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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 2

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1929. THREE ADDED AMOUNT TO FIGHT FLY TO BE SOUGHT By Auoclated Press. Washington, Aug. department of agriculture has conv ploted Us plans to ask the special session of congress for an emergency appropriation of $20,000,000 to carry on eradication of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Florida, where tho poet has menaced tho entire fruit and vegetable Industry. Secretary Hyde sold today It would take that amount to finance tho intensive campaign which will he necessary befbrn the fly is completely stamped out.

Present eradltlon measures and the Inspection and certification of fruit and vegetables placed In in- torutate shipment will bo continued and Intensified. Tho border inspection designed to prevent the carry- Ing of the fly Into other states will be increased. STOLEN JEWELS FOUND IN NEGRO BARBER SHOP By A MO dated Proas. New York, Aug. 26---Jewels, the value of which may be $100,000, and believed to Include gems stolen Aug.

10 from Mr. and Mrs. Sydney E. Hutchlneon at their summer homo at Beverly Farms, were recovered today by detectives who arrested four negroes in a Harlem barber shop. Included among the Jewelry found were four diamond bracelets, a diamond wrist watch, two clasp pins act with diamonds, and three diamond stJck pins.

Best Lotted Man In All the South It Is doubtful if you could i man who has more friends (ban Major General J. F. CIlnkecnleB, Commander of Forrest's Cavalry, Western Division, and commander of the flocond division of Confoder- atn Veterans In In telling how ho keeps BO active at his age. Gen. CHnkflcoJca quickly launched Into hit favorito mibject when seen at hln home In San Antonio, at 8000 So, NPW Bniunfols Avo, "Nature's Remedy does It When wo disobey the lawn of nature wo muflt suffer.

Nobody Is Immune. I am no different than anyone else, except that I know the minute anything goea wrong In my stomach or bowolK, I take Nn.turo'0 remedy tab- Any druggist will tell you that tho lit (Jo 25o bor of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) Is what you need when your atorruich becomes iour, bowels tight and you auffer from Indigestion, biliousness, nick headache. Mora than 3 million are used a HOUSTON NEWS CtrculntltM Tttephane Fmlrfnx 4043. TELLS OF IMS COFFIN FATE IF mrSHMACK AT TBIAL, SAYS PKIS- ONEK. to Tho NCWd.

Houston, Aug. Mushmack, Port A fisherman, told officials of tho federal district attorney's office today that he dJd not appear as a witness In tho J. L. (Johnny Jack) Nounes'and George Muecy rum-runulnfc case because his life was threatened. Two men come to him the night befiro ho wtia to appear as a witness, Muahmaok said, and told him that he could leave the country or occupy a coffin which his two visitors promised to supply.

Mushmack loft the country and ban been sought by government officers since lost May. He was arrested Aug. IB in Biloxi, Miss. He arrived In Houston this morning and will remain in Jail until released by Federal Judge J. O.

Hutch eson. Mushmack, who WBB to have been the government star witness In the case against Nounes and Musey was sentenced with Lawrence Boyd and Harry Flaizer to the federal prison for two years and fined Jfi.OOO as the result of the seizure, a year ago last May. of the rum- i launches Lena and Impcra- tor, and their Joint cargo, valued at $70,000. The three men, a serving four months In prison, were brought back to Houston, where they testified before the grand Jury against Musey and Nounes. Their sentences were reduced to four months and their fines to $250.

Boyd and Platzer testified ngalntit the alleged rum leaders, Nounea and Muacy, and It was largely through their testimony that the latter two men were convicted. The failure of a a to ap- iear an a subpcnacd witness dur- charKO of contempt of court. Mushmack, who was brought here under a writ of attachment Isnued by Federal Judge J. C. Hutcheson before the latter left Houston laet week, was being questioned today by Special Customs Asent Al Scharff, Deputy Customs Collector Victor Ralley and Assistant i States Attorney Howell Ward.

Nounes and Mueey aie out appeal bond. CASES REMOVED DUE TO ILLNESS OF JUDGEBOYD ireiaJ to Thfl Nwn. Houston, Aug. capital cases Bet for next week in Judge Whit Boyd's court were transferred today to Judge Lflng- ftton King's criminal court as a result of the Illness of Judge Boyd, who Buffered a utroke of apoplnxy yesterday while at bin bay shore lomp. JudRO Boyd WSB reported an Improving today, but physicians may thnt he take a long rftat.

In i event, a special judge will bo elected by incmbrrs of U.irrls Bounty Bar Aesociation to serve In Judge Boyd'a place. An unusually heavy docket has been net for trial next month, Including elghty-fievrn ordinary falony cnnes net for the ten-day period bo- ginning Sept. 0. Some of these rases will bo transferred to Judge King's court. NOTICK TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS If you do not receive your NEWS -omptly each morning, phone us pfore 10 o'clock and a copy will he Bent you by special messenger.

MOTORCYCLE I IS HURT SEVERELY IK FIGHT. Special to Tho Nowi. Houston, Aug. of aggravated assault, resisting an officer, intoxication and disturbing the peace have boon filed against J. E.

Atkioeoo of Pasadena, who was released irom the Harris County Jail today on bond. Atkinson and N. Scott, Pasadena motorcycle officer, exchanged words and blows yesterday afternoon after the officer told Atkinson to go home, and then attempted to arrest him. Scott la at homo today uuder treatment for severe Injuries. A.

A. Ward, another Pasadena, officer who was off duty at the time of the i attempted to assist Scott. Ward was slightly mauled, Scott told Justieu Mllam that several bystanders grabbed 1 when Atkinson knocked him down nnd took his pistol and atood back while he was beaten. AtkinBon is well known In Pasadena, having lived there all his life. He Is 25 years old and unmarried.

He works In a Pasadena cleaning and pressing establishment and was formerly with the Pasadena waterworks plant owned by J. E. Pomeroy. Houston officers wore sent to Pasadena and It took them more than an hour to clear the rnad of traffic blocked by the fight. Atkinson drove to Harrlsburg and gave himself up to officers.

SHIPPERS NAMED HONOR GUESTS AT CHRISTENING Special to The New. Houston, Aug. C. Miller, president, and J. W.

De- Innoy. vice president, of the Southern Steamship Company, which Ins i first reqnlar etcamehlp Eprvlro for Port Houston, will be honor at the chrietpnlnp: of the crulnor Houston at Newport News, Mayor Walter E. Montelth announced today. Tho names of Hear Admiral G. H.

Burrnge. commandant of the Fifth Naval District nt Hampton Roads, and Capt. H. L. Wyman, assistant commnndant, have boon added to the list of hlR" officials of the navy who will attend the core- monies.

Harris County Legal Records Houston, Auf. following Is tho legal record fur llarrla County tt a llled. DISTRICT COUKTH--Horah L. Kenniirri ve. McDonald minimi, divorce: Tnnlm McKeown I.

W. McKeown, dlvurcw; fltate of Texan NrlUe J. Duncfin, in' executrix of mute of J. Duncnn. tax; State or Tcxiti ve.

Amort tux; C. H. Crowell Ira D. Crownll, divorce; Edna Wllllnmn VB. Henry Wllllnmi.

Mm Prt Romance passed her until she ended OS' nncl slill 1 Hlic lml Imd nilmircm--nmny nf Uirm. UnL I hryhiul nil drifted nwny from IHT. I-nrryt'ivlIcddraisiuinilly i he nrvrr proposed. Then one day Aria dincovrrrd why elm muldii't holrl friend.i-- "fl.O."-- Odor. nlif nuirrird lo I.nrry.

It end hrr 1 liow rnNtly nlir. now keeps jicr- piralion odorless, "i cnvMn'l lirlir.vr it nt firnt i hlumtil IT. Huilly of liotly nd(ir nnd tint know it. Bill, n.i my pliyniriun rxplaincd, i hnppcits "Tlml's wr. Ixvnmo in- primitive to cvcr-prcsent odors, lio Ifild inc.

lint norr.t give off odor-cnuflmg waste--as much nt daily. "Now, u-illi I.Sfclttiny juifr- punni me. I never worry niton on holiest Hnyii. It's marvelous how rlrnn Life- buoy nmkcs me feel. I Li --keeps the boily gloriously fresh.

"Ijifnbiioy krepn my akin hrnltli- icrlonkmfti loo. And it'sn rralnnfe- pimr.l aK--iinsl grrms. pirn "ii t. erlrn-rlrn srcn I. hn I.

vanillin yon, jmt tells you it purifW Juarez. rtlvnitf: lone BmlUi vn. Harvey H. ft H), dlvr.rc* tind Injunction: Mnry Curtain vs. Ctoontc L.

Curtain: divorce; VlmlnlR Viitrn vn. J. T. YntoH. ril- Mm.

Elhcl Clary vn. T. A. Clan', W. n.

vn. A. f. ct al. mused; Hobrrt Vlckera vr.

C. K. Vlclteri nl. rtpltt nnd forrrlnonrc; L. O.

McC-ill Mary Mrnill, dlvnrrc; Floy Hatchl A. Y. Halrhl. dtvonr; Iti rr Kutntt- of KHift Scnlt, dcrcaned, appeal Irom county court; Tlio KMcrnl Ilnnh Hnitiiton va. Adnm Medlty pt al.

cull on note; LUlla Furlio vr. P. H. dlvorrp; Wll- ilam Kklpper vn. 11.

K. Denny, TliDintm vii. HnininfhiiBi'tti nondln nml I compiuiy of Borton, KIOHTIKTH DIHTIIICT'COURT--o. n. Mrnrhum vi.

Vlrrlnla Mrnchum; rtlimltiaJ of 1. 1621), nrl nMile and raupn re- IV. K. McCanlnll vn. Mm.

J. M. MIUII rt a): Ulnmlaoed by j.lnlntltf. Tninnfrrn nf Rrnl l-lnlnin. DKKHS Bmtth to J.

O. IlHuniRurtni. Idl 1. lilork :12. Brookfl Smith fit-cord ndilltlon; Mm.

tn n. A. Hurtunn. lot .1. Work 2, Mlmle KirM ndilltimi; 1W.OOO.

CriLln Rfuily- Cut llnimr ConiDnny to John flUhllk. lot lock 12, rininvlev Place C. A. Nenl to T. Carter Lum- her nnd HiitliltnR Cntnpnny.

lotn 2, 3. 4 bloi-k lot fi. Mock Inta 1. 2, and 4, hjopk .1, Prrnton Place nddltlnn; S3.30H n. P.

Slppppr to nhrvrtn A. Bnunr. 2 arrcn out of John nurvny; JS.Son. OroRc T. Broun In rhnrlp!" D.

Krwln, lot 2ft, block 2, North KdRrmont ndrtltlnn; S7.SOO. A. r. Olcon IJron. tn nrrlha Hnptntlml.

lotn 1 and 2. block 1, Holmnn IB; J. W. a to Hnhrrt PTIV- rm, lot 12, hltvk 1. l.ymid Ave-nur Turk ariillMon: J4.1HO.

Will Roltlrr lo Milton n. McOlnty. lot 8, block 2, Almcriii PVif" i jn.niW. Mrn. Molllc F.

Will" on, to: ctll Nairn, AUR. 24. 1P3B. on nl.urK bmilovard of 4P. R.

M. Mirvpy: J. T. lo A a Rrhuhulfr. lot 0, hlock 13.

Placp addition; JfJ.noO. Almn flrliithnli-r to J. T. Ni-worrry. pnrtn nf 3 and 1, lilock OTORR'H Second nrtdlUnn; f3.1oO.

I till I ill MR IVrmtU. PKRNflTfl OVKn -Palmnr rlnl Church. addition to a-ntory hrfck cliurrh huildlnB. part tract 1. P.

W. Konn nfldltion on (00.20" HtTM- lo- i ndd tn brick Cohen MOIIKO. part tract .1. W. Hone addition; $13.000.

liin Provanrann. 7-mom lirtcK vnmcr limicc nnd rtraro, WJ3 LorUnd. lot K). blnck 3, Mnodv addition: Sl.non. I-lrMtonn Tire nnd Uiihbcr Conipnuy.

2-ntory rrln- hnllow tllr nnd brick unrvlrp xlatloii, tract In, loli 4 and n. pnrt 11. blnrk .171. noiith ulrtr Biiffoln llnyou; JflO 000. C.

W. Cliruthnni, T-rnnm 2-ntory tirlrk vcnnir hnuor. 4IIO.S lot 13. block hfi, Turner nrtrtlllon; o. B.

ilarllon fi-ronm 2-ntor' brick vrncrr hmififl and KarnRn. 'J201 Inwonrt Inl (4 bloi-k 4n, River Oakn addition; jn.fWO. Hnuntnn. A'lp 2fl Thf fnllowlns Intentlonn to marry Itlwl lifpn (ndav: Carmll Trlpp nnrt Virginia Tluflil; Jolin A. 1-arr; Dnvld It.

i nnd Tlnrothy H. L. Mcl-'nrland and Lnvitria nndir llnard nnit A Jwi Man- riico and Vrima Itrlote; Tlohfrt tnirk and Maybrl Ooldln. 'MnrrlaRf Wllllnm a nnd Marlf nnd A K. ir.i! A i Wnltlirr; Trlnldnd Rnnto nd IXhiu I Mary Li-c I NPI Jn nn1 I A I A nds Tcnderfnca Lifebuoy HEALTH SOAP stops body odor Olaldrt ami fltell nnd T.

BpiinslT; .1. P. Under urid May Clnrkn; A. N. WllllH nnrt Marsaret Franklin: Kennetli N.

rnur nnrt Mllrta M. Pope: W. O. Klnihrrll nnd Katliorlnn Mamh. Dv AxitnrUterl A i i A aft.

Hrolternsr nnrt 5.1(1100. I Ouy llfatty. Leni HmokR. Frwnrlfl r. fimlth.

enr'sinl Sin.dnri. lnr-or- porntorB: W. M. Waterman. K.


20. The proposed paving of Telephone Road was the subject under discussion at a conference today of Jim Douglas, district engineer of the state highway department for District No, 12, comprising Harris, Galveston and ten other southeast Texas counties, C. C. Washington, county engineer of Galveston County, and Wise, resident engineer for the state highway department Jn charge of construction work In Harris County Contract has been let for the avlng from tho Galveston, Harrls- urg- San Antonio tracks In Brookllnc to a point beyond the Houston airport, but it Is understood that contract for the remainder of the highway will not be lot i after the decision Is made as to tho location of the highway throughout Its distance. Neither Mr.

Douglas, Mr, Washington nor Mr. Wise would discuss the purpose of the conference to- dny. "Any Information will have to come from the state highway office at Austin," Mr. Douglas said. As tho highway department soon will have to decide on a permanent location of the highway, It Is considered probable that a report on location Is in the making.

There are understood to be two possible locations for that part of the highway In Brazorla and Galveston County. One routn would touch Alvln and the other route would pasa somewhere In the vicinity Frlendswood. WAENIN5 OF WAR IN UNIVERSE GIVEN BY TEEOSOPHIST CHIEF By AFFoclatcd Frees. Chicago, 111., Aug. A warning that war waa Imminent unless universal brotherhood should elim- i a rare and color prejudice WHS sounded today by Dr.

Annie Besant before the world consrresB of the International Theosophlcal Society, which Bhe heads. "Asia has become self-conscious," she asserted, "and this condition makea the possibility of war loom very closely, Taking only China, thinking people must realize that civil war has made China a wnr country. The training she has givon her people fighting each other may be used to fljtht other "Only a brotherhood that Includes every race and color and every growing thing can reach that ultimate stage of peace to which wo all aspire." Dr. Besant expressed tho belief that tho bodies of animals, birds and Insects may house the souls of human beings from another life, going through a transitional stage toward higher existence. TYSON MILITARY PLANS NEARLY By Annorlnted Knoxvillc, AUR.

for a military funeral here Wednesday for Senator L. D. Tyson wont fordward rapidly today, A guard of honor of twelve re- officers will detailed by Cure)' F. Spenco, a colonrl in Senator Tyson's world wnr brigade. He said he had been notified that at loimt ten of the seventeen flcnalorn named by Vice President Curtln to attend the funeral would arrive tomorrow with the body, Tho remainder of the senators are expected Wednesday.

Bishop Thomas F. Qatlor of the Episcopal dlocosc of Tennessee, and tho Hov. Charles T. Whltaker, rector of the St. John's Episcopal Church hero, will officiate.

Tho soldier and statesman will rest beside tho body of his son, McOlico Tyson, who was killed In England during tho world war whllo learning to fly. CANADIANS SEIZE PLANK USKD IN BUM RUNNING I3y PreKi. Windsor, Or.t., Aug. Canadian mounted police and offl- cnrs of tho Canadian customs prc- vontlvp service captured a rum running airplane today and arrested Its pilot, aloo taking Into custody a truck from which thlrty- Lhrco cages of liquor were being to the plane. Bay Bnumgartoncr, 27, of Plymouth, acknowledged ho had made three trips before he was 'aught, merely offering tho ilanatlon that "I needed the mon- so I took a chance." Ho was given an option of a i i fine of $160 or upending two months In Jnll.

Tho piano was held 'or a possible claimant, who can regain It by paying $400. 200 ATCK GRADUATED AT UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ABfoclatfd Austin. AUff. tliou- mind poople wltnonnod jjrndna- of more 200 men und women from tho University of Texan nt Bummer ncliool commencf- mcnt tonight. The procrfim wns In tho open air thenlcr on the ciimpua.

Thu ndflrcsR wns hy Profoaaor R. H. i i nml Dr. H. Y.

Boncdlct, president of the xinl- conforrod the degrees. llnuatnn; oapitnl clock. 11,000. Clyde Zvrby. Mnhrl A.

7rrhy. iltnlo riArtlo Mrs. Em rporation. a i a ck, SlO.t'OO InrnriKinitnrn: flnrdon M. Rildrt.

Oeome H. iTB. Oln Company. WA 16.000. Incorpor pii'CK.

it. r. Lowry. E. V.

I.niiKhlfn. T. P. Mnpcr. Smith County A a company P.

McCullmiRn. "wonft O. McCullniiKh. II. Cain.

My Poultry Market, Inc. (wnren finff a flnlvroton: cepllnl Mock. H.KOO. Inrorpornto a a nrorporntoni: J. A.

Kulforrt. Jo- H. Klllfcml, A. 1C. Cnvony Jr.

A A. Premium Company (wnrm nnrt A rnpUr.l ntnrk. ItH-itrporntnri: J. O. Dnckelt, 00.

tH-itrporntnri: J. O. Dnckelt, A. flclmolrk, .1. M.

Adnma. Now Hnudftd Bunper Club of DMIsi, Fort Wtirth, Orond Praklc (thpittrra. Ornnd I rnjiilnl ntnck. Jl.000 In- 11. 8.

Ilarrm. J. Hnrrln. II. IJpUner, i J.I, WO.

Corporation. Abilene; ik, G.OOO nonpar value iharni. J. V. If overt on.

Lacy How- fii Howerton. itock from to Ilr.ithnr*. rmckott. decrcaiiinK i from 5100.00(1 to jTft.dno. rovennB Company, Homing capital stock from Sfl.OOO Orcnofen lovcn Veronica Seabroko and the two aro being drawu by ntningo forces Into the mystery of the ehootlriK of liouer Pell at the door of Burtmm Fotherbury'a llbmry, A few houro after tho murder.

Orenofcn receives puzzlInK requenl. Veronica pluns to wulk home trvm nearby town that night, her mother tells Tom. and ajkH tilm to Inform her or 1'cll'u death. en Tom mcela Veronica on a lovely seu- eidc road, nhe Is strangely uRltatcd. then blurts out Uiut who Is hiding a man along the road, and nmre nniuiln --ankn Tum to entertain this hunted fugitive an vleltlns CIIAFTKH J3.

Tho "Cub" Is I-lelied. Veronica smiled at the amazement -which was written In my expression. But amazement could hardly be regarded as unnatural under tho circumstances. It was enough that a girl like Veronica should ask me to help her hide an unknown Poll's murderer, for all I knew--but to learn my mother had entered the conspiracy, and without a word to me, was sufficient to shake anyone. "Don't look as if you'd swallowed nensatlon of pins and needles In the knuckles.

When we were with- Ing two yards of him he still stood In the middle of the narrow road, bat-ring the way. 'iM, Veronica!" said he. And then I understood that he wus not quite sober. Veronica made no answer. I released Veronica's arm and put her gently behind me.

tiicneu nun out 01 tne rotiu. HO canio to rest on his haunches, I fear rather abruptly, against hillock. The young- man rnnovered hlB feet and came at mo, shouting out: "Bo you're the little devil's bully, eh? You're a dam' little fool, Veronica, and you'll noon find it out." The rush stopped when he observed that I had placed my right hand under guard of. the left. I said: "If you were sober I'd knock your head off at once.

"I'll do It now if you don't clear. Say another word to Miss Seabroke and--" But I had to do it before I could SurroundTM! by police---throo hJdo behind a hillock. slup, Mr. 1 sold Veronica, with a. touch of hor old manner.

"Very well," I said. "If this is the order, BO ho it." "Agreed? Then I'm eternally grateful. But there's ono other thine: will you walk home with me? Would I like a mitllonl "Now?" I apked. "Yoe. But that'o not all.

If we should meet anybody on the road will you bo very kind and attentive, even affectionate? I hnta It like muBh--hut if I give you tho word, will you even paw me about?" "Mitts Seabroke!" "I moan It. When I say 'Paw, 1 you paw me brlek nnrt 1 The change in Veronica was amazing. Hnr doje-ction had gone and her blue oyes blazed with fun. WUB it all a Joke, I wondered --ono of Veronica's "monkoy- trlckfi," aa Seohroke would havo said? I shook myself, shook off tho Blooms iintl horrors of tho noon and the suspicions of the last five mlnutca, and capered into Veronica's own mood. Wo set off for homo.

"Terrible lot of outsiders still left the world, don't you i she iskcd, apparently apropos of noth- 'ng. "Anything i i you nt present?" "Martin Somerflolri Just missed ono last nljrht," Raid Veronica. "You It now--when you were so understanding--of course you don't want know any more aoout It?" "Not a word," I declared. "In thut case, I'd better tell you. An outsider molested me, and there retiHons why didn't wiint a fuss made last night.

But if an juteidor molested me ugaln tonight should be grossly offended." ''You may on It," "that nobody will molest you tonight." "Oh, I do," said Veronica. Nevertheless, I quite unprepared when she stild suddenly, 'Now, paw!" We were in the i rond nmonff he jmndhllln. Veronica saw first tho figure that moved into the road from between two hummocks. I could not soo the features of man who stood In the middle of the road. But he was young and well dressed in a plus-four suit.

I did not recognize his voice when he spoke. "HU words and tone gavo me a I I damp days, chances in weather, or exposure to makes joints ache, Ilierc is always quick relief in Raver Aspirin. It makes short work of headaches or any i pain, lust A i in the inn re serious suffering from i i rheumatism or lumbago. No ache or pain is ever too deep-seated for Bayer Aspirin to relieve, and it dors not affect the a All druggists, with proven directions for various 5 which many people have found invaluable in the relief of pain. announce it, for he yelled: "HI, Veronica!" I judge by tho crack I felt on my knuckles that their impact with the corner between eye and nose muet have ben momentarily unpleasant for him.

But only momentarily. He down the same sand heap in a peaceful sleep. "That'll do him a lot of good," said I to Veronica. "You haven't overdone It, Mr. Grenofcn?" "Oh, no! Probably five minutes.

I'll see you to Sandypolnt and then watch him off Uie premises." The recollection of the little squeal Veronica had given the night before may have added a pound to the weight of the blow. "The unlickod cub's lost his HO'B now been licked," said lea, "Oh?" said "have I had an Introduction to Mr. Fred Fother- bury?" "Tea, He'tj been a nuisance in London. He Interfered yesterday with--well, he's a rank outsider, anyhow. Thanks awfully, Mr.

Grenofen." "I parted from Veronica at her gate and strolled hnck towards the spot where the cub went to earth. A hundred yards from Sandypolnt I met him walking along the road holding a handkerchief to his nose. He passed me without speaking. I turned and followed him paat Senbroke's towards Blackwater, and stood at tho bottom of Wood- cot Lane till he was out of sight and hearing. With a mind full of puzzlement and a sub-conscious sense of pleasure In the queer little episode, I reached home.

It was nearly 11 o'clock. My mother, meeting me the hall, whispered: 'Another visitor--Professor Laxton." I sat down hard on chair. "That's awkward, Mother." "Yes, Isn't it? Did I tell you I i-as expecting an old friend of my insects High-powered Tanclefoot Spray destroy i all household Insecti. None cacnpca or revives. This one luper-apray 10 all you need the year around.

It kills them moths, mosquitoes, ronchci, a Pricca greatly reduced. Pay ICM nnd RCt the beat.Tanglefoot kills 'cm all. The Business of Banking The- modern hank IB a huslnnftn In- fttitullon for aorvlco to thr nuhllc. wish to ncrvn you nnd solicit ynur The First National Bank IfilW of Onlvrmtrm Ifl20 fiout.hwwt Corner 22d and Strand. BANKING family, sort of second cousin, to- nlRht?" "No.

What's his name?" "Let me ace--John I think. Yes, John Merry-weather was my mother's maiden name and John Merryweather was a bachelor cousin of hers In London. Coubin John Morrj-weulhpr rn the story In tomorrow's Htnllnicnt. MASTER AROUSED BY BARK OF DOG AS HOUSE BURNS Special to The Ncwi. re nh am, Aug.

residence of C. A. McMeans was heavily damaged by fire of undetermined origin at an early hour Sunday morning. Mr. McMeuns, who was alone In the house al the time of the i made a narrow escape after being aroused by his dog.

Mrs. McMeans and son were visiting: relatives in Houston. The loss is estimated at ab'ont 56,000. 700 ATTEND HOMECOMING AT INDEPENDENCE ipeclnt to The Newc. Rrenham, Aug.

about 700 In attendance, including prominent visitors from many parts of the state, the sixth annual homecoming day celebration was held Sunday at Independence at the historic Baptist Church where Gen. Sam Houston and other famous pioneer Tcxans worshipped. These celebrations are held under auspices of the Independence Homecoming Association, of which Judge Lewis R. Bryan of Houston, who graduated from old Baylor University at Independence more than i years ago, is president, and whose membership Includes hundreds of former residents of Independence. The largest crowd In the of association attended the reunion Sunday.

Plans were dlscunaed. for preserving the old church and acquiring additional property. Judge Bryan acted as chairman and made the opening address. Dr. S.

P. Brooks of Waco, president of Baylor University, delivered the sermon at the morning service, and music was furnished by the Baptist choir of Navasota. An Interesting talk was made by Mrs. Haynes Hudson of one of the oldest living graduates of the old Baylor University, Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds in 30 Days Make Yourself Strong, Healthy; and Vigorous at the Same Time. By this time most people that the world's great producer Is McCoy's Tablets.

Take them for a few weeks and the hollows In your cheeks, your neck and chest will soon fill out and whether you be man o.r woman you will have an attractive figure and plenty of "get there" energy in just' a short time. No one will call you skinny any more. In McCoy's you i a combination of health builders that bring energy, strength and vigor and at the same i put pounds of good healthy flesh on those who are underweight. One underweight woman, exceedingly i gained 10 pounds In 22 days and doesn't have to worry any more about her figure. McCoy takes all the risk--Read i ironclad guarantee.

If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of McCoy's Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feol completely satisfied with tho marked Improvement In health --your druggist Is authorized to turn the purchase LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Round Trip Fares from Galyeston to: New Orleans. 10 (Corresponding low fares to Intermediate Louisiana points) Biz Labor Day Celebrations in this Hfatorio Olty. Leave Aug. 30 and 31; Sept. 1.

Keturn Limit, Sept. 4. RIO GRANDE VALLEY $11.35 Leave August 30 and limit, Sept. 3 DALLAS FT. WOETH WACO SAN ANTONIO AUSTIN $7.00 $6.00 $5.50 To San Antonio, Waco, Ft.

Worth, Dallas and Austin -Tickets on sale for trains scheduled to leave August 30 between 7 p. m. and midnight; August 31, Sept. 1, and for trains scheduled to reach destination before noon Sept. 2.

Eeturn limit, Sept. 3. iVlRS. HENRY had to come all the way the kitchen when the telephbne rang. But no one was on the line! Probably the person calhng "hung up" before Mrs.

Henry could answer. It's a good idea to wait a minute or so abandoning a telephone call, SOUTHWESTERN BEU.TELEPHONE" COMPANY.

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