.

Logan, dated at fon, signed Your Comrade. It accuses Cooper of beiuga poker-player, of clriukina too much, uud attempting to blackmail Oalvestou merchants into iroiug on his bond. The letter appears to have been tinned over to tiie finance committee ami by that committee to the Seiiato, and bv a majority vote of the Senate it b-'-eii spread upon the records. Due of points of Senator Logan's speech against the consideration of nominations In secret was the opportunity it gave senators to traduce the character of persons named for oflices." GENERAL WASHINGTON NEWS. EX-PRISONERS OF WASHINGTON.

April bill recently reported to the House by the committee on pensions to pension prisoners of war confined iu confederate prisons during the rebellion will, if passed, sdd about a million and a half to the annual pension roll. This bin provides that all federal soldiers who were prisoners of war for thirty days or fiaore, and who are now suffering'i'rom disability incurred while so confined, shall be entitled to the pensions now provided by law for like disability, but persons who have been prisoners of war and are uow receiving FOETY-WIBTH COHOKESS-flBST BE8BIOM. SENATE. WASHINGTON, April Harris presented credentials of Washington U.Whitte- horu, appointed by the governor of Tennessee to be the senator from that State to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of. Senator Jackson.

Mr. Whittehoru was sworn in and took his seat. Mr. Van Wvck desired to take up the bill Blah. 6 1 1 0 1 la 1 uls Un ilila beverages.

lie announced his well-known views on the sul.jeet at considerable len-th nnd then entered upon the political -t of the measure and said that the movement tor local option and amendments to state constitutions was ot great importance as a means of creating eufightenod public opinion the States, but nothing short of a movement based ou the national idea patented a clear prospect of complete succe" It was time for prohibition ideas to control of national parties--at Ixejiublican jiartv. That party could not permanently remain me of the three-fourths fur prohibition ,,,,,) 1, ngniustlt. That was less possible than it once was for the nation to remain pi-rma- nuineutly oue-half shu and oue-liaff free ihe ideas never compromised. We were ow nt the dividing of the ways. For he uad been down in this hole long i-nough.

booucr or later, uud he hoped not later, we might come to ourselves the prodieal and proceed to climb up nianeutly one-half slave and one-half" Ihe ideas never compromised. We were at the dividing of tho ways. For him- il'ou if in is hole TMK proceed to climb up tied out. "1 will remain here," said long ns 1 think 1 can persuade others to climb with me, in ord-r th-u may stand on -each shoulder" se first out may. with proper fickle' hit remainder, for the hole is very select labor troubl between mine owners and miners ml) Maryland: Authoriz.

ommittee investigating the to investigate the troubles owners and miners iu the bituminous regions of Pennsylvania, Muryi land and West Virginia. By Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri: Sympathizing with Gladstone in his efforts to secu a tree parliament for Ireland. The House went into committee of the i i oil the river and harbor appropria- 1 lr Proei'ess was made with CAI.VKSTO:.', April 10, I33i. M'e a i day a-woelHti-il i ivilii Sir.

M. lionitlial, 1,1 the i IIOKMI.U. 670 to 674 Broadway, Kew York a i i Cl(. i i i i I i i I i i i i U'c I i a for i i It COllJ.nuullce. o( tliell i i i UI WEIS to HALFF, WEIS 61 AKP 63 STRAND.

ACROSS THE BROAD ATLANTIC THE EASTERN WAR-CLOUD DISPELLED. Europeans Massacred in-Syria-The Bankrupt Bavarian King--Departure of (lie Fieet. Uuth the amendment and the original clause were vigorously attacked bv Messrs. i 1 3t 1 tu mjl.Wi.LU.UU ilhs and Laffooiiof Kentucky and Uaynv of Pennsylvania. Mr.

Hiscock, of Is'ew York, offered au iimeiidmeut for the appointment of a committee of three senators and live represent- thiMuot. nnd ascertain if --v .3 ci deep. tins will I remain longer iu the 1 remain, it need be. Oulv fi hole: pi-eat while. this only because he believed thai thus did he speak most as an American, and 1110.4 Ilu'i 1 all its faults, with all its failures to n-ach its ideals--was the great agency which, under God.

hid the republic. That party would yet, law ot its superior being ami uu- taslied r-oucemrate its tremendous energies aud perfected i upon this national evil i the i a de said canals are sulucii'Ut for the requirements of interstate commerce, or if they should be enlarged ui.ii the of the enlargement. The Jom- iLittce shall ascertain on what terms and roucUion.sihe United States can acquire tlic i to and jurisdiction of those i was ruled out on a point The ei.mniittce rose and the House adjoin ned. THE EftSTEKH COMPLICATIOH. A HL'MGH I fillEECE.

PARIS, April is officially announced here that Greece has yielded to the advice of France to refrain from war aul will at oiice disarm. NO PUOBAnrLITY OK WAR LONDON, April statement that tne army would be disarmed has been confirmed. The Greek Chamber of Deputies has 1 convoked. The been rm-r were about four times greater the rates east of that river. I.T years capital has been orgauii-ed---m- f-criipiilous and rapacious-: moving ln.uld bus moved, according to hi- sworn testimony, aud as Huutincti-h.

accm-diii" to his oivn written had moved, on Mate Kishitures. courts and Congress, un- i a i iuilsres aiid Wi-l-i- tors, the crisis was coming. There irrepressible conflict between right and watered stocks ami bomNwere honest property deserving protection from the courts or legislatures, or that the 1 claimed by Vanrterhilt and the SHERMAN. LEiigtkr Ecport of the Railway Contempt Cues. Special to The Kcwa.

A April The cases Martin a Wm. Shamrock aud Jerry charged with having participated iu ihe i.ti topping the running a engine on the Missouri-Pacific railroad after writs of mumctio-u issued by Judge Slaltble had i i i were called in the District Com this morning, aud tried under flic caption of contempt of court. Several witnesses to the stoppage, including Sheriff J-'uiglass. were evainined bv I' Foste- road whi'e were allowt-d to nnke people with consternation. SUBMITTED TO ARBITRATION.

ATHENS, April claims of Greece in contention for which she is prepa'-ed to wnge war against Turkey, now that she hi" consented to disarm, will be submitted to arbitration. The orders to forward to the frontier have been countermanded. The aspect has become more pacific. p. r.i.--Greece's reply to the is regarded as unsatisfactory.

A conference of foreign ministers is being held at the Italian embassy fur the purpose of drawing up aud signing an ultimatum holdiug Greece answerable for the consequences unless defers without reserve, to the of the pope. The ultimatum will be presented the Greet government forthwith. ENGLAHD. a and that while the defend mi.uht not have known that he would i u- appear before the District Court for n- still there was no ground for lie did the act of violence without the knowledge that it air-et 1 'TM to law and order. the illmm shamrock case, the co 'r't a i the evidem A TIMES SAYS.

LONDON, A i Times, of this morning, commenting on the report o' the seizure of ihe American fishing schooner Iv.ya bcotin, expresses the hope that the incident will give an oppo-tunity to settle the fishery dispute with England. Canada," says, would be wiser not to ia-ist jipon her rights. We have made large ciiiicessious before that we may con- i them without risk of being misiuter- TURKEY. the home, success. welcome the visitors in behalf the (Jorsi- cnna louge, which duty he ably performed closing as follows: Welcome brothers' TV me honored by your presence to-dav and hone you will have no occasion to regret the honor you have conferred.

hope in after years you may be permitted to look to tneacth of April, l.xso. as ono of 'hcbripLtestdaj-s in the calendar of time. thrust your visit may be pleasant aud THE STATE CAPITAL. Scholastic Land Leases--Charters--State School Notes. Special to The News, AUSTIN, April, from bidding for Jease of school lands for April, which closed last Saturday, are coming in slowly; f.nly three sections so far are applied far." Chartered, the Sierra Carmen Mining and Smelting company, of San Antonio; capital, E.

O. C. Ord, J. N. Browning, L.

D. Dibble; also, the Bastrop- mid Taylor Railway company, mentioned in Saturday's telegram; also, the Texas State Fair, Dallas; incorporators, W. r.eramon, A. B. Taber, J.

C. Hill, W. nreht, W. M. Rogers, G.

C. Cole, P. P. Holland, Colonel M. Robinson and O.

A Keating. The scholastic population of Brazoria county, as per census returns, is 3281. against last year, showing over 25 per cent, increase. more shall receive $2 a day for ench dav held in confinement. It is estimated thp't this section of the bill would take from the treasury nearly The settlement is based upon the calculation that "i IHO of these prisoners still survive.

This estimate, however, is regarded by some as verv low, tor the reason that the records show DEFICIENCY IK THE ARMY ESTIMATES. The paymaster-general of the army has found it necessary to submit a deficiency estimate to Congress of about $200,000 for the pay of the army for the remainder of the fiscal year. This deficiency is due to three causes, The unusually large expenditures for. extra duty pay; large disbursements for travel; and last, but by no means least, the discharge of enlisted men and the consequent release of large deposits. The number of men whose terms expired during the last year is said to have been unusually large and the deposits withdrawn by them have been considerably in excess of former j- nation would be The ate could take an example from Jay Gould ll.e senate i committee on education and labor had industriously obtained from tint wot hy a complete history of life, pro- a lie youth of America to imitate, llu- eiriEmittee had treinlilinrjU- :1 ud beseechingly implored him to give a minute hj.

a i exploits, and he contented, in lite when hard preyed t. i dniLer he had adopted his sister's method, and behind the measure. In a fen- years the tanning Imij. mvs in wl.uh he was engaged w.m in financial so overwheluimcrlv tl- -his i In the rase of Jerry Kuapp. the court held while Knapp was in the crowd and i-ei-mei.

to be had been sn.wu that lie had arrived after ac' of violence had been committed, and it was bin natural that he should have caught up the s) irit of excitement. He would be'fo-iu i discharged from the custody In the cases of McGrath and Shamrock court lield a demanded that they ome contempt with which the treated the printed law of their and he fj.t-.Ud them guilty as charged. In assessin- ii.en pumsJiiiieut the court ri emarked that a a It beiiis tne case that both men had 'amilies emieM upon thoir means for a livlmood niiu.tliat while justice demanded that some inflicted, he would uot line El. R'-ir-EAXS MASSACRSD. ADEN.

April report has been cou- firmed that the Emir oi Harran. has mas- t-acred all the Europeans in his capital and also the members of the Italian scientific expedition under Count Purro. i a town of Asiatic Turkev, miles -southwest ot Diarbeker.j SPAIS. RESULT OF THE ELHCTIO-VS. SlAnr.iD, April Spanish Senatorial elections resulted in the return of I2S Ministerialist'.

2S Conservatives. 6 Inde- APSTEO-HgHOAHY. TOWN OX FIRE. VIENNA. April dispatch from bisko.

in Galicia. that the town is tin-fire, ami that three-fourths of it has -U- rc-ady been destroyed. ins a i was driven "to cule. while he himself bought a railroi.i Ihe wiuiigtd partner committed suicide The was doubtless dazed as inuchby Ooulci's recital as liy readme be exploits of Jack the Giant Killer, or Kid.l 3 irate. Modesty induced Gould to re, a om tellhiftone feature of his st-u-v i i At Kansas he was once overtaken with a sm nnd wrestled a second time prayer, telling the people how happy he was and that he wauled 9 ue He had purchased the Missouri Pacific onlv tor tin- good of mankind, and should use it onlvfoi iiirt-room was crowded duriu- the trial, and not a word was spoken in the iu- iiience pro nor con.

aud everv bodv seemed BAVARIA. A A KING. I April 5 Louis has at la-it come to the end of his tether. The Bavarian princes who have -been overhauling the royal accounts have convinced themselves of the utter impossibility of saving the king from bankruptcy, and, taking the bull by re- schwangan Thursday, but ha's Yhown'such unmistakable signs of insanity that his attendants had to prevent his departure. Latterly he has taken to drink and spends his davs ir.

eating and swilliug brandv. Nobody dares approach him while at "table. Ihe other day Ins mother made an attempt to see him at Hoheuschwaugan. but wis rudeiy sent about her. business.

Though the king is constant insomnia. 14 "iiu.i tlie DUli the horns, have resolved tc propose a seucy. The king was to have left Hoh, dispersed from derly manner. iu a very or- tnny the cement us ail together strong ties of friendship, love and truth, which will never be severed uu- tpanutendent Baker instructs til the Master calls us all together in that a i city above. Again, from tile recesses of my soul, I bid you a St am 5 lU llcUsr of daties devolving on Grand Master J.

Johnson Past Grand Master Charles i replied tae addresses of welcome of Mi ana John L. Miller. Mr Gibson Mayor, Officers and of I.od*e 3NC and Ladies and Gentlemen: I coino before you to day under come disadvantages, havir-s just been notified that I wo'ill be ected to fill the place that, in the natural order oi things, should have bean nnd expecting to teach aTau eaily day, instruction being free. He will issue noi-mal certiftcates on recommendation of the institutes. Teachers can attend the State of Row at a Hevival.

WIIEELIKO, W. April has just reached here of a serious riot between negroes and whites which occurred at a colored revival at county, Friday night. The melee originated in the objectionable condition of the whites, who were more or less intoxicated and whose presence was undesirable to those in charge. The combat, which was waged in total darkness, the lights having been extinguished, was carried on with revolver's, ciubs and razors. When order was restored ISen Watkins, colored, was found dead, two white men dangerously cut and one negro badly wounded by a revolver shot.

Manv nrreets have been made. Jiig something, thus showing that the sol- fi iei ls more careful of his pennies than the soidier of a few years ago, when all of his salary would go to the crack gambler ot the post. SECRETARY LAMAR. Secretary Lamar's southern trip appears to have improved his health very much. His friends say there is no truth in the report of his coming marriage.

In speaking of the state of Georgia, recently visited by him, he said that he has seen nowhere in the Mouth such evidences of growth and prosperity. He was asked: "In what way is the Btate progressing and prospering? He replied: Throughout the State property is rapidly increasing in value, business is good, and the people appear to be doing well. You see signs of thrift and prosperity in every village. Between Macon and Atlanta it is almost one continuous settlement of new houses. The State is growing very rapidly in its manufactures.

There should be many more banks, so as to afford better facilities to the people who desire makes a heavy tax npon'every Inainess." WILLIS'S EDUCATIONAL BILL. In the house committee on labor, to-day, after a full and lengthy discussion, a vote was talsen on to motion the report the Willis educational bill without a recommendation. The motion was carried, but a motion to reconsider was made, and pending action thereon, the hour of 12 o'clock amved, and the committee took a recess ag that he would not benefit himself by the blessing. It was to be hoped he would uot indulge in a third prayer on earth. Should he at last secure an entrance into the New Jerusalem he would soon be conspiring there, from the force of habit, to buy raiP rond, and when he should have torii the shining, avenues the nugels could not re- J'! 1 eali the golden pave- tueuts.

The strong arm of ubor," Mr Van Wyck added, had always protected the nation in davs of peril. There need be no fear to the republic from the organization of labor. The ranks of the nnton army had been recruited from men who had been delving in the mines." Mr. Stanford then addressed the Senate on the bill, arguing almost wholly from the standpoint of the railroad. riie question of the details involved in Mr.

Caiudeu's pending amendment to tho inter-state commerce bill, as to a long aud short haul, was then taken up and discussed by Messrs. Camdeu, Harris, 1'latt, Brown, 2 i i OI Iowa arltl after which the Senate adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Dunn, of Arkansas, asked leave to offer a resolution setting apart thu 12th of May for the consideration of measures reported from the committee on railroads.

Mr. Warner, of Ohio, objected. Under call of the States, the following ii tc- swe re introduced and referred: By Mr. Springe DOCTOES AND DRUGGISTS. Outlook Good for a Large Attendance at Dallas.

SJIMCUU to Tiic News. H.M.I.AS, April a hundred doctors nnd forty druggists have arrived to attend the annual meetings of the State Medical and I'hurmaceutical associations, which meet here to-morrow and will last four nnd three days respectively. The entertainments will be enjoyed by the associations in common and will consist of the opera, a ball and a banquet. The pro- gramme covers the list of the most important diseases. It does not make coast quarantine a special feature, but paper on that question will, it is thought, be read by some one of the best physicians.

Iu a TM' Ja ol Dr. Swearin' THE DOMINION. RIO BEAR RELEASED. WINNII-EG, April great northern Cree chief. Big Bear, and three of head men, all of whom have been in the penitentiary at Stoney Mountain, this Province, for nearly a year for their acts in will no small warning to the braves that served under him in his campaign against the whites last spring.

providing ev bv iuonnf- capital controvcrsies between labor and 1 ot ohl A resolution reciting that, by the action of Congress iu reducing the tariff on wool, that imlustr? been renaered nnremunerntive, aud do- tiia tariff of i 7 1 hou id be 0 restored. USe hat Bv Mr. Warner of Ohio--To regulate iu- Mr. Outhwai'tc of Ohio, from the committee on Pacific railroads, reported a bill to amer.d the various Pacific railroad acts, to provide for a settlement, growing out of the issue of oonds to aid the construction of said railroads, and to secure to the United (states the payment of all the indtbtedue4 tion before the druggists to urgo the passage of "a law against the practice of pharmaev peteut persons, to which a board of state examiners is considered necessarv notion to be waiycd only upon the presentation of a certificate of four years service and proficiency. T-he association will also take steps to boycot grocers and others except druggists who may persist iu the sale ot patent medicines.

By Mexican Cable Direct to SOVTH AMERICAN STYLE. LIMA, April Colonel Prospero Porrei- ros, late chief of the Lima police was market 1laoe dv ONIY A FKONIIEE MDEDEE. A Mexican Herilsnmn Shoots His American Partner in the Night. Special to The News. Bio April A ranchman named John Harrison, who lives about thirty miles north of here, arrived this morning, bringing the remain; of William Mock, one of his herders, who had been murdered in cold blood by his partner, a Mexican named Juan Sallcs.

The unfo'-- i man was evidently shot while sleep- rug, the bail entering just below the breastbone, and going through the body. The Mexican left tfio country, and is still ai large, but. if c.mghtwill be summarily deal with, as our citizens are very indignant Mock, the victim, formerly 'livod in Youugstowu and Cleveland, and was a quiet and peaceable man. No cause can be CENTRAL AMEBICA i a Cable Direct to WRECK OF A STEAMSHIP. LA LIBKISTAD.

San Salvador, April Pacific Mail steamer Honduras was wrecked on the bar at the mouth of the were'sav'X' Th lm5sell 3 "ul crew Postal Matters. Special to The News, WASHINGTON, April The following orders affecting the service in Texas have been issued Mail Messenger Service Cliiunres-- Uoute nI. Homa, Starr county, for service sH times a week, one way. From April K-opperl by Route 31 Center to Timpsou. Leave Center Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays at arrive at Timpson by ri.4i p.

leave 1 impson Mondays, Wednesdays aad riaays at (i.2l) a. m. Route Henderson to Timpson Leave Henderson Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays at a. arrive at TimpStt by (i p. leave Timpson Tuesdays days and Saturdays at 7 a.

ar-iVe ot 5 p. Rt.

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