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The Weekly Mississippian from Jackson, Mississippi • Page 3

Jackson, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tliJ graaJ been PPiC author 00 doubt, is a pdnciplther beloa- to the "toi It the Natchez delegation. 1 he con- zert or Adams county. This charge has been lion and are neccsrilv comn, lias mil- pelled to was comji rmsD support themselves by honest industry, 'III ih. In nf HniMn this is rather too ridiculous a suggestion for, notice, and is too evidently instigated by political management behind the curtain, to demand a special reply. They hava not the means of bribes and traded policy oi mama uoumj is rc- uw isast lounaauon in truth corded iu ererj page of our statute 08 W'H bs aeeu by corrcsonderice in our Monopolists and "aristocrats, today between Col.

J. II.Mallory and on the 5th of Mav, 1835, by William Joiner, a Justice of the Peace for said county, ctc, a man who corruption at tboir disposal the BANKS of the country being in the hands of their According to. your, account of Lsq Vs. in relation ia a report concern ing the election of Mr. Walker, as follows: that the friends of Mr.

Walk' er had offered-a bribe to Mr. Murray, to secure the Vote of Mr. Murray for Mr. Walker. I was present at an interview between the aforesaid gentlemen, at Mr.

Murray's room, the night preceding Mr. Walker's departure from this place, and unhesitatingly state, that Mr. Murray said that the report was MjinnudiHaii JIM. Said boy is about 5 feet 9 or 10 inch. opponents and no doubt used to the very best advantage.

Thanks to the virtue of rather a bright color: Ctlionohrtnt vllr.S NOTICE. which you relate, you do seem, indeed, to have been in great perplexity; balancing between the hope, that a bribe of thrnp thniunt Kit I. the people they are proof against all sorts oibribery or R. J. Walker would have been s-'iid Jim saj Hiat he bcleugs to Samuel pver, cf.

Maury county, Teunee, and he says that The sairt Spyers lives within 3 miles of Columbia, io that i-has been their game to make the Jhua Murray, Esq. representative from 'hole State tributary to that point; the gasmen by andbjsome sort of management or "roua correspondent of the Cou-other, they have controlled the most! 0 i "is ihould be treated as a party matter- important legislation of the country jif 0 'rit is a base attempt ot a defeated faction to their own advantage. Tney are lo injure thtt reputation of a high minded opposed to every which does not honorable man, who has long been a faith-begin and end at Natchez. Not con- ful public officer, and who enjoys the son. THE Steam Boats Alice Maria, Irwiu, rK master, und the Steam IJoat Camanche, defeated by old Poin fered to vnii.

nnH th wiU run the ensuing season from he Usays master brought him fromTenn. to Oiand Gulf in State, with a ev wneaos lo Araiterdnra and Uridecpost ton m- ii the citiizcns of umi outu guou loriune was naruiy pos- tiig uiacn. ite patronage of We will mention an instance of an attempt at bribery, which has come to our Doai toad oi corn, and that he latiaway from hiij master at the the last of April, or IL fir.t of May sible. You say you were much as-ila- Jakson nd vidinity is respectfu ily solicited. groundless, and unauthorized on hi3 part; that one of his personal friends had made some enquiries of him in relation to a continuance of his residence ted.

I am sorry to hear it; for a truly ar? knowledge within the last year between a bank director, and an individual who has uir C. HANSBROUGH, Jailor of Madison County. June 5, 1835 U-t tuiicai man, naviner reason to su Dnose iUi i i al Lxingion, noiiues county Mississippi" that an attempt has been made to will ratifv on. who in the and that he should be proud to serve him so far as his influ bribe him, to betraya solemn trust, welfare. OUa-ht to be calm.

d.nasinnnr. 3w. teat witn tnc management oi the en- fidence of the democracy. We do not tire fiscal concerns of the State, her i know who the author of thisdialome is.but Representatives wish to force the citi- presume he belongs to the Natchez aris" jens of Mississippi to carry their cot- tocracy, which seeraa determined to wage ton to their market, in order that they exterminating war upon their political ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. PURSUANT to an order of the Probate Court of Hinds county, at it November 1835, will be sold on Tuesday the fifth of January i UUhesitatinrly indignant, without ence would and supposed that the report had originated from the fact, of his mentioning the subject anv 4T application of AlexandcrTrotter, euardian of those feelincs of tremulous anxietv.

I of Jume E. Hand, estate of said minor -hll. 1Muan. ee'o or crnJ- ior tne sate oi me rem eal to one of his friends. mav reap the first harvest of commis- opponents, in other parts of the State.

If wnicn you seem to nave suqereu dren, it is ordered that said application be nu his Mtat(f) r-a, and pergonal consisting of granted CSO acres of land, lyinj: six miles south west of i been honored with a seat in the legislature whenever a candidate. Bank Director. Mr. you did not get the note you presented discounted. No sir, Mr.

informed me he would endorse the paper which would ensure its passage by the board, and that was the last of it. Bank Director. I am extremely sorry such was the case, but am authorized to I ii I i i Respectfully, WM. VAN NORMAN. pia, paper publi.J.ed at Jackwn.

the sea. of Ju.dSe MTOrf JudSe Scou, these nabobs mil have war, we say let them have it to the full. We cau give tlieia as good as they send. lions before reaching New-Orleans. They do not intend, if they can prevent it, that we shall choosa a market governmeut of thisState, fcr twosucccssive wAZ X'T 6'n and that neison, interested anIKr at th i bIe waggon, and team, J.

II. Mallorv, Esq. You say you were much "embarrassed" by your feelings. Heaven and earth! What must have been the character nf the-, fprdin" whichs thus lar term of this court x0 1 .5 lx f1 7 i I I 1 A if any they JLid 1 AJL next, to show cause. Jackson, Jan.

2C, 183G. Uut pi.tuiers,; "VIOLATED PLDEGES BARGAIN application should not be carried into tffecf. viz 11)1 rrl fi 1111 fnArr i Sir An article appeared in the embarrassed von! Trnlv vou describn be sold oa a credit of twelve months; purchasrs-gWing note with approved security; ELIAS D. KENT, Adm't of Lakan Ksut. dee'd.

Not. 93, 1835. (Clin. Gar.) n41-5w. last Pert Gibson Correspondent, un-ja state of feeling, like that which may der the editorial head, which is un-jbe imagined to be experienced by a derstood as implicating me in havingr nr-nstitute.

willino-. nav anxious, to North E. 4 of S- V. section no. 35 and S.

V. i of N. W. i secJion 25, and S. W.

i of no. E. i section 24 and the S. E. i of S.

E. 4 of sectinn all of township no 1, of range no 16 East, also lot no 16 of fractional section, no. 3 of township no 10 of range no. 7 West. ALEXDER TROTTER, Guardiaq.

Janinry 23, 1836 47 2w. say to you, that if you want money now, aad will make a note, you can gat it through the same channel. I want money, sir, and will make the note, but Mr. cannot endorse my paper, and I wish you to distinctly ander- by defeating the New-Orleans and AND CORRUPTION." Nashville Rail Road, to pay commis- Since the election of Robert J. Walker sionsnt Natchczand New Orleans also.

jto United States Senate, the manifold If the Natchez and Jackson rail- Ulrt? composed of whigs and nullifies, way cannot exist without the annihila- I ests and swelled-heads, and we tion of other schemes of Internal im.are orry to add, of Judge White prorement of infinitely more impor-t0 U'e list-cuuse themselves by crying offered a bribe, in an office of 3,000, bargain away the use of her person, Strayed or SlcJcn, FROM the neighborhood of Clin to some member of the Legislature, in when sheesteemed it a Itttle doubtful, whether her charms would be actually order to induce him to vote in support of Robert J. Walker asSenator of the ton, a SORREL HORSE, 5 fret high, 7 or 8 years no white, ex ceptinjr a very small left hind foot different from the to his haviiw rust his hcuif. Who nnt nnlv to tho ht ouirupuoii "vioia- tion of pledges." We do not object to proposed forv TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. Indeed, sir your modesty was unne- C.NA WAY from the briber, on or bou Cesgartly awakened. Such a thing, .3 the S.llli D.

cembt-r last, a nrro man named offering you a bribe, never entered my Louis, about sir feet high. Had on, when he I. i rt; i ranaway, a giay sattinet rouiidubout and nanta- head, rius, s.r, I presume, is a sum- JJ lhe citj pre- Cient notice Of your Very silly epistle. Uious to the time ofhi running away. The above (he nation, we are not its fricad.

If t' Ifl. In filJf Iilim1Ir rtniniAn it ie -ill i-Trrl-tf ever will give information, or return him, shall liberally rewarded. 'w. S. CABELL, una 91? Csl.

Regan's old plaee. JYOTICE. this or any other scheme cannot he I It would be extremely cruel and uniust fur sustained without exclusive and mo-' the victors to refuse to the vanquished, the U. States; and it is also stated to me, that you have authorized the allegation to be made, by asserting that such an offer had been made tcjrou by me. The object of this communication is to know cf you, whether I offered j'ou any bribe whatever to vote for Mr.

Walker. You will please give me an answer forthwith. Respectfully, JNO. II. MALLORY.

jtouare, sir, viaentiy, in uniortunate ici pai, igeu mniuiiaiican keeping, and I would advise you, toihsuwi1 chars" if "kenout nopuiiin.s ic.ui, wc cue uj.pust-u poor privilege of giving vent to their AVING on the 2S(h dny of December, 1835, been nnnoiuled hv lim Pmh.f a, ton. Ji me roaa must be lamentations and cries. If this is consola-j JOHN M'LAUGHLIN. tree yourseil from it as soon aspossiole, stand, that Mr. cannot get my vote.

Bank Director. That you kno is a matter of no consequence. Make out your note, and you shall have the money. The note was made out for some three or four hundred dollars, but it sliared the fate of the former. ir the slubberdegullion editors of the opposition will take the trouble to call in question the truth of the above dialogue, we will publish the names of the individuals concerned.

The exposure of the matter will throw some light upon the means which secured the elevation of a certain high functionary to office. and return to the walks of private life, Natchez. January 23th. 1P.16 47 3w. for which nature evidently destined 1 cherished ana upheld, at the saennce tion, let them enjoy it i- iho lull.

While of the grandest work of internal im-; the friorls of Martin Van Buren, and the proviiiciii crtr yet devised by man, administration are raising the 'HURRAH" we are willing that it should never 'of trinmpli and "GLORY" for a most impor- you, and from which, I must consider -T rf 7s hav it a serious misfortune for you, to have Missiisippi, administrator of Widuns Harvey, deeeat-d, all i ifums agaiust the estate of ray intestate will be pre seuted to me witli-n the period prea-ribed by law; otherwise they will he barred, ai.d all dejts due to the estate, will be paid to Oif. JONES HARVEY. Deceit: ber 2fhh, 1835. 43-Gw tt mi ITmfi If ml 1. YEAY havc an existence.

We think these victory, let it never be said, that the-l jAcKsoNJanuary 27, 1S36. Sir By way of answer to your letter, enquiring whether I have authorized the statement under the Kdhorial head of the last Port Gibson Correspondent, and whether you offered me a bribe to vote for Mr. bf Term of lhe Frol ate Court of Jon'B cetjnty, on the estate of JAMBS SELLERS5, deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons bavins; claims against estate, to present lhrm within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred and ull those indebted to the entate, will please ta make immediate pavmem. SPICY SELLERS, Jones couaty, Nov. 9, 1835.

36 Cf roads should be placed in fair compe-, permission is withheld from their dis-tion with each other. We go for free ParseJ anJ W1en adversaries of pouring escaped. I have nothing more to say in addition, than this, that I trust the present, is the last miserable effort of a defeated party, to break down the character of honest men, by the basest calumny. JNO. 11.

MALLOUY. overineir wounusanu their ton treasures, the wailings of sorrow and disappointment. Walker, I have to say, that Ldid not authorize any statements or allegations, whatever, to trade and sailors and if (he Natchez road cannot sustain itself on ihese grounds, let the project fail. The Natchez gentry have opposed Their loss is an irreparable one iheir defeat overwhelming. all WAa committed to sit, A.

G. Teas, Sheriff of Neshoba Couutyq, Mississippi, on tlie first Mouday oa June last, a JVEGRO MAK, wh calls himself JIM, about tvrnity-fiv years of age; fire feet ten iuches high-strongly built, says that he beo TO TUB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. Jacksox, Jan. 23, 1830. FEtfcow-CiTiiEHs: A communication from this place, haying made its appearance in the Natchez Courier, charging that some officer at the seat of government had offered a bribe to a member of the Legislature, to induce him to support the Hon.

Robert J. Walker, in the late Senatorial election, taken in connexion with a nearly every scheme of internal im- IJuren sun in Mississippi about the sue- which has been projected jCCM of Poindexter aild the largc majorifv in this State. Every thing whichjof VVhite men elected to tLc iegi3iature, might possibly divert from their jRJ. talker an open friend of Martin Van wharves rt few bales of cotton, has jBuren, was elected to the Senate of the been hooted at by them the Ticks-j United States, over their combined efforts be made, jn relation to any that Mississippi. The Globe of Tues-happened between us, nor can I say, that rr day fas the following cheering para- you offered me a bribe to vote for Mr.

I Walker. But I did state to some of my 6raP nivnv friends, that on the evening before die elec- UiXUi. tion for Senator in Congress, yoa and Mr, have' uPon tne report of the Granberry had called at my room, and invi-1 misnamed Whigs, classified General ted me to your you introd-jced Dickson, one of the late returned Rep-me to several gentlemen. After seme jsentatives of Mississippi, as of the Op-time, you invited mc to your office and as position, and belonging to one of the well as I can recollect, you asked how parties of. which the coalition is com-I intended to vote for Senator I replied, From information on which that I was instructed by my constituents we can reiy We feel called upon to it.

Til i i i NOTICE. AT a specified term of the Probate Court of Coviujtoi'i county in Nuveiuber last, letters ef iidojiiiistraiioD were granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Anselm II. Jajrne, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, will please rite immediate piiyineut; and all persons having claims against said estate, will prrscnt them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or tltey wjll be forever barred. ELIViAftmi AYNE, Admt1! JOSEPH McAFFEE, 1 BREWSTER II.

AYNE, w4rfm'r AHCH'D ANDERSON Jaynesviilc, Dec. 12, 183S. 41. 6r. DOCTOR Wm.

Steed has rerooTed his office to Mr Noble's Hotel, wbsre he may always be found unless professionally engaged-Jan. 22. 1836. 46 tf xon is not of the false and slanderous report circulated to vote for Mr. observed, gaj tJiat General Di that I could redeem my pledge, by voting wk; ongs wtinam L-oleinaji, or Yazo, -county; that he ran away from said Coleman soma tiru last spring.

Said Negro was taken t-p and carried before Richard Broun, Justice tf the Peace of Neshoba county, and Ly him deliver-' ed over to me for lodgment in some Jail; and while on my way to Colmnbus Jail with him, ha made his escape in the town of Macon, Noxubee county. He had on, when ha left, a blue pair of old sattinett pantaloons, a fall bosom shirt, I think cotton; and a drab fur hat, much worn. That the said Nejna may be appreherHied and secured, I hereby offer, to any one who may take up said Negro, and lodge him "in any Jail, sa thai the owner may get him, Twenty -Five Doilars, or deliver him to iu Neshoba county, on Old Military Road. A. G.

TEAS, Sheriff of Jftshoba Coun ty. N. B. Brlieving the Boy yet in the section country where he escaped, and that I should aoor. get him again, having offered a reward for that, purpose, I have not until now, despairing of that thought it accessary togire afniore geiirr) publication.

A. G. C. Aoyust 29,1535 (JThe will publish the nbore adrertisemeut thn-e months, unless further or- dered, and charge to my account. A.

G. T. Dec. 5-no 39-3ra. burg road particularly and in obedience to the same selfish policy, they come forward now to destroy a mighty national enterpriz.

We should be pleased to have it in our power, to say to our friends in New Orleans, that the charter of their en. terprise had passed our legislature, hig party that he is the despite of all. their toils for the last two years, to secure a whig victory at the late elections despite the bribes and bargains, offered by a BANK and bank directors indirectly to be sura during the pastsum-merand autumn despite the slanders of Mieir "Peoples' Advocite" and hired Runners and lyiug newspapers and handbills, a governor, shorn of pctwer by the salutary I AM authotized to attend to the business ol'the Executors of Mr.VV- H. Bailey deceased, and for Flummer on the first ballot, and after- i wr r.L i true inend of the Administration, an wards voting for Walker I then, as it was -iT -t i j- i nf. i will cive it a sincere and cordial sup- sur would thank persons in tern ted iu said estate ta call oa me, in Jackson.

GEO. WORK. port here a few days after the election, induces a belief, that I am the person charged. This charge, if true, is calculated to Injure that reputation which it has been my good fortune to hold among Eld ward: you stated that you would ac From the same source, we are in- (Jan. 22, 136.

46 tf. formed that Poindexter will be defea- with the privilege of locating joest nf provisions of a constitution, the most demo- i rilHK iinlRrsimMl inmuMnnrr. of Insolven- insr the Senate." cratic on earth is their only victory. They 1 cv on the estate of Homer Buckner deceas you for the last twenty-one years, and 1 .1 I 1 1 accompiisna even mis oy aressin men x. tr which I hold dearer than life itself.

ed, will meet at the counting room of Porter Mosbera in Madisonville on the third Mouday of each iaotth, for the ensuirg three mood to re-, ceive audit, and allow claims against faiil estats JOHN E. RICHARDSON. CHARLES W. CUFFTON. in tne naoinmenia oi jactsomsm, the mre easily to distract and divide the It is true that I felt a deep and lively 1 1 i ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.

company me, and after we had proceeded about eighty or ninety steps, you mentioned that you wished me to come up here and live; that in April or May, a vacancy would take place in tho Land OiSce, at Clinton, and that by your influence with General Jackson, together with Mr. Walker's assistance, if he should be elected, you could get the office for me. I inquired what the office was worth yoa replied $3,000 a year. I felt embarrassed by my feelings, and was about lo leave you, when you said: 'say nothing about it. When alone I became much agitated in my feelings; not knowing how ro take you.

In this painful state, I could not refrain from hinting the matter to an honorable and high-minded friend, I promised to state the PURSUANT to ah order oftbe Probata Court of Hiuds, at its November Term. WM. J. HILL. Jan.

22, 1636- 46 3m. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. Pearl but we have our doubts its passage with this privilege. A great effort will be made to run it on the eistern Wc would advise tha company, in tha event of this location, to reject the charter, and wait th? aclion of the people of our slate upon this subject. In the mean time, let the work proceed in the direction contemplated by the company to our Jtate line, and their charter, our word on it, will be granted, in spite of the chemci of the Natchez politicians.

ranks, and, he honest and patriotic man, ientlmrn-Jf to their wore Walker, Esq. to the Senate of the with so good a grace tho sheep's clothing United States, and regarding it as a that the wolf did not make its apperance test of the strength of the administra-until detection could be productive of no tion in our State; considered myself beneiif; notwithstanding we say all their1 authorized as a citizen of the State AN A WA from the subscri- A Our Rail Road is progressing with great rapidity. There are four hundred laborers actively employed upon the first section, extending from this place to the Big Black, a distance of twelve miles. The entire road from Vicksburg to Jackson is now under contract, and the Enginecis are now surveying the route, with a view lo ihe extension of the road to Columbus. It is the opinion of the Engineer that the last mentioned road can be built for per mile.

If so, but little doubt exists that the project will be adopted. Let there be no niggardly policy on the part of our State Government let the Legislature ex MAN ber, and tune sis miles from lin 1835, will be sold on Tuesday the 5th January next, at the late residence of Laban Kent, dee'd, all the estate of Henry Kent, dee'd, consisting of 320 acres of land, lying seven miles south es-t of Raymond, unimproved and will be sold on a credit of twelve months, the purchaser giving bond, with approved security. ELIAS D. KENT, eicht from Clinton, aegmman named sAMfltOn, a melhodist preacher by ttade, about fire feot nine or ten inches high. The hair is off the back part of his head, occasioned by being burnt when small.

I donotkuow how hewasdressrd circumstances, after the election, which I aiiiu ui i-orjr n.triii arc a. Nor, 23, 1835. (Clin. Gag.) n4l-5v. jrjf.HE copartnership heretofore existing between.

pri ration i and arts and crificesag'orfrRor of Mississippi, to use all fair and hon-is ail they can bo.isf. We shall not con- orable" meant, to secure Mr. AValker's gratulate the country on their success in election; but I disclaim using the dis-this rnetter, but leave the piebald crew to honorable means with which I am the performance of their genuflexions' and defy proof. As soon unmolested they are welcome to all tieyl-. it wa8 agCertained that Joshua accordingly did the next day.

Now, Sir, I have told you honestly and candidly, what when he left, but he can easily be distinguished by the burn. The above reward will be givou to any person delivering 'the said negro to tne at my plantation. SHELBY SMITH. TTinds-County, Jan. 52, 1836 46 tf.

tend, and widely extend, our Banking facilities let it foster tho spirit of improvement which is now abroad, and who can set bounds so the prospect of wealth and I have stated, and what you know to be true. I have had no other agency in bringing it before the public. I do not know have secured-we are satisfied with what. Murray? Egq ReprC8entative from James Alyres and Jewis x.roisom, is this v. i day dissolved by mutual consent.

Ail person indebted to said firm' wi.l make payment to Lewis Y. Folsom, who is charged with the settlement of the same. JAMES MYRF.S, -f. LEWIS Y. FOLSOM.

Brandon, Jan. 1st, 1835 45 tf IVOTICK, THE undersigned having purchased the pos- seuiou for several years of the Brandon nc ii tfc acme; cu. i acr m-ty lain, until .1 1 1 the county of Green, was the reputed prosperity of Mississippi. Vicksbt irg Register, 1 1 iiru ULxy it vf-ticr auu jt i uiJitl''! what wero your motives. I am a poor man, author of the report, both Mr.

Walker have a large family depending upon my labor, and wish to shun all difficulties with all men. But as Iain also honest I must while we rejoice in the triumphant success of our friends and eur causa. It is indeed amusing to hsar thsse tnen and myself called upon him to know whether it received his sanction or PLANTERS' BANK. A bill was introduced at tho last session of the legislature, the object of which was the removal of the Planters1 Bank at Natchez to the seat of government. This bi'I was not finally acted upon, and cams up ii a part of the unfinished business of the last session.

It io now before the legislature Ve think it inexpedient to remove tho Planters' Bank- There is a bill bsfore the legislature which will be read a last time en Tuesday next in tho house of represen- Union HotH, intends devotiog bis time r.ssiduous-. ly to the accommodation of those who may call From several years experience in the towa of Jackson, the subscriber flatters himself, that he has acquired that knowledge of the above profession, as wilt enable kiin to give general II. lono. ttruuW A mUfk SMQS if prate about bargain and bribery and via-not' The following letter from the latel pledges, when they owe all their sue-! Hn Van Norman, Senator to thsse means. From lhe time that Ad- from the county of Amite, w)io was amj and Clay bargained the people eut of present with Mr.

Walker's interview the president of iheir choice, down to tho with Mr. Murray, and Mr. Murray's presant moinaitt, what obction of impor- answer to my letter, addressed to him STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Yazoo Cocsty. i Probate Court, Dee. Term 1835.

ON application of James Bjrrd, aad James Loggins, Administrators of John Emerson, deceased, to sell the land belonging to taid decedent, lying in Madison county, known as the E. 1-2 of the 1-1 ef section No. 34 township 9, range 1, and the 1-2 of the 1-2 of tho same Quarter, section and township aad range. Also the 1-2 of 1-3 of l-4of nie section, township and ranges-containing 160 acres more or less. Ordered by he court that a citation frsue requiring al) persons inierrested in said lands and tenements and hereditaments to come forward at the February term, 1836, of said court, to show any ihey can, why the same sboulrl not be sold for lbs bent-fit of the distributees of said estate.

A true rony front th minutes JOHN S. YOUNG, Cl k. Yasoo, Jan. 22, 1S36. 47 6t.

Sewing by Machinery. rThe Rochester Daily Democrat says that a mechanic of that city has invented a machine for making clothes which will 44 hereafter take the place of fingers and If such be the case, we hope that the machine will find its way to the bottom of Lake Ontario, and its inventer be handed over to the disposal of Females, each of whom has a family of destitute children depending upon her "fingers and thimble" for support. 'Ala. Journal. The boxes of Caldwell's new theatre are rented at four thousand dollars each, during the season.

Single seats in the front rows, are one dollar be candid, and tell the whole truth, which I hope will be a satisfactory answer to your letter. Very respectfully, your obedient serv't. JOSHUA MURRAY. Jacksojt, January 28th, 1836. Joshua Murray, Esq: Sir In my communication of yesterday, I enquired of you, whetheryou had charged me at at any time, with having offered you a bribe, in order to induce you to support for United States Senator.

In your reply of thii date, you say that you tance, wet ask, has taken place without quantities of treasure being expended, and chicanery an devices, of every species re sorted to, to carry the day. They never meet their oppoaaats in ths open field; but, like in relation to the affair, is submitted for the consideration of the people of the State, in order that they may discover the part he has taken in circulating the charge and his acknowl NOTICE. the prowling wolf, hidden by the curtain of election fot Selectman, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late 1 hos cannot state "that I offered you a night, take their pray by surprizo and do tho work of assassination when all is eup- and a half other seats one dollar. pi sed to rest in entire security. The doors of titices for the granting a charter to tho I'nion Bank, with a capital of, we believe ten millions of dollars, which will be located at tli is place, or somewhere in the northern part of the State also a bill to charter a commercial bank at Rodney, and a 11 chartering the Mississippi and Alabama roid company with banking privileges, beiides one or two other charters, all of "hich will probably become laws.

In adaption to this, there is the Grand Gulf Railed Btnk, tho We3t Feliciana Rail-road Bank, and the Vicksburg and Jackson Railroad Bank with a capital of four millions of dollars, all in successful operation, which dded te the facil ties that will be afforded the banks chartered by the present legls-iiture, will furnish a sufficient circulating flidium for tho wants of the cou ntry. The Dickson will take place on Monday 26 Inst at Noble's Hotel). JAMF3 E. WHITE. President Pro.

Tern, of the Board of Selectmen. Jan. 82. 1S36. 26 tt.

CS3FS CEP.XSTT, ATTOSNEY AT tAW, BENTON MISSISSIPPI. JAMES J. ALLEN, M. D. ILL practice in the courts of Yasoo, and the adjoining counties in the High Court VSce atj.

Green's Drug Store, or Gilbert Da wsoa's Mansion Hours, Jackson Miarit- their banks are thrown open, and money is the lover with which they move mon. They fiboly accuse tho friends of Mr. Van Buren with attempting to buy senatorial rotes by the promise of office, when who in his senses doubts that tens of thousands of the money of th3 banks of this state have been loaned with the hope of securing votes to individuals, who had it not ben for their political influence would not have received tppt. Jan 22, 183. 46 tf DISSOU1IOV OF COFARTNGR8HU1.

fHlHE copartnership of the undersigned, bere-JBL tofnre tradini; under the firm of H. R. H. A. HALL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

II. K. Hall aloue is authorized to close, the business. II. A.

II ALL. H. HALL. 32tf NOBLE'S HOTEL. riIIE subscribers having removed from J- in Hinds County, to this place, and purchased the Hotel formerly t-y Lewis Reno, on Capital 3treet, nearly oppoaite the prfsi-nt Slnte House, and next door to the pots i-.

Gee, respectfully inform their friends and the pi. tiey can uccoTimndcte boarders by 'he day, week, month, or year. Their table will te furnished with every variety the neighborhood af fords, and neither pains nor expense spared to obtain a constant supply from the country and Vicksburg; their stables tire attended by careful ostlers, and supplied with oate, corn, tic. Travellers and others may depend upon their hordes being we I attended to. E.

B. S. F. NOBLE. Jackson, Hinds Co.

Miss. July 10 IS-tf NOTICE. SWILL sell a Tract of Land, in Madison -county, situated between Panther and Peas Creeks, about four miles from Batey'a Bluff, ant about the same distance from Moore's Bluff, bf-ih of which placesareou the Big Black river; anu snid land lies immediately north ofMr, AleswonV plantation, containing about SIXTEEN' ACRES, all of which can be cultivated, and the traet inferior to none in point nf soil and as to location, but to few in said county. I will also sell another tract of FOUR DRED AND EIGHTY ACRES, situated, neibomhoed of Shaw'sStand, or Madison vilify distant about three miles. This is also a vt-rj Arte tract, and is in a very healthy region.

Those a'ishiug tp pnrcliase, wiU cnll on Williarw T. Irish, living near the Old Agency, in Madisorr county. H. T. IRISH, Port Gibson, May 1, 1834-12 of Errors and Appeals Uie High Court of Cance-ry, and the U.

S- District Court held at Jaekson. He will pay strict attention to the collection of all claims, with wich he may bj entrusted. Refer to Messrs. Hilly ek, Co.) Jamks Monro, Esq. Ny York.

Dr. William Git at sos. STRAYED OK STOLEN FROM the commons of Jackson, about the middle of October, a N. Orleans. Messrs.

Lambeth TnoHriox,) John B. Ror, Esq. January 29, 1836 47-tC DAY HORSE, with a star in his forehead, about fifteen hands high eight or nine years old, shedding the hoof off of the rirht hind foot at edgment in the presence of Mr. Van Norman, that no bribe whatever had been offered him either by myself or any other friend of Mr. Walker's.

Very respectfully, JNO. II. MALLORY. Jackson, Jan. 28, 1836.

Sir Were you present when a conversation was held by the Hon. Robert J. Walker and Joshua Murray, Esq. in relation to a report which had been circulated, charging some friend of Mr. with having offered Murray a bribe, to sustain the election of Mr.

Walker; and if so, please state what was said on the subject. Very respectfully, Your o'bt. servant, JNO. II. MALLORY.

The Hon. Wat. Van Norman, Member of the Senate. Jackson, Jan. 28, 1836.

Sir In your note of this morning, wishing me to state, whether I was tocit'on of these banks at proppor points, ill distribute capital pretty equally droughout the State and reader the remo- a single dollar; and who calculate with a good deal of accuracy, no doubt, on cancel bribe to vote for Mr. Walker. You say you never authorized the charge directly brought against my character; and here, perhaps, the matter should rest between us. But you do not content yourself with a categorical answer to my question, but proceed to tell a long cock-and-bull story about a certain conversation which you say took place between us. Indeed, sir, such a conversation as that which you relate, never did take place ia the manner you mention; and it would-be surely deeply discreditable to both of us, as well on the score of intelligence as integrity, to have indulged in such a colloquy.

I really had always heretofore recognized you as you describe yourself, as being an honest man; and if I had been capable of offering-a bribe to any individual under any circumstances, surely I should not, with my former opinion of-you, have had recourse to yourself. But, indeed, sir, I am not only incapable of the baseness of attempting to influence legislative votes by bribery, but am absolutely without the means to carry so corrupt a scheme into effect. As to what you say about my boasting ling their promisories with political opinion, NOTICE hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Shaderick Easterly dee'd, that as ad ri jf the Natchez bank to this place inex- Ye believe theru is not mora Men who talk: most about bribery are ma very the time, with some white on the right bind foot, no other marks recollected. If the horse should hnve strayed up to Madison county, he will be known, as it is the horse that Col. Williamson ran there several times.

Ate ward of ten dollars will be given for the delivery of the horse to the subscriber in Jackson, and all charges paid; or any inforiration given to me about him, sa that I can wnKing capital in Natchez than is necessa-7 to ths successful r.arrvinrr oit nf the com- men capable. of resorting to such means to accomplish their designs; and we give it as our opinion, that if one hundred thousand dol- toercial ops-ration of Adams counly. Let i-t him. WM. HARE.

law could hare bribed members into a be- retain their bank3 and the legislature Jackson, Dec. 1885. 3a tf ministrator de bonis non of said estate I will make application to tha Probate court of the county of Rankin at the March tern thereof, to be holden at the court house of said county, on the fourth Monday of March next, for an order to sell the W. W. i and the E.

S. W. i of section 34, township 4, range 2 Ea lyinj in Rankin county, and being part of the lands, tenements and hereditaments of the said Shaderick Easter-line dee'd according to law. WILLIAM EASTERLING, Ad'mr. da bonis non.

Brandon, Jannary 29, 183647 tf. will Cinrter others to supply the wants of People of the State trayalof the sacred trusts confided to them and into opposition to Mr. Walker, the amount would have bsen almost instantly NOTICE To all mhom may concern. Swill present to the Probate Court, af Hinds county Mississippi, to be held at the Court bouse in the town of Raymond ou the fourth Monday in January next, account current for fi- furninhed. This but few will doubt, when! AUCTION EE PRINTING nal settlement with the estate of Dauiel McRac Senr.

(late of Wayne county Mi.) deceased. I Mr. Walker's friends have been chasged itfi an attempt to buy up, or bribe Bona-torial votes, with tle promise of office, jn charge wis in the form of a dialogue tkeJgckjwjB eorreppendent of the Natch- thii cotinse of bargain and corruption on formor accasions is taken into consideration. The friends of Walker have nothing to brile wilji-r-thev do not act upon this Of every description neatly and prompttpi T. L.

-SUMRA1X. Jidmr. Afty JackBen, Minstisaippt. nresent at conversation held be execvied at the office ef the CJiirton, Mi. Eec 9.

1P3S, 41 R. J. Walker and J. Murray, my influence over Gen- Jackson, a tween.

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