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The Weekly Mississippian from Jackson, Mississippi • Page 2

Jackson, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a as an attack upon our Senator, Mr. Grun- iie ku in truth wliei Jackson promised to fnfly pcjraJed, uba to oontinae the sup- i r- i. 1 TnrltrA Wliiro is Kilt fo-nnoMln be. It is enougmor us, uwi iuo uwmi with the enemies of republican principles in Executive favorites are against him; and he against them. McLean is a man good and trim a Whir, a patriot, a statesman.

Web that his arch-leader, Henry Clay, may choose him to be. Judge White has ever been and still is a republican the history of hia whole life has been a devotion to the ca jsa'of rep jblsn principles. Mr. Van Syren now end ha alwav been seeking their overthrow. In casting my vote on ihe nomination, I shall vote what I conceive to have been the will of my not affirm that none arc Jiepuih'cans in those States but those who support Mr.

Van Buren but I do afilrm, tfiat all that do support liim in those States are Republicans. I hare now exhibited the facts connected with th? rrp eent -contest for the Presi- slaiirj- they am facts which, I am wU by the bo-d of thi VRopld. Oyf with ster is but why should I speak of Web- tor? There is not a man in a city, or vil- constituents when they elected me as an nomina individual, however, I believe the dy. I am not prepared to cast any censure upon that gentleman. He has served us able and faithfully, and I would sooner vote him thanks than censure.

I might urge much more against this Preamble but the indulgence already extended to me by the House, admonished me to desist. 1 will again ask gentlemen to and survey the ground we occupy. For myself, whatever consequence may befal rne as an individual, I am resolved to sink or swim with tho principles of the republican party. 4 lagc, or on a farm or plantation, or in mo wilderness, or in a cabin, of any state or struggles nearly numb. red.

The Tesian3 have now their enemy concentrated or cooped up in San Antonio without any hope of succor, without provisions, without external communication: so that capitulation or victory must shortly follow and this ma. be brought by next advices from Texas. Equally fortunate must the results be for Mexican republicanism: for Alvarez commanding in the south is favored by the states of Orizaba, Guanahuato, Halisc and others -and Mehia in the north will be aided by tha states of Zacatecas, Michogon, etc. ar a simultaneous movement will now be made on the city of Mexico itself. So much for the dictatorial assumption of Santa Anna the conqueror of Tamaulipr.s and.

father of his country The Waik-iu-tLe-Water was lying oppo site the warehouse of Robert Mitchell and A. L. Wilson, inside of the Charleston, which latter boat was cut loose and towed up outside of the flat boats. The stern line of tho Walk-in-the-Water was thfen cut, and by the action of the eddy the stern swung round against the stern of the Charleston, setting her on fire the second time. The Charleston was then sent adrift with her upper works in a blaze, and with but three individuals on board, toy: die Captain, Mate, and one of our citTzena Mr.

W. Woods. To these individuals much credit is due for savingtho boat. While the people on the wharf were sending boats out to rescue them, not expecting that th.e Chaileston could be preserved, by the extraordinary exertions of these indi gh.t rod of "a-drsst tir. Fetter!" pirty, ii oa head "thir i1.4at.iate tion ojnght not to be made.

I have already occupied so much of the time of thft house, that I shall content myself with few remarks upon the points embraced in the Preamble and Resolutions. I have seldom ever read a document, that territory, but can talk, and tell of Webster, the orator, the statesman, the great 'champion of the constitution. He is, in I soul, as lofty as his own native mountains, feir. except hivus embarked in -of White, have not i Mr. in the irefont contest.

wa have two ti.t.iJ;ua'es win? n.n-u pure as tlieir eternal snows, hocks may be rent, or moved, but nothing in the tide was more artful! drawn than this Preamble. It is well calculated and for aught of time, or the tempests of party can shake or touch bis integrity. Who that could be ho uUerct to prtseni uui una oi ma I now ask the attention of the house, whilst I endeavor to davelope the objects which the advocates of the several candidates are attempting to accomplish by their course. I am aware that it is no easy matter to fathom the deDtlis of humnn intent, and to proud of his country, would not be proud From the Pr. Columbus, Mi.

Nov. 28, 1835. To Dr. B. W.

Bemon, Secretary of State, Jackson Mixsissiptii. tor oi me rn to have such a viduals the fire got under, and with the as- take on, was fi Sir. The communication of the date of jsistance of those sent to United States? May not God have suffered our coun- been found on the side of the strong government principles and two who have been as uniform in their devotion to the principles of republicanism. I will next inquire into tha principles and motives of those who are upporting those respective candidates. And in doing this, Mr.

Speaker, I shall state stubborn facts which cannot and will not ba donied by any gentleman on this floor. The support which Mr. Webster is receiving, is confined to one portion of the Union, and his supporters entertain exclusively the principles which are maintained nally extinguished. Steam was then rais- the 21st inst. from the Hon David Dickson traco men's actions to their springs.

But try to run into wilderness, and to teem with as Secretary of State, came dulj to hand, led and she vas again brought up to tho uoon the orincmle, that acts It purported to bs the proclamation of that landing, having floated down one or two speak louder than words, and having already ascertained facts from which deductions may be made, I flatter mvstlf that I shall not be al'ogether unsuccessful in my ofiicer calling on the Senators to convene miles. In the mean time the Walk-m-the-at the State house in the town of Jackson, Water was a mass of flames, producing a on the third day of December next, for the bright glare for mile around her. To save purpose cf electing a President of the Se- the warehouses and siores within danger, nate, to exercise the office of Governor of she had also been cast adrift, and as she tho State; until the installation of theGovcr- floated in the midst of the waters, it was nor elect. The reception ofsuchacommuni- magnificent sight. The sides of the bluff that I know, was intended to present as many different faces, as there are distinct parties sustaining Judge White.

If it were desirable to please the Whigs, they will there find the Baltimore convention denounced in unmeasured terms. If it were wished to please the Nullifiers, their great champion. Mr. Calhoun, will find enough in the preamble and one resolution, to gratify his feelings. And if it were desirable to please the Jackson men, why he is styled our "distinguished Chief Magistrate," and his administration is 'generally' approved.

But if an enemy of General Jackson would be pleased to read a paper that contained a few cuts and thrusts at the old hero, he can be gratified in this preamble. Men and things, Mr. Speaker, lake their hue and character from the circumstances that surround them. What is an abstraction to day, witiiout application or point, becomes pointed and full of rebuke by the circumstances of to-morrow. It has been lv their p-reat leader Thev are federalists i purposes.

PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE. Jackson, Mississirrr, Thurtdny, 3d day of Drcembcr, JS35. The Sen-ate ol ihe Slate o( Mississippi conen-ed in the Chamber, in tiie SMte at Jackson, on the 3rd tlay of December 15 at 12 o'clock, men-diaii, pursuant lo a Proc'ama! tion from David Dickson, Jis Secretary of Siat(, Hated 21st November, 1635, in the woids filloit! ing, to-vrit: "A PROCLAMATION. "By David Dickson Secretary of State, for the State of Mississippi." Wiikkeab the oiiice of Governor has Lecomn vacant by the expiration of tiie term of service of his excellency, II. Runnels, anil l.ereas them is neither President of the Srnale or Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consequence whereof, an interregnum now exm Now, power and authority in me vested by tiie feven- monsiters, tor the last eight years, that he might call out this moral, political Hercules, to clear and restore to us again our country? If all honest men do their duty, then these men will be the highest on the list of candidates in the electoral college; and leading the caucus candidate, the successor nominated by General Jackson, they will come before the House of Representatives, for a selection of one from that member, for President.

The great interests, which I have just examined, may be considered, and by all parties such a coursa of administration as will secure them, be most solemnly ipulated; and when the and rcsido in the Northern States. In no The design of Mr Van Buren's friends other section of the Union are there to in urging his claims, as well as that of the ba found men who are pressing his claims, largo body of Judge White's friends in There are federalists in every State in the Tennessee, is easily comprehended. They Union, who admire Mr. Webster and accord, hive full confidence in the qualifications with him in sentiment, but they sound not land principles of their respective candid-a note in his belief. Gen.

Harrison in like fates, and are honestly desirous of their suc-xnanner jj sustained almost exclusively by -cess. But Judge White has some friends the federalists in a few of the middle and Tennessee, the honesty and sincerity of cation naturally lead us to examine thefacts were brightly iuminated, and the distant connected with tho supposed interregnum shore of the Louisiana was traced as with a of the Executive Government of the State, pencil dipped in gold, while the long 1 ne and the requisitions of the constitution up- of smoke, which rose but a little above the on tkem. In doing this, we have arrived bluff, and floated northward over the bed of satisfactorily at the conclusion, that there is the river, looked bright in contrast with the not such a vacancy in the office of Govern- surrounding gloom, and as the unruffled 'eenth section of the fiiih article of tlm Coruti ej 7 I .1.. I i .1 I .1.1 1. .1 or to authorize such a call, and that if there surfice of the water reflected with said, that ths principles contained in this were, tint the Hon.

David Dickson being a incaeased vividness, the burning mass, it member of Congress elect, and not being presented a scene worthy of the painter. rights of the People are secured, that House will select the man most likely with safety to all, and with glory to our country, to administer the Government. Here Rhode Island will have a voice as loud, a potency as efficient, as the most extensive and powerful State. Never, again, do I Secretary of State at the date of the Proc-i A bear which was haned between the preamble are the principles of Jackson be it so and they are too, those principles which his enemies are daily charging him with having violated It is no were asser northern States. But I now arrive at nn im- wh se support are not so apparent, i lie portant inquiry: Who are sustaining Judge difficulty which I am to unravel is, the de-White and Mr.

Van Buren? If I do not an- 'sign and purpose with which Mr. Webster swerthis inquiry correctly, I clullenge gen- is supported in the North. (Jen. Harrison in tlemen to deny my assertions. I affirm, the North-west, and Judge White in the then, th it JuJge Wnite is supported, out! South.

There is one circumstance, Mr. of Tennessee, "almost exclusively by ni3n Speaker, which casts a deep suspicion over wh hold not one political sentiment in the cause of Mr. Webster and Gen. Ilarri- commm with him by men who have ever son. They have been nominated for labored to destroy those principles which months, their claims have been constantly iamation; or indeed under the constitution two docks, was burnt, and it 13 supposed authorized to hold oi exercise that, or any that a human being also sarTercd.

other ofiicer of profit or trust whilst such a A white man was seen after the Walk-member of Congress. Wo have felt it due in-the-Water was cut adrift, at the stern of ted in the Preamble nor by any gentleman null) ncicujr i ukjB.ic KTrii.lic lo CUIlreilG at the State House in ihe town of Jackson, onTur. lar, the third day of December next, that a Pres. idem of the Senate may be chosen, to eiarciw the office of Governor. Given under my han'l at Jackson, tiiig twpnt-first day of NoYeiuber, eighteen hundred and thir-ly-five.

DAVID DICKSO.V, Secretary Stete. The members tvho appeared of the former Senate, by vir'iie of priur to trie general Election on the first JVlonttay ol Novembar and day followinr, 1S35, were Messrs. John A. the Senator from the Sanatoria! Di-trict composed of the county of Adam, and John Henderson, the Senator from the Senatorial District composed cf the comity of Witkiiifon; Of the el.ectt'd at the eanen Election. on this floor, tint Gen.

Jackson has viola- I wish, to see a President, in any other manner elected. It will go to perpetuate ouri Union, by preserving the small frorn being mr nnc uf iliocn ttirrf nriiif that i to ourselves, to our consitucnts, and to tne tiie boat, apparently search ol some ob- constitution, totailv to disregard the Proc iject; ho was hailed and advised to come has singled out to guide Judge White he had labored to uphold. Ills support is Jurgod with untiring zeal, but neither of notoriously confined to the States of them has ever formally announced their m-ginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, tention to run through the polls. If it was and Tennessee. In Virginia, jths purjoso of these gentlemen or their every newspaper which advocates the friends, that their names should be held up claims of White Ins ever advocated either at all hazards, it is reasonable to suppose nor is it said he has not violated them.

The principles are inertly stated, and whereas gentlemen are firmly persuaded that they have lust none of their truth or Importance by the lapse of lime or change of circumstances, they feel impelled to reaffirm them. I again ask, Mr. Speaker, why does it happen, that it has become so swallowed "jp by the great states, and prevent a President from riding into powers on such a tide of popularity, as may, if it not already, swept away lawsandeonstition, and liberty. I next call the attention of the Ilouaa to the following, from the New York Evening Post, published about 1st of September. This paper is conducted by the notorious Mai.

Noah, who was bought up by the Iamation. (ashore. He replied, but, ell he said was The article 5th, (Executive Department.) not luard; he was understood to say, that he Section 1, limits lha time in which the Go- would not leave the boat until he found that vemor shall hold his office to two years for wh eh he was in search. Report gays, from the lime of installation. His Excel- he was aftertvards seen to fall, by the giving Jency Governor Runnels was installed in away cf the deck, into the hold.

November 1S3X His term of office ex-1 The bear being chained sbout midway piredasa matter of coursa at the end of of the deck, excited strongly tiie Ejmpa-t wo years frorn the date of his installation. thies of the spectators. As the flames rose on the first Monday ann day luilnvvinj of Novem the principles ofFcderalism or nullification, that they would have given some publ.c cx jpressionof their purpose; but they are as silentas the tomb, whilst tneir friends are on all hand;) pressing their chums. I ask, Mr. Tfnse papors still advocate the same principles, and yet they are urging the claims of Judge White Thase men who 'have ever been found in opposition to the measures of the present administration, in Vir important to these tnree pnnci- t.

zr l. i it olcs alone which make the burden of tha comormity 10 tiie constitution, the i they were drawn between too decks, and: ber, lb J5, appeared Messrs. A. and RoScrt 11. Bucfcner, the Senators fiom the Senatorial District composed of tho county of Hinds; Alexander G.

M'N'utt, the Senator fiom th Senatorial composed of ihe lountiei of Wairen end ashington; David W. Il.i'ey, the Senator from Senatorial comoifd cf ihs county of Maduon; John Cameron, tiie Senator from the Senatorial Distii composed of the counties of i'ranklin ani d- eiucuoiis wer iioiuen on me nrsi met over mc ar as iney stiOi npwarus, r.l i.niL-u 1 woula not Iiec attribute motives lo worthy gentle- Monday and day following ginia, are in favor of Judge Unite, and yet opeaiver, is uui uurai to conciuut-, mute, ana who now iioais tiie itirndon these gentlemen are withholding any pub- flag: lie expression, with the view of profiting by Such of the Southern and Western the "chapter of accidents." Jt nviy be- States who prefer Judge White, can fill coma politic, to prevent an election by the into no error or danger in supporting a mm in November first upon one side, and tnen upon the other Proclamation, he would lean in the contrary direction to A.t th date of tiie tlieir opposition to the present Administra niun, but when I tltct, th it Judge White i-is supported out of Tennessee, by federal- 0 the candidates fur the office of Go- escape, and would as often be opposed by a tion is unabated. The members cf Congress andoftiie Legislature, who enter vernor had been dulv elected, and it mar wall oi hre. lie finally made one desner- Jciiersoii isfs and nmiit'-rs. when i see claimed ate effort and cleared the deck, hut did not Willimn Van Norman, the Senator orn tha an oonoIii.iii candidate, and lhnn when 1 lw regarded as a sound elementary jw ople, that both these gentlemen should run through the race, or it may be more politic, thit their should be withdrawn, I rl -lma in 1 1 1 hat all olec ve officers 1 iave ri-rut ot olhce break lis chain, lie attennvrcd to raise i ot Ji 3 purity and talents.

Unen tne time arrives, we have perfect confidence in the patriotism of these candidates, that the weakest will yield to the strongest, and thus ive the country from a succession of from the f.ict of bz'iag elected, and date himself bv grasping his chain above, be-' n. uwon three principles which are made the soon SUUO- rial District composed of the county of Lawrence; daily themes of denunciation agiinstJeck- to execute the duties of if, and, ing like a human, but ho was Lianrerry, tne senator from the Sanatoria! adm it slrat cn. 1 am forced to the possess inemseives oi irancntses irorn son tint this preamble is drawn 1,13 linje pt being elected. lue subse- i iie boat bclongeu conviction, to Captains GainanJ Kic'iard (... IIargi, the Senator from the S( 'Urcnascd Jler En" we urial District composed cf ihe countiea of Eat with mi Hve In fiivo countenance to bi atirv uuues oi qualification, installation, uiover, who ma pu ankia Dorters who so widely with him in all I tje afC director)-, merely, and ap- not learned whether slio was insured Unit Simpson and ihtt of a still more formidable man be brougiit forward.

In cither event, the hold ing up their names will have had the elfoct to keep tiie forces of the opposition well trained and in battle array. It will bean easy matter to change commanders, if that should be deemed tlieir bi-st policy. I now undertake, Mr. Speaker, to inquire into the object of that concentration of the forces of the Federalists und Nullifiers In Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, ftJir annilmpnn Whv "liav r.t 1 plv to th iudividu jl. As to third persons, i or not.

I Mating in all, Elerea Senators Present a ma- royal appointments and prerogatives, and from the dominion of the same men who have brought the country into its present excited divided condition. Should the people prefer allowing Congress to make the choice, instead of the Billhwore Convention, there is no fear of the re-ult in that body. eay lo iho friends of ficn. Harrison, that it i3 time to move in this Utm-t nf and to the comm ly, tneir ac ts are consti- lue boat continued burning unt th s10' wmca lueoiatau li.UJ f. i ij.

OOF rCiiCS I v. nr- f. leading- principles whv this silence as i tution -1 and valid, he pnnciplo h3s re-! morning, when she sink about i ii UKJi.tJii ui .11 1 -tiriritn ill r. .1 1 1 mm all those itreat measures of nolle on tceivel tne sanction ol a uniiorui series btiovv, near tiie Louisiana side. Sho was -xac called tn th tain federal principles, are cl.umeu and designated as the friends of Judgo White.

Mr. Leigh, the Nullification Bank Senator of that State, is also the friend of Judge White. In North Carolina the same facts are indisputably true as to tlic newspapers, the federal citizens, the members of Congress and of the Legislature and one Senator; erery newspaper that has opposed the resent administration, every citizen who 8 opposed it, every Congressman and every member of the Legislature who have been unfriendly to the republican cause, together with the II jn. W. P.

Mangum, a nulli all, all are for White! In South Carolina it is not absolutely certain that any vote will be cast, but if it is, it is claimed for White, as Mr. Calhoun is understood to be his friend. In Georgia the same remark may be made, which I have already made as to Virginia and North Carolina. It is wall known that Judge White has been nominated by a convention of Nullifi he mavbe called to act as President whv 'judicial deteirninations. But not so of of- of the largest class of boats, and the loss of rw-eeded to administer the Constitutional Oath of i ti I vt; i.

1 i section of tha Union." that ts to the Biiik iot nni w.iusc- iciiuro o.uce is a'jpoini- uuai anu irgo, is estimated st 1 UMKJU e.i,iai moresaia. Ou nv-tion of Harris, the Senate then ad ivnrI ie hrn fnnnA ivbirb ri.nilmm. thr, i ment merely. 1 ne tact of a puomtment dollar omns the In connection with the invite and tha commission are tauen togetuer to ttciition to the follow tfcc, oipon Judge White. It cannot be, that they desire his election to suppose this, is -o contradict all their actions sines the downfall of Mr.

Adams. They maintain all their old principles with the same 'in nrincmles of the federalists or nullifiers journed until 12 o'clock, maredian, to-morrow. Friday, 12 o'clock, riieredian, 4tt Dec. 1835. The Senate convened pursuant to adjournment.

From i from the U. S. Telegraph, edited by no sir. and the centlemen dared not insert constitute tho ngat ol ofuce. Kiom the Western Methodist.

MUREL, TIIE LAND PIRATE. tha it is that All the Senators preenr, as of yesterday, at tha Green anv stich thino-. Judue Wliito's sunoortrM premises assumed, we are A religious paper in Colombia. South i adjournment, to- it. Eieven Senators: ou of Tennessee are sustaining him under competent for the Governor elect, to take thwonnosiliou flas.

and this document hrmsclf the discharge of the duties zeal and perseverance. It is not that they suppose Judge White capable of abandon "We have before us a le'ter from Gpo. Harrison, in which wo are authorised to say, that such is his sense of the necessity nnd obligation for union and concentration. Carolina, has asked the question whv the rnotion of Hargis, the following resola- peopl of Tennessee suffer the infamous TL i. i Jiesohed, that the rules ationted br the Se man named above, to hve to -which, we an- rnr iia mwmi.f.

was never designed to change his position of Executive Government of the State, ing all ins long cherished principles, and throwing himself into the ranks of his old swer, because the people of Tennessee have i ted by the'Senate for ilsgorernment nt the present a reverence for the laws and the demands I essie-n. with llioso supporters, iiut it was m-, ai una sary to throw over this design lli3 mantle of in department, as to authorize a Lrksnnisni-the Jackson White mpn call of the Senate under the 17lh section enemies, i know udge mnte siion es in that stats. As to the states of Ala- lestv. firmness and consistency, too well to of justice. Murel is immured, within tho of the Senate were pro- i i i i i creding to the election of a President of the bodv imaanu jussissippi, ui8 remarks niaue in entertain sucii Hopes.

VYriy tnen is it, that substantial Masonry of tha Tennessee Pen reference to Virginia may in tne main be they are uniting upon a man whose every that ha will cheerfully surrender his own pretensions in fuvor of a stronger candidate." In relation to the foregoing, I read frorn the Alexandria Gezette, another violent Federal papci, the following extracts this paper was printed about the 1st of by ballot, Messn. Van Norman and Haley being r. it i -i of the 5th article. In further examining the subject we are cognizant of the fact, that David Dickson was elected Secretary of State in JVIay, 1833. By the 14ih section of the 5th ar- nspeited.

re-athrm tnen, that out ot the principle they condemn and despise? I af- Tennessee must not be driveu ofi and hence those laudatory allusions to Jackson1 name that oft repeated j3irase present distinguished Ciiief Magistrate" and hence that q-ialiried and indefinite ui si amiuicu At-iicrsijy me vnairman, wnan Mr. liunnels presented the following Resolution, to-it: Resolved, That the person elreted for the President of the Sena tef consider that his appointment ill expire on the first or second day ot the next' session of the Legislature. itentiary, and at a late attempt to escape which was detected and which he was believed to have originated, he was honored with a bloek chained to his leg, while he is in the labor yard, so that ho is in a hopeless situation during the day of gaining liberty by an escalade or rush. Besides which, he tide, th3 Secretary of State, shall be state of Tennessee, the great body of the firm, sir, that there can be but one rational sipporters of Judge White are men who are 'explanation of this circumstance and that diametrically opposed to him in thcirprinci- is, tint these Federalists and Nullifiers, de-ples. But I will here answeran objection that termined on defeating any Republican can-has bjen urgidin debate to this position it jdidate, have united on Judge White, with resolutic-i, approving generjlly the men sures and policy of his administration.

If elected by the qualified electors of the shall continue in office during the term of two vpars. His If-rm -f Said resolution was considered and debated bv October "This announcement, so honorable to the character and patriotism of Gen. Harrison, remains only to be responded to, in the same frank and candid manner, by the friends of Judge White, if they yield up their candidate and tlieir preference to a de wo wiiiiim iiumu mm any lui re- tiie view ot securing majorities lor in i the Scns.te, aud thereupon the Chairman decidad would have expired in May, 153.3, had not hiS S'ven PlainJy to understand, by the nr t-u i.unai3.iuijf suu i liny a tuoSS StaiCS OV IllO UnjOU Ot tllCir Oft'll While, and yet we hiil tha federal state of. strength with those republicans who may there be portious of Jacksoirs jntlicy that gentlemen do not approve, whv have they not been especially enumerated? Why call on us to vote thus in the dark? Do gentlemen design to notify the good federal and nullifying friends of Judge White, that the schedule provided that officers thus rtti.ticB. mi null ij uc IIUL I II UKllT, SUpenntcildant, Mr.

Mcintosh, the value of Mr. Runnels appealed from the decision of th9 whose words all western rogues kliOW well Chair, and die question was put, Will the Seuata how to eslimite, that, on the least attemnt sustain the decision of the Chair?" and tha same Jtnoae island into our ruiKs with joy. My vote for Judge White, for tho purpose of answer is, that we do gladly had any state defeating Mr. Van Buren in those states, was decided in the affirmative. cision of the people, as to who is the strongest man, and would make the most availa to escape either among the prisoners, or by while they approve generally the policy of elected should continue to hold their offices until the succeeding election.

It is very conclusive that h's term of office expired at the close of th? elections in November 1835. At the date of the Proclamation, be was nn mnrn S5i-erflnrv nf Sliaie. or any citizen inro our ranKs, tvnen Uiey and thereby throwing the election into the come chnngod from their federal principles, House of Representatives, to be bargained Rhode Island has elected members to Con- (for. Men without when Jackson, they do not apprcie his policy as ble candidate for the opposition, it seerns to us that the whole ground is covered. an assault of tha Murel clan from without, the very first step shall be to put an instant end to his life This.

Murel knows! It has to those three principles winch, arc placed ress wuo entertain republican 1 thev are seen acting in contravention, of every thing is fairly settled for the approach- out in glaring colors as beacon lights to the The Senate then proceeded to ballot for a Pres--ident of that body, and counting the l-allots the Jirst time, the result was fount to be as follows. John A. Quitman five rotes. John Cameron one vote. John A.

Griniball f.vo votes, ttobert H. Bnckner three votes. And, thereupon, the Chairman declared there had been no election, and the Senate proceeded to by the previous elections, than Runnels ccn toId nim b' an iron-souled man, whose we inter, that sue 13 redeemed and regene- their well settled habits and principles, ing campaign, and the opposition and all its opposition contenance turns the villain nale for vears rated uui now sianus tne case witn ucige there must be scnio strong operating pans nny ai once ttnit'j and push on vigor But, Mr. Speaker, ths author of tha doc- was Governor. And again, at the date of the Proc amation, the Hon.

David Dickson had been elected a member to Congress ously in the contest, which they have cause. White's federal and nullifying Are they changed No sir, at the moment after he has been discharged from his'war-donship. Measures have been taken to make the matter secure: and thus ten vears ment has deemed it essential denounce the Baltimore Convention be that so. I waged and are to wage With jower But luckily we are not left to conjecture when ihy lullo for White, they hallo for from this State. By the 13th section of 'The merits, claims, and chances of, shall not defend it.

and vet I will sav. that on this matter wc have clear, indisputable evidence. In confirmation of this view, 1 the principles of Federjlism and Nullifica' success of both Gon. Harrison and Judge much more importance has been attached to White must be fairly discussed, and an it, than it deserves. I believe that it is cn- tion: in ins state ot lonnessse we have but few men who luve openly avowed the read Ihe following extracts from the leading Federal Bank paper at Washington, the Na of MurtTs life will pass, if death does not re'ease him.

At the expiration of h's sentence, the people of Tennessee do not expect to see him set at liberty. For this man there is no more sun: no pleasant flowery tmpartial verdxt rendered. And let it be tilled to just as much weight and resoec the 7th articla of the constitution- "No member of Congress, nor any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United S'ates, (the office of Post ster excepted,) or any other Siate of the Union, or under any foreign power, shall hold or doctrines of federal sm. bo fir, however. tional Intelligencer, printed several months understood that the opposition ticket is to as tne recommend ition ot 1113 same number as my own information extends.

I hesitate of men, of equal respectability assctnblsd at be White for President and Harrison for Vie President, or Hirrison for President not to stale, that any rain who has hereto ballot a tecona time, wuen the result was as lul-lows, to-wit: John A. Quitman five votes. Robert II. three votes. John A.

Griniball two vote John Cameron one voie. And there being uo election, the Senate balloted a third time, when the remit eras as folio to-wit: John A. Quitman five Totes. Robert H. Duckncr three votes.

John A. Grimball one vote. John Cameron one vote. Join Henderson one vote. And there being no election, the Senate ballottrd a fourth time, when the result was as follows, world; no laughing brook or gentle fireside home.

He is an outlaw upon a bois- any other point, and no more. That con fore been openly opposed to the present ad exercise any office of trust or profit, under I vention never attempted to usurp power to ministration is now clamorous for hitc this State." It appears manifest to us, that tcrous sea every wave his enemy, and ev-hs was constitutionally incompetent at the er" foe. and White for Vice President. Or, if a stronger man than eidier of them is found, that they and their friends will willingly unite in effecting such nomination as will dictate to the people or decree who should be ths President it did ist what this But I freely admit, that a very large portion of his Tennessee friends are republicans, date of his proclamation, to exercise the dii- 1 woum oe upon ramer a "Ooister- house proposes to do it recommended a ous sea" if his keeper would iust turn him good and true, and that they support him secure the great objects intended." ago: 'We consider it fortunate for the count ry, under these circumstances, that Judge White has been brought forward in the south as an opponent to die candidate of the legitimates, upon such grounds as will secure him the votes of a respectable portion of the original Jackson party, whilst they will permit the Whigs in that portion of the country to vote for him, without an abandonment of principle where their votes would count for nothing against Mr. Van Buren." From what we have said, our readers ties of the office of Secretary of State.

The acting and doings of a Senate thus eilhsr from thair admiration of his many 1 now call upon the gentlemen in this candidate for the Presidency. In relation to caucuses and conventions, I hold the opinion expressed in tha following para- out but, at present, he is hauled up in a dry dock to undergo some salutary repairs. Ed. Vick. Reg.

virtues, or from their strong personal pre house, and I would to God, that my voice convened, would not in our opinion, be warranted by the constitution. We there ferences. could reach every true republican in the I I I I .1 I i erap.i to bo correct am now, Mr. Speaker, to inquire for the "The right of suffrage comprehends, not fore, petsuade ourselves, that ur declining to obey the call, will be satisfactory to our From the New-Orleans Be wouki sounu me aarm in ears, nnd urge him to buckle on his armor and supporters ot Mr. Van Buren and here only the privileges of choosing betwixt Additional confirmations of the capture of T.

i i i i again I will challenge a denial of the facts immediate constituents, to our brother Se fight the good fight of republicanism. I several candidates, whose names may hive John A. Quitman fire votes. Robert II. Barkner four votes.

John A. Griniball one vote. John Henderson one vote. And there being no election, the Senate ballot-ted a fjih time, when the result was as follows, to-wit: John A. Quitman fiva votes.

Robert H. Buckncr four votes. John A. Grimball one vote. John Henderson one vote.

And there being no election, the Senate ballot- hive read but few extracts if time would which I state. I aihrm that in no state in this Union is he supported cither generally been presented tor the orace, but compre nators, and to ou fellow-citizens throughou the State. will understand us as indicating what course permit, I could detain the house for hours, hends also, the no less important privilege i uuiiu uy uKiierai iuenia nave been received in town which is now placed beyond a doubt. The port collector of Tam-pico in writing on this subject to the naval officer of Matamoras, adds that as soon as vara- in reading to them similar evidence, of selectinrand Diesenfino- tlm nim nfonv we should pursue, individually, in order, if possible, to break up the succession, the on or even to a small extent, by any other than true republicans! He is universally odious to Federalists and Nullifiers! Mr. Clay, Very respectfully, Your obed't servants, STEPHEN COCKE, Enough however, is produced, to establish individual, whose qualifications and claims i i- i i i i uijr iciiumy urudu principle, uiai ue con ly by which it appears to us, as things aow stand, this object can be effected.

Re JMenia had landed and taken possession of Calnoun, and Webster, Poindextcr, and the may be deemed sufficient for the Office. Without the union of both these privileges The Senator from the county of Monroe. pleading politicians of the two schools to the city, hundreds ot Mexicans volunteered to augment his little army that debark? the right of suffrage is a valueless bless siding in any one of the States, Connecticut or Vermont, for example, where Air. BE.J. T- OMER, Senator from the county of Lowndes.

waxh they belong, have suffered no opportunity to escape, wherj they could assail his from this port not only with tho intent of Webster would be prefered by a maioritv tent now going on involves a struggle between those great rival principles, the rights of the many and the rights of the few they establish also the position which Judge White occupies they show hirn to be in the arms of the opjiosilion, pro nounce him an opposition candidate. character or his conduct. If there be any ted a sixth time, when the result was as follows, to-wit: John A. Quitman five voles. Robert H.

Buckner four votes. John Henderson two votes. Mr. Hargis then moved that the Senate adjourn to half past 2 o'clock, P. M.

this nnd the Senate having considered tiie motion refused to a-dopt it. The Senate then bnllotted a seventh time when The following description of the burninr ing a mere pretext to cloak the intrigue of demagogues and the usurpation of tyrants. A blind acquiescence by the people hi the nomination of a candidate made bv an organized body of partisans, whether it securing the state of Tamauhpas in its opposition to centralism, but of marching di of the Whigs, we should undoubtedly vote for him. In any state, in which the prefe one man in this union upon whom is con I ri oi me oteam lioat Walk-in-the-water is ex rence of the Whigs might be doubful. we centratcd the hatred and odium of Whigs and Nullifiers, that man is Martin Van Bu tracted from the Daily Courier.

should exert ourselves to incline it in favor rectly againsi canta Anna himself. When General Mehia left New Orleans for Tampico, he had resolved on becoming i Another material pnint brought to light, is bear tho imaosinnr nnnnll.itinn nf ri tVatinnal BURNING OF TIIE WAK 1N-THE WATER. of Mr. Uebster, but should vote for the the declaration in the last extract, that "if Convention or less uooular name of a Cn- the result was as follows, to-wit candidate, whoever ho might be, whom a the Whigs in the state should master ui mat cuy, which had virtually been promised him by the governor and inhabitants; and then to impose an embargo on the whole seaboard line of the state of Tamau Joliu A. Quitman six votes.

Robert H. Buckner four votes. John Henderson one vote. The Honorable John A. Quitman havinrr recei a stronger man than either of them is found, jcus is a virtual abandonment of the right that they and their friends will willingly of suffrage, and a reprehensible derjiction unite in effecting such a nomination, sejof the duty of freemen." will secure the obiect intended." Ca 1 TJni rlnna it nnt n.n prefer.

In a state, Georgia or Alabama, for The Steam Boat Walk-in-the-Water was discovered to be on re, on Tuesday evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock. From the great volume of flame winch burst from her, almost immediately after the alarm, it ren he is even more odious to them than Gen. Jackson himself. But if neither il-lifiers or Federalists are supporting him, whence does his support come? I answer, ir, that it comes from the great Republican party that party which sustained Jefferson, Madison and Monroe that party which overthrew Mr. Adams, and which has ever since supported Gen Jackson! I ask example, where a majority of tiie oposition prefer Judge White, we should go with that ved a maioritv of all the votes uresent.

and the hpas. This has effectually been done: or no any reasonable creature misunderstand wh woo supports AVir. van liuren, does it be ship has left Matamoras or Tampico since Senators present being a constitutional majority of the whole number of Senators lo which the State majrity. this ''stronger man" is? I have no pre is presumable that she had been on fire un 1 read an extract from a speech of Mr. is entitied in the State Legislature, was therefore tensions, speaker, lo prophesy, but ms ianaing, ana none are permitted to depart except for Texas and New Orleans- der the deck, for a considerable period.

Burgess, a celebarted federalist of Rhode duly and constitutionally elected the President of cause he has been nominated by the convention; far from fin's is the case with ray-self. Nor do Psupport hirn, as some gentlemen has said they did in 1832, because Gen. Jackson desired it. I hone. sir.

I win venture now to predict, that llonry Cla? i An eflort was made to save the cabin furni and none to anchor except from those pla- Island, delivered to his constituents some is to Ds ine -available candidate" of tie ture, but the rapidity of the fire was such i cs. i uis system oi bloctade secures the Opposition, and that his name will be announced in less than four months. It shall never become so servile as to suppose months since: "If we triumph now, wo cannot he defeated in August; snd we shall then elect Representatives who may electa President of the United States. Three candidates vain for gentlemen to close their eve Wat body. Mr.

Quitman thereupon addressed the Senate as follows: "Senators: By the report of the Tellers, it appears that I am. duly elected Presiding officer of this body. Altbo I am wellawarebal in this ou have been actuated alone by your views of the "public interest, yet I would do violence to ray feelings, were I to withhold the expression of in vera tef ul acknowl gentlemen to point me to a state in this Union, save Tennessee, whose republican newspapers, whose republic in members to Congress, and tho Legislatures, aye, sir, wltoso republican citizens are not supporting Mr. Van Buren. In those States where Judge White receives the support of Federalists ar.d Nullifiers, Mr.

Van Buren receive! t' support of Republicans I do against the truth the facts which I hac operations ot Mehia; and must effectually prevent the Mexican government sending any succors to Cos against the Texians. The friends of Texas and of republican government in Mexico may perceive therefore that the issue of the present KtrntrwW any man whose principles I denounce merely to please a great individual. I supported him in 1832 because he was a genuine re that tiie attempt was abandoned. The clerk's office was locked, and himself absent. One or two individuals tried to break it open without success.

The books, papers, about 1200 bales of cotton, and 3 300 dollars in money were burnt. The cotton was all insured, either here or at New stated and the inferences which I haie hive already been nominated. White in drawn. I ain challenge gentlemen lo publican. I support him now for the same the South; McLean in the West; Webster controvert It belongs to every man to reason.

in th East. Tho friends of Judge Whit I make up hjs own mind for myself I am of Santa Anna for supremacy and military control is certain; and tha days of those I regard the last resolution, Mr. Sjpeaker, edgements for the confidence you hare reposed in me. I did not seeli this station and wora I to.

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