The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida • Page 20
- Publication:
- The Orlando Sentineli
- Location:
- Orlando, Florida
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 20
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Thursday, January IT, 1937 rlanllfl ifttttltrl 6 living quarters at the rear of the one-story, tin and framt structure. and their four small children died as they struggled to escape the blaze in their Perish In Fire LOWS, S. C' ID a a fire that blazed for four hours in a ramshackle cafe building here early yesterday. Joe Blackburn, 46-year-old painter; his wife, Carrie May, At The IJencham family of six was wiped out in ImmoraV Baby Doll Slow As Sex Vehicle FLORIDA STATE THEATRES FIR8T OUTDOOR H1" 1 1 fMMIM1 8H0WINQ3 liEEBuEQD NOW! S3! the firm will arouse the ire of others. Eagan To Head Sertoma Club Orlando Atty.
Robert Eagan AS 19 years old turned in by veterans Maiden and Wallach, but it is newcomer Carroll Baker who bears watching. As the voluptuous, dumb blond who "had trouble with long division and never got past the fourth grade" she's excellent. Sex implications in Baby Doll could be objectionable to some viewers, but the degradation of the South as depicted In 'Vrl and i hA nof reay was named secretary of the Sertoma Club yesterday at the club's weekly luncheon meet ing at Ronnie's Restaurant. i i ill It was also announced a blood unit will be on hand -w-v III At The Astor soon at one of the Wednesday meetings to get donors for a directed by Elia Kazan, the picture tells of a Coke-sipping Southern girl, Baby Doll Meig-han Carroll Baker, the unlettered, childlike wife-in-name-only of balding Archie Lee Meighan Karl Maiden, a middle-aged owner of a beat-up cotton gin. At 18, when she wasn't "ready for marriage," Baby Doll marries loud-mouthed Archie Lee with the agreement that she won't be "ready for marriage" until she reaches 20.
FRUSTRATED by the cold-ness of his wife-in-name-only and put out of business by the competition of an interstate cotton gin syndicate, Archie goes berserk one night and burns down the syndicate gin. The remainder of the film describes how the syndicate's manager Eli Wallach gets his revenge by seducing Baby Doll and persuading her to give evidence that it was Archie who set the fire. SKILLFUL performances are RARY DOLL Srt VrtT C. "roll Baker live Vacarra i Wallach Aunt Rom Comfort Mildred Dunnock By JEAN YOTHERS Baby Doll, the so-called scorcher that's been banned and built up as a strong sex picture, opened yesterday at the Beacham, giving local moviegoers a chance to view the material deemed salacious by so many men of the cloth. CONDEMNED as "immoral" by the Catholic Legion of Decency and denounced by Francis Cardinal Spellman as "revolting," "deplorable" and "morally repellent," Baby Doll is a sordid, rather depressing and in a measure distasteful story of "trash" in the Deep South.
At the same time it is very well done, and the bix sex angle which has been greatly ballyhooed seems grossly overplayed as a box office attraction and fails to Impart corruptive stimulus to spectators. BASED ON a Tennessee Williams story and brilliantly proposed oiooa Dame tor ber tomans and the community. starring KARLMALDEN New Film Tackles Problem CARROLL BAKER Fl I WAI I AHH X- mm aW Mildted Dunnock-Loimy Chapman 0 PINE PMONE X-S022 jf Doori Open 12:45 p.m. LAST FEATURES rlvi DAY! 7:40 9.40 P' J'MMAHONEYMarttaHYERiyleBETOF SU jll LAST DAY OPEN 2:45 "BIGGER THAN LIFE" ALSO AT GENE MONA 8 UO NELSON FREEMAN of Ms frrltle jiommo tfoa'r Ml anon ho thl Jomes Moion In Color I Cscopo FRAMED LAST DAY OPEN 12:45 Gene Nelson in "THE WAY OUT' iSvn JSP Also "A STAR IS BORN" fa "7T 6 lOMS Itjeaaaaaaae UUllteXfKIQANrOIITM Ih8 Girl TAB HUNTER jA a Xev, (in 'Battle' dress again!) if) FINEST of FOODS TOMORROW SATURDAY PIIIE HILLS hci MATA ic WOOD "vniiD unr mLtK 4 Vf Xzn cUY CT Tom CiarreM Pant Andrewi Bunan Bnncr Jon Fnntataa Austin Spencer Sidney Blackmer Ror Thompson Phillip Bourneuf By ANN ROLL The Hollywood genius who dreamed up the plot for Beyond A Reasonable Doubt now playing at the Astor Theater had a great idea but he carried it Just a little bit too far. The film attempts to tackle the weighty problem of capital punishment vs.
no capital punishment and, for the first hour and 15 minutes, it looks like they have a good case In favor of the latter. THE ACTION is fast-paced, the cast is excellent with Miss Fontaine as lovely to look at as always, there is enough sus-pense to satisfy the most avid who-done-it fan and the plot has enough meat to provoke some serious thought. However, Hollywood spoils the meat in the surprise climax which none would ever guess and which tends to tear down the case they have worked so hard to prove. But the film is worth while If only to see the kind of man who would blaze his own trail to the electric chair. 1 SPORTY HOLES asisNs riss W.kdy S2.00 Sat Sun.
$2.50 VSSSh povjoe ri a Ixcopt Sunday jh tie ffl W. Fairbanks ELECTROCARS FOR RENT JUST OFF HWY. SO, 2 MILES WIST lOiOD JACK PALANCE-EDDIE ALBERT SEAFOOD PLATTER SPECIAL $1 .95 Full l.lnt.r Frit hrim Se.ll.n Filh FilMI GaiMrcl. riu.l aMo Sala V3jTwWi A mi Arnivrry THIS 18 WHAT CIELL IS LIKE! MMtlniMDitistt CO102 DiLumi Urrtno DINING DANCING NITELY flATUWNGi oIN AT8-1S JOHN JA. George Montgomery THE PEERGENTS VINCI tour HENDERSON nm GRAVES LAST Tl6 -fomrg z1 nOaRRRtaM WlHf taHW FASCINATING' 31 NO Ml N.
FHONI NO COViR SAR RACK AOI 1 Ml. I.ulh 0 Orana tlHMl Trail OPEN 'TIL 3 A.M. II rrell Trail Open 5:45 Phono 2-8212 Villa Aid Ml. S. Of the oecur ANITA 50 PYAN EK6ERO- Adults 60c Children 25c How Showing TEEN AGE REBEL Starring Ginger Rogers 1 SPAGHETTI Luneneone Dinners Enjoy Famous Food Rt.
IT-OS 3 Ml. N. of W. Rark Tel. ITALY Some Game Barbara Bostock and Buster West cavort in this scene from The Pajama Game, which will be presented by the national company of the Broadway musical comedy hit at Daytona Beach's Peabody Auditorium Jan.
21-23. Curtain time will be 8:30 p.m. each day, and there will be a matinee at 3 p.m. Jan. 23.
Tickets are available at the Peabody box office. Larry Douglas and Betty O'Neil are other starts in this smash by Richard Adler and the late Jerry Ross. 6LCNN FRANK FULL COURSE DINNER SERVED NIGHTLY SUN. CHILDREN'S PORTION 95c 1415 Idaawotar Driv Oaan Waakdoyt 7 m.m. R.m.
Aapalliar to Dauart Ftiana J-7J75 Sunday It a.m. ta 1 1 p.m. 'PApPA' THE AMtUICA BA PETTI SPAGHETTI "Tht Only On of Iti Kind From Coact to Const" rvino 4 to p.m. Closed Monday At. 17-82 WINTER FAKK Ph.
JAN. 1h CONTINUOUS DINING 11:30 A.M. 10:00 P.M. Serving All Our Famed Specialties In answer to all tha damands of our wonderful friend, and Patron, of tha past nine (tfhiisL JwJmp Restaurant and Ceclttail Lounge 1911 N. Mill St.
Rout 17-2 ATW VKALttft PtDtrCON "THE UACU" Single Mulli-Engine AIR TAXI AIR AMBULANCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY IMF Showalter Flying Service MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Jeanne Elkins presents the High and the Mighty Fashion Show from 12:00 'til 2:00 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18th markhams oolo plozo Phone 3-0331 luncheons 11:302:00 dinners Sun. eve buffet rrn nnniMdm 239 SO. ORANGE AVE.
I 217 N. Orange Blossom Trail CLIFF WINEHILL MC -Comie In Person OLLIE OLEGRIO "YO YO KING OF THI PHILIPPINES" TONI ROMA "From tht Famod Down Boat Club" DEL FORREST Dorics Bend in Person Forreit formerly with Harry James Band Vagabond Club, Miami CHINCOTEAGUE Chesapeake Bay Cultivated OYSTERS Oi the Half Shell At the Sign of the Big Chicken 17 E. Central Ave. PH. 3-6869 Phono 773 AIR CONDITION Mitt Tor! Romo "Swcothoort of N.
thru Sat. a.m. to 10 p.i GENE GORY IN PERSON ACE 'FIDDLER' IN "INTELLECTUAL INSANITY" MEN'S RUDDER NATURE GIRL a. ak aV aSRV LADIES' HEEL TOP LIFTS LEATHER OR RUBBER "Where Dining it a Pleasure" muiLGj mum jmm TOWNHOUSE -r rr fltii 'flflTI RESTAURANT COCKTAILS ifjp 5jL! NMmMriYiil LUNCHEONS DINNERS MW ii 7 Af ArV tocrM STRAWBERRY UlliMiJ (MB W'f DINNER MUSIC OANCINO vTl KM II DCIK I I calar ts private aj w- re ujr mm 1 1 1 1 1 11 far Coll W.F. 6.2211 tnEitabtAlI.S In Jm XyT BROILED VJfXCa hotel vwMidsfe ah you Vl Wlntar Fork Hourat TilO A.m.
te 13 R.m. J- 1 Oaily Run. Frl. Sat. 'til 1 a.m.
tmM') iAl FoO Plaia's fcfWlvl "Where Good Feed Predominotes" ft AtflS JmV Servinf Doily! 11:30 m.m. 10 p.m. I (I wVJj Conditionad Sunday 12 noon 'til 10 p.m. KWm WL 1 GARY'S DUCK INN HEELS 693 in. ii ijt, i 'IliU' 'slOlR' VJJf fern 3 JrVJ UB ferfffo FRIED CHICKEN DINNER WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE KELK'S SHOE REPAIR FIRST FLOOR all you can eat $75 Special Plates for Children Kirby Dunne at Organ Nitely MINNEOLA TANGELOS THE 'JUk'EN OF CITRUS FRUIT SEE NICK BELITZ 37 Wall St.
Rear Angebilt Hotel er visit our packing hou.e 1T-S3 Rlaitland. ria. The Composers appearing nightly for entertainment and dancing pleasure. 431 E. Central on Lake Eola GRANDMA'S KITCHEN Plenty ot Free Parking 730 N.
Mills St. Tel. 4-7S84.
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