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The Daily Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin • Page 1

Eau Claire, Wisconsin
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PRESSDENT STOREY SAYS INDEPENDENCE OF PHILIPPINES IS ASSURED. STORM WORST IN 30 YEARS, iEM ASHORE New York, Nov. thou Band men, members of the Bridgemen and HouseHralths' union of this city NOT CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS! may go.on strike at once as a result 1 of the efforts on the part of Post McCord to force an open shop plan 300 men to work on three FEARS THATTHE ARTILLERYMEN 1 the thirty buildings they are erectini WILL JOIN FORCES WITH dent of tho International Bridge and ceoc'i Structural Ironworkers and House- SEBASTOPOL REBELS. Bjniths un oni nafi been waillng fol this action of the firm, which now forms the basis of a general strike. The nonunion men put to work on Odessa, Nor.

General bulldtng were quar tered has received following new jjding Eighteenth street be dispatch from Vice Chouknin tween Ninth and Tenth avenues and commanding the Black sea fleet: when the whistles blew at o'clock "Thw mutineers the Knlaz Po they were escorted under guard to the temktne during the day and the vessel three buildings and put to work. The now In. my hands. The sailors, to- union men continued at gether with the' soldiers of the Brest! the regiment who mutinied, have shut themselves-in the Lazareff barracks some When fresh troopi PUT IN CHECK FOR AMOUNT CITY" STRUCK THE ROCKS AT DULUTH AND IS TOTAL LOSS. because NO RECORD OF THE TRANSACTION SAID TO HAVE BEEN MADE ON SOCIETY'S BOOKS.

men not taken off McCord are leadere of the arrive I shall attack, though I fear Employers 1 association, of which Me- artillerymen. may Join the mutineers Cord Ss president, and If the etriVe Is A very serious state of affairs pre declared It is probable that every mem- Tails. Several officers have been ber of the association will stand by the firm and that work on every build- According to the private dispatches tog in 'the city will be tied up. from Sebatftopol, Vice Admiral Chouk There has never been a time In this nln has frustrated the design of ths jty when so many skyscrapers were mutineers to seize the Black sea flecl being put up and if the members of the and sail for Odessa by ordering all th Bridge and Structural Ironworkers and gimlocks to be broken. Housesmlths' union drop their tools, members at work on the fifty AN OPTIMISTIC LIGHT.

odd big buildings throughout the city IN Admiral Chouknin Said to View Sltua tlon at Sebastopol. 8U Petersburg, Nov. the mutineers at Sebastopol are still masters the situation at Admiralty Point, and though parties have, apparently, free access to the town, not withstanding the announcement by the authorities tbat the roads leading to It blocked, dispatches received from Admiral Chouknin, commanding the Black fleet, present the situa tlon In an optimistic HeM. These dispatches, wblctt were read at aa ex will begin the strike. MUST KEEP HIS PROMISE NATIONAL SUPREME COURT DE- CIDES AGAINST GUSTAV HAFEMAN.

traordlnary council bMh'e admiralty, Washington, Nov. 28--Justice Brew the day delivered the oplnioi declare that moat of the mutineers gf tne BU preine court of. the have decided to surrender with" theli states In the case of F. Orosa Bros. Thia 8Ul New York, Nov.

of the most iaterestlngfeatures of the life Insurance investigation developed only a few moments before adjourning for the day of the Armstrong committee when Theodore F. Banta, cashier of the New York Life Insurance company, testified that about the beginning of 1901, Edmund D. Randolph, treasurer of the company, opened vaults of the company, removed New York city stock valued at $700,000 and put a check on. the Central National bank for in Its place. Mr.

Banta said he helped to open the vaults at the order of Mr. Randolph and that he supposed Mr. Randolph acted for the finance committee. The stock was kept out for a few days and was then returned and he check withdrawn. The transac- lon was not recorded on the books of he company so far as-Mr.

Banta knew. The effect of the operation would be hat anyone having that stock would lave $700,000 worth of taxable property at the end of the year. Mr. Banta did not know who stock Mr. Randolph is.expected to be one of the witnesses before the 1 this week.

George W. Perkins, vice president the New York Life Insurance company and member of the firm of J. P. Morgan bankers, daring the day de talled to the committee the transaction which resulted In his receipt of $40,192 from Kidder, Peabody Co. of Boston as half the of the sale of fworth af-bonirk-of Mexican Railway company: Milton -M.

Boston, Nov. annual meet Ing of the Anti-Imperialist league was held in this city during the day. PresI dent Moorfteld Storey iu his annual address said: "Government by might, the world over, totters to Its fall." He referred to the war in the East, saying-that by it "the superstition tbat yellow men are inferior tc white received'ita death blow." Continuing, he-said: "There are those who would have us think that the cause of Philippine in dependence Is lost. We do not believe k. We have not lost our faith In pin countrymen.

The independence of the CAPTAIN AND CREW SAFE REPORTS FROM VARIOUS POINTS ON LAKE OF OTHER DIS ASTERS. A COMPLETE CONFESSION A MISSOURI CONVICT TELLS OF THE PLOT TO BREAK OUT OF PRISON. Philippines is President Storey reports, both press and governmental, to prove that tranqulllty has not been established. to show alleged defects, civil, legal and administrative, and alleged deplor able trade conditions, and added: "In a Ve'have been trying to turn FSHpinos-intQ Yankees, palm trees Into pines, by force. It Is hopelessly foolish." These officers were elected: PresI dent.

Moorfield Storey; treasurer David Greene Haskins, secretary Erring Winstow. thnngh such action Involves trial lor mutiny before a courtrnartial. instituted by Gross Brothers AMINISTEE 1SDICTED CHARGED WITH COMPLICITY IN PLOT TO DEFRAUD THE GOVERNMENT. American Duluth, Nov. steel relghter "Crescent City," one of the est steel trust ships, was driven onto he rocks within the city limits of Du- uth at 2 o'clock this morning.

The crew and the captain are safe but the vessel is a tota! toss. A number of other steamers are re ported ashore at various points on Lake Superior. The prevailing storm has proven the worst in thirty years. big steamer whose identity is unknown went ashore this afternoon near Superior. Vesselmen say the entire lake shore to the Soo will be strewn with wrecks.

Jefferson City, Nov. complete confession has been made to Hall of the state penitentiary by George Ryan, one of the-convicts recaptured after his escape from the penitentiary laat Friday in company with three other convicts during which three men were and several wounded, regarding the manner In which the convicts secured tmmunltion and the nltroglycerinirita which they blew up the large wagon gate in the outer wall of the prison. In his confession Ryan Implicated H. E. Spencer, who was discharged from the penitentiary on Nov.

9. Ryan said Spencer furnished the pistols and the convicts In OVER THIRTY PEOPLE ONE OF THE ENGINEERS OF THS MONTREAL TRAIN FOR THE DISASTER. York Life Insurance company, had that toaOiOftfr of the Omaha, Nov. Oeorge G. Ware, rector of the Bpiacopal church of Lead, S.

was Indicted during the by the federal grand Jury, charged with the government out of acres of land in Hooker and Thomas counties, Lambert Harry Welch are made'jotat defendants with Ware. Each men. Is held to the federal court $5,000 Rev. for that amount and Cases, are also for MERIWETHEE CASE PBOCEEDS THE ACCUSED MIDSHIPMAN WILL TESTIFY IN HIS OWN DEFENSE. This Is confirmed in part by a dls- 1 recover under a contract one-fourth of patch to the Novoe Vremya, which tne money received by Hafeman in the cays that the spirit of the mutineers IE sa i ant in st.

Louis county, Min- Taillng and that several bodies hare ncso ta. The firm is engaged In the already surrendered. real estate business and It based its On the other hand, dispatches to the a upon the fact that Hafeman was 'Associated Press from Sebastopol say by its members in locating and that revolutionary orators have sue- pro ving up on the land in question. ceeded in winning over a battalion ol Tlle i ower courts awarded the firm reservists and that, in spite of the ar- 11,875. Hafeman resisted the proceed- rival of reinforcements to the number of several thousand the authorities did oa lne ground that his contract Gross Brothers controverts the not dare to Interfere with a review tenns Section 22C2 of the revised held by the mutineers by the Cathedral 8 tatutes, which requires that a pre- of St.

Vladimir, which.Is In the very empter about to take up land shall heart of the town. make oath that he is not entering upon So far as known, most of the de- the aud ne preempting for the pur- mtrnds of the mutineers have to do posg of speculation but for his own with service conditions. Including the use The court held that the other release of reservists who have served ar ti es to the contract having fully beyond their time. Increase of pay, In- comp ijpd with their stipulations were crease In the allowance of food, and en titled to enforce against Hafeman the removal of alleged incompetent pers nnally, though not against the 'officers. 1 land, hisTpfomlse" to -pay-one-fourth of Beyond a determination to proclaim proceeds of the sale, martial nothing of a definite nature has transpired regarding the de-.

nmTT clslbns-arrived at by the admiralty i I'I I council, but" it is reported that the -iU- J- KJAJ.XAJ council agreed as to the justice of many of the demands made by the 5 mutineers and would recommend to the emneror that immediate steps be taken to ameliorate the condition of REPORT THAT HE HAD I the sailors. The latest dispatch from Sebastopo. says that the mutineers forced tho officers and crew of the cruiser Otcha- koS to leave the ship. The crews of the battleships Rostislav and PRESIDENCY OF MUTUAL LIFE DENIED. life insurance company's money was used In the and that Mr.

Perkins got the profit. Invested Profits for a Mr. Perkins said that he "went Into the transaction for- the Nylic fund which is owned by the agents of the York Life Insurance company and tbat he invested the profits for hat fund. The life insurance com pany, he -sairi profited to the extent per cent interest on the loan of $930, 000. He stated the company had no right to the $40,193 profit.

Mr. Perkins said also that J. Morgan Co. had taken up notes Andrew Hamilton and B. E.

McCall, formerly justice of the New York state supreme court, amounting to $56,319, at the request of President McCall of the New York Life Insurance company and the amount with interest was paid to Andrew Hamilton by the New- -York- Life- -Insurance from the proceeds of a sale of United States Steel stock. John H. McCall told the committee during the day that he had told the Central National bank and E. E. McCall that Hamilton, was good for and they had then taken Hamilton's notes.

President McCall said the New York Life Insurance company owed Hamilton" and took the steel stock to pay him. The result, was that the transaction did-not appear on the insurance company's books. The reason was thn.t he wished to keep Hamilton's alleged the wealthiest mcsi In" has been general manager of the I- B. U. ranch, which several thousand bead of cattle on the range of Western Nebraska.

It is charged in the indictment that the defendants defrauded' the government by securing title to soldiers' homesteads in an unla-wfnl manner. AnnapoHs, great progress was made during, the in the'trial by eouriaarttal of MidsUip-" mair Miner-- chargea one sf la of' TOTAL DEATH LIST FROM WRECK OF TRAINS IN MASSACHUSETTS, Now day. spent by wrecking crews In. ing away the remaining traces of disaster at Baker's Bridge statlonvon the PItchbirrg-' division of, the -Boston railroad and an tton by the railroad officials, state au-V thorltles. and the it'iras.

practically settled, thai lost their their desperate break for liberty. ernor Folk has offered a reward-of for Spencer's arrest- WHOLESALE SHOOTING! AN ILLINOIS MAN KILLS HIS SON AND WOUNDS SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE. bruised as the collision the" Te press and the branch: President Lucius Tattle of declares H. W. Lyons, enginei leading locomotive of train, Is responsible for A revision of the list of suited in elimination of threse were sup osed' to have lost The list of known dead follows: D.

James Weatherbee, South William J. Ban-is, Maynard; Harris, Maynard; Miss: May uruaa naven, Nov. by gossip to the effect that, wife cared more for his friend, Franfc Dubrowski, than for himself, Carl Ko- kosinskl, a tinner at Pullman, 111., shot his "wife and shot and killed his JitUs sou, Sddie, mortally wounded his five-year-Old shot a neighbor, Joseph Smith, -whc tried to stop the wholesale shooting, and then sent a bullet through his own brain, killing himself instantly. Dabrowski is dying. Kokosln- ski and Joseph Smith will-prbbably; re Donat Misa Annie W.

Hartwell, Josephine Carlson, Maynard; VisttVM. Annie Ayre; Growler, Sweeny, Concord; Miss LemableX bell. South Action. The partially, identified dead B. Russian, known; The unidentified Body man, snpposed Albert 'Johnson 5 FAMILY man James R.

Branch, after 'a fist fight between him and Midshipman Meriwether. Perhaps the most Important developments of-the day were the" decision of counsel to put Midship- man Meriwether on the stand In his own defense and the appearance ol Dr. W. L. Glazebrbok of Washington in the role of adviser to Meriwether'a counsel.

AT SEIZE THE TURKISH QUSTOMS AND TELEGRAPH OFFICES AT THAT PLACE. MILWAUKEE MAN WOUNDED, HIS SON KILLED AND HIS WIFE HURT. Nov. a fam ily quarrel at night Frank Alltota, a city laborer residing at 349 Jefferson street, was shot in the- bead, an infant son named Angelo Alliota was shot FATAL TRAIN WRECK. One Man Killed and Two Others Badly Hurt In Illinois.

Paris, Nov. northbound freight train on the Cairo division of the Big Four was wrecked at Swango Hill, five miles south of here, during the evening. An unknown man was instantly killed, two other persons were seriously Injured and ten cars were demolished. The wreck, was caused" by the train breaking in two. The Injured are: William Howard, Chicago, may die; Joe Martin, Chicago, seriously bruised.

-Engineer Lyons, whorls Iii1uffid; has. arrived at his Charjestown. The to have.admitted seeing sojne signals used for the protection accommodation. New York, N'ov. 2S--Dr.

Walter R. SviaUtalia, so far as at present known, vice' president of the Mutual vacarva Ttn I 1 i Life Insurance company, has denied have not mutinied. One reserve bat talion, however, has joined the mult- neers- Several companies of the Vilna have arrived at Sebastopoi from Martial law has been declared In the fortress. j. 1 through the body and killed, and Mrs The injured men and the man who Frank Angelo's arm was broken.

The i killed have been working with a police are searching for'GIovanni Al- construction crew near Cairo. They liota, a brother of Frank, who is sup- were beating their way to Danville In TROOPS AND PEOPLE CLASH. Citizens of Potl Use Foreign-Made Rifles Against Czar's Soldiers. Tlfiis, Transcaucasia, Nov. quantity of arms was discharged early In the morning from boats at the nortt mole of the port of Poti.

The inhabitants of the town assisted in the work. While the unloading was proceeding troops arrived on. the scene and firing ensued, which lasted for some hours. The authorities seized fifty-four boxes of ammunition and fifty-one boxes of foreign-made rifles. Several arrests were made.

Peasant Troubles Break Out, Plock, Russian Poland, Nov. troubles have broken out here. The peasants have torn down the Rus- Bian eagles on the Cantonal buildings. Storm on the North Sea- Cvixhaven, Germany, Nov. great storm accompanied by lightning and hail is raging in the The regular English service is overdue shipping from this portjiaa published reports that Richard A.

Mc- CHnly had resigned -the-presidency, of the Mutual Ufe, and that Robert H. WcCnrdy had retired from the general managership of tho company. Dr. Gillett said, however, that Louis A. Thebaud, son-in-law of President Me- Curdy, had relinquished the position of the company's general agent for New York.

ATTORNEY ARRESTED HE IS ACCUSED OF HAVING FORG- ED NAMES ON PENSION PAPERS. Schenectady, N. Nov. slcm Attorney John W. Eighmy of Amsterdam, N.

was arrested during the day by the United States authorise on a charge of forging pension papers and.arraigned before. United States Commissioner W. D. Loucks in thi city. He was-committed to-Jail in de fault of $10.000 bail.

It'Is alleged tha the signatures, of individuals and no- "tary publics In the states of South. fcota. and Missouri JojgecU expenses down. Much evidence was given by Mr. Perkins and Mr: McCall about the New York Security and Trust company's participation In the United States Steel company's syndicate to the extent of having the deposits of the New York Life Insurance company for about that amount.

The New York Life Insurance company got 75 per cent of the profits -and Mr. Perkins contended thrxt it was a safe and profitable venture. President McCall said the life Insurance company should have participated directly instead of Indirectly. posed to have done the shooting, said six shots In all were fired, shot which killed the child Is supposed to have been meant for its mother, who was holding the kabe in her arms at the time of the shooting. It is a car loaded with Ths NINE MEN KILLED, AS IOWA LAW IS UPHELD INSURANCE COMPANIES PROHIB- ITED FROM AGREEING TO FIX RATES.

GIFT FROM KING EDWARD CUP FOR RACING YACHTS PRESENTED TO NEW YORK YACHT CLUB. New York, Nov. was made at night at the New York Tacht club of'the presentation club by King Edward VII. of a trophy to- be known as "The King's Cup," and to be 'raced 'for -annually by American in American watersf Washington. Nov.

Iowa state Jaw prohibiting Insurtmre companies from entering Into an agree-j ment to fix rates of Insurance la de clared constitutional by the supreme court of the United States in a decision handed down In the cane ot Beryl F. Carroll, Iowa state auditor, against the Greenwich Insurance company of New York and others. The decision reverses -the decree of the United States circuit covirt for the Southern district of Iowa. Several Others Injured by an Explosion at Emporium, Pa. Emporium, Novv explosion in the mixing house and In one of the packinghouses at the.

Keystone powder works during the day destroyed the entire works, killed nine men and Stirred several others. Thtrdead are: James, Joyce, John Butler, Jamea Campbell, John Hamilton, Thomas Welch, James Murphy, Frank Harrington, John Bossle and William Sprung. Joseph Gainey hnd his leg find hip broken, being probably fatally Injured. Oldest Woman in New York. New York, Nov.

Jane Harris believed to be the oldest woman in the state of New York, died at New Rochelle during the day in her II2th year. Her grandmother was a full blooded Indian, and she claimed to be a descendant of Pocahontas. London, Nov. publishes the following dispatch" from. Mytilene: "Eight warships of the.

combined fleet arrived here at 8 o'clockx id. Admiral Ritter von 'accompanied by the Austrian counsel, proceeded to government house at 10:30 o'clock and handed an ultimatum to the governor. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon SOO sailors landed and seized the customs and telegraph offices. 'Everything Is quiet." HANG ON DEC. 8.

Federal Supreme Court Renders" Decision Against Washington, No.v. supreme court of the United States has. affirmed the decision of the United States district court of Vermont in the case ot Mrs. Mary Mabel Rogers, who is under sentence of death-In ye'r- raont for the murder of her The effect of the decision was again to the responsibility of deallnfe with the case In the hands of the State authorities arid if In the meantlmt neither the governor nor the: stato courts take action in Mrs. Rogers' be half her execution must occur on tho SPANISH MINISTER OF WAR GOES TO BARCELONA TO TRY" IT.

S-, Madrid, Nov. Weyler has left Madrid for to investigate and repress the Catalou. -These have- asaame.ii:-:- i'i the. -K tary and separatist elements. her of street curred 'BuYmg which the'troops ha 'been Jeered; crying to Spain," "long live free -The government reports show 7 military forces are now masters'iof situation but the troops are their quarters owing to fears of other collision between the favorable to Spain and the minority favorable to separation.

ler expects to remain five days.to_C*titv-^-S?;; He has been authorized all the measures necessary restore order. Two Unknown Men Killed, Cincinnati, Nov. unknown men who were stealing a ride oft top of a Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago were knocked off ft the street bridge here night and instantly killed. The men were thrown to the front train and horribly Burned One of His Hands. Durand, Nov.

Gil more, a drug clerk employed in Hougcn's pliarmacy, escaped what might have been a most -serious accident. While the chemist was boiling some syrup of Yerba Santa on a stove he left it to wait on a customer, in the meantime it boiled over and caught. on fire just Miv-Gll- more came into the laboratory. He "Quickly seized the burning mass -ami plunged it Into a tank of one.ot. hbT hands; day set, which is Dec.

8. next. "The court field, in effect, that it was without jurisdiction in all the points raised. WILL NOT INTERFERE. Governor of Vermont Will Let the Law, Take Its Course.

Waldcn, Nov. Charles J. Bell, when informed of the decision of the supreme court of tho United States in the case of Mrs. Mary Rogers, stated that he stood on the same grounds tbat he has maintained heretofore in this case. "I shall noil interfere In any way," he said, "with the regular arrangements for the execution of Mrs.

Rogers on the date set, Dec. 8." EIELD3, PBflYESFATAL SON OF CHICAGO MILLIONAIRE SUCCUMBS AS RESULT OF WOUND. Boy Stabbed His Companion. Nov. quarrel last evening Henry llrncss, a lad of sixteen years, stabbed John Simerson, known as "Happy Jack." in the arm.

Tho. evening before Urness fired three shAs at failed to hit 'him. has. been under arrest and awaits his Not being of age he will undoubtedly be sc-nt to the reform school- Chicago, Nov. 2S.

Marshall Fl.eld,_ died at 5 o'clock p. ni'. at Mercy" hospital. Mr. Field, who was the only sou of Marshall Field, the multimillionaire of this city, was accidentally shot on the afternoon of Nor.

22. He was examining a new revolver he had purchased when it was discharged, the bullet striking him in the right side, perforating the liver and spleen, and Injuring the spinal cord. He was hurried to Mercy hospital, where an operation was at once performed and ihe bullet 'removed. THe physicians from the but little hopes of ultimate recovery, although patient two seemed to holrtr his own. At 3 a- us.

a'T decided change for the worsa place and -Mr; Field grew rapidly weaker until, his death,.

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