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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 9

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OALVESTON DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1905. of Arrival Devwlmrcn. GALVESTON TRAINS For the of Traveling GULP, COLORADO SANTA KB HY Arrlre-- No. 1T-GL Limited tad Fort Exprew.

No. 1-- Pac. H. It T. C.

Cormeelloni. 15-JUlB Una Local. Dally No. 3-Hoyrtvn Special (Sunday oaly) No. J-- Houiton Bxpreu, Dally No.

T-- Flyw (Sunday only) No. City and Chicago Exprew. Dally N'o. Il-Houbtoa Special (Sunday only) No. 10-- Houiton Cpflcbl (Sunday only No.

e-Kr mas City and Chlciio No. 8-- Houston Flyer (Sunday only) No. 3-Houaton Ezpren. Dally No. 4-- HguFton Eiprtsu (Now Orleans con Daily No.

16-Maln No. 18-- st. Ixiuia Limited nnd Fort Wortli Dally Ko. 12-- Houiton Special (Sunday only) HOUSTON Jt IISNDKRSON A i -No. 6-1.

A G. N. Fast No. K. T.

Flyer. Dally No. 7-- H. A II. Passenger, Daily No- H.

H. PaMBneer. Daily Special (Sunday (Sunday No. io-a, H. H.

News Special, Dally. at Hdnxtnn with So. Fac. nnd H. T.

C. fN. N.i. 8-- r.alveslon-HoiWton Express. Dally: THb Bo.

Pac. (W. and H. T. C.

(N. No. H. ft H.»Ker, Dally No.

4-1. G. N. Pnst Mall. SiOOpra No.

K. T. Fiyer. Dally Sunday Special 3OUT1II2UT? PACIFIC-- SUNSI3T IIOCTE 171 Houston and New Orleans Eiprea (R. W.

connections fto. 173--CoimerttonB from H. S. A H. T.

C. T. A N. E. A.

A. N. M. and II. E.

vr. No. 175-- Houston Special (Sunday rnly) 3: 50am opart-- Nn. 173-- H. T.

C. S. A. A A. P.

and So. and N. 0. No. 176-- Houston Eiprtms (Sunday only) -No.

1T4--H. T. C. tnd Bo. Pac.

connections. Tl GULP A INTERSTATE RY leaven Oalreaton 3-30pm Oalveston Tlio above nil arrive at aud from the Union. Depot, corner Tirrnty-FUth and Strnntl, except the i InterBtnte, vrhlch leaves and arrives nt foot of Elffhtecuth atreet. HATCHETS BUIUED TOR A DAT. "Mayor" Tom Lee Still Uvea Denpite Tdncc Fend.

New Tom Lee, "Mayor of Chinatown," not assassinated yesterday, al- thoug-h there is a price of J3.000 on his head, and first day's celebration of the Chl- New Year, made clamorous by tom-toms, and firecrackers, passed without vangruinary incident. From all the fan- iastle balconies of Matt, Pell and streets flaunted green and yellow pennants emblazoned with dragons, ahd tho laby- i i of the quarter were riotous with sound and color. If tho foul between the rival soctetles liad become murderous, as it often has in times eono by, there was no Intimation of In the aspect nnd bearing of the China- mm. In point cf tact, they say down i that in festive, timos like these a iruc-e to all enmities declared by the "flreat Joes." and weapons are laid aside for fruits and wines and other things of prr-ttiness. Nevertheless tho whispered word that a dozen or moro "hatchet men" had como from Boston to anlhilate their inveterate enemy, Tom Lee.

had Its effect. The streets of Chinatown swarmed with po- liromtm from four or five neighboring: precincts, and one could traverse a. block Ot the uinlrir.t i i i i CllCuUMterinS cent nil office detective. Four policemen were kept 'on constant vigil fn front or Lee's home, at. No.

IS Mott. street, all I ho day. and when tho aged Mayor ventured out to the jofls house next door, which was -not often, his every movement was guarded. It is the Killing bf Huie last Tuesday that has brought tho situation to a crisis, but there are underlying causes. In the first place, tho On Leons; Tong and iho Hip Sing Tons-- meaning society--have been at daggers drawn for a long time.

Back in November there was a fight hiHween Urn factions while Wong Sang, president of the Hip Sing Tong, was being imrHued. A white' mun waa inadvertently killed that row. Only the other day Mock Dock, another Hip Sing Tong man, emerged from a hospital, having eventually defeated an attempt at manslaughter. According to the police, gambling IB back of it all, the victims being those suspected of "informing" to the authorities. One society is supposed to have control of and the other Is paid tf be allied with certain reform organizations.

Raltte made on three gambling houses last Sunday, night and. suspicion falling on Kong as the betrayer, he was promptly cxpeditlously murdered two days Inter. A certain Lee is now in custody with the crime. Thpro are conflicting stories as to Iluto Kong IVHS member 01 iiio Hip Sing Tong or the On Leong Tong, but any rate, nut long after he had been divinised of. signs In Chinese were posted conspicuously throughout the quarter of- fi-ring reward of J3.000 for the head of Tom Lee, whoso affiliations arc with the On Leong; Tong.

(iln Gum, one of the Itiiding: members of the latter organization, a Herald reporter yesterday of the importation of the Boston "highbinders" fnr the purpose of killing "Mayor" Tom, the purpose being: to have an unseen but well-directed pistol shot mingle with the New Year firecrackers. In spite of these dark considerations, however. nothing but amity was perceptible yesterday. Arrayed in purple and tine linen, ill. 1 natives of colony devoted them- to pxohnnpinjr visits iind fpliciia- i'Mip.

evory mio carried a packet of ii looking like laundry tickets. were visiting- ranis, tho Chinese f.iMiinn for th" day bnlns for each cailcr K-nvo a card, and at the same time to om from his host. (Jroups gathered about the curbs, ex- i hanging pnlutation "Kunp Hal Fat Ti't," which means "Happy New Year," encli shaking- his own hand instead of i if the person saluted, which is an. i chinesfi mode of preeting. Now and i hen om nr of the thirty Chinese women of the quarter would appear, gjirhed in corgtMius colors nnd quaintly toddling i niin houso to house.

fast as their tight 1 id slices would permit. There inii'iy toyltko c-bildren, too. swathed in emidy wrappincs nnd with strings wound about their violet and be- turbans. I the JOPP houses rnkes and candies, jos Chinese, i and HOH-I-TF, bottles of wiiif ripnrs were around i smokinp and tho tora- fiddles nt' ptrinp. tho gonfrs i'l pipes ni'tde fjound, espt 1 0:10 or two of tho "honorable i i i i i of tin- crppornt moon." nr the i.nrticul-'ir may havo been obolpnnor- The p.iinteil tapestry piime Tliinese natron I ii i lu; in Doyers ytnvt a his; 1 piny cnlled "Haw Shou," which.

In i ul t'on, niPiins "New Tear's i i emaninl," was presented, beginning nt Vi-Kick in tho i i ami lasting until -mly rhinosc "matinee" of SCALPER'S mm FLUCTCATIOJIg IJt COTTON WEBB SHARP AND A I A WIDE RANGE COVERED. HBVORT UKSATISFACTOBY BECAUSE GIN.VERS REFUSED GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. Baa IVlre Service Practically Put Local Gxuhango Out of Bnalncas. Spot Cotton Up l-16c. News Otflee.

Feb. closed: GalvMtom 9 in 11 points ott; New 6 to 8 points off: New 1'ork, 3 tn 4 points off; LlTOrpooJ, 7 to points up. Spota--MitJdllnK cloelng; CHUTeaton, 7 9-lfic; New rlcaDB, 7 7-lSc; Kew Tork, T.SOc;'Llv«rpool, 4.16(1. -h -f Fluctuations in todiy'H cottan ma rite ts Ruffl- ciently large to BAtlstj the most ftnthyfliaatic scalper. Beginning the day with an advance of 14 to' 16 pointa on contracts, market toon dropped for distance of to to 23 points, then advanced practically the same a mount, after which It Cell to (ifiveral points below last night's cloning.

The opening advance was evidently Inspired by a good Liverpool opening, a gbod land for spot cotton tnd a eharp advance In the prico of spot cotton at Liverpool. The decline which followed came In response to the announcement that the final glnners' report would be isaued at noon, and Belling wax Indulged ID tn anticipation of a bearish rtporL When this report cane It was unsatisfactory. To the Galveston crowd It appeared very bearish, but much to thrtr surprise New Tork and New Orleans responded with an abrupt rlsa of 21 points, but thta gain WM awn lost when it WM learned that there wers 824 glnuers who had not reported to the OorernmeflL According to the Government report there had been jinnod up to Jan. 18 (Kind of bales sot etatftd) 12.767,000 bites, as against a total ot 9,851,277 talea far the same period last yoar. Taking these atidlng 327,274 balw, the probable amount ginned by thoue not and adding linlers.

It ia that thn crop will at least amount to 13.600,000 bales. Such figures were bearish and the trade evidently rcwltfcd that fact, or It wai not long before last night's figures were reached and a decline of a few below. In the ppot markets there WM an advance of l-16c at Qalveaton, 5 at New York, unchanged prices at Now Orleans and 15 points advance at Liverpool, Liverpool sales amounted to 10,000 bales, de- nmnd abroad and In America being large. Liverpool futures opened at 7 to 10 pofata up, a fair to ytftterday'a advance on this side. second call found prices 12 to 14 points up and the clone 7 to 3 folntB.

The bad wire service continued today and the local Cotton Exchange wan practically out of business. The Oalveston nUtemnntn poate'd, The also such nta tint leal tnfonnatlon and such quota- lona as could be procured at the private wire houses. GALVBKTON COTTON RECEIPTS. Biles. nternatlonal Great 1,461 Galveston, Houiton Henderson 414 MfkEOurt, Kanus ic Ttxac 217 Oulf.

Cnlnrndo Fe eston, Houston Northern 647 Unsold Cotton in Stock, It has so oftc-n been reported In tho Interior of the State that Galveston is morcly an outlet for thu cotton of the Ktato and that very little unsold cotton, If any. ia over held at tho port, that the following facts will undoubtedly bo surprising news to many: Inquiry nt different ccmpressos and warehouses cf the city shows that 2 there are in Gaivcston ioday 00,438 bales of unsold cotton, all securely warehoused and protected. Of this amount the Gitlveston Cotton Com- press Warehouse Company holds 40,436 bales, tho Merchants Planters 2 bales and the Shippers Compress 2 7,000 bales. This cotton, if arranged in one row as for welshing, would reach a dls- tanco of 3C mlley. Assuming that It 2 will average middling grade and each 2 bale Tvilt weigh pounds, the total valuo of the unsold cotton in ware- 2 house at Galveslon nt yesterday's Gal- 2 veslon quotations is Total receipts today GALVESTOV STOCK STATEMENT.

3,643 STOCKS AT UNITED STATES PORTS. Bales. Thla Jay last 740.372 Cotton Comment. At least there la not famine tn cotton. One broker renu-hed that tbero was enough futures to go Around anyw.

y. Fluctuations wsre great enough to satisfy the ptalplng crowd. Tweoty.poinl wings were the rule during the day. Rtd wire service hat; put the local exchange out of business for the time being. Most of tho crowd watched the boards at the private wire houses.

The gfnneru' report appeared bearish to the Galveston crowd. both New York and NEW Orleans advanced 20 puintu, hut this advance was lost. The glnners' report wes again unsatisfactory. It IB a hard matter for the bureau to givo out satisfactory figures when they are hampered in their work by gln- ners who will not give out information. Advices just received by Capt.

diopter Armstrong, representative In this country of the Manchester Ship Canal Company, give details of an Interesting plan for storing American cotton on a large scale- In the vre- of the canal company. The market ts beginning to i up and take notice of the fact that there Is more than talk in this movement on the part of the South to tie up cotton. Brown has been accused of a great many things-the English newspapers once pictured him as plotting to starve all Lancashire--but at the same time he haa never been accused of being a rainbow chaser, and .10 cotton man would ever say that any plan 'proposed by him was York Commercial. According to tho completed glnners' report, there havfl been ginned up to Jan. 16 cotton to tho number of 12,767.000 hales.

It was ncit stated whether these were running bales or round balea reduced Last year'c report gave 9,869.177 bales as the tital amount ginned. This, year it stated that there worn glnners who refused to report and 'that tho mnxlmui amount they could gin amounted to 1127,274 bales, making the total 13.03-},874 bales, and cour.iiug lint' about bcJes. RISK ix rmcEs COXTUWB UNEVE.V AND INTKRMITTUIVT-HAILKOAD LIST WAS PROMINENT. OF PEACE THIS OAISED STOENGTil IN FOREIGN MARKETS, WHICH RE- FLBCTBD HKHK. CLOSING TOHE WAS STEW The Level of Waa the Shoivii in Many Were firm.

New York. Ftb. uneven tnd Intermittent riBO In pricet was continued tnflay on the Stock Exchange, There were more railroad stocks Included in the movement than was the case yesterday, hot the relative prominence of the industrials and specialties was still not great. The railroad stocks which were active and strong were not of first rate importance In their capacity In the proportion! of the market for them. Many of the most conspicuous favorites In the market were Hluggifih and comparatively neglected, especially after the opening advance, which WB.B In sympathy with the London market The strength abroad was attributed to rumors of peace negotiations.

The average level of prices hll a riling tendency. Today the level was the highest In many month B. although many stocks are silgfitly below the maximum. Specific causes for the buying of individual stocka were lacking. Realizing- on profits cost only o.

slifiht portion of the advance, and the market closed Bttady at very little below the best. BondB were firm. nalee, par value, United Statss bom BONDS. On Shipboard--Not Cleared: 'c-r Great Britain 0r France ither foreign ports ports compreis Total Btork Today. GALVK3TOX DAILY STATEMENT.

et receipts I ther ports I Grora receipts Exports to Teat Britain texlco Total j.6431 9.040H g99.9521g.09.'i.R3S 8,427 160 877.389 157,828 432,895 9,241 694,223 3M.S13 filS.W! 12,241 eign 1 13.983S York ther U. S. porti irth by rail Total coAFtwlve 1,918 Ml. 8601 11,096 1 34.783 137 Total ports. Calves to i p.

Sales. 98 bales. SPOT MARKETS. Feb. cotton firm at Class-- ordinary rdinary oofl ordinary ow middling IddlinR rood mlddllns Jddllng fair (Tester-! Today.

day, was not quotable thli day In 1904. Houston, Feb. cotton steady at 1-lGc Sales, none. Class-- rdinary ood ordinary middling trlilting lod middling iddlini; OPINIONS OP THE MARKET. Nivrs.

I. E. GLENHY Orleans, Fob. opened a-aozen pofntu up.on good Li pool, but America developed casing tendencies. Llr- erpocl lost nearly half itB advance, closing 7 to points up and slightly under ywtenlay's expectations.

Today's feature wan the L-OHSUB report, which, rriunt- ing round as half balcn, gave 13.7G7.COU glnnrd to Jan. 16 and added a maximum estimate of 32.724 running baleg additional for 5. 1 4 glnners who liad refused or failed to report amount ginned between Dec. 13 and Jan. IS.

Adding to this round amount of about unknown quantity for Unions and gam- pies, and the ginning after Jar 16, mosl bulls neem to mako the crop 13.200.000 though an usual dlrtincily larger bcarieh interpretations were alpo Advanced by vome. The report -was generally accepted as bullish, and after having declined before the report prices advanced rapidly to 14 to 15 points above yesterday's close. The market afterwards acted very eofl under rcaltiing and some return of bearish sentiment, baaed on imprcnuioiin that rerent had been too rapid, ana closed to fi points above the Inr.est of day and 6 to 8 points under yesterday. Spots opened higher and clossd firm but unchanged from yesterday. Fairtors' Mies liberal, f.

n. h. sales very ismull. Receipts continue very small, but attributed partly tn baj vftalher, Experts keep Ireo and port stocks are now only 5,300 bales above litfit year. H.

B. Orleans, Fob. market was unfavorably affected todny, after having advanced to a level of 14 points higher than lant night's closing level. May celling an high by the ginners' report on cotton ginned tn Jan. 16, Bhowtng 12,767,600 bales, figurea Indicative of an actual crowth 'of about 13.EOO.OOO bales exclusive of the usual allowance for 1 Inters and repacks of about 400,00 halpK, or ssy about 3 per cent of the actual The amount ginned after 16 lant year was bales, and If wo makfi no allowance for ft larger percentage lo be ginned during the remainder or thia season than what was alnned during the same period one year ago, although the increase to Jan.

16 over last year Is 35 per cent, the actual growth would ba 13,134,000 bales anil the usual allowance of 3 per cent for Ihitern and repackK wuuld brlnj the total supply from this crnp to 13.COO.OOO bales. Therefore there is every reason to benpvc that the supply of last year's crop will be 3,500,000 bales larger tho production of tho year before and about 2,000,000 balec over the maximum requirements of the world, which In Conjunction with tha carry over of 4B9.000 hales tnst season would bring the i i surplus of 2,463,000, whether it be In. the hands of farmers or In the vfalble stocks nf the world. Somo 824 to but an estimate of 32.724 bales was allowed for their output from Pec. 13 to Jan.

16. T.he last and final report on cotton ginned for the season i be published about March 25 and will include statistics from the different oil mills of the So-ith. -M i i i a i ni" i a nf 1 thins: and v-(M-e (livwurks iid inore nu rryni.ikinj:. a a Tom Lt-t- was still biv.ith- WI1F.N YOiT A A Yon i Wnnt to The NCTTB. If you clip till- and pasta in your hat you know where to got It.

CHICAGO JLU I'alnvor House News Stand. Ammorlum Annex Now a Suind. I'. O. News ITS Dearborn st PF.NVKR.

COUO. KcmlrlcU Story Co. nor SPRINGS. AUK. C.

H. Co. A A I'iTY, MO. M. T.

WrlRht. y. Union Kqupm. Aslor Huitfo NVvvs Stand. NKAV A it Hollo.

64-) Oommprclal Hi. rimrlrn News Stand. BAN KRANVISCO. CAU llotrl Notts Stand. ST.

T.OfIH. MO. Union Station Stand. Hotel Now." Str-nfl 800 OIlvo J. 8, Over ion.

Market was not quotable this diy In 1904. Now Orleans, Feb. Spo' cotton firm snd ichanged. Sales, 3,500 bales ppot and 400 to arrive, closing prices: rdinary MiddllnR 7 7-16 ood ordinary 3-1S Good middllnc ow middling 6 15-16 Middling fair New York. Feb.

coltnn quiet at points Sales, 181 The cloninx prices: ordinarj 6.SO Good R.24 i 7-fl' Middling fair R.7R ling 7.S1 Fair 9.10 Liverpool, pottnn firm IS points up. IPS, balpft. nf which VifiO were American, tnd ent to exporters inrf pprcillatorf. 11.410 bale? American. The elOEtnc; prleea- Ordinary S.74 Middling 4.1fi Good ordinary S.P* (ioml middling 4 TS Ixtw i i 4.01 i i fair FUTURE MAHKF.TP.

Galvrstftfl, Ffh. opened i ul m. were qiiM: closed it 3 to 3 i points off. i qitmatlnns: Tester- tiny. THE RICE MARKETS, ROUGH.

IIonclUMB-- No. 1. prime. 12.65 per barrel; No. fair.

12.40 por barrel; No. 3, good, per baxrel; lew grades from J1.60 to J1.90 per barrel. No. 1, per barrel; loir crudes, per barrel. CLEAN.

Honduras Fane? head, 404 per pound; head rice. screenlnss, browors, ISc. Head, a ixrccnlnnf. Rice, per toa In car lots; rke bran, $11.00 per ton In rar lots. New Orleans Hlco SInrket.

BrxcinL TO THS NKwa. New Orleans, Feb. market for much rice fs steady, wllh fnlr oi trading rc- portccl. mainly in Honduras Rrades. Clean rice mlod qulie Etrady, with an active demand for cxjVirt grafics.

Linen suitable for homo distribution were In moderate demand. rrlces i a quotablo nht.nse. RecPiptH from country 9.4ffi Local mills received sacks. Th? receipts todny were B.lSrt Mt-ks nf rmiph anil P.4^6 olcan. The Fair? reportfid tortnr were nf rough Honduras nnd Z'ti ami porkfs tlcan Honduras 767 Japan).

Clean rlrr-- Honduras Btn.idy; Iicad. ZffS'in Ftrai ht. 1493c-: i i i No. 2, steady; ln-ail, 064 75 1IOH United Slates refunding IB, registered W4H United SUlea refunding 3s, raupin lli4i United Status 3s, registered United States os, coupon 103 United States new 4s, reg.stfred 131 United StatPs HQT 4B, coupon 131 United States old registered United States old 4s. coupon lOaii A-nerican Tobacro 4s.

certificates American Tobacco Ht. certificates in Atclileon general 4s 1041 AtchiFon adjustment 4s Atlantic Coait Line 4e 103 Dnlttmoro Ohio 4a 105 Baltimore Ohio 65 Central of Georgia nji Central of Georgia 1st Income! (bid) 91 Central of Georgia 2d Incomes (bifl) 69 Chesapeake Ohio Vfa 1M Chicago Alton 82 Chicago, Burlington Qulncy new 4s 100 1 Chicago, Rocl: Island Pacific Railroad 4s 83H Chicago, Rock Inland Pacific Railroad ool. C. St. Loulu general 4a (bid) riiirago'Trrmlnal 4s (bid) Colorado Midland 4s Colorado tt Southern 4s Cuba 6s, cor ideates Denver Rio Grande 4a DiBltllorH' Securities fis (bid) Erie prior lien Erie general 4s Fort Worth Denver City leU (hid) Hocking Valley iP Japan Os, Louisville fi Naahville unified 4s 103 Manhattan cnnsol gold 4it JOfii Mcsi'-sp Central 4a 741.4 Mexican Central 1st incomes (bid) 23 Minneapolis St.

Louis 4s (bid) Missouri. Kansas Texai 4 i 101 Missouri, ft 85 National Railroad of Ucxlrn 82 New York Central ireneral (bid) 100 New Cpntral general 136ft Ncrthern Pacific 4s 106 Northern 3a Norfolk ft Western consol 4a (bH) 104 Oregon Short Line refunding 4f 98 Pennpylvanii. convertible 104 1 Reading general 102' St. Lou la Iran Mountain contol 5i St. Lou Is San Francisco fg.

4e Bt. Louis SouthwcBtern con. 4s Seaboard Air Line 4s Southern Pacific 4s Southern Hallway (bid) Texas Pacific lets Toledo. St. Louis Western 4s Union Pacific 4s Union Pacific convertible United States Steel 23 Wabash lata WabaKh debenture BE Wpetern Maryland 4s Wheeling Lake Erie Central 4s 34 STOCKS.

Closing Sties, Highest. Lowest, bid. 50,500 1.IM- Rubbtr Cloalnu Hlghfst. Lowell, bid. Tenifewo Coal Iron Untied St-tea do pref United BtJito 11,700 United 700 do pref 3,300 United Statea Steel Zi.ioo do prff.

(ex-dlv,) 44,300 Virginia Carolina 704 do WestlnghouM Electric Weatarn Union 200 Total ulbB today 984.00J fauey veilluai. wr y.vd, liffllc; ehlf- 14 K'j 37 1 NCTV York Bioncy Mnrkot. Now York, Feb. Prime men-ant fie paper. ptr cent.

Sterling heavy, with actual In bankers' billa aC H.S7.Wai.R7.93 for demand and at t4.35.66@4.SS.70 for fifl-day bllln; plated rat en, 14.66^04.87; commercial Ml IB, Her silver, 61Hc. Mexican dolUm, 47 Government boiids itcidy; railroad bonds Arm. Ijondon flloiiey DInrket. London. Feb.

7. Contois, lor money 88 9-lG, (nr ac- 'eoutit 88 1-16. Uar allver Bteady at 2Sd per ounce. Money, per cent; shon bllU. 2 Paris Ueiitcn.

Parltt, Keb. Three per cent rentes. for ccfxcnt. Exchange on London, nw for chcckB. 112U 84 106 119 i actual 'at 1 for and for Japan.

RoiiKli mirket-- Jlondtmiii r-tronc at Sl.oor,* por barrel of IB'! i a ralos si.inff 2. SO; rtronR at harrel of Hi' dit. with ariual pai bras', arf.r.!!ns: 1 Crovrlry lllrr a firscui. TO THS NRWS. Crnwlcy, Frh.

Japnnr. hrail. Xpw at fi to pointa Feb. ni off. The quotatio I Today.

Vn-ter- day. March 7.59-40 7 4 i 7 Augnct 7.47-4J 7.5S-57 Oi-inbrr York. Feb. i off. Thr closing (iiiotnl 4(1-41 7 4 6 4 7 erpnol.

Fiitursa i 2 p. m. qnif burely BlMdr 7 to t. ptnfii firm At 7 to 10 1J in 14 pnlptii up; ln'i up. Tim clnslng i A I A 4.07 4 1 A 1.IJ 1.1.1 4.M 4 4 rtraiphtK.

rrp. i i i r-16c. clenn at i i pn tfn 1 SIM-UK nf i Sold. -Tlic Comji-i'n. I i i Mir HrftuinnTit pftM nf rmiKtl HI i IK licit civi-i.

hut I t.rfn i a I I Itmiftlit B.fiW rnrkti for i a New nt prlcf Much i OrlfAns hnnglit. 3.BM KitrVn. number of large i i i SfooU a Onlvpslnn, T. by IJordwi Horilrn T.Ko i t'n i fiml tiiin ic imK- nn nurKol. Ati-hiiton do pref Atlantic Coast Line Baltimoru Ohio S-fOO do pref 200 anadian Pacific 4,200 Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Alton do pref hicago Great 8,200 Chicago North western.

3,400 Chicago, Mil. St. Paul. 14,100 Chicago Term. 2.100 do pref j.f.00 C.

St. L. (ex-d) ol oracla Southern 3.SOO dn 1st pref 400 do 3d 400 Delaware ft Hudson 3,100 Lack. A WeeUrn Denver Rio 100 pref 1,300 Erift 8.200 do lot pref 3,200 dn 2d pref 1,300 Hoc-king Valley 400 (n jirfif Ontn.1 iw.i (Vnirai 40f) Oo pro! 400 ansas i 3.SOO do pref 10,000 oulsvill3 3,000 3.200 Metropolitan 18.000 Metropolitan Ftroet 2,900 106 87 "ii 121 37 4 10214 122 10474 Minneipolis St. Louis St.

P. P- Ste. 1,600 1.SM wo Missouri I'aciac 1 Mlswouri. Kansas Texan sw do pref 300 Nat. R.

"fi. nf MPX. prff Krw York Tfnfral a.WO NVw York. West. 13.700 Norfolk Weftcrn do prcf.

Poiinpylvania Sfi.WO r. ft st. S3.Win dn 1st prcf "ipisnd Ci lOO'i 161 10S 63 38 14 193 57 "i 61' lft.1 1594 do Pt. R- San P. 2fl prrf.

ln Tcsair Par.lfir Tolrdo. St. Liula A Went rtn Union Pacific Aim-riran i Knipo A Tftrt f.t*t 2.000 isifiort 7lV) 4. WO GOO soo 300 LOCAL QUOTATIONS. Tha following were the rulfnc prlroa for staple Uclci la the local wholesale markvta totUj-; Bccnvrax and BEESWAX-Brlght.

2202C. HONKY--WhiU clover, llo per iciuare. FccdctnftH. Ktc. FLOUR--At mllli, la Backs, bulb 4B net cub.

no dlicount: Tlda! Wave and Neptune AUKZUB), J5.HO; Silver Leaf. J5.80; Sea Fairy. and Kdelwelan (roller patent), Sen Nymph and Undine (roller extra fancy), S5.W: Sea Pearl and Hera (roller 54.00; Ambrosia (winter wheat, highest patent), (6.20; Anita (hard wheat, patent), iS.KQ; Graham flour, J5.RO; flour, I5.TO; pumpernickel, (3.60, Flour In 24-lb. sacks. lOc above 48-lb.

sacks; flour in barrels, SOc aoove sacks; flour in halt barrels, 45c above sacks. BRAN--In 100-lb. eackn. In carload lots, $1.10 per 100 Ibi. MEAL, grita and cream meal, per G4C.

Ornmeal, 35-Ib. aacks, BOc, In carload or mixed carlot Scotch oats. Columbian oatn, (2.60O 2 7 0 Friends' Hawkeye. (E.6ee'j.70: At- J3.7itT2.86. CHOPS.

chops, $1.12 per 100 Ibs. Peed meal, $1.15. Corn, and oala cnops, (1.26. Bulk cotton teed hulls, $4.5005.50 per ton; Backed hulls, $7.50 COTTON SEED MEAL-- Prlmfl. for domestic use, dellTpred on track at Galreston, per ton.

Deal- era charge 50cfltl.W ton adrahce. OATS--Quotatlonn f. o. b. Galveston track: Texas, 43c; Texan clipped oats, 45c: white 44c; clipped white oatn, 46c.

For corn and oats the above figures are in carload lots on track, and dealer? charts an advance ol above flrures. CORN--For domestic use, f. o. h. Galveston: Fe 2 tn sackB.

c. ft- Galreston, track, We per BACKERS--A soda tnd oyster. Ttfc, Ginger A. Creams, A Sc. Cakes and A lie.

HAT--Choice timothy hay, J16.60017.00; choice upland prairie hay, $14.00 per ton; choice alfalfa hay, SI E. 00917.00. Dealers charge SOc to $1.00 a ton ad- mie on these flguren. Canned Goutia and Pickles. BAKING POWDER--One spoon.

45c; We; I'i-lb. pallfl, 13.26. Bon Bon, 40c; BOc; SOc; 12.70; $4.60. Royal Dime, cans. 95o J1.2S JS.OO.

Price's sami aa Royal. Good Luck, SOc; 6-ox-, PEACHES--For doa: Pie, unpeeled. X-lb. standard, second, PINEAPPLES--New: Seconds, not eyeless, seconds, eyelera and corelesn, 2-lb. standard Crate, n.

1531.20; Z-lb. standard eyeleea and core- lets, J1.85O2.00. SMALL FRUITS--Standard Bartlett pears, BERRIES--Standard atrawher 'en. new, extra strawberries, cood syrut). aew.

ptrmdard cans, extra, preserved red raspberries. Kto; standard btackbcrrles, SO-SiSc; extra blackberries. standard gonBeberrles. $1.00 C1-1; standard blueberrlet, $1.00. CORN AND TOMATOES--Standard corn.

$1.00 frtlO; extra stigar corn, fine quality, dry packed, IL20C1.89; standard tomatoes, 70fli76c; extra select tomatoes. tall cans, PEAS--Soaked. 60ff65c: marrowfat. tl.OOOl.10: nlfted marrowfat, white, early June, new, $1.0091.10. VEGETABLES--Baked beans, plain, string beans.

7(t-J80c; ertra stringlesB OPBRI, white wax beans, standard Lima' beam. etandard euccotash. 1.16: standard okra and tomatoes, plnin okra, 10; sweet potatoes. SOc; sauer kraut, WSffSSc; hominy, 80ST90c; spinach, chopped, 70c. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS--The wholesalers fl'l ordern for cUndarcts at following dozen 2H-lb.

cane: Peachu. (1.R5: pean. apricots, egg plums, $1.6501.60: grapes, 11.669 1.76; white cherrlea, (2.2f; light standard, dot. leas. CANNED FISH--Sardines.

Americans, quarter tins, mustard, halves, 50 tins. French. 100-tln case. Salmon--Alaska, Columbia River, $1.76. Oysters--L.

6Q065 per 1-lb. 2-lb. 1-lb. 2-lb, $1.8601.50. CANNED MEATS--Corned berf.

$2.7002.75: roait tl.4Q#l.G0; chlppea beef. Acme, lunch toncue. Vienna aauaage, 96011.W. Potted ham. quarters, deviled ham, quarters, 60fl)65c; Underwood's deviled ham, quarters.

PICKLES--Pinta, $1.0001.05: quarts. Sl.Eii01.CS; HexaRon, $7.00 07.K; Imperial. Enillih blick crepe, Flub. Trout (troien), 7e, 7c. Jew flat, SVitfSc.

Urtifl Redlah Frulu and Huim. ALMOKDS-lCc. APPLES-New York, IL090S.M birre); Coloraflo. fancy. H.35SJ1.7? hoi.

bunch. COCOANUTS-- $3.75 yet hundred, rKANEUSIlUlf-SZS crate, KlLliERTS-lSc lb. GRAPES-- Almprla, Malaga, K.EOffb.oO cask. ORANGKS-- Calliornla. boi.

PEANUTS-- Virginia hand plrked. 5UO7c. I'ErANB-Nfw. tCHc ai to lb. AMMUNITION-- Powder, por $4.6004.76.

BlaetinB powder. 51.75 per Ajcnts prices: Drop shot, under pp- iack. $1.7001 75; drou tiid Ofor, NAILS-- Wire, I2.6002.6? Mole; 20 to 60 dials. 10j and 161, EC artcalicc; Ss and Bs, inc (a and 20c idiaacc; 4a and 6s, 20c ndvauce, 8n, ad vance; 2e. 76c advance.

Steel nails, $3.6) Well, ftdvanfe eflmo an wire nails. BARBED WIRE-- (S.fiO. GALVANIZED SHEET IRON-- Z7 basis biae: black nhert nteel for atnveplpn, C.GO. GALVANIZED IRON BANDS-4c. KITCHEN UTENBILS-- Plain itamped dairy pan a doien lota, 21c: SOc; 36c; 4-qt.

65c; 60c; CSc; B8e; 94c. Deep pudding; pane, dozen lots: 2-qt. 35c; 48c; 65c; 7Bc. Waah baalnri. rtnzon lotn: 35c; 45c; f)2e.

Coffee potB, in doien lots: 6fc; Ho; 8- (1.2?. Ualvinlzotl Ironware: Palls, dozen lots, (1.8S; 12-qt-, (1.85. Wash tuba, one-half dozen lots or more: (4. IB; (4.85; (3.60. Enameiware-- Coffen blgginB.

dor en lota: 0, 01. 00, (4. GO; 010. 020, $6.50. ldea uiid Tnllovr.

flint, dry ialted, een 714c; fr-ll IC-lb. kega, (3.50; 5-Ral. kesi, J2.00; BUckwcll'e, pints, $3.60. CoiTcc. COFFEE--Ordinary, good ordinary, 100 104n: good, lieilMc; chclce, 11H tyllKc; Cordova and washed, poaberry, 13014c; roasted Ariosa, list, net.

baais 100-ib. taisCT, delivered to common points; 60-lb. CEBCB, lOo higher: 35-lb. cases, 20c higher; Lion, net; Porto Rfco, lHc; Aladdin, Mocha and Java, whole roairted, 1 and 3-lb. cane, 28c; Golden Rio roasted, 22e; Aurora, whole roasted.

18c: Oivssa. whole roasted, 17c; Gold Seal Mocha and Java blend, KTounoi. l-Ib. cares and 4-Ib. palla, Sunset brand.

Mocha and Java, whole roanted, 1-lb. (Ins, 28c; Sunset. Golden Rio. whole roasted. 1-lb.

tins. 21u; original Java blond, ground, In 1. 2 and 4-lb. tins, Palm brand Mocha and Java blend, tn 1, i and 4-io. Blend, grcund, 1-lb.

tins, Portn 'Mm coffee, basis 300 delivered to all common points, San Rio, 6-Ib. paflB, (10.60 per dcs. Country and Western Produce. BITTTER--Elgin, 28c; cartonc, 30c; renovated; lb. ABB per crate.

CELERY--California, 75c per bunrb. CHEESE--Daisy, 15c: brick. 17c. EGOS--Fresh ToxaP. GARLIC-- N'tw Itftlian, '35c per string.

ONIONS-- Now, per bushel. POULTRY--Grown lirns. J3.7.'ig(.00 per Anz. larpe prinRB, 53.50fj:C.OO, according to aim; old rnoxters. Turliuya, hoiiF, JP.03SilO.00, arcordtng to slie; gobblers, (12.00@18.00, according to size.

Ducks, $4.00. POTATOES--Colorado, 70075c per bufihrl. Sw-at potatoes, white. 40c; pumpkin yamf, RHUBARB-bo lb. Dried and JBvnporittod Fralii.

APPLES--Evaporated, bulk, choice. 66-lb. boxes. fancy, IQfa; 1-lb. 40-lb.

boxes, 100 whole, ppelefl and cored, lOc. PEACHES--Evaporated, choice, 8Hff9c; standard, APRICOTS--Evaporated, NKCTARINES-Evapornted. 6V.S7c. 5ic: E'il 60-70s, 60-30a, 6H RAISTN6--2 LL, 3s, $1.6001.71 rluecatcls, 2s, Vc; 2a, Seeded, Is, 11 HIDES--Dry Baited, lew. WOOL--Bebt grade, 1701Sc.

Hoar BACON--Sacked: Extra short clear, etralRht clear, breakfast, choice, 14U0 BELLIES--Smoked eugar cured, salt, 100 HAMS--Standard brands, California, LARD--Compound tierce, pure leaf, S3 Sc; BO-lb. tins, higher; 10-lh. tins, higher. Palnta and Oils. White J7.00 per 100 Ibs.

Linseed oil: Raw. 4Gc; boiled. 47c; raw, lu cases, boiled. In CPEOB, $5.40. Turpcntlnp, file gallon.

Varnlih. hard oil, Americaii window glass, cent Fnper and I'aper PAPER BAGS-LiBt price per bundle 500: 60c; 60c; SOc; $1.75: 10- 30- $5.00. Jobbers give from 30 to 60 off, according to crude. Sugar bags, per lb. MANILA PAPER--In rolli, Ifi.

BUTCHEP-S' PAPER--2U0-rtc per in 'RTRAW PAPER--14x18, per ream; lT2fl, 80 035c; 12X18. 20X30. 60ff65c, Petroleum, Etc, AXLE GREASE--Dark diamond, J4.CO per grow: Golden, wood, $6.25 per gross; tin. per gross: csEtor oil, wood, $7.00 per gross; tin. $7.60 per PETROLEUM--Brilliant oil, In wood barreli, per gallon; In 2-5 cases, $1.60 per case; Euplon oil.

In wood barrels. 13c per gallon; la 2-6 cases. $1.85 per caic; stove gasoline, in wood barrels, 13o per gallon; In 2-5 cases, per case, Sugar Candiea. Tork standard cut loaf and crushed, standard cubce and powdered, Loulolana, pure while, off white. fancy yellow clarified.

chnlce, New Orleans reHncry, granulated. SMfl'-fiHc. CANDY--Stick, wrapped, standard. fancy ilxed. In palls, fancy, in cases, llfi-iSc; rock.

MOLARSB9--Centrifugal, fnlr, 29c; prime, S2034c; choice, Slarch. boxes. 3K04c: bulk, 40Uc: Nlrkel. packages, Tobacco, Snuffs, Eic. TOHACCO-Llst prices on tho following brands t- Tlnsley'B natural leaf and W.

N. 65c; Battle An. J7c; Toothpick, 47c; 4Ec; Star Navy, 1J- b. buttj, 45c. Horseshnc.

12-lb. butU, 4Hc; Drum- natural leaf, 60c; Lucy Hinton, 45c; Cue, 42c; Good Luck, 43o; Button. 33c. 6NUFF-- 1-01. tins, (3.00; tins, $5.90: 6-01.

bottles, Ralph's 1-oz. tins. 1 1-3 ox. tins. 1 2-8 oz.

bottles, bottles (10.50; Dental. 1-oz. tlna. $2.75: 1 2-S tiz. Htii, 34.85: 1 2-3 oz.

bottles, Liberty Bell. 1-or. (2.40; 3 1-3 oz. tins, (fi.OO; 3 1-3 or. bottles, G-oz.

bottles, (7.50; Honest. 1 2-3 oz. tins, crosa boxes, (6.00; 3 1-2 at. half gross boitw, Jfi.00; 6-oz. tumblen, $8.00: Lortllard's 1-oz.

tlnH $2 156-oz. bottles, Hoira's 1-ot, ling, SE.15; 6-oz. tottlos, $6.50. BEER-- Anheuser, pints, Budweiser, quarU, pints, Dixie Pla and Maenolla. pinta, S3.

BO; Schlitz, pints, CU.OO; quarts, $11.00 Gal vest on. qmrU or pints, 10-barreI lots. Pabst, Blue Ribbon, plntB, quartB, Red, White and Blue, plnta, (ll.OJ; quarts, Export, pinta, (11.00; quarts, $10.50. BAGGING AND TIES-- Quotation for carloafl lots, f. o.

b. GaJveston: Bagging, 2H-lb-, yard; 45-lb. Arrow ties. 96c; DnIU tics. LPSS than rcrload lots, bagging, yard, and ties So per bundle higher.

ROPE-- Bifal. 7-16 basis. Manila, 7-18 biKle, I2033c; cotton, SALT Liverpool, coir EG, 200-lb. Eioka, 90c; Liverpool, coarse, 100-lb. aacka, 46c; common One, 200-lb.

prrks, common fine, 100-lb. eacks, (Oc; rock, 00 per ton; Louisiana, roaire. Me; Texan and per barrel, 60-B, 100-33, S2.65O 2.70; 100-Cs, (2.8032.90. Ainfi Amrt nii T( i ft nmn-lry oo 331; 200 03 t.Ml i 1.200 Ir MI. ft

nr RoflnlnR 094 9,400 l.WM 1.WM Hi 1 ui Pump Dried Pens mid Beans. BLACK-KYED 8Vi4c per per Ih. NAVY BEANS-Largc, Lima. lb link, red kidney, 6c bftjou, lb. Dry Prints--If in Garnet turkey red, fcc; Oarnct laret.

5c; Hnnillton claret, brocade plntn. be; lanchester chambray. No. 1, Sc; NX 2. hrck frlrghams, sot in oil print P.

red, angc. greon and blue, 4 1 nolirt black prints. Colunihla moiirnlnK, 6c; Anwrfran IndlRn. 6Hc; American sold, T.iuntnn Fllvrr gray, 4Vic; 'o- ihla clhrr cray. Sr; mbr nnd urn Hum prints, Empirr rcrrnlcs, tiimillo percales.

6c- La Itclnn percale. Hlonchf.l foiton--Plrsl Call. S-4, 4V: Welcome. 3-4. 4 Clover, 3-.

Our Tinker. 7-8, Our Own. 7-8, Our 4-4. i Prrond to Nnne. 6c; tint If-fnet Ion.

PC. Cambric nimo. Sc: Diamond lltll, fi'ic; Good 7c; Ooro- lirt, 8r; Wamsutta, lie. Brown River canning. 3r; Premium S.

Kx- podltion XX, nprrhwoni A. fiV c. Tlrnwn Drill- i LnnRMtii. 'i'qc; Ipirrr11, Re. Rlrftehrtl Pillow CflKing -Amicron.

42-lni-h. 7 4e; Pfpprrclt, 42-tin-h, 12o; 1 ich, lens. Cotton rinldn--rnhniurl, BUc: 1'rnlt nf OnplJn', 7V4ft: Southern Fllkn. rhcrlut ShlrtlnRM--Clray- Nurthporl. Wiicfnld, A'-uif.

1ir; Cont of' Arins! lie. Fancy fir; Hrnfrrw. Se: hlrkonr shirtIHR. 3S(M'ir- flUndird Oil Cloth--12-yard MHO or twIHn, 10V- rirems i i hill.vti-. (TJOo; llnm, llrrt Tlekinn -t'atftwM, 'rusran, Kcuonal A.

r. A 4 rfn, Nr. i ilurk, 5e. Denims, 11 IIold Dp Veace Treat! en. arbitration treaties arc dead ao far as tho present session is concerned unless the President is willing: to yield on the point of final submission to tho Senate.

A prominent Senator said today even if he was obliged to stand alone he would argil ft against them until adjournment unless this 'provision was inserted in some form. Success or failure depends on this one point. Practical agrecsTitMit has been reached with the Southern Senators' who opposed the: treaties bpi-jiufp, yf their possible effect upyn the State bonds. In fact, all other mattery have been swept, nut of tho way except tho question of final ratification by the Senate. A proposition has been mnde to rhangft two words which will havo this effort.

As tho treaiips now they provide that in cnsf- of difficulties the. President may arrange "by speria.l agreement." This is accepted as meaning that the President can conclude a convention of arbitration without re.ferenco to the Senate. Tho now proposition is to insert the words "by treaty" in plaen of ihe words "by special agreement." Enough Repub- Hoan Senatois would be witling to mak3 this chaime if tire President would agrm; but arf ilie Insertion of these words requires under the. constitution ratitication by the Senate it is quite unlikely that tho administration will accept. opposition Ren tors linve aprocrt tn acv-tnt if tli': prc-sent iy mndo.

ami pray, crc-ain rldth, K.IM2'ie; 1 i I 15'jr trfthnlr Maek brof.tdM, 23o- navy blue. crc-ain. Mark nnd niul Knf lii a Mm- ijratn Mtli. rnmilM i t.lnlnitr -Clmmoiinl cumbrir, flno prrenllnr. 7tift1r; H.


O. Kitture ABBOclatloB, N. V. Stk. N.

Y. Cotton N. Y. Coffee ll.xcU., Cklo. TraO, Cottuu Private Wires to Principal Qalveaton office, 2106 Blntnd.

Phono HI. N'. WEEKE3, Manager. Hayward, Vick Clark, BROKERS. Offices 33 and Cotton Exchange Building Galveston, Tex.

Private wires to New York, New and Chicago. Orders promptly executed for or sale of ootion, grain, provlnlona, stocks and bonas. Telephone 352. lairi COMPANY, Cotton Exchange Building, New Ottawa, COTTON FUTURE BROKERS, Members New Orleans, New York and Liverpool Cotton Exchanges. WM.

NISBET. Galveston Ruprei OIL MILLS- am paying the highest market prices f6r Loose Cake, Prime Meal, Bolted Meal Off Oil. Send me samples. E. H.

Galveston, Tex, i Yollow Kovor. Mr. Uarrfilt. the- I i pfl States Ministor tn Panama, hns Font to Washington a circular Irttor i an stiitunn-iit iifj tn thu prevalence of 1'cllow fever In tho canal none. Mr.

Parrott "Sincp July -1. 13W, whnn i States nnthc.rttirs tnnk charge of tlir- pant- a i work, up to this dato, L'fi, or six nnd months, ihon- liccn cni-Mally hy Col r. chief nf tin 1 I i i i i a a i i a nf voiiow fever as IK i Tlmre arc now no in hospiial. "i if tliiivn raws, hnwfivnr is a to notn a then; Imve. been only 1 dontlis, while only one in tlif last nnd one-htilf months has resulted Thla fnvoiuhlo onndltlon is ihio iiit tn KIWI! imrniiiK.

lo dlsenfie, i 1EAT STRENGTH INCREASE THAN LOOKED FOR IS WORLD'S VISIBLE SUPPLY WAS THE FACTOR. STEADY HEAVY SALES BY ELEVATOR INTEREST HAD LITTLE OATS L'KCIIANGBD. Llbornl Receipts of Lire Beared ot Was Sitmil. Chicago, Fob. smaller tuereate thin expected in the world's visible supply caused a firm finish in the wheat pit here today.

Final quotation! on Hay were up and Julr Corn it down oaU practically unchanged and lons down Tho general attitude of wheat traders at the opening without decided leaning. After the Bret htif hour the market yielded somewhat to celling pressure. was based on spec tat lone of a large Increase in the world's available stocks. Ijater announcement of viBlble Etatletlcs ehowefl an Increase of 6.293,000 bushpls, causing home opera tore to turn buyers. Shorts fair buyers later in the day.

The market generally drelopod flrmncpp. The close wat almost it thfe blghest point of the day, final, quotations on May beiiic IGTi- July closed at Jl.01%. Minneapolis, Dnluth and Chicago reported receipts of cars. against 292 last week and 3fi2 year ago. Notwithstanding heavy Bales hy a p-onMnent elevator intcroFt.

the corn market held comparatively htflady. May opened a shade to He lower and closed tit -CiV- Loral receipts SflS cdrs, contract. The o-tf; market wan nteady Jhronphout tho day. May opened unchangH to shade lower, sold off to SOHc and closed at Local rcceiptfl were 143 cart. Liberal of hogn caused weakneen in the pin- viaion market.

Tho volume of bubiness wms small. At thn clofie May pork wan off at lard and ribs were each down at 16.90 and SB.SStfc. Estlmatcd receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 12 care; com, 177: oats, 53; hogp, 30,000 head. Cut-h quotations werfl as follows: Flour--Quiet. Wheat--No.

2 spring 51.13Srl.lC; No. 3. No. 2 red. tl.lMi.

Corn--No. 2, No. 2 yellow, Oatb--No. 2. No.

2 while, No. 3 i llye--No. L'. T.V. Harlcy (loorl Ircdirp.

avg-SPc; fair to choice malting, Flasseed--No. SI.16; No. 1 northwestern, fl.22. Tinotliy socil--Prinje. S2.7S.

pork, per barrel, $lf! Lard, per 100 pounds, SG.YOfifi.72H- Short ribs, stdoa (Icose), IS.fi2'4@6.Tr. Short clear sides (boxed), Iti.7S06.S7 1 Whisky, basic of high wines, (1.2?. Clover, rontr.ic, gradf, Thi leadinp futures ranged as follows: I Open. High. I Low.

Close. Whflt. No. $1 Jl i Corn. No.

2--Fob May July Oats, No. 2--February May July September Pvirk--Kebruarv May short Hit-a--Fcbmary $1 16 I SI 1 i Ol-i 95S receipts and shipments of 801 bushels 1 Barlry, bushels i On the Proihtcc Kscliansc rlci form of A A A Tolls is'. I-ivory 'I'oxnn pfiould hnvr i In his liiinie. IM.ico ardor 1.1.=··*,: sv. c.uh.

Hr: xv-- i i Ni. i 'I'll! a i oday the air prlmo flrslF, 'Wheat flrm; So. 3 ira. k. II 17S i.

I Mar. 2 har.l, tl.isi-. rorti tri-afc; 4 May. M. Kc.

May, l-3r. firm New Turk. Fet VMiltrv--Chirki-ns highrr 2 gw mcry, SL'I- flntry. ifi rp.plrU. lft.700 husheln; rH.

nr.rnlnft!, nle.vntnr, and Hi -lea quii-t. I.rnther firir. Wnnt oil i i yollow. 24'i'iS Mni.i-^M firm, f'i- nnccil tu Mies i!-. Sr.nnr.

TAW i Don: TJIK. (if i mysteries to which HawUMiaw. VuloiMi. i Holmes anil Sergeant di'vntod i a wo do not recall orm i rr.niv bn filing a Hm liich it- now i i JL i a i i i I i a appears, i i Clrrk mvompank-d by i from Oc-onn- mmvi'r, i i i In Belle, is i i i The one. or i oi i i in a five-pound Thf i i i i i i a ip the hasw I i i i i itnj'-Heenpo tilR.

fp.sued hy the i i i an.l numhe.nvl 1JW. Tlie fh'nl i i i i 1'- was. obviously, look i Hie i i ar.i1 i lnne. 1.1- ri'iit'e. 1 was issued in ISfiS.

Olevi-n i Irin Mnlonoy of No GO" 1 Mvr-nue. There t1u Im-ontl Ration Imltoil. Tim only explanation at all i i i a p.u a by In i i mood, i i rlrt- 1 by i V.ffifl Imiry's 1(K- I i i ta.kon to on .1 ho! d.iy, i i i runi iind i a llsh in 1 I'bp don a dyhifr. i i i i i hy the of i i I i 1-ody of rt Hfih. Thn i I i i i i WOllJd lift 1 to i i ev-i'ti ft Orlento'i odopt Ifi Hi" i i i i i i s-rtnl i I' i i Mii-ll I I I I I i I.

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