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The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York • Page 1

Canandaigua, New York
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25,000 More Ontario Owmtr tfata Ontario Ccontr The Weather tag to SUM- Sunday, stow and eeUer. Kfcto Established in 1797. VoL 19. CAANDAIGUA, N. Y.SATURDAY, JANUARY, 23, 1932.

Single Copy, 3 Cents ait of Honolulu Grand steiy MAYOR Enters Filmland TARIFF Vacuum Ckaner Has i Business Moratorium Is Declared to i Cure of His fembers Under Oath Not to ReveaMVhat Happened in Session adjournment of the grand" jury jrithout returning any indictment in "honor" stoyteg ol Joseph Kah- ihawai engendered varied rumors today as to the cause as the territorial legislature turned to its sec- ad nlajor task in legislation to Sgtoten law enforcement. Its first such task was completed Friday when Governor Lawrence Judd signed a biU placing the Hon- stola force, effective Pete. under in appointed commission instead of the present elected sheriff. The governor promptly nominated the new police commission and the senate confirmed his selections. The territorial senate at its today agreed to consider a bill provide for appomtment of a public prosecutor, prosecutions -at and are under the elected city Place in Orchestra HOLIDAY OF 5 DAYS Aurora, BL, Hopes to Become Better fface i in -Which to JUve SE VUdimir Shavitch, conductor of tea, prepared to include "boo Fsondry," novel Russian com: position, in at concert program, he needed a factory whistle.

The whistle was found, but no one in the orchestra had lar power to Mow it. Vladilnir, la desperation, hit upon a vacuum cleaner attachment as offering a solution. 'He hitched it npand now this common hoBsehold instrument helps blow symphonic "quitting time" signal for the foundry workers. WET STRENGTH Senator Bingham Sees Jso Chance lor Repeal of iSth Amendment AURORA, HI. (3V-- the stores in Aurora were closed today, but most of the citizens were working-- working to make their city a better place in which to five.

A five-day "business moratorium? declared by Mayor Conrad Bjorsetn to bulki up public confidence and help set business squarely on its test i leceived practically 100 per cent eo: operation from business men. Only drug stores, groceries, public utili- i ties and such necessities remained icpea. And so did the mayor's request to citizens to "go out and boost" meet with approval. "Well win," was the slogan carried to hundreds of homes I by 1,000 "minute men" delegated to get pledges of depositors in the city's Confidence was the watchword! everywhere. Civto.

leaders proclaim-! led their belief that Aurora can i I cure its business ills as effectively! WASHINGTON (JP) Two diame- as did TJrbana, where a similar trieally opposed sources found them- "holiday" was pronounced success- county attorney. selves today in agreement in assert- ifui after operating only 48 hours, The interest of the national got- ing the present dry strength of the! The mayor's proclamation pat etament in the local situation wins I Senate is incontestable, i quick "stop to pessimistic gossip: recognized, however, in the action A statement by Senator Bingham throughout the city. The closing of of Senator Charles A. JUce fa plac- Cona.) analyzing the result of businesses was entirely voluntary. ing a long-distance radiophone call the Senate vote on his resolution.

policemen patrolling the streets tor United States Senate Robert M-lasiting governors to submtt repeal or; b4ve BtJ au4 jj 0r enforce the LaFoBette to, Washington, IX modification, to the people of their i decree but after its issuance in an; Shirley Chambers, Euattagton Park, Cat, high school girl, was launched upon a career to the- movies after winning a talent contest. She recently received a picture contract. TASK OF 6 A. Honolulu time, or :30 states, said: in Washington. Senator Rice said he wanted predated decree, but after its issuance in an early morning extra edition of a i newspaper, very few shops, and! i- these mostly small ones, defied it.

i Foodi meclical sutHlies, and the; I -----j Newspaper with the latKt aews ofj eighteenth a virtualr the Finance Committee Battleground for Contending Forces QUICK ACTION SEEN Party Leaders Threaten to Take Hand If Committee Delays WASHINGTON Hearings opening today in the Senate Pinancs committee reveal this group as a battleground for contending Re- rublican and Democratic tariff projects. Subject of the immediate study is tho Democratic meiasure, originated and passed by the House, would give back to Congress the power now held by the president to raise aod lower duties. Awaiting attention is a Republican proposal for bolstering the American tariff wall. This is a resolution by Senator Reed Pa.) 1 instructing the tariff commission to study and report on the lowering of foreign producing costs as a result of depreciated currencies. The study would be expected by its sponsors to lead to uo- ward revision of good many tariff rates.

Action Problematical i just what the committee win rfo; with the plans Is Both Reed and Senator Harrison, of Mississippi, yanking Democrat on 'group, threaten to have the respective proposals taken outi of its hands unless quick action forthcoming. j. The Democrats are pushing for the party measure and look Tori help from some of the western publican Independents who joined them last year in rewriting the; Sfiioot-Hawley tariff before their i caaltion was wrecked. ition is opposed Finance Corporation Bill, Intended to Halt Deflation and Aid Business, Is a Law Reconstruction Corporation Leaders SHOULD BE AT WORK EARLY IN WEEKTO COME Half-Billion for Start, and Power to Raise Three Times lat were, virtually the the Honolulu prosecutor but with (ticwas of tae that tfie governor amendment. cnly items purchasable In this town! fc an appcfctfee of ttoited States, might remove i atoe thersecutto omcial ior to Claim Ufe of Mrs, Witaiie Ruth Judd Jsudden adjoumment a refutes wet of sttrengOi in the present trieir 6f twice la the two-hour Jetted, nor City and County Attorney PHOENIX, Ariz.

(M-rThe prose- faavteg traced toe trail ofj-- free list todef itwotrimfcs andasuttcasem wiiajh fe6 apprt)raL This is covered But the movies were san selltog the bodies of Agnes Anne Le Em, gre! bill. but. the kurrying crews of aad Hedvig Samuelson were borne want toe whole thing- are astir of activity, from Phoenix to Los ane' ror anyone who jafght not have faces the task of prdving a murder act beard of closed motive on the part of Winnie Ruth and stores bore placards on; Judd, confessed slayer. bot too distant To Honor Birthday GittRth evidence, would reveal the of I bad 23 I Pomona Grange Has maintainatg, nowithstaadiag the extraordinary change in public hopes to show there was malice aforethought and, by 50 doing, claim her life on the gallows. put through.

A program honoring the birthday WASHINGTON The light of confidence was cast today upon American business by the exit- tenet- in full legal status of the Reconstruction Finance set up to stop deflation and free business and industry for normal vity. The congressional act which created the two billion dollar government credit agency law Friday night with a minimum of 1 ceremony and a maximum of des- i patch, as President Hoover signed it i within a few hours after Congress had given final aooroval. The speed whicn in one day traos- formed the corporation from a paper i proposal awaiting sanction into a 'living force for business toproTe- swung today behind the re! quired appropriation of funds and i completion of the directorate. 1 The House took up immediate pas- the $500,000,000 appropriation. so it could be sent to the Senate for I action Monday.

After a late night i conference with Democratic leaders 'in Congress, President pared nominations to fill the iman board of the corporation. Is President I Charles G. Dawes already has been named president and Eugene Mayer "The signing by President. Hop-' ing companies. This being the case, the board.

Secretary ver on Friday of the Reconstruc- the earnings of all insurance com--Melton-and Paul Bestor, farm loma Sfeance Corporation bill, I be-; panics, savings and other banks will I commissioner ex-offfcto marks the beginning of the: be protected the danger of onagr the law. There remained of the depression, in this c.o.uij- wore bank closings practically to be named three Densocrate, as: "a try and is- the greatest economic -eliminated. board is reqijured. HW- passed by Congress stoce! "With this great corporation! ey C. Couch, oabllc Reserve act of I standing stolidly behind the banks i pine Bluff.

was understood tie wigc W. Bamlm, prescient i and advancing them money on thejr be one, of of the Canandaigua National Bank i bonds and local loans, the bsnis and-Trust Company, today. itvill be able to loan their customers "The mea ar the' head of this i more freely to tide them over until billion dollar corporation, i their business picks up; Farmers (Charles G. Dawes and not be pushed to sell their Meyer are among the ablest at ruinously prices; ineK men to the country and "have; manufacturers and merchants will had wide experfence in handling i not be obliged to sell at any price 'huge government finances a a i to meet maturing obligations. i other activities during the war and; Means More Employment 'post-war periods.

"How long it will take to get this' Charles G. Dawes, left, head of corporation, and right. Eugene Meyer, chairman of board. Mi. Meyer also is a governor of the PederalReserve.

Hamlin Sees Depression at End Through Signing of Reconstruction Bill At a special meeting in Grange sail ttife afternoon Oijtatto County- I Itanona Grange was to install of- fesers elected last month recoawnendatiotts talk, serrations and Summer. Le Rot i en at the meetingjf Academy an X-ray technician, and MissiGrange, Cheshire, Feb. 12- fcrt as the President has statedf'It Samuelson, aa invalid former school Coif and Mrs. Walter Hook btiags to to being a powerful or teacher, "on or about October 16, jarethe committee on arrangements. experiences afcroacU tTnlike 'Thursday, when sjie was ZfSZfffZ te 5 tt flf From the White House coaference it develooed the Democratic leaders were in full understanding with.

Vfl" Hoover and the nominations would; come today. Senator -of Arkansas; Speaker Garner and Senator Glass Va.) were those who went over the list of possfbUities with Mr. Hoover On signing the act the President time, prices wilf begin demand for all sorts of goods men a to in iirere sjuu oe yvei uutr.iuw Hoover emphaSIZea UUS Wi a half billion dollars now in to big mdustrBSs or tt in this country--almost enough but for the great number Reconsitruction Cor- sma ii er ones. The big corporation out- jteon A. Stet- i the subject of an emotional Flus jam chairman.

Mrs. Judd yesterday was Members are Privileged to exhibited a rarrv on aetwiiaeo, iicc two new members, Mr. and from East BlooHifield Grange. Men of the Grange presented the by he joen 01 me unuiKc tuc -victims following program: Skit, "The Man normal jobs, nn the Job'" Simeon Wheeler: tuaity to ul WASHINGTON tT. S.

Cnamberj apd toi'6f Commerce terms aeteinlstration-j Jm 4 ns forjsponsored tax program "wholly chairman will be trunks to which the 1933 State Grange ses-; gisted "by the following committee: allegedly placed victims, IOUOW1HS 0 ea nti toGeneva. 1 WASHINGTON GoveiMaent; MissC ar 1 iiie c.Crane,Mlss Alberta ere Brought toto court. on the Simeon tuaity toe gjganti lymi Ottley, of Phelps, ssks punishmeat of persoBs 0 ciiEe, Mrs. William H. Hamlin and; Bailway station employes of iScoteh impetsonattons to song and; strength of our country tor coualy deputy, 16 far atta 5 011 1 George R.

Angeles told how Mrs. Judd'-dance, Wamm Beaton. la gsnizatiOB with adequate resources: finance the able to strengthen weaknesses, toleration. This will soon be back to permit business and industry tojth banks; the public will -normal activities. fr'ee that bank closings over.

The security officer. I of Canandaigua, newly 1 taaster, aod his staff were to be I Action was expected on recoot-! ftoendations of Comty Deputy Harry R- Marble, of Bristol, and TafiNoy, tJiat support be Geneva fdllowteg a coaferenee of lor SvCrSv' Mf Harter 01 fuusi district director of toe State; of Women's clubs, "iAnderson, North Main street, Mon- -AU; i I be a truest at question her tents. to claim Uie trunks she hurriedly had when they started as to their con- tame; reading, "The luine; jcauiiiR, JLH- --Frank Hall; solo dancing, Clyde Her-; the last four months, espe- rtegton; vocal selection, Heber J. ciaily, fear has been the dominant Hyde; talk on "Yellowstone Park," Alfred Deyo; Jew's fiarp solo, piano accompaniment, George lips. Expeditio can take care of learn.

themselves. are about What Bfll WiH KS ana rewtruuis Ane security markets The bill he signed, said the Presi- purpose is to stop defla- i already risen substantially from the dent, "brings into being a powerful increase employment; December lows and it- is probable organization with adequate re. jj a a fpfri investment demand will; albe to strengfitien weSM- develep before many months, furr aesses that may ther raising prices. "While time will be reiuired for business and prices to get back to fiortnal, in toy optoion the real danger of a collapse is now over. Courage, rathcsr than fear, will foe and before the year is out business quite a dif- i at early week with the bU- i lion from the treaswy in hand, tad with power to raise three times that much by the issuance of go Fear, tot Fowr I tUttJ it, banking and railway structure, to ojfder to permit business to carry on normi Ifrom the fear of unexpecl aod retarding influences.

to stoo deflation in tital represent the station, who will Geneva Chamber oft Commerce as weU as the station. UrmgiiiMSlWas for Country WASHINGTON (ft Living year was cheaper by nearly SHANGHAI Japanese as result of a tense situation fae- Uween Chinese and Japanese resi- dents, which has been growing during the sese destroyer destroyers Japan Every item to the cost of living settlement. tumbled down, even rents which marines remalTied aboard, but an? the slowest of all fixed costs tc were expected to be landed as soon jrteld to the pressure of declining; quarters were prepared for them, prices. augmenting the Japanese marine This was announced today by force already on shore. of Labor Statistics, based! ca a study of 32 representative I cities, north, south, east aad fest.

I'For all the drop, however. H'stBI: nearly per cent more to; live in 1931 than it did in i I SItAS L. STRIVINGS CASTILE Silas 3U Strivings, 56, tdJed suddenly Friday at Ws nome here. He was formerly matter of tne New -fork State Grange and vfci- president of tlie Amtttcan- Farm Bureau Fedeiatloti. He EJ? officer of a ntimber of aad KiVC tt .1 Itom of Caoandaigua Lake?" in the versity scientific expedition sailing fears ar based.

EHJR (. Beginald Historical building Tuesday eveniog i fran here today will trace the path Bowen 24, intetnationaBy known at 8 o'clock. This is one of a of a drop of water through the Gtjlf dash star, and ttro other! ies of lecturers sponsored by the of aarested early today; tario Couaty Historical society in its; The expedition headed by Dr. A. conection with a Winter Community E.

Parr; sects to find what happens robberv program The lecture is free. to cold water after it enters the galf, with Thomas Cooper, The subject will deal with the it flows out again in the gulf: and Carl Tteman, IS, of Erie, was I fort of Albert and Gideon Granger, i arrested in an automobile which po- i formerly of Caaandaigua, to cMm; i lice say answers the descrtplton of to lands lytog wider Caaandaj-; of water a temperature of only the robbers escaped. Jgua, Keoka, CanaiUce, Honeoye and; eight degrees above freezing found; attended the tJniver-! parts of Seneca lake. Decision fav- i at places in the gulf, TWS ceW gh until a year oring the City of Canandaigua was water is mystery becaase the galf of a group of track handed down in July by the Court 1 is warmed the year around by a Africa and of Appeals in the trespass tropical sun attd only the warm stir' 1 brought fay the Grangers. Mr.

Cribb face water of the Atlantic ocean and i had been fighting'-the case for sev- i the Caribbean sea is known to flow eral years. it- note in this country; fear debtors couM not pay their -and therefore, that creditors might generally will present not'be able to pay theirs; fear that ent picture; 1 i prices would faU farther and that 'sales of goods and commodities 'could not be made, or, if made, 4--: wduld hot be paid for. "The activities of this ecrrpora- given time, will largely over' the difficulties on which these the Rebekahs Planning for InitJationand Partv backed securities. This via go out in leans to railroads, banks and other financial institutions holding securities not now saleable, and "I do not believe any of the larger railroads wiH. from now on.

de- on the payment of their bond nor will any of the.larger and public utility operat- R.E. Asks Commission to 0. K. Abandonment PHILADELPHIA Way to Catch in earlier life had been a fceboolj and principal. BIRTH HECORD A son, Mr.

and Mrs. Benedict i f. Mack, of West Oihson street, in i Memorial hoepttail, Jan. 22. Editor of The Daily Messenger: LONDON.

Jfan. 22--See where Congress passed a two bfflion dollar bin to relieves bankers' mistakes and loan to new industries. You can always count on us helping those who Rave lost part of Sheir fortune, bat our whole history records nary a case where the loan was for the man who had absolutely nothing. Oar theory is to help those who can get along even if they don't get it, WILLHOaERS. i LYNN, Mass.

W) Prof. General Electric's "wiz-; rd," has found a death lore for mosquitoes that would be perfect if the female of the species were not. i more wary than the male. An accidental discovery of a qe- ivfce that imitates the hum of the; mosquito lares tnilltens of; I males to an untimely death, he Married 60 Years Recommend Less Bridge and IVIdre Nights Home The wink of in the arrest of Morris Friedland. 26, and Morris 28- One attempted to pass a counterfeit bill on Harry fReuben, who with his son, Albert, nffls a haberdashery shop- Harry winked at Albert; Albert grabbed a A reading; on "The Life of Thorn-: Wildey." one of the founders of i the Odd Fellows a feature of a largely attended meeting of Canandaigua Eebekah lodge in I.

C. O. F. Temple Friday evening. Mrs.

Ida P. Dubel read the sketch; Plans were discussed for an eatfy initiation and for a bake sale Feb. P.OCHESTER Attorney fof 6, for which Mrs. Charles Castle was: New York State Railways presented TOmed chairtnani An invitation will arguments yesterday: for pettntegon be extended to the Odd Fellows for; to abandon the trolley line between a Valentine party in connection with and the next regular meeting. Feb.

12. Members of all lodges in Ontario dif.trict have been asked to attend Rochester Eastern the hearine was in the Jury room of the courthouse, before the Public Service commission. Russell B. Bumside. assistant the funeral of Mrs.

Elizabeth fcet a deputy, in Clifton Si-rings Methodist church Monday i counsel to the afternoon, meeting at the lodge led the hearing cm the petition. rooms in that. village at :2 o'clock company was represented WinCcu rviuciu iinjHKt revolver and covered the men. and Canandaifua will be represented. oa-ia CHARLOTTE, N.

C. N. M. resorted to rolling pin tactics since and his wife celebrated 5 he bad been 35 years --f j4 (38.V Hrry telephoned police. The bens worked out the "wink" system several years ago.

DIEGO. Cal. Oscar T. Tucker had seen the world once with tfte U. S.

Navy and wanted to it again. He fitcfe-hiked here all it agaai. He here all enlist. He was rejected by a recruiting officer who looked Up his old re- Next Wednesday evening a of or more ineaibej go to Shortivilie to attend a ud Mrs. Acisa" ftoss.

of Yonfeers. state assembly president, wiH guest of honor. Trust Company Names Officers for 1932 0 oujl neople today wou tuc www 6 their 60th wedding anmx'ersary more and not And the sad part is-4be female is today, and ventured the observation much tune in trying to five nigh, late for re-enustment. I the one that bites. that more people would do likewise they would't have so much ttouNe If women olayed less bndge and ENTEETAIS CLASS cooked more good suppers and men vorces.

Misses Ruth and Ixsis Woeatoiv had fewer clubs and more nights at Wives who spend their time of Gibson street, wfll entertain the moving picture and Bridge i Burnett class of the "I've had 60 years of it," said Mr. parties needn't expect to their church evehtog. Mw. Donald Deflinger, "and even if my health is. husbands happy, and husbands Macarv and Miss Paulme Barber not so good, now that I'm over should come home from work and try i i.

A t- will tie assistant twttnl furnish entertainment and we'wouldn'i hear oi so many di-1 ATLANTA Law enforcepcr-t hate not the authority to afternoon in Ose at i break the law. even in pursuit of of- officers were 'fenders. That's the edict of At- At the organization meeting of the board of directors of Ontario County Trust comoanv Friday bank building, all President JJQJ JQ gQQQ trial i over siwura cvrac auntc iriwi should like to feave as many more: to add something to the home life of the i yean af it as possible." their families, instead of trottinz off I that sh she i their families, instead of trotting off seldom I to clubs, she General George M. Napier. vice-presidents.

O. George E. i -who said that a prohibttioo AlexatWer M. Davidson who drives faster than tt miles an' John D. Hamilton, who is Ander- was discontinued Aug.

1. 1930. Holcomb Poultryman Has afield layer A. G- Btickelew. of ttfc 1 Progressive Poultry of eoBtb.

has the ftonor trf owntej cf the six leading hens of frosn an over the United States a New Yoft state egg laying ootrtest being held in Stafford. Each eoo- testant entered 13 Midi at opw- ing of the year's contest on Out One of bis bens UM an Hour state speed even thooth he te after a runner. andied record of aa a day ftr 4C the todrvtdual law trmurer; secretary, William since the contest 1 Gates; 'trust officer, John R. Bohl- i i maim; cashier. Peter P.


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