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Vicksburg Whig from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 3

Vicksburg Whigi
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ha-. tmmaxm devotion to Ciil liberty, if I could have entertained Ian opinion that, under such circumstances, tbe Vice 810 Reward. Halt Hope nnd Twine tMrT tu.vly tut received and for he E. FORD CO. o.

4J-li i Ai'Kim 1.1, I nnd I'riuie Fork. Antthtr ixtumboni Disaster. On the l'-ha 'near Island, No. 10. in tbe Mississippi, whilst the I Steiniboat Rob Roy was ascending, she came in contact with a snag which passed through the hull of the but and broke one ofthe steam pipes, which at once discharged the contents ofthe boilers 'art," among some of tiie deck hands, five of whom No damage or lots otherwise was sustained, Memphis d'oiiCt.

Major Bakbt, late Post Msjter General, newly appointed Minister tu Spain, arrived at Richmond. tjj TR A VPD frost Ihe tooaenber tm or about the May A BA MARE, Dirnreefi 4 and 5 years old, 1 4 or 13 hand, huh, black mane and Mil, with a mark on her rithl hip, nrraaioned by a wan, aha haa a white tar in set forehead no other marka recollected. The abort reward trill be riven on deli.erin( tiie a tr to ihe aubsrrihei, at Ihav Htnre nf Meetrl J. f.illmnre dr. Co.

CEO. IUGHES. Vic kaburg, July 39, 1835. 47-3a Hal and fchoe More foPPitsri'B TIIK CITV quality, tor and tor hv K. hinds fur Stia'r.

Siiaa Brown. II. S. Foote, W. W.

New. ''or vf yrrsrniatteis. J. R. Nichelson.

II mm Coffee. COUNTY. I Sr-mlr. R. M.

Williamson. I'ur ff.nir of lieirreitml'Uirtt. 1. M. Fulton, Claiborne, John I'.

It fh.ird-on. I.UWMHN COUNTY. II air vf llijtri ililir. John M.

FOR 4S tf Anruu I If3i. President should be preferred to candidate." Canmernal and Hail Road received from New York leave no room to doubt, but i that as soon as a transfer office was established in that city, the Stock of this Bank would command a premium of 10 per cent. The transfer oftcc would be establ.shed in a few days. Two or three routes to Big Black f. the Ra.l lioid have been surveyed, and the engineer will commence the location in a few days.

1 Afw Iln Lrr. ptihlir )trtHMl'y, thnt ha rrcrriity rmplnfrtl tfirtt rtitr lUkfr, nttA ititrnt koopiiHr hn mui ft Mia FM1HE aabaericaM will alwayi keep hand a rood ataorf from the White SSulphur Springs, on the lt'th M. mem of faaliinnabls Halt, Boats and Shoe, which art on his way, it is understood, to New York, with a view to embark tor Spain. We regret to learn, (say the Richmond Whig.) that Major Harry's heilth has not much unproved by his visit to the Springs. The New York morning Herald contains the fallowing notice of a pu'jlicatiou expected to be made on the death of Col.

Burr: Col. Burr, we learn, is now very much indisposed, and cannot bu expected to live long. He is eighty ill liiirP, ii ivh Hi ply of fTcrr Krticl" in thnt iv. VMKS KIKIt AN. Ac.

I 4i If romp.iny!! fDltH' Wafrrn Rirti-MifH Hill pPtriiliton ftifttnlnv I jnf til 1 o( M-k, p. r.n kHMl' firM, immrdi nlrlv Ulow iht conviion, prrlj anurtl ant) rmptc.1, mth jn.un.4i p-mtln in flk. W. U. 9.

Am. II, HTY 4M It STEAM BOAT XIEOXSTER. August 0 Constitution from Louisville to Princeton lui to Loucswllu'. ire I'm to Louis 7 iv fin louisviile to lertiUe, tbouU have been inflicted, and wis in-fluted upon the assassins. We bop that every town, and city, and village, in the v.

hole M.saissippi ley will resolve to rid themselves of tboee pests who are infesting every quarter of the country let the citizens enter a decree of banishment against them, and enforce it. It time, iince all statutory enactment have failed, that a reaort ahould be had to the moral power of the community, operating in that mode which ia sure to attain its ends. We cannot leave tbia subject without addinj our tei-timony to that of many of the public journals which have commented upon the character of Dr. Hod ley. We have known bim from bis earliest infancy, and from that long acquaintance can say, with truth, that few young men have been born in our Hiate whose virtues had more endeared them to society, lie was the son of the late Thomas Bodley, of Lexington a man whose name is venerated for his hospitality, for his public spirit, for his pure and ardent patriotism.

The son inherited from the father all those "good graces which should grace a gentleman," and bad just entered upon Ins pmfes-: aennal career, with every promise of honor and profit to himself, and usefulness to the community. II is untimely death has brought, into the bosom of his afflicted family, sorrow and mourning, and that agony which almost breaks the heart. From lh Hamilton (Ohin) Intelligencer. "THE GA.Mlll.EU iS FATE!" An account of one of the most horrible proceedings of which we have read in modern times, came to hand just as our paper was going to press. The scene ia laid in The citi-tens and the gamblers were the contending par-tie; and the result is one which should be deeply impressed upon the heart of every individual who ft els an inclination to indulge that unhallowed pro-'peusity which has decoyed its thousands of votaries into the gulf of destruction.

It appears that the citizens of Vicksburg had assembled at a barbecue, with the corps of Vicksburg volunteers, to celebrate the recent anniversary of 'J 10 II Old lVnrh Itr.tmtv. til I I) noil sale by U'slt', Mill old I'enrh An. 1.1, IHTi lit GUdialur tub Luuisvillo to tin to l.ouisnlle Saml Charles fin Si Uiuis to ll.i.ton fw NO to l.ouisvillo 'fuscahotna fin Louisville to 1) Li liore lui to Paul Jones I'm Louisville to John Nelrcii fin to Si 1 is liarlestan fin Louisville to Manchester reports Ohio falling. It I A I.

Iron II. trUmu 1'riftt urrtnl, 1. Hioik The M.sriM-ippi is 7 feet below high water mark, and fulling. Since tint null ce.ise.l the first of the week, the weather has turned very warm, and ia the more oppressively felt perhaps iu consequence of the summer having hitherto been singularly cool. Ilusiucss continues to grow more dull every day, and is fast settling down to the reguUr retail transactions of the city.

Cotton Arrived since the VMth nit. of Louisiana and Mississippi, llli bales, Tennessee and North -lahama -ID, Florida; together HKt bales. Cleared in the svne time, for Liverpool lHUft bales. Havre Gnttenbtirg New York ltCiti, PlnU Jelphia 1 together, I bales making a reduction in stock of i'TSI, and leaving on hand, inclusive of ail on ship board, not cleared on the Ittltli a stock of bales. The market continues heavy, and has been marked by no peculiar change since our last; we can, therefore, ilo little more than report the few sales that have fallen under our notice, a-inounting altogether to about bales, mado at the following prices, viz: of Mississippi bales at cents; of Ijjuismna 47 at 19j; of Tennessee and North Alabama 740 at 17 a 407 171, of Mo j.t made lo order, end warranted to te well mad.

II. CARTfcli. June IH, 115. 41 n'XtiritllaliiTii fllllE aubtcrihen have taken enarrepf ihe satabliahmewi. JL formerly nwned l.y Henry, rather It I'n, situated ap nn Ihe Ixiniavillr and Poritaiwl Canal, will keep eonatantly nn hand, al Ibe mill and the elty, a "ipply of ihh valuable attirle.

Tbia water Idmr, or Koctien Ceevem, is ttinal if ent ulterior to any manufacture.1 In the United Slates, and is invaluable fur rvety ilea rlption of work rahjen to watef toittacl Ihe oM-ratinn of llu latter bcitic to make it at hard aa live mirinal rock Out of which it is anantifitrtneed. In the rnnoru tion of citterns, iu ethcacv hat hewn abomlantly proven. The suharnhera are awaie that fat hi ret hava area reaulted fiom its ae by ineXfe-vienred workmen, sivd liate Iheeefore ranted printed rtireetinnt tn be prepared Die tveoehl nf thnae not arcnainmed to hanrllina; It. 'To roniraciort of public works and otltert, they offer It by Ihe quantity lower than it tul teen aold for tome tim past. Appliuauon may be made to Mcavrt II.

B. Hill tl Co, or I Mr Abran Plumb, iu lha cityi tw at Uie mill to OLOUl.K PRICE Co. Jjooi.tille, July 9.1, IHXI. Joor.) 8.0 ifr ward. AN A WAY Imm (lie aulerriher livier on Deer Creek in tV Watbinrton ontinty, a nrxrn man named York, are I about 411 yrura, muod fareil ami black.

York it a native of talks badly. Hit tractor markt, if any, ait not recollersed, Alan, at tba tame time, a mulatto hoy named Nep. Tb laurr boy It sited a hoot 16 yeart, and lirnpt in walkihf, oil account of a defect in hit right leg. The, nerroet btva ab" woiitleil on account ntheiu ilerairnl with a orimina) prna ecu I inn by II, llaahberrei. The above reward Will be jlveet for tlieu tlehvery to me, or for there apprehension and con' Anenieni to that I ret them ot ii for the apprtrietiatOw Mild cnltfiliaiuent nf ailhaw nf lliam.

N. 11. years of age. lie sent tbe other day for a particular friend of Ins early years, under the apprehension thai he hud not a long lease iu litis world. "1 sent lor you," slid he, "1 sent for you now, because at other times we might merely look into each other's laces, but have no disposition to talk." Ho then handed over to his friend several important manuscripts part of them intended for publication after Ins death.

Among those papers, there is a highly interesting journal which Col. Hurr kept during his travels in Europe, after the unfortunate allair between him and Gen. Hamilton. For beauty of description, shrewdness of remark, and ongiuality of thought, we are informed that this journal is particularly pre-eminent. It will be recollected that Col.

Burr while in Europe, moved in the highest circles was intiinato with the leading politiciansof England and France, and asso A tire. "I'ttrribsif hnve iut o-efivrd from l.ooit snd will kcrimii (mix! duriltf t.ill,atoii!v til lUiftfinif. Iterc. ICrnl for alc. ON hiMe nn I on lirovs mrrl, t.rthn with all the inoi.rSiild unit iirhm liirniturf.

'I lie lm it full utr and Itaudhintr'V unit tits build iof new snd well ailniilrtl 10 the rointort hihI mm rtiietvrp of a pnyaie lamity. 'Ttriitt I i meltlh. ro-ilil, npprored paper. One auA lot, witiMHit llvs fnniinirw, on Gmv itsi, i'ioi iii- it'iotr and of ths vnrtve 'Ths hont arc new, nnd well ron-tmettHl for ronveuiriit'. Terras at utiove.

One lol ami urn hnn.e, nn Tim itieel. The bousri re new niel uiteil to lbs rnmlort slid onnveiiiencs of pri- ytlte liomllc. One 'ThoiiMiul srrec of valoaUa land Ivint Ihlrtr miles nhovs YickiMir(, antl tbr miles hack of the mur, on ttt Mile. Thtt Isml Wf fntirely nhort lbs imrflow of 'iN. Smiilm toi) rrtsirnns ran lm lo that tfWt.

'Term Oui, two hihI ihns yniir, ilia purehacrr flying pennnal sernrity for Hie firtt pavnienl, and a montac i the itmiiettv lor the two rrinniiutti pnymrnis. The owner of Pie 4thie nn eMy bavins dfierm ned on leaving Vickthurg, tint III hi. Sfelile. Teruitu wiunll( 11 purrhaee, would do well topll nu ai nrr tleif rtntiiml lo srll, if we jet nnv llilln like a ren-onahle offer, Wll.sov 4 Am. ciated with them in private and public.

1'crt of this journal is in the form of familiar letters written to the Twine, l.iiiMvi, juitr and ttNkt, which they will ei st Ihr lowt iiimfcfi puce. Si OTT A li.WIMil.l'll. Ailiii.t 13, IM'i. if At) I II by ihi public mime iniKtoiiir Wjlaon Wtn my lawful auciit durin uiy abenc, to rs.pivs and recript, ue nnd j). Hoi; Ju! it, ls l.i.

4.1-4 ntilioit! late Alston, of whom a story was recently published, which in Col. Burr's opinion is ridiculous and improbable. The grace, beauty and feeling which aro scattered through these letters, are heightened. from the circumstance of their being writteu to his beloved daughter. There is also, we learn, a large number of highly important letters from European correspondents of tl viiiv Alt an iru'lin lor or lleotisttnir lo milr.ol 'III, I loi nil i 111 oil 0 J.hII h-iolicr, l.s.Xi, fift'l Ski IKIti, iiia'ie jointly hy iihjm-Ii, J.

M. Id ii Icitoii iiikI 1). Dohiu, ill linorol 'Tli: alker. 'The writti ii csitiMri on wloth winl nos (were Iniiii'li-d mil having been complied Willi I') Hid ulk- EMILY (TIAEY Atiruat 6, IP3.1. 4S tf i 1 1.

-nm mini ti i Order or Court. Slate of MiaaiaaipH, I'rotaa'a Ccwrcf, Yaion enonly, July Term, l3.ia A(. III BI.Y lo an order of the Probata Court of taiif onitnty. nniice it hereby riven to all tiertntva Interested ei, I am ilrliTllilneil net In pal llir same. JOHN A.

A US) I. Aimim II, Ih II. 4.i-;iw SIO ICctinril. fe I It YT.II from the iili nlw on Frctay ilie July, high rank, throwjng light on his mysterious expedition to which Mr Jefferson turned so effectually against him as treason against the United States. it appears that Win.

I'm, then the British Premier, was concerned in that project, and especially countenanced tho attempt of Col. Iturr. England was then at war with Spain; and the British cabinet was very desirous of crippling their power in South American possessions. Of that period of his life, during which ho was a formidable competitor with Jefferson for tho Presi ui the tenement! and heretlitamenti of K. W.

heubea Itivrr for Sale. rK offer for enle a irai I of fipi vale botfom I. null, Ivins. ill W'ttriell rrmntv, lihtnit five niile from ithin one mile nt ihe Ati-iiinippl tiver, snd rntitaiitins up wuril. of 7IHI Hi-reiiieAiljr the whole, of it beinf foveretl tvit'i tttT cane.

It ran he prepared for mltivaiion al St eapene any land nn tiie river; and it ic ronaideied "iiiiit lo nnv in ihia pnrt of lbs Stale. The land will be hewn, and tlte leinit mads fcnown, nn nppliratinn In via in Virk rs. HAKKIS I HU III.OW. Aucut 1.1, Ih.l.'i. 49 II deceatetl, to he an apiear Itefore Ihe Probate Court of raid county, lo be held on Ihe fourth Monday of SeplemSei American Independence.

An officer who attempted to enforce order at the tabic, was insulted, and a citizen beaten, by a gambler named Cabler, who had forced himself into the company without invitation. The assembly exhibited much excitement and indig- ration, and were only prevented from immediate punishment by the interference of the commandant. After the military company had marched to tho public square, information was received that Cabler was approaching with an armed force of his comrades, determined to take the life of one of the volunteers. He was however arrested before he had an opportunity of completing his nefarious design. For the purpose of preventing an occurrence which had been threatened by Cabler, he was taken to the woods, whipped, tarred and feathered, and ordered to leave the place within forty-eight hours.

This summary mode of punishment appears to have been inflicted because he had not yet actually committed an act in violation of the law of the land. Having incurred the ill-will of the whole clan with which Cabler was identified, a meeting of the citi-tens was held in the evening to adopt measures to secure themselves from their vengeance. It was ac-rordingly resolved that all gamblers should bo immediately excluded from the place, snd that public notice should be given them to leave in 21 hours. On Sunday morning, 5tb notice was given, and many of the gang dispersed. Un Monday morning, the military corps, followed by a large assemblage of citizens, proceeded to the gaining establishments for the purpose of routing the remainder.

They ap- then anil there lo tl.nw rnue, ir any lliey ran, why aa or.ier thouhl he made for Hit tale of lbs real ratals nf the Said dency, there is no letter or document remaining. ii SMAU. Ill.M MA UK, 14 or li l.n hiKh, ilm- der lonll, line hinln, i Venn old, like a hum in her lie. lu wether, one loud fisit white, which I do not icrullivt, Sufi mare win sci-u near Vick.Mira: miv pcioii ho ill t'lUs her up, Hint deliver liei to me, oi lu Jim. A.

Marsh, in it k.burg, receive the almw reward JOHN li. JON US. Aiuiu.t Jd, l-t'Ti. 4-4-tl I hat portion of Col. Burr's eventful life rests, therefore, on his own personal character for truth and accuracy.

In that respect he stands on precisely the samu footing as Mr Jefferson, with perhaps abetter ill Lrw in, ctnwsEi.i.on at i.ah: 'J' prnetiee In Ihe aevernl roortt of llitiita rnuitly Vw anil the I "iri iiit rnnrtl of lite stljareiit rotiiuisa. Ilf. flee in Kitvtiiimd, IlilnU roiuily, Mian. Aitffii.i IKIS. 4'- If disposition to be strictly accurate and particularly true.

The letters and memoirs of Mr Jefferson nmdo a bile 01 at and DM hales Texas at cents' per lb. Our quotations for Tennessee and North Alabama Cottons have been altered so as to conform as near as possible to the going rules. Si nK 'The rates previously quoted are continued, on Plantation fi a 71; in tiie City tl l-'J a "i cts: per lb. More business bail been doing in Sugar since our last, than forseveral weeks previous, though thorc is nothing like an animated deiu iud. We aro informed of a salo on Plantation of not of prune quality, but said to be a fair article, at 7 cents.

Cleared this week fur New York Philadelphia 4 bids. Molassks We hear of nothing doing in Molassc whatever, and believe there is none in the city for sale. Flour. We notice a small advance in the price, without there being any sensible improvement in the demand; the sales latterly have been at "ill per lb. Arrived this week, bills.

Poiik. The prices quoted last week aro still maintained, Mess IS. Prime per Mil, and the demand very fair. Armeii this week, 11' I Iriils. llco.

The market continues in a declining state, and sales aro very limited; present quotations are for Hams Ha 111, Middlings 7 a Shoulders ti cents per lb; only the best quality id canv ised Hams will bring our highest quotation. Arrived this week, 41 lilids and boxes, and 10,11011 lbs. in bulk. Lki. Our previous quotations, a 0 cents per lb, continue current, and a tuoderato dein uiJ is experienced at thus.) rules.

Arrived this week, 13 bbls. kegs. llt'TTKR. Northern is scarce, but nn considerable quantity could he disposed of this season; the demand has been fair for ll'ttlirit, but the market has now a good supply. Arrived this week, 'MYi kegs.

WniNkEV. No soles of whiskey worthy of mention are taking place, Cumtmm continues to bo held at 40, liictifird at i'-l cunts per gallon. Arrived this week, NX bbls. 4 Bwiui and IIw.k An exceedingly limited business is doing ill these a'ticli-s, us the planters have been backward in sending in their orders, under tho expectation that prices would come wu; holders, however, continue linn. Arrived tins pieces Bagging, coils rope.

Coi'FKK remain firnf, hut a very small inquiry is experienced. Kk k. The market lias a fair supply, and it is dull at $4 fill a ft 7." P'r Um CoRjr. The sales during the week have generally been at 70 cents per biinliel for ShiUid in sacks though some persons aro holding it much tho the price also remains us lat quoted, $1 a 1 ti per bbl. Arrived this week, L'tKI bbls.

great sensation ill tho world when they appeared, iterenaed, lymi and being in lha eoiinly of Mmliton, Statf of Miaaitaippi, ii utliu-an undivided moiety nf three-etuhlht nflund in is id eounty, knnwn at the half tl 14 tee, town.hip ra.aje I weat weat half quarter tacttna lowuablp 9, rau.s I weal hall, EaH tjuartrr ttetaotl lowiiahip ranie i weat, enntnininr 34U acres. And il ia further ordered I hilt publication of tint citation he mad in the Herald and Yicktbur; Regiater ft uty Witoeaiilia Hon. Jatnea M. Buntin, Judga of Probate, thai fourth Monday in July, laiued Ihe 37th day of Jtilv, A. D.

I8.1.V W.M. JJILLAHUNTY.Chtk. Aojtiiti 6, IMS. 4H Hh Nrgror In C10MMITTFI) to the Jail of Warren county oft Ibe 37th day of July, laTI, by Wm. Eveiett.a Jinlieeof the Peace, in antl for taid county, a neuro boy who eallt hlnt arlfj unary, ami tnyt he belonxi lo Georre Johnson of Ar knnant, near Lake Tort.

He it about 33ynaet of age, lirht black complexion, i feel 7 inches hirh. The owner of aa id iMiy ia retpiciteil lo coins forwanl, prove property, nay churrea nn I take him out of Jail, or ha will be den It with al A Mil of l.rlli rn JKI MMM; inllie tfiirc at Vi. kihur un the 111 l-t tiny i.f Aniru-t, I proached a houpe occupied by one North, the hero of Mo nil Pnliney 1 Moore Mifhtii'l Milltud II IWri.iail Irini'tinrii(. Lecture iii On in.titiitton will coininsnf, iimi-Jy nl, on ths fut Mouthy November, Mini toininiats in i he fir-1 Sii'urdHy in h. Ths emiries are and tiv Ir.

Dudley. I ml i tn of Mvltriiie ami lnrliti. Hy Tr. Oll.l.vrll. Thtnrii anil I'm'tirr nf enV.

Hy Or. Conks. Obittirjrt nntl Diiiaiet vf IVomrn and Children. Hy Or. Id.

h. ii I Materia 'Urn nnd Mi Jirat llitnnii. Uy Pr. Short. ChrmiMtry and )r.

YmiHrlt. Ihirim the Fiuiro term, tlis I'nifeiMir of Snrerry and An-ntonty lecture 'J tiritt i rueb week, nntl the other ptolrianr tUtiv, Sabbithl eirrple-t. 'The fcr (o the entire eonre, with ittitli icilatifiti mill the life nf the library, muouiit in tl It). a nose mi uurr are caicuiaieu irom ineir relations touching important periods of history to be even more interesting, and perhaps more useful. The papers and documents already put by Col.

Burr into the hands of his eorly friend for publication after his death, would fill several volumes of modern typography. From the Frankfort 'omniotivvcnjlh. MR. CLAY'S SPEECH. We would invite particular attention to Mr Clay's remarks made at tho Poindexter dinner.

For some months past, the oflice-holders have endeavored to produco the impression that Mr Clay would support Van Buren, provided that there were, no other Arniplronr Win Arinriroit); Allen Seviuour A Jtiiuea Auitin II lltiiler Stephen III. Win II, I. Jul. Heiinet Jiiinea Hitrlier lit niinin III, v.l mi-. I li.iii.

Hrovcti in 'J Hell Jiiinea llooth Ii ia Httrlow rry Kohl H.irner Mnratio iMiiriiity John iMi (iia Wm II MiilaJit wi Henry IM oiio II jMilla Shu I iMyer Flilahelh Miller Willnun IMiirklinni Liniiill 1 i rt in llolii rt (' iM.ilnj MttrthK lrhiernnti It jMichiii Jninea iM inly I I. 1. 1 l.yj jMeriwelher iMedherry Stully candidates than those who have already been an nounced, rotn the great pains winch were taken to circulate such a report, and the pertinacity with which it was insisted upon, it was obvioua that the administration still considered Clay's name as a tow the law duvets. MARTIN AN DING, Jailer. July 10, IH3S.

47 tf. lOM MITTEH lo the Jail of Warren county on Ibe 3T(k of July, Ib3', by Win. Lvcrett, a Juttien of Uie Peace in ami hit said county, a nejro boy, who callt himself Hob, nnd tnyt he hi loiiffi tn Grnrrp Johnaon, ef Arkantat, near l.iikt Port lloiaaiont built, of black complexion, atewt 'id years of are, 5 feet 10 Inchet birh. The owner of tatd boy ia reipii lo come forward, prove proerty, pay charrra nod take him out of Jail, or ha will be dealt with at Ibe law MARTIN A NUING, Jailer. July 30, 1835.

47 If. lOMMITTF.lMoiht juil nfWarren county, on Ihe 4th day of June, lrj.15, hy llrnjamin F. Michie, a justice of ihe in for said county, a negro boy who calls htniaelf Hob, and aayi be it free. He it a Unit 37 yean old, nf a ycllowi.h completion 5 feet 3 inrhea hub a very noted car arroaa the left title nf the appt-r lip lonkt aa if il had been nut. 'The above boy hat been lirinr In the er of strength.

How far they have succeeded in ma the club, in which a number of the desperadoes were collected. The citizens were fired upon, and a Dr. Hugh S. Bodley, a highly respectable citizen, instantly killed. The fire was forthwith returned by the volunteers.

The doors were then burst open by the citizens, whose indignation had been aroused to the highest pitch, North, and foi.r of his depraved associates were taken, conducted to the scatfuld, and immediately executed in presence ofthe congregated assembly. We have given this hasty sketch of a transaction scarcely equalled in the annals of history. In our next, a more general account will be published. The names of the persons executed were North, Hul-Jums, Dutch Bill, Smith and From the Mobile Advertiser. THE VICKSBURG OUTRAGE.

We copy from two different New Orleans papers the account of this most horrid affray. Accounts differ somewhat as to the manner in which Dr B. was killed, but all agree in the particulars of the death of the five gamblers. We forbear to comment on these proceedings, startling and high-handed as they are in their character, and painful as they must be to the reflections of the humane throughout tho country. Of one fact we are it is that upright citi-ens ofthe several towns and villages along the whole Mississippi Valley, have been more often and more wantonly outraged by these gentlemen "sportsmen," as they denominate themselves, than is conceived of, perhaps, in any other part ofthe civilized world.

The arts that are used by them to win upon the confidence j'The fie i fin. li order of lbs T'rfcntty. C. W. Kill IKT, M.

Demi. Leiti(itoii, h'r 9-', C'l'i. Tor M.Hr. Pl'M. tveil kri-mn, im rurniihi; mihuntiHl duili Pimm I jW.

IhmI loiif, luntli'll 111 full thu rt CI 1 uatrr when Inn-li-d to tl.r emirtN, Thi" r'-mrih mo. i. Th" of lute hik, mm I i he very nmtiTinl fifirMly for tl.r Sniti- Tut of New Y'oik, to iifvte up tli YrlfnwtioiH iin-r nt tlt liocky Mount urn. It it ll known Im oio ol 1 itiP h-l fMiiiii.c fin tlii? run, in the IniuruiKi fi ft in iiirpini iii, LoojiviCe mttt Now i Ira tin, lrt intr Uon.i rlii-vti; ft nit i ii poiuhr hoi in tin" St i ioo ftri'l irliMut tni'-r, nuy Ihm on lit nvm, S'n-n rtMil) iiortlf wint-T tniilr ill thr rfpiiin thnt nri he- intr I'tiln cui kinr, mill r'piiij on hrr htirririinr itfrk. Sl.c will b'i ot( a b.i.iiiiL, nwi on good ti-r ni.

Applv to j. r. king their own party believn that Clay was in favor of Van Buren wo uu not presume to know: but we do know that no truo friend of the Kentucky nnrltri A I Mntthewi Ivlwin Met ritck ItlaC Arthur Murlilt Jellrraou i Moaa MiltliMitl Miirtin MooreheH'l John sacks. Hav. The quantity that has lately arrived lias caused tho price to decline; tho last sale was ut 1 27 l-'2ier 100 pounds.

Statesman ever did him such rank injustice as to suppose for a moment that he would, under any possible circumstances, lend his aid to fasten upon this country the abomination of the New York tactics. Henry Clay has always been the advocate of popular rights as settled by the constitutional guarantees and limitations. Ho has been contending all his life for freedom of opinion and action as constituents of tho indefeasible rights of man: and to suppose that at this late day he would support the candidate of a party which aims to undermine the elective franchise, and to substitute the will of the President fir the will of the People, would be to accuse him of a crimu whose June H. The transactions in our Cotton market for tho week Vif kiliurg, A.icM 1 1, 4:1 Hi'itera A'i'Xiiiitler i H'irton in liriitihiiin Jiiinea 11. 1, her I nlviii lloyi lt Kh lit rrt hill Kolvert I It.

true Soluuion a'li. lot Mntiael 'litik Jottiia It Currieinia John 'rotn Jo ph I 'hattdiera A II liaii.hirlnin Wtllanl tiitudo-ra Mnrgnrel Ann i 1 i Ihivica John llarlitir lamic '2 hum. vie Stephen Itlirtlevie Jolitl (' I lie wet Jid.llS I tut ia (ii'orei; A '2 I .11 IliHind 1 Ihitilitft Jo.cph llortch Ann II '1 I law on rn II LdmnfMla Itoliert I. Mwanla Teler 1 I h. lout I buries ending on tho Tith inst.

were limited to bales. Upland at 10 a K'J; 4700 Orleans ot 0 H-8 a 11: 0 a Mi; Ht Alabama at 0 5-8 a Ft; Island nt Ti a 0 stained do. at 1(1; 0.Vt llra- enormity would only bo equalled by its fully. Upon j.MrCurtly Beiij Mt'Pheron Ailillll Mtlla Mary Miirkhmn llerniird Martin A. Hawkitia IMi 'utchrai Jeaae iMcMnliall V.C Mritttrtmiery John Nn John iNorth 'Trotnati Newruiin John II iNol.le F.

llir 3 iNohlr Wm 3 INew.llC INewman Llixa Jtiue iN'ewaon Llitliheth (Newninn Surah Ann lllvertoll I'ayue I uthbrrt (' jl'aKn WmC 3 iTreaamall Flnuh jTeteraon II (l'intnrc Al Hrnther 'I'stillin Siifiiuel of their unsuspecting and innocent victims, and the hnml niMint two yen raj lie aav't lie came up the river won mptnoi Shirley. Tbe owner of said boy, (if he hat any,) it reipteaterl lo rrnnn forward, prove property, pay uhsrirpt and lake him out nf jstl, or he will he dealt with at lha law directs. MARTIN ANU1NG, Jader. June II, 1 8.1.1. 40-tf CIOM MITTFDtn the jail of Wsrren county, on lbs 7ih Aur't.

I by Wm. U.veictl, a Jualies ofthe Petes in and for aatd county, a man who rnllt himtelf Ben, and tayt he belonr" tn John Minor, of Hindi county, Mial. He ia of rnintnon aire, about 35 yenn nf are, of yellow roniptex. ion, 5 feet 9t inchet hirh. The owner of tan I boy 11 re.

tpie.terl to come forward, prove properly, pay charree, nm Hike him out of jail, or he will be dealt with as the law MARTIN ANIMNU, Jailer. A 13, 183.1. 3C-lf Vickhburff Trier iirrrnl. cosRM.TKn wer.Ki.r. this occasion, as upon all others, Mr Clay has made an avowal of his sentiments in language too explicit zils at V2 a 171; "JO Egyptian at MM a 20; Su-rats at 7 3- a 10 I leinnriira st 171.

During the four first days of the week the market was in a depressed slate, the sales averoging about 1000 bales per day; and prices of all descriptions suf of Aduiiiiiiirxiiou bnviiiir been iinuieil to the fy the Toibnte I oimI ol lii'iit 'Teriitorv ol Arltau.i, anil alo hy the Probate 'onri nl Vahilictoli county. Suite of MivfiMipul' nil the ctHle nl Al-It it Wytieri-, Anri, liolire ia Teri-ny (iven nil peraott. iltdetded lo Bind e.tme to linike iinriie'linte payndiiit; and nil tlioae haviriA elaillia atfint the ailid pieenl tlieiii, duly Hinbi'iiiii tiled, within the prceraibed by tliry will ee forevet biiired. THOMAS T. STIXIIKNS, AHm'r.

A'it'ii 8, fered a decline; in tho low qualities of American, the reduction was fully 3 per and the better sorts, although not much lower in price, were offered freely. iurriiilr lllrction. i-'ur llowrnor. ifiioHn It II V. Fi'lter II rYrifiiun HoihI Charles I.

ytich, Ilirain G. KinneU. raoa To orcrttaru nj Slate. wretchedness and ruin that follow upon the success ef their stratagems, are calculated to excite, to the bighfft degree, not only the grief of the good and virtuous citizen, but to awaken the fire of hia. resentment, for the injuries and the degradation which are thus inflicted upon society.

These secret yet infamous marauders upon public and private peace, it is believed are guilty of more heinous crimes than robbery and arson. There is little doubt if all hidden transactions were to light, there would be scenes of blood and horror disclosed, at which humanity would recoil and weep, and indignation burn! From tbe Columbus (Ilia.) Aria. We learn from the Courier Journal that Natchez bee followed the example of Vicksburg, in ridding that city of Gamblers. The thing was not done sjaite clean aa it waa at Vicksburg no hemp having been used on the occasion: but some fifteen or twenty roulette and faro tables have been broken to pieces. The people appear to be determined to rid themselves of this curse.

Washington and Wood- Ulli elt.dllt. eli Oenl. Silas Ilrown, II. V. Benson.

0 00 A. rniOenmpel the jfitttei jn)r an-l pavtitc ofeerinin atrreta autl pnrtaof rtreetv in the town nf Virkvhtirg 8re. 1. He ordained hy the President Slut Selerfnien nf the town of Viik.htire, 'That ihe owners of loti oft Jarkaoti atreet, from rheny atteet In the hank of the river, the owner, of iinpavrd lota an Serntrt Kail itreet, and ihe nw nera of Ima on K'tl atreet, from Cherry alreet lo Ihe Miatiaaippi river, tin tlte nwnvra of tula nn I 'berry itreet fioni fnat Khu atreei to I. rove afreet, and ibe ownera of lots on Monroe atreet, from firt itreel lo Jar kn tireet anil tlte ownera of Taliui-r rederick II Robins Juno Handnll Robert ttorrra Stephen Ritby Thus Itobiiiaon Joartih Kiclty Kwutfuy lib, William J.

Held. Aiuiiliir of Public 0 no 6 4d IK F'nitt A. Winter I Turluw Henry i Furpia Joe. Mr 1 r'ray Frtilicii fri-n 'Thomtia Uiodein WmC.i Unlrnore I Livid Ahrk John II. Mallory.

8 00 4.1 16 IS 00 6 50 Oil bhl 14 00 Al'l'Lli, rr-rii, dried, Ky Hale Rojic, BEEF, meat, prime, carro, BACON, hams, ho( round, BUTTER, l.o-hen, CoiigreH. B. W. Tdwartls, I J. F.

IL Claiborne, F.sq. Henry Yose, Lsq. I David Dickson. bbl bbl II. lb 13 6 40 IH) II 91 3.1 James C.

Wilkius. 10 Stale Treatnrer. lota nu Walnut itreel from fiist lo Jat kaon atreet iHnil Ilia ownera of Iota on Washington ureet from Bri Kaa Utreet lo Jackanh atreet tie reqttirnd to rotter nd ps ibetr jaeyeral lola on or befsre Ihe fiiat tlojr of November rvent. Six. J.

And be it further ordained. Thin in rte'auH of 37 C. C. Mayson. I Lpton MilJer 14 13 lb bbl eatem, 18 00 IS 00 BEANS, WAR II L.V COI I V.

State Jjeg'ulature. the owners of laid lota lo rotter and pave lbs same, it almll -lb 16 00 17 S. S. Prentiss, I J. Nailer, HI Hi COFFEE, Havana rnn-n, Ht.Dominro, CANDLES, tperro, morjld, dipt, 1 43 14 13 be tbe duty of the atreet committee tooonlrvt f'S and nnvs aaid lots paved and rnttered in tlvs aam manner as the other tree' of tli town, and repmi the expenas lhreo to the Hoard.

Ordered and publiahed the loth day nf July, IH.I.'i. R. J. McGINTY, IWrtl. Ang.

13, 1835. 49 tf 50 16 14 15 Kllaac'l Jotm Ito-e II Roe Robert iHaniaar Manin iSlyihe Mias I Stone Kiifua 3 'Hc-ott Thomas Smith Jamet II Wm 3 jstanbeck f.eorre 3 jShephevfil Iaaec 'Smith Ruiaell StEnahrnurh Flisatieth 'IseJ-erNanry iSuitb John Pa Wolf iKharfcey Jsojea T. James Stewart Jordan Mix jTaody Georxa 3 James Tipnor Jcibn Tally Co Two Mrs lb bbl W. H. Hod ley, I Thomas J.

Green. A. G. I For Senator. Mark Valentine, Alexander McNeill.

for County Surveyor. 13 CHEESE, CIDER, 10 16 00 30 00 fir misconstruction. What bis political opinions are, there is no one in the country so ignorant as not to know. He has taken a decided part in every great question which has been at all the subject of national interest, and in the discussion of each he has been so conspicuous that he has been observed by all. As to "concealments," he never had occasion to practise them ortalk about them; he loft that to an illustrious individual, who, in boasting that he "knew no concealments," seemed absolutely ignorant of the immensity of his wealth in those qualities.

Of men, Mr Clay has been equally fearless in the expression of his opinions. Never impertinent by thrusting them forward eitlierto favor or to injure this or that particular man, but never withholding them when it was proper that they should be given. He had not, and probably would not have come forward with a public declaration of his repugnance to the candidate of the office holders, had not the friends of that gentleman been so officious as to construe bis silence into an approval of tbe man, and to proclaim it aa such to the world. In setting them right, in this particular, he does it in a way that will effectually enlighten them. He gives reasons for his opposition to Van Buren, and we venture to say, that even the office-holders themselves, while they have not the virtue to adopt bis opinions, yet in their hearts they feel that he has spoken tbe truth.

What turn will the office-holders next take! We hazard the prediction that they will heap torrents of abuse upon Mr Clay for what he has said about the Baltimore Convention, and call bim an impertinent intermeddler, who obtrudes bis opinions without being asked for them. It will be so much like many of their other attacks upon him, that we cannot see how they can avoid falling upon the old plan. We wish "the party" to keep constantly in mind the following remarks of Mr Clay; it will greatly increase their zeal for giving currency to bis opinions. In speaking of Mr Van Buren, be says: "In co aspect of the contest in no conceivable contingency in no imaginable alternative, do I think it would be for tbe interest or honor of the people of the United States to elevate bim to that office. Without stopping to insist upon objections to bim, from tbe exceptionable system of party tactics which prevails in bis own State, and which, in the event of his success, be would endeavor to spread over tbe whole Union; from tbe means and the manner by which be has been so far advanced; from my utter inability te comprehend wbat bis principles now are, in reference to great measures of National policy, there is one objection to bim, which, in my mind, is absolutely conclusive.

He it Ihe nomuAaled candidate of the President and the oficiat eoryt, and sought to be forced upon the people by all tie weight of tho administration." "And I must have been false to every principle which has guided my public life, and faithless in my Joseph Cattleman. CIGARS, Bpaniftt, Anaerrcan, CORN, in tbe ear bbl aack, for Circuit Court Clerk. R. J. McGinty, Robert Garland, F.gbcrt J.

Hessions. For SlieriT. 1 35 1 00 I 90 I 50 6 25 6 00 metl, I 63 1 SO 1 75 3 00 7 00 6 35 8 00 0 bethel ville have followed suit. The Gamblers will soon have no abiding-place in South Mississippi. Where will their head-quarters be! PROCLAMATION Of the Mayor of Cincinnati.

fTintti great excitement prevails among the citi-' sens, produced by the presence of a number of persons called GAMBLERS, whose offensive pursuits, it is said, have caused their expulsion from other places: And whereas it is known to me that strong and instant measures are contemplated and recommended to tbe citizens, for tbe purpose of compelling these persons immediately to leave the city i Now, therefore, be it known, that to attain the end proposed, the City Council have, by a resolution, authorised me to call to the aid ofthe police one hundred effective men; in addition to which 1 am authorised to say, that five hundred citizens stand ready at any moment to render personal aid to tbe authorities of tbe city, ia support of such measures as may be deera-4 necessary to protect tbe inhabitants from lawless Claiborne Steele, I W. Morris, I 75 lOOIbs (ollick Ktiliinnr Mitchell l.mty 'Thouint (reen John II (iriin.haw Oeorre IfOOflrtch Mon 'iilieipie harlotts f.rahnm Jotm (ervaia I iarinda 2 Hall Jnnrea (' Uord Jarner .1 Morton HileA. Kurket llndmll Jteteph llarrwtn Khia A lltidaon I'ba Hancock Huron Heyry Halloni Joel flitMlc-rton John Hynea Wm Irhv II It Johnalon Widow Jones I'nlrh Jones Saraanna Jnnee John Kerr Wm Kinf John Kinrtiofi Paul Kowalki Monaieor llton Lewis Uichard 3 Latiiinore Sautuel Lawaun Uwii Wa ltuon Joaeph Lyud Adam Lam. Cornelius Lilly Aaron Lacy Georre Laie Aabury Miller IwacC 3 Moeehead John Mahasaa Waa 3 5 9 Tillor 1. 37 Tucker Juliana For Probate Court Clerk.

Elbri Jje O. Walker, Isaac Webster, Alexander J. M'leod, John A. Marsb, for County Auetrnr. Hugh Cowan I Barnabas Casey, Henry Fernaodis, I Benjamin H.

Htith, lb niooilcil tock for Hair. 'V'O. 1 ftnyonr4 jewra old, by Purine dam by Oa. 1 "car. Tbia marc is a rood mreoar, havinr wm at three heats the two mile day al Naahville laat fall, and the prtre-cnp wnt awarded her Ha ihe heat three yean old exhibited at ihe Nacmlle roll show in 14.14.

No. 1. Grry Fitly 3 yema nlil, by Merrury dam hy Khe is now in training at the stable of John llakiiw, and if very promiflinc. No. A bay filly one year old but ef hy Wild Pill dam (wily Nailer.

This tin finet lookinr filly I ever asw, ami ia now in a sweeiiatake sf $iW, tree fot any coll in ths world. No. 4. Black Saare, 7 years old, bv Tuevvteon dam hy Sir Arthnr. Kht waa bred by Waa.

Kinr, nf Naah-vtlle, and ia aa pure and thorough bred as any borae ia America ahe iaa rood binod snare. No. S. eVvrrel mare. yean old, by Sir William daaa by Timoleoe with a Red Pnter colt by her aide.

She ia now in Tenneasee, and ia pot this season la Ihe relehratd race hore Ratler. who at a lull brother to Plinilla. Kumpter and hil- 8 1 35 Vanborn Tbos ick John Wade Richard Weaver Poton 37 FLOUR, super Due, fine, HAY, HI HUB, dried, LARD, MOLASSES, NAILS, TAR, OATS, OIL, sperm, lintewd PORK, -nets, pnate, carro, rhitne, balk, POTATOE, ket bath rail call 1 50 1 50 George Veitcb. Leuelxy rttandard. iWoodlvooae Jon Whitehead James or Tax iMllector.

B. Bearborouirh, I Samuel T. Tread well. 16 00 14 00 10 00 bbl Simon T. Lane, 40 9 1 50 50 9 00 9 00 18 00 16 00 10 00 10 00 8 4 00 7 00 11 8 95 18 10 Walker IVs Williams Ben) Wilkin Wat Way Jaied Wbitaker a 00 bbl lb 7 YAZOO COUNTY.

Far Rrprcienlatiw to the Legislature. lOujbtJ RICE, Idera. John McKinstry, Sl'GAR, brown, let quality, Ihj quality, Ibl for bam IT. 75 00 7 S3 17 1 3 95 Jesse R. nilis, Copeland McKee.

II I Walker Mead Walker ThosG Walker Wm iWilliann Charles Yonnr jVounj Abirail depredations or all kinds. The High Sheriff of tbe coanty will co-operate with the city authorities in carrying these measures into effect. These arrangements enable me to assure the cit-iaeos, that the police are-iully competent to effect the object in view, and that a resort to violence, by well intended assemblages of the inhabitants, is entirely unnecessary, and may lead to ccsseqtieoces hereafter greatly to be deprecated. Given under my band and real of said city, tbia 234 July, 165V 8AML. W.

DA VIES, Mayof. loar, lump, lb lb SALT, No. n. Bay Mare hy flan hy Oscar: with a beautiful hor rob hv lyvnrta-aiat, foaled 15th laat May. I will sell any of the ahore named etrvk cm a credit until the ltl of Fetiniary next and any gentleman within; to purr ha ee, will he fnrniaheH with prices and pedtrree.

Ijn-ten adtlra-acd to the underairned, and directed to Natrbet, iM. mill be pence pc'y attevKied in. (Comer F. L. f-LAIBORXF.

July -it, 105. 4J 4 3 50 3 00 svoaad, tack 9 75 COPIAH COUNTY. for Senate. Seth Grandberry. for Haute of Jtepreienlatire: Buckner Harris, John G.

A. G. Brown, Sainoel T. Scott. W.

II BENTON. P. M. 00 ,25 SO WHISKEY talll 45 50 1 tearra (JT Persona apply in lor any of the a Ivors krlUar wall pleaoc say they era advertiaed..

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