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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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-OHN GRAY'S "CORKER" Wishes to return thanks for the best Holiday trade ho ever had in his twenty throe years of business experience in Logansport and proposes to inaugurate a special sweeping out sale on cloaks, shawls, blankets, comfortables, and all Winter goods on which a liberal discount will ba'mado. Sale to commence on after the publication of this notice. P. S. Come at once.

FINE PERFUMES FOR THE Ho 1 i a A Parvin's I2tft-st Drug Store. SEXATOR Farwell Las received a rebuke at the hands of the republican members of the Illinois legislature. "Uncle Dick" Oglesby received the caucus nomination for Senator to succeed Farwell. Judge Gresham received eleven votes his residence in Illinois being established. Senator Farwell has suffered the penalty which no Senator has yet escaped for an attack on an administration of the same political complextion.

SILENT KEYS. A- Seri ms Strike on the St. Kail way System. Operators and Station Agents Quit; Work All Along the Road Badly Crippled. SAVED AT THE GALLOWS.

tile Georgia Woanau Grunted Paid Witli Stall- F.nuli.. A good many women throughout the State, who read that the doorkeepers to the Legislature receive five dollars a day, express the opinion that they would be glad to have the position at a dollar a day. Tncy must remember that a large number of these men earned their salaries before the election; they are simply' drawing their pay at the present Jiad Here. A young lady who enlightened a curious populace in the part of 1x8. in Clemenceau Case" has sued a Buffalo paper for £50,000 damages because it reflected upon her character in its criticism of her performance.

Any one who has seen the play will rejoice that Iza has a suit of some kind at Mail. Daily Journal. In the Monday) PRATT. Price per Anuum, JPrlee per Month. SO 30 SATURDAY MORNING JAN.

17. THE killing of John Gibbs yesterday onorning adds annother to the already large, of Cass county saloon murders-. Incidentally the fact is developed that many saloons habitually use a piece 01 rubber hose about three feet long, plugged with wood for five or six inches, in quelling disturbances. and controlling the saloon bum when ie becomes intoxicated and troublesome. This weapon was supposed to stun but not to injure.

That a murder tas not resulted before seems to have Deen. merely an acciu nt. The remedy for this is patent. The Legislature is in session and with two saloon murder cases now pending in the Cass Circuit Court there is no lack of suggestion to that body. Another phrase of this case had an exact counter-part in New York city about a year ago.

A man dying from the results of injuries is treated as intoxicated and is carted to jail and left to die without medical attenuance. It is not to be expected that a police officer will distinguish between intoxication and insensibility from disease or injury, but it should be expected some investigation be made into the cause of his condition. In this case a bleeding bruise indicated ao injury. Ordinary humanity would have demanded the calling in of a physician. If life is not protected by laws then do away with law.

The case does not reflect credit on our civilization, our laws or the enforce- of them. No (liieMloiiN Askod. We want to educate this ignorant and worthless community and 'elevate its disreputable; We want subscribers. Don't say you are too poor. We will accept in exchange wood, pumpkins and poultry and no questions asked.

A word to the wise is Huntsville (Ala.) Hummer. Tariff Pictures. New York Press: Highly protected America though containing only 614 per cent ot the population of the. world, consumes 40 per cent of the world's Iron and steel products. I I y- I FKEE silver has passed the Senate and will receive the attention of the House.

The effect of the law is mis- understoo'd hy many who see only the Inflation of it. The Silver Kiags of the West are anxious to have the United States say 'bring me ninety cents of -jsilrer. -and I wilt make you K- dollar, out of it." If the Mil prOTided; for a dollar's -worth of silver at the present market in each dollar and limited the coinage to American Silver there be less danger of driving the gold out of the country and depreciating the "A'Silver bill be passed but it will not compel the United States to make a dollar out of every ninety cents worth from abroad. SENATOR Ingalls is of. the opinion that the demonetization Of silver, years ago, was a mistake.

As the republican party remonetized it, the mistake, if it was was corrected. In this respect' it differs from the mistakes of the SENATOR Hoar by shrewd tactics has succeeded in calling tbe Election "bill up in the Senatq and it is now likely to pass in some, The republicans of the Senate should it to a successful vote. THEKE seems to be some doubt it is Hon. Eufus Magee or the State Senate that is in session at FACTS BRIEFLY STATED. Charles King-, of Middletown, vras 110 years old on Thursday.

His health is good. Governor Hoies Thursday reappointed J. E. Sage director of the Iowa crop and weather service bureau. In Everhart mine, "Wilkesbarre, John Delemos and P.

Dewelly were killed by a falling rock. The in JIcGee's feed mill Bushnell, seriously injuring Frank' and Allie McGee. Ice has gorged in the Susquehannna river near Wilkesbarre, and the surrounding country is flooded. Colonel McCaull, the famous operatic manager, is a hopeless invalid at his home in Baltimore from paralysis. At New York H.

E. Cone, wholesale groceries, has assigned to T. E. Cone. Debts, abovJt actual assets, Sio-ox Falls has been selected by the South Dakota Agricultural Board for the point at which to hold the State fair in 1S91.

It is said that John C. Hall, a San Francisco lawyer and trustee of two estates, has confessed to the embezzlement of 8150,000. An appeal for aid has been sent out by the citizens of Lincoln claiming that 500 families are suffering for the necessities of life. Lieutenant James Mann died. Thursday at Fort Kiley, from the effects of a wound received in the recent Indian battle at Wounded Knee.

The French Court of Cassation has rejected the appeal of Michael Eyraud, the murderer of Gouffe, who is condemned to die by the guillotine. Freeman Arnold, dealer in general merchandise, farm products, coal and lumber at Hanover, has made an assignment. Liabilities, 520,000. Thursday Milledge L. Bonham, ex- Adjutant-General of South Carolina, confessed that he had embezzled belonging to the State and promised to make restitution.

Mrs. Elizabeth Borne was awarded damages against the village of Chatsworth, 111., for injuries sustained by falling through a defective sidewalk several years ago. J. W. O'Hare and T.

McCoole, living near Smith Center, while drunk drove over an embankment into a. snow-drift, where they remained twenty-four hours. O'Hara was so badly frozen that he Six Thousand Fires-Go Out in Big Dcinaud for Coal. COLUMBUS, 0., Jan. is without a single natural-gas fire and numerous cases of great inconvenience are reported on account of the sudden cut-off of the supply.

The flow was stopped at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning and 0,000 fires went out. The company says that in all probability the gas will never be turned on again, as the supply will not be sufficient for practical use. In speaking of value of the plant the company the superintendent said he did not regard it as worth one dollar at the present meter rate for gas. The compaany has planted in the streets of Columbus and the pipe lines to the gas-fields 81,100,000, but this.can not be made to yield a revenue to the operators at the present rates. They control lands in the gas-fields in the direction of Lancaster arid Newark in which wells have not been sunk, and this will not be developed 'until some change is made.

The failure of the supply of natural gas proved to be a bonanza for the coal-dealers of the city. The demand, was great and the coal-dealers were compelled to put oa extra teams and wagons, and then the demand could not be easiry supplied. CAUS10 OF TIIE STKIKK. CHICAGO, Jan. A great telegraphers' strike has been inaugurated on the Chicago, Milwaukee St.

Paul system. The best information obtainable is to the ell'ect that 300 operators and station ageuts went out at o'clock m. and that before midnight oOO more will leave work. While it is not now expected that a tie-up wiil result, such a consequence is more than possible. The road is already seriously crippled in Iowa, Minnesota; Dakota, Missouri and in parts of Illinois and Wisconsin.

Trains will run under great disadvantages. The railroad company is doing every thing possible to avert a tie-up or the possible stoppage of through trains. As is well known, there are in every small town several small boys learning to be telegraph operators. The railroad company has always permitted these so-called practice on its instruments in return for such small services as they might render. An order has been issued from the general manager's office' calling all the students into the offices of train- dispatchers to report for duty.

There are plenty of these such as they fill every made vacant by the men who have left work, and the company has made arrangements to do that very thing. The engineers have come squarely or the operators and notified the strikers that they would refuse to accept clearances from students who might be put in the places of the regular men. The engine- men declare that their action was necessary for public safety, as the majority of the students are incompetent to receive and transmit train orders. At the St. Paul headquarters it is claimed that but seventy-two men have quit work.

The cause of the trouble is a reduction of wages which occurred over a month ago. Dec. 3, the men claim, they were notified that their salaries had been i-educed, Dec. 1. The average man was getting they say, from to $45 a month.

The cut affected each man's salary to the tune of about S3 a month, and it is'for the reinstatement of the old schedule that the present walk-out has been ordered. It is claimed that some of the men were drawing but 5513 a month, although such employes were filling unimportant positions. THE VETO POWER. Only Ono of DABFEN, Jan. prospect of a double hanging here Thursday drew a large crowd of people, but pity for' -flic woman in the case gained for- her a new trial at the last moment and only one was handed.

This was Charles Reeves, colored, lie cjiuavreled with a man named Gromwold, who struck him with a stick a.nd cursed liim. When Eeeves told Ella Jackson, with whom he was' living, she berated him for allowing a white man to aliuse him and ordered never to come back to her until he had killed Gromwold. A. few minutes later Reeves shot Gromwold dead. The woman on her first trial was found guilty with a recommendation to mercy, which averted the gallows.

She secured a new trial and was again convicted, this time with the death sentence. Keeves died without a struggle, PARNELL WILL RETIRE. Highest of all Leavening S. Cov't Report, Aug. 17, President Harrison's Views Regarding Its I Manifest Will of Conjrrcss Deliberately Indicated Should Prevail.

NEW YOHK, Jan. Washington special quotes the President as saying to the delegation urging him to veto the silver bill: "I'ofton sign bills- passed by Congress for whieli 1 would not have voted If in Congress myself. I hold that it is not sufficient for the President to be opposed to a measure to venture to interpose his veto. I believe the veto power is only properly exercised-when some 136611 passed by Congress without sufficient deliberation or care, or where some manifest error has' been committed. I know a different view his prevailed at times and vetoes have multiplied within rjcent years, but I do not see how the President has any right to set np his juflgment against the manifest will ol when that vrill has been expressed in a thoroughly deliberative manner, after a careful consideration of the subject, and where no manifest error or encroachment upon constitutional rights has been mude." This view, expressed off-hand, is of great interest, as it shows that the President has conservative views upon the subject of the veto power.

It is an interesting question whether or not, after such an opinion as that, one would be justified in arguing that the President would veto the free-coinage bill. Pennsylvania's Coal Industry. Jan. census bureau has issued a bulletin on the anthracite coal industry of Pennsylvania which shows the production in ISSf) of 40,000,000 tons, valued at the mines at 566,000,000, and an average annual shipment during the last five years of 34,390,863 tons, against an average for the preceding five years. Sixty-three per cent, goes to the Middle States, 15 per cent, to New England, and 14 per cent, to the Wester States.

Minister Lincoln at Tost. LONDON, Jan. Lincoln, the American at the railway station in this city from Southampton at 10 o'clock a. The staff of the American Legation were awaiting his arrival, uud when he descended from the railway carriage he was given a warm welcome. A number of newspaper reporters sought to interview Mr.

Lincoln, in regard to the Behring sea question, but he again refused to say any thing bearing 1 upon the topic. Awaiiing; the Final NEwYoKK, Jan. Slocum, who killed his wife in Roosevelt street December 31, 1SS9; Harris A. Srniler, who shot Mag-gie Drainey, and Frank Fish, who murdered John Cullinane in village of Canandaigua January 10, 1890, will be electrocuted this year, probably in February. A VOU.IK Hoy Hanged.

Jan. Johnson', a negro boy, aged 15, was hanged at Opelika, at noon for the murder of Jenkins Moore. Johnson on. the scaffold, said he felt "like he had religion." His lust request was made to the sheriff, whom he asked to bury his body An leiitti Paper Authority for an Intj Statement. DUBLIN.

Jan. Insuppressible states that the retirement of Mr. Parnell is not merely determined upon but consented to, and his voluntary abdication is being rapidly arranged, lie will be in Tralee Sunday, and will doxibtless refer to this matter there. PARIS, Jan. is rumored here that Mr.

Parnell is about to retire from the contest and to surrender his leadership of the Irish party. As at present arranged the final meeting will take place in a few days when Mr. Justin McCarthy will probably be accepted as the leader 'of the Irish party. Mr. O'Brien, who had been thought to have succumbed to Mr.

Parnell's persuasive arguments, will now, it is said, support Mr. McCarthy's election, which only needs Mr. Dillon's approval. EAR fHQUAKES IN MEXICO. Six Persons Killed and Jfine at in Algiers.

CITY OF MEXICO, via Galveston, Jan. earthquakes occurred Thursday at Parral, in the State of Chihuahua. The gallery at the Convent of ths Sacred Heart gave way, killing six persons and wounding nine. ALGIEES, Jan. from various points show that the earthquake was felt throughout an extended region, The shocks were severe at Couraza, near Cherchell.

Part of the buildings of the village were demolished and many persons were buried in the ruins. ROBBED A MAIL POUCH. Tlileves ilt Nichols Junction, Secure Over 3,000 T.cttcri) and Ri'jfistercd Packages. SraistiFIELD, Jan. fact that a heavily filled mail pouch from Kansas City was stolen from the depot platform at Jvi'chols Junction on January 4 has just leaked out.

The pouch contained over 3,000 letters and forty six. registered, packages. The. empty pouch was found on the river bank near the station. It is supposed the robbers secured a considerable a.mount of money from the registered packages.

There is no clue. The Popo on the Social Question. EOME, Jan. encyclical of the Pope on the social question, which will be issued at Easter, will be divided into three parts, the first of which will deal with the general principles of social economy, the second with the means of getting rid of the primary causes of the co-existence of excessive poverty with, inordinate wealth, and the third will be the present condition of the social question. The Pope will urge the necessity of the holy see directing the social and democratic will appeal to all the conservative forces, and even to the Protestant ones, to aid in the further ance of this proceeding.

Panic nt a t.ondon Fire. LONDON, Jan. terrible ex- plosisn of illuminating gas iu the Liverpool road caused a house crowded with lodgers to catch fire. A panic among the residents followed, during the course of which a man and a boy jumped from the upper windows thirty feet from the ground, into the street below. They were taken to a neighboring hospital in a dying condition.

One child is known to have been burned to death during the conflagration which followed the explosion, and other children are reported to the police as missing. ABSOLUTELY PURE JitfsreKl.lnff Paragraphs. The hub factory of Lev! Prosser at Scottsburg, burned early Thursday tcorniDS- Loss, no insurance. ijeorue Hraston, a boot and shoe dealer of Bloomington, has the bene- llt of bis creditors. Indebtedness, 50,000.

Mrs. E. L. Mullty, of Leavenworth, went to Indianapolis to have a surgical operation porTorrncd, but thf: patient was completely overwhelmed by the application of chloroform and died before the operation was Tiie Craul suit at THoomington, railway for SaO.OOD lias been coinpromJS'Ml. ivns a the morning of ihe collision ai SmiiLmilr- anri was Tin- THE MARKETS.

1'rovisionn, Etc. CHICAGO, Jan. 16. Quiet and lower. Spring- Wheat Patents.

Bakers', Win ter Wheat Flour, for Patents, 1.50 for Clears. Ruled weak and lower. No. 2 cash, May, Active and lower. No, 3 quoted bid; January, 47Hc; February, 4SJio; May, 51J4 July.

Weaker and lower. No. 2 cash. May, June, Samples, moderate supply, good demand, easier. No.

3. No. 3'WMte, No. 2, -No. 2 White, Firm.

Oiferinps small. No. 2, cash, 71c; February, 72c, and May, 75c. Samples: for No. 2, and for No.

3. Fair sale and steady. Poor, common to fair, good, and choice. MESS Moderately active and prices ruled. lower.

Quotations ranged at for cash; SlO.K@10.S5 for January, and SI0.85@ll.oOforMay. LARD-Eather active and prices ruled lower. Prices rauijed at K.SOffo&.SSy, for caSii; s.SSy, for January; for February, and S6.2j<S!(J.30 for May. Creamery, 1SS27C; Dairy, Packing stoclc, flffliSe. Live Chickens, per Ib; Live Turkeys.

per Ib; Live Ducks, per Live per doz. Wisconsin Prime White, 8c; Water White, Michigan Prime White, Water White, lOjfc; Indiana Prime White, 9tjc; Water White, Headlight, 175 test, 9Jfc; Gasoline, 87 deg's, He; 74 deg's, Naphtha, ffii.deg's, Sc. Distilled Spirits ruled firm at 81.14 per gal. for finished goods. NEW YORK, Jan.

36. Advanced lie, but soon sold oft 7ic on an uneasy feeling over the silver legislation; now-weak; moderately active. Psbruary, S1.04&; March, May, July, August, December, tons Fire In "OshkosJi. OSJ-IKOSII. Jan.

four- story paint-shop and warehouse of the furniture and coffin factory of the" Buckstatl'-Edwards Company was totally destroyed by fire at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. An employe, in lighting 1 up, threw match into a can of benzine. The factory- building- xvas saved with difficulty. Loss estimated at 585,000 to insurance, It is one of the most extensive institutions in the city. St.

Population. ST. PJ-JTEHSBUJJG. Jan. official census of St.

Petersburg-, just completed gives the population of. the city as 030.300. an increase of 95,000 during the past decade. Bellamy to Start a Paper. BOSTOX, Jan.

10. Mr. Edward Bellamy, commencing February 14, will publish in Boston a Nationalist weekly paper to be entitled the New Nation. nicd of Vt'oumlH. DESVKK.

Jan. Inspector Han-ley, who was shot.Thurs- day morning 1 by McCoy during, a discussii OV.T thi legislative- trouble, died at noon. Depressed lower; dull. 1 4c; steamer-mixed, Dull; lower and weak. Western, For a Disordered Liver Try BEEGHAM'S PILLS.

25cts. a Box. URUGH3-ISTS. OK xX Sutld'on Ciill. NEW YOHK.

Jan. K. Davies, of the dissolved firm of E. K. Davies of SOfi Broadway, while reading- an evening paper in his apartments at the Florence Thursday nig-ht was'suddenly stricken -with apoplexy and died almost instantly.

The firm of Davies Co. failed about a year ago for nearly Silk Milkers Fall. LOXDOX, Jan. silk trade of Italy is in a critical condition, and the demand has fallen ofl: to such ex tent that numerous failures are occurring. Three large silk factories in Milan and vicinity have been forced to make assignments with liabilities S.000,000 lire.

To Die on the Gallon's, CHICAGO, Jan. 8:30 o'clock Thursday night the jury which has listened to tlie evidence against Joseph Montajs, who shot and killed his wife June 9, 1800, announced that they had agreed on a verdict and had fixed Montag's punishment at death. State Fair. DES MOI.VES, Jan. the meeting of the directors-of the Iowa Agricultural Society Thursday the date of the next annual State fair was fixed at August Lier dull; firm.

Plate, $7.00 family, Pork quiet; steady. New mess, old 11.00; extra prime, f9.50@10.00. Lard quiet and weak. Steam-rendered, S6.17J4. CLEVELAND, Jan.

16. Standard white, 110 test, 74 gasoline, 9c; SO gasoline, 12o; 63 naphtha, 7c. Live Stock. CHICAGO, moderately active. Quota- tjonsranged at lor choice to fancy shipping Steers; lor good to choice 53.15^.^.85 for common to fair $3.75 O3.60 for butchers' Steers; 53.3S@2.5!I for Stoclters; KMOS2.70f.or Texans; for Feeders; Sl.a^.TS for Cows; for Bulls, and S3.00Cc- for Veal Calves.

moderately active. Sales ranged at for Pigs; for. light; fur rough jSauking: fur Mixed. umJ fi.C:>©3.S2 for heavy, packing und Goadensed R. Pltlshurg, Cincinnati, Chicago St.

Louis By (CESTHAI, TIKE.) Briulforil Division. A BAD SKIN DISEASE On Limb 5 Years. Bedridden 3 Years, Doctors and Medicines Useless. Feared Amputation. Cured by Cu'ticura at Cost of $3.50 Now Does Her Own Work.

A Wonderful Cure. I must write aud tell you of the success I have bad In the Cutlcura Remedies. I had been troubled for nearly five years with sklri disease In tharlgutllmb, and all the In this city could do riothlne for It. I'tried everyting mtll at last I thought I should have the limb, amuutated. at the knee.

It was'swelled to twice the size, and. I could barely around on crutches. I was In thft house, part of the. time bedridden, for three years, and could not get out. I happened to look In the newspaper and saw the Cutlcura advertisement, and as a last resort tiled that.

I used two bottles ol the Hesolvent and three boxes of the Cutlcura. I am now able to do all my work, both in house and out olcioors. and my limb Is us natural as could possibly be under any circumstances. It Is a most wonderful cure. I had given up hopes-of ever being we 11 iigaln.

If tnls will benefit you, you are welcome to us- It to tlie best advantage. Any one crediting this cari tlnd me by addressing raa at the above-named city. Mrs. HARRIET STICKLER, Iowa City, la. ATLANTA, Jan.

19th of January, General Lee's birthday, is now a leg'al holiday in Georgia, so declared by an act of the Legislature. Its celebration Monday will be quite general. Cutieura Remedies Are the greatest skin cures, blood partners, and humor remedies ot modern times. Cutlcura Ke- solvent, the new Blood and. SRln Purlfler.

Inter- niilly (to cleanse the blood of all Impurities and poisonous elements), and Cutlcura the great Skin Cure, and Cutlcura Soap, an Skill Beautlller, externally i to clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair). Instantly relieve and speedily cure every bpecles of Itching, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary diseases and humors 'if tue skin, scaip and blood, wlcn loss oi' hair Irom infancy to age; from pimples to scrofula. 2:35 a Express 1:001 mt SOOarnt-' 9:45 a mf.Marlon Accommodation. 4:30 JGiecimond Division. 3:00 Express 21:10 a mt Accommodation.

1:80 llsJOprnf Indianapolis Division. 2 20 a Express 1 30 Day 1255pm Chicago Division. Express 1 1:25 1:47 Fast Line 1:47 ll.SOa mt Accommodation. prat 6:15 a mt State Line Division. and Express 11:15 a m-r Local Freight 1130 a mi- Trains marked run dally.

Trains marked run dally except SundRj. Vaoitalia Line. SOCTH BOTND. Freight 5:00 a ns. Tatre Haute Express i.

7:26 a Mall Train HOHTB BOOND. Local Freight Mall Train a SonthBendExprees.j .,8:45 Through Freight Close connections for Indianapolis via Oolfas now made by all our passenger" C. Edgworth, agent. Wabaxh Railroad. EAST BOOffl).

New York Expres, dally a in Ft Sunday' 8:18 a Kan Cltj' Toledo Ex. Sundar-11 as a Atlantic Express, dally exceptSunday. 9i6 WEST BODKD. Pacific Express, 1-S2 am Accommodation except p' mC Kan City Ex. excapt Sunday.

3:45 except Sunday St. Louis dally 10:32 pm Eel Blvor West Side- and EAST BOCKB. Accommodation, ex. Suridaii Accommodation, ex. 4:10 p.m- WEST BOUSD.

Accommodation, ex. Sunday, Arrive. 8:10 Accommodation, ex. Sunday. 4:10 WAfrTEB.

Sold everywhere. Price, Cutlcnra, Soap, Kesolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. for "How to Cure Skfn 64 pages, 50 lliustrat'ons. aud 100 twotlmonlals.

DT MPLES, black-hauls, red, rough, chapped, I 1 111 and oily skin cured by Cutlcura Soap. ACHING SIDES AND BACK, tap, kidney, and uterine pains and weataiesses, relieved In one minute by the Cutlcura Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only Instantaneous paln-Mlllng, strengthening plaster. Carpenters Works. Whiting, Ind. at Standard Oil salaries; growing.

Western J)I firms. Star-your to ERS ASSOCIATION, CHICAGO. decl7dlm ANTED a few persons. In each place to do writing at nome. -Enclose for ,400 page

Woocibnry, Station New York City. octaiaiy oDDOrtimity. Goo. A. profits.

A rare H. Y. active, Tellable man-salary $70 to S80 monthly, wltli increase, to represent in ills own section a responsible New York House. References. Manufacturer, Lock Box 1585; New York.

tn A 3JOXTM can be made IU OZiJU working for us. Persons preferred wlio can ranilsH; a horse and Rive their whole time to the business. Spare moments may. be profitably cm ployed-also. A few vacancies 1 towns and cities.

B. F. JOHNSON 4 aOOfr Main St. RrUhmond, Va marldly.

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