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Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 2

Denton, Texas
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FAGBWO I 100-Man Red Force Smashed In Attack i SEOUL IWtoan Comma-1 The 'Feds'jumped 'off in the Hist attack smashed against early-morning darkness after a 16- main N. lines oa the Eastern i minute artillery barrage and open- Korean Front today, but Allied de-led a 20-yard hole in Allied Ifces. fertderj cut'the Red force to bHsjBut 'the advance was quickly the U. S. Eighth Array reported, blocked to a sharp exchange o( In the air, the Fifth Air Force hand grenade, small arms and S.

Sabre jets damaged one Communist MIG jet fighter in a late afternoon encounter over liiju automatic weapons fire. I 11 3 J.VU1 a i I of air batiks deep in Northwest reported elsewhere as carpet of snow fell a Korea. The Allies hurled three counter alfscks as the Reds fought their aiiciiiwn i i lust south of the Manchurian bor- way bacs -to tlwir own lines, dcr. It was the 10th straight day Only activity wa iS across the battlefront Red and'rrortar fire dropped to its A est level Li four momhs. 1 OtJUlvS The Missouri's; bis guns pounds lihe Chonsjin area'for three hours bombardment destroyed Hv bridges, damaged supply area blocked a tunnel and scored direc hits oa a cave.

There was no Com I munist fire, the Navy said. U. S. Navy planes from tie cs rters.Kearsage and Otiskany ham es Down Bank Near Sanger Two automobile accidents Tuesday niglit, one in the city limits and in the county, resulted in m'ffcd the Red front lines yestei Pilots Jaid they blew the eatir estimated at $3u. The first accident occurred on Highway 77, one mile north of jvf.j, Fom said twiB Sanger about p.m.

I engine B26 bombers swept over A 1W7 Fraiier, Hiven by Marvin wye are a of Norlh Korea la F. Stubberfield of Apache, OWa (night and destroyed 35 Com muni crashed through a retaining rai! 1 locomotive and 10 bo and turned over, down a steep i cars, bank, At the same time, B29 Super- 1 Stubberfield saidr the headlights forts hammered tee IWrtcre Kum-1 of his ear burned out just as heisan barracks smith -oi (he Redj entered the cirre. He was not capita! of Pyongyang. A heavy overcast obscured results. Negro Is Arrested In Rape-Slaying NEWARK, N.

J. Police Commissioner Arthur Weller said today a man identified as William Davis, 29, had been arrested and had orally admitted the rope-slaying ol a 28-year-old former actress in Westuort, Conn. The actress been identified as fotiuer native of Waco, Tex. Weller said Davis had been picked up by three detectives who acted on a tip from Brooklyn, N. Y.

police. Also picked up with Uavis was a woman identified as Janie Allen, who wns being detained foV rjues- Davis, a Negro handyman, has been the object of a widespread police search since Westport authorities found the partly nude body of Mrs. Senada (Penny) Coats Eva'ns, estranged wife of Mont- fomgery Evans, 52-year-old writer and heir to a banking fortune. South Brooklyn bars with woman companion. Davis was undergoing ftfrther tjuestioning by Newark who said they were taking statements from him and coult! give no further information immediately.

Deputy Police Inspector Edwart V. Kagim of Brooklyn said Mis Augustine Allen, a sister of Jaiil Allen, had been questioned over night st the Butler Street Statin in Brooklyn, and told police th! Janie Allen and IJavis had gone I visit friends in Newark. Fagan said the friends had bee Identified by Miss Augustine Alle as Bit Smith, and his wife, Cat erinc, who lived in an old tw story house In Newark. MARKETS WKDNKSIJAVB MVtS'lOlh. FORT WOIWI 1ltl 00: calves 3.000: slnv onl oocl otid choice led a eirllnus ml mctl- uiu tn-lT.

btel COKS SOOO 1st calves coiix- nou medium 412-17; Etockcr carllnfis Mid csilvw stocKer Hog murte't remained clostd due vtsLculr eianthciiii. 100: slaugriier lambs steuajr io 50 cents lower: '(ml" Iambs weak or f3(W-50 loam for week: other classes ecurce: utility to choice tlatightw iBnibs cnolca S30: Kood sr.d cbolce slnimmer Ismte No. 2 pells cull slaughter taa bucks common und medium feeder lamia jIlAY'S BITIEK CHICAGO (AP)--Duller steady; unchanged. IrrtRiilar; unevenly higher to a cent Mrs. Evans 1 body was found Monday night in her Westport home.

She had been strangled anu raped. The only garment on the body was a sweater. Her hvo-and- SLAIN MOTHER--Police in Newark, If. have arrested a Negro handyman as the slayer'of Mrs. Penny Evans, 20-year-old Greenwich, mother shown with her son, now two-and-a-half, this picture WHS taken about two years ago.

The young mother was a native of Waco, Tex. (AP Wirephdto) injured. Dam a fe to his carwts estimatejd St Gen. 3. Lawton Cinins.

0. S. Army sec- DULLES BARES PEACE PLAN ond day oT his, frost-line tear with The second wcnrred lst Marirt pjrfeijn aid Brit- abont 8:30 p.rn.. the MO block Comrnormealtn Division, of Ave. D.

Gen. Mark Cfjirk, United NttJoas A IMS fiercary, driven by a a East comirraader, reterned to 15-year-oH high school girl crasb-ifeis Tokyo beaacfoafiers today. He ed inte.a the to Korea with Coffins yester- pole ard causing an estimatedS300 'day. Army said Collins would in damages the car. The girl return to was riot injured.

tomorrow. Investigating officers said that' the girl apparently and ran into the pole. Tokyo late today or David C. Argo Dies At 70 David Carl Argo, 70, died Tuesday afternoon in the home oi his daughter, Mrs. H.

A. Siaimoris, tlirefr rhiles soathirest" of Deirton. COLLEGES tCoatintijd teachers and pay them "i'm not sure tfcaf's" (he problem," said Rep. K. A.

(Salty) Hall Fort Worth. "I do believe cmr system (of highef edncst-on) in has grown to gire of Texas ihe best we can get for tbe mbriey and I for one intend to do ail servkes- be in tie Ccaper Crisi tiaptis't Cburdi Tiursday at 2: JO p.m. The Rev. C. H.

KirjnDifd win officiate and wifl be in tie Cooper Creei jn Fafii County Oct. 9, 1S2 but lad lived in Denton County tan to assure 31at. Dr. John Gnina, president ol Teias State College for Women beaton, said he didn't tbei was as ranch daplkation the eollegei- as some thongh Tom Sealey, Miiliand, head the University of Texas BegenL SaldT B4 beEeve anybbt isi -frim to throw airay bi to fts.unrversity. "but aH gfflSg WASHINGTON (fl The Etsen- ower administration was reported uthorstatively today to have well- dvanced for frying is red ie Korean and Indo-Chinese wars denying Russia any "advan- ige" from there.

Secretary of Stai--? Dulles, d-s- jviiug this subject publicly for the first tirrie smce the new administration toolt power, told a na- ional radio and television audience last night: 'Today these go on be- eanse the enemy tti'nfcs he's get- ing an -advantage- by wurfsnang ne war. I beliere that Gen. Eisen- iKrwer will find the to inake Bie eoemy change his mind in that respect so that they too will wsnt peace." statement was described aathoritativery being trpon plans for SMcific mov he save no hint in hi although speech as birn twice by seconds as he loured W. S. Morris Dies In Calif.

to what these moves will be. However, in 2 pre-election speech in October, DuDas said Rusan advantage out of con- Walter S. (Rosie) Jlorris. 68. died in Mandera, Tuesday.

A former resident of Denton, Mr. Morris had lived wiih his son, Herman, in Mandcra the past 10 years. The prisoner was taken to po- i a-half-year-old son, Montgomery lice hearlquarters here, shic. Evans HI. was in a nearby room, to one of the detectives who made sobbing, when police arrived, the arrest.

The hunt centered on Davis, who At the time of his capture, which I once served a Pennsylvania prison police said was without a slrug-jtenn, after his wife told Westport gle Davis wos wearing a Navy police he had informed her he had pea jacket and dark, trousers. killed Mrs. Evans. Davis and his Brooklyn detectives, who had iwife, Dolly, a baby sitter, frequent- been combing neighborhood bars ly did odd jol-3 for Mrs. Evans, for Davis, said they had missed Meanwhile, in Westport, the body of Mrs.

Evans waited in tnei town riorgue here to be claimed for birrial. No funeral arrangements have been made. Her son, who police believe witnessed bis mother's attack, was in the custody of welfare authorities. Jirs. Evsns' husband had returned fo New York after identifying the body of his estranged wife.

Mrs. Evans, her husband's second wife, was a native of Waco, who lived for ma-iy years large 43.5; mediums standards POVI.fKV AUSTIN (AP)-- Poultry: South Tesas: Stronger, fslr to Rood, broiler-fryers 2H-3 pounds 2528 cer.ta. last Texas: Steady, lair to Hood dfmand, pounds Waco: Steady, denneml fair. Droller-fryers 2U-3 pounds 25. KED.VKSliAVS COTTON NEW YORK (AP)--Noon colton prices today were 55 to 90 cents bale hlaher thari Hie close.

March Msy 33.50 and July 3S.86. tl'ESUJlY'S (IR.V1X VORT WORTH (API--Wheat No 1 Corn No. 2 19 Get Tabs For Attendance Perfect attendance tabs were presented to 19 members of the Demon Kiwanis Club Tuesday. The program was in charge of the Key Club committee, and Henry S. Elbert was chairman of the day.

A. McDonald, former governor of the Tcxas-Oklahoms dii- trict and a charter member of Dcnton club, was presented a tab for 27 years of perfect attendance. E. Miller, club secretary, was recognized for 23 years of perfect attendance and Lee E. Preston yellow miio S33-'-a7.

Rites Held For Zeretzke The body wiH arrive here Thur, 1 that American troops are tied up i raem, are pe i-Kra and by propagandking the Ftneral Home, conflict as a campaign of Ameri- Survivors me sns against Asians. These advan- ages could be denied and the pros- ects for peace greatly advanced, then said, by replacing American forces in Kdrea with South lotean troops. FttRer 1t IS i GTOrge C01U 0 OUahc most'of his life. Be was previous ly a railroad employee aad streeicar motormaaitrten Dcnlon hid a a member cl the SurSivors are his wife; three i L. Argo "of SdgwvXjd, V.

i L. Argo of Denton, W. S. Argo of Victoria; two danghters, ilrs. Clifford Christian and Mrs.

H. A. Simmons of Beaton: one sister, Mrs. S. It Sauls of Deafen; a brother, Claude Argo pi Derjtoa: 11 and 2 great grandchildren.

consider not only our OVTJ bafliwici bnt others, across the fence." TAXES (Continued from Mat faippfens to t)W bn the should 'al least show the Ets enhower ad minis tra BODY (Contlnied from A reward of nearly $1,000 hid been' posted for word leading to Glen Morris and Ray Morris, both of Denton, Merman Morris of Mandera, Mrs. Koss Shepherd and Mrs. Deb Cruze, both nf Denton, and Mrs. J. II.

Edwards of Corpus Chfisti; eight grandchildren, two sreat-grandchildren and two' step-grandchildren. City, Tvhose on funeral arrangements. wait her whexeaboats. county officers about 5 jrra. sfter tioning.

The grave was qoes- three. fourths of a mfle off a highway a about a mile and a half south of air base. WWtaker first toot officers to a (CoDtjmied from 11 by Jack Brown and Bill Ashby, who have had their hume in the cotton fields of Arizona, returned to Eenton this week. They have raariiae eotton eir work, two of thi during stay in the fields picked 500,000 pounds of cotton. Bob Stotrie said, "The cotton averaged from a bale and a DWI Charge Filed Here Chaiges of drh'ing while intosi caled were filed against William in Countyijourt, Tues day afiernoon.

The charges resulted from an automobile accident Monday night one mile north of Dcnton Creek on Highway 377. rj The arresting "officers wer Highway Patrolman Pat Berkley and Constables Sam 'Gentry Busier Gibbs. tfibWe'iS free on a S750.00 bsjrtd -r, Umi ttOUril spot 100 yards from the grave 10 fte aCTe Io tte ba 6S too much ram, MeetS Funeral services for Martha Frieda were attendance, and tor 16 years perfect attendance. Others awarded tabs were: Jack Bohon, 11 years; Tom Harpool, seven years; Jack Evenson, four years; Brent C. Jackson George Spuller, and Sam B.

Mc'Alisler, three years; Wayne Adams, Forbes Dyer, Fred Dendy, f.ovelcss, Dan McAllster, and Jewell Smith, two years: Birge Gregory, J. P. Harrison, and Chester 0. Strickland, one year. Jack Hosier, in charge of NTSf iscal properties, was introduced 35 a new member.

Key Club members all students in Denlon liish School, were the flub. The program featured 1 a one-act humorous play, "Mln- I nie Field," given by the dra- i matics class of Demon High School under the direction of Mrs. Yen' son Hall. The cast included Thurman Adkins. Ewiug Cooley, Jack Curry, Lewis Flyr, and John he'd at 2:30 this afternoon WoJUtttl he Jafk Schmiti and Son Chapel, ith the Rev.

R. D. Irvin of Hngijifal isbury Methodist Church officht-1 fill ng. assisted by the Rev. DeVore, asior of the Weslev Methodist Special fo the ihurch.

Dalles I PROSPER Mrs. Leo Mitchell, has been undergoing J. P. Nixon in Dallal Tuesday Prosper. morning after a long illness.

The longtime Denton resident! Fort Worth born in Germany Oct. 1877. Here Today ian Zerctike who died in 1921 and was a member of the Blue Moand Methodist Church. Survivors include four Mrs. Nixon, Mrs.

A. Engle- lardt, Mrs. Newton B. Carver and C. R.

Watts, all of Dallas: two sons, Albert Zeretzke of Paso and Herman Zcreuke ot i Denton; one orfttKer, Rudolph Dear of Crowley and two grandchildren. A group of Kort Worth Lions Club members were due in Denton this afternoon to boost the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, which will be held in Fort Worth Jan. 30-Keb. 3. This group also will visit Lewb- ville on the one-day trip starting at Grapevine.

SDOW use r.uem;o«trr auuiuuaua- i a itxj UIUITII a tion the courtesy of hearing its ed. Then he led them back toward or we havp the highway to the grave. pkked con'sklerablv more cotton The oriy article on the body was, WA b3ek next as the girrs high school class ring. have alread m3de contra( ts for Jlothmg fontd included coat, gatheriflg a Se7eral Elaces Tne blouse, skirt, raderweaV ami shoes. mach i n( 5 are the ansv cr (0 Officers sari they were told tne gaiberi colton to coumry girl was strangled wiih a sash cord Erom a Venetian blind.

PERSONALS Mr. and U. J. Rimser, 6U Welch, announce the birth of thir granddaughter, Rebecca Susan, who was born Jan. 24 in Methodist Hospital of Fort Worth.

Parents of tie baby are Mr. and Mrs. O.irtis P. Ramsey of Fort Worth. Mrs.

C. P. AtVira, old Worth highway, is ii! at her home with influenza. AI tin ElirtOrt Directors of the Denton County Farm Bureau will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the office of County AgricuKural Agent Al Petty at the court house.

Plans will be made for a new membership drive and highlights Politics Banned For Formosa TAIPJEir, Formosa Chinese authorities today forbade students under IS years old I 1 lo join any polilical party. JtinLstry of Education officials said sueh students would do more for themselves and their country if they devoted all their time to their studies. I.nke Superior, one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world, is 3S3 miles long. Eim Street Haspitd Clinic Admitted: Albert Forrester, Argyle, medieal. Omton Hospital and Clinic Admitted: BiBy Tyrone Wiitog- hara, Maple Street, medlical: St.

Hawk, Route 2, Denton, medical; Mrs. A. B. Beck, 1110 N. Elm, medical; Mrs.

Troy peacock, Dallas, medical. Dismissed: Kenneth Ballard, 418 Senmitz; Mrs. t. W. Fry, Route 1 -Denton; Paul LocXbart, 1J13 xceman i i i visiting hii parents, Slr.and Mrs.

Broadway; Fnseo; 3 Vint 1 Tlnninn "While I am not a weather pro- French Boy With One Kidney Dies Flu Outbreak On Decline By tMS ASSOCIATED PRESS Toe iridespteid outbreak of mild flu. gripp4 'and other uia paitnw, stu. infectkto appeared to be waning j. z. Hard, Mill.

Perry King, Kcute 1, Denton. today most sections of fie froua- Wilson is on a 80-day leave from try. Brtmingirjn, Wash. He recently A nate-vride. spti surrey showed retomJ bom nine months doty that fla-like diseases were on the the USS Helena in Korean waters, decline in at least 16 states, with-He Headed Denton schools only three states reporting a siz-1 fore ectering (he service Dec.

25, able increase. Elsewhere, respiratory infections xttre monirig ntaj oormal for the i to be Tinier period. The survey indicated the cot- breaks have been more distressing than dangerous. ijn old Lackland AFB pre-flight cadet has made a statement in cormec- Uoa with the strangulation death in Lubbock of a 19-year-ohS giri. air police and Texas rangers said today.

Toe girl, Joyce White, was reported missing from her home in Lubbock Jan. 8. Her nude body was Jour.ii buried near Lobbock this morning. Tee airman, formerly stationed at Reese AFB in Lubbock, was part, and ram' for spring." I 3 I George Riek of the Krum com-1 mcmiiy was able to be in Denton' PAufS Sorrowing relatives 1 prepared today for the funeral of St. Pauls Hospil Last report resting well and expect home within a few days.

Bill Smith, North Elm Suect. this week. Ke suffered a light doesn't get uptown as much as he heart attacic on Christmas Day, did the summer monlhs. but since which time, he has been con- he was striding around the square fined most of the time to his home. Tuesday.

He said. "No. I just don't lie has lost considerable pound-; have time lo get to see you fel- age. but says he that. transplanted from his mother.

The lad last night after lying in a cpma sicco Slonday. Young Ke'nard was born only one kidney, ft was injured i a fall ihrc-e days before Chrisimas. Surgeon; removed the damaac Organ and grafted in ils place kidnev taken from his doesn't mind lows. There is a domino game en a my house bij part of the time I Mrs. Gillcrte Rcnard, 43.

I wiih friends who just drop in to see me. So my lime is prelty well I at Keese AH. in a I jt is not new firm, i see me. So my lime is pretty well i rested here yesterday morning and fa a chan ow! er3 up I just leave my uptown J' ClHCJl mnvarl in A i i i ifr a ciVirn 1W i i in and Clinic. Mr.

and Mrs. Virgil Miss I IS.bUn^l^i wat cofllin thc busi ucSS spending his vacation on a farm rnnbile fj until he caught UC53 LUiUT.1 l-it: i i i i.ii i i i i au-poUce Ranger Capt Ray- Km fir the same name. A a discovered one morning stuf-; The marshal was sifting miix vie me irwmi fciuniTj ts-r-ri a Austin were longi rr.c i to her home ia i a laf bcS, aT 9 in" OtinesviUe before 5 th bucket, and ir.g several weeis wiLh her grand-! dI nl d7 I rnl moved to Denton. Austin coming miracle!" mother. Mrs.

Jordan, 910 i Tuesday ilemona, Rarlger Zero lh and Lt Col I in 191J I wha( ar rt af Ardt-rson joined him dema arshal. have been working on the, as his scrihe a irn j.Uhaf Haynes. Mrl. HJrrtein of Mar' Ctacss hits three to five iavs. ton.

in her rcothei. few deaths havt resujttd Kr A ttvrtt KrAim-perilf Very states hardest hii bi afnre. 3J5 wiil inletaoa week Ar- i TM- the f)r. clrfcttf of Hospital. i Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin Doyle Smith, 1801 X. are tie parents oi i daughter, Deborah Lynn, wno was bora at a.m. today in flow Memorial Ho.prtjl. The young airman quoted for hjs ac(ivi( i as saying ht sr.d Miss quar-'.

over another girl before she a small, squealing pig into (jrilioiise when he srenke muttcririg, "It's a billowini; from a pile of ianrl mattresses in the rear of a you trying to do?" passing truck. He jumped inlo r.U the f.irmer. A a«! Ih? truck an! a miracle?" then put 0:11 the with a hcmd Anderson has announced no plans "I can't fiaare mil." said the He blamed the fire fellow. "This pis just drank I on a c.ireless BROADWAY'S COMED Extra FOOT6ALL HIGHLIGHTS OF 1952 in A imimu "Jiist for bafety. I'm two buc'-ieis of milk, and 1 puli -a week ajo- kanas.

Tcnrfsste acd --ill rcrcrted sliqhUy i r.ot»H«« strides mMly. Prs-u'eir. Mr' or.ho-.fcr G-v. B. Vm-tcad v-l'h i heart ir.rr.', crc tf: r-i in a of irdiie Ij'y ttt riajfr; the neTPit i -s A-rrr ci Dem J.

ef R'-crfe aglivg tK O.ic« Card by 7 Help Landmark wa; in the back seat of' rabbi(s on my pUt a car aboul Lubhcck j.t miles said Harvey of the Boii- var comir.unily. are not keeping him into the bucket, and he doesn't place." even half fiil TOO TO CLASSIFY so many rabbits on the place now. A I bul those tfcii trc there SOLD this to keep for my own fiil'jie use. i 1 GOSHF.N. valise bciri reccritly fouad itself L-j" el i MOTES Mrs.

D. I ltY3 Hubcaps And So Is Gin fa lo repair Ue in the Presbyter- i iat" Ci'Jrch tower. ht-lp saved ti-e Jay. I John w. of White EVERT op n' she cor-t fceciusc as a tx.y at the 1 he learned to tell viilage clock.

Anoth- Dr. offeroi to It. 13c2 I -i-JI sotr.e 1-jcfcr pfi- Der.4oE. ar, at 'ft. DRIVE-JN THEATRE Col Torn 0 I LAST NIGHT i tHtATU LAST I ay-t tl fjttH9' mmtimLfHKxt 'IV 1 urn ftvrt fcy 0 3 i i on match lh" lo a t-c- EABEE 5 sr.

ar.4 :r.d a F-12 1 pa iir.W 9 be if A t-- it io sr-ntiirtnt 2 f.ivc rr rot n- PFc.TP't^f^ I 3 2 0 ir. ml- I-J1 SIWONE SIGNORET Adult! .20 "Ar." trt.i* Rt 'ARK ROW! HURY WflCH Tom Jerry Comedy Ntwi.

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