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Vicksburg Daily Whig from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 3

Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

REGULAR PACKETS I Petit Golf Cotton Seed. tnr Sale, Ploughs. UTTrE havaon hand supply Plougha, u. WW bncin a variety of oatterns. among hicb COMMERCIAL.

i i VICKSBURG PRICES CURRENT; ccaaxmD whxxt 1 gd BUSHELS of superior Pern Gulf Cot- 1... of valuable und itu JL ton Seed in store and for sale by aw, llalia improved Peacock Ploughs, Noa. 1, 2, dt 3 feb 18 COLEMAN It Co. Vicksbure New Orleans Packet YAZOO. THIS splendid, fart running steamer y'Sw R.

Mnabv. master, will run aa a Wood's and Dudley's Ploughs. K. No 1 and 2 Wood's Ploueha do do do with Um re do do Dudley Ploujlu. do Parrot, do do Illinois, do Also Ploughs do.

In store and 50 No. 1 Dudley's ttt, 9 ct. FbrnwT bbl 8 50 a 3 00 ji 14 a 1( coil 6J 7 bbt 8 00 a 10 CO do 6 00 a 7 00 COLEMAN Co for sale by feb 18 manulactured by O. W. Farr of Hinds county.

ti ei1, green, Do. dried, Bagsing, 1'ale llcpe, ef, mess, Do. prime, Planters and others wishing to purchtsc, are re quested to call and examine ihe above plough feb 10 COOK LITTLf JOHN. per annum, and witt he lor 8 500 one third cash, and the bal. payable one.

two jeai't rent. jJAy CO, 'ti and Property Agent -rrurg Female Seminary. jCKSUUi that he rtSS- DeNorri a. teacher the k.seg MiesD speakt the native trench, VSUb the most approved niodea of in Hkis, D. Ajtmnutw, and Ticker will POWDER.

Shot, awoned, and Bar Lead, store and for tule low by jebl8 COLEMAN It Co. Lost. ON Wednesday the 15tb a bunch of keys, (four in number, any person returning thi EVANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4 City Hat and Cap Store, 10 Chartres trsit. Nx Oruam. 4 8 4 25 10 25 10 same to Hrm.

Courtenay, on the landing, will be STSign of tht Very Largt Red Hat rj suitably rewarded. fch 17 fpiular weekly Packet, leaving New Orleans even Monday evening, at 5 o'clock, and leavra Vicksburg every Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Fr freighi passage apply to PORTERFILD Sl Co. dec 2 tf The Steam-Boat Alton. THIS substantial and comlortab'.

Cr-r boat, II. Haiwood, master, will ru a regular packet between New Orleans snd Co umbia, Arkansaa, and slop for all packages am freight between Vickshurg and Columbia. Person having freight, or passengers to any of the plm tiona between those poinis inay re-t amured of the utmost punctuality in their taie delivery. This boa' la owned in the south, and the owners rest then claims for patronage upon the generosity ot south ernrr8 in giving them a preference over those wh' tnny come to spend a short season in the tra le. A1 tlx can promise is punctuality and prices according the times.

Ti Alton may be expected here oi her up trips on Thursdays or Fridays of every mru ek. Oct 11 'f rece i v. by the Louisa, torther enpniy of gentlemen's, youth's an i children's HA IS and t'APS, of the latest and most eppmved French and EROY'S FRENCH SPECIFIC, lor th Jt orrhnea at $3 00 per bottle, highly rrlrbra remedy, by M. EMANUEL, feb 1 Levee siren, English Fashions. This stock eornpris every va.

ui 10 a A. W. CHAPMAN. riety of shape and color, suitable for thin climate, 4 50 nnd Lemons. OATS, Potatoes.

Bulk Pork. Lud, Brrl Pork and Flour. 100,000 ibsblk Pork. 85 bbls Mee Pork, 250 keg Lard, 100 bbls Flour, 150 sack-Oats, 150 bbls Potatoes, on consignment and sa by jan 21 8 COL1 INS TWPVtY Oranges, 20 boxes Lemon', just received on consignment pt-r mUMbT GEO. W.

BALL. Btrcft II Goshen Cheese. Box? splendid Goshen Cheese, just fSSS CRUTCUER fc McRAVEN. "Whisky. nEEF 20 half barrels Beef, a prime article, for sale by LIVERS 4 McLEAN feb 17 30 11 50 11 1S a oo 35 19 10 lo 3 50 89 00 43 00 23 00 10 00 30 30 2 00 4 3 75 75 7 7 1 75 I 50 80 7 and has been got up wi great caro and anention aa regards materials and workmanship, intent and strangers who are in want of articles in our line, il! do we I to ay i-is siablitlimeut a visit, as we shall, a.

here oi' rc, gi a our personal i in, and endeavor to sui the a ol the most sti loin, Our a fort men I comprisra beavr, nutri i.caaann. re, ssiiu beaver, moleskin, silk snd Russin haia and all f.rsh from our manufactory, hy the latrat artivala. We would ask the inep' ctimi ot our stock after having examined at other stores, as we 'eel coiieciou that the articles we preterit, will nut aulT by comparison with rhe of any utlie house in ihis city. thoutind Pj ami just received, some of which are liner than any ver imi oriod, which are offered st icdueed pi ices Fa no in as b'ca hed and presel in mper or stylo bTct the V'-rv hrte Red Hat, In Chartres st New Crlians. march 15 12w 3m IS AC()N 35.4 0 lbs.

bacon, vi-ry suprri'ir. An sale by feb 16 S. GARVIN Wool. '1WIE nnderaigned will purchase Wool at th ft. h'gl esl price, and pay er.w eries and produce dec 27 LIVERS McLEAN.

Yeatmans Sugar Cured Hams. id i AKs Yestmanamgar ured and spiced Hams, jut rcc iv. Also, 2tt kegs fresh western Butter, by BRUNLR 4. MORGAN, mareh 2 Levee Street 30 9 8 8 3 00 90 00 34 00 20 00 5 00 95 25 1 50 4 00 3 50 62 6 6 0 00 1 25 18 ,6 15 1 30 1 00 75 1 30 50 BARRELS Ill-sky, McF-riin nurch13 fMlii-. Coffee.

Dry Kegs. klNESTS (1 in nest of dry krgs in VF store an 4 for sale bv Jcb21 COLEMANJtCo Sugar, Molasses, fl 4 Lb Brown Sugar; 20 do Loaf do Tc" 40 bbls Molasses, 20 iaga Havana and Rio C' fffe, in store and for sale by feb 18 COLEMAN Co Do. cargo. Baron, hams, sugar cured, lb Do. plain, do Do.

eidea, do IK. shoulders, do Butter, Gothen, lb Do, Western, do Bus its, bbl Colli llavina, lb Do. St. Domingo, do Do. Rio, do Cement, hydraulic, bbl Candles, sperm, lb Do.

tallow, mould, do Do. do dip'd, do Cheese, American, do Cider. bbl Cigars, Canones, Do Reg. lias, Do. Pnncipei, Ameiican, Corn in ear, bbl Do.

shelled, bush Do. Meal. bbl Flour, suter fine, do Do. fine, do Hay, 100 Iba Iron, lb Lard. lb Lime, Thomaston, bbl Do Western, unalack'd, do Mnlnaeea, gall Noils, lb On Is, bush Oil, sperm, gall Do.

winter strained, do Do lard, do Do Linseed, do Pork, clour. bbl Do. mess, do Do prime, do Do. cargo, do Do. chime, do Do.

bulk, hog round, lb Potatoes, tack Do. bbl Rice, lb Sugir, brown, lb Do. loaf, do Do. lump, do Soap, No 1 Boston, do Do. do 2 do do Suit, Liverpool blown, tack Do ground, do Tobacco, honey dew, lb Do.

Ky. manufactM do Tar, bbl Do. keg Whi.key, Rye, gall Do. rectified, 1st ql'iy do Sperm Oil. GALLS.

Winter Strained Sperm Oil. warranted pure and not to chill in the ilWENTY Prime Havana Ten bags St. Domingo Coffee; itfed by steamboat Ambassador und will be ffilS CRUrCUER McRA 'EN. Anrtinn. 450 20 50 25 00 Vinegar.

iy BBLS. Vinegar, just received per steamrr 93 and fur sa'c vf ry low, by feb 23 GEO W. BALL. SATURDAY, the QOih Mauh next, we will I' lit public tale at 'he Giidewell House, (if hi nrivate enle.) 2 Billiard 0 Marshal's Sale. STATE OF MISSISSFIT.

In the ireuit f'ovrt of the United State) for the Southern Ihntrict if the State of lip pi. to May Term, Poal Sl Mam 1 va Fi- Fa. Thomas Oriffin. et sl BY virtue of the above execution to me ditee'ed, I shall expose 1 1 public te, at ihe door of ll Cour House, in the ciiy i Vickshurg, within ti himrs prescribed by luw, to ihe h'ghest bidder, for coldest weather, 50(1 ga'luns common Lamp Oil, 5 barrels Train Oil, jut rece ved from the manufacturers and will be told very low tor cush by dec 3 WOODMAN Soap and Candles. IORTY boxes No.

1 Thirty boxes New Sperm Cand'es; Now landing and for aale by march ail dw AMES SCOTT. 7 50 6 00 7 75 6 50 Medical Notice. hu rem. ved his office and reside nce, to the linufe rer. n'lv occupied by Dr.

Morgan, on Main street, opp si the Oid Post Office. f. b. 26-3ra Kwilb cues, oiitf. lamps, chaire, in HJianMpRICEtpIERCE.

march 14 Auctioneers. W-gOSSTTw" horse Wagons. I four do. do. cash, on the IDES and WOOL bought at highext prices, by II 4'4 Mnnday nf March, ll, all the right, title and interest ot the delo id int.

Ben. march 2 LIVERS McLEAN. Weeding Hoes. rjMWENTY doz Ns 1 and 4 Enelish Weed, ft. ing Hoes, of superior quality, fur bv march 20 AMES SCOTT.

jamin Whnheid in nnd to Hie lol owing de'iibed BUCKWHEAT FLOUR A first rate article, in J. and barrels, fur sale, by jan 23 COOK LITTLEJOHN. Sugar Cured Hams. A SMALL ha Rtedcr's eelebrat. sugar cured Hams, just receivrd and Ar aale by march 20 dfcw t'OnK.

LITTLEJOHN. 31 62) SO 14 8 50 25 40 95 00 50 85 24 50 5 4 14 121 6 5 25 HO 35 8 (10 25 00 18 Buckwheat Flour. A FIRST rate article ot Buckwheat Flour, by the barrel or keg, jan 20 GARVIN Salt. ONE HUNDRED sacks fine and cosrs Salt, fors.leby AMES SCOTT, march 20 New Spring Goods. "SHIRTY cases fresh and desirable Spring Gjodf, consisting in part of French painted Liwiit, English do Cambrics.

Scotch fancy Gng fancy spring prints. Pongee silk hsndker ehafs, Linen Cambric do Linen Lawns, English wbiteeotton hose, do half 8.4 musqiutu netting eotioa, do Linen, 8 4 do Bobbinet, brown and bleached dumesiic in every variety, Palmetto Hats, fcciwt received and lor sale at unusual low prices JT WM.HAY&CO. N. B. The attention of merchants is solicited to Ike above stock, comprising variety of ods suit-iklefcr this market.

11 CrSplendid Family Residence For Sale. THE two story Brick building on 1st East street, now occupied by Thos. N. Pierce, Esq has srery convenience attached thireto, the location is dtisirable, the title indisputable Tho terme cash, 1500 dollars. N.

B. The house rents for $300 per annum much 9 (KM. HAY CO. N. O.

Suar. 171 1 VE Hhdi strictly prime fusr. Fivo hhds common Sugnr, which will he aold low by CRUTCHER 4. McRAVEN. mnrch If! Stoves and Grates.

latfO. 2 and 3 six plate stoves; No. 1, and 3 ten lM plate cooking stovi No. 1, 2. 3 and 4 fancy mantle gratrc; No 1, 2 and 3 narrow joined do.

worth from $2 25 to $5 00. Iron counter beams; 200 feci stove pipea. ALSO On hand the well known Bridgcford Ho I brook's Conking Stoves of different sizes, at a deduction of $5 00 on former prices. sept 29 8. GARVIN.

ORLEANS MONEY MA It KET. limine rD moM thi mw ostuss nc ileus. Unileil Klaies Treanury Notes 1 ateiscH Hover, If n. 4 84 4 8T rpsiiluli Oouliluons, 18 It IS 30 PntrM tn l5 6Ja(J60 Amerienn ftolil, a I pram. fmc pieees 13 80s 3 JO Metlrnn lollri, par Hnif Oullurs par DAVJD FELT 6c NEW YORK STATIONERS' HALL, No.

24, rHiRTRII STRUT, NlW dBLEiKI, IMPORTERS AMIFAGTURKRi cv ery variety of Foreign and American Stationery, consisting nf Bank Hu ks ol every vuu. ly; Liii rt- Wanted WE wish to hire two Negro Women, to serve as cocks for a Hotel, in a neu hborirg town, march 2 LIVERS McLEAN. property, twit: An undivnled hall Lit number ninety two, squ ir sixteen, cominr nciiu' at a point on Washington in nid lot nuinbry twenty six feet four inches Irum north west corner of taiil square number sixb en, thence smith along said Wash.ngton street twentytwo feet seven inches, thence east at right anght with said Wash'iigion street, eighty nine leet lo an alley, thence north twenty two feet, thence we eighty lour feet to tho beginning together with brick building on same the same iving been levied upon as the pmpertyof tl defendant Bei jamin Whitfield, to umsfy plain, ff's claim and costa. ptJSill AND. MILLER.

al. Feb ti 8w. By his l)e uiv WVI. MILLER Marshal's Sale. STATE OF MHt-MSlPPI.

7r the Circuit Court nf the United Statet fur the Southern Dt rid of the Stale of Mietie. lippi, to May te IN I. New Orleans Canal and Hanking 1 vi A McNiitt and sureties 1 BY virtue of the nbuve execution to me directed, I shall expune to public sale, at the iloor of i he Court House in the city of Vicksburg within the hour prescribed by luw, to the high' st bidder, for cash, on (h Second Monday of April, 1843, all the right, tillo iiueietr oi tho delenilant in and to the following decrihed property, to all ihnt pari of frHCtional section five township sixteen, range four cast, in the county of Warren and ton Dictricts, which lies west of ihnt part of ami! section sold by A M- Nutt ir field and Farr, in the year CMi'aiiiing 234 The same having been vied upon as the property of the delemlant A. McNutt, and will bu sold lo satisfy pi untitf'a claim nwi pr. fee, 8 ANDKRSON MILLER, Marshal of the S.

for the South. Im. Mis mnrch 9 by Ins W. MILLER. ed and American Inks of estab'ished repu'ation; tr Dlmci- "Piipers, Pepcra," ol sll the celebrated manufic.

turcrs of this country, together with a good assortment of fureijri manufacture; Scaling Wax, Wa BENCH SCREWS A lot of Carpenters Bench Screws, for sale at a low price, by fob 25 COLEMAN CO. ter, Quills and Steel Pens, of fifty fferent kindr; siw om.tK city aKiti: Bank of I.millniia,--- (ins Hunk, Mec hanlrs and Trailers Bunk, Union Hunk, Cny Hank. LeuUtnns Htnie Itnnk Cnrrnllimi Canal llsnk "Cards, Cards," enarm lied, Ivory and plain siirfaci lsys specie specif lays specie irl -pays specie psys speeie pays tietle pirctdtac't. blank, of all sizes and enameled ami plain Juniata Iron. 1WENTYT0NS Juniata Iron, just received JL from Pittsburg, and for sale very low by march 10 GEO.

W. BALL. Card Sheets cut to any size nqu re'j Playing Card; At Private Sale, fHlEN LIKELY NEGROES, young and accli. JL mated; title indisputable, feb 3 WM. HAY Auctioneers.

School Books. eftffj WEBSTER'S Spelling Books, ILJPt" 150 Smith's Geographies Atlas 150 Olney's do. do. 250 Pike' Arithmetics, 250 Smiley.s do. 250 Smith's do.

together with a very large and complete assortment Copying Pressep; Copying ioks of 5, 10, 15 and 20 quire; Copvinc Brushes, Oil Paper and Copying Cdiianliitiited lliink 31 a 34 Commercial llsnk 24 a 26 de Ink; Steamboat Book and Blanks ot every variety; Bonnet Boards, brown, blue and white; Bills of Ex. BULK lbs Bulk Pork, just re ceived on consignment, and for sale, by feb 10 C. G. KERCHEVAL. do riiwiis Hunk, 25 a 28 chanve; Btils of Lading, Kiclmiite Hunk 55 a B0 Imnriivrintiit, .............65 Til de do do do de Corner of Washington and Clay ate.

Bindint; Paper Ruled to any pmtern re do do do do Airhal'slHa, RD HS tin ii it of Orlcim 55 a 60 qu red, and neatly Bound, in Half Binding, Full Petit Gulf Cotton Seed. Sheep, Binds and Pu ttuesia. of Sclio I Books just received and will be sold in quantities st New Orleans price, bv feb 4 O. WOODMAN. Aflf BUSHELS Petit Gulf Cotton Seed, 12i15 dlwount Commercial Hum It.

Noli lira, chocks on Merchants Hank, Ntw Orleans, mcxicipiutv uuv just received and for sale, by PRICES GREATLY REDUCED! feb 6 HUNTINGTON PINCKARD. pr et. dtee'l. The Proprietors having in cuuiemplat.on a cbance Municipality No- One Ii a IS Mioiirliwlliv No. Two 28 a 29 in their business, their Stock being very Urge and being desirous of reduc ng it aa low as posihle by do do do do diaeonnl a Kentucky Cotton Osnaburgs.

BALES Cotton Osnaburgs, manulactured JLf by R. Grayham Co Louisville, in stors and for sale by COLEMAN Co. feb 18 Municipality No Threa 65 a 70 CNfCRKMT mint: t'nllcit Cia'M t'snk Sill. the ensuino Spring determined to leU their Coodi at New York Ptieei. to meet the depr sped staie of the time and Her all articles in their line.

POPULAR TECHNOLOGY, or Prol -ssion Trudes, by Hasten, with eighty one cngra. vings. This is very valuable work, giving a description of all tr.idet and a subject wh ch is intcres'ing to all thifces o( toieiy. Ko slebv (fh I) no Ui ii ))M AN at rates which cannot fail to meet the views of th Classical Books. ANTHON'S compb te course consisting of Anthon's First Latin Lessons, Do, do.

Greek do. Do. Greek Grammar, Do. Jabobs Greek Reader, Do. Greek Prosody, Do.

Ceasar, Do. Sallust, Do. Cicero, Do. Horace. Do.

Complete Classical Dictionary, Do. System of Latin Prosody. A very large supply of the above Classical Books most rigid advocates of Economy. To en.ib ihem to do so, the Public will see the necessity of Cisb Tobacco. Of BOXES superior Gold Leaf, VXJ 80 do do Honey Dew, 13 do do Common Ketucky, for t's LIVERS 4.

McLEAN. feb 10 Patm snt3 for small amounts. STAl' ordert from the country will meet with prompt attention! march lawly Alnl ama Hi. te Hank nnrl Branrhea 18 a 21 Plnnn rn I'oal Notes, NHtcliea, .60 a 63 Poal Notes a 40 r.faiut (oiif 70 a Ti Mnwiatiii Ciilon Hank 05 a RT Cnmiiierriul and Ka'l Hmd italik, a 90 fie- ru a i mill uncaruiln Virginia and r'outli Carolina, a 4 Kt.TSRs tsxi: diaeminl f'inrinnati a 4 OiiioCo.inlry Dinks 5a Kentucky I I 2 liiil si a -3 a lalf Hank of lliinoi 65 a 70 Hank of 60 a 65 Tehiiert'f Hink 4 ArkHtca. 60a(J Sale in Bankruptcy.

H- WILL sell at th Co r' II "ie in Vicksburg, on just received from the publishers, and will be aold the Uth dan of April next. tSale in I WILL sill for carh at the t'ouri Hjuse in Vi ksburg, on the I7fA day of April next. all til'' right and In ol ll Tup, an, to the follov) iug to wi'i (being an i icittt ui oiehiil1. lot No 5. section 14, town-hip Irt range 2, v.n.couj taming pO a rrs.

A'wtiorlheai nd eiipt toiiili st section 15. township 18, ni; 2, cm-la mng 239 91-100 a.res. F. HUNT, mar. 15 I'm icv.

all the right and tit ill Puben to lot No 83, in quantities at a very small advance, by O. O. WOODMAN, jan 28 Booksel er Washington Ft in sonare 59. in the cliy of Vicks' urg, being his right to ih- equity of redemption in sat't to'; also h'S ght the i lity ol redemption lot i I'l in plat lots lai off by Vick, in the cy ol Vicktburg, more a-ticular deser'pijun of whi may b- seen BAGGING ROPE of a uperior quality in tre and for sale very low fur cash feb 18 COLEMAN Co Lost, A MEMORANDUM BOOK, with my name on 0B tb front blank leaves. The finder wui mueo oblige me by leaving it at the Post Office.

9 L. S. HOUGHTEN TFoTlent, HE iplendid Hotel erected by the subscriber in toe city of Vieksburg. Jliissifsippi. is now of.

fcred for rent It will be rented vrrnwM. The fcws to commence on 1st September next. noooeala will be received until the 1st day of Jne by the subscriber or W. M. Pinckard for him.

V. S. S. PRENTISS. Vicmvto, Mm Mareh 9, 1843.

'Jaiu? Bee' T'Pic. Louisville Journal HM ti weekly insertion, tMJIorardjlj P. ai page 30, Bonk L. ffice, Warren co Th. said real est te rjeingenvcis ot faid m.

m. rat. RISH POTATOES-25 bbls. Irish Potatoes, in store, and for sale, by len, who has been declared a bankrupt. F.

HUNT, march 15 Assignee in nkruptcy feb 10 C.G KERCHEVAL, Corner of Washington and Clay sts. VICKSBURG DAILY WHIG, FISMMIID SV SHANNON. DAILY PAPKR Trs ikUam per annum. Thl-Wr tKLY siviv rxiLLAH in advance or ziqvt if ni 6 iii advance. WLKKLY rivs dolu in advance, or six if not in advance Tito Duly only, wd! bo carried to subscribers living in town.

NE complete set of Harper's Classical Library Quinine. fjlWO Hundred and Ffvms French Qu nine. Twenty us Sulihaie rp'i ne; io, i th, a fre-h supply of Arc. Just received by O. (J.

WOODMAN. march 16 "Fresh Hour. IJIOR 'ale on coiii-igeirierii. Barrels Hup. rfine Flour, Do Apple.

Pota'ues und f)nii Do. RectifiiJ and old Monone iheh of superior brands COUKTRNAY, jan 23 On ihe landing. for sale very low by Sal? in Bankruptcy. WILL sell cash at ihe Court Houre in Vicks burg, on the 1thdayof April next, all the risht and ti ieth Jni Ulaml has to a eer. feb 1 OO WOODMAN lain lot in the ct ol Vickst urg.

known aa lot No 4fl, in iquare No 12, being pan of th- rffe ts ol aa AD7XRIISES.1TS IS BAIMT tttLt. 10 lines or les, 1 insertion, i 2 oE subscriber baa in store and offers for sale, iliiu c'ing. consisting ol pots, boxes, 4c. WM. F.

GOODIN. James bland, who has been declared a hak upt. F. HUNT, march 15 Assign- Bankruptcy Mexican Cotton Seed. THE subscriber offers orealp a thousand bush Is of the ab ve article.

It has produced by far the best cotton of the season. -r length and strength of staple, and for color and fineness of tcx lure the product is without competition in ibis mar ket. During the present year in the county o1 Hinds. 100 bales have been raise on 6U seres ot fresh Ian I. Samples of the cotton can be seen a the store of the subscriber.

oov2 COLLINS -150 kcasTsr lor sa by COLEMAN 4, CO. I. feb 25 wet 0(1 1 50 2 0(1 2 50 3 00 3 5') 5 00 6 5'l 0J 13 00 VII 00 3J 00, a rSr8 county scrip. 11 If IRLLARS of Scrip of tbe county of Hinds, for sale. Wv 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 3 6 12 LIVERS McLEAN.

months 20,000 WIU oiana. PI0R 8tand for re bar. WM.HAY&CO. LBS Bacon, Hms, Sides and Snoiilders. in ature and ur sale BRLNER MORGAN, lvee S'reet le in Bankruptcy.

I WILL He I cah at ihe Coun House in Vicka rg, on tht 17 day of April next, a'l ihe right and Mile ih.ii 6jmp-oii bluke has ii and to lot 3H0, in iquar. in the orig nal pi of ihe city oi Vick-hurg- Also I No 301 beg n. ningstthe southes ier thewol, running nonh along the east line 6 feet, thence west 4' feet thence a 'Utb 6. fe to Crawford street, then along Crawford eireel to ihe ginning; being effects ot sai Benson Blake, who has been Heeland a bankrupt HUNT, march 15 Asugme in Bsnkruptry. fialc in Hankrujitcy.

WILL r-ell the Court use in Vicksburjj, jjj on Ihe 7th day of April next en undivded hall iriterist i i a ltse ui th te at ice of land in the county of IVarren, a icing the iy ot Vicksburg, being lie sa ne on whicii Pm Reading's saw mill is situated; aid leae having five learttorun. Also a Patent Ruht f-r building cir. lerna in the 8ia'e of Miseissippi; Pease' no for one thousand dol'srfj one silver waxb; eliecta S. Peck who has been a ha kmpt lit NT. march 15 A'signce in Bankruptcy.

by march 2 Aetrpp, Ildins. fcl 1 of "operior Bacon Hams, small si: received, bv For Sale. A NEGRO GIRL, 18 years of age, fully acclimated; first rate seamstress, wher and ironer. Apply to J. T.

S. COLLINS, jan 19 Jackson street. If iED rant, a house suitable for small ferL Bew 'b bninesa part of the city --zrrJL a b.bcock. A Whiskey. A IZl blel Flour and Whiskey, received BrsMu.

and for sal Bebsteads, Tables Matrasses. rfDOZ low post dstearisof modern shape JL 9 4 do Shuck Maitrawea. 40 large sixe, handsome eherrv Dmirg Tabels. received this day per Steamboat Empress, and for sal on moderate terms. fjan 24 WM.

HAY CO. Advertisers iiy the yearDaily, iucluding paper, frJO CO, payable quarterly or hail yearly. The pnv i cge of advertiwrs by tie y.jar i confined to aJ verii-emeiita of their own regular business, a ih'y will be uliowed but 3't linos. A I her tdve c. rr.enrs sect by them will he tl.arged at the usua' rutcs.

AJve-tlfcmentt inserted in 0 d-i'y at inte'va't weekly, semi. weekly, or tri-fteefcly, chirjad tt ore doHsr pc square for each ttutrtion. Advertisements in th weikly ptper tn-wrtcd tt one dol'ar lor ten linea or lees, firet insertion, an I fiMy ct for each itnertion thereafter; longer onei in svue prep rlt n. A tie alter 'it tit made 'i- a ihty Lave will io ei extra. not mi.rkei wr the pumber oi 00 ihi nt w.ll te cotititiufd until fnrHid.

All I iff on biirineja 'h the nmt u.k ubiithtr. CouiOiunicatttina for i. ce.tion pajcr, to te dircco.ii to tlie Lditor; and nunt le a'tpaid 'J insure aucniioii. 0 MVCD9 U.TTIU HHD3orinne New Or'eana Pugar, ale in Bankruptcy. I WILL tell for cash it the urt IIuu-c in burgh, on the 7tk day of April next, all ihe ght and nt-o ol r.ria artl Ya: er lo lot No qu re No II in the ci of Vicksu'g; I cinir equitable rg'it redemption in said lot.

A a on TtKt T. Bailey for eght I mdr d.i'r a ronnt on Cnlvm Prrry br f. ve laidrr I Lira; a W. Pui or fif't-three ii lhrt and rent-; an i. u.

at W.J Bedd's cttaie b.r twenty f5ve fie of said Edwtrd Ysjer, avlio bis been declared a bankrupt S. HUNT, march 15 Ajnce in Bankruptcy. Sale in Bankruptcy. WILL sell lor casu at th Court Uoue in ckt. I.

burg, tbe third Monday 17iJ April next, a the effects of B. wh has b- en de cared a bankrupt, the debt and rropry-n: aga n't Den for 76 14; sn te lount tgiiost for an se count againsi Crn I for fll a not" on McO-rck ir 5'l Vf; Adnace 4 's for 871 f'2; F. Cl 'na' receipt fo7 C2; nc negro woman named J-oe; an uiterw of cue half in ihe patent right of Jeouere'e ver Prem for Ad. ema county. F.

8. BUST, march 15 Aes-gne in Bankruptcy. 9 5 cases eton refined Loaf Sugar, received per invert?) ar, mcLCAri. A SiA fcw oPrior Tobacco, lor xT "eivd and for sa'e bw, hy Ambassador and for aale bv jan 3 LIVERS McLEAN. Feathers.

2 urT-rT. cs novels. tl Spadw and Shovels, on con I AGS 'irt geese feaiherajoat received per 'steamer Grace Darling, and fcr aale by and for aale low easb, by K. COLLINS, Agent. jan 17 GEO.


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