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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Gladness Comes ith a better understanding- of the transient nature of the many physical ills, which vanish before proper ef- rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so mati3' forms cf Blckness arc not clue to any actual disease, but simply to a constipated ccrad tionof thu system, which the family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to tho fact, that itis the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without the organs on which if. acts.

It is therefore mil important, in order to fret its beneficial effects, to note, when you purchase, that you have tho article, which is manufactured by Uio California Fig Syrup Co. only and Sold by mil reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, mud the system "is or other rom'edios are then not needed. If mfflictcd with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, nnd with the -well-informed everywhere. Syrup of JPigs stands highest and is most largely nsed and gives most general satisfaction.

A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Southern Pacific Co. "SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN. Over the Sunset Orleans to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April ICth. The accommodations given the great Lumber of patrons of the above train during the past tourist season, this announcement of plans for next season of finer service with equipment superior to anything yet known In transcontinental traffic.

Look for early re-inaugnration of LIMITED" this fall. For'Home Seekers. jJFtie Southern FiiciQc Qo, "Sunset fioute" In connectlonjwlth the "Queen mod Crescent Route" are running the only line of through tourist Pullman Sleepers leaving Cincinnati every Thursday evening for Los Angeles and Ban Frnaclsco. These excursions are specially con' ducted, and the object is to enable those who do not care to buy the first-class round trip or one way tickets, to enjoy comfortable ride with sleeping ear privileges and no change of cars at lha very low second-class rate. For further information, address W.

B. CONNOR, Commercial Agt. S. P. Cincinnati, O.


Agt. S. P. Chicago, 10. S.

F. MORSE. G. P. T.


TWICE DAILY STEAMERS TO CHICAGO. CONNECTING WITH THE VANDALIA RAILWAY AT ST. JOSEPH. Beginning May 23th and continuing until about Sept. 30th tho steamers of this line will make two trips each way between St.

Joseph and Chicago, en the following schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p. m. and p. dally, Including Sunday.

Leave Chicago at 0:30 a. m. and 11:30 p. daily, Including Sunday. Extra trips on Saturday leave St.

Joseph at n. and lonve Chicago at 2 p. m. Running time across lake 4 hours. Trl-weekly steamers to Milwaukee, leaving St Joseph Monday, Wednesday Friday evenings.

The equipment of this line Includes the side wheel steamers City of Chicago ind City of Milwaukee (the largest and west of Detroit), and the newly rebuilt City of Louisville. Service first-class. Connections with all Tandalla trains. Tickets on sale at all Vandalla Line stations. Chicago dock loot of Wabash avenue.

H. GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, Mich, "Wake up, Jacob, day Is breaking!" so saNI DoWiitt's Little Early Riser to the. rnnn who had taken them to arouse liis sluggish M. Johnston. Supcrlntcndont Annapolis Naval Academy IB Mftklns; Illnmoif Obnoxlons.

A New York special' fron' says: The navnl cndets u.t Amiupolis are greatly stirred up ofci orders issued by the superintendent. He has (Jc'siijiiatod certain in the vicinity of his quarters na "private," and upon these no one is supposed to intrude. An n.ltncheol the academy says that n. nurse jjirl may not trundle a baby carriage over th private pnt.hs without dnuger of being ordered off nnd being uiaile the subject of uji ofCcial communication to her employer. Curta in other walks nbou the may be used by ciulets only during certain hours.

The bicycle has also attracted the attention of the head of the and he has prohibitiid its uso In thR BTOimds. If nn ollicer owns a wheel hu must not mount he Is beyonil the uciidemy gates, and he must flisiiiount oulyide lii.s Jfn tbn.u that, tie superintende.nt. bad directed bicycles must be to jienrest p-ntc by t-he niiost. direct rente. There another order, t.hc JIIM-- is not.

in ii.nd that, is Ihe prohibition of any cadet in tree Is of Annapolis, i-vL'ii with his parents and toe cadets Mystvui, orders arc by no 1 ollic-ers sfaticucd a.t The netion of fhoKuper- fills wcndcrnu-nl everyone in Vv'ashliijftou coves anything 1 iibnut nlTuh-s ECTccliva Call. A traveling 1 in-an put up for the niE'lit at the leading- hotel in small town, before retiring left explicit instructions to he called in time for fin train. lie very the matter, tlircatCiict'l the clerl; with all rmr.islinieut if that duly Eai-Iyin the tr.orniii;r tho disturbed by lively (atioo ui.ion the door. "Well?" ho rnandi'cl, "I've got. an important messsijrc for you," replied the bellboy.

Tho guest up in an instant, npeacd door and received from the boy a large envelope. He tore open the envelope hastily, and inside found clip of pnpcr'on which was written large letters: "Why don't, yon pet He got up. Children Cry for Castorla. ROUND, ROSY FACES Laughing eyes, full of vigor and elasticity, arc blessings attainable by tho cadaverous, -the haggard and the dyspeptic wh'o try that wisest of experiment whose happy utcomc is certified to by course of Hostotter's Stomach Bitters promptly began and steadily pm'sucd. Tliorc is no tonic comparable to It in eacy, none more agreeable nnd speedily beneficial.

Tho nervous and ly-poptic, suffering from malaria, rheumatism, constipation, biliousness and kidney troubles arc rapidly aided by Bitters, and. it is one ot the best means of counteracting the effects of excessive bodily'or mental fatigue and exposure in wet or Inclement weather. I'ersous of sedentary habits find it a most usoful vl-vlfler and recuperator of exhausted energy. Use It hi order to sleep well, oat heartily and digest thoroughly. Physicians everywhere speak iu high terms of it.

E. Gore, writing of Hie solar system, says tihat "enormously largo as the soJar system alisohutely Is, compared with tho sixo O'f our own cnrlli, it is, compared with the siy.e of t.hc visible universe, as a. drop In the ocean." If it required an annual outlay of to insure a family against any serious consequences from an attack of bowel complaint during tho year there are many who would feel it 1 duty to pay it; that they could not afford to risk their lives, and those of their family for such an amount. Any oac can gut this Insurance for 20 cents, that being the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every neighborhood some cue lias died from an attack of bowel complaint before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned.

One or two doses of this remo- dy will care -any ordinary case. It never fails. Can you afford to take the risk for so small an amount? For sale by B. Keesling, druggist. In a lot o-f old paper stock recolvod lately at a mill in- Andorra-, was a Bible the Inscription.

which reads: "This Bible was used ill the pulpit by Rev. Steven West, pastor in Stockbridge froitn 1750 to ISIS." When we consider that the intestines are. about live times as loug as the body, we can realize the i'lttcnso suffering cx- pericmced when they become Inflamed. DeWilt's Colic and Cholera, Cure subdues inflammation at once and completely removes tho M. It has been decided la Minnesota that not have a lien for their services on the domestic nnimals of thoir employers.

Persons wiio have a coughing spell every night, on account of a tickling semsaiUon in the throat, may overcome it at once by dose of Oue Minute Cotrgh M. Johnston: SIMPLE AT FIRST; It: Is Foolish to Neglect Any Form'of Them at Ihe Beginning. Piles are simple In the beginning and easily cured. They can be cured oven in the worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, rjnitkJy, surely and coiuplet There is only one remedy tlint will do If I'lie Owe-. .11: allays the inflammation immediately, lieals the Irritated surface and witli eoritiiiued treatment reduces the swell- pnts the membranes into goon, sound, healthy condition.

The cure Is thorough 'and penminont. Here are same voluntary and nnsolie- I toil testimonials we have lately re celvod. Mrs. M. C.

Hlnkly, liOl Mississippi SI'. says: Have been a from and annoyance of piles for fifteen years, tho Pyramid Pile Cure and Pyramid Pills gave me i'mmoiliate relief and in a short: lime a cure. Major Dean of Columbus, Ohio, say wUh 'to add to the number of corfiii- as lo i-lio boncilis derived from tho Pynnnid Pile Cure. I sulTorcd I'rojn pilos for i'wry years and i'nmi itching piles Cor twenty and HVO boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure have- cffeel'iially oiii'od mo, Most sell Pyramid Pile Cure or will ge.l, for you if you ask them to. If.

is ono per pncKncje and is put up only by tho Pyramid Drug Albion, MK-h, EXCHRSION TO AVASHINGTON, n. c. July -J-l-h-7't-li. On Jaily -Ifh to Ttii Vandalia Line wWl sell excursion ticlc- ws to Washington, D. one fare for vho rCHind trip, account Y.

P-. S. C. F- convention. Tic-kefs good to return na- lil July loth, iuclusive, wk-h privilege of exteiislO'U until JnJy 31st.

For full call on nearest Vandalla Line Ticket agent, or address E. A. Ford, Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. A VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION Kditcr llorrlson of AYortliington, "Sim" writes "You have a valti- i.ble proscription in Bitters, aid I can cheerfully recommend it for constipittiou and sfck iieadachc, and an system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.

Annie Stehlc 2025 Cottage Grove Chicago, was all run down, could iot eat uor dl-gest food, had a backache vhich 'never left her and felt tired and veary, but six bottles o.f Electric Biters restored her health, and renewed icr strength. Price 00 cents and let a bottle at B. F. Kcesling's drug tore, i- VIENNA AWHEEL. Cjcilnif Party or Sixteen Make 60O la Flvo JOiiyn.

The first Btogc of. noteworthy cycling- experiment was brought to a close n.t Berlin the other day by the arrival of 1C members, including' five of the Vicuna Endiwnji VerbanU, who came to visit the Berlin industrial exposition during Wlsiteuiitide. ing 1 Vienna on Tuesday morning; they rode via Prague and Dresden, covering distance of close to SCO miles, without accident or dropping out of a single member. They'suilercd serious incou- vcnieaiccs and owijiR 1 to rain, with consequent heavy roads, but they kept tog-ether the whole time amd the party reached Templehof h'cld early on t.hc inoi'uijig- of the fifth day intact. This is regarded as a striking 1 illustration of the utility of bicycles as compared with horses for coiering Last yecr body of pic'kc-d hoi-si'niivi, officei-s in the Anstrimi njul Gorman armies, the uauiu journey with horses, the ellort resulting 1 hi the brcakinjf down of several ci' ridoi-s and tlie death of tx)aie uT MIC Ijnrses, while other horses wore so exhausted they were useless.

Tba Vieiinii cycling party, one nil, arrived in good condition. They visit- od tin: exhibition Ilia day proposed (.0 start ou journey in course of a week. They with cordial frc.nfjncni. nlong road, and arc- greatly pleased uiih thu siicccss oC their novel Kion, wliicii is certajn to be estunsivcly HONORING AN EXPLORER SIcrr.nrapMl; Erected In Alia to tho of ausslan Traveler. else in the world be found o- iDorn striking nionu.mciil, than that which has boon erected on thv? shores of Lak-e Is.syk-Kul, in Central in honor of the Kus.sian Gen.

I'rjevabiky. a famous exiplorcr of tiiat region. When lie dk'd in ISSS in Turk- esum, where he was bray completing tho preparations for liis tlftJi scien- expcdit.ioji, he nskml to Ix; Juried on the bnjiks of jKsyk-Kul, -which spreads out its impassioned waters in ODP of the of the mountains of Thiorn-Ohour, not far from he was. carried otit. nnd tomb hollowed out -n the summit of a -jutting cliiT on the ai tho lake.

In 3b33, near hid tomb, That Tired Feeling Makes you eeow "an broken up," with-, out life, ambition, energy or It is often the forerunner of serious ill- noss, 01 the accompaniment oi nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, redi vitalized and vigorous, it imparts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood'a Sarsaparillft for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question, fiemember Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the fiict tlie One Tme Blood Purifier. curcliverills.casytotake, PJllS easy to operate. 25couts.

to i atl: in a George Bennett, of Eden, me with horrible deni.h otiior eveni He assisting in the operation splitting; large stumps with a jack screw and hud one ni-arly split, who ho stopped into the opening. Sxiddenl the jac'ksercw sprung out, the slum closed like u. shot, catching: fic-nnelt, an he was slowly squeezed to dcarh. PO'JRTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS VIA THE VAiNDALIA LINK. nickels will be sold on July 3d and -liili gocd to return Jtrly 1800, inclusive between all shnions within two hundred miles of initial point, fit one faro for the round trip.

Tickets will also be sold to slattous on connecting Hues on sniine baste as :i.liove. For fulJ particulars, call ou nearest Vauda-lia Hue Ticket: agent or address B. A. Ford, General Fassengw' Agent, St. Louis.

Mo. Sir. James Perdue, an old soldier re sill tag at Monroe, was afflicted with rieuroatism but receivei prompt relief from pain by using Cham bci-laln's PaJn Balcn. He says: "At times ray back would ache so badly that I could hardly raise up. If I had not gatten relief I -would not bo hero to write these, few lines.

Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done mo a great deal of goal and I.feel very thankful for 1 For sale by B. F. Keuslmg. EXCURSIONS TO DAYTON, 0., VIA PENNSYLVANIA LINES. Tuesday, 23d, and Wednesday, June 2-Wh for Knights St.

John Encampment. Excursion tickets to Dayton will be sold at low round trip rates via Pennsylvania Lines, valid for return Monday, Jime 20th, inclusive. Apply-to A. McCuUongh, ticket agent, for details. Mothers will find Chamberlain' Conffti Kemedy especially valuable fo croup aoid whooping cough.

It wil give prompt relief and is safe and pleas ant. Wo have sold It for several year and it lias never fa-lied to giro the mos perfect- satisfaction. G. W. 'Richards Dnquesme, Fa, Sold by B.

F. Keesling druggist. Pass tlie good word along tlie lice. Piles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying DoWiU's Witcli Hazel M. Johnston.

Tlio first spelling boot prin.ied in this country was en'tiit'Jed American Spotting Book" by Noah Webster. It was issued In 17S3., size, but great in. DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, ctivjng indigestion," dyspepsia 1 a.nd constipation. Small pill, safe pW, best pill.

Pitcher's Children Cry for Adders Arc Ucaf. 'As deaf as an adder" is an illusion to the fact that the hearing- of man kinds of serpents is far from acute ow ing- to the circumstance that their cudi 01-3' apparatus is covered by the onto ildTJ or epidermis, which is shed every XEW DISCOVERY BV Till SHAKERS. For more than a hundred years tin Mount Lebanon Shakers h'avc -siudioi cultivation of'medicinal plants am ght lo extract i'rom them their heal UK essences. Their labor has not boon pent in vai-n. They have made a discovery that will prove a blessing to nankind.

It'Consists of a cordial that immediate relief in cases if indi- (Cfltiou. Tlie importance of this dis- ovory will! bo apparent when we roal- that nearly nine-teal hs'of our suffer- ng caused by dyspepsia or inOig.cs- lion. Nearly every person you moot has tills digestive trouble iu some of varied headache, distress after eating, pain and fullness in tho chest after eating, palpitation of tho heart, are hut symptoms of In gcst.ioij. To relievo those sufferings has boon the study of the Shakers, and they have succeeded. The reason the Shaker Digestive Cordial has such au immediate and salutary effect is that it: is causes tlie food eaten, to bo digested, for it is undigested food that causes the distress.

The Cordial cwisos the food lo be digested before there is time for it lo ferment and sour on the stomach. Ihe food is so digested it gives strength and vigor to tho feeble body, makes one bright and cheerful, and makes ono gain in flesh. The Digestive Cordial is so prompt in its action that the very first doso will have a perceptibly favorable result. It gives immediate relief. Every druggist has boon sent a supply of o-nr handsome Donkey Puzzle Hooks, and a copy may be had for tho asking.

It I ells all about the Cordial as well as Laxol, the new, castor oil. Try a tw.enty-five cent bottle of Digestive Cordial and soc what it will do for you. High explosive shells liave proved so successful wliHi quick firing breechloaders iu the French experiments, that Hie British, admiralty has already supplied the Channel Ucet wi.tb them, and will soon provide shells for the whole navy. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVK The best salve In the world Toi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever gores, tetters, chapped bonds, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 23 cents per box. For sale by B- F. Keesling. AVe arc auxiious to do a good in this world and can think of no pletisant- better way lo do It than by memling Ono Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected 31. When Baby was stafe, we ga ve her Custoriu.

When she was Child, she cried "or CastoriA. STien ohe became Miss, sho cJiaif to Castoria. TO KKI'LOKKT! I TUB vij.ijs OF c'KxriiAi, monument, was rn-isi'd to hioi of a con ception 1 and grandiose. It con- in the main of an enormous rough- hown block of the pray frrnnite 6f tlui coimtj-y, perhaps 2j feet, high, over Vhro-wn nehcirtof Centi-al Asia. Urn siap staiuls an oaglc.

holding in its beak an olive, brunch. On the side. t'he block is fr.c simile of the medal struck by tlie Russian Geographical society in honor of 1'rjovulsky, nnd be- nea-tih this an inscription describing him as i.bc "first discoverer of the nature of Central Asia." A few months ago three Frcuchmeu on scientific mission in the Thiom-C'fiour region paid visit, the. luoniimcnt and fastened r.pun the roek a pJuro commernorutini? 1heir Us six-3 and isolation would make the mociinicnt notable, but there is one other reason for hupressiveness. For ail iu; Bolidity, this Rtruc- ture of granite nnd bronze will soon disq-ipear.

Tho rocky shore upon which it stands is subject to frequent lanJ- slidcs. The disfancf, which Feparatcs the moriumciil (Jic brink is tcssen- ir.j, litUo, and already one can foresee the time when rook and cagie be swallowed up boueat-h the, v. i.ich brcik upon, the shores of Issyk- Aiil. A years and it will be as it (his monument to Gen. Prjevolsky in the wilds of Central Asia had never Evangelist D.

T. Bh, Feoria. Iflinois. Saybroolc, 111.. Feb.

19, Pepsin Syrup Dear Sirs: TFhile at Cerro Gordo, 111., In my revival work, I purchased bottle of your Syrup Pepsin. I regard it as most excellent I cannot get rt here in Snybrook. Is it on sale ID Peoria, 111. If so, at what store? It not on sale there, if you will send me a dollar bottle there this week I wli'l promptly remit. I will be home this, week.

Address Rev. D. T. Black, 1005 State St, Peoria, 111. Yours truly D.

T. BLACK. For sale by B. F. Keesling.

to bet on tlie result of rnoes; in which they ure riding In England. THE IDEAL PANACEA. L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago says: "I regard Dr, King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Cough: Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last live vears, io die exclusion of physician's prescription or other Her. John Burgus.

Keokuk. Iowa, ivri-tcs: "1 have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for vears or more and have never found mythiug so beneficial or tha-t gave me speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try Hi is Ideal Remedy now. Trial Bottle free at Keesliiig's drug store. 1'HROUGH BUFFET SLEEPING OAR TO MACKINAW, MICH.

Commencing Juue 22cl. the VandaHa iue will inaugurate through Pullman iuffet Sleeping Car service between St. xiui'S and Mackinaw. Sleepers will via Terre Hairte, St. Joseph.

Grand Rapids and Petoskey-Bay View. XJiis vill be the only line through cars 'rom SI. Louis 10 the delightful and resorts of Michigan. Passengers 'or Charlevoix change sleepers at St. osejj-h by stopping from -one car to another on the same trai-n.

The I'hrough en-ice will be continued later this sea- on, and the last sleeping car will leave Sunday night, September 27th, 189G. For detailed information, nearest Yandalhi Liue agent, ov E. A. Ford, General Agent, St. Louis.

Eli Hill, Lumber City. wriles: "I lave boon, suffering from Piles for wenty-live years and thought my case rcurablc. DeWilfs AYHch Hazel was reeoTuuiended to me as a pile so I bought: a box and it per- loniicil a permaneivt cure." This is inly one of of similar cases. and skin diseases yield il is Jr. In Princess Anne county, Maryland, igh'tutag recently entered the humble iomo of.

George TJ.Igh.rn.TU and ripped he pictures off the walls. It would be hard to convince a man luftoiiig from bilious colic, that his gony is due to a miscrobe with an uu- rou'Oimcaible rramc. But one- dose of DeTvitr's Colic and Cholera Cure will onvimce him of to power to afford iu- ta.nt relief. It kills M.John- ron. "GOT IT" TRY FOUR "Four has cured pneumonia and ulcerated tonsilitls.

composition It is different, Is more powerful and active, in fact Is as different from any other lung remedy as molasses Is different from vincRar. It is a revelation. Best of all you take no risk. essence of tlie contract is, "Four must give satisfaction or money P. Kccsling.

All Plated nDd Oil, The A thcrouclly flnely fir.i^hcd bicycle Lamp, jolt cyclone jjiocf. Sent to or (enintt ynftin i yon buy II THE -A'. i TEKny MFG. 24 Cinlre. IX'cw York.

NO CURE. WO PAY. NO MUSTACHCr NO PAY. DANDRUFF CURED. I will take Contracts to grow hair on the provided (he liead ot cosed.

nt the office of my agents, provided e.f not clossy, or tho pores of the scalp n' Where tlie head is shiny or Ine pore there is BO Gallant be Jl you cannot cill, write to ir 1 Room 4, 2 W. 14th cor. 5tb How YOlh your (or A 1 1.

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