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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
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PPLES. TRCMONT OPftRA HOUSE. ud Sight. 446RANO CHRISTMAS MATINEE The Champion of the World, James J. Corbett In UM American eomwly dratna, GENTLEMAN JACK, A with baart 95 TALtMTIP PlAYIRt.

1 trodaw wondwful Bai Poach ThurcUay, Deo. 10 aud 27, only of Acoomoanleil by the beautiful ud talented ar- KCOKmK BLA1K. Presenting Wednw- da? "David Garriok" and "French Marmot." Thuraday' evening, "Tho Gladiator. BMtl on sale. $1.

75c, 50c and 25o AT BEACH LAWN December 23, and Day at 4 P. M. PROF. SPEEDY Will make hU thrilling dive from the top of Beach uoUl into a tank of water 36 inches La depth. J.

WILLIS BRO. OALVESTON. TEXAS. Wholesale Grocers AND GOnONJACTORS. Liberal Adrancei llade on Cotton TBK WEATHER.

WASHINGTON FORECAST. ton, Dec. eftfttern Texas: coolur In western ponton; south winds, becoming norvh. 'TEMPERATURE RECORD. Teitcrduy'a temperature record at dal- ahown by the thermograph on roof of ootton followa: 9a.m.

lla.m. 1 p.m. 3p.m. p.m. a 68 64 67 05 COMPARATIVE RECORD.

Galvestou weather record for December wltl: of the last Time-- Bar. Then Wind. Rain. Weather. 30.30G 01 .00 Clear Ml.904 BW .00 Clear 1894 3S33 1892 1891 temperature.

C8 CC C7 CG Minimum 57 62 Do Avcrace C3 so 64 68 Precipitation 00 .66 TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION. Temperature and precipitation at Qalves- ton for December 23,1894, and alnce January 1, IBM, ui compared with the general Normal temperature, 67. Excess -for the day, 6. excess since January 1, 17. Normal precipitation, Deficiency for the day, .15.

trMftctarcy ilnce January 1, 10.GE. TTEATHER SYNOPSIS. CWveston, Dec. following dally BynoDSls or the weather Is furnished by the official! of ihe United Suites weather bureau this Dlact: A trough of low pressure extends southward from (Minnesota to west Texas and Mexico. An area of 'high barometer la over the Atlantic states, apparently movine; cast- ward Into the Atlantic.

Another high pressure Is apparently moving eastward from the RoJoky mountain region. The weather Is cloudy at a feiw stations over the central valleys and the northwest, While It Is generally clear elsewhere. Precipitation amounting to .10 of an inch or more Is reported from St. Louis. WEATHER BULLETIN.

"Dec. following weather bureau stations report current temperature to-night at o'clock, 76th meridian time, as follows: Rain- Stations-- Ternp. fall lAibilene. Tex 68 00 lAimu-lllo, Tex 60 .00 Atlanta, Ga '50 00 Bismarck, N. 20 00 Cairo.

HI 42 .00 Charlotte, N. .00 Chioago, 111 30 Cincinnati, 0 36 .00 'Corpus Chrlstl. Tex 63 .00 Dodfee City, Kan 44 .00 Davenport, la 33 oo Col 44 .00 IPort Smith, Ark 54 .00 El Paso, Tex 63 .00 Galveston, Tex 64 oo Jacksonville, Fla fid 00 Kn.ns«s City, Mo 4s Rock, Ark oo flfemphls, Tenn 4G oo Miles City, 'Mont 34 .00 fMontffO'mcry, Ala 00 (Nashville. Torni 4' oo New Orleans, Gfi (10 North Pintle, Neb 40 ioo Omaha, Ntfb 33 'oo Oklahoma City, Ok 60 loo Palestine, Tex C8 00 iPIttsiburg, Pa 34 'oo Son Antonio, Tex on ehrewport, St. (Minn 22 St.

Louis, Jto 38 14 St. Paul, 'Minn ioo iVtaktfburg, Miss 62 .00 SHOT 11 If A STRANGER. Marquez. Dec. 23--John Bcrsrf was chot in the abdomen and ed about 5 o'clOi-K this morning.

The affray occurred at the International and Oreat Ncrthern depot. His assailant, a BlraiiKcr here. If. hotly pursued by the deputy sheriff and posse. VOL.


WILL WORK ON HIS MESSAGE No More Announcements of Appointments Will Be Made Until He Is Inducted Into Office. 'Austin, E)ec Culberson authorized the statement to-night that the appointments given below would by made, with tho exception of the quarantine ofli- cers and the several asylum boards. Thin practically concludes all appointments and as those will probably not he made before he goes Into oflice as governor, his entire time from now on will be devoted to the considerations to be submitted to the next legislature. It Is believed Iho salaries and perquisites will be greatly reduced by the next legislature, and for this reason probably the usual interest in the positions will not be taken. At any rate Mr.

Culberson will be unable tD consider the question of to these positions until after-lite Inauguration. above referred to are us of the university, Robert E. Ccwart of Dallas county, Beaurcgard Bryan of Washington Live stock sanitary commission: J. Klcbcrg of Nuccca county, M. J.

Moore of Galveston county, F. Hall of Cook county. Superintendent of Southwestern insane asylum at San Antonio, Dr. B. M.

Worsham of Ellis county. Superintendent of North Texas Insane asylum at Terrell, Dr. C. M. Rosser of Dallas.

Superintendent of orphans' home at Cor- slcana, W. A. Wortham of Navarro county. Superintendent of confederate home, General W. P.

Hardeman of Travis county. Superintendent of public buildings and grounds, John R. Moblcy of McLennan county. Inspectors of penitentiaries: Wharton Bates of Brazorla county, T. E.

Durham fiulberson left for Fort Worth tonight. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Austin, Dec. committee composed of employes of the general land office prepared the following resolutions touching the death of the late John D. Sedberry, and they were adopted by the employes to-day: Reaolved, that we deeply regret the loss of our dear friend.

John D. Sedberry; that he was a noftle hearted, generous friend to truth and right, and was one of the lights of the land office, ever ready to stand by the ties of friendship. We hope he will be rewarded for all kind acts. That we also sorrow for another family in the office, who has lost a dear and devoted one within the last few hours. JOHN D.

lAl'GAUGHEY, MRS. 51. B. M'KAY, J. A.


Govern or-uleet Culberson returned, to Austin this morning. State Treasurer Wortham and Mr. E. W. House have gone to San Antonio with Governor Hogs.

MYSTERY EXPLAINED. Corpus Chrlstl, Dec. six weeks ago mention was ma3e in these dispatches of the finding of the bodies of two Mexican women and one Mexican man on the beach below Flower Bluff. The exact cause of their death was not known i recently, when ut Dunn paid a vlHit to that portion and found that the gate to his horse lot and four doors to his house had been cut down, dragged to the bay CiJiiHtruoted into a and a lot of bcd- dlnjr flnrt rlnthlntr stolen from Mr. Putin's house on the beach where the bodies were found.

This proves concluttivcly that the Mexicans camo to their death by drowning while trying to make their escape with the stolen plunder. TAYLOR TALK. Taylor, Dec. International and Great Northern railway company it: having the streets and approaches to Jls n. passenger and freight depots at this piace thoroughly maemiamljtttiJ.

Since Monday morning last and up to Friday night local or wagon of cotton at Taylor were 1001 bales. It Is now estimated by well Informed cotton men that over 30,000 bales of loeal cotton will bo reorlvod nt fliis point present seaion, over 27,000 bales nlredy having been marketer). The receipts last season were only 18,500 bales. Highest of All in Leavening U. S.

Gov't Report Baking Powder GALVESTON, TEXAS, MONDAY, DECEMBEK 24, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1842 600 BARRELS MTAMF wiiiun; f-rr -T '11 nil Wm. B. KIHO ft CO. Whotwli OOttOH, TRAt GEORGIA RACEWAR Hundreds of Whites and Blacks Under Arms, A BATTLE IMMINENT, Trouble Out of the Murder of a Prominent Georgia Farmer by Negroes.

AN-ALLEGED CONSPIRACY On the Part of the Negroes to Murder the Whites-Seven Negroes Have Been Killed and the End Is Not Yet, Dec. lives of seven negroes fcave been taken In -the last twenty-four hours In revenge for that of one and unless all signs fall utter- 'ly. more lives are In jeopardy. Two 'bodies-of determined men, 400 or GOO in all, every man -being "heavily "armed and each.foody ttfljout equal in numerical strength, separated by leas than a mile of country and liable to clash at any minute--that -Is the sp-cUcle presented in Brooks county -to-night. One body la unqde up of etern, deter- 'iiujii-u -while int-n, beat uii Cor i'uv brutal murder of one of tlhe beat citizens of county, and the other is made up of negroes, terror-stricken, fearful lest they or their families toe made the objects of the same fate as has already befallen seven of their number, and ready to defend themselves from such fete as well ae they nhlo.

What the next twenty-four hours will bring forth the g-ood Lord only knowe. That there will be an open clash seems much more than probable at this writing. The authorities are powerless and practically no efforts have yet been made to bring about peace, save by the relatives of the man whose murder is the cause of it all. On Thursday Mr. Joseph Isom, one of 1Jrooks county's most prominent farmers and beat citizens, wan murdered by a party of ncffroes, and it leaked, out that the killing of IBOOI was part of plot to kill all the who were, In a posse which a few weeks HKO arrested Jesse Jeffrcth for the killing of Mr.

Moulden. Isom was one of the most popular men in the county. He lived ten miles north of here, In a jjart at country where 'puttuimbcr tii6 whites, and the ktmffjj uted ueal oi t-xeiieineiiL. YtTi.t:u developed that the gang- had aworn to kill otliar whites, the whites gathered to- pother and the work of destruction began. Of the seven dead now only four names uuuld be learned.

A reporter visited the scene th4s evening. Every cross rond was found picketed with sentinels, and every man in the county Is armed to the teeth. When one of these race excitements occurs, terror reigns in the homes pf the whites, well as tho blacks, and this is a case. There are probably 500 men under arms, covering an area of about flve miles square. About a mile and a half from the home of the Isoms were about 200 whites, all armed and breathing all sorts of vengeance.

A mile further was a crowd of uf iuuuuL Lilt: Jsnliib with Winchester rifles, pistols, axes, clutw and every available weapon, waiting for the whites to attack them. They were in- trenched In and round a lot of nefjro caulns in the midst of a thin grove, and latest information in that the wJUtea are advancing on them from two sides. Sol Taylor, Eli Frazcr, Bam Rick and Henry Sheerard are four negroes known to have been killed. It is understood that W-averly Pike, Jim iMoCall and a negro named Herring were probably the others. Trtie county IB now sparsely settled, arid the facilities for securing information art very meager.

Pike Is the negro who killed Isom. He has been In hiding near where the trouble has occurred, and the authorities do aiot consider it probable that he tias been caught. When the reporter left the scene there eeemed every likelihood of a pitched battle to-night. Captain 3. Tfllman, father-in-law of Isom, was, however, doing everything In his power to restrain tho whites.

He hnd sent hurried messages all over the country, summoning to him conservative men In tho hope that they would prevent further bloodshed. It will be impossible tonight to know how well they succeed. The details of the killing- are very gor. Pike and Sheeranl were together about sunset last night. They were regarded as ringleaders in the conspiracy to kill and burn and were being especially sought for.

A half dozen whites came upon them suddenly and ordered them to submit to nrrest. One tho negroes answered with a tlmt struck one of the and the blacks were shot down In their tracks. The others were caught one at a time. Many of Isom's neighbors who are In the crowd will not listen to any peaceful lalk. Thoy declare that for the snkea of tholr wives and children and for their own safety that they must stamp out the gang hnd nworn to murilor find to- nfjrht that spirit RPomn to bo tho predominating ono.

If the fight comes It will be a Tlie killing of laum occurred in the public road not far from his homo, and tho circumstances attending It seem to doubt on tho conspiracy theory. Mr. Ison wak hero Thursday, and whllo In town some words with Waverly Plkfl, p. nogrfi, living In his neighborhood. Apparently (verythlng wan smoothed over when he laft for home.

After arriving there he Miirted i Hnnry Tllimuii, hlu brothrr-dn-Vtw, for Captain Tlllmnn'n linmf, abonl litilf n. mllf fn.m TJMHII'H. Thty mot four nVgroes, two on horsubftck on I'ike find Went on two wero 1n H. They riding over who nmonr.tra.ted. "Look out; don't run over me," and he stepped out of tho way.

Pike lrew a piRtol anJ ft word flrod, tho bullet, piercing loom's heart. 1'lkt- and McCall fired three shots each tho pros- body at Isom for thMr hiyNh- Pike made his but McCall uj itot were arreated and are jitt. la the prtHDt exclttment there tfi4ie three being lynched. PBSTIVAL OP FIGHTS. Dec.

night finished the usual quota of fights. Ben Romm, a bartender, hud a dispute with negro named Pan Terrell over a matter of change 1 Romm was 'whlpplhr his adversary when. Tom Qrlce stepped behind Romm and stabbed him dangerously in the was arrested. Gary and Jack Gibson fell out over bet. Gary atUmpted to hit Gibson with brass rknucks, 1 Gibson prevented him and walked away.

followed and plunged a knife' in him, wounding him seriously. Gary is In thti city prison. It la rumored at 3 o'clock that Gibson is dead. A bunco, steerer, name not known, waa jailed 'for swlhdlmff a negro of 15 on the "look game." A white Mexican named Farctl Ar- ganja walked into Baldndge's store to-day while no was looking and took a lot ot crockery and dry goods amounting to J50. At Roddy Smith's saloon he took a hat, coat and a drink.

Everything has been recovered but the drink. Officers expect soon to catch the man. Some one entered the room of M. L. Andrews, a newspaper man, stole a gold watch and chain.

No money Is missing. MURDERED WIPE AND CHILD. Crime of a Railroad Laborer in British Columbia. Vancouver, B. Dec.

most tragedy ever perpetrated in this city occurred here yesterday, resulting in the death of two. if not three persons. Geo. Frederick Ashford, a laborer in the employ of the Canadian Pacific railroad, has been a resident here for -the last two years, living with hlB wife and five children In the east end of the city. For some time past he has been drinking heavily.

He returned home late last night, and going up stairs, he awoke his wife, telling her that her end had come, and before ahe was half awake he shot her in the heud. Then tho little 3-year-old Stella, his daughter, was killed In a similar man- wnw two' boys were awakened by the shooting and escaped, giving the alarm to the neighbors. The fiend made his escape in the direction of Westminster. Seeing a car approaching he threw himself In front of It, but the motorman pulled up In time to rescue him, handing him over to the police. TO nraVTDTXP FIELDS.

Cheyenne, syndicate of eastern capitalists making preparations to develop the extensive coal flelfib in the northeastern part of Wyoming next summer. Two laige companies, with a capital stock of JOO.OOO, have been organized. The principal offices of the companion will be located at Atedln, Crook county. Thi trustees are John D. Parker, James MeKcever, Eugene 3.

Ellsworth, Herbert Chamberlain and George G. M. Mix. The Aladln coat company will the new coal properties which have been acquired the syndicate. The purpose of the Southeastern coal company, the other corporation.

Is to construct and operate a railroad from the coal fields through South Dakota to a point on the Missouri division, presumably Sioux Palls. MInco, I. Dec. death occurred here to-day, whether suicide or accident can not be known. Daniel Eatlack, aged 18.

shot himself through the heart with rifle in his bedroom. Immediately shot he name down Ktnlm to hlfi mother's room, saying- to her "I have shot myself," fell to -the floor and expired. His family came here from Clay county, Texas, last spring. A-N UNKNOWN MAN MURDERED. Clevolond, 0., Dec.

coroner is Investigating a case that Is likely to develop into a murder. An unknown man wan found beside the Lake Shore track at the foot of Case avenue last night with a hole In his head, which appears to have been made, with a coupling pin or a club. There was even a scrap of paper about the man which could.lead to the discovery of his identity. STEAMBOATMEN DROWNED. Jacksonville, Dec.

J. W. Waltz, In command of the steamer Active, uitd Charles W. Green, his colored fireman, were drowned in the St. John's nnniit thrpp mllon Jacksonville Friday afternoon.

The steamer was found to be sinking and her crew took to the lifeboat, which proved to be shaky and sank. The captain and fireman drowned before rescue could reach them. TRAIN ROBBER' S2NTH3NUET. Helena, Dec. Jones, a train robber, has been sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary.

Jones and three others held up a Northern Pacific train near Grey Cliff in eastern Montana In August, 1S93. The thrse others were killed in the chase for their capture. DIED WITH HIS BOOTS ON. Danville, Dec. Rowscy, desperado, was killed at Junction City last night by Town Marshal Ellis, whom he resisted.

Rowsey was the last of A father and seven sons, all of whom dlod with their boots on. ROBBED AND MURDERED. Dec. special to the Post from Homer says: On Friday evening Patrick Qulnlan, 80 years old, who lives near this place, was assaulted and robbed while on his way home and died at fl o'clock this eveninK. MORTUARY.

PROF. J. E. MATTHiEfWa. Naooffdoches, J.

E. Matthews, president of the Chlreno (high school, dloU at his home In Chlreno, this county, on the 21st instant. He waa about 48 years old and was born In this county ana was a member of the board of school of this county. W. W.

LldON. Dec. W. Ligon dice) tola morning after a lingering lllceafl of several Declared was 87 years of age. He came to Texas In the early days and was one of the oldest citizens of Lagrange.

JUDGE) O. 8. BAJL'EY. Arnostoury, Dec. funeral of the late Judge O.

fl. Bailey, the well- known eo-lntoorer of Garrison nnd Whlttler In the occurrt-d here this Oifternoon. U. L. WATKIWa.

"Cha-ttnnooffn. Doc. U. I-i. out? of Chattanooga'a oldest oitlJienn and ft vMernn of civil -war, died to-ri'ljflit, In his flfty-nlnth ytar.

CTETH Lullnf. Ellis, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. James Elite, died rhla evening. E.

FLACmfANN. (Brenhftm, Dec. F. Flach- died last nffht of HERE IT 18 KING KRISS'S oiliest Christmas GIFT BOOK FOR THK LITTLE PEOPLE BY ORDER OF THE BROWNIES NEW BROWNIE BOOK WONDERFUL JUVENILES, PEOPLE, In 8 PARTS. About PICTURES and PRINTED IN COLORS can now be had COMPLETE and BEAUTIFULLY BOUND in one handsome volume At the Office ot Tiie News for ONE DOLLAR', or will be mailed to any address on receipt of that amount.

NOT SOLD IN STORES. This is BEYOND QUESTION the most unique and delightful book yet issued by COX, who is known as THE PRINCE OF JUVENILE ARTISTS, and it is certainly having an ENORMOUS SALE. Over 100,000 Sold FIRST MONTH. THEY ARE OBTAINABLE ONLY AT OUR OFFICE. Send or Bring Only Ten Cents for Each Copy Desired.

ADDRESS A. H. BELO QUEER PEOPLE DEPARTMENT, HE COUCHED UP. But It Wan a Bullet Instead of $3 Demanded try a Highwayman. Denlaon, Dec.

8.30 Mr. Kretsrtnger, accompanied by hie wife, was on his 'way to Main frtreet and had occasion to cross an empty lot known as the show grounds, a favorite spot for holdups. At tho corner of Chestnut s-tree-t, in rather an unfrequented spot, a dark figure stepped In front oC thorn and barred the way. There waa just light enough to make It clear that the obstruction was a ntgrro. He lost no 'time In getting down to business, pulled a gun and commanded Mr.

Kretzlnger to "cough up $3." Mr. put his hiind Into porkft, In front-of his wife and coughed up a bullet out from the mouth of a six- shooter. The negro returned thp fire and missed, the bullet whizzing pnst Mr. Krct- hpjici. Tho astonishwl highwayman then turned tftll, with his pistol RtfH full of whflo Mr.

Krft7.lniyr flrrv' a parting shot at his retreating form, without, "however, for na cnn be learned, hlttlnff the murk. The negro rapidly disappeared In the darkness and made good his escape. Mrs, Kroizlnger, who had watched the duel with trptr.blinR 1 nnxlety, then took her husband's arm and the pair resumed their walk to Main street, only a block away. HIS SECOND HOLD-UP. iJaViey, Dec, three weeks ago Fred PIttman won held up by two rob- bcrfl i nmi rr-ii--vrt rf pm.ill amount of money, nlnht at midnight he was RKaIn halted by throe robbers ttt ov near tht- same pino; and a watch and About in money taken from hfm.

A litARBBH ARKESTISD. Bremond, Dec. report In Tho News of the arrest of McDonald near for pawing counterfeit dollnrs was yesterday further ventilRtod by th arhwt of A. Kvawi, cotorml, A barter, in Bremond. The barber claims that McDonald gave him a dollar to get whisky and the barber being familiar with the "ropes" found tho whisky and the doHar nroved to be queer.

The barber claims his Innocence and the good people believe him to be entirely innocent. TO GROW TOPACCO. VelaBco, Dec. meeting at the court house yesterday evening for the purpose of discussing the raising of tobacco and crops to a the place of cotton, was well attended, and a profound Interest manifested by those present. A noticeable feature was the presence of farmers who came many miles to attend the meeting.

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. B. Is, Dunlap and organization was bad by the election of Mr. Dunlap chairman and C. S.

Wells secretary. Tho chnlrmim then Hinted the objects for wliloh meeting hnd boon and introduced Mr. P. DeMouche, who pro- to Ills iK.irorii as to tlu: methods employed In raising, harvesting nnd curing i the crop. He exhibited some fmmplo-s of lonf 'tobnrco grown In ihls county, nnd which he had sent to northern who pronounced it tho ilnest tobacco had ever scon, ono of them offering fabulous price for twenty cases of it.

After a general discussion of the subject the meeting adjourned to meet, on the llrst Saturday In January. A DUY LOCALITY. dry IK the local onilon election hold yesterday by a vote of 108 to CORPUS CHUISTI HAPPENINGS. Corpua Chrlstl, Dec. Gnl- Inpor killed with ax yostordny mod wolf that was chfislng 1 a Mexican on tho "(IPO" fl few miles out of town, mfil showed unmistakable nymptoms of liy)rophobin.

I John Brumfltld had a narrow Mcapa from death yesterday while roping cattle a miles from town. The saddle on his horse turned and Brumftelcl'B foot became entangled In the stirrup and he was dragged several hundred yards. The runaway horse was rooed and Mr. Brumflelu rescued from his perilous predicament without serious injury. PROHIBITION AND NEW WELLS.

Waelder, Dec. prohibition election was held here yesterday. The town wont dry by 14 votes. The citizens of the town have very recently bad a well sunk and got srood soft water at a depth of 500 feet. The railroad company are now having a well sunk and have contracted for it to be 12flO feet deep.

Whenever you find a Wife who roads advertisements you will find a Woman who is a helpmeet to her husband,.

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