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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 5

Hamilton, Ohio
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I I I I I 1 I THURSDAY, MARCH 11. 1926 HAMILTON EVENING JOURNAL PAGE Charles Edwin Mitchell Is Billion Dollar Bank President Head Of Bank Of Which Gordon Sohn, Rentchler Of Hamilton Is A Vice President Hamilton people are interested 1 in Charles Edwin Mitchell. He is president of the National City! Bank of New York. Gordon Sobu. Kentschler of "Homilton is oue of the vico presidents of this great financial institution and an assistant to President Mitehell.

From A minor position with the Western Electrio compuny, Charles Edwio Michell bas risen to be head of the vast finonrial organization grouped around the Nutional City hank of New York, a place which assures him rank among the leading bankers of' the United Slates. lle in not yet Lilly yours old. Bred ol Colonial 671 both sides of his family served in the Edwin Mitchell was born on Oct-1 ober Gth, 1877, at Chelsca, Alass. His father was George E. Mitchell, a merchant, who at DI10 time served as mayor of Chelsea, his mother was Annie Knowlton Mitchell.

1c was educated at public school in Chelsea, and at Amherst college. from the latter institution hie gradualed in 1899 with an A. B. degree. Immediately alter graduation young Mitchell connected himse' with the Western Electric in Chivago, IlL This was his incompany ial adventure in the husinesy world and he remained with the Western Electric for 3 little more than six years, during which period Dic rose through the offices of genoral crolit manager and aseistant DOES YOUR COUGH KEEP Awake There la no need for FOU 16 soffor the discomfort of broken sleep coughing.

A dose of, PERTUSSIN, taken slowly, before going to bed will keep you from coughing -pot it is outirely free from "dopa" (such as catics, chloroform, cannabis or other injations drugs) and there. fore, abaojo tely harmless. PERTUSSIN baa a remarkably quieting edect upon the cate narves and of the throat and bronchial tabor, nod promotes a speady recovery, Known to physicians for over twenty years and sold by all druggists in large and entail potties. PERTUSSIN Every Cough omg company to accept the larger! opportuuity. lu October of the same.

Scar be was elected president of ibe National City company, which chased the about the business same of the time W. Halsey company. 11 1921, he was made president of the National Cily bauk, and hie now 'holds these offices in various National City vorporations: presi-: dent und director, National City Bank, National City company, Na. fional City Sale Deposit company, and chairman of the and National City, Realty Corporation: director of the Jotermatioual bauk-' ing corporation. lle holds nunerous industrial directorates.

Since Mr. Mitchell was elected president al. the National City back in 1921 market value ol' the National City slock has risen from $310.00 to more than $600.00. To 1925 the Bank has made mIcs profits of $13,907,108.40, and paid dividends of. $7,800,000.00.

dcI posits totalled The National City Bunk, and National City company brunches are now scattered in townS of the United States, Canada, Cuba, South America, and the principal European countries: Ils' interests arc world wide. PORT UNION PORT UNION Port. Union, Mar. 11. Mri.

Beu Ileury and little son, Raymond entertained at dinner 011 Thursday Mrs. George Widmeyer: and 5011, Clifford and Mrs. Daniel Boone and daughter, Dorothy. Mr. aml Ore.

Ceil Daily spent Mr. and Mrs. William and Sunday with relatives at lortwell. Me. lorry Borgmeyer is visit-: ing iL few days this wack, with the Schuster Camily Mason road.

Irene Batcheldor spent Saturday with Margurcito Preston. Jonah Gerard, of West Chester, spent Sunday with lorray Brale and family. Voniou Hendricks spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Charles Nauttung, of Hamilton. Mr.

and. Mra. Henry Block and family Entertained at supper, Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Block and daughter, Ina Morie.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Uwen spent Sunday allerpoon with Serrumile. Jigs Helen Shepuerd is reported very ill al this writing. Airs.

Sheard, of the Journal staft W'35 a in bary Tuesday uttermoon. Mr. and Mrs. flurry Conner, of Hamilton the day Monday with Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Henry. Program for re-opening day ol the the Port Union MI. E. church on Sunday, March 21, will lie printed! week. Mr.

aud Birs. George Widmeger and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batchellor and family. M.

E. Church Notes Sunday sohool at 10 a. MI. Preaching Services 11 111. Epworth Teague at 7 p.

TAX more friends regular price of a this offer lasts, pay the dealer only quickly, as the one tin (only one regular price will this offer is sold. these 50 Lucky 45-minute toasting Because "Luckies" are the only you this costly, hidden flavors of the "Luckies" A reason millions Guaranteed by he American MINSTREL SHOW AT OKEANA PROVED TO BE BIG SUCCESS High Tension Service Being Discussed Notes of Interest Special 'Pa The Journal. Okeuna, March 11. the On Wednesday night last week! Fort Hamiltoy Hospital Asancialign of lunilton gave their Minstrel show and entertainment in the K. ol P'.

Hull 10 8. house. The performance was very well presented and a few local jokes made it iquite interesting for the folks in altendance. Mr. Kelley, Former or of Hamilton was the principal speaker of the evening.

Mr. Nowman also spoke and SALVO instrucLiona concorning the drive for next i week. High Tension Service The inhabitants of the village are very much concerned about, the high tension wiro coming to Okenna. An interesting mecling was held last Monday night, where some do. nations were made and the commit.

tee has -pent 0116 day soliciting which has belted them quite a sum toward the goal to be reached. Agother day will be spent in soliciting and in is expected that it will 15 over one day this work. The Sick This community has ila share or owing lv the illites: bE Dr. B. Clark of Shandon.

Dr. D. 1. Smith of Ross is seen in the village almost every day. Notes of Interest Mr.

and Mrs. James W. Houtcher and son Claytou have moved 111 Hamilton. Karniond Carson and family of Hamilton spom. Saturday and SuDday with Mr.

and Mrs. L. TerrillegUS of this p'ace. Bra. Pickins of Miamitown visit.

this week with Mr. and 3rs. J. V. Timberman.

Mr. and Airs. Rollic Jones of Hamilton spent Saturlay and Suniday with Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Cotrell.

The Woman': Home Mirsionary suriciy met last Thursday alternoon at C. K. Kimball, The Ladies' Aid society will mort Thursday altervoon this week at the home ul W. A. Dr.3 rworl.

Funerals i Two funerals were held last week in this ricinity of people who were quite well known by people of this village, Mrs. Louis Butterfield. wife of H. W. Butterfield, who bad moved to Oakley.

a suburb of Cinicinnuti over- a year ago was buried in Venice, cemetery, John Yanger, life long resident of this vicinity was buried in Macedonia Literary Contests The High School is busy prepar-1 Lucky we make tin of Lucky Strikes we pay the Government 25c. allotment at to a person) for be in effect when Strikes. Then you'll process makes "Luckies" it's toasted cigarettes out of over 200 process. Toasting finest tobaccos. That's taste so good can't resist Tobacco CORPORATIO Mr.

and Mra James Weist has the bronchial pneumonia. 'Albert Crowell called OIL Elbert Huffman lust Thursday oveniug. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Stewart! spent last Friday with Mira.

Della: Jenkins at Fair Haveo. Mrs. Mary Mustard is spending soreral days with her son Joseph Mustard. Mr. und Ira, Frank Moose and of Woodsfield, Obio.

Joseph (icorge and Heury Vaster of Arkan-i PA; are spending soreral days ut the; home of Mr. and M. M. licare, NEW HAVEN New Harru, March 11. The Grange will give 3 play.

Friday evening, March 19 at K. of P. Hall. Members of K. of P.

Lodge and their family will have a supper programs March 12 at. the Hall. Our Day School will hare Sorial Saturday evening Morel 13 "iat K. or I'. Hall.

Krory holy mol9011 Miss Anna Frerman passed away last Friday morning at bor home west of town. Funeral day as lernoon at 2:00 D. 111. int Harrison. 0, She Teases two! sisters, ant one brother 11: their lose, Joe Nons has stored his furniture: api 10 work for Mr.

Giro. Couthard called 1031 his jar. Irate Sunday evening. John Wann :1: 5:11 spent Sunday ut Carthage Lite gurats of 01rs, Ella Mr. and Mrs.

John Gifford St. Charles spent with Miss: Minnia Mr. and Mrs. Pral Wolf of vintati spent Saturday with Geo. Krans and fatuity.

Mr. avd Mrs. Barnes Mitchelt will move into John Woun's house, Mrs. Lowie Fleighnran has bron layer up with quinsy the is improring Wilbur has the pocumania. Oliss Mihired Knose has the grippr.

Her sister, Blanche is ing sohool for her. Charles Lacey is layed up with broken ankle. PASTOR SUGGESTS LOWER SALARY THAN OFFERED Philadelphia, March dollars a ver is two thousand 1uo much salary at tent for Rer. A. Ray l'eity, of New York, who has accepted 13 enli 10 Grace Captist Temple, Philadel, phia, us successor to the late Dr; Russell IL.

Conwell. In a lelter real la the congregaLonight, Pelts wrote that younger man who hay not yet demonstrated his he did not desire the samo salary 85 his predecessor, 441 would preten, therefore, that my solary the First sear bo fixed.on bosia ol' ho wrole. Reverend William 10. MoCunly, associate pastor, intimated that the congregation would decline to revise its offer downward. ELKS LEAD IN RESTORATION Bing for the Literary contests which will soon begio.

To Entertain Winders week. Entertained As is the custom each year the Country Gentleman route. j. hub in our sohool and the losing team gives for the winner, Thi-: your the Orange and Red entertain the Green DIt Friday night this; Un la-: Friday night. March J.

lA F. Brown assisted by her sisters, Misses Fronne and Bratrice Butterfield, entertained school the Merry The Sunday with later hour different the contests were at to al carly part of the evening wens spent a the dining which had bern dor. prated in keeping with St. Day where a very nice lourh was served. Among those present were Mr.

E. MeDonald of Hamilton, Pi former president of the ela4s and al40 Mr. Russel Salger Hamilton, Dow member of' the committee. A very nice time wats ed by all who Were present. Hawthorne Hill Hawthorne lilt.

March 11 Toby Seanorer returord home from the St. Elizabeth hospital last Tuesday and is getting along nirely. Mr. and Drs, John Ore and Myron, Mr. and Mrs.

Elbert man son Elmer attended given in honor at Mr. and Mr. Fritz Mans near lael: Friday evening. Many nseful ents were received. Dre.

Charles Weta and sistur. 0. Mra. Ollie Jennings of Eaton, called on Mr. and Mira.

Earl loonts and fumily Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. William Myery, of Dayton, 10. and William and Lawrence Seanover spout.

Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert and ily. Afternoon callers were ra. Edna Jans ond brothers Edgar und Elmer Huffman.

Mira. Minnie Mustard i4 few days with relatives in Bloom-: inglon. Indiana. Mr. and Mue.

Lewis Wrist l'amily spent last Friday with Sly, and Mrs. James Weis and tomily and their father George Weist. ligryi Litchiser helped Mr, and. Drs. Homer Cupp move tu their bone Camden Inst Monday.

Sir. and Mrs. Paul Suman and l'amily ol. east of Camden moved to the Potter farm which was vacated by Homer Cupp. Mr.

and Mrs. James Heist and family helped Mr. and Mra. Leonord Fouls Their butchering work Tuesday. Mr.

and Mra. Lewis Weird Family has moved to the 1111:1 of Mrs. Retta Pierce last Friday, Anng Belle, the little daughter of' FREE this liberal offer Tax of 15c. price is limited. home or for office.

dealer's supply know why the taste so good. Have Raised $84,430 "Old Ironsides" Approximately six million Americants, mostly shool childreu. have contributed to the Save IrvpBide;" Fand which is being raised by popular subseription to refit the Frigate Constitution for to the varions roast, lake aud river ports vl' the Cited States. Rear Admiral Philip Andrews, Commandant of the First Naval Dis- National of the Sane 011 Fund opmonrys that buve been reroired at the Salionnl Mendquari. Bustun Of this amount the D.

P'. 0. Elks. wow are conducting the in the schools of the counbare forwarded and e-timate that tho 500 other that. have not made returns ja- sit wilt sond in approximately! lir The officers men of the aavy have 781.67 white publio spirited individuals have contributed 027.31.

Schools too remote. to be reached by the Elks have forwarded Approximately half of the toonry needled for the restoration is now in 1 sight. "This is essentially school said Admiral drews. "EiDern million children Those not teen allowed to partiripale beenuise ochool nuthurities have refused to permit collections in Lire perhools for any purpose. These Colds That Develop Into Pneumonia couglis and colds lead to sellous aroubly.

You can them with Creomulsion, um emulsified greusule that 19 pleasont to 19 New dis. covery WIth two.fold uction; it soothes and heals Inhibits the germ inflamed growth. mem. branes and 110 all known drugs, uNaqsule 18 recognized by gli medical authoriune 61 the greatest healing agencies tor persistenz coughs and colds and usher furigs of throat troumes. Creomulslon contains, in nudi.

Elon to ereusole, other beallug ele: ments which soothe and heal the membranes and stop the Irrie Lucion 0nd Inflammation. while the to the plomach. in absorbed of Into the blood, and attacks checks the Heal the trouble the growth of Lite germs, a guaranteed satisfactory In the treatment of peralstent coveta and golsia, vronobla! aplara, 118 and other forms of respi: ralury discases, 814 la excellent for building up the after or rim. Money refunded It any cuugh or cold 13 tut relleved After taking ac. cording to firectiona, A ole your druggist.

Creamulsion Company lanta. ITS TOASTED TOASTED CIGARETTES POO children are just an tristic and willing to help ay the who bare already cumiribut. their mites. The school authori: ties of Bostou aud New York have receptly sdspended their rules collections in tbe schools to make a special exception for 'Old Itcapouse was itamediate. trust ibis whole generation of American sebool children will learo the patriotie, and tessous in the story of 'Oh Jousidee' and let thew be the ones to restore this famous veteran for another century as the memorial lol American freedom of the seas." Varietia-In order to determino the best melbod ul coordinating work of all charitable organization here, Dr.

William HI, Parker, Now York, field secretary of the American Association for Community ganization, has begun survey bf the activities of the organizalion. CHARLES B. MITCHELL to the president, to be assistant manager. In this latter position ho WAS 1iou actively concerned in a of his company, which eluded the consolidation of of its manufacturing units, and bis him work in this connertion brought Thorne, into coutact with company ol' America, Early in president of The Trust! Mr. Mr.

Thorne's suggastion, Mitchell resigned from the Western Electric, and joined The Trust: company ot America as Dir. Thorne's assislant, his first al)pearsace bis upon the field of finance. serrice with the WestElectric had familiarized himself with hauking theories and banking law through post graduate courses in accounting and which he completed in his spare time while active in business in the daytime. Ilis early banking experiences; wore difficult for be was called upon immediutely to shoulder heart respousibility during the pauie period of 1007 und the business depression which followed. tie enme: through triumphantly, and wishing! to broaden his experience resigned from the Trust company of America! in 1911, -to study foreign finance.

Upon his return from Europe he organized his own investment banking corporation of C. E. Mitchell apu company. Mr. Mitebell's dependent enterprise WaS as successful a2 his previous ventures had beau and when, in 1016, the National City bank decided to step into investment banking as a separate field, through the National; City company, he was luvited to accopt vica-presidenes in the newl organization.

He liquidated his! 50 To win The While You Act Get The on Smoke the Now you feel P. M. will have a different meaning ta you, Get S. 9. 8.

today. All druggists sell it. The larger size is more economical. and ANOTHER good for time day's a with regular work the wife dinner- and a "Guess we'll see a movie, go for wall in the park or take a long ride. Bet my wifa has fine.

juicy steak and patatoss-. good cold buttermilk and hot rolls -and pie, Oh, Boy! makes my mouth wuter just to think of it." Is that the way you feel st 5. P. Or, are you just ton played out for any goad when your day's work is over? If quitting time really bed! ginning time for you, then ft sure sign that your entire system is starving for healthy, rich, red blood. And this is just as nign that you need' S.

S. 8. Yqu've simply get to build on your blood, For 100 years S. 5. 8.

has been proving that a run-clown syptem, rheumatism, loss of weight, Jose of appetite, sleeplessness and nervousness, just as akin eruptions -boils, plexion pimples, and bale a low- SSS. ered vitality, are all the result of blood weak in red cells. Onge let 8. 8. 8.

get to work and the ipy of living will come beck. 6 lanta. "ITS 1 brands develops why 1 1 1 IN.

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