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Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 3

Interior Journali
Stanford, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.1 Wedding presents at Hamilton's. THE1 Window glass of all sizes at Crals docker's. J. A. ALLEN Contractors -ATnd.

Suilders, Hve sow completa stock ot Bnllrtlnir Vellow Pin Floorlnjr, Dwr Bash. UllndsaaU all kinds of Drewwil and Lumber, Hiinles and Steel KooHnir. cim We muke eaelmatoson soyklod of work wtntcd. Office opposite 1 B. Cook's.

1 A Great 1T If THE SUPERIOR GRAIIf DRILLS is a guafantee Are Still In The Lead. Buy it aiTtl you will make-no mistake. make Jthe.r Oct, E. CL-WAMOKEuHIHEM. The beat material combined with care, skill and accuracy Insure good result.

Ho other method Are ever used In our prescription Penny Drug PERSONALS. C. 13. Cox to Louisville Wed- Ma. J.8,jrgcKf LoujyJie Mias MARY VANOY I visiting friends at Lebanon.

tot. W. O. WtLOH wh' In Frank fort this week. Mu.

Joseph Coffey wu at Llv ioKstoa this week. HowTR. wlIT peaTc ai Hodgf nvinw Monday. W. S.

Bubch will addreu the nesburg olub tonight, Way Mibs Freda Meier visited friend la week. Thomas T. Lackey returned to St. Louie ete day morning John D. Hobtox went to Lexington trl rolngtO Me the troUi Mrs.

A. M. Felard ii vUltlng rela tive In Loulavllle and Governor. Mr. Et Ballard, of Garrard, It Tlaltlng the family of R.

E. Sallee. of' -There are- many J. brands of baking worth powders, but Royal Baking as the Miami Valley-Fertilizer We hare teenUsTngtFiTs for seveTarTyeat "brand of great of highest favor and reputation. 1 Everyone' has absolute in the food where Royal IS" Trrr Pure and healthful food isa nccatter of vital importance to HIGGINS The Acme of JiOiBI3urf.LpuUTlUeL every- individual Ladies' Up To Date Footwear.

Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. Wear Better and HOLD Their SHAPE. tliau any othej" Shoe. 3Iany Style But One Price, $3.50 To Thisbeautiul weather woa't last Come while the weather is good your Fall and Winter needs 38 in. brown cotton at Good.

Calicoes 4c and Sc, Cantbb'Flsrnala 5c to 12c," Cloihs 6c to 20c Percale 10 and 12c Flannelette at 1C, i Fftieh-JlauasUttsa l5o, Slack and whit? Sateens 15c, or Cow forts 4c, In wove Drees Goods long Ever AH At AIscT McKINNBY. Perfection in ALL. and Ladies' Vests, 15c, Union Suits 25c to T2.73, Erervthing in Underwear, Fleeced Hose 10c lo fl-BO for Lsdles, sold; all leather, lot Blanket Cheapest to best. the Daw. eavai 25c to i tot -9? he ost lel'able makes known.

Hel- that I inal to anytiung seen lu largo In fact, it always has gotten- let us supply you with fa ifc -n Co to G. Karri Co." and save fffifflrajrwryw heating itovei plow and Superior grain drill Casey baa a. J. Cooper will be In chars-e. Aunt Maria Smith, a well-known colored woman, died Tuesday of drop sy, aged We are headquarters for coal.

bav. com, oat and all kinds of feed. J. H. Baughmao Ik Co." Attend the meeting of the demo cratic club at the court-house tonight, Important business.

WTiSvSpleHty'oT all Kra3ei 0f boal at high prloet, buy before It goei high er. J. H. Baugbman Co, Cominq to court Monday Go to Severano 8on for any thing In ahoeaJofc men, women and children, We have no office oat, but a black aerfiaa seemingly Ukea a "lilting" to us and sd pay a. lengthy visit each day.

Watts' Chapel. W. Buchanan and Park Anderson will speak at Watts' chapel Saturday night. Go bear them. For neatness, style, comfort and du- rablilty "The Manas'; shoes have no quaK See tbe-'new --ptatalffilW and II 60, H.

J. UcRobnrU. tlemao 4nd democrat, Boit James D. uiacK, wuinspeak at Mt. Vernon to mowow, 8tMr4aftcraoiiwT Th Q.

Ci. will run a special excur sion from JuDCtloa City Sunday, leav Ihg at 6:30 a. m. and reaching Cloclu. nail at 10:30, at 11.25 for thefound trip.

The democrats of the Saufley section will meet at Dr. J. T. Morris' store Sat urday night and organize a club. There in do several speaker on band and good time is looked forward to.

For the third time Dr. J. K. Van- Arsdale owns the stock of goods to Mra. Mattle Withers' store-room, having bought out BUI Beck yesterday: A a Invoice) la being taken, and 'the doctor will opeo out tomorrow.

HI daughter, MUs Alvlra; sod son, Lawrence, will assist blm In the store. Dropped Dead Judge Flem S. Tuttle, of Junotloa City, dropped dead yesterday shortly after returning from work on hi farm. had bees la -bad health for years. Judge Tuttle lived at Hustonvllle for number of- year and was good citizen.

A wife and several grown children survive. Th at pleodld democrat, Hon. W. B. Smith, of.

Richmond, will soeak her Moodav and -demoerau alt tbe oounty will come to bear him. Ua- IIJeClrSoBe Smith not sore over his failure to secure the Domination for governor and la do'lpg'vallaot service for the cause of deifloc'racT. 'f Gilbert. Congressman Gilbert will make elgbt speeches In tbl oounty beginning at Crab Orchard Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 10 He fpealr at Ottenhelm that nlgbt, at "AVajr neabug Thursday afternooa aBd at KlafrsvUle that plght, at Friday after-, noon nd Junctiog CitywlbtjilgJ)tt Hustoovllle oaturday afternoon and Stanford that night.

Go and bear him. After long Tltoes of a ccri eldleea8esv Martin died at ber borne at Saufley Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock. Sber was a drjck andl ter of Mrs. W. H.

Brady, of this piece. She was an excellent christian woman and in ber death her husband, son and! daughter lose a wife and mother In till the word implies. Tbe burial will cc-cur In Cemetery this afternoon. fi Vf Eft splendid speeches by Hon, C. Whrren and Mr.

8, Bah at J. H. Carter' store Tuesday nlfiht a democratic club of 3S member was organ? Ized. ButchUoo was 'chosen president; C. B.

ica preI dem; Henderson Baugh, secretary, and J. H. treasurer. Tbe olub was named 'Thd Csrter Democratlo Club" after that wheelhorse democrat, "Hlgrblaod" Jim Carter. The meetings will be held on Tuesday nlghu.

f. AM enthusiastic Bryan, Slafsuson and Beckham club-ef 8S members was organized at King vtlle Wednesday night with McCarty, president, J. A. McKee, 1st vice president, U. A.

Walter, 2nd Pr, J1.W.. Ae.trip, secretary, M. G. Murphy assist, ant secretary and J. M.

McCarty treass urer. Hon. C. Warren and W. S.

Burch addressed tbe club after Its organization and tbelr efforts brought forth much applause. Tbe meetings will be held on Thursday nights. ALLEN. -Mrs David C. Allem who wa Mis Annie McKlnoey, famTirarly known as "Sister," and daughter of Arch MeKlnney, of the Mo-Kinney section, died- NIohdsy eve-niog and was burled lo Hustoovllle cemetery'Tuesday afternoon after bv Kev.

W. W. Bruce. All -hn knew Airs, Alien for her-maoy noble traits of pharacter and her lovely disposition, whiah was sjhnsblne itself. There never was a truer or more loving wife than she was and the husband, who 1 bowed down with grief, baa the sympathy of all good people.

Thev werea happy pair and although marrKd for years, their honeywioon badliever endedrTha writer saw Mr. Allen and hie frail, delicate wife at tbe Hustonvllle fair and his attention to her attracted tbe admiration of all wbo saw May the Lord help the husband and aged father to bear their loss and make tbera fully realize, that their loss' her gain. a a O. of at to Now Is a good time to bave that pic ture Miss Sacrsy. Haas Hog Cholera remedy wtlLeave your pick bogs.

Get It at Penny's Dfug Store. See our 10, 112.50 and 115 lulu. aey are latest styles and elegant ma terial, H. J. McKoborw.

Hiram Powell carried 11.000 In the Mutual Life of New York; repre sented by A. G. Eastland. he vote on toe graded school ques tion will be taken tomorruw. If you think a graded tqbool will help Stac ford, -rote The Charles Wheeler Emporium Huunvjne, wjii display tha proper styles in mlllinerv Saturday, next.

OcL 0. iublfd enerally are cordially war argrearoBe for the dgjocracyDtLln shown by the sturdy democrats than for sometime. Tbe announcement that Hon. Frank B. Burke, of Indiana, would speak brought a crowd variously estimated at from 1,000 to 1,500 and all who beard the 'masterly effort of the disti nguished Indlanalan felt more than repaid for their coining.

Every club In tbe oounty was represented, but Moreland and Klngsvllle seot tbe largest delegations. Representatives from the former brought along a ban oar which bora on one, side. UMofii Club, 200 Strong," and on the other "Bryan, Beckham and Gilbert, "Down with. Assassins and TbujrsBefore tbe speaking a horseback procession was formed and some 150 true blues carrying transparanclet bearing Such I nscrlption a "Bryao, Beck ham -and Gilbert," "Remember Goebel," ''Down with Trusts," Standing Army Ctoeti 1148,000,000," "Down with Han-nalsm," "Law and Order against Government by Assassination," "Republic against Empire," "Bryan, Stevenson, Beckham and Ac, paraded tbe street. Later the Stanford band look position at tbe bead of thaooluma and footmen fell In by tbe hundred.

It was a demonstration that will not soon be forgotten In Stanfordr Everybody was la a good humor and soma of tbe byse4du1trdemdcracy alt they frequently gave vent to their feel-, log by loud yell for tbe gentlemen ea the magnificent tioket the democrat nominated, Mr. Burke, was not In con dition physically to speak outdoor and the speakers which, bad been beautifully decorated, was glveo up for the court-house. Not'balf of the erowd could gain entrance, but there was no kick from those who failed; they were feeling too good over democratic success to kick about anything. At 7iU words Introduced Mm Burks, for two boar spott trusts and Ittptttit: tm and oT "electing! flem- ocrau this year. Sis opposition to tbe two great Issue above was couched in magnificent language and was so plain and clear that the wayfaring man) thpugh he be a republican, could not fail tosee the polnt.tntended.

His ref erences to tbe late Gov Goebel were grand, while bis of Taylor aniLb.litanit. was most snathlog.He scored John erkes fore and aft. His speech was a splendid one and It will do much BOtjd-tBr-nbirTWniBtTi; where probably. there were those wbo were hot thoroughly conversant with tbelssuetniBiaooVlmperlatlm." Loud calls were made for Judge M. C.

Saufley at the close of Mr. Burke's speech, but that gentleman failed to re- WAYNESBURG. H. H. SlogletOB sold a horse M.

Pitman for 40. Two men of our community bave lately been given sections on the C. S. rallroadTTbey are "Mack McKloxie and Rice Pitman. The sections that they will take charge of are but a short distance south of Cincinnati and they with their families will move to their respective posts as early as possible; Mra.

J. B.talgh has returned fiom Ohio, where bad been" visiting friends. Mrs. Mary E. Reynolds, the aged mother of Deputy Sheriff M.

Reynolds, is very There 1 lojf of sickness here jus now. Mr. A. Gooch, Mrs. James Morris and Mrr.

"fortunateones. Mrs. H. H. Singleton has received nice lot of faU bats.

Miss Sue Ho ard hi' waiting on her customer, as Mrs. Singleton Is alclu- Dr. M. O. Bry ant has moved from Cubar- Pulaski cuuBty, to near Waynesburg.

Mr, K. of Ellibtt county, ba ttongbt the farm formerly occupied by W. J. Reynolds and be and his family will more to It In a few days. J.

B. Glass, of Owen county, bought a car load of sheep and calves lo thls- seotloo this week-lM Howard will "move 'Jo Wavnesburg In a few days. The Way- nesburg Democratic Clip has had only one meeting and It has membershjp, over 70. IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES. An electron to decide' whether or not saloons PibarS will be bell tffusorrow." Jamea H.

Baughman, who was reappointed a member of tbe Boyle county board of election commissioners, declined the honor. Robert MuKlnly was shot and killed the Proctor Mines In Whitley county by AJleo Breeden. Tbe former had been a guard during the recent strike. Woodford MeCluaky hit David Bowes on the heaiTwitb a hoe while thev were working In a field In Cumberland county from the effects of which Bow-en died. j.

la Russell county Mr. James Lawless saw ber husband engaging In a fight. She started to run to tbe scene Interfere, and Tell dead from the excitement. 66 to In name, the powder 1 There are many imitation baking? powders, made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid them, as they make the food unwholesome, tas whuam miw vwwt' MISS LIZZIE C.

JONES, Of Mmlsnd, has opened a Cmjlet ae of MUtinery at Junction Cit) And loriiea the ptranecaf th public. Ceuatrr Produce exvumntced frr goods. Small Farm For Rent! Nice firm ot 20 eorat, 2' Billet freui Sunford on Diniille like fi rat luuueof-STCOMer hcllt good oislero door, niest house, hen taoiue ud siabie in good repair. rood apple orohard aooVi li-ni or i ftfree oi "lace to usoul-tirilnt Jolin M. MiR rl will ahov and rent rropeiitv McKiiUr.Kln Bralhntd, ay.

west LuLCsla Couaty Farm a uniiuprored ter jj approxlraatlDg 2 4 0 iiCISES I Two mile from Hutonllloin.fiixHateiy 0n the HustonriltSB tad Lilterty turopikeroad, ao lying between the Undk of T. L. C'Mrpentcr and P. Bill. There ar tixtjr aciwe to wlteat this fall.

twMi'y or twenty -Ave acreeof oritinil rrovth of timber, Dsiaiiagot ituutenae aKar trees, wild cnerry, disck wainut, yellow tseecn, reii.tiiiv oer-ia Wu-cniM. sreet abundtnes wauv from RprliiB thftl nerer fail, erea In tbe dryeat fwanons. Kooush timtierean heVtit and sawed eu thetthKo toituprovfl mm, and tbtrre are plenty of locust aad nmlberry htr. feneiua purpoeea. TBia 4rt-df ba been gntB parpoaet for' bMiej ia th.

5tateT Will prf4 reaaonablr atkd sive loin? tiuM on deferreti payiuenta Mr. Vantla, on tbe Whn 1. place, wilt how the land to auy appiicanta, of apply 10 w. l. i.Livtifc.ti, Dan rill-.

Ly. POSTED. -PIwiOTMOWntliose-miTBta sppeur below- aUiuli iiirblil uu. liiiutlng al f(mat juiy I kind H5 uoy time ill tint year ou their tuna's ana tvltl to tlie full extent ot tlej InWiniy who vtnhite.r 8. riatighmun.

.1. IC Dr. Steele Bailey, I. E. Bruos, UKND FOR SHLG.

Tor sale a Tract of Laud containing 85 acres, two miles arora Stanford on Lancaster Rush Branch Turnpike, being a part of lue H. 8. Withers farm. All In rasa. Has on It frame cottare ot fonr rooms and a lutlli right new.

Terms asv. B. OWSLEY. Stanford. Kv.

MULES AND H0RSLS FOR SALE I have tl cotton mules, also four horses ready to feed and want to sell, them In the near IB su as Uj bui mule I al so have a car-load of fertilizer at Uoreland, andas It Is In the way of a barber shop. I will sell It below my regular price, If parties buying, will take It at once. B. B.

KINO. Moreland, Ky NEW LIVERY STABLE, JUNCTION CITY, KV. Flrat-Olasa Turnouts at Reasonable Rater, special Attention to Traveling Men. i Grain and Hay For Sale. Poultry And Eggs WANTED.

I will DHV.ttip market price cash for them laad, f. H. DAVI8. COAL SALT. wlii bave tuy cuaf 'blus cuuiptU)d ly Oct.

I and will keep on hand three radew of tb) bet cuul; also suit and I will at' 11 It to merchants by wagon load at a Tory small margin. Will, continue to pay the blpheat prices Hickory Spoken. Btaveaand Headings Good ajicL Groceries atrork bottom pricear Give me a trial and I wlliflaro you monny. B. B.

KING, M0HEI4AND, Kt. music. LesspNs: By an experienoed laiv nvusl tuacher, 50 ncrtttrm Af Mv tuinr l.u,,na Buy Sell Good Shoes Only. Good goods cost very liltle more "than shoddy stuff. If you buy trashTyourpocketJsj'ways eca'ree pf pasbgtf you buy honest goods whenjbujiiyjn JUf aTeuppijiyoi are done buying for the wintar, 1 bar open tUltlng Mia Lena" grant Barneue.

Handsome Mib Lucia McAfee, of Lebanon. I the guest of Mle J'eait fiurnaldav Mr. Textos Sharp, A Cateyr a good friend of thla paper, wa in to aea ui Wednesday. Muses Annie Yantis and Mary Tbompeon, of Lanoaater, are guests' of Mis Sue Yantla. Mr.

and Mrs. P. G. Warner, of Garrard, were gueet of their daughter, Mr. J.

W. Perrlo. John A. Hendrrn baa moved from JSart Mala Street to Dr. Peyton' oo tige on Whitley Avenue.

Carm AS, of Lincoln, the eueat of bar aUter, Mr. C. C. Sink. Lexington Morning Democrat.

Ima Hattie Fabmeb, the beautl- ful niece of Mra. W. B. Dudderar, the guest of Mite Rebecca Mulllna. Miss Qallie Nevivs, who went to Williamsburg to attend homesick and returned home Wedae Mr.

U. W. Dunn, wife and Miss Mary Dunn; of. Danville, are vtalting the families of M. S.

and J. W. Baugh. uan. Mrs.

Sallie Connelly and son, George Connelley, of SprlngQeld, lit, ars guest oi Major ji.4 Meoefee, Tliltrng'her -and -Mra. Richard Bibb, returned to Nashville Wednesday. v-' Misses Sallie and Jessie Dean Cook, are again wtth their sisters here, after a protracted visit to, relatives at Busionvllle. Mr, W. H.

Bell, of Casev, was here yesterday. Ha says that the Kldd's "Stflr de mocratlc club-itow -ha 00 mem-1 bersaiul Is still growing. Mrs W. J1. Walton end aeer WU- Uaie-aitd Owftkf, evw lrt 4 Ingtnn for a few days and are spending jrioajgf the time at Walnut Flat.

Jamk DkhorD) of Casey eoutrty. has arrived with his family, and will take up bis studies In XJolon 'College Bar-bourvllle Cor. Corbla Pathfinder. ftf Povnter. Thompson, E.

,3. Al bright atd J. H. Dunn, of Rockcastle, heard Hon. Frank Burke's splendid iKch lt NO two the Hon.

Frank Burke's tpeeVb more'tbao thoce sdlendid democrats, Memm. George Carter and Richard Bibb, They drank In every word, the distinguished Indlanalan said." Mr. P. Lawrence and family, of KIrkitllle, are guests of ber parents, Rev. and lrs.

W. T. B. Ibe East End. Mr.

Lawrence Is with B. Walker, "pf Ktrksvllle, who will be Madison county's next county clerk. LOCALS. Drcp Into see jus Monday. Want to talk to you.

Fine Candles just ren Shank. received. War- NiiW fall stock of bats received. Miss Annie -J Our fall lampa are in. Call and see them.

G. H. Ferula Co. i Harness, jfhlps, collars, bames, tracer, atJ.O. McClary's.

For close Drlces on buggies, car rjage nd jroad wagonst go to Wearen Bro. '(' We have, several seed wheat for sale, varieties of nice H. Baughmao I am back In tbe business and would appreciate your patronage. J. VaaArsdale.

Ladies look at our line of aooordlon plaited Petticoats, II to 10. They are beautifully made. Severance A MEETING of the Hustoovllle dem- ocrallo club will be held to-morrow, Saturday, Yiight. Be cure to attend. PlttSan and Laurel Coal Companies, of Pittsburg, have aettled with the miners, a.pd other mining com-panle.

In Laurel will likely do goon," tald 8, V. Rowland, who passed through to Panvllle Wednesday. He bad been at Pittsburg 19 day trying to bring about an. agreement. SEVERANCE SOAS.

IS' tj Opposite Court House. worn aAKiwa aowom LAND, STOCK, CROPS, C. John H. Meier sold to Marie Hard to iorret mare for tSt). Pair good (fed, mare mule for "sale.

Mark Hardlo, Kijtray red bull calf, with hornp, at my place. R. E. Sal lee, Sisaford. W.

H. Beoiclc sold, to W. C. Stlpp, of Bourbon, 100 extra feeder at 4ic. Robert CoUler.

of Boyleu bouirbt ISO hogs lo Boyle and Mercer at si to 5c. Mark Bardia bought of E. E. Patter son a lot of shoau at 40 and a sow sod plirs' for 117.60. Y.

Jve Patchen beat Coney io a malob Best time s-r KiErCBrlsiTao, oriunbtToh Cltf. a haroess mare for 1175. Re. W. T.

0, White has sold to B. Holtsclair hta farm In the. Et End, contalnloK 134 acres, for 14,050. Al Burns, of L'exingioD, bought "of Lyon Huqo and W. 8.

tryAf4 tbe West End, Ave toppy horses at fancy prices. Will hft at MnraUnrt Wf dnnitdayt Oct. buy 100 hone and mule oolu, also yeartlng'inures." WW bify "SSUun Mdingaf "mules. Joef Kind Tg" Philadelphia. Boralma won the great Transylvania trot at Lexington after falling dowo In the first heat.

The Abbott, driven by LdGeers, trotted an. exhibition mile In equaling hie record. Cbas. Lutpj, of tH II rtn of Lutes sold to M. B.

Seott, of Bryant? vyle, 11 yearling rn'iles at $60, He boiigbt of J. Adams, Jessamine county, a nice, eveh -year-old mare for H00. the largest cattle feeder In. Kentucky; James Er Clay. bis 4,200 sores of land is this is.

feeding 1,200, and has B00' seres of corn In cultivation, wbieh will not feed longer than Jan.Yet.-Paris Democrat. A large crowd attended S. -fT. Yea- ger'ssale neat1 Hidgevilie Wednesday and enjoyed a splendid dinner set by that cleyer, Good price ruled throughout. Calves brought 118 to.WS, cow 25 to horse 90.

to $100, bulls to (45. Corn sold at 1 62 at the heap There were 1,000 cattle on the Rich moos market Monday and price ranged from 2i to 41o. A bunch of 100-pound yearlings brought tbe top price. A lot of 800-pound beifer brought 3ic. Aged mules brought ISO to 1150 and mule colts $30 to 1707" Fereno won the rich Futurity for three-year-old trotters at Lexington Tuesday la straight beats, Susie J.

and Ladv Thlsbe were seoond and third. BeH time, 2:10. otOe Warren Russell old itandby, won tbe Tennessee (take for 2:09 pacers, going tbe first beat in Perry Browning sold to D. Scott and J. W.

Pace the crop of lamb for 1001 from 130 ewea at 6o for Jamba 6f pounds and over to go June 15th to 20tb; also those of that elze to go July 15th to 20th -at the same price. At the last period the ewes are to be taken at fjjO each Wlnchest Derrocraf CHURCH MATTERS. Women of tbe Central Christian church at Lexington have undertakiuL raise (13,000 by prayer. j' The report of the proceedings of the Methodist confdreoee at Klizabetb- town, indlcatej hatsome jn sheep' clothing have been officiating that body, i The meeting at the Union church 'at conducted by Eld Q. Montgomery, of Liberty, Is drawing great orowds.

There have been number, of additions. r4 1 111 a a Buy you Fall Rl ce of Vie 1 acdle Fqr Men Hanan Sons', $5to mers, Bettman Co's. $3 to $4.50, For Women Krippendorff and Dittmann's, $2 to $4.50. 1 In Boys', Misses' and Children's wsa stock "cilie5, JOHN P. JONES, Stanford.

Stanford Female College, STANFORD, KY Next Session will open Monday, Sept. 3. 3Thorougn courses in Literature, Science, Music. Art and Elocution. Write" for Catalogue to MRS.

NANNIE Sl.SAUFLEY, Pre week. Call at -Ur. etraub's..

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