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The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas • Page 8

Hutchinson, Kansas
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Larnedites Wed Today Mr. and Mrs. Mene toward Shaw Around Town AGNES NEWMAN of Nickerson honored Mrs. H. Chesky of Los Angeles, with a.

luncheon today at Wiley tearoom. Mr. and Airs. Chesky are visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs.

V. E. Ches ky of Halstcad. A centerpiece of flowers was used. Guests were: V.

K. Chesky and Jack Welch of Halslead, FrnnH Choky of sterling, E. J. Chesky, Gcorsa Comstock andj Charlea Hagland. Parents Visit Mi.

and Mrs. Earl Farmer, 108 West Fifth, and Mr. and Mrs. V. C.

Reh. 45 East 27th, left today for Huntingdon Park, to vis-1 it Mr. and Mrs. Keith Reh and daughter, Nancy Ann, who a born Apr. 1.

Mrs. Keith Reh is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Farm cr, and her husband Is the V. E.

Rehs' son. The Rehs will be gone two weeks and the Farmers wil visit two months. Honored On Birthday A no-hostess luncheon at Wiley tearoom Tuesday honored Ray Hockett on her birthday. Those present were Mmes. Irvin Graber, W.

J. Henry, Urban Meyer and Kenneth Weesncr. To Attend Play Among those attending the KU performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in Newton tonight will be: Charlen Wllsop. Harry Singleton. Vona Holcom, Walter Split, Betty Illchard Bell.

Anita Corsaut, Elma Ham- Ill. Carrie Mugler, Kalo Lewis, Helen Woleilagel. Mac Lewis, Cecil Ann Smith. Jeanne Malcolm. Mmcs.

Frances Argun- bright. V. Woodall arid Ariel Perrtll. Great Bend Visitor Mrs. L.

T. Child of Great Bend came today to visit" her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Brown, 103 South Ford, and her brother, Wesley Brown and family, 2020 North Madison.

Mrs. Child will be honored at a family dinner tonight in the M. H. Brown home, Mr. Child will join her Saturday and they will return home Monday.

Guest Of Club Mrs. Lee Bunting was a guest of Jolly 14 club at a covered dish supper meeting in the home of Mrs. James I. Miller, 328 Eas Third, Tuesday night. Celebrate Anniversary Zeta Gamma chapter of Beta Psl celebrated its fourth anniversary Tuesday night with a dinner at the Ranch House followed by a line party to the movie and a dessert course at the home of Mrs.

Milton Stevens, 618 West 18th. Mmes. Kenneth Hoffman and Harold Conrad assisted Mrs. ens. Others attending: Mines.

Ralph Cornwell, Zack Ebner, John Grecnerl, John Haden, John Price, Vaujhn, Orval Warkentlne and John (ialycan. Spring Luncheon South Reno Social club held its WEDDING VOWS for Barbara Jejn Turner, daughter of Mr. anc Lynn Turner of Larned, and Merle Edward Shaw, son of Mrs. Anna. Shaw of rural Larned, were read at 8 a.m.

today in the Larned Sacred Heart Catholic church by Rev. F. Prelsner. The church choir gave wed 1 ding music. Two baskets of peach gladioli decorated the altar and were lighted by the altar boys.

Mrs, Maynard L. Turner was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Odessa M. Johnson and Roberta L. Stroble. Maynard Turner wast best man and Pvt.

George M. Shaw of Houston, brother of the bridegroom, and Robert Stroble were other attendants. Ushers were Harold and Harlan Knight of Larned. The bride wore a gown of frost white satin trimmed with seed pearls and a lace trimmed fingertip veil of Illusion held by a cap of lace and pearliied orange blossoms. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses, candy tuft and maline.

Her matron of honor wa gowned in yellow taffeta with shoulder length veil of yellow ne held by a Juliet cap of yellow taf fcta. The bridesmaids wore blue and pink gowns with matching veila by calottes. They carried fan arrangements of roses. Joan Falrchlld and Shirley Hampton were in charge of the guest book at the reception in thp Youth building. Mrs.

Owen Bernsdorf of Lewis, Barbara Hammond and Mmes. Lorenc Sanders and Paul Wysong presided at the serving table. Dinner was served at noon to 50 relatives and friends. The couple went to the Ozarks for a week's wedding trip and then will be at home in Ray where Mr. Shaw is employed by Doerrs Metal factory.

Miss Turner will be graduated this spring from Larned high school. She has been cm- ployed by Cliff's Studio. annual spring luncheon today at the Ranch House. Bouquets of spring flowers decorated the tables. Members present were: Harlnnd Cooper.

Frank Dnde, F. A. F. L. Dean, Duftln.

Doyle Elslmlnger. P. F. Frederick, Hal Hodgson. Forresl Hodgson, Robert G.

Jones, William John Nafzlng- er, Lewis Nafzlngcr, George O'Neal. G. A. O'Neal, R. Alden PMIs, Cecil Purcell, Keith Seward and Emma Nafilnger.

Baby Is Named Last Spring's Wardrobe Gets Magic Touch By Beth Blair LAST spring's clothes look a li tie out of date? Perhaps all the need to brini, them into fashion to shorten hemlines and if the 6, lemlines hover close to the ankle they will be Improved If to about mid-calf length. There no one length which will suit a women or each and every cos tume. Length-of skirt, is a matte each woman should decide afte viewing herself in each costurn before a full-length mirror. 3h vill find tha; her narrow skirt can be a trifle longer than skirt which are full and and ye hey may look about the sam vhen worn. Dear Miss Blair: My sister has given me a gray flannel suit of hers and I wonder if I should shorten the skirt and what could I do to the.

suit generally to give it a new am five foot three and the jkirt measures ten and a half inches from the floor. The suit has a fitted jacket with buttons right up to a little collar. I do think the skirt of the gray flannel is too long for you anc I would suggest that you bring i up to about mid-calf length. Graj flannel is smart for spring anc the style of the suit sounds very good. I do not think I would make any Changes except perhaps to adc 551 Events Club Activities UNION VALLEY HDU.

lehgol. 11 a.m. TRIPLE FOUR waffle luncheon, Mrs. J. T.

Sullivan. RFD 4. 12 m. GOOD TIMES, Mrs. S.

F. Walker. 1300 Bast Eighth, 2 p.m. SILVER LEAF OES obligation ceremony, Masonic hall. Fourth and Main, 8 p.m.

BOW SHUTIN program, courthouie, 7:45 p. m. Church Activities SOUTH HUTCHINSON METHOBIST WSCS. Fred McMurry, RFD 2. 2 p.m.

FinST CHRISTIAN CNVF board, church, 1:30 p.m. FIRST METHODIST: WSCS executive, M. Thompson, 412 East 13th, 1:30 m. Home Builders class supper, Fellowship hall, 6:30 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Guild meetings, 1:30 p.m.

Mrs. Fred Kopke, 105 But 16th. Mrs. John Dillon, West 20th. Charles Lutz.

115 Ealt 17th. Apr, Mri. J. D. Con-will, 308 Crescent.

May. Mrs. V. E. Mammcl, 11 Went 22ntl.

Mrs. Frank Jackson, 200 West 20th. Mrs. John Crawford, 401 Crei- cent. Mrs.

Warren White, 1SOO North Main. Mrs. Robert MescWte, 6 West 18th. CENTRAL BUB WSWS, Mrs. Frank Phlppen.

209 West 12th. 2:30 p. m. TENTH AVE. EUB WSWS, church, 2 p.

m. FIRST BAPTIST Circles: Eva Oruen, Mrs. Harold Stik. 1005 West First, 2 p. m.

Ruth Paul, luncheon, church. 1 p. m. Alice Thnycr luncheon, Mrs. Ray sin- ton.

105 wm Eighth, i p. m. Ada Joyner. Mrs. Cleo Partrldfe, 2810 East Fourth.

10:30 a.m. Man-In, son of Mr. and nrrs. land Shannon, 314 Charles, born Mar. Trudy l.j-nn, daiichter of Mr.

and Mrs. Bill 1313 East Fourth, born tfar. 28. Marllee Sni-. daughter of Mr.

and Gnorgc F.obcrtnon. 1315 North Mnrti-j son. born Mar. 20. Honald Runeiic, sol) of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Owens. 20S East Ninth, born Mar. Richard Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Wayne Loomis, S10 North Buchanan, horn Mar. 28. Ann, daughter of Mr. and Gerald Osenbaugh. 1S22 East 23rd, born Mar.

27. James r.rrsory, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Payton 403 Wrst 15th, born Mar. '22.

Anthony, son of Mr. and Oeorge J. Cnrlsnan. 221 South Adams, tier KURT son at Mr. and Mrs.

Mel Vanalstinc, 321 East Sherman, Is 2 years old. His grandparents arc Messrs. and Simon. J. E.

Kcesllng, East and A. C. VanalMlne, 1528 East Third. Mrs. Lydla Firebaugh, 1030 East Is his great-grandmother.

a crisp white pique, organdie or inen collar to the Jacket. Make his removable so that you can keep It fresh and clean with minimum of effort. Have the ar the same size as that on tha uit or make It a wide cape-like ype to wear occasionally. Add gray pearl buttons for another 1951 ouch if you like. accessor- es such as a white sailor hat, vhite gloves and other accessor- cs in navy or black whichever can be worn with other clothes your wardrobe.

Dear Miss Blair: Which do you suggest for an informal wedding a pastel suit in faille or sheer wool? Mine will be an Informal wedding and I want to wear the suit later. I think you should select the uit that will be more useful after he ceremony since either would lovely for the wedding. Per- aps the wool would be more 'oarable. Wear it with the pret- icst hat you can find in straw the olor of your suit. Other acces- ories can be in deeper tones of the uit, light brown or rilichever goes best with your! ostume.

I nncheon Salad For a delicious luncheon saladi guests mold crab meat and ard-cooked eggs in tomato aspic. 'I've on salad greens anled by potato chips, hot bis-! uits, and tea or coffee. i Page The Hutchinson News-Herald Wednesday, April 4, 1SBI FIT.RITE PLASTIC FURNITURE COVERS Fit-Rites protect your furniture from stains and dirt. scuffing, cracking and peeling. They're made of sturdy 4 gauge clear vinyl with tough heat annealed seams.

They clean easily with just a damp cloth. Standard Chair cover 3.25 Over-size Chair Cover 3.75; Standard Sofa Cover 5.50; Over- Size Sofa Cover 5.98. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS INVITED Please include Sales Tax. DRAPERIES SECOND Please Send: Chair Cover, 3.25 Chair Cover, 3.75 Sofa Cover, 5,30 Sofa Cover, 5.98 To: Every summer costume is pret- a crocheted shrug! ijnn, ton of Mr. and Thrin smart, in cotton or light born Mr.

35. yarn; easy in all-over shell-stitch. You'll simply live in this! A shrug in smart crochet! Pattern 551; directions 2 sizes 32-34; 3638. Laura Wheeler's improved pattern makes crochet and knitting so simple with its charts, photos and concise directions. send twenty cents in coins for this pattern to The Hutchlnson-News-ller- ild Necdlrcra'ft P.O.

Box 57M. Jo u(1 Dehra Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BIMy Dean Taggart, 307 East born Mar. 20.

Alberta Joletn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kugene. Smith, 1431 Filth, born Mar. zs.

Society Deadline All Items for tits daily society aid office by 10:30 a.m. the da; page must be In The News-tier- following a party or meeting. Report parties In advance whenever poulble. Deadline for Sunday plcturei and social calendar Thursday. Deadline for Sunday society reports Is Saturday noon.

Late reports can be given tittle consideration. Use Little Flour When you're rolling cookies use as little flour on the board as possible. If too much flour gets into the cookie dough while you're and cutting them they're ikely to be tough. Many cooks ike to chill their cookie dough irst, and to roll It out between wo sheets of waxed paper. Chicago SO, III.

Print plainly pattern number, your name and addreaa with zone. Don't Forget Vitamin By Mary Lou Dungey INCOME level does not seem to be the chief cause of a shortage of vitamin C. People who study these nutritional trends, find tha" vitamin is low in many family diets, especially in the early spring months. Why, then, if not income trends, should so many people be missing out on this vitamin? A vitamin dctici ency shows up in many ways. But.Mm the early unfoy are increased susceptibility to in fection, irritability, retardation 01 growth and poor health in general.

If it isn't income, how can we overcome a lack of vitamin It's here all about us in raw fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, tomatoes, and cabbage. Eating habita can be so treacher Send your suggested menu to Daily Menu, care of Ths Hutchlnsoa, Has. menus will be judge by Data Newell, Hutchlnson high school rcommlci Instructor, and one she considers suitable fur printing will fl award. Anyone in NewtvHeraJd territory it lo compete. ous.

enough to neglect the orange Juice for breakfast, the cabbage salad for lunch, the leafy vegetable for dinner. By neglecting these foods is a good way to encourage poor health that is caused by eating habits. Kathryn Chambers, 125 East 12th, submits today's menu. Menu For Today Breakfast Orftnff Slices Oatmeal Top Milk Coffet Cherry PrMtrvM unit Lunch or Supper Tornito Soup Toned Buttered Corn Chocoli.ii pudding Coffee Milk Dinner Rolled Beef Buttered Broccoli Creamed Pen Carrot and Cabbage Vanilla Ice cream swce Coffee jink KATHRYN CHAMBERS Hutchinson Favorite Recipe SERVICE MAN'S COOKIES 1 c. sweet cream 2 tlvsp.

butter 2 c. sugar 2 crushed graham crackers 2 sq. chocolate i ib. chopped 1 tsp. vanilla i chopped nuts Cook cream, sugar and chocolate together to the soft ball stage.

Add vanilla and butter arid cool to lukewarm. Pour slowly over mixture of cracker crumbs, marshmallows and nuts. Stir vigorously, spread in greased pan and chill in re- Cut in bars. MXS. MARY E.

COUPON 313 West A Send your beet to Favorite Recipe. The Newi Herald. Hutchlneon, The riclpei judged by Mary Lou Dungey. home director for Service Co. OIK choien publication wliii a Jl award.

4552 SIZES The wonderful sack-dress iummer edition! No waistline seam, two main pattern, parts, liffy sewing! Two or three with matching 'and contrasting stoles are a whole smart summer wardrobe! Pattern 4552 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 dress and stole takes 5 yards 35-inch. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated Instructions. Bend thirty In coins for thli pattern to Anne Adami, care of The Hulchlnton Pattern Dept P.

O. Box 6T10, Chicago so. III. Print plainly, your ntmi, addreii, tone. ityle number.

PEGUES DENIM SPORTSWEAR JANES ARE JEANS FEM-PASfflON. Rug- ged jacket and skirt of sanforized denim heavily stitched and riveted. And in three won- derful pastels for Spring and Summer: Shrimp, Faded Blue and Yellow. Sizes 7 to 18: 8.95 St. Joseph A SAVINOU- SPIRIN Please send the following: JANES JACKET SKIRT at 8.95 Size color second.

JEANNIES at 3.45, size TO: cash charge C.O.D. please include sales tax JEANNIES OUT OP THE WEST are just right for rugged wear everywhere They're made of Sanforized Blue denim, are copper riveted and double stitched with hea. vy orange thread, and have two back and two front pockets. Sizes 9 to 18: 3.4S FLOOR.

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