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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 3

Galveston, Texas
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THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1929. Items of local Interrit for tbg society and organization columru are welcomed bj The Newi, but should roach the society editor ai noon na poullite after tho event and ahould In no case bu more than two old. It will bo appreciated II Sunday notice retu-lj the office not later limn Saturday morning. All Horns sent la shnuld tin signed the writer'! telephone number given. Tho NOWB will riot asoume auaolutc retyoael biUty for jiicturefl, althoueh every poesltlo will bu lalica of them.

To San Antonio. MJaa Hazel Carlson loft yesterdaj for a ton-dny visit with relallvea and friends at San Antonio, Seguln and New Braunfcla. Visitors. Mr, and Mrs. John H.

Griffith with their son and daughter, John H. Griffith Jr. and Mlsa Elizabeth uesta o) and Announcement. Mr. and'Mrs.

John F. Junker announce the engagement and ap- proachir.g marriage of their daughter. Marguerite, to Frank H. Meyer The wedding will be solemnized at the First Presbyterian Church the end of September. Mrs.

D. J. Nelson and Miss Huzel Junker entertained with a'kitchen shower In honor of Miaa Junker's sister, Mlsa Marguerite Junker, bride of- the coming month. Pink and white formed the color motif for tho hospitality. Hearts were played.

Tho prizes were awarded as follows; Hljfh score award, Miss Martha Meyer: low Bcore, Miss Helen Snoddy, and consolation, Mra. Davia. The honoree was presented with many useful and attractive gifts, Mrs. J. F.

Junker, mother of the-lionoreo, and Mrs. P. Larson assisted In entertaining, Invitations Issued. Handsome invltatlomi have-bean issued as follows: Mr. and Mrs.

Carmolo La Barbera request the honor of your presence at tho marriage of their daughter, Madeline Marie, to Angelo Joseph Carubbi, Wednesday, the llth day of September, 1929, at 7 o'clock In the morning at St. Patrick's Church, Galveston, Tex. To New Orleans. Mrs. -Frederick Middloton Burton an daughter, Miss Caroline Burton, left yesterday for New Orleans to spend the week-end ns the guests of Mr.

and Mra. Andrew Stewart. Miss Morjorle Burton is vluitlng In Lubbock. HAIR 1 PANUnurF'l STOPS HAm MUINI-J norm toon 'tOjf RESTORES COLOR AND BEAUTY TO OliAY SAND FADED HAIR tl alt dnriijwt. luaa am tTtnm mrhiif talr rUHUtTOPi SHAMPOO if buttmnw, Ml MW- MVvj STAE DRUG STORE Perfected Ice Oream QUART BRICKS COo be gupa er, Air.

Griffith, of Talyor their eon and a Mrs. S. Marcus Greer. They wll! arrive here on Monday. Qualifies.

Francis Hutchlnxs Byrna, son oJ Mrs. Charles R. Byrne; has been qualified to take examinations for entrance to Annapolis scheduled during March. Froni 3d I'asn. Teddy Cone, son of Mr.

and Mrs. B. O. Cone Jr. of El Paao, Is visiting hie grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. O. Cone Sr. To Now Mexico.

George Henderson Lee and Lee, loft la: N. ses Emma a'nd' Cora night for Santa Fe, and oilier points for the an oiier mainder of the summer. Arrive Homo. Mr. and Mrs.

William C. Ogilvy iiave returned from a summer visit Lo Mcadvllle, where they goats of their son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Home Ti'lpp, and daughter, Mins Adalino Trlpp.

From Wedding- Trip, Mr. and Mrs, Solon B. Turman lave returned from their wedding and are at home to their friends In their home, 1024 31st. To California. Mr.

and Mrs. John W. Lockhart and children, uccbmpapled by Mrs. William B. Lockhart, will leave today for a visit to California.

Stopping Here. Mr. and Mrn. J. C.

Daley of Houston nnd Harry E. Daley of Port Arthur are stopping at the Buccaneer Iltotel. Mr. J. C.

Daley Is lessor of tho Bender Hotel In Houston. Koturatt Home. MlSH Elolo BUSH who has been th guest" of her uncle anfl aunt, and Mrs. Juliun W. Jockusch, lurnnd to her home In San Antonl last night.

Vlnltinjf Here. Miss Apncs James of San Ai tonlo, who arrived hero on the Ma lory liner Mohawk yesterday, wl Hpenii Hiiverul days In the city prlo to returning to her home. Visitors Here. Amonff guests at the Buccanee Hotel this week arc Mr. and Mr Rose R.

Cole of Austin, Mr. an Mrs. Henry J. Lang of Halloa, nnd A. H.

Ilnincny of NEW ORCHESTRA AT GALVEZ 1IAL PRATT AND HIS ORCHESTRA. Announcement Is made by Tom Moore, manager of Hotel 'Galvcz, that Hal Pratt and his twelve-piece Tchestra have been engaged to finish out the season at the Galvez commencing- tonight. The orchestra ia a Brunswick recording orchestra and comes to the Galvez direct from. El Tivoli cx- 2luslvc night club of Dallas, where they have made a big hit. Vorth, Dr.

and Mrs. Jwearlngen of Port Arthur, and Mrs. M. C. Erwln Orleans, Mr.

and" Mrs. rat of Lufkln, Air. and Jars. F. Vllsan of Oklnhoma City.

Mr. an Mrs. L. E. Chorno of Wort Wor lid Dr.

Stolla Kisser of Houator troi p0pe cnllcd her one scen of germ activities 01 Michigan a prettiest girls. Atcol- ICRC they nicknamed her "The Goddess." Everybody predicted great thiiiRS for her. Popularity. A cnreer. Successful marriage.

13ut Rlic didn't live Up to single prediction. As the s.iying is, she "fell (Int." Of course slic did! So would nny Rirl with thn s.imo troublo COU5 of odors. Then being l-ind. powerful deodorant, it destroys th odora themselves. Do you offend? Probably Kcc Listcrino hnndy nnd use it i Jjeforc nny cnRnRcnicnt, thnt you The only one who doesn't rcnl.zc appear at your best.

Our free he or she has hnl.ta,!., (un- Book of Etiquette may interest many of which result in bad breath Don't take a chance Keep yourself ever free of halitosis by the systematic and frequent use of full strength Listerinc an a mouth wash. Though safe and pleasant, Lislerine is an active which immediately a a the Successful Study Club. Buccesn'of the Musical Study Clu organized last summer by Mil Sadie M. FhlllipB, tnacher of plan has been moat noteworthy durln the past season, It was declare Sllsa Phillips, who served as cou: sclor of the Etude Music Club, gnnlzed the club In Scptembo with sixteen charter member Meetings ara held once a mont The organization Is federated wit the National Federation of Mus Cluba and Mrs. Godard of Houeto WHB recently elected national junlo counselor und won the $00 prlz for Texas, The club btudlus the lives of com posers, uturtliiK with Bach, glvln musical by the composer studied.

The course of study for the com Ing season will be "fcar Training Including keyboard harmony, tory und better muslcIanHhlp, Th flr'at meeting will be held Oct. 4. Officora of the KtuHe Mimic Clu are: Catherine Clacclo, prcntdeni Nancy Morcland, vice prcslden' Mary Kotlarlch, Hccrctary, an Petru Qulnn, trcaburoi. Cnltn Siilo. No.

1 of tho Central Chris tlan Church will hold an all-dn cako and candy sale today at El bonds' corner. Curd Party. The-WeBt End Community Clul will entertain with a card part; Sept. 18 at tho Buccaneer Hole! Attractive double hemstitched pll ow cases with colored borders wll jc given as table prteca while at rnctlvo door nnd consolation prize A-lll iilflo be awarded. Players are inked to bring I heir own cardn jjimeH, Reservations may be mndi hrouph Mrs.

R. H. ZiuKlcmeyer 0158. )KATH TOLL 08 LINKll IS HAMMED (Continued From Pago 1) pKirmnt brenth) is the victim. So- cinl ostracism follows.

Don't fool yourpclf you nre nlwnys frc.c of this trouble. Tlint is folly. Surveys Oiow 1 person out of 3 is victim--dudfeo the fnct that the mouth is the con- you. Address Dept. H.

14, Lambert Pharmacal St. Louis, U. S. A. 15 nccoiuls l.lntcrinc a total of 200,000,000 of tho i i lococcimAiireuK(pun) Hiiclllus Typho- (typhoid) ftcrmS.

Halitosis a daily threat end it with I I A A I I Igil at the scene of the wreck, eeklng additional survivors or odles. Tho conut guard culler 'ahoe reported the finding late to- ay of the bodies of two women. The Shnwnoo had eleven survivors board, originally rescued by the IcCormick Line steamship Mun- ml. An early report said one vomnn survivor was aboard tho or man uhlp Wit ram, but thli roved First reports gn-ve 10 Dodd thirty-one survivors. Icchock after her arrival reduced ie number to twenty-nine.

The San Juan took sixty-five asscngcra nnd carried forty-five i her crew when she sailed last Ighl for Los AngcloH. Fog chocked slblllty outside of the Goldon ate, but thfi wonthnr wna clearing i she swung down the coaat for first stoji, Snnta Barbara. Cnpt. H. O.

Blcumchen of the odd declared he wna proceeding northward from Snn Pedro on tho rpgulnr cnurwo whon ho sighted thp. San Junn's lights. He reported the went her rennonn bly clear. "Tho ve.Hsclfl wero jiroceedlng on pnsalng courpcn when the San Juan nppnrently clmnged Us direction to cross the path of thp Dodd," WELCOME TO AUTUMN To New York MISS ISABEL, OUKliEY. PERFECT.

GIRL LEAVES TODAY. Miss Isabel Currcy, daughter of Mrs. K. M. Currey of 1717 who was selected from fifty candidates a represent South Texas in the na- Physical Culture contest to bo staged in New York City next Tlonth, will depart from Gaveston his morning en route to Ootham ind.

the biff adventure of her life Miss Curroy will be armed with a etter of Introduction to New York's 'amous mayor, Hon. James J. Walker, from Mayor Pro Tern E. O. -one of Galveston, and will carry he well wishes of hundreds of rlends and loyal Galvestonlana.

Mies Currey and her sister, Miss jconora Currey, will be guests at he new and luxurious Hotel Lln- oln, at Eighth avenue, 46th to 47th, during their stay In New York. MASSACRE IS EEPOBTEI) IN PALESTINE (Continued Page 1) REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used VICTROLAS $1 Down RECORDS FREE EACH 1 WEEK Galvestoh Piano Co. 2016 MARKET ST. PHONE 693. Wo aro going to welcome autumn If only to wear the interesting three-quarter coats Paris Is preparing.

Admired Moggy Rouff's cafe au Inlt Loda velvet trimmed wltlj natural sealskin. te maneuver. For somo'reason the ian Juun adopted tho Kama ma- icuvcr and thereby defeated tfforts of the Dodd." the Capt. Adolph Aflplund, master tho Snn Jualn in the absence of icr regular commander, now on acatlon, went down with his ship. I.

Papenfuas, third qfficer of the a gnve no 'clew to the nuao of the wreck but! told how he 47-ycnr-old passenger ship went -n within five minutes. We didn't have a. chance. ors wore gjven to man the lifi oats the Instant the a OUlm6u. but tile ivvut UOW eforo we rould launch even on, he situation was terrible.

Men and children Jumped ove: oard In desperate efforts to sav hemflelvps. Moat of them wer owned." All the survivors were bedraggle nd sick with fatigue. Few save othlng; most. Including the on oman aboard (he Dodd. Mrs.

Mar trie Dansby of Los Angeles, wor vcralls and other nondescript gni ents donated by members of th odd's crew. gainst another band which crossed nto Palestine from Transjardanla. The most serious of the scattered utbreaka of the past forty-eight ours appeared tonight to have een at A fire started dur- ig the rioting wna said by the Jewsh Telegraphic Agency, to have ipread through the whole town, 'he agency estimated the Jewish ead at nine, but other aourcea snld he total was five, Additional evidence that the dls- strous events of the pnat week did ot result alone from the religious ispute over possession and use of ic Walling Wall came today with ormulatlon of demands on tho lh high conimibuiuner by the From Today to Wednesday WOMEN'S WOODEN HEELS All Colors--RegTilar Sellers. Special, Pair NEW YORK SHOE SHOP 411 21st St. Work Called for and Delivered.

Phone Palestine Arah executive. From this it appeared the Arabs feel deeply the attempt to establish a Jewish national home In territories which they feel to be theirs by right of long occupation. The Arabs were said to be ready to ask for establishment of a parliament in Palestine, revocation of the Balfour declaration pledging the aid of the British government to establishment of a Jewish national home, and non-admlsslou of Zionists Into Palestine. These demands nrn In complete opposition to the alma of the Zlon- lat organization and are likely to lead to long discussions, both In London and in league of nations circles. SPKED BOAT PILOT I SHOT BY CpAST GUARDS By Associated Press.

Port Clinton, Ohio, Aug. Hayes, 33, of Port Clinton, was In a hospital here today with hulJot wounds in his aldo and hip, Inflicted yesterday, he alleged, by coast guards. Tho wounded man was In a serious condition. Tho shooting occurred, according to Hayes, while he wan trying out a speed "boat, Tho speed boat wna taken to tho coafit. guard station at Marblehead, although It wan said no liquor vna found aboard.

KATH ROW ECHOES AUK HBAIll) AT TRIAL (Continued From Page I) Cnpt. Bloumchon. ordered the vessel full speed In thp hopi! tlio Knn Juan would milnlnln KB flpecd and nn accident he nvertod. "Thn rrgiilur signals wore pivon by I ho Dodd HH to the nature of nf the presence nnd hearing Helms and tho court suslainei tho objection. McFarlsncl, however, testified that shortly after this conversation Helms began to tear his clothing and his bedding nnd begnn Jo sing tho parody on "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More" which lie continues to.

sing In court here. Evidence will bo concluded morrow when two witnesses for Helms nre expected from Dnllas. A avalanche of rvldenco tending Strength for the Sultry Days to allow that Helms was sane was piuccd In the record. J. J.

Parker of Dallas, one of Helms' Jailors; Jack Gorman and J. J. Hemngton, both Dallas jail- ore; Ranger Capt. Tom Hlckman; Hornce Coon, steward of the penitentiary at Huntsvlllo; Dr. C.

H. Standlfcr, superintendent of the state hospital for tho Insane at Austin; Dr. W. A. Johnson, superintendent of tho state hospital" at Dr.

T. B. Haas, superintendent or the Abilene stato hospital: Dr. William Thomas, superintendent of the state hospital nt Rusk; Dr. L.

K. Dry, assistant physician at the Abilene hospital; and Dr P. T. Isbell, Eastland County health officer, testified they believed Holms was sane. Helms' attorney offered the testimony of a number of members of the doomed man's family and two Dallas church workers, who expressed the opinion that he was insane.

Helms was convicted of participation In one of the most colorful nnd orlplnal robberies In the his- lorv of the state. On Dec. 23 1927, while Chrlstmna spirit was at flood tide, three men, led by a fourth dressed In the traditional trappings Simla entered Iho First Vational Bank nt Cisco and robbed In spite of their unique method run battle followed In which nit nnd George Carmlchael. officers, were killed, as was nnvln. one of tho robbers Marshall Rntllff.

and Robrt HIH 'vcrc arrested for the rob- ery. Hill Is servlnc a 99-year Ben encr. nnd a is In death ro tho result of an apnen The bnnk was croxvded S-mla Clnus" made friends wit hltdr-n. When I Iwn little cirls were use "Knnln Clnus" and his anr a i elds apnlnst flylnir bullets. Th hlldren later found their wa safely from the cmmtr icre they escaped their captors.

EAOTJK CONCERNED FOR STAND OF J'. (Continued From Pago 1) You ii prerer --R. these larger Ice cubes that freeze faster in With all the bran of the whole wheat Mental buoyancy and physical alcrtncnn come from eating tho crisp flavory shreds of whole wheat with milk. Dclicioui for luncheon with berries. power until such time aa they are able t.0 atnnd alonn." Ono wine of British opinion has lonp hoen ur a revision of tho lirltlsh mnnclate In Palestlnr and Iran on the Around thnt those countries nre not sufficiently stabilized to cumu wKhin the category In which they nre placed.

It also believed that nose-Russian altualion would In the assembly. Promlrr Arlstldo Brlnnd of 7 lI 1Wfts expected to reveal In i hia plan for an economic foil- oration of of Europe id Premier MacDnnnM will ccr- t.ilnly disappoint tho un- Ifflu ho tiiiks nliout the negotiations i the United Stntos fnr naval reduction. of scvprnl nn- tiotirt to i ly lor Krnrnil ditijirmnnicnt under tho Icadirtihlp of the loapuc. TTVRIGIDAIRE ice cubes are full size. And there is always plenty of them.

For with the new Cold Control you can regulate freezing time at will. And not only that, but you can freeze the most unusual and delicious salads and desserts easily and quickly right in your own home. Of course, you will look for these larger ice cubes when you buy an electric refrigerator. And you'll insist that the shelves are at a convenient height. The Frigidaire food compartment is lined with seamless porcelain enamel.

The conveniently arranged shelves are all removable. The compressor is concealed and entirely out of the w.iy in a separate compartment in base of the cabinet. We want you to see the bcautfful new cabinets. And of course, we should like to tell you about the new low prices and a Motors The new frigidairs Cold Ctmtnl a simple patented device now offered by Frigidalre. liberal terms which make it possible to pay for Frigidaire out of its immediate day-by-day savings.

Will you be our guest for a few minutes this week? You place yourself under no obligation to buy. 526 Twenty-third Street Galveston, Texas.

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